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Full text of "The Coptic version of the New Testament in the Southern dialect : otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic ; with critical apparatus, literal English translation, register of fragments and estimate of the version"

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TITULI. oF LUKE . З : : : : : Я . 340 
NOTES ON THE FRAGMENTS ок MSS. . : р : 7308 
ESTIMATE OF THE VERSION . : : Y : š . 386 
List ок GREEK WORDS 3 3 а : A х 211391 

FACSIMILES . š : : š : А At end 


ү m 






H. 5. G. THI B 


І. ӨМ vegoverre иецшооп HamwBaxe. ATW NYARE 
нецшооп имаорая MOTTE. ATW нєтноттє пе 
maase. mai ой теротете HEMO Qatar 
пиозте. Зина ши» asume EhoA QITOOTY. ато 
жут ane Aaa опе. пейтәчүшопе 4 opar понт 
пе пои. ATW поно пе movoent пирожее. Ó ATW 
потоєпі eqpovoeur Q࣠пкане. ATO MNE MEARE 
тадоц. >. Caqwwme NsroTpwsee CATTIUTOOTY 
ебоХ огтаж пиоттє. епецрам пе юофраиннс. THAI 

1 (с) (тер) (41 $) 108 13! (281) (481) eoserre] 411 &c 281 48! 
мещ. 20)с 41 108 13] .. ire. rep пчаорах | 41 &c 281.. -ри тер 
2 (с) тер 41 (тоо) 108 13! (281) (481) eoserre] гер &с..фотїтє 41 
negu.) ngu. 131.. reyi. тер оатах| тоо ёс 481.. фати тер.. 
олотях 41; Bo has the same Saten in verses т and 2 3 (e) тер 
41 (100) 108 (109) 13! (281) (481) aww] rep &c .. exit (тоо) 13! 
4 (c) тер дт тоо 108 (109) (131) (281) (481) epar] om тод ппу. | 
пиер. 109 .. tipp. r Р 5 (c) тер 41 тоо 108 (109) (13!) (281) (481) 
отоє | oven 108 ° (e) (rer) (41 $) (тоо) 108 P 109 13! 28! 
421 § 48! X 108 т (c) (63) 108 тоо 13! 281 42! 48! 

1 ие (и 131) щооп was being] 41 60, ти NAB ёс, ne-ne Во 

2 паї-пиоттє this-God] rep ёс (2817).. pref and Eth ..and the 
word was God Атта cd ow in] rep &c 28! .. from Eth 

3 иска віс mar avuj. all things became] rep, zavra—eyevero NAB 
&c .. єпт(є 41 .. fit 108 131281 481) a птир4 w. the all became (c1) дт 
(100) 108 131 (2811) 481.. pref and Bo (к," о) ef. o. through 
him] тер ёс (тоо) (281) (481), 8 avrov RAB ёс, by him Arm .. т 
his hand Syr (g) him Syr (c) Eth ne М. щу. did-become | 
(с1) ёс тоо 281481, eyevero ovàev МЭ т 209 47 ® al 6, Bo Eth, 
Ptolem ePiPh .. ey. ovde e МАВ &с, Syr (gc) Arm, Naassh Perat В 
Ign 185 Tat Thphl Hipp noct Dial Mcell eus Epiph Cyr i Bas Nyss Chr 


I. In the beginning was being the word, and the word 
was being with God, and [a] God was the word. ? This in the 
beginning was being with (© атаа) God. ЗАП things became 
through him, and without him did not anything become: 
that which became *in him is the life, and the life is the 
light of the men. ° And the light is enlightening in the 
darkness, and the darkness apprehended it not. 1.6 There was 
а man having been sent from God, his name being Iohannes. 
7 This (one) came for a witness, that he should bear witness 

пєптачщопє that which became] om Bo (с,) пєпт. opar йөнт 
that which became in him] thus joined гер ёс 109 281 481, Avid C* D 
G*vidLO*vid al, OL (abefffqvid) Fu, Syr g(2)c Armed, Naass h 
Perath Valentir Heracl Thdrt clem Clem Or Eus Cyr Hil .. o yeyovev. 
ev avro thus C? ёс, OL (c) Vg ed Bo Syr (gj) Arm Eth, Ign int Dial 
Did Ephr Chr Epiph Thdrt Thdor Nonn Thphl.. without punctua- 
tion NBA al 

t op. по. in him] (c?) & тоо 13! 281 481.. by him Arm ne 
1810] с &c 109 13! 28! 481, ND, OL (abcefffq), (Syr с) Eth, Valent ir 
Naassh Perath Hil Aug.. nv AB ёс, OL (є) Vg Bo Syr (gjh) Arm, 
Or Eus Chr Cyr Noun Thdrt azw and] тер & 13! 281, Arm.. 
but Eth ne is 29] c &c 109 281481, Syr (c) Eth .. yy М &c, OL (b) 
Arm пир. of the men] тер &c 109 13! (481) .. om В"... of men Arm 

° ато and 19] (c) ёс 109 13! 28! 481.. om Bo (¥,*G,) .. but Eth 
єчр(9р 108 .. чер 481). is enlightening] (с) ёс тод, МАВ ёс, 
Arm edd ,, ппєчр was enl. тер, Syr (с) Arm пк. the d.] тер ёс 
109 481 .. om m the 13! Tagog app. it (masculine)] (с) ёс тод 13! 
281 481, Bo..avro МАВ ёс, Syr (gc).. avrov Н 13 al 4, OL (е) 
Thdrt elem .. could not app. it Bo (Ггр,с, A, E,kxosv) .. findeth it 
not Eth 

° agu. lit. he became] с &с тер 41 100.. pref and Eth eh. o. 
from] (c) ёс 41, тара NAB ёс, а OL Syr (gc) Arm инотє 
God] с &c 41I .. кроу D* (d abs.) єп. ne his-being] 41 біс». 



хех єуавмтяямтре. BERAC ecjeparitrpe етбе rovoent. 
хєнас epe отом MIM ПІСТЄУЄ ebo giTooTy. * ме 
пєтїїззал alt потоємі. АЛЛА євас ATOY єцєр- 
asiitpe erbe moroen. — "mnoyoem asc eTpovoent 
epo4se изяя пе єцину ёпносааос, 10 месозя ПКОС- 
aroc пе. ато йта пкосазос wone ehor оттоотЧ, 
aro ane пкосяяое corone П aeger Wa метемот 
ме. ATW Ane метемот ме хат. 1° WEMTAT AIT 
хе ayy мат йтєдотсі Єтрєуцуопє ишинре ите 
пмоуте. нєтпїстетє єпєсүрэн. ® MAI но єнєЁоХ ам 
ме oW отор) исмо 0: сард. ovae choA aw gae 
потому posse. «АА» птатхпосту ebo gas пиотте. 
м асүрсарт, ацотоо MEMAN. ATW ANNAT епечеоот, 
Wee mneoor потшнрє ROTOT єВоХ отта» печезот. 

xekac 19] xe 13! 281 481 рахит.) 108 13! .. epar. 109 &c 
* (с) (63) (тоо) 108 тод 13! 281 42! 48! 9 (с) (63) (тоо) 108 
тод 131 (281) (421) (481) рот.) epos. 108 тоо 48! OCS) 
(тоо) 108 (109) 131." (c) (63) (100 $) 108 тод 131 7 (©) 108 
тод 13! 13 (с) 108 (109) 131 ээх поло | 108 I31 .. он os. 
тод * (c) (тоо) (108) 109 

ovoua avro МАРВ &c, Arm .. his name Буг (g) Arm edd „yv ovopa 
avro RDF, his name was Syr (c), Irint..« ovop. avro 433 бо °", cui 
nomen erat OL Vg 

7 war this] (c) &c..and he Eth {erac 20-тоот4 that-him] (c) 
8:0..ош 235, Ir int Cyr .. pref and Буг (с) єбоМ o. through him] 
(с) &с (63), Syr (gc), бі avrov МАВ ёс, Eth .. by him Arm 

$ ие-пе that-not] (63) &c..ovk ти єкєу, RAB & посі 
an ne he (avros?) was not Bo.. eoe ae ам пе but he was not Bo 
(гг) Eth хекас(хе 13l)-eqep(ep roo 28! 481) sx. that—witness | 
(с) ёс (63) (100) .. a witness Syr (c) .. to be witness Eth 

9 потоели-мтая the true-man] (c).. add пе is тоо 108 13! .. add 
пе after косахос 109 .. qv то pus то аА. o фотіќе т. ауд. ЗАВ ёс, 
Arm... om qv то pus Syr (j) .. was becoming (add ae q .. add сар Ас, 
F, MT) the true light that which-man Bo .. but he is the light of truth 
which &c Syr (c)..for he was the light of truth ёс Буг (g).. which is 

JOHN I 8-14 5 

concerning the light, that all should believe through him. 
$ That (one) was not the light; but (a) that he indeed should 
bear witness concerning the light, ?the true light which 
enlighteneth every man, coming to the world. 19 He was being 
in the world, and the world became through him, and the 
world knew him not. И Не came unto those who were 
his own, and those who were his own took him not. 12 But 
to those who took him, he gave the authority for them to 
become the children of God, those who believe his name. 
13 These were not out of wish of blood and flesh, nor out 
of the wish of man, but (a) they were begotten out of God. 
14 He was made flesh, he dwelt with us; and we saw his 
glory, as the glory of an only son from his father, filled 

the true light &c Eth єцинт eng. coming-world] с 108 13!.. 
ети. &с who cometh &c тоо 109; epxopevov ёс joined with то pus 
МАВ &c..joined with аубротог OL Vg Во Syr(gcjh) Arm Eth, 
Eus Epiph Chr Cyr Nonn; c is undecided, тоо 108 13! join as 
NAB ёс, 13! joins as OL ёс 

10 иєцөэх he was being] с ёс 63 (тоо) (109).. pref and Eth 
єй. o. through him] ¢ &c 63 тоо 109, à avrov (rov N*) МАВ ёс, 
in his hand Syr (gh) .. in him Syr (c) .. by him Arm ao and 2°| 
(с) ёс 63 тоо 109 .. but Eth 

п arw and] с &c.. om Во (r,*) 

12 ae] 108 &c.. om D, OL (e), Tert Сур 

13 wargi these-of] 108 (roo) 13!.. om о Р", OL (a) .. ov ovx ёс 
NAB ёс, Bo .. os and eyevv6 OL (b), Ir int Tert .. ин ae &c but those 
Bo (лк) поеи-сар5 not-flesh] 108 rog 13! .. e£ ouparov ovde єк 
eX. capros NAB ёс .. non ex sanguine &с OL (bq) Arm (Eth), Tert 
Hil ..not in blood &с Syr (c) ovóe-capkos E* 42 96" 114, Fu, 
Chr ovae—pwase nor-man] 108 (109) 13! .. om В" 17*, Eus Ath 
fitavan. lit. they begat them] 108 тод 131, eyevvg0. V B? &c .. eyevm0. 
A B* A 69* 247 al, Bo.. singular Syr g (6) єЁоХ gm out of] (с 1) 
108 131.. e&oN orre ях 109 sic 

м aqpeap he was made flesh] (с). ато пщаже асре, and the 
word was made flesh 108 109, ЗАВ & and Bo (r,*).. and 
the word flesh became Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. and the word body became 
Syr e (using body in verse 13) | aeosoe(ujorns Во) he dwelt] (c) 108, 
Bo (r,*)..pref ато and 109, МАВ ёс, Bo Syr(g) .. and it dwelt Syr(c).. 
settled? Eth naaran with us] © (108) 109.. upon us Eth azw and] 


єцхнк ево. парс ох язе. І5кобамине еряямтре 
етённт. ATW цашван ебоћ ео яяяяос. хє пал 
memravxooc єтіннтій. хе петину яємісом әсүшопе 
оатаон, xe nego ишори epor me. xe choA оз» 
пецхок anon тири йтанжхх отомо ATW отар 
enaa flomyapic. Mae muostoc Нтаутаа, eho 
QIT азсууснс, тех аріс QUWE ATH тазе итасщопе 
eboA отту үс пес. 1 пиоттє see Хаалт мат єросі 
єнєо. пмоутє пщнре Нотот петшооп QW коти 
ахпецеюут петазазас пеєнтаүШэхє epog. "ати 
TAL те Тажптаямтре Мздамино итере ота 
тиноот wapoy choA ом өн Ппоємоунні seit 
QemAeverrHc хекас ETERMOTY. хе NTH иная. * ал 

16 (с) (тоо) 108 P 109$ axniicos] -es ¢ 16 (с) (a) (100) то8 
(109) жх] c.. хє й 108 109 17 (c) (а) 108 (109) e&oN 1°] om а 
18 (с) 108 ЇР 19 (e) (а) тоо (108 $) (109) % (с) (a) тоо (108) 

(c) 109..0m Bo(r*) єчхнк ей. being filled up] (тоо) 108 тоо, 
zXgpys NAB &c, OL (ac), Valent it Or Eus Did Cyr Novat .. rAnpy D 
5, plenum OL, schol 29 Thphl Xapıc] с тоо 108 109 .. graces Arm 
ог axe and truth] ¢ roo 108 тод... om кал В" 

15 оо. | 108 109..wavvys МАВ &c add ae Bo (n) .. pref and 
Syr(c) epar. beareth witness] с год, Bo (r,* N)... pax. тоо 108.. 
церах. Bo Arm .. aqepas. bare witness Во (I™D,Qv) Syr (gc) Armed 
azw and] тоо ёс... om Arm єҷхо &c saying] (с) &с, N*A В &c, 
OL (acefffq) Vg Bo, and saith Arm Eth, Or Eus Epiph .. and. said 
Syr (gc).. om N*D, OL (b) пєнтагхоос(Во м.. хоч Во) eth. 
concerning-said] (c) тоо &с, f$cbA В? ёс, ov eAeyov С?..о eurov 
МоВ*С* .. от 3" ..add vjuy D?X, OL (f) Am Fu Eth, Epiph ert- 
Внита lit. concerning him] Bo (лвм).. om Bo (Syr ge) ачщотє 
became] с &c (тоо), yeyovev AB &c .. os—yeyovev Ñ, vir qui-factus est 
OL (е)... after me he cometh and he was before me Syr (gc) 

16 же because] с 108 тод, NBC*DX 33, OL (abeffq) Во Arm 
Eth, Hipp Eus™cell Epiph Cyr Hil.. ках AC? ёс, OL (cf) Vg Bo (1) 
Syr (gch), Chr Aug птаиху we took] с 108 тоо, Syr (gh) Arm 
Eth..wetake Syr (с) ^ ати» and] 108 109, ЗАВ ёс, OL (fffq) Vg 
Bo Syr (gcjh), Or.. om OL (abcel) Fu Arm Eth 

JOHN І 15-20 7 

up with grace and truth. !5Iohannés beareth witness con- 
cerning him, and crieth out, saying, This is he concerning 
whom I said, that he who cometh after me became before 
me, because he was being first in regard of me. 19 Because 
out of his fulness we all of us took [a] life and [a] grace 
in the place of [a] grace. "Because the law was given 
through Moysés; the grace itself and the truth became 
through Jesus the Christ. 18 God did not any see ever ; God, the 
only Son, he who is being in the bosom of his Father, that (one) 
is he who spake of him. 19 And this is the witness of Iohannes, 
when the Jews had sent unto him out of Jerusalem, priests 
and levites, that they should ask him, Who art thou? °? He 

И хє because] с а 108 109, Syr (с)... because that буг (gh) tex. 
the grace] (с) (а) 108 тоо, Syr (ch) Arm (plural) .. graces Arm cå.. 
trs truth and grace Syr (g).. pref and Syr. (с) ооо (ош ro8)c 
itself] (а) 108 NAB ёс, Arm.. ae Во Syr (gh) Eth 
next the Christ] c 108 N* 

із плоттє God 1°] с 108..add ae Во (Q)  emee ever] c 108.. 
om Syr (є то*).. trs before man Syr (c) .. continue nis? OL (abceffl) 
Arm (but), Irint иноттє-отот God-Son] (c) 108..0 povoy. vos 
АСЗ ёс, OL (a add solus, bceffflq) Vg Буг (cjh) Arm Eth, Hipp noct 
Syn ant Ath Chr Naz Ces Tit Alex Thdrt Procl Nonn Tert.. povo- 
yews beos tš BC*L 33 (pref 6) Bo (pref def. article) Syr (gh™s) Eth ro, 
Eus Thdrtclem Clem Did Bas Epiph Syn*neyr.. om wos and Geos 
Топ int Jac nis Cyri.. pref but Arm Eth пєтщооп who is being] 
108, o oy NP ёс... ош N*, OL (а) оп kos(ovos t) ин -єгот in- 
Father] (с?) 108, Syr gc (from the ёс) Eth .. es т. к. т. т. RAB ёс, 
Arm .. om т. т. 69... n patre OL (c) єроч of him] (c) 108, Syr 
(В)... om NAB ёс, Syr (g) .. add to из Syr (c) 

19 ати and] ¢ тоо 108 .. om Во (F,*) щароч unto him] a тоо 
108, ВСЯ 33 249 al, OL (abc) Bo Syr (gc) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr .. trs 
after Хємтас AX 13 69 124 al 20, OL (effflq) Vg Syr (Б), Aug .. after 
(єрос. Syr (j) є 1, NC? ёс, Or — Neserrgc] (c) а? тоо 108, RB 
(D) .. Аєшта< А &c .. from Jerusalem Jews and chiefpriests and levites 
Syr(c) xerac ever. that-him] с a roo (109) .. and they ask Буг (c) 
птк art thou] с а? тоо.. pref йтоң thou 108 түгээ, who] ¢ a 100 
ern G j 

. 10 agooss. he confessed] c а", Bo.(r,*).. pref awo and a°. 100, 


оозаоХосех ATW запЧарна. хе панок гах H€ rex. 
21 мухмоус. хе йток He ондАгас, ATW пеха. же 
ланок ан пе. йток пе пепрофитнс, ATH acjovotujpb. 
хє аваасн. MERAT Ge Maf. хє MTOK GE MTR MIA. 
ow eTHHHTR. 25 пеха. хе AMOR пе тесяян %#петощ 
«ВоХ охтгхалс, хе cov TM TEIN азчгхоёїс, ката өе EN- 
тасүхоос полисе пепрофнтнс. "ато ATTHIMOOT 
ooente шароц chor ом мефартссаїос, * aano. 
хе erbe ow ве Reante. CSE MTOR alt пе пехс 

21 (©) (a) (тоо $) (108) тод * (с) (p) (а) (100) 108 $ 109 
з (с) (p) (a) (91) тоо 108 $ 109 ємтач|а.. itv. р ёс м (с) 014 
(тоо $) 108 $ тод = (e) (57) (75) 91 (108) 109 

NAB &c, Во Syr (gch) Arm Eth azw япар. and denied not] 
€ (а) тоо (108) тоо, Bo (uP), SAB ёс Буг (gh) Arm Eth.. om Syr 
(c) .. om and Во xe] са тоо (108) (roo), №, OL (el)... pref ка 
wporoynoey АВ" &c, Во Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. pref ор. CL т 33 118 
al, OL (bf) Bo (вғм) Arm cdd Eth .. pref dicens Vg cd, Promiss .. pref 
and said Syr (c) Панок-эсс I-Christ] (c) а 109, Bo (om й)... 
йай. ап MENT тоо (108) .. eyw оюк epu о x. RABC*LXA 33, OL 
(abeq) Syr (cj) Arm, Or Chr .. ovx eu eyw o x. С° &c, OL (cfffl) Vg 
Syr (gh), Hipp Epiph Aug .. ovx eu o x. П 245 

31 asxnoyrg they asked him] са тоо 109, Bo (F,*).. pref and 
NAB ёс, Bo Syr (6,8) Arm ато.) Syr (h) Arm .. урот. пами 4" 
OL (с) .. ур. а. т. №, OL (abeffl) Syr (g) ava.—ne they asked- 
am not] (c) (a) тоо (108) 109 .. and. they say to him Syr (с) (Eth) 
Ят.-онХ. thou art H.] с (a) тоо (108) тоо, Bo.. ть ovv mA. є NL, OL 
(ag) Syr (g), Суг.. т o. m. єє ov A ёо, OL (сід) Vg Syr (h), Chr .. ті 
о. ov 7А. e С 33, OL (effl) Syr (j) Arm (Eth), Or .. ov o. т у. є B.. 
om Syr (c) онМгас] с тоо 109, МА &c..onNesac а", Bo 
azw and 19] са тоо 108 109, АВ &е, OL (сеї ід) Vg Syr (gh) 
Arm Eth, Cyr Chr Promiss 8, OL (ab) Bo nexa 
said he] са 108 109, Bo .. Aeyeu ait ЗАВ ёс, Arm Eth .. dixit OL 
(cffflq) Vg Syr (gh), Promiss Aug .. om S .. атекр 0) 69 пєпроф. 
the pr.] (а) 108 тод..ош о № 69.. and art thou not the рт. Syr (c) 
. and they say to him Eth avu and 29] а 108 109, Eth .. om Syr 

ФОНХ І 21-25 9 

confessed, and denied not, I am not the Christ. * They 
asked him, Thou art Helias: and said he, аш not. Thou 
art the prophet: and he answered, Nay. * Said they there- 
fore to him, Thou therefore, who art thou? that we should 
take the news to those who sent us: what art thou saying 
concerning thyself? 29 Said he, І am the voice of him who 
crieth out in the desert, Make straight the road of the Lord : 
according as said Esaias the prophet. ?* And they sent some 
unto him out of the Pharisees. 25 They asked him, Wherefore 
therefore baptizest thou, if thou art not the Christ, nor Helias, 

(c) Arm ачотсщів he answered] (а) 108 109, Syr (bh) Arm .. Aeye 
69, Eth .. he said Syr (в) .. he saith to them Syr (с) 

7 wexas said they] а &c.. pref and Syr (g) Eth.. they say Syr 
(c) .. therefore say to us Arm бе therefore r°] 108 109, МАВ ёс, 
Bo Syr (h) а, OL (с) Bo (ump) буг (єс) Eth мае to him] 
а? & 1 209, OL (beff) (Arm) ivrok-nias thou-thou] а? 
ёс, (Eth) .. 71s є. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h)..ev vs є E* 157, Arm .. and 
(om 9) who (art) thou Syr (gc)..add say to us OL (b,cff) (Syr с).. 
pref say OL (a, 1) бе therefore 2°] a ёс, (OL bceff) (Arm) .. om 
МАВ ёс, OL (q) Vg Syr (gh) єтЁннтк concerning thyself | (c) &c 
(p) а 100 .. add that thou art Syr (g 9) 

33 mexaq said he] с (р) &c.. e saith Syr (c) Arm .. o дє epn 13 
69 124 .. et ait OL (cff) Eth .. et dixit (e) Syr є (2) h .. and he said to 
them Syr (j)..quibus ait (b).. qui respondit (a) ..І said Бух (g 14) 
cosTR(ren 109) make straight] p &c .. prepare Bo (РУ) Syr (ch) Arm 
.. make even Syr (g) Eth тєогн the road] (р) a &c..the roads 
Eth сда nxoeic of the Lord] р ёс € а../от the Г. Syr (c).. 
add rectas facite semitas dei nostri OL (e) 

" эзш and] с &с тоо, Syr (ch) Arm.. om Bo (F,*).. дє Syr (g) 
Eth аэзийєт(ноот 100? тод) ооєг(ої or 108) мє they sent 
some] 91 &c (100) .. arecradpevor noavy 38" A* BC* L, Bo .. о: отєстаћ- 
шеро: noav Neb А? ёс, OL Vg Bo (м) Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Chr .. add 
to him Bo (A,* F) .. they were sending Syr (c) єЁоХ-ф. out of the 
Ph.] (с) от ёс (100) .. om Syr (с) 

25 aya. they asked him] (c) &c (108), Bo (BF,*G,MPQ), Arm .. om 
N, Буг (c) .. pref к АВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Eth хє] 91 108 109.. 
pref кол eov avro МАВ ёс Syr (g) Eth .. and say to him Syr (с).. 
pref saying to him Bo.. pref saying Bo (вб,) Syr (g 21) Arm .. pref 


ovae OHAIAc ovae пепрофнтнс. > тоохииис 
отош єсүхө eoc мау. хє alton ефаптісе dt- 
заст ом OTOT. Gage AE ECPAT ON тєтнєөнтє. 
лаг ENTETHCOOTH Alt ALLOY. 27 петину яви сом. пал 
спавпща am бої choA aemerore аапечтоотс, 
28 war хэшолс oit Ёнөа бара, аяпенро ажшорханнс. 
naa єнєрє roQamnmHe Damme понт. ° яапес- 
расте aymar єї єцинэ Wapoy. ATW mea. хе 
exc meoxeib. я®пиозте. петигсүү азпиобе жяпносяеос. 
30 pay пентагхоос: етфинт. хе OTM отрияєє NAT 

2 (с) (р) 57 Š 755 91 108 (109) өп 2°] oem 75 єптєти]р 57 
то8.. йтєтєп 75 91 am maoy] с.. trs max. ап р ёс т (e) (p) 
57 75 91 (108) (с) 57 $ 75$ 91 (тоо)  mexpo] пік. 57 
? (с) 57$ 75 Рог P тоо (109) зхпповє) с 57 75 (100).. ош ях 
g1 ı00 ® (е) (57 $) 75 91 (109) 

se then Во (DA, EFG,JK°NOPSY) osae twice] (с 20) 57 &c 108, 
МАВСЬТХ г 33 124 209 472 al, Or..ovre Г ёс, Chr Cyr 
он\Мгас] 57 &c 75, NA &c.. -esac e, BLT nenp. the pr.] 57 ёс 
75 108 .. om о СА, Bo (Ггзз) 

% оо. | om Syr(g 36) отощЁ. ans.] 57 &с 109, Syr (5)... om 
Буг (g 36 cs) .. add алто5 ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) Arm .. and ans. John 
Eth eqx.-masv saying to them] 57 ёс, (Syr g Eth) .. Aeyov А В 
ёс, Bo Syr (h) (Arm), Or т 209, Сур.. saith to them J. Syr (cs) 
anor I] 57, МАВ ёс, Bo.. add aren (p) &с, 13 44 бо 69" 124 435, 
OL (belq) Во (pFQt) Syr (j) Eth, Сур mawrth you] с ёс, A 
472, OL (abfflq) Во Буг (с т h*) Arm Eth .. om ЗАВ ёс, Syr (ges) 
оп ovaxoos in a water] 57 &c, Bo.. ev то vd. №“ .. in aqua in peni- 
tentiam OL (aq), in aquam penitentie (b) чаоє-єратії standeth | 
р 57 ёс, стукає, BLT т, єттткє NG, stat OL (abeffflq) Syr (gesh) 
Arm, Сур .. сотукеи А. ёс, Heracl Or Chr Cyr, stetit OL (c) Vg Eth 
ae] с 57 &c, А ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (gesjh), Eus Chr NB 
C*LT, OL (ff) Во (a*cr,*) Arm, Негасі mas this] (c?) 57, (Bo) 
..add fi(em ro8) voi ye р &с, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth 

? петинт he who cometh] 57 011 Bo.. ечи. Ле is coming р 108 .. 
ети. who cometh дт" 3 .. печину 1 75; o (om N* B) epxonevos SBC*LT 
I 22 33, OL (a) Буг (сз) (Arm) Eth.. pref avros єттї A ёс, OL 
(befq) Vg Syr (gjh), ovros eerw G al, Chr, avros єоти ov eov S, OL 
(efl) Сур — запійсих after me] (с) &c 108, RBC*LT r 13 22 33 

JOHN І 26-30 11 

nor the prophet?  ?9 lohannes answered, saying to them, 
I, I am baptizing you in [a] water; but standeth in your 
midst this (one), whom ye know not, ?' he who cometh after 
me, this (one) of whom I am not worthy to unloose the 
latchet of his shoe. *9 These (things) happened in Béthabara 
beyond the Iordanés, in the place in which Iohannes was 
baptizing. 29 On the morrow he saw Jesus coming unto him, 
and said he, Behold the lamb of God, he who will take away 
the sin of the world. This is he concerning whom І said, 

19 €Y 2067, OL (bI) Во Syr (cs) Arm Eth ro.. add os (om OL ae Syr 
g, Сур) <urpocOev pov yeyovev A &с, OL (aceffflq) Bo (F,",) Syr 
(gjh) Eth рр en(i 75 &c)X3x. am of-worthy] р ёс 108, NCL 
al, OL (q) Bo Arm Eth ro, Clem Heracl от Chr Сур.. ov ovk eu eyw a£. 
BTX 13 69 118..ov eyw ovk epu a£. А ёс, OL Vg Eth PP.. ov ом 
eu a£. eyw OL (а) RAWA to unloose] ¢ 91 .. e&oX 75, Bo (p,* A, 
EFJLOQS)..nt$&oN that he may unloose 57 .. qima ira. that I тау 
&c Bo axneqr. of his shoe] (c) 57 &c.. add exewos unas Даттитє 
ёс ЕКО al, Eth rp 

28 mas these] 57 &c..add wey КП rr 76 145 al..add ae Во (АС 
FCL)... and thus it happened Eth >т(Птат 75)ujwne happened] 
57 &c, №, OL (abe) Во Arm..trs after 950. AB ёс, Syr (gh).. he 
spake Syr (cs) Area. | с 57, СЁКТП°е* r 22 33 al.. Виенвьрь 75 
91, BnbcBapa A 69" 262 346, 8:0а8тура. U, Syr (cs) Arm, Or Epiph 
Eus Chr Jer Suid .. Вубама МА ВС* ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gjh) Ar, 
Heracl ог Cyr Nonn .. Вийатуа in Betharaba Eth тора. the I. | 
(c) ёс, Syr (gsh) ..add zorapov №, Syr (c) fantsze baptizing | 
(с) ёс тоо .. he was baptizing Arm .. add то тротоу С 346..add and 
there he was being Arm use 

2 ganegp. lit. on his morrow] 57, МАВ ёс, Arm..add жє 75 01 
тоо, Syr (h).. pref and Syr (gcs) Eth aetas he saw] (c) ёс тоо, 
МАВС"КІМ85СУХАП al, OL (aq) Во Syr (csh) Arm Ar, Cyr 
Chr .. add о wavvgs С? ёс, OL (beefffgl) Vg Syr (gj) Eth, Сур 
azw апі] с & Bo (ITDA, EFJOS) mex. же eic said he, 
Behold] 57 ёс 109, Aeye we NAB &c.. Xeyovra. M. exc behold | 
57 &c .. ovros ec rw Or петна: (єт 91) he-away] 57 &с (тоо 7), Bo 
..qui tollet Fu, qui auferet Irt, o ароу ЗАВ ёс, OL (efgq) Am 
Во (в,*в,ммз) Буг (gjh) Arm Eth, Or Hipp Eus .. pref ecce OL (ab 
с) Vg Syr (es) (Сур) 

39 aooc said] 57 &c 109, Bo (в*) Syr (es) .. add ушу 13 69 124 
al, Eth .. eyo «rov № &c, Во Syr(gh) Arm Eth єтённт concerning 


охплоот ажет ох ємүщөпе олтлон. хе Meo пщорп 
єрох ne. Замок QW mnercoovW ааавс | ait пе. АЛЛА 
женас єцєотонО COA MAA. erbe Mar ANOR әзе 
exhantize oW оуааоот, 32 arw aypenrpe igi- 
IWOANMAC, єсухи» AROC. хе AMAT єпєпїїх EMH 
епесит ebo ом THe Hee потброосянте. ATW aqjorwg 
сора: exwy. AMOR OW MEICOOTH Mo alt пе. 
ХАХАХА. пентаөцтиноот єВаптүүе Оз» пазосу. петая- 
AAT HeWTAC[GOOC Mal. хе METHNANAT епепма єцинэ 
єпеснт. єєцсєєт eopax exwy. Mar петпафаптү(е ом 
orna eforaah зам oTRWOT. ATW AMOK мнат 
ATW зїржмтре. хє пм пе псотп ищире їтє 
MOSTE. G 35 азперасте ом мере IWQANMHC AQE- 

31 (с) 57 § 75 $ (91) (100) me]om e, Bo (N) eqeos.] esos. 109 
ovonp]-mae от * (с) (20) 57 $ 75 91 (109) ачр| 57 - ачер 75 
91 — * (e) (p) (20) 57 75 (01) (100) (109) hantze 1°] ze 75 
oix] (c) 57 то0..ФИ 75 01 109..є 20 bantı. 20] ham}. 20 75 
* (20$) 57 Š 75 от райт] epar. 75 | = (с) 575 15 Р or P 
T 57 91 

him] (c) ёс 57 (109), тєр, МА ёс, Eus Chr Суг.. vrep \*ВС* 
єгчи) who became] 57 75, NAB &c .. ащ. he became тод .. and 
he was Syr (ges) оът, before me] (c!) ёс 57 109 .. єрщорії epor 
first in regard of me Bo Eth .. first Bo (к) epos in regard of ше] 
57 ёс 109, Bo (£,*) .. add pw self Во... than I Syr (gcsh) Arm 

? anor ow I also] 57 75 91 109, kayo ЗАВ ёс, and І Bo Syr 
(gcsh) Arm .. om J Bo (x).. but J Eth ethe паг because of this] 
57 15 91 (109).. om Syr (s) ап. aies I-came] 57 75 9I 109; 
order С" 157 al, OL (b) Bo..5A6ov eyo ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gesh) Arm 
Eth .. om eyw 28 al Bo (aA* BcF,*G,HKNV), Chr erhants (+ 75)%e 
baptizing] 57 75 91 1, Syr (h) .. єв. to baptize (109), Arm .. that I may 
bapt. Буг (gcs) Eth 0741007 lit. a water] 57 75 91 109, NBCG 
LPTA г 33 69 118 124 al 15, Bo, Or Chr Cyr .. то vd. A ёс 

32 arw and 19] 57 &c 109..0m Bo (r,*) Arm Ех ёо say- 
ing] (c) ёс тоо, МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) N*, OL (е).. and said 
Буг (ges)..and saith Arm Eth amar I saw] 57 ёс 109.. pref 
eyo T єчи. єп. coming down] 57 4 (109), буг (g)..trs after 
перютерау N, OL (abeg) Syr (csh) eboN- me out-heaven] (c) ёс 

ТОНХ І 31-35 13 

There is а man coming after (lit. behind) me, who became 
before me, because he was being first in regard of me. ?'I 
also was knowing him not; but (x) that he should be mani- 
fested to [the] Israel, because of this I, I came baptizing in 
water. 22 Апа bare witness Iohannes, saying, I saw the spirit 
coming down out of the heaven as a dove, and he dwelt upon 
him. 33] also was knowing him not; but (a) he who sent 
me to baptize in the water, that (опе) is he who said to me, He 
upon whom thou wilt see the spirit coming down, remaining, 
this is he who will baptize in [a] holy spirit and a flame. 
34 And 1, I saw, and I bare witness that this is the chosen 
Son of God. 3. 9?^On the morrow again lohannes was 

(109), єк т.о. NI 25 209 .. є ovp. АВ ёс, Arm; position Syr (g) 
Eth .. trs after тєрт. (33)Д В ёс, Arm пөє as] (c) &с тод... ws 
МАВ &c..oce KMPUXAAILal azw and 29] (c) &c.. om Во 
(AF) ачотою he dwelt] 57 &c 109, Во (Q).. ацоох he stayed 
Bo.. epewev АВ ёс, Syr (ges, В) .. pevov №, OL (beq), Chr Jer Amb 
exw upon him] 20 ёс (roo), Во (с, FN, Q) .. откос Bo 

3 am, ow Т also] (20) 57 01 100, kayo АВ &c .. azw a. о. and 
I also 15 .. kaveyo V, Во Syr(gesh) Arm .. om кал Bo (F,*) .. anor ae 
Во (ке) Eth — masoox the water] (c) 20 57 100, 1118200..05- 
зоот а water p 75 91 109, AB ёс, Во.. om Syr(s) neti. (nereti. 
тод) that] р ёс (20) 91 тоо 109, ЗАВ &с.. пеоч Во Syr (gesh) 
Eth петк(тек 75 01)иацат thou wilt see] (20) &c (от) roo, 
Bo .. thou seest Во (А*Е,* 7) exwy upon him] (c) 20 ёс ог тоо, 
Bo (T)... evxc« Во nar this] 20 &c 91 ТОО .. avros A, OL (Бед) 
.. that Arm Eth оп osmita eq. in a holy spirit] 20 &c (тоо), Bo 
.. ви то пу. то ау. LTX 33, Arm Syr(gesh) Cyr зай озкоот 
and a flame] (с) ёс (20) (100), C*, RAB ёс, Bo 

3 awo and 10] 20 & Bo (BF,* T V) amas І saw] (20) 
&c .. add avrov С azw 29] 20 & Bo (F,*) псо (o 75)- 
тп (пт 91) ñu. the chosen Son] 57 ёс, OL (a), filius electus (bff), 
the Son of God his chosen Syr (j) .. о vos МАВ ёс, OL (cflq) Vg Bo 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Or Chr Cyr..o exAexros $%* 77 218, OL (e) Syr 
(cs), Amb 

35 язлєср. lit. on his morrow] 57, NAB ёс, Syr (Б) Arm .. add ae 
75 91, Во OL (bef)... pref and Syr (ges) Eth он again] 57 &c, Syr 
(h) Eth .. om Г 11* 64, Bo (c) Syr (ges) Arm Ar пєрє-аоє. Was 
standing] 57, NA B &c..epe &с 18 standing 75 91 оо, | Syr 


ратії. avw cmar єбо\ oW мечаяхентие. aT 
птереус ошт Nea 1С egeoowe пехаС. хє єс пехе 
mneoresb. axmuovve. a песязлентно CHAT COTA 
epot еащахе. ATW avovTagoy fica IC. 9% итере- 
кот AE ASIC. „мату єроох evovHo Mewy. nexa 
пат. хє ететмилие исх ov. пехат Macy. хе opahher. 
MewWarvrovagerery хє псло. єкотно тон. 7? пеха 
MAT. хе эченати HTETHMAT. AVEI GE. хун» хе 

© (с) (р) 57 75 91 зхиц. | ¢ ёс..Нзє пи. 759 (©) 57 6 755 
91 (109) avoragor] 57 91 (109).. avagot 75 (е) (20) 573 
and at mex. 75 01 (100) (109) 3 (e) (p) (20) 57 Š 75 (91) (тоо) 

(109) алзянекти) с 57 10О..АААНЇҮН 75 QI.. ААХХНЄҮТИ 20... азаєми 
109 Фатнч]с 75 91 IOO .. олотн 20 57 

(gsh) Arm Eth .. Jesus Syr (c) avw cnay and two] 57 &c .. ness 

кєй and other two Bo (в) язаентнс | (c) &c .. add бу him 
Syr (cs) 
55 azw and] 57 & Во (r,*s) Eth fitepeyowust when- 

looked | (c 1) ёс 57, Bo Syr (h) Arm .. -wavs seen Bo (v)... he saw Во (т) 
Syr (gcs) Eth 1€] с &с.. our Lord Syr (з) MEXE neo. the- 
lamb] р ёо, GA 124 230 262, (Syr c) Arm nex (c?) МАВ 
&c, Bo Syr (gh) Eth ппоутє God] (c) &с, МА В ёс, Or Chr .. add 
o оршу &с С" 59 235, OL (aff) Fu Eth, Cyr 

7 a-cwtax heard] (c?) &с, N* т, Bo (r,* т) Arm, Cyr.. pref ка 
NAB ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) .. audiverunt autem OL (b) .. and when 
they heard Syr (с, 8).. and heard him Eth n(n 109) eqarac. си. 
his two disc.] (c) &с 109 .. о 8. д. avr. МВ 472, OL (b) Bo Syr (є) 
Eth .. ог 8. а. р. C*LTX 33 .. avr. ог 8. р. A ёс, OL (cfl) Vg Syr (h) 
..eum duo disc. eius (sui q) loquentem (eq) .. ex disc. eius duo (a) .. 
those disciples of John Бух (c) .. those disc. heard John speaking Syr (s) 
.. heard from him the two disc. because he was speaking Arm ау 
and] (c) ёс (то0).. om Bo (вк,"т) 

38 ae] 57 &c тоо МАВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (Б), Cyr.. om N*E 
ЕНМТУГА 22 28 124 262 435 al 25, Arm .. et conversus OL (6,4) 
Во (г) Буг (gej) Eth .. and our Lord turned бут (s) ациат he 

JOHN І 36-39 15 

standing, and two out of his disciples, 36 And when he had 
looked at Jesus walking, said he, Behold the Christ, the lamb 
of God. ?'His two disciples heard him speaking, and they 
followed Jesus. ?? But when had turned Jesus, he saw them 
following him: said he to them, For what are ye seeking? 
Said they to him, Hrabbei, that which is wont to be in- 
terpreted Master, Where art thou dwelling? * Said he to 
them, Come ye and see: they came therefore, they saw where 
he is dwelling, and they abode with him on that day ; it was 

saw] (с) (20) &с тоо, Во (v) Eth .. кал беасан. NAB ёс, Bo .. and he 
saw Bo (rr) Syr (ch) Ле saw them following Syr (s) 
псоц him] с & тоо, C* vid, OL (abeffflq) Vg Bo Syr (gcjh) Arm 
Eth .. om NA B ёс mex, said he] с ёс 20 тод Syr (ch) Arm.. 
pref and Bo (r) Syr (gs) Eth пат to them 19] (20) ёс 109 .. om 
м" mex. said they] с &c 20 100 109, Syr (ges) (Arm)... о Se вит. 
МАВ ёс, Syr (h) .. and they зау Eth op.] го ёс тоо тоо, NB ёс 
.. paßßı A ёс, Во Syr (h) Arm Eth .. Rabban Syr (ges) neuat- 
oragarey (за 100) that-interpreted | с &c тоо (Bor,* 18) .. пєтєщат. 
109 (Bo), о єритуєуєта: І 118 200, (Eth), interpretatur OL (bceq) 
.. о Хєуєтаї epunvevopevov 54" ёс, Syr (h), Cyr .. o Aey. ue0epu. МА В 
CLX 157 249 472, Syr (ges) .. which being interpreted із 
called Arm єкоуно art thou dwelling] с &с 20 тоо (109), pevers 
МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) Eth thou Syr (ges)..are the dwellings 
thine Атта 

39 пех. said he] с ёс го тоо 109, NAB ёс, Во (v) Syr (gesh) 
Arm .. pref but he Bo .. pref and Eth птетии, and see] 75 (91 1) 
109, kat were МА ёс, OL Vg Bo Arm (Eth), Epiph Chr 
ка; Во (N)... azw tetiinanas and ye will see (¢?) (20?) 57 100, ВС" 
LT 1 22" 33 118 209 al, Syr (gesjh), Or ge therefore] с &с 20 
тоо 100, NABCL(T)XA 33 124 262 al то, OL (ae) Bo Syr (jh me), 
Cyr ., et venerunt (1) Syr (csh) Eth, Epiph .. Аб. de 8, OL (b) Syr (g) ov P ёс, OL (сед) Vg Arm avnat they saw] 20 ёс gr 100 
109, Bo (r,*).. pref azw and с, NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gesh) Arm Eth 
єцотнө he is dwelling] с &c 20 gt тоо, ҷщоп Bo (ur) Arm Eth, 
реє МАВ ёс, (Syr ges, h) .. agug. he dwelt Во avu. they abode | 
€ & 20 9I (тоо) (109), euewav МАВ ёс, Syr (h) Eth .. they were 
Syr (ges) 


maar. ме пилу Мхпнтє пе. “ amnapeac псом 
псяяюи петрос пе ova пе choA oss песпау ейтат- 
соутаж eboX QIT ogamuHc. ATW ATOTAQOT ПСО. 
41 пар AOE єпєцсон сизон MUJOPIL ATW meae 
MAT. SE age Eeeecciac. пещгтотао ssec <€ MENC. 
о хит ерат duc. Үс ae итерецеощт єоо»н 
сорьц пеха. хє WTOR пе CRON пщнре NIWO alt= 
зас xe петрос. “3 ажлечрастє agoro ees єоХ 
erma ANa. ато agge edrAnmmoc. пєхас magy 

xñ] p57 75.. ZEN 109.. xT 01 sic * (с) (20) 57 $ 75 $ 91 (109) 
єптат] 57 .. Пт. 75 91 109 " (6) 57 75 91 (од) — °“ (©) (р) 
57 $ at зс 20 75 $ &c от (99) жє пт. | хит. 91 eyer.) evar. 75 

* (c) (43) 57 $ 75 591 Р 99 $ (109) eer] 43 &c .. ex c 91 

nnas] (201) &с өт ЗАВ ёс, OL (q) Eth, Epiph Cyr..add ae 
(сї) 100! (109 7), al, OL (acl) Vg Bo Syr (h) .. add сар р, erat enim 
OL (bf) Arm .. et fuit (е) Syr (gcsj) xna. tenth] (с) p ёо 20 
от тоо, G, Bo Eth.. pref os МАВ ёс, Syr (gesh) Arm .. єкт A.. 
until the tenth howr Eth 

© ana. | (20) ёс (109), МВ ёс, OL (bq) Во (м) Arm ..add de AA 
28 346 al, OL (acefffl) Vg Bo Syr (gh*) .. and one із A. Eth .. and 
one of these disc. of J., Andrew his тате was, the brother of Sh. К. Syr 
(с,8) | пєтр.) 20 & 109, Syr (В) Eth .. om Syr (gs) .. Kepha Syr (c) 
Arm (stone) нє-пє was one] 57 &c 100.2э)у-өс ЗАВ &с.. nr- 
кал es L 59 песиат the two] (20) &c .. доо rov е &c Т бі, 
Syr (cs) .. боо N* C azw апі] 57 & Во (кт) — со» him | 
57 ёо roo, NAB ёс, Bo Syr (Б) Arm.. то (rov A) w GA, OL (1) Bo 
(м*у) Буг (g) Eth 

4 паг this] 57 &c 109 .. arms peac Bo (r)... this saw Sh. his brother 
Syr (g)..and Andr. saw Sh. К. Syr (c) .. and first he found Eth 
meycom с. his brother 5.| 57 ёо 109, Bo..c. rec. Во (г, т) 
his br. Буг (c) .. his br. that day Syr(s) ñw. first] 57 &c 109, Bo (trs 
before тоу), тротоу NCcABM TXII r 22 69 118 209 346 al 13, 
primum OL Vg Syr (jh) Arm .. mane (be) .. poros 33" &c.. om Syr 
(cs) azw and] 57 75 919 109.. om gr*, Bo (F,*PQT) sag to 
him] 57 &c 109 .. add my brother Syr (s) axecciac] 57, RAB 

ФОНХ 1 40-43 7 

the tenth hour. 40 Andreas, the brother of Simon Petros, 
was one out of the two who heard from Idhannés, and they 
followed him. * This (man) found his brother Simon first, 
and said he to him, We found Messias, that which is wont 
to be interpreted, The Christ. *? He brought him to Jesus : 
but Jesus, when he had looked upon him, said he, Thou art 
Simon the son ої Iohannés : thou, thou shalt be called Képhas, 
that which is wont to be interpreted, Petros. 43 On the 
morrow he wished to come out to [the] Galilaia, and he found 

L?TXATI? al, OL Vg, Nonn.. asecrac 75 gt (тод) L* ёс, Bo буг 
(hme вт) Arm, Chr .. om Syr (ges) new. that-interp.] с ёо тоо, 
Syr (h) Arm Syr (gesj) пеже the Ch.] 57 ёс 109, al, Bo о NAB ёс, Агт edd, Or Epiph Cyr .. meshikho буг 

4 аци(єм 75)т4 he brought him] e, NBL.. ovros ту. G т 209, Bo 
Arm, Epiph .. but this &c Bo (т)... and this &c Bo (Гр, т) (Eth) .. ато 
aq. 57 ёс, A ёс, OL Vg Syr (gjh) Eth.. yy. ow тдеу, OL (Ь).. 
nyayov K 5597, adducunt OL (e) .. and he led him and came Syr (cs) 
1€ 19] с &c .. our Lord Syr (s) twice ҮС ae ёс but Jesus &c] 57 
91, euBr. де ёс SXAAIP?, OL (befl) Ус Syr (h*) ве Jesus 
therefore 15... от дє NAB ёс, Во (о) Arm .. kat ey. &c 46 117 15€", 
OL (aeq) Syr (gesj) Eth, Chr mex. said he] c 91, NAB ёс.. 
add пач to him p 57 75, Syr є (2)8 Eth mus. the son] с &e р 99, 
NAB & o I 69 io. of Ioh.| с &c р ёсоо, NB*L 33, 
OL (abfffl) Am Во Ето, Nonn .. tova A B? ёс, OL (cq) Vg Bo (м) 
Syr (gsjh) Arm? Eth РР, Epiph Chr Cyr .. frater andree(e) ^ щнФфас| 
р ёс 99..кнфа Во Е{һ..кнфн Po (9)..кєфа Во (скх).. Gephas 
Arm пєщ.-пєт. which-P.] (с) ёс p 99, Syr (h).. om Syr (g).. 
which is interpreted in Greek Petros Syr (х) пєтрос | р ёс 99 .. 
пєтра Во (4,6). пе Bo (v*) 

5 запечр. lit. on his morrow] 57, ЗАВ &c, Syr (h) Arm .. pref 
and Syr (gs) Eth..add ae 75 ёс Bo..add further ow again Bo 
(ЕМРТ) ачотоцу wished] (с?) ёс (43), ЗАВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr 
(в) Arm Eth, Or Epiph Chr Cyr..add o 5 EGH UT al, Syr (g).. 
eosoug wisheth 99, eos. Bo (A* A,&KMNOT).. easpos. having wished 
Во (DEJ) azw and] (c) ёс 43..o0m Во (вкіту) Arm..add 
Jesus Eth nexag said he] 43 ёс, Во (F,* мрду 18).. pref xac 
МАВ ёс, Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth 

H.S.G. 111 G 


Honc. хє оздон сах. ‘4 фиХАшпос ae ие oyeboN 
пе ом бн®саха тпоАс Nanapeac AM петрос. 
4x фуАїппос ge emaeananA. пеха Ma. же 
MENTA язоууснс coax eThHHTY ose ппоееос. ATW 
мепрофитне. ange epog. IC пшнре поси пебоХ 
ом натарсө. “mexe NaeaWaHA нач. же ереш 
отлслөои цоопе choA ом натарсө. meae proc 
нас ose anor NEWAT. "а 1С NAT €naealta HA 
єцину Wapoy. aso mesaf етфинт. хе єю ov- 
ICpAHAITHe magee. сяям кроу понт. *®пехе 
WAOAMAHA ал. хе ERCOOTIT ажласхт том. хото) 
WoWc пехар May. же ємлатє фїХшппос MOTTE 
ерон. йооум oa Tho нитє amar єрон. "а 

ч 4357 $75 $ 91 99 (109) пе] ош 109 * (c) (р) 43 57 $ 75 
91 99 $ 109 weñ.| p 43.. ne єй. 57 біс 4 (с) (р) 43 57 Š and at 
nexe 20 75 91 99 Š and ёс тод т (c) 43 57 $ 75 91 99 $ 109 
(133) з (e) (p) 43 Š аб ayov. 57 $ and &c (75 Š &c) от 99 $ and 
&с 109 133 сооз] coor 43 ex1naTe] 43 57 133 - хе лп. 99 
100.. хэй. QI кїтє] кемти 75 133 4 (с) (р) 43 57 $ 15 91 
99 $ (109) 133 

fene Jesus] 43 ёс 99°, NAB ёс, OL (abeffflq) Vg Bo Syr (jh) 
Arm, Epiph Cyr .. our Lord Syr (s) . om 99*, FH MT al, OL (e) Am 
Fu Bo (Acc,ur) Syr (є) (Eth), Chr 

* xe] 43 ёс, Мо ёс, Bo Syr (gsh) W*..and Arm 
oveb. o. 5. lit. an out of В.) 43 &с (109).. ато B. МАВ ёс, Syr 
gh) Arm ..a native of В. Во .. his kin was from В. Syr (s) Ёнљ- 
сатма] 43 &c (109), Bo.. uve. 75, betsaida OL (q) .. Втбсада Ne 
&е, OL (а Б) Bo (ATPT), bessaida (el*) .. Вубсадау 34" 8 127 ти. 
the city] 43 ёс (тод), om ex N*, OL (cf) Vg.. ex тує т. № &c, Во 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth петр.| 43 &c (109), Syr (h) Arm Eth .. Sh. 
Syr (gs) 

5 à d.] 43 ёс (тод), Syr (Б) Arm..pref and Syr (gs) Eth 
пеха said he] 43 &c, Bo (r,*Q) .. pref ко, ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth mag to him] 43 &c .. add Philip Syr (s) azw and] 
€ Ёс p .. зам lit. with 75 xenp. the pr.] с &c р, МАВ ёс, Syr 
(sh) Arm (Eth) .. in the pr. Syr (g) re] р &c.. om L тщ. the 

JOHN I 44-49 19 

Philippos, said he to him Jesus, Follow me.  ** But Philippos 
was (one) out of Bédsaida, the city of Andreas and Petros. 
45 Philippos found Nathanael, said he to him, Him concerning 
whom Moyses wrote in the law and the prophets we found, 
Jesus the son of loseph, [the] out of Nazareth. “6 Said 
Nathanael to him, А good (thing) is being able to be out 
of Nazareth. Said Philippos to him, Come and see. 77 Jesus 
saw Nathanael coming unto him, and said he concerning 
him, Behold, an Israelites truly, there being not guile in 
him. * Said Nathanael to him, Whence art thou knowing 
me? Answered Jesus, said he to him, Before that Philippos 
called thee, within under the fig-tree, Т saw thee. * Nathanael 

son] p &c, A ёс, Ohr .. om тои NB 33, Epiph Cyr HAT (с 91) „рее | 
р ёс, E ёс, OL (beflq) Vg Bo Arm.. valaper МА BL X al, OL (a), 
Or Epiph Chr Cyr .. -раб. АП?.. nazara OL (e) 

4 nexe said] p &c, М 71 OL (abe) Bo (го 18) Syr (gs) .. pref ко. 
АВ ёс, OL (cfffglq) Vg Bo Syr (jh) Eth, Epiph mag to him 1°] 
43 & Во(м) | отак, а good] 43 &с..т ау. № &c .. ау. ти NF 
more to be] 43 &c, Syr (gh) Arm .. соте Во (r) .. соте forth бут (s) 
Eth єВоХ out] 43 &c.. om 57 nac. | 43 ёс, Г ёс .. valaper 
МАВІХА al, OL (a) ёс meras and see] с ёс, kac de NAB ёс, 
Syr (h) Arm .. and thou wilt see Syr (gs) Arm 

47 a-mas-avo saw-and] (c?) 43 57 133, МАВ ёс, OL (cfq) Vg 
Syr (gh) and 75 91 99 100, N* (124), OL (a, e, ff, 1) Во (#,*Q) 
Arm Eth, (Epiph) .. «дом де 124, OL (abff), Epiph, aguas ae Bo.. 
ihs autem ut vidit (c) .. suc ae алеи. but Jesus saw Во (1) .. and. saw 
Syr (gh,s) .. when he saw Arm .. and when he saw Eth eThHATY 
concerning him] (с) &с 133 .. терь rov vad. N* OL (Є) | тсран- 
(Y 99)Мітне | (¢) 57 75 99, AB? &с.. excp. 43 109.. сраиХатис ог 
133 .. 1сралћєітус № (105.) B 

55 nexe said] 43 ёс 75 .. pref and Bo (Гмте) Eth амоу.- 
nex. answered-he] (c?) 43 57, Во (BDA,EF,*G,JMOQST)..a xc 
озон equo &c Jesus answered saying 91 &c .. атекрибу TS ка eurev 
МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) Arm Eth (and ams.) .. but ans. Jesus and said 
Bo (T).. said to him Jesus Syr (g) по. oa within under] 43 57, 
Eth .. pref exe thou being 75 &c, (Bo) 

? a-xe N.-him] (р) &c (109) .. azex. avro раб. BL 33 249, OL 
(b) mat. respondit (e) .. om ovwuyh nag (c) .. ат. у. ки етеу 

C 2 


Maana HA оо мас. хе opabber йток пе пшире 
запиоттє. йтон пе прро авпунА. a IC от 
пехасү Maf. жє «БОХ хе агхоос МАН. же ААУ 
срок мосум oa Tho йнитє авшстєус,. илл? 
€MeTMAAa Y EMAL ATW пехАЧ ма. хе олени 
олени sw Meroe NATH. хе TETNANAT ETNE 
єсоуни. ATW НАСССХос A€MMOTTE етих воры ATW 
€vMHY єпєснт єхає пшне semposse. 

IL. ZX, avw ож» пед WONT посох avigcecer OIE 
OW тана итехААма. ATW пере таваа NIC ae- 
AAT. ZATTWORR хє Оооо NIC QA местеелөнтис 
єтцуєМеєт. “ATW NTEPOTMWWT MWHpI. MEXE таалал 
піс MAJ. SE замтоу HPN MAAT. * пехе IC мас. хє 

5 (с) 43 57 $ 75 91 99 $ 133$ же 1°] om 43 57 кӣитє] -tH 
І33..кєптє 75  паат| 43 75 99 .. maaar € &c 8 (с) (р) 43 57$ 
15 91 99 $ (109) 133 $ 

х (6) (р) 43 Р 57 S 75 № ох P 99 ЇР төө В ЕЗ5 ЇЕ om 158 
чал. | каМ. 75 Arm ° (е) 43 57 Š 75 01 99 тод 133  ? (c) 
43 57 $ 75 91 99 109 133 * (с) 43 57 $ 75 91 99 $ 109 133 

N, OL (c) (Во А,к,*кмор) Arm, а. v. к. є avro TA 245 254 49 € 
al, (q) Bo ацероэо ae (n,Ezs) Syr (gh) Eth (pref and) .. a. avro 
y. к € X 124, OL (afffl) Vg; Во (Г) (Ас)! өр о их. 
Aeyec avro A ёс, (Bo р,), Chr Cyr .. answered him, said he to him Во 
(ACF,°G, HN) .. answered him said he Во (вту 18) .. ans. said he Во (q) 
..ans. and said Во (т) opahhes] (p?) ёс, МАВ and as before.. 
раВВ: Е &с їток-ипотє thou-God] (с) ёс, Arm cdd .. om Š 251 
.. thow art Son of God Arm пток ne пр(пер 75)po &e thou- 
Israel] 43 &с, N ёс, OL Ус Bo Syr (gh) Arm, Chr Cyr Thdor.. cv 
Вас. єє ёс ABL 1 33 .. and k. of I. art Eth 

9 a-nag Jesuschim] 43 &с.. ans. Jesus, said he Bo.. arek. ts к. 
єгтєу (eyer al) avro NAB ёс, Во (TDA EJOST 18), Syr (h) Eth (pref 
and) .. ат. avro ts к. є. 33, Arm .. om avro ОЇ, (el) .. said to him Jesus 
Syr (g) nak to thee] 43 ёс... тос той 69 єрок thee] 43 &c.. 
om Arm пооти oa within under] 43 57 133 -. ene. ог 75.. 
EKEN. оа QI .. екпо. 9a 99 акт. thou believedst| (c?) ёс, 
aRItag Ро (Lsv).. Xmag} Во, тиотємєс NAB ёс мєтпаләт the 
things-greater] с &c .. peor (or) MX AI? al, OL (eg) Vg 

JOHN І д0-11 4 21 

answered to him, Hrabbei, thou art the Son of God, thou art 
the king of [the] Israel. °° Jesus answered, said he to him, 
Because that I said to thee, that I saw thee within under the 
fig-tree, thou believedst ; thou wilt see the (things) which are 
greater than these. 51 And said he to him, Verily, verily, I say 
to you, that ye will see the heaven opened, and the angels of 
God coming up and coming down upon the Son of the man. 
П. 4. And in the third day а marriage happened in the 
Gana of [the] Galilaia, and the mother of Jesus was being 
there. 2 But was invited also Jesus and his disciples to the 
marriage. ?And when they had lacked wine, said the mother 
of Jesus to him, They have not wine. ‘Said Jesus to her, 

Я ато and 19] (с) ёс, Syr (Б) Arm .. om Bo (¥,*) Syr (g) пех. 
said he] 43 ёс, Bo, erev X, OL (Бед), Epiph .. Aeye NAB &c .. om ка. 
Л. avro OL (1) .. add Jesus Syr є (7) stag to him] с 43 75 99, Во 
(DKS) Syr (g) .. пат to them 57 91 133.. ош Bo gasent 2°] (с) 
& 69, Во (zr) Eth пити to you] (с) ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. сог 
X 157 Bo (н,*) тетиз (terina 75 91 133) na ye will see] 43 &с, 
NBL, OL (abefffl) Vg Bo Arm Eth, Or Epiph .. pref ат орт: А &c, 
OL (eq) Syr (gh), Chr Aug "me the heaven] с &c .. the heavens 
Arm Eth — єсожни opened] 43 &c .. plural Syr(g) | avw and 2°] 
(с) &e .. om Bo (,*) azw 39] с ёс (р)... om Bo (BF,* Q) єхах 
upon] с ёо p (109), Во (D измоѕ) Агш..їїсх towards Во Syr 
(gh) Eth 

! aso and 10] (с) ёс Bo (x*).. aNd Xe Bo eio) 
nareoujoari(om 57) fig. the third day] (c) ёс p, BU 69 124 127 
346 al, OL (beq) Eth .. 7; np. ту тр. ЗА ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm, Chr 
Cyr Сайа] с ёс, Arm, cava RAB &c .. kotne Syr (gh) .. add the 
city Syr (g) azw and 29] (c) &c .. om Bo (к," 5) 1€] сёс.. owr 
Lord Jesus Bo (в) 

? жє] 43 ёс, ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) Bo (s*c,!T F” KMNQY) 
Syr є (6) Arm .. and-ae Bo (u) .. and Syr (є) Eth 

3 avw-nexe and-said] (с) &с.. кал varepgo'avros owov Aeye: МА B 

Же, OL (сід) Vg Bo Syr (о, jh) Arm (Eth), Epiph Chr Cyr .. ках 
ошоу ovy euxov оті соутєАєс@з о owos rov yapov era Хєүє5 М, OL (abff), 
Gaud, (el) Syr h ms піс mag of Jesus to him] (c) &c, Bo, том tv 
mpos avr. NAB &e, Syr (h)..avrov пр. а. U 346Ү..тоо й) Epiph.. 
avrov Chr .. ad. esum. OL (a) .. row біакоудіє A* .. his mother to Jesus 
Syr (g) Eth .. the mother to Jesus Arm sxivros-33ax. they-wine | 


тесотеес ереотещ оу маа бар AMATE тасно є. 
5 пехе тєцазлау ниєтотито. хе MET MAO] мити. 
ADA. мети co ac позора поме HH eopar ae- 
aT вата птббо їйї ма. epe rover Tover шоп 
&fefcTpHTHC смау H WOLLT. Тлехе ї NAT. xe 
areo HOTapsa ЖЖ ООЛ. ATW aTeeagoy єоХ epwor. 
 пеха MAT. хе OwQTO TEMOT Termene enap- 
трикАшос. тооз хє этаие. ?°їйтере пархүтүт- 
нАхнос AE топе япезооу єаАЧрири. ao meg- 
сооУН ли. же оусбоХ тон пе. прецотото ae. NTOOT 
ENTATRLED ачлаасот, нєусооун пе. A MAPXITPI- 

єрєотєщ | 43 5775. ереозющ с.. єроуєцу gr &c ажиалс|ээлєтє 
133 озиоз|отинот109 °(с)(р)43 57$759199$ 109133 пет4] 
р 43 57 99 -тєзєцс &е ° (c) (p) 43 57 75 91 Š 99 $ 109 133 
(b) meri] 435799. meren 75 91 109.. teosit 133 ova. | (с) &c 
р b1.. pea. 75 91 Won] 43 57 91 99 .. [ujo]om (c) .. mwne 109 133 
bl..ujom єрос 75 | шоххит| ¢ & bl.. ujossT 57 "(е)/ 43159723 
75 91 $ 99 $ 109 (133) b! эт>. | gea. 75 91 ° (е) 43 57 Š and 
at йтооэ 75 9199 (109) 133 1 apserr. | Bo (cn, E,) .. арҳнт. 75 91 
133, Bo.. ари. (109) ° (c) (р) 43 57 Š at a пар. 75 91 99 
133 (bl $ ёс) топе] с ёс. тон 01 133 рирп| ep. p 
b! ne1?]c43 57 75 99 ..те p 91 133 єптау)| ¢ 43 57 75 -. Йтат 
р 91 &c b! 

(c) ёс, Во... ow. ovy ex. NCAB ёс, OL Vg Arm .. owos ovk eorw N*.. 
wine 18 not to them Syr (gh) Eth .. add fi (el) 

* messe said] (с) ёс... Neyer N* cb ёс, OL (а) Bo (RBz,*Nqr) Syr 
(g).. pref ки N'^ABGKLUXAII al 20, OL Vg Bo Syr (jh) 
Arm Eth, Epiph Cyr Nonn ic] с & A wac to her] 
43 & Bo (A,*) Teco. lit. the woman] (с) &c.. o y. X, 
Bo (ве) Eth .. add фон Arm иззахал with me] (c?) &c..add 
gws Во 

° пехе-отаго(оот 133) said-draw] (с) &с.. Хєүє-бакого МА В 
ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm (Eth) .. pref and Eth .. et advocatis ad se minis- 
tris mater ihm (sic) dixit illis OL (e) 

° со six] p &c..coow OL (b) мє] с &с pbl.. and 
Syr (go) Eth ñwne of stone] с &c pbl, A біс, OL (abeflq) Syr 

JOHN II 5-9 23 

Woman, what wishest thou with me? not yet my hour came. 
5 Said his mother to those who draw (the wine), That which 
he will say to you, do. 6 But there were six waterpots 
of stone put down there, according to the cleansing of the 
Jews, each receiving two or three firkins. " Said Jesus to 
them, Fill the waterpots with water: and they filled them 
up to their mouths. f Said he to them, Draw now, and bring 
to the ruler of the feast : but they, they brought. ? But when 
the ruler of the feast had tasted the water having become 
wine, and he was not knowing whence it was, but the 
drawers, they who filled the water were knowing, the 

(2, Б) Arm (marble), Chr Cyr .. trs before vd. NBLX 33, OL (c) Vg 
ки eopar put down] с &c p b! .. trs кер. after wvd. N¢BLX 33, Eth 
.. after eë А ёс, OL (cq) Vg Syr (gjh), Cyr .. before e$ 69 124, OL 
(1) (Bo), Chr..after eke OL (bf) W* 13 47*v, OL (ae) Arm 
эхєтр.| с ёс. HTP. QI 133 .. злєтретнс bl.. заєтріт. 99, FK LTA 
al, Bo 

7 nexe said] 43 &e 133 .. pref xa. NX, Eth .. et ihs vocitis ad se 
&c, OL (e), et vocatis ?hs &c (ff), et vocavit ihs (Т) ve 43 &6 133075 
add ae Bo (м) эзэхоо with water] с &c 133 .. add up to their 
mouths Eth azw and] e &c 133..йесот ae but they Bo (F) 
єЁоХ epo (o bl)os up (lit. out) to their mouths] 43 57 bl .. eopax ep. 
ир ёс 75 &с 133 .. щатщам wp to the top Bo, ews avo NAB &с, Syr 
(gh) Arm Eth 

8 пехач (eq 43 bl) и. said-them] (с) &c, Bo .. Aeyer ато 33 40, 
OL (ab) Syr (g).. mex. ae bl..o де À. a. 42 122* .. ка: À. a. RAB ёс 
Syr (g 9 h) Arm Eth .. nexe sc nav said Jesus to them (109), Во (в) 
Syr (є II) птети (тєн 75)єгиє and bring] om and Во (кі) 
йт. ae but they] (с) 43 57, NBKLII r зз 118 124 209 al то, OL 
(а) Bo Буг (jh™s) Arm (and they) .. aw and 75 ёс, А ёс, OL Vg 
Syr (gh) Eth, Chr йтоот-кАтиос b! ос дє 
пиєукам X, Syr (g 40*) .. et fecerunt sicut dixit eis ihs (e, #1) .. aurterunt 
et adtulerunt (a) 

9 є(єє от)ВоХ тои whence] (р) ёс bl.. zov Т хіпяхоот the 
water 29] с, то удор ЗАВ ёс .. aroos water 43 &c.. OOS 133.. 
add que vinum factum est OL (e), quia de aqua vinum factum est (1), 
et videntes factum mirabantur (ab) Syr (h*) пар 1 (43 57 99 b! 
.. XH 75 &с)т. 2°] add хє p 99 133 b! 

24 IU 2:AHHHC 

нАшос OTTE emaTIgedeeT. 19 пеха ма. xe 
poste mige EWACHA пири еорах єтнамотус ишорп. 
ало Єуцуаг(0 є wagka пеєтбохб. иток хє анбарсо 
епирп етмамотс Шаорах етемох. “nas пе nujopn 
AACN ENTA IC да OW твана ито ААА. ADD 
хотон ебоХ axmeepeoov. AVIICTETE epog ивлие- 
зэлөнтнс, “€.  замнса им ACEI! сора єкафар- 
насаа. Ито Let тєүөээх» ATW NECICHHT чаи 
нєцөлөнтнс. ATGW Mear  MOCMHODS!  ioooy. 
13 иєцони AE єооун NGWIMAcKA МИТОМ. ATW 
a < бон сора єөзеросоАтзяе л. Тал 06 epoov ose 

патщ. | пи. 75 99 — " (c) (р) (4) 43 57 Š at firok 75 91 99 133 
(1) (cit) magpar] 439 «с bl.. ujaeo. ог Ч 485 51 S 75 OI 99 
(109) 133 b! єнта| 57..fita 43 &c кана] 57..чапа 43 ёс 
1? (р) (32) 43$ 57 $ 75 Р ог Р (97) 99 $ (тоо) 133 Р 42! Р 
€ 75 91 133 Tegar | тз. 99 | поємк.| р &c 97..0m it 32 109 
35 (32) (41) 43 $ 57 15 9197 99 (109) 133 | " (32) (41) 43 57 
15 91 97 99 (109) 133 (421) 

10 пех. said he] с &c p bl, Bo.. pref ка: NAB ёс Syr (gh) Arm 
Eth nag to him] (c) &с p bl.. om N, Arm e(n д) щачка is— 
put] с q 99..єщату ате wont ёс 43 біс b! eopar| (с) ёс bl 
..irs after єтпаноте q 75 99 avw and] сії & Bo (Bret) 
.. ae Во (r) Haka he is wont to put] с.. uy(euy 75)&wka they 
&e cit ёс. щатии(цуатєм) they are wont to bring Во..тотє NCA 
&e, OL (bef) Vg Syr (gjh) Arm, Chr N*BLT 57 67 248 
185°", OL (aefflq) Eth, Or int Gaud ae] сії ёс, NGA 69 124 
472 al 8, OL (abeffflq) Vg elem Bo Syr (gjh) Eth, Or int Сала .. om 
A B &с, (c) Am Fu Bo (r,*) Arm, Chr Суг 

1 ngop the first] 43 &c, Bo, hoc primum signum OL (V), hoc pr. 
signorum Vg edd Syr (о), Epiph .. ryv аруу N біс, Суг.. аруу ABL 
TA 1 33 262, Syr (h) Arm Eth, Or Chron .. add протум after уал. 

№*.. Лос primum fecit initium signorum ihs(f, q) aw and] 43 &c 
109 .. ош Bo (F,* т 18) пєцєоо his glory] 43 ёс 109 .. om avrov 
N* аттистєтє believed] 43 ёс (тод), Bo (А,кімо).. pref ка 

NAB &c, Bo 
om Bo (A*c,*nq) 

" алий. mar after these] 43 ёс, М 124" OL (bfffq) (Bo 1), Chr 

єроч him] 43 &c 109 .. trs after раб. avrov N* .. 

JOHN II 10-14 25 

ruler of the feast called the bridegroom, "° Said he to him, 
Every man is wont to put down the wine which is good 
first; and if they should be drunk, he is wont to put that 
which is defective; but thou, thou keptest the wine which 
is good, even unto now. И This is the first sign which Jesus 
did in the Kana of [the] Galilaia, and he manifested his glory ; 
believed him his disciples. 5. 12 After these (things) he came 
down to Kapharnaum, he and his mother, and his brothers, 
and his disciples; they remained there few days. ' But was 
approaching the Paskha of the Jews, and Jesus went up 
to the Hierosolyma. 1 He found them in the temple selling 

.. pera rovro NAB ёс, Во Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. pref xa. H 245 433, 
Во (мт) Eth, Chr..add ae Во (FL) ager eo. he-down] 43 біс 
roo, Arm cdd ,, add o ts r, Arm eopar down] 43 ёс 109, є&рнї 
Bo.. egoyu in Во (acu) Bo (8,7) каф.| 43 &с (109), 
NBTX, OL Vg Bo, Or Epiph Nonn .. катеру. А ёс, OL (q) Bo (Р), 
Chr Cyr irog he] (32) ёс 109 .. pref їїжєїн© Bo (Км) гло) 
and] 43 57 919 97 {alen 32 99 109 133 Хуо-син» and 
his brothers] 32 ёс (109), ЗА &c, OL (511) Vg Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth, 
Cyr .. om OL (q) Bo (р,*).. om avrov BLT, (ace), Or злії печах. 
aud his dise.] 32 &c 97 (109) .. trs before к. o сб. а. КНЕ 13528 ASS № 74" 89* 234" 245 249 440, OL (abefflq) Syr (g 36) avrov LT, Or азго they remained] 43 57 97 421, 
(Bo ¥,*).. pref ато and p ёс 32 109, МАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm Eth 
атеш] 32 43 57, NB &c, OL Vg Syr (gh) Eth, Cyr Chron .. ёо 
he rem. 15 &c 97 109, AFGH?A al, OL (b) Bo Syrg(5) j Arm, Nonn 
оеи(оп 75 133)к. few] (р) ёс 32 97 109, Syr (g).. ov по^Лаз ЗАВ 
ќе, Syr (h) Arm .. om ov X, Bo (х) 

13 weqoni-10$2a1 but-Jews] (327) &c (41 ?) тод .. om Syr (є 40) 
хе] 43 &с 109, №, Bo (КЕдт”)..кас A B ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth.. 
and-xe Во (р, ,) ппасҳа the Р.| 43 ёс, Bo (AT DA, EFGLPQST 
18) Syr (gh) (Arm) Eth.. mujar the feast Bo (AB™ScG,HKMNY) 
avw-eopas and-up] 32 &c.. ато їс ачвок єораг 109; OL (e) .. ka 
aveBy o is є «ep. GLMU al, OL (bff) Vg clem Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth, Eus 
Chron... a. e. «єр. о is NB ёс, OL (acflq) Аш Syr (gh), Суг..о 
is є ep. i$ А sic .. om o 5 13 69 124 245 346, Aug .. от and Bo (Е,*) 
.. add om again Во (T) өзєрос. the H.) (321) 41 43 57 133 -- 
e:eposc. 75 9r .. eiNiax 109 .. ӨХЄХНЭХ 07 99 421 

4 agge he found] (32) ёс 41 109 42 !, Bo (NB*F,*MP).. pref ка 


перпе e} eoe фол ох ecoow ATW броояепе, ATO 
нєтрапеХүтнс evoseooc. TATW acqrTasee оуааас- 
тику eho oW oemmovg. acprex отон niee choA оз» 
перпе. ATW Песооу dM Regoor. ATW acgnooT chor 
Wioosnrr ийрециноХлтаабон., ATW стору iner- 
трапета. 1 пеха mert еол ннеброоякпе, жє 
ey мах ehoA оз» nerea. азпрезре RIHI аяпаємут 
WHY Rea deupor. J'avpneeceve йибїне  өнтнс. 
хе CHQ. хе пкоо ##пєвнї HaovostT. Ва MIOTAAI 
orwwh пехат масі. хє от AAEN петектслбо 
#%ажо єрос. xe кере има. Pa ҮС отор mesacy 
мату. xe hor ebo mnene. ати Зматотриості 

repre] пр. 75 91 99 133 421 броозхпе] #posxme 97 99 (also 
verse 16) vpanec.] “HZ. 4I..-QrHc 32 ёо 41 ..-GEITHC 43 57. 
-стис gt | | 1 (р) (32) 41 43 57 75 91 (97) 99 (109) (133) (42!) 
пєрпє] np. 32175 91 99 133 421 їїйрєҗ.] ппереч. 75 .. пеиреч. 
133 kovadon] -Махй. 9r..-&om 751 01 трапеза] “JE 43 
1 (р) (32) 41 43 57$75 91 (97) 99 133 (421) qs] 41 &e 97 421.. 
Чех 32 01 паг] 32 75 97 99..йнаї 41 ёс 421 exor] swt 133 
н 20| xer 4r М (32) 41 43 57 $ 75 91 (97) 99 133 421 коө] 
коор 421 aner.) Sink, 99 — 19 (р) 32 41 43$ 57 $ (75) 91$ 
97 99$ 133$ 421 b! metert.] (75) 91 133 42l.. петкт. 32 ёс 
хє к.| 32 &c.. же єк. 99 bl, Во(ГА,).. хє ак. Bo (мм 18) 12 (р) 
(32) 415 43 $ 57 $ 915 97 99 $ (109) 133 42! b! 

МАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh) Arm Eth — ev4—ebod selling] (32) ёс 41 109 
421 .. qui vendebant et emebant OL (e) .. that they sell Arm ex and | 
(321) &с (41 1) g1* (109) .. ато and 43 57 016 421 .. кота про). к. Boas 
N*, oves et boves OL (afq) Буг (є 10) .. пр. к.т. B. Cyr метрам. the 
bankers] 41 &c 109 421, rovs кериатиттаз A В &с, Bo .. om the Во (м) 

З ато and 19] 32 &e тод 97, Bo (FMT) ато- 
ачиє(н 91) and—cast &c] 32 &с 97 109 (avt. 421), Bo .. ки тоша 
zavras Ne &e, Syr (h) .. €rouja ev-kat таутас 54" .. et fecit-et omnes OL 
(abefflq) Syr (g) (Arm Eth) ssxactiv® | 32 бо 97 (100) (133) 
421.. фраудмоу МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh).. Pref as GLX т 22 33 al, 
OL (abefffq) Vg Syr (j hme), Cyr oem, cords] 32 40 133 42! .. 
ми. the cords 91 .. oyowwov 33 71 al, OL (ffq) Syr (gh) Eth ATO 
яєс, and-sheep] 32 &c (1097) 133 421, та те пр. АВ ёс, Во Eth.. 

JOHN II 15-19 27 

oxen and sheep and doves, and the bankers sitting. 15 And 
he made a scowrge out of cords, he cast all out of the temple, 
and the sheep and the oxen, and he poured out the money of the 
changers, and he overturned their tables. 18 Said he to those 
who sold the doves, Take away these out of this place; make 
not the house of my Father (a) house of place of merchandise. 
™ Remembered his disciples, that it is written, The zeal of 
thy house will eat me. 2% The Jews answered, said they 
to him, What sign is it which thou showest to us, that thou 
doest these (things)? 1° Jesus answered, said he to them, Over- 
throw this temple, and I shall raise it (up) in three days. 

та пр. 33", OL (aelq) Arm ..trs oven-sheep Syr є (3) iteo. the 
oxen] 32 &c (97) 109 42!.. add iesus OL (e) .. add vendentes (q), quz 
vobes et oves vindebant (e) .. waruec.—iarueo, Do (pA, EJ0$) .. add and 
the changers Syr (5) azw and 39] 32 &c 97 (109) 42! .. om Bo 
(n, Ex,*7) .. пела with Во (м) it (xe 75 109 .. tert 133) созаї (om 
133)т lit. the brass (plural)] 32 ёс 97 421, position G г 118 209 al 
.. та кериала BL TX 33, OL (bq) Во Arm, Or Eus.. o к. ЗА ёс, 
OL Vg, Nonn .. om 57" 

6 wea. said he] (р) ёс 32 97 421, Bo (Е(т).. pref ках МАВ ёс, 
(Bo) Syr (є, s) Arm (Eth) запр (єр 42 Ї)єгрє make not] 32 &c (97) 
421, NB ёс, OL (cf) Am Bo, Or .. pref к, AU X т бо 124 157 al 25, 
OL (abefflq) Vg elem Bo (г) Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth Cyr J Cyr 

М атр(єр 75 421)п. remembered] 32 ёс, NBLTX, Bo, Eus .. 
add де À ёс, OL (c) Vg Syr (h), 8e ки M... pref кал OL (e, 14) Bo 
(г) Syr (gj) Eth, Epiph .. pref rore Or, OL (а) Arm .. when these he 
did, remembered his disc. Syr (s) megar. his disc.] 32 &c (97) .. от 
avTov 33 настозаї(заєт 75 .. зайт 32 57 133) will eat me | qıta. 
Bo (A*BcG,HKNPQS) Arm .. катафауета, NAB ёс, Cyr .. катєфаує 69 
al, Bo (ац, nerag) Syr (gsh) Arm cdd Eth, Eus Epiph Chr 

18 а пот. пач | say to him the Jews Syr (s) пот. the Jews] 
32 75 91 97 99" 133, 3 33 69 126 346 382 474 497, OL (bl) Bo 
Syr (j) Arm .. add ве therefore 41 43 57 999 42101, RAB ёс, Syr (В), 
Or..add дє 239, Syr (g)..twne resp. (f) iudæi resp. (e) Eth 
nex. said they] 32 ёс 75 .. saying Bo (в) нач to him] 32 &6 75 Bo (в) залом to us] 32 &c .. om L, Eth 

9 зе] р ёо 32 `. our Lord Syr (s) QON overthrow] р &c 32 .. 
АриадеХ I shall ёс Ро (м) — &imes(ns 43). this] р ёс 32 .. -ep 42! 
bl.. anp. 43... ош Syr (ғ) azw апі | 32 & 109 .. om Bo (NF). 


їй өт goor. Опеха» ибицотьм. we avp- 
оляєтасє ировапе ETROT азпегриє. ATWO NTOR RNA- 
тотиос{ ищожит нооо», ито Ae месо 
язезос єтбє перпе аяпескяях. 77 итеретооти 
Ge «ХА ом мстаасотт эрэ сстє бие - 
&f4OHTHC. BE паї пєнеєүхо» аваас, ATW атпіс- 
тете етесрафи ж ү поумхє ENTA FE оос. 
23 єєүцооп AE орм он OAH ganya NMAC. 
хузанниіє MICTETE  єпецрам. єунх» | євваямєми 
ємецегре жже ооу. “ито хє ас меЧтамостт 
HOF A из аах, eThexe имєцсоотн потом mier. 
5 муо мєтрур ам. хєнас epe ova perpe 

2 32 41 43 515 91 (97) 99 $ (100) (133) 421 b1 asp] атер 42! 
?! (с) 32 41 43 57 $ 91 99 109 133 421 b! меж] (с) єс (41) .. nga. 
43 пєрпє] пр. 91 99 109 133 | " (c) (р) 32 41 43 57 Š 91 99 
(109) 133 42! b! prar. | єрпээ, 42! extra] tira 91 99 133 42! b! 
2 (р) (32) 41 $ 43 $57 $91 $ (978) 99 $ (199) 133 $ ерах| om 32 
от | e 109 esr. | эхээ, 91 .. enj. 57 | ?* 26 32 41 43 57 Š 91 97 
99 (109) 133 am] 26 41 43 57 97..trs after нэ. 32 От 90 
109 133 ° (©) 26 32 (41) 43 57 Š аб йтос от (97) 99 133 (fr) 
иер] 32 91 97 133 .. мар 41 43 57 99 .. inteq 26 р] 26 32 
9t 97 99 133 .. Х рез» 41 43 57 

add amon Гр, Бо(вГер„от) Syr (о) nujoaxir(axT 57 bl) по. ш- 
days] p &c 32 109, №, OL (ac) Syr (gs) Arm.. ev тр. 1. AB ёс, Bo 
Syr (h) Eth azw and] 32 &c 109 .. om Bo (км) 

20 nex. said they | 32 99 109 133, Во Syr (gs) Arm .. add mag to 
him 97, M. 12 33, Syr (gsj) Arm Eth .. add ве therefore 41 43 57 91 
42] bl, RAB ёс, Syr (h).. add autem OL (а) .. pref et iud. (e) Eth 
тота. the J.] Во (AcA,rm,*c,uwoq).. add to him Bo (в ёс) 
замеїр(єр 421). this 5.) 32 ёс (97).. amp. 57 .. 3xnp. the t. 133 
..emepme| the і. 109 ато and] 32 ёо тод 133..0m Bo (rw) 
киат. thou-it] 32 &c 133 .. єуєрєс T* 47° al, OL (be) Syr (s) Arm 
ищозам (om 57)7 пе. in-days] 32 &e 109, N, OL (ac) Syr (gs) Arm 
.. си трі. 7. АВ &с, Syr (h) Eth 

7 язпєчсоял of his body] 32 &c .. om avrov N 47 63 
253 477 

JOHN II 20-25 29 

? Said they, the Jews, They spent forty-six years building 
this temple, and thou, thou wilt raise it (up) in three days. 
21 But he, he was speaking concerning the temple of his 
body. ?? When he had risen therefore out of those who are 
dead, remembered his disciples, that this he was saying; and 
they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus said. 
23 But as he is being in Jerusalem in the feast of the Paskha, 
many believed his name, seeing the signs which he was doing. 
24 But he, Jesus, was not trusting himself to them, because 
that he was knowing all. 29 And he was not needing, that 

? ge therefore] (327) ёс roo, NAB &c .. «є 41 99 лепехи 
эж. lit. that which he was saying] 32 4с, МАВ ёс, OL Vg Во Syr 
(jh) Arm Eth, Cyr .. add avros КП al «oor said] p &e 109.. 
add алто; 69 346 al 

23 Xel p &e 32 97 109, Syr (h) Bo (RE, T).. add Jesus Syr 
(с) Eth .. and Syr (s) Arm Eth eiN (хє 97 99 тод изя] р ёс 
32 (97) 109 .. rois «epos. ЗАВ .. om то al озх(ах 43 57 01 109 
133)nuga ях. in-Paskha] (р) &с 32 (97) 109, în die festo pasche OL 
(elq) Bo Eth .. ev то т. ev. (om B, Armedd) ту єорту NAB &с, Syr (gh) 
Arm, in pascha in die festo OL (a, cff) Ус... in diem festum pasche (b) 
(Syr s) .. in die festo (f) avar. many] р &c (32) 97 (109) .. pref and 
Syr (є 40, 8) eneqp. his name] (р) ёс 32 97 (109), NAB ёс, 
Syr (h) Eth .. om avrov M 1 22 108 гоо al, OL (abefl) .. him Bo (М) 
Syr (g) ..our Lord Syr (s) єнєцєїрє which-doing] 32 &e 97 .. 
which he is doing Во (Tr) 33310057 | 32 &c 97 109 .. add in eos qui 
infirmi erant OL (e) .. add to them Syr (8) 

^ є) 26 &c 109..0m Bo (кх).. сар Bo (D4, EJ0s) xc] 26 біс 
109 T 477*, OL (e) Во (m).. our Lord Syr (s) steep (megar 
26)ranoovr was trusting] 26 &c (109) .. ertorevcev A al, OL (b), Or 
изо himself] 26 ёс 109 .. om Did ethexe because that] 26 &c 
109..0m ethe 97, Bo (в) .. om же Bo (1) єтбє-итаа | om Syr ($) 
пече. he was knowing] 32 &c (тод 7), Во Syr (g 9) Eth .. add пто 26, 
Во (в) OL (сеї!) Syr (gh) Arm .. ro avrov ywockev AB &c .. то yw. 
N озон miar all] 32 &c, Во, zavras NAB ёс, Syr (g) .. ооё sus 
all things 26 91 97 99 109 133, ravra EFGH 13 69 127 229" 346 
al, OL (1) Arm, Cyr 

25 ато апі] 32 &e 41 97, AT, Bo Syr (с) Eth .. kar от, NB &6, 
Syr (h) Arm 


erbe прочяе. ито бар нєцсоо»н. хє оу гпетоз» 

ПІ. c. мети оуроеее ae chord ом мефаргсалос. 
епераи пе мікоднягос. ETAPN WI їїшохах пе. 
2 пах ac[er Wapo йтєуцун. пеха macy. хе gpahher 
THCOOTH хе HTK оус^о. ємнєх єбоћ ота» muove. 
ээлэлт WSO TAP HWAAAT єр пееле. ETREIPE ток 
язевооу. сазнт: €pe пиоттє woon MALAY. aq- 
orwwh Поліс пехас мас. хе олеени оляени $xw 
3 л л ос MARK. SE ETTALAME OTA мнесоп MAN (5049 45- 
AAOF ENAT етае\үтеүо MIIMOTTE. ‘пехе шон ос 
MAC. хе паці по є сеппе npweee пкесоп exe[po AAO. 

neroxx | ne єтоях 32 

* (e) (+) 26 32 $ 41 $ 43 8 57 $ 91 Р (97) 99 $ 133 P 46! (fr) 
€ 91 133 neri] 26 &c..meven fr..meovit 41 99 133 фар:- 
(a 99)с. | фаркс. 26 91 133 461 -хнэхос| - 5310€ 133 461 ne] 
om p 46! * (c) (р) (4) (а) 26 (32) 41 43 57 91 (97) 99 (109) 133 
46! (fr) тис.] Tenc. р xe RTR] хитн 01133 mat] € 43 57 <. 
элїї 41 80109 up.]c426435799..6.41 &c 109 ep] єєр 46! 
ETR] 4 бе 32.. ETEK 91 109 133 46! їїток] trs before етк. 4 .. trs 
after moor 26 ппоттє| muove 46! masay] -ogor ? (c) 
(4) а 26 (32) 41 $ 43 57 $ 91 97 $ 99 $ 109 133 461 огаани 10] 
aunta ETTI] -Tea 109 mai] 26 43 57.. ax 4 бо wos] 
а 43 57 91 97 ..€. 4 &c -vepo] -трро от 109 133 * (6) (p) (4) 
а 26 (32) 41$ 43 Š 57$ 91 $ (97 $) (98) (99) тод 133 461 шкох| 
-©>. 91 109 -AHax.] -avar. 133 46! 

mpoaxe the man 1°] 26 (411) 99 (fr 1), МАВ ёс, Syr (В).. posse 
man 43 57, om rov Or, Arm .. ethunty concerning him 32 91 (97) 
133 .. all men Бух (g)..the deed of a man Syr (s) OT-TIPWare 
what-the man] 26 & (41) (971) (fr?) ..the heart in man what it із 
Syr (s).. man Eth 

* mesit-ae but-man] 26 &e, qv de avd. NAB &e .. but there was 
there one man Буг (g) .. but-man one Syr g (4) ..от man Syr (h).. 
om one Буг (s)..and there was man one Arm..and-one man Eth 
ae] апад Syr (s) єпєср. xe his-being] 26 &c (fr) .. his name 
was Syr (gs) Eth... отора avro NC? &c, Syr (h) Arm .. оуорати УТ, 
OL (9641). qu? vocabatur OL (e) €v(eov 57)apXxon-ne being 

JOHN .III 1-4 31 

(any) one should bear witness concerning the man; for he, 
he was knowing what is in the man. 

ПІ. 6. But there was a man out of the Pharisees, his name 
being Nikodémos, being a ruler of the Jews. * This (man) 
eame unto him by night; said he to him, Hrabbei, we know 
that thou art a teacher who camest from God; for it is not 
possible for any to do these signs which thou indeed doest except 
God is being with him. ?Jesus answered, said he to him, 
Verily, verily, Y say to thee, Unless (any) one is regenerated, 
itis not possible for him to see the kingdom of God. * Said 
Nikodemos to him, How will the man be regenerated having 

a ruler] (c) ёс (p) 97 (fr) .. apxov ЗАВ ёс, Буг (g) Arm Eth .. and 
this man was a ruler Syr (s) 

2 mar this] 26 ёс (fr), RA B ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. om Syr (s).. 
amd he Arm ш(єш 43)apoy unto him] (р) ёс (fr), RABKLS 
TUVAATI al, OL (belq) Am Syr (h) Arm, Chr Cyr.. zpos т. Б 
ёс, OL (aef) Vged Bo Syr (gj) Eth .. to our Lord Syr (s)  итезщи 
lit. of the night] p &c.. trs before трос $3, OL (1) nex. said he] р 
&e (fr), Bo (NFQ).. pref ka NAB ёс, Во ма to him] р ёс (fr).. 
om Do (0) өрг єг| р ёс (frt), ВАВЕЕНГЛ .. pog. С ёс 
єакєх who camest] (32) &c (fr) Syr (Б) Arm Eth .. who wast sent Буг 
(g) .. who wast sent to us Syr (s) .. еачет who сате 26 nun WG. 
it-possible] с ёс, NABLT зз al, OL Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth, Or.. 
trs after сти. Г ёс, Syr (В), Суг Сар] 26 ёс 109, АВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (gh) 133, Во (F,*@v).. ка ovd. №, OL (е)..а24-сар Во 
(Г) .. because Syr (s) sena, these signs] с &c (32) 109, ЗАВ ёс 
.. 3331acin the signs 4 єтк-3хэхоол (ayr 91) which-doest] а 
& I езлънтї(4 &C a 41 43 57 97 .. € 91 99 133 461 .. e 109)] 
add ота one 4 woon being] (c) &c 26..0ш а, L 239 470*.. 
unless it ts he whom God із with Syr (gs) 

3 aeos. пис ans. Jesus] 26, МАВ ёс, Во Syr (g)..a 1€ o. 
Jesus ans, 4 &c..pref әз and or 97 99 109 133, Eth..xe Bo 
(acDEFH NS) Syr (g 36) .. saith to him our Lord Syr (s) пех. 
п. said-him] 4 &e, Во.. ош W*..eepso Maroc saying 97 .. pref ка 
‘АВ ёс, Bo (м om to him) йкєсоп lit. another time] (с) біс 
4, Во Arm Eth .. natus—denuo OL (cfl), renatus-denuo (abeq) Үс. 
ауобе, SAB ёс, Syr (В), from the beginning Syr (gs) exa to 
see] 4 &c .. є«сєАбєи eis Т, Bo (se) Armed 

t nexe said] 4 &c (32) 97 99 .. pref and Eth nay to him] (р) 


зан OTH TOL ROJ EWR соотун eomre итеє хал 
HECO исехпосү. 5 аолгомц6 HGNC, хе олени 
QaseHi xw ROC ман, хе єутавхпє ova eboÀ ow 
сетяямтеро яяпмоуте. бпентаухпос ehor ом тсарт 
ovcapz пе. ато NentTaranmoy ehoA оя nenia 
ovna пе. "яєпрридтирє хе агхоос MAR. хе QANC 
єтрєэхпєтнэти икесоп. era ме emea єтеү- 
хе питает TOM ATW еиа ETON. TAY TE өс ПОТОМ 

Won] а 43 57 91 97.. ош uy р &¢ arog chwr] а 41 43 91 
461 .. 3x. etpeghwr р ёс (4) 26 (971), Во (схту)  freqasaas] 
ал эхэл 461 ° (c) а (26) (32) 41 Š 43 Š 57 Š 91 (97 Š) (98) 109 
13354615 їе | eno: 98 maroc] esr. 98 man] 57 401. зэлса 
ёс uj.]a97..omup 41 &с -тєро| -трро 26 91 109 133 * (с) 
(р) а (26) (32) 41 43 57 $ 91 (97) (109) 133 4615 ment. 29] пит, 
461 |i 7 (р) 26 a 4r 43 57 $ 9т $ 133 461 | | * (р) (26) а (32) 41 
43 Š 575 at АМ 91(109) 133 (461) ие] -ве 91 133 461 єтч.| 
ETEY. 01133 отацуд| -ощії 91 133 xe пт. | 26 &c 32 .. жи QI.. 
xe EMT. ді Twit] єт. 91 equa] eqitita 32 

&c 4 32 97 99..0m Во (Хм) |  йкєсок lit. another time] р &c 4 32 
97 99, Bo Eth, avoĝev Н 28, denuo renasci OL (e), renasci (aq) .. om 
NAB ёс єачро. having-old] р ёс 97 (99?) .. аро. he became 
old (32) 109 пкесоп another time] (4 ?) &c (32) (97) .. 8evrepov 
МАВ &e..again-two times Syr (gh) again Syr (g9).. 
again—and anew Syr (s) .. and be born again Eth — (ex 98) cexnoq 
lit. and they beget him] а ёс 32 97, ко уву. № &c .. et renasci OL 
(аей 140) | 
5 ад (ош ag 109) oxwuyh(F 98) answered] а ёс 26 32 97 .. pref 
and Eth йез© Jesus] а &c 26 97 98, ЗА ёс, Syr (h) .. add nexaq 
said he 461, Ме OL (f) Syr (j) ..add ка erev avro KLMII al, OL 
(m) Syr (gh™s) Eth ..add and said he Bo (ABcG,HLUMNPQ) Arm .. 
add said he to him Во (FD A,EF2KOsTV 26).. saith to him our Lord 
Syr (s) gannan 29] а ёс (26) 32 97 98..0m A al пәк to 
thee] а ёс 97 98... мили to you 461 єутаххилє lit. unless they 
beget] (c) (26) 97 98, МАВ ёс, natus fuerit OL (1) .. renatus. fuerit 
OLVg ота опе] с &c 26 97 98, МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gsh) (Eth) .. a 

ТОНХ ПІ 5-8 33 

become old? Is it possible for him to go into the womb of 
his mother another time, and be born (sxmocy)? 5 Answered 
Jesus, Verily, verilj, Y say to thee, Unless (any) one is 
begotten out of [a] water and [a] spirit, it is not possible 
for him to come into the kingdom of God. That which was 
begotten out of the flesh is [a] flesh, and that which was 
begotten out of the spirit is [a] spirit. 7 Wonder not because 
I said to thee, It is necessary for you to be regenerated. 
$ The spirit bloweth to the place which it wisheth, and thou 
hearest its voice, but (a) thou knowest not whence it came, 
and whither it is going; thus is every one who was begotten 

man Po (NAL) оуина а вр. | (c) «е (26) (07) 98, Syr (gh) Arm 
..add sancto OL (affm) Vged Eth .. trs before và. Syr (s) єєх eo. 
to come into] а ёс 26 97, Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. dew N*M, Bo (v) 
ann. of God] а ёс 26 (32 1) (97), МАВ &c, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) 
Arm Eth, Сур Nyss Суг.. т. ovpavov W* 472 26*Y al, OL (em), Just 
Docet Hom elem Тү Const Eus Tert 

Š nemras. that which] (c) ёс (261) 97 ..for that & Arm Eth 
ove, ne is flesh] (c) (р) ёс 26 (32?) (97 1) тоо, Syr (gsh).. add от: ex т. 
capkos eyevvnOn 161*, OL (abefflq*) Syr (c), Tert Amb ати 
and] р ёс 26 (32), Bo Syr (ges) Arm Во (АвсЕ,*У) ọm] 
p ёс 26 .. oit 26 43 .. өгтэх QI nem, the sp.] (р) &c 26 .. om the 
Во (ғ) Arm отп. пе is a spirit] (c?) &ер 26 .. add because God 
із а living spirit Syr (s) .. add оті ex rov пу. eor 161*, quia (quoniam) 
deus spiritus est et de (ex) deo natus est OL (aeffm) Syr (c), Tert 

(Cyr Hil) Amb 
7 np. wonder not] (p) &c..pref xav 69 440", Syr (cs)..add 
dinar at this 26 а мак to thee] 26 &c .. £o you Bo (т) нак- 

ea(o 91 133)ис бо thee-nec.] р &c.. om Syr (s) тнути you] (р) 
&e..npas 69 118 al пкес. lit. another time] p ёс, Arm Eth.. 
avo0cv RAB ёс, Syr (ch) .. from beginning Syr (g) .. om Syr (s) 

° пеп. the spirit] p &c 26 461.. add aren Во (B°) .. add сар Во (м) 
Arm Eth avw-carH and-voice| 26 ёс, Syr (gs) 461.. от 
and Syr (g 9) .. and-voice only Syr (c) adda] 26 &c (32) .. and 
Eth azw and 2°] а 32 133, NB ёс, OL (ес!) Am Fu Bo Syr (gh) 
Eth, Ath Epiph Nyss Chr Cyr Hil..& or 41 43 57 91 461, А 472, 
OL (abcfffq) Vg Syr (jh ще) Arm, Rebapt Amb.. пог Syr(cs) | fos. 
п. every one] 26 ёс 32, Syr (gch) .. they Syr (s) 

H.S.G. IH D 


me Єєнтхлхпосү ehoA os» пепих. 8A шкооня ос 
ovotub HESA MAY. хе NAW пое ерещ пах плщцопе, 
Wa se owoujb пехас Nay. хе йтон пе пса? 35- 
ПІНА. ATW mnCcoovW AM durar онц OrLeHit 
"auo meoc MAK. жє петисооуУнН Meo петихо 
A80. ATW пєтина» epog петиразмтре ажосу. 
ATW тєтиах ан мтєеєнаєнтаєттрє. 1° епухе AXW 
инти пинэхпнао. ATW итетигистехе AN. Naw Hoe 
єєхгэлхоэ EPWTH пматие тетидпїстезе. 13 ATW aste 
Ахал бов eopar erne exaeHTy пемтацех єбоА ow 
THe. пшнре апроче. 'FaATW KATA OC ENTA 
яеоууснс SICE RHO ON тернаоос. TAI те өс ETOT- 
иххест пщире eempweee. 15 хенас OVOM MIRE ET- 
тнстєує. epog. ецено ма epar понт Morong 

єнта»| а ёс 32..їїт. QI 109 133 461 9 (26) а 5 (32 AF 425 
57 $ 91 (109) 133 $ инкон. | ruo. 133 (р) (26) 32:41 
43$ 515 915 109133 же пт.] хит. отп " (р) (26) (32) 41 $43 Š 
57 $ 91 109 133 $ neri. | neren. 109 three times рая.| epar. 109 
Tema. | тияк. QI 133 1? (4) 26 (32) 41 43 $ 57 $ 91 $ тод 
133 fimamkag] om й 133 тєтпа] 26 41 43 57..тетима 41 ёс 
? (р) (4) 26 32 41 43 57 9198 (109) 133 erants] -X 98 .. -тез от 
109 133 и (р) (4) 26 (32) 41 43 57 $91 $(109) 133 5 emra] 
4 41 57.48та (р) ёс 32 109 Roy] 4 26..3xnooq 41 &c 109 
® (4) (26) 41 43 57 91 98 (109) 133 9pex] eo. 4 понт] (26) ёс 
109..emg. 98 Поу. | спот. 98 

єй. exz(orrsx 91 133) nen. out of (from) the sp.] а &с.. єк rov vd. 
к. T. ту. Ñ, OL (abeffm) Syr (с, s om ex 2°), Hil (add sancto) 

° am. от. N. answered] (26) ёс (32 1) (109 ?).. add ae (Bo Q).. 
saith to him N. Syr (з) .. pref and Eth nex. said he] 26 ёс 32, 
Bo (BTFLMPQV) .. pref ки Ñ ёс, Bo nag to him] 26 ёс 32 .. om 
Во (и) . пал this] а ёс, Syr (es) Eth .. for this Arm .. mas these 109 
133, МАВ ёс, Syr (gh) 

9 азот, Jesus ans.] 26 &c.. om Т.. saith to him our Lord Syr (s) 
.. pref and Eth rex. said he] (267) &c, Bo (8T z,* PQT 26).. pref 
ки NAB ёс, Во azw and] p & Bo (ГЕ,*) цал these] p 
&c .. this Arm Eth 

™ gannin 29] (p) ёс 32 .. om L*, Syr (s) arw and 1°] 26 ёс 

JOHN ПІ 9-15 35 

out of the spirit. 3 Nikodémos answered, said he to him, 
How will this be able to become? 1° Jesus answered, said 
he to him, Thou art the teacher of [the] Israel, and knowest not 
these (things). 1" Verily, verily, I say to thee, That which we 
know (is) that which we say, and to that which we see we bear 
witness, and ye take not our witness. 1 [f І said to you the 
(things) of the earth, and ye believe not, how if I am about 
to say to you the (things) of the heaven, will ye believe? 
13 And no one went up to the heaven, except him who came 
out of the heaven, the Son of the man. И And according as 
Moyses exalted the serpent in the desert, thus will be exalted 
the Son of the man. 15 That every опе who believeth him should 

a2 mom BO (E) лєтинау that-see] 26 ёс (32), Буг (cs).. 
єоракадєу ЗАВ &с, Syr (gh) Arm Eth avw and 2°] 26 ёс 32 .. 
but Eth 

12 єпухє if] 26 “е 32.. pref indeed. then Arm..pref and Eth 
azw and] (4) ёо 32, Syr (gh).. om 13 69 124, Bo Eth йтєтїїп. 
ait ye-not] 4 &c 32, Syr (gcsh) (Arm) Eth.. ovk єтиотємтотє ЕН 22 
239 382 440 al то, Во Syr (j), Epiph Aug п(пя 91)oe how] 
4 &c .. add дє S.. and how then Eth eermmaxw if-say | 4 .. esuyamso 
if I should say 26 ёс єрөтїї to you] 41 43 57 .. инти £o you 4 
&c 26 32.. 0m EH al 9, OL (aeff) Arm 

13 это and] 4 ёо 26 98 тоо, Syr (gsh).. om Bo (ке,"т) Syr (c) 
тщ. aan. the-man] (4) &c .. om Во (,*) .. the Son of man Arm .. Son 
of man Armcdd жхпролае of the man] 4 ёс roo, NBLT 33, Bo 
(BA,*r,*G,3,* МРОТ 26) Syr є (2) ..add o ov (om А" 44® .. qué erat 
OL e Syr g 14c, Zen) ev то ovp. (єк т. o. Зо 88 Syr s) А ёс, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (jh) Arm (Eth) Hipp Dion#lex Did Epiph Chr Novat Hil 
Leif Jac пів 

14 avo and] (p) ёс 4 109.. om Bo (І, 26) erosmaxec lit. 
which they will exalt] 4, Syr (g) (Eth).. ga(o 91 133)n€ єтрєзхєсї 
it is necessary for them to exalt (p) ёс тоо, Bo Syr (es), дє vywðyvar 
А 26ev, OL (a), Leif.. vy. da NB ёс, Syr (Б) Arm .. trs де after 
ауд. 33 

15 єроср him] 4 &c 26 тод, Bo .. es avrov Ñ ёс, OL (abefq) 
Усе, Chr Cyr Lceif..ez avrov A..ev avro ВТ, OL (cgl) Am Fu 
Syr (gesh) Eth .. er avro 45°v* Syr (с то) .. through him 
Syr (g 9) єц(у 4, Bo Q)eso mag lit. should put for him] (4) &c 
109 .. єкт (є) NBLT r 22 33 118 124 161 209, OL (af) Bo Syr (cj) 

D 2 


Wa eneco. тэ бар те OE ENTA пиоутс seepe 
пиносекос, оосте пеиинре пеЧшире ноот ag- 
таа тєвас отом MIA ЄТПІСТЄУЄ epog. merge 
єбоА. АХХАА eqjest Wovono ища emeo. 17 та 
пиотте сар тимеу пеццунрє ам єпнос ос. хе 
еекруме азпносагос. AAAA xeRac epe пносагос 
озхэх eĝo огтоотү,. 13 петшетехе epog. Wcewx- 
крите яза сү ам. пєтєйүшстєує хе ам. нан 
^тириме Kaeo], хе жеєпсүпїстєзе епраи аєпщирє 
поуот MTE пиоуте. 19 TAY те TERPICIC. хе м MOTO- 
enovyoent, мере нетобнтує сар оооу пе. 20 оуон 
CAP иг ETEIPE йзепсөоот, Цаяосте MOTOC. ATW 
азесүез WA позоези. хєвас Wirevame weepobnuse хе 
седооу. > петєре ито Nraee. ще Wa потоєти. 

7 (4) 41 § 43 $ 57 91$ (98 $) 133 eura] йта 43 133 осте] 
-a€ 91 98 пиєч-єче| птох-исе Во (Q) єчехі| етехгот muya] 
43 57..ща 41 біс 1" (р) 41 43 $ 57 $ 91 133 $ (fr) an] trs 
alter сар 9r 133  тинєт| -neer 41 18 (e) (41) 43 57 91 (109) 
133 (fr)  псєна| 43 & й дт аукр.] 43 & ат 91 xe 
зап. | є &c 109... xxxi. от -ахптист.] є 43 57 .. -ààneqn. oI (109) 
133 (p) $ 43 57 $ 91 $ (109) 133 $(й) прото є] є - єролє 
є 91 109.. єротє 43 бс | 29 (р $) (є) 43 Š 57 Š and at ати» 91 (109) 
133 Ranee.) (р) &c (417). anneo. 109 xenac й] хи 9r 133 
" 43 57 91 (109) 133 

(Arm) Ethro, Cyr Nonn Сур Leif.. pref ил) aro\qrar аа А ёс, OL 
(beeffglq) Vg Bo (26) Syr (gsh) Arm «1 Е{һрр, Chr Thdt nos. 
а life] 4 ёс тод, Во (Грд,коморОвт).. the life Bo 

б пєч(л 98)щ. печ. ü(em 98)отот his-Son] 41 ёс дте.. 
NEG WHPE печпуротоут 91*.. rov viov rov povoyerg WB .. т. v. avrov 
т. povoyevn (qv 13 346 382) NCA ёс, OL Vg... his Son the only Syr 
(gch) Arm .. his Son his only Syr (s) Eth ayr. he gave] 41 ёс 98, 
єдокєу N &с, Syr g (ch). . mitteret OL (ff) Syr (s), mitt. in hune mundum 
(e) epog him] 41 &е, Bo.. es avrov NAB &c.. єт avrov Т.. ex 
avro him Буг (gcsh) 47 У пиєц-аМ. should- 
but | 41 ёс, Syr (gh, s) .. om Syr (с) озон а life] 41 &с.. попу 
the life Bo (гд, зо) 

JOHN ПІ 16-21 37 

have in himself a life for ever. 19 For thus God loved the 
world, so that his Son, his only Son he gave, that every one 
who believeth him should not perish, but (а) should take 
a life eternal. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world, 
that he should judge the world, but (a) that the world 
should be saved through him. 18 He who believeth him will 
not be judged ; but he who believeth not, already was judged, 
because he believed not the name of the only Son of God. 
19This is the judgement, that the light came into the world, 
and the men loved the darkness more than the light, for their 
works were being evil. 20 For every one who doeth the evil 
hateth the light, and is not wont to come unto the light, that 
should not be convicted his works that they are evil. ?! He 

7 перцу. his Son] р ёс 57°, А ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (ges) Arm Eth, 
Chr Tert Leif avrov NBLT т 22 118 209 262, Victorin 
Fulg .. цунрє (without prefix) 57" єтїн. to the world] (р) ёс... 
om Syr (s) ovxa: saved] 41 ёс, собу ЗАВ &с.. live Syr (ges) 
Eth .. redeemed Syr (h) Arm eh. o. through him] 41 &e (fr), Syr 

gh) Arm Eth .. in him Syr (cs) 

18 wern. he who Р.) (41) &c.. pref propter hoc OL (а), ideo (a), 
Leif epog him] 43 ёс fr.. es avrov МАВ &c.. є. т. viov A al’, 
Chr Cyr пете (ош 91 133) йеп. he-not] 43 &c (fr) .. add in him 
Syr (s) Arm Eth HaH-aissog lit. already they judged him] 43 
&c (fr) .. із guilty Syr (c) .. is judged Syr (s) хїщ.—пи. the-God | 
(e) & (fr), Syr (gh) Arm .. the Son of God the only Syr (с) Eth .. the 
Son the approved. Syr (s) 

19 тау this] є 109, Bo (a1*) Syr g(2)s.. add ae 43 ёс, МАВ ёс, 
Во Syr (gch).. and this indeed Arm .. and this Eth a пр(пєр є 
109) waze ax. the men loved] є ёс, №, Bo .. the world the more loved Syr 
(c) .. the world loved Syr (s) .. trs ууат. ог а. АВ ёс, Arm Eth 
(preferred) пооуо єпот. more than the l] є ёс, N, Or Cyr.. 
poÀXov то ckoros 1 AB &c..trs p. before ту. OL (c), Cyp .. trs p. 
before ог av. 1 118 209 al 

39) кар] р ёс (є) 109.. 0m E, OL (a), Leif... de Chr iner- 
оёнтє that-works] р &c (109)... that there be not reproof to his works 
Syr (o) .. that his works be not seen Syr (s) 

? пєтєғрє he who doeth] от (109) 133, Ро (BQ) .. add ae 43 57, 
МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gch).. pref and Syr (з) 


senac epe иецобихе отамо ebo. хє йтаүлэ» 
оз» пиоэте. X. 2 agiliica Мах дүе Ибис «ет meg- 
A*tAOHTHC CIRA? HfoTaAara, ATO Weepyaseoa y Waeeeay 
ne eqhantize. мере пнефохииие ae Bante 
ом aimon garh caXesae. хе NETH QAO азоосу ояе 
пасм ETRFRLAT. ATW NWETNHT пе evoxibamnmiceea. 
24 wes eTIA TOU MOD XE TAP пе HIWOANMHC ermeujreno. 
25 аУТНТНС Ge wone сво QW амөлөнтнс diüQ- 
gamine seit duovaar erbe то. aver ша 
JOQAMMHC. пехал масі, se opabbes пн eresecqujoor 
Narcan ONICRpO AEHIOpaaANHC. паг итон єнтанр- 
захтреє apo. exc оннтє то eqbarmice aso ср 
оло ARMRAOHTHC. ATW OTON мая мну єрата. 

? 43 № 57 $ 91 № (тоо Р) (114) 133 Р x 579 91 133 зотъма] 
-3€à 133, Во * (р) 43 57 91 (тоо) (тод) (114 $ аб as) 133 
gat] саотни 114 пєзїї] 57 91..пєозї 43 114 133.. мере р 
33310075] р &c.. marar 133 sic ж (тр) 4351 ОЕ тоо ига 153 
nemn] (p) 43 57 - mam. gr бо me] om or 133 22:43:89 Мот 
IOO 114 133 qu. | сит. 114 -тнсїс| -тусїс 133 332320. | meras. 
QI.. маля. 114 15 (р) 43 57 тоо (тод) (114 $) 133 $ етепеч.] 
43 57 IOO.. ENEY. QI 133.. м. 114 ИЗЗАХАК | -arok gr. пєкро| or 
IOO 133 .. TUK. 43 57 EMTAK] 43 57 І00..Ятәк 9I 133 

weqo&. his works] 43 &c 109, Syr (geh) .. his work Буг (s) 
Чтацаал he did them] 43 &с 109, єттї єруасџєуа № &c .. e. єгруас- 
pevov М“, Syr (s) Eth, Leif Ir int озх in] 43 біс 109 .. Saren with 
Bo (s*).. through Eth .. бу Arm 

2 ayer came] 43 ёс 109, venit OL (cefffq) Vg Syr (gh) Arm.. 
arn\Oe 33, Syr (s) Eth, profectus est OL (b), exivit (d), exiit (al), 
went out Syr (c) ıt] 43 &c 109 .. our Lord Syr (s) епкао to 
the land] 43 &c (109) Syr (s) requ (ea тод)яя.-тє he- 
there] 43 57, me or 109 133 .. àerpudev МАВ ёс, he was 
abiding бут (c), he was dwelling Syr (s) namar with them] 43 
ёс (109?) Syr (=)  eqhamnts(4 114 also verse 23) тє baptizing | 
43 ёв 109 (114), Bo Eth .. ка» «Ватт ви NAB ёс 

25 мєрє-Ёал. but (and Eth)-bapt.] 43 &с 109 (114). om Bo(a*) 
.. ош пке Bo (0*) ae Bo (rs) Syr (cs) Arm . but John also was 

JOHN ПІ 22-26 39 

who doeth indeed the truth, is wont to come unto the light, 
that his works should be manifested, that he did them in 
God. 7. 22 After these (things) came Jesus and his disciples 
to the land of [the] Iudaia; and he was being there with 
them, baptizing. 23 But Iohannes also was baptizing in Ainon 
by Saleim, because there was much water in that place, and 
they were coming to be baptized. *4 For Idhannés was not 
yet east into the prison. 25 А question therefore happened 
out of the disciples of Iohannes with the Jews concerning the 
cleansing. * They came unto lohannes, said they to him, 
Hrabbei, that (man) who was being with thee beyond the 
Iordanes, this (one) of whom thou indeed barest witness, 
behold, he, he baptizeth, and maketh many disciples, and all 

at Salem Bo (Q) anto] 43 «с 91° тод .. пами, 114... ниом Bo 
(А)... атон 017, Syr (g 36) .. in eremo OL (e), in deserto (f) .. ain yon 
Syr (gch) .. ат поп Syr (s) Arm..héndn of атом р 
саХєлэх | от 133, NB &c, OL Vg, Or, cadre А... с^№ая (р?) ёс, 
Bo (A) .. сали UA 1 69 262 al, Bo Eth (salem), Cyr Nonn метм. 
they-coming] p &c .. zapeyevovro 69 .. pref men Syr (cs) evas lit. 
taking] p ёс roo, Во (N) .. and they were receiving Bo (ACT G;HKMN 
PV) and Во 

^ om verse Во (A,*) | nowxe (om 91 114 133) cast] пи BeBAnp. 
NAB ёс, Syr (h) .. fallen Syr (gcs) vap] ЗАВ ёс, Bo (TF) 
Bo хоо. | Syr (gc) .. trs to end ЗАВ ёс, Syr (sh) newt, the 
prison] om туу E* M 1 22 235 473* 565 

25 øe therefore] 43 ёс, NCAB &e, Во Syr (h) gr .. ae 114 
N* 47, OL (b) Vgelem Bo (вгр,от) Syr (gcsj).. 2e ovn Bo (rx).. 
and Arm .. and then Eth єй. оп out of] өн among 133 .. by one 
of the disciples of John Syr (gs) тоу. the Jews] гоудашоу N* G A 
II? т 13 69 124 al, OL Vg Во Syr (c) Eth, Or.. оттотаата Jew 
114 133, NCAB ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm, Chr Nonn 

% ayes they came] 43 57 100, Во (Br).. pref ато and 91 114 
133, МАВ &c, Bo Syr (ges) Arm .. he came-he said Syr (g 9) 
epafher] 43 &с, NABDEHT A al .. ораћћ 114 G &с.. rabban Syr 
(ges) exc о. behold] 43 &c .. дом D 1 209 .. We ЗАВ &c .. add also 
Syr (ges) qp(ep 91)-3xax. he-disciples] (p?) &c (109) .. om № ёс 
avw—epary and-him | ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (с, Б) Arm Eth .. many come 
to him Syr (gs) 


27 цодатинео OTOH exw aroc. xe MAAN WFO 
&*nposee exi Маму Oapor] LeaTaac]. стазити NCE- 
таас нас ебо oit THe. 2 итоти тєтираєттрє mar. 
же AYXOOC. хе RANOR alt пе HEXC. AAA хє NTav- 
тлото олөн аяпетаваєму. °° петехита итще- 
Acer. ито пе патщеЛєєт. пещінр ac язпатщећєєт 
пєтло ерат ATW етсотая EPO. ON отраще cpawe 
erbe тєсяєн ажпалцєДєєт, паращє Ge eve паї me 
ложок ehor. “panc єтрє MeTakeeay ісе. AMOR 
є erpa obo. 31 пентасуєї єбо ON Tre цокхи отом 
MIRR. петшооп CROA oss THAD. OTEhOA ORK THAD ne. 

" (c) (p P) 43 57 $ (75) 91 $ (100) 109 133 Sanit] 43 57 roo 
мй 75 бо ще.) 43 &с 75..0m W 91109 еззант"| 43 &с.. 
-TEI QI 109  єїєххнтєх 75 28 (с) 43 Š 57 Š (75) 91 (94) тоо (109) 
133 хє йт.| хит. QI 133 таотог| 57 91 І33..таотоєг 43.. 
TATOEI ТОО. Tà7O! 75 94 109 29 ($) (24) (43) 57 Š аб пар. (75) 
gı тоо (109) (114 Š &c) 133 - itaq] 43 57 100 .. add marar 75 91 
109 133  Птщ. | 43 75 91 IOO І33.. йтєщ. 57 109 114 neu. 19] 
nay. тоо uj&Hp] щёр 133 maru. 20] ппатщ. 75 -щєћєєт 4°] 
-шєєХеєтїї4 ? 24 43 51 75 91 ICO (тод) (114) 33 9 5 (е) 
(8) (24) 43 57 $ and at ment. 2° (75 $) 01 (тоо) (109) (114 $) 133 

27 асахазос Doh.-saying] (c?) ёс p (75?) тоо... атек. ш. kat eur. 

МАВ ёс, om ка. Bo (ЕрмРО),, said to them John Syr (cs) .. add to 
them Syr (g) .. pref and Eth exi to take] 43 &c.. exe to say 75 
91 133 Naav any thing] 43 ёс 75 100 .. ovde ev В 472, Syr (cs) 
Arm оароф да. (ovaa*p 57) of himself] (e?) ёс (75), оф eavrov 
LA 13 33 69 124 157 262 472 al, OL (ce) Bo Syr (g, jh), Eus Chr 
.. ош NAB ёс, Syr (cs) nag to him] (с) ёс..ош F al 2.,add 
ауобеу 13 69 124, OL (b omitting є. т. о) Arm (after ovp.), Eus (after 
ovp.) єй. оп out of] 43 ёс, Bo... єв. orren Bo (c6, x) 

? ftr. ye] 43 &с 75 109, Syr (є) .. add xe Во (us) Syr (es) .. pref 
avro, NAB ёс, Syr (В) (пи 91)a: to me] 75 &c 109, ABD ёс, 
OL Vg Во Буг (gesh) Arm (Eth) Eus Chr Cyr 43 57 
МЕЕНМУГга ам I said] 43 &c (75) 109 .. add eyo B, Syr (j), 
pref eyo Т vid, Syr (cs).. add to you Arm .. add further eis qui missi 
sunt ub hierosolymis ad те OL (е), Сур Firm — (om 109, Во)амок 
an пе I am not] (c?) ёс 75 109, Bo, eyo оюк є C, Am Fu (Syr g) 

JOHN ПІ 27-31 41 

come to him. ^7 Iohannes answered, saying, It is not possible 
for the man to take any thing of himself, except it be given to 
him out of the heaven. 28 Ye, ye bear witness to me, that 
I said that I am not the Christ, but (&) that I was sent before 
that (опе). ? He who hath the bride, he is the bridegroom : 
but the friend of the bridegroom, he who standeth and who 
heareth him, with joy rejoiceth because of the voice of the 
bridegroom ; my joy therefore, which is this, was fulfilled. 
80 Tt is necessary for that (one) to be exalted, but me, for me 
to be humbled. ?! He who came out of the heaven is over 
all: he who is being out of the earth is (one) out of the earth, 

Eth, Cyr.. ovk eps eyo МАВ &c, OL (befffgq) Үсеп Syr (h) 
Arm, Eus eyw D, OL (al) Буг (cs), Сур Firm птах. 
that] 43 ёс 94 109, Syr (h) .. avrov Š 245, Syr (ges) Arm Eth 

? пєтєут (43 57 75 .. єоти QI IOO 114 133) he-hath] add сар 
Syr (c) .. add because Syr (s) ae] 57 ёс 109 ..and Syr (св) 
n(om 57 100)etage he who st.] 43 ёс (75) 100, neroex Bo (АСЕН) 
.. фи eroer Eo.. пєтоох those who stand Во (G,) azw and] 43 ёс 
75 109 114... от Во (Q) єтсє. who heareth] 43 ёс 75 109 (114), 
Во (nw)..e«qc. із hearing Во.. че. heareth Bo (вх)..аче. heard Bo 
(D,G,*).. eqec. shall hear Во (Q) оп ovp. lit. in a joy] 43 &e (75) 
109 114..add great Syr (g) .. and in joy great Syr (cs) q(eq от 
133). rejoiceth] 43 ёс 75 (109) .. add жє Ро(ГЕ(мр) arx. was 
fulfilled] 439 ёс 75 109, zezAgpora. МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. 
лабок went 43* .. behold it vanished Бух (es) .. behold it was finished 

3) oanc-xiaxa s it-that] 241 43 57 91° 100 .. nerna he it is who 
will 75 114.. nevxxasaa з netna that із he who will 133 .. exewov de 
МАВ ёс. exew. дє де H, Eth .. pw} own he must therefore Bo .. for 
he must Syr (cs) me] 24 ёс (109) 114, NA B ёс, Bo Syr (h) Eth G.. and Буг (gcs) Arm e(om 24)тра for me] 24 &e.. йта 
that 1 15 91 109 133 

31 лєн(пп 114) тацєг he who came 19] 24 ёс 75 тоо (114).. 
пєтину he who cometh їод1, epxouevos МА В &с.. о уар біс 
Буг (5) .. or. о &с Syr (s) єћ.-тпє out-heaven] (24) ёс 75 
тоо 109, Во (N) .. аобе АВ ёс, Bo.. e&oN Во (в) NET- 
moo (aa 133)п he-being] 24 &c 75 тоо (109), o ov МАВ &c..o бє 
wv W*D, OL (ама) Syr (j) Eth, Quaest ..«nd he who Syr (gcs) 


ATW єциумхє еол ore пкло. пеитае: ae єбоћ ou 
THE, 2? пентациату epo ATW эүсотаасс ejypeeirpe 
RUNS. ATW MAAN ADAT al Иитеазмтаяитре. 33 NENT- 
AYSI AC үтеүнэтээттре. зүс үрэсүүе Mo. же 
от ас пе пиотте. З'пенпта MNOTTE TAP тикоога. 
celo, їїцэлхє а®пиотте. мере пиоттє сар + au 
anena ом отиу. MEWT see запщире. ATW acp 
ина шиє EOpar еме үзүх. — ? петпістєує епщире 
OHTA RAT авпоио ищо єнєо. mereuepmereve 
AE хи епщире Ranas ан епоиу. АЛЛА торон 

82 (с) (В) (4) 24 43 57 (75) от (100) 133 Эхээл| 43 57. att К ёс 
3 (c) (4) р & (24) 43 $ 57 (75) 91 тоо 133 | сфрахч(е| -aze 43 
orare] p &c g.. ovaxee С 3* (с) (g) (К) (24) (43) 57 $ and at пере 
75 91 100 (109) 133$ © (c) (а) 24 43 57 $ 75 91 тоо 109 133 
{final с 24.. { піка g &c.. memka 75 109 29 (с) (a) (Б) (р) 24 
43 57 $ 15 01 Š аб петейч тоо (тод) (114) 133 ovi] ovem 75 
109 Ища]|с.. ош ñq &c Ë торсн|-кн 114 

щооп-оях is-of] 24 &с 75 тоо 100, ex NC &С.. ель №“, OL (ac) .. ато 
D 13 69 ove(ee 75 91)&. пкао lit. is an out of the earth] (c) 
Яс 24 75 100, (Bo) Syr (gch) Arm OL (gl) Bo (x) and 
Bo (к) eqjuj.—nao is speaking-earth | 24 ёс (75) .. in the earth he 
speaketh Syr (s) .. that which is in the earth he sp. Eth || wen (nm 133)- 
тачєї-тиє but (and Syr cs)-heaven] (6) ёс 24 75.. 0m ae roo 133, 
W*D 1 22 118 565, OL (abefffl) (Bo LQ) Syr (es?) Arm, Eus Nonn 
Tert Hil Quest .. add exavw zavrov воть МАВ ёс, OL (cfgq) Ve 
Во Syr (gjh) Eth, Chr Cyr Aug Jer 

2 пеи(пи r33)7. that-saw] k 24 ёс (75) тоо, NBDLT r 22 33 
118 209 565, OL (abel) Bo Syr (cj) Arm, Eus Nonn Tert Hil 
Quest .. pref ка, A ёс, OL (cfffgq) Vg Syr (gh) Eth, Or Chr Aug 
qgp(ep ог 133)ae. he beareth witness] К 24 ёо 100..he speaketh 
Syr (g 9) 5301 it] k & ND r 22 28 118, OL (abeffl) 
Bo Syr (gc) Arm Eth, Eus НИ Quest .. rovro AB ёс, OL (cfgq) Vg 
Syr (jh), Or Chr Cyr Aug .. єкєто 69 

° пен(пи r33)raex: he who took] р ёс 75 .. Aau[Javov A 12 59 
124 230 330 472, Cyr >e] p &c 75, Syr (gc?) ЗАВ 

JOHN ТЕ 32-36 43 

and is speaking out of the earth; but he who eame out of the 
heaven, ?? that which he saw and (which) he heard, he beareth 
witness to it; and no one taketh his witness. ® But he who 
took his witness sealed him, that God is true. * For he 
whom God sent is speaking the words of God, for God was 
not giving the spirit in a measure. * The Father loveth the 
Son, and gave all things into his hands. * He who believeth 
the Son hath the life eternal; but he who believeth not the 
Son will not see the life, but (a) the anger of God will 
remain upon him. 

Яс, Bo (BQ) Syr (h) Arm ачсф. he sealed] р &c, Bo (т) .. pref 
this Bo xoy it ог him] р ёс g (24) 75, Во (&r,e»s) .. om 
МАВ ёс, Bo (лсгенкіху).. him sealed God Во (BDA, Er," їмо, 
Q, T) Eth 

* сарі w &c k (24) (109).. om Bo (1).. and Eth пере-щу 
for-measure] (с?) 57, (Во).. neg сар ан йстипоттє ёс for was 
not giving God ёс 24 151 91 133.. ina} сар an isin. for will not 
give God &e q..ov yap єк perpov didwow о Geos AC?D ёс, OL (a c ff 
са) Vg Syr (ch) Arm Eth, Or Chr Did Cyri Aug .. add the Father 
Syr (8).. om o бєос NBC*LT т 33, OL (befl) (буг с), Cyr — эхиє- 
nita the spirit] (c) &c g 24 109.. om В" Syr (s) ..add the Father to 
the Son Syr (c) .. Мв spirit Eth оп osujr in a measure] (4) &с 24 
(109).. ex pepovs U 12 40 63 253 254 

35 пек(пі 75)от the Father] (c) ёс w, Arm..add сар 133, Во 
(DEJ LPS 18)..bu£ he loveth him Syr (c) .. but to his Son [he was 
loving | Syr (5) azw and] с &с.. om Во (¥,* т) 

36 nern. he who bel.] (с) ёс g & 109 .. pref ша D mone the 
life 19] (g) ёс Ë 109 .. ove a life Bo (cG,H).. one Во, боти А В 
ёс | петєї(д 43 57 100 109 .. TH 24 75 133)«m.-nong but-life] 
g Є Ёс тод, Syr(es).. o amefov & ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. om 133 
homeotel ae] с &c g 109, NCABCD ёс, OL (befq) Vg Во Syr (В) 
Eth, Г: Bas Chr Cyr .. om 114, NF, OL (ае) Bo (F), Tert Сур... 
and Syr (gcs) Arm ищире the Son] g ёс k тод 114 .. add 
avrov Г йепапат will not see] g ёс Ж тод 114 ..ov« exe W^, 
Irint Сур, OL (e habebit) none the life 29] (с) ёс Е год 114, 
EFHLM al, Ign Const тү МА ВСР &c..add eternal 
Syr (g 36) eo. e(om тоо) хос upon him] $ &c & (1001) (114 1), 
Во (q)..trs before peve №, OL (b).. grswy Bo..add её post hac 
traditus est iohannes OL (e) Syr (h™s) 


IV. я (6). ivrepe nxoeic ae ere. хе х мефаріс- 
лос сотая. хє IC p ого аязахонтис азо цглгтїтє 
egovexogamuHc. KAITOS пе am пе мечфаптце. 
АЛЛА мецаяхонтнс Me. Panno псор ИДоуаала. 
лубок ow eraran. "недбало ae пе єтрєцєх 
eho\ PITT Teaseapra. ° afer ge єупоХкєс Gre 
ARH там осн» печщире. ó MEOT OTTIHCH AE 
UAT стоков Te. IC бе птересотсе eEcparoowe от 

: (e) (a) (р Р) (24) 43 $ 57 8 75 Р or Р (тоо IP) 109 IP (114) 
133$ H 91 109.6 р фарс] фаркср 75 91 109 133 p] ep 
109 ° (¢) 24 43 57 $ (75) 91 109 133 Ñami] mk. 75 ® (с) 
24 43 51 91 100 109 133 * (с) 24 43 57 91 roo (109) 133 ne] 
om 91 ° (¢) (р) 24 43 57 $ 91 roo (109) 133 y! (6) 1 эта] 
24 &с.. бартэх yl.. элсэх 109 — exa] с 24 43 57 .. Wra 91 &c 109 
6! mequy. | яхпечу. 57 100 ° (с) (р Š at 1c) (21) (24) (43 5 &с) 
57 Š &c 91 (100) (114) (115) (133) у! 43! $ &c f! $ ёс 

1 nxoeic the Lord] (с) ёс g тоо (114), АВС ёс, OL (fq) Syr 
(hms) Eth .. our Lord Syr (s) Eth..o is NDA 1 22 118 209 565 al, 
OL (abceffl) Vg Bo Syr (gch) Arm, Chr me] а &с p 24, Syr 
(gcs) 114, Arm .. бе therefore 43 57 100, NAB ёс, Буг (В).. 
and Eth ye] g &c p roo, Bo Syr (Б) A 262 al 8, Bo 
(26) Syr (g, св) эхлөн(є тоо)тнс] g 24 100 114, Bo.. add may 
for him Во (&AGTD 6,1 мт).. that his disc. were many бут (cs 1).. 
that many disc. were to Jesus Eth eoove(eoove є 109 114) more 
than] g ёс 24 тоо 114, Bo Syr (gs, c).. Syr (Б) Arm Eth.. om 
A B*GLT 262 al 

? kartor] 24 ёс, C, Bo.. add me 75.. котогу, ЗАВ ёс... and Syr 
(c) .. because that Syr (s) (Arm) .. but Eth fuc am me Jesus—not | 
43 57 (75), Syr (с).. om й 24 91 133 .. 1s avros ovk МВ ёс, OL (abe 
fq) Bo (Arm)..avros 5 ож AD(K)II al то, OL (ffl) (Во r) Syr 
(gh, с) Eth, Chr Cyr..i$ ovx 251, OL (c) Vg Bo (т 18) Syr (g 10).. 
not only was our Lord Syr (s) тє] с &c 24 75.. om Во (D,G,) 

3 ачко йс. he left] 24 ёс, Syr (В) .. add дет .. pref and Syr (ges) 
Eth tora. the Tud.] 24 &c.. add ур D 1 13 69 106 124 al 25, 
OL (а, ос) Arm (Eth) ок he went] 24 ёс, Bo (NBTA FLQ 

JOHN IV 1-6 45 

IV. 8 (9). But when the Lord had known, that the Pharisees 
heard that Jesus made many disciples and baptizeth more than 
Iohannes.—? Yet Jesus it was not (who) was baptizing, but 
(a) it was his disciples.—* He left [the] Iudaia, he went 
again to [the] Galilaia. * But it was necessary for him to 
come through [the] Samaria. ?He came therefore to a city 
of [the] Samaria, its name is Sykhar, by the garden which 
Iakob gave to Ioseph his son. ® But there was а fountain 
there, being that of Iakob: Jesus therefore, when he had 
been weary, walking on the road, sat thus at the fountain : 

26) .. pref ка. МА В ёс, Bo Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth .. and came Syr g (5) 
on again] 24 ёс, NB'CDLMT т 33 бо 124 346 al, OL (abce fffl) 
Vg Bo Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth, Nonn Cyr .. om A В" ёс, OL (4) Bo (мт) 
Syr (h), Chr 

4 steoa(o 91 133)ne it was пес.) 24 &e тоо, ede NAB ёс, Буг (h) 
.. but it was done that Syr (gc) .. when he was passing Syr (s) .. and it 
was for him Arm .. and being to pass Eth саяз. | 24 &c, NCDE* 
LTA al.. -peas AB ёс 

5 acer he came] 24 ёс тод 61 .. єрхета ЗАВ &c .. pref and Буг 
(ges) бе therefore] (c) ёс 109 61, Во Syr(h) Arm..add o ts 
C*FHU al, OL (e) Bo (q) TCas*, the S.] (c) ёс тод 61.. the 
Samaritan Атта necp. пе its name is] (c) .. епесраи me its name 
being 24 ёс 109 61, Arm Eth.. being called Bo Syr (gcs) .. Хєуореу. 
ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) crx ap | (с) ёс roo 61, МАВ ёс, OL (abeflq) 
Am Fu Bo, Chr Суг.. хуар 91.. спхар 69 al, OL (с) Усе Во (ғ) 
Eth, Nonn .. sekhor Arm, sekhar 44, séukhar cdd 

6 xe] 24 ёс, NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gch) p 133.. and. Syr (s) 
Arm Eth iuar there] с 43 57 roo yl, ЗАВ ёс, Буг (h) Arm Bo (6,)..3хэхоол of water 24 от fl..there а fountain 
(well Q) of water Bo Syr (ges) єтачак. те being-Iakob] 57 тоо 
yl.. нтатак. me QIC.. йтє зак. of I. p от" 133, МАВ ёс, Syr (ge 
sh) Arm Eth .. єнтагак. te which is that of I. (c?) 43 fl (me) 
12] p ёс тоо 133 .. куро A..our Lord Syr (s) .. and came Jesus, he 
sat Syr (c) ge therefore] 57 100 y!, NAB ёс, Bo Syr (h).. om 
(43 1), 69, Bo (ND,) Eth .. ae р ёс, Syr (g) .. xe оти Bo (rer) .. and 
Arm esce weary] p &c 24 43 100 115 133 .. add ae Й.. that he 
might rest himself from the fatigue of the road, and his disc. біс 
Syr (cs) 


TEQIH. AC[QRLOOC итеое €Qpal CM TIIHCH, ие пил 
\йхїїсоо пе. "атусохаєє er choA oW Tcareapsa eaeco 
SOOT. MERE IC Nac. хе ATEIC TACW. $ мецезлентнсо 
TAP Weavhor eopar єтподіс EWON MAT ажпетот- 
NATO. ?пехас MAY иблтесотаяе Исэажэритнс. 
жє йток йти озгоухах Haw Hoe нотєш cw chor 
оттоот. EANT отсо е WCAsfApYTHC. MEPE тот ат 
TAP TOO зам саязаритнс, Pa IC отці nexa 
MAC. хє єнєрєсоо»н ETAWPErR ITE пиоттє. ATW 
хе па» пєтхо» UOC ие. BE ATEIC Taco, ито 

1 (с) (21) 24 435 57 $ 91 тоо 114 $ at nexe 115 $ &c у! 6! 431 
fl areg] Bo (G,KQ).. ало 114 .. зало Bo (с) (21) 24 45 57 от 
(тоо) 114 115 y! 61 431 f1 . ° (21) (24) (43) 57 Š (85) ог $ (94) 
(roo) (114 Š) 115 (133) у! $ 6! 43! Й se n] хи 9x 114 133 
коуєщу) ex. 43 57 114 6! ovens co] (24) 114 115 yl.. отш eco 
43 &с 133 sepe] ээн epe 94 1151! 10 (р) 57 $ 85 $ 91 $ (94) 
109 (115 Š and at xe as.) 133 (у!) 61$ 43! f! enepe] yl.. enep 85 
91 133 .. мере 57 &c тод 115, (Bo ВСГЕ,* 26) etawp.] 91 r15.. 
WTA. 57 &c 109 y! -pea]-para 133 -.-pra 115 five] 57 ore 61.. 
ях 35 40 mevxo]merexo 115 

^чозлоос sat] p ёс (24) 43 тоо 115 133 .. pref and Syr (gs) 
птет(те 115 .. 114) өс thus] (p) ёс 24 43 roo 114 115, Bo .. ош r 
69 118 124, OL (abeffl) Bo (Q) Syr (gj) Arm Eth eo. exi lit. 
upon] 43 ёс тоо 114 115, Bo (кмо).. ossit 133 fl, Bo ite (ere 
114) плат lit. it was the time] (21) (24) ёс 43 114 115, Bo (АВА, Е, * 
NOQ)..add ae yl, OL (b) Во.. pref and OL (e) Syr (ght) Arm .. and 
when Jesus sat down it was about the sixth hour Syr (es) ixi- 
(em 115)coo the sixth] (c) 24° 57 .. -co 24* & 43 114 115 133; Bo 
Буг (s) .. pref ws, осе МАВ ёс, Syr (ch) Arm 

* a-er came] 21 &e, Bo Syr (gesh) Eth.. epyerar МАВ ёс, Arm 
asco. a woman] 21 ёс, Во (мл, F, OP)..add ae c 115 fl, venit autem ` 
OL (f) .. add оти Bo... её venit OL (abefflq) Syr (gej) Eth .. тів yun) 
N, OL (b)..add паз to him Во (г) өй vc. out-Samaria] (21 1) &с, 
Во .. icassa prac Samaritan Bo (£) nexe said] 21 &e, Syr (g 36 
ch) Arm .. pref and Syr (gs) Eth 1С] 21 &c.. the Lord Bo (в,).. 
our Lord Syr (s) 

8 . . 
печааен(пчалаєє ті4)тне his disc.] 24 ёс .. om avrov. Syr 

JOHN IV 7-10 47 

it was the sixth hour. 7A woman came out of [the] Samaria 
to fill water: said Jesus to her, Give that I may drink. 
з For his disciples had gone to the city to buy for them that 
which they will eat. ° Said she to him, the Samaritan 
woman, Thou, thou art a Jew; how wishest thou to drink from 
me, I being a Samaritan woman? For Jew is not wont to 
mingle with Samaritan. !?Jesus answered, said he to her, 
If thou hadst known the gift of God, and who it is who saith 

(g 39) сар] 21 &e 100, NAB ёс, Во (хр) Syr (gh) Arm .. om 
Bo (1) .. xe 114 431, Во Syr є (6)..and Syr (св) | neaw(sp 114) hor 
had gone] (21) &c тоо... add пе 24 .. «zA6ov L тпо№1с the city | 
21 & туу А єщоп ёс to buy &c] 43 &c 100.. 0m 91*.. 
eujen(ujit 24)оєтк ѓо buy bread 21 24 .. wa. трофаз ауорасоси МА В 
ёс, Syr (В) Arm .. that they might buy victuals for them Bo, trs for 
¿hem victuals Bo (q), Syr (ges) (Syr св place this verse after fatigue 
of the road) .. that they might buy their food Eth 

9 xaq to him] 21 114 431, 8" У" т бт 229" 565 al, Во Syr (gcs) 
Arm, Cyr .. pref øe therefore 57 &c, Nc AB ёс, OL Vg Syr (h).. pref 
me 24 91.. and Syr (j) Eth .. trs after casxap. Во (м) .. but he having 
said to the woman, Give &c, but she said to him, Dost ёс Во (q) тесо. 
fic. the S. woman] (24) ёс 43 114 133, Во Syr (єсвБ).. 7 сараре- 
(purus N &с..ош Syr (j) Маш ñ. how] 57 &c 133..pref arw and (24) 
у! .. pref behold Syr (cs); position D, OL (abeffl) Syr (св) Arm .. tis 
before Atk 43 114 fl, МАВ ёс, OL (cfgq) Vg Bo Syr (gh) Eth .. om 
Во (9) e(om gt 114 61, Bo)anv I being] 57 ёс (94) (100) (114) 
133..€amok 431, Во (BE); position C? ёс, OL Vg (Syr gh) .. trs 
after сар. NA BC*LT 33, (Eth), Cyr .. because behold I am ёс Syr 
(c) .. om Syr (s) Arm заєре-саззарттис(тіс 57) for-Samaritan | 
51 ёс (85) 94 тоо, МАВ ёс, OL (cfffgq) Vg Bo (8T p," 4, EF, * PS) 
Syr (gesh) Arm Eth, Or Chr Cyr.. -иноз.-писаяя. the Jews-the 
Samaritans Bo .. om W* D, OL (abe) сар| Bo Syr (gch) .. om тод 
.. because Syr (s) T(> 01) өө mingle] «oe touch 109 133 Аи 
with] 57 85 61.. хэл n with the 919 ёс... e 91* 109 133 

1° а-от. Jesus answered] 57 94 115 у! 61 431 f! .. agor. ивие 
ans. Jesus (р) 85 91 109 133, № &c.. and ans. &e Eth .. saith to her 
Jesus Syr (c) .. he saith to her Syr (s) .. ans. her Jesus and said Arm 
nex. said he] 57 ёс 94 115 yl, Bo (СЕ@ 26) .. Kar erev NAB ёс, Bo 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth нас to her] 57 &c 94 115 yl .. om Bo (Е,") 
ие to thee] 85 109 6! 43! fl.. ин gr 115 133 .. ne 57 пто thou] 


WepenaarTer авагсс| пе. wp ие иотаясох egong. 
| MESAC MAY Warrecoieee. хє MAOEIC MLT насос 
итостк ATW тшоте WORD. OTHTAR G€ азаалл chor 
тако. mar єнтаєү мам итшоте. ATW ито ACW 
choA понтс se negwHpe n иесүтЁнооте, Вы ac 
оош пеєхасү MAC. хе OTOM MI ETMACW еол oss 
nmereoor сүидебе он. 1* meTMAcwW ae ито ebon 
аапаасоу, {матлар mag. їинсүеїМє wa eneg. 
АЛЛА па ооз eEtNaTaay мач Чиэшопе орч 
монт WOSIHCH i2::007$. єс үө е ewoWo Wa ємео. 

п (р) 57 Š 85 5 91 $ (109) 133 (у!) (618) 43! f! каљос] -тос от 
..amTAHara Во тщо(о f!)te] 57 85 01 6! 43! .. єтщ. 133 fl worp] 
Wand 9I оуйтак]| 57 109 fl.. eovitrak 1339 61.. етйтак 85 43! 
..єтєптак QI aar] ош 85 0 e&oX] om 01" 109 133 м (р) 
(57) 85 91 (109) (114) (115) 133 (у! $) 43! f! maax] 85 109 .. 
нааак P 431..кизак II4.. Ritaaak QI I33.. ekMaaak fl єитач | 
Б7..Птач p &c nta] р 85 91 109 133 431.. етщ. 57 114 f! 
печщ.) nga. 114 (21) 57 Š (85 Š) 91 Š (109) 114 $ 115 
(133 $) 43! {$ mer] mı 114 м ($) (21) (57) (85) от 114 II5 
(123) (133) 6! 43! f! as] 57 115..93x 85 бс ща 1°] pref an 85 
ща 29] pref it 114 

57 &e (109) 115.. 0m 43!..add хє Bo (DEF,cILS) пере (от 85 
133)naarrer lit. thou wast being about to ask] 57 &с yl.. mepe- 
(ра 91)arres thou wast asking от f! озэхоот a water] 57 ёс 
(год) (y1), Arm .. the water Arm edd 

п пех. said she] 57 ёс (y! 1) 61.. and saith Eth norreco. the 
woman] 57 &c (109) (y!), ЖА ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth.. 
exei] 38" .. om В, Syr (s) nxoeic Lord] 57 ёс (тод) (y!) 61, Arm 
.. ту Lord Bo (весе) Syr (gch) Eth .. om Syr (s) залам lit. there 
is not] 61.. asf 57 ёс (yl), Во (3,0) .. ovre NAB &c .. ovde D, Bo 
Syr (es) бє therefore] 57 ёс 61, A B ёс, OL (cfgq) Vg Во Syr 
(Б) Arm Eth, Or Chr тоо fl, ND 472, OL (abeffl) Bo 
(D,MNQ) Syr (gj) maa. ст. lit. the water which liveth] р ёс 
(109) (у!), Bo Arm .. mas. йон Во (n,* EJs) .. бор бог D 49 91 

12 пен(пи 114 fl)eiov our father] р ёс 57 109 114.. 0m mp. А" 
ганд (4 114)] p ёс 57 114 .. аВраай M тщотє the well] p &c 

JOHN IV 11-14 49 

to thee, Give that I may drink, thou, thou wouldst have 
asked him, and he (would) give to thee a living water. 
11 Said she to him, the woman, Lord, thou hast not pitcher, 
and the well is deep; whence therefore hast thou the living 
water? 12 Thou, art thou greater than our father Jakob, 
this (one) who gave to us the well, and he, he drank out of 
it, and his sons, and his beasts? 1° Jesus answered, said he to 
her, Every one who will drink out of this water will thirst 
again. * But he who will drink indeed out of the water 
which I shall give to him shall not thirst for ever, but 
(a) the water which I shall give to him will become in him 

57 109 114, Во (к") Syr (h)..add rovro 69 124 249 254 472, OL 
(aeffflq) Bo Syr (ges) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr azw fir. and he] р ёс 
57 109 114, № &с, Syr (gh) .. avros кол W* and Bo (x,*) .. om 
пеоч Bo (0)..апа also he Syr (cs) Eth asco he dr.] р &c 57 
109 114 II5 .. Ле was drinking Bo (мр) эзїї and 19] 57 &c 109 
114 115..ргеї iteoq he Во (F) axi and 29] 57 85 919 115 ёс. 
azw and 109 114 133 печтВ(тей 115 431 fl .. т 114)noose 
his beasts] 57 &c 109 114 115..та Opeppara avrov МАВ &c.. om 
avrov D .. his flock Syr (ges) 

13 a 1С os. Jesus ans.] 57 &c 85 (109) 133 .. pref and Eth .. said 
to her Jesus Syr (c)..said &c our Lord Syr (s) mex, said he] 
(21?) ёс 85 тод, Bo.. xa erey ЗАВ ёс, Во (TDF ELA) Syr (gh) 
Arm Eth єтпасо &с who-drink] gr &c 109 .. etew who drinketh 
57 431, МАВ &с єтпасо-он he-again | (21) ёс 109 ..0m Bo (А*) 
Syr (g 9) 

14 пєтпасо-йт. but-indeed] (211) & itoy 115 fl..o бє 
zwov W*D..os 8 av тар Же & ae Во (r,*M).. and Syr (es) 
пахоот the water 19] 57 ёс 85 .. these waters Syr (сз, В) eias. 
which-give 19] 85 &c..mar anon ek. which Г, I shall give (571) 
6! 431, NA B ёс, Eth nag to him ro] 21 &c (571) 85.. ош OL 
(e), Cyp Hil iutee[-iae shall-him] (57) (85 ?) 6! 431 .. om от ёс, 
С" 13 108 477 al 5, OL (1) Bo (v*) Arm, Amb homeotel .. om o và. o 
eyo д. а. OL (em) .. shall not thirst again &с Syr (c) паз. the 
water 2°] these waters Syr (gcsh) eX. which-give 2°] 57 ёс 85, 
АВ ёс, OL (eq) Во, Chr Cyr .. o eyo босо ND МТ 22 33 69 472 26oev 
al 6, OL (abfffg) Vg Bo (м) Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Thdrt mag to 
him 29] om N, Quest ор. по. in him] 57 ёс 85.. ili OL (ae) 



15 MEXE тесозяяе МАСІ. WE ПХОЄ ALA WAT яжпєгаоот, 
хєнас инаефе. avo миле ehoA enerema exeeo 
MOOT. mesa] мас. хє бок. MOTTE єпото 
Teer enera. Ма тесолавє Оо ecxo яжавос. 
же аван Qar aT Heme IC Mac. хє RAAWC 
арехоос, хє Meritt oar apexi {оу сар dar 
ATW оп тєнот петехите єсаєпотдаї ай пе. па 
оза е пеитарехос. mexe тесотаяе Maf. є 
nxoeic -puas. хе MTOR ATR оупрофнтнс. °° нта 

goc. хє ере паза стешще EOTWWT понт ом 

15 (с) (p §) 57 85 014 (114 $) 115 $ at wer. 123 133 § 6 f1 sreg] 
aa 114 16 (с) 57 $ 85 $ or 114 115 123 133 Й enor] пот 123 
five] ємтє 114 mes] mr 114 123 7 (с) 57 $ 85 9x (114 $) (115) 
123133 П majce twice..s3i 57 &c хє 20| ой ¢ ape] 123..а 91 
.ap57&e 9ar29]e57919..add maray 85 &cgi* 18 (c) (8) 57 
(85) 91 (109) (114) 123 133 Й ape] no us.. ap 57 &c (85)..а 91 
netevitte] 133 fl.. metevente 114.. петєотійтє (8) 57 91 133.. 
пєтєотєптє 123 ear. | єйїз.133 ovare | -зан 123 пєн(пп 123)7. | 
(8) &c 114 .. me пит. f! 19 (с) (р) 8 57 Š or $ (109) (114 $) (123 $) 
133 (13) fl 9 (с) 8 57 $ (85) 91 (zoo) (114) (123) 133 131! 
mem] suut. f!6. nei] su 8 114 13! тети] єтєти 114 

Syr (g 9) Arm єчч(Ё 114 123 133) бе springing] р ёс 85 123 
133 . om Bo (о) Syr (с) 

18 nexe said] p ёс (1141).. pref and Eth | пхоекс Lord] р ёс, 
Bo (HQ) .. my Lord Во Syr (gesh) Eth жилет (иг 114 123 twice)- 
эхоот this w.] p &c .. of these waters Syr (gcsh) .. add to drink 
Syr (s) й (єни 57) na (om 85)ex&e that-thirst] (p?) ёс 114 ..add 
again Syr (g) azw ña апд-поб) с ёс 114, Во (Р) Syr (gh).. 
pnde ЗАВ ёс, Bo Arm Eth .. and соте Syr (cs) 

15 пех. п. said-her] с ёс, ВС" 33, OL (a) Bo (er»)..add поме 
Jesus .. п. ҮС мас said-to her 114 115, Bo, Xeyet av.o (от 58" А П* al) 
is МА ёс, OL Vg Syr (gcjh,s) Arm Eth (and said Jesus to her) 
soste call] (c) &c .. add to me Syr (cs) 

`" а-отощ (4 114) the-ans.] 57 ёс (1151) буг (ges).. 
nexe тєсөтххє said the w. 85... add to him Arm (Eth) ecxw ёс 
saying] ¢ ёс 114..mexac said she fl, Syr (gcs).. om 85 .. кал (om 

ФОНХ ТУ 15-20 51 

а fountain of water, springing (up) to а life for ever. 1° Said 
the woman to him, Lord, give to me this water, that I should 
not thirst, and I should not come out to this place to fill 
water. 16 Said he to her, Go, call thy husband, and come to 
this place. 17 The woman answered, saying, I have not 
husband. Said Jesus to her, Well thou saidst, I have not 
husband. !$ For thou tookest five husbands; and further 
now he whom thou hast is not being thy husband ; this (is) 
true which thou saidst. 1° Said the woman фо him, Lord, 
I see that thou, thou art а prophet. 20 Our fathers worshipped 
upon this mountain ; and ye, ye say, that the place in which 

Bo BA,FM0Q 26) єтє, NAD ёс, OL (cefq) Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm, 
Or..add waq to him fl, BOEFGH al до, OL (abl) Bo (Гм) Syr 
ges) (Eth) аи. I-husband 1°] с &с 114, АВ ёс, OL Vg, 
Or Chr..avópa ovy exo NC*DL 142, Cyr s€] с &c.. our Lord 
Syr (s) эхээлт4 (таг 85) gar I-husb. 2°] с ёс 114, 142 245 247 
258 6o ev, OL (beg) Vg Во, Or Aug... a. о. є (Ж) АВ &c .. exes ND, 
OL (beel), Негасіог 

18 apexs-itoas for-husbands] 57 &c 114, Во (9).. for y husbands 
thou tookest Bo..for y &с is that which &c Bo(m) yap Eth 
avo оп and Ё] с &c 85 114.. «a. NAB ёс, Bo.. om Bo (Br z,*) 
єчахпотоат-пє is-husband] 57 &c..meoas am me Bo.. ззпеоат an 
ne Do (м, 9) 

19 nexe said] 8 ёс (109) 114 123 .. pref and Eth "eco. the 
woman | 8 ёс (roo ?) 114 123 .. ош Syr (з) mxoe:c Lord] (р) ёс 
114 (123), Bo (Гн,о).. ош Җ*.. ту Lord Bo Syr (gesh) Eth 
Хнат-йт, I-thou 19] (c?) ёс p 114 123 (13!) .. om 109 xe | 
р ёс 114 123 .. pref epox móc Во (Q) .. pref thee Bo (N) Eth 
firok (HTK 123) ATR thou, thou art] (с) ёс 114 13!.. ov ЗАВ ёс, 
Arm .. om їток $ от 1231 133 .. ош ov D, OL (abel), Hil.. om itr 
Bo Syr (ges) 

20 orxxx upon] 8 ёс тод 114 123.. exer Во (FLQ) тот 
ye] с ёс 85 (109) (114), Во (NBG,*KNvV) f!..add xe Bo Eth.. 
pref ки Ñ &c, буг (gsh) Arm .. and—de Во (Q) Syr (с) | єрє-етАнах 
the place-Jerusalem] 8 ёс J. (із) the house of worship Syr 
(cs) .. that in ёс where they worship Eth nara е place] 8 ёс 85 
109 Š єозөщТ to worship] 8 ёс 85 (109) (114) (123), 
C? ёс, OL (e) Bo Буг (с) Arm, Epiph Thdrt Chr Тегі mare.. trs 
before de МА BC* DL 33, OL (befq) Vg, Or Cyr Hil 



eYAHas. mexe IC MAC. хе ПІСТЄУЄ мах тесотяее. 
хе сум оуоуноу ину ЄМТЄТИАОТО УТ AW а®пеоот 
orae ся петоот orae ом efe. | "deron 
ENOTWUT AMTETHCOOTH аваасч хе позжа Ec]UJoor 
eboA ом firovaar, ЗЗАЛАа сину Ибтотоунот, єтє 
TAY те. epe прецотощт аваас MAOTWOWT аяпекоуї 
ом ovna ££ отазе. epe пеают Uap шие Wca 
осезие Wrereente етихотошт may. * ovnia пе 
пиоттє. ATW NETMAOCTWWT Macy. WWE epoov ETHET- 
OTWUWT MAY ом orna seit Ovaec. 2 пехе тесотаеє 
MAY. хе THCOOTH. хе аж есстхс инт. ПЄТОУАФОУТЄ 

озна | 8 ёс 123 .. ехєМнла (c) 85 13! f! л (с) (8) 57 Š 855 
gt Š (109) (114) 133 $ 13! f! отп отоупот| ovornoy 133 
єптєтна| с..йтєтйпа 57 91 133..ететих 85 109 114 131 fl 
пегот | пі. 57 85 91 114 ner] піт. 131 osN fix] өхєХНэх 131 f! 
22 (с) (р) (8) 57 (85) 91 (109) (114) (133) 13! f!  evernos. | 57 91 
13l.. тєтйот. 109 114 Й ..нєтєтйот. 85 а%пєтєтїї] 57 &c 85 114 
.. залієтентєти fl.. яятєтїїтєтїї 109 спот. | с &c 8 85.. Поу. gt fl 
23 (с) 8 (21) 57 $ (85) or (114) (123) (131) 1 ототнот| 57 01 
13! 1, Bo..evosnos 114. отно» 8 fl, Во (ав) пект] ти. 57 85 
114 123 90cme] 8 57 .. gome 85 ёс 123 Terme) (ээ, 123 13! fl 
з (c) (R) 8 (21) 57$ 85 91 (114) 123 13! f! mena] netsa 13! sic 
2 k (p) 8 $ (21) 57 6 85 $91 $ (109) (114) (123) 13! f! 

2 nexe said] 8 ёс тод (114 1).. pref and Eth 1c] с & 8 тод Во (6,7) Syr (g 9*).. ом" Гота бут (s) nac to her] с &c 8 
109..0m 85 писте(єє тід)тє-тєсо. lit. believe to me, the 
woman] 8 &e (тод) (1147), NBC*L 71 253 259, OL (bq) Syr (j) 
Eth, Or Ath Cyr Hil YUVAL піст. [LOU AC*D ёс, OL (сеї!) Vg Во 
Буг (gesh) Arm, pou A, Syr (s)..add Aeyovre 69 .. от 
ута Е «e that] c &c 8 109 114, АУГА 69 al то, Syr (gesh) 
..ore NB &e, Bo Arm Eth ova(t 57 131 twice)e-orne] (с?) 
ёс 8 (1001) (1147) .. not-nor Syr (gch) .. not-and not Syr (s) Arm ` 

2 пт. ye] 57 &c 109 114.133 .. add ae Во (ЕМР") хє|8 ёс 
114, N “е, Во (МЕР) Syr (h) Arm .. апа Буг (сз) eyw. is 

JOHN IV 21-25 53 

it is right to worship is being in Jerusalem. 7! Said Jesus 
to her, Believe me, Woman, that there is an hour coming, 
(in) which ye will not worship the Father—nevther in this 
mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 Ye, ye are worshipping that 
which ye know not: but we, we are worshipping that which 
we know; because the salvation is being out of the Jews. 
23 But (x) cometh an hour, which is this, (in) which the true 
worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; 
for the Father is seeking for such being about to worship 
him. 2А spirit is God; and for those who will worship 
him it is right for them to worship him in spirit and truth. 
25 Said the woman to him, We know that Messias cometh, he 

being] р ёс 8 85 114, eorw № &c .. eyevero каш єоти 69 позу, the 
Jews] р ёс 8 85 114 .. Judah Syr (cs) 
23 АММа| 8 & 114 131.. add behold Syr (s) єтє-тє which is 

this] 8 ёс 114 13! .. ки vvv оти WA B ёс, Bo (в) 
пе: (пт 57 123) ют the F.] 8 ёс 114 123 (13!) fl..add pov 69 
ovnita зап os lit. а spirit and a] 8 &c (114 1) 123 (131).. om Bo (x^) 
epe-iaq for-him] (с 1) &c (211) 85 123 13! .. om r 22..add ev тивь- 
кать 124*, OL (ab) сарі 8 ёс 21 85 123 131.. кой уар NAB 
&c .. om r, Tert 

4 отпна-наф а spirit-him 19] 8 ёс 57. om G 69 131 229 al 
homeotel .. pref ом in flc.. for a spirit &c Bo (Q) Syr (gh) Eth (Syr 
cs confused) azw and] om Bo (F,*) пач him 1°] R 8 ёс 
21 114, МСАВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. om N*D*, 
OL (dff), Heraclor Novat (Gall) wm (ew 1) ще it is right] k ёс 
21 (114 1), МАВ ёс, OL Vg, Or Eus Cyr..trs after троок. N*D, 
OL (a), Novat Victorin (Gall)  ирцє-наа 2°] om Во (G,*) homeotel 
epoor for them] & ёс 114.. от З nag him 29] К ёс 21 114, Bo 85 114, XAB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm о11-ээ.є lit. in a spirit and 
a truth] В ёс (21) (114).. ev rvevpare обес N* 

5 taq to him] Ë «ер 109 114 123 .. 0m Syr (s) ти (тел k)- 
сооз we know] É (p?) ёс (21) 123, Ne GLA 13 33 69 al то, Bo 
Syr (hme) Arm edd Eth, Cyr Nonn .. ода З" A B ёс, Syr (gch) Arm, 
Chr .. behold Syr (s) заєсстас| 8, ЗАВ ёс, OL Vg (Arm)... 
ssecrac k ёс (p?) 114, EGSUVTAII* al бо, Bo Буг (№15) 
(Arm edd), зансгас 123 131 пєтоу-% lit. he whom they call 
the Christ] k &c (p) 123, Во.. o Aeyopevos xs NAB ёс, Syr (h) (Arm) 


epog хє NEXE. єрщам METALALAT єї. NATALO 
єооб Mise, 26 пехе 16 MAC. хє AMOR пе петщасхе 
^урщпнре. хе месщахє AM отсотяяе. MNE Aaa 
заємтої хоос. хє ERWIME Hed ох. H хорон KWaxe 
MAAC. “aA Tecgrere GE RW йтєсотаріл. ATW - 
achwk сооти єтпоАс., Mexac Nitpweee. | 29 xe 
AMHEITH Ternar evposee. eacpxo epos iioob 
IAL ENTAIAAT. ALHTY пах пе NEXE. ° метину oe 
сол ом Tmo. єтинУ wWapoy. Мом тєуноу 

epog] poy і23 | | (k) 8 57 $ 85 $ 91 $ (109) (114) (123) 13! 
прот 8 (13) 57 (85 $) 91 (92) (109) (114) (123) 131 f1 меча] 
пах. 123 mequs.| єнє. 85..eq. 114 stentor) arity. QI 123 fl.. 
занит. 114 wine] axe 114 горок] 8 &c 13 92 114 123 131.. 
aepak fl 2 (k) (р) 8 13 57 $ (85) 91 92 (109) (114 $ and at пех.) 
(123) 131$ f! ? k ($) (13) 57 91 92 (тод) (тга) (x23) 13! f! 
auHei] p 8 57*uri К &c 13 114 ecb] oooq 114 
3x1] 8 13 57 131. зантєг Ë год 114 fl... зан Во (в) ЖӨ ӘЛЕ 
91 $ 92 (114) (123) f! 3, 8$ 13 57 91 P 92 Р (114 Р) 

Eth .. ош Syr (g) єр(р год Р") цах if-should] Ë ёс p 114 123 
.. pref and Syr (csh) Eth nevai(om fl)ssas that] k ёс (109) 
(114)..add ae р 85 ог 123 .. Rooy he Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth.. 
om Bo (x) циатаахон he-us| Ё ёс (1001) (1231) .. avayy. шим 
U al.. he will give Syr (s) 
2 s€] k &c тод 123 .. our Lord Syr (s) 

avo and ro] 8 &c 85 тод 114 123..0m Bo (BEF)... ae Bo 
(26) йтєтпот іш.) 8 &е 85 (114) (123), OL Vg... exe rovro (то) 
NAB &c .. ev т. N* D, Bo.. while he is speaking Syr (g) .. while they 
&c Syr (с)... while they are standing and speaking Syr (s) this 
word Arm..then Eth aver they came] 8 &с 85 109 123.. ages 
he came 114 avw and 29] 8 ёс 13 85 92 109 114 123..0m ЇЇ, 
Во (r,*q) avP(ep 123) щ. they wondered] 8 ёс (13) 85 тод 
123, Е ёс, Syr (h) .. «бауџаќоу ЗАВСРОКІМП al, OL Vg Bo 
Syr (gcsj) Arm, Or Chr Cyr megu. ће was sp.] 8 &c (13 1) (109) 
(114 7), Syr (csh) Arm .. Ae speaketh Во (м) Syr (а) ane] 8 ёс 
85 123 .. pref and Bo (вма)..а44 де Syr (gh, es) .. but none of them 


JOHN ТУ 26-31 55 

who is called the Christ: if that (one) should come, he will 
show to us all things.  ?9 Said Jesus to her, I who speak 
to thee am he. ?' And immediately came his disciples, and 
they wondered that he was speaking to a woman: no one 
however said, What art thou seeking for? or why speakest 
thou to her? 29 The woman therefore left her waterpot, and 
she went into the city, said she to the men, 29 Come ye and 
see а man who said to me all things which I did. Is тої 
this the Christ? 20 Тһеу were coming therefore out of the 
city, coming unto him, *! In that hour his disciples besought 

said Arm .. pref but Eth оос said] 8 ёо 13 92 114, АВ ёс, 
OL (са) Vg Syr (jh), Or Chr Cyr..add mag to him 85 123, ND, 
OL (abff) Bo Eth .. add mulieri OL (e) .. add of them Arm єкщ. 
art thou seeking] 8 ёс 13 85 92 114 123, Syr (gs).. feminine Syr 
(g 40) .. sought she Бух (c) 

28 a veco. the woman] 8 ёс 85 (1001) 114 123, D, OL (belq) 
Syr (cs)..trs after avrys NAB ёс, Во Syr (gh) Eth .. trs after 
афткеи Arm .. om 244, Syr (j) бе therefore] 8 ёс тод 123, NAB 
&e, Bo Syr (h) Arm..and Буг (ges) Eth it(em rr4)rec- 
ova(er 91 ..нт 114 123) pra her waterpot] k ёс 85 .. ош avrys 126 
azw апі | 8 ёс 109 114 123 131 .. om k f! Bo (F * 9) achwk she 
went] К ёс 109 (114 1) (123 1) .. she ran Syr (s) nex. said she | R 
ёо р 109 114 (1231), Во (BF,*).. pref ки ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gesh) 
Arm Eth плл(ємем 92 .. ний 114)p. to the men] Ë ёс р 109 114 
123 .. om Syr (s) 

? єз(єот 8 114)p. a man] Ë ёс p 13 114 123 ..this man Bo.. 
the man Bo (L°) epos to me] k ёс р тоо (114) 123.. от Bo (o) 
exar, which I did] 8 ёс 13 57 114.. птах Ё р 109.. which I was 
doing Во (6,*) | mas this] k &c 13 (109) 114 123, Во Syr (В) .. exewos 
D, OL (q) .. ipse OL Vg Syr (ges) Arm Eth 

89 neon. they were coming] 8 ёс (123), L, OL (e) .. є2)Хбоу NAB 
&c..add men Syr (g) .. and every one who heard was going out to him 
Syr (s) бе therefore] 8 ёс, NA т 69 al, OL (efl) Vg elem, Cyr.. 
om АВ ёс, OL (a vid cg) Am Fu Во (c,*) Arm .. ae? 13, II?, Bo .. ка 
CD, OL (b) Syr (jh) Eth evn, coming | 8 &c .. кал урхоуто ЗА В 
ёс, Во (om and F) Arm 

1 ei т. єт, in-hour] 13 91 114, ev ro perav NBC* DL, OL (avid 
cegl) Vg Syr (h).. оп тєтнот ae єт. 8 57 92, А ёс, OL (bfffmq) 


ETALMLAT A пеазхонтис сепсоп ETRW Troc. хє 
opahher отояе. 22 ито хє Mexay MAT. хє амок 
отита daar поторє corvoasc. TAY WTOTW итети- 
сосум AEROC ам. 33 меаяхонтис G€ пето) 8я88ОС 
ине»уерит, хє «ен NTA OTA EINE има єотуояе. 
9 mexe IC мат. хє торе AMOR те. хєнас єїєєүрє 
посто ажлснтасүтэуо:с ATW TAXOR ehod N- 
пе 6. 35 жен то Ту AN мето) MAROC. хе RC- 
Toor пебот ие. iive пиос єх. eic оннте oso аваасс 
нти. хе ці йметивбаАА єораї. їтєтниат єнєхоора. 
же нан aàvosbaup eoocos. 3 петфое нээх Rov- 
фене. ххх Ми соото єроун поук^рпос evoWHOo WA 
ENED. хенас петхо зөн петоос evepauje ох OTCOM. 

3 (8) 13 575 91 02 114 (123) Hazar] eax. 123 ite] eteri 
114 5 (8) (13) 57 91 92 114 123 Яла ova] enta ov 57 
* (p) 8 57$ or 92 (тод) (114 $) 123 1e] p ёс, Bo.. xe 114, Bo 
(cG,H) gt єзєєєрє| ee[x]epe р тахок| 8 57 91.. таж. 92 
114 ° (g) (8) (24) 57 Š 91 $ at exc 92 $ (109) 114 $ &c (123) 
wevxo] mevexo 114 qr] М 114 123 пиети|иети 57 €o2cos] 
24 &c (100) сар, 91 Rog. 123 — (a) (p) 24 (44) 57 Š 91 б ав 
єк. 92 (109) (114 Š at azw) (123) bere] Вуки or ша eneg] 
паї eno 114 

Буг (h), Chr Cyr.. and before those had come Arm .. om Bo (which 
has between them and him) Syr (cs) .. кал ev ro per. Syr (g) Eth, Aug 
meq(nt rr4)asaen(e 114)tHe his disc.] 8 ёс 114, ГП? 28 33 
124 al, OL (сід) Во Syr (gcsjh) Eth, Chr Cyr .. om avrov NAB ёс, 
Arm cen(cit or)c. besought him] 8 ёс 114, wapexadovy A 262 .. 
but were beseeching him Во .. and were &c Во (м) .. от conjunction Во 
(ABD,Q).. but his disc. &c Syr (c)..and his біс Syr (s) .. протому 
ЗАВ &с.. om avrov GA, Syr (s) .. and then said to him his disc. Eth 
€vxo-oso4a& saying-eat] 8 &c 114..and saying to him &c Syr (g, 
om £o him 1) .. that he should eat with them bread Syr (cs) .. and say, 
Master, bread eat Arm opahher| 8 ёс, МВСРЕНГЛ .. орз Вт 
57 114, A &6.. rabban бут (g) 

? йточ ae but he] 8 &с.. om Syr(cs).. om conjunction Arm .. and 
said to them Jesus Eth cosoaxc to eat] (8) ёс 123 .. om Bo (q) 

ТОНХ ТУ 32—36 57 

him, saying, Hrabbei, eat. ??But he, said he to them, I, I have 
a food to eat; this ye, ye know it not. 33 His disciples there- 
fore were saying to one another, Did (any) one bring to him 
to eat? ?*Said Jesus to them, My food indeed is, that I should 
do the wish of him who sent me, and finish his work. * Are 
ye not those who say that yet four months are, and the 
harvest cometh? Behold, I say to you, Lift your eyes 
up, and see the fields; that already they were white for 
reaping them. ° He who reapeth will take a reward, and 
gather in a fruit to a life for ever; that he who soweth and 

33 weqssaen(e тід)тис his disc.] (87) &c 13, OL (abceffq) Во 
Eth .. om avrov МА В ёс, Syr (gh).. trs ог pad. after ow ЗАВ ёс... 
they Syr (cs) йиєт. to one another | (р) ёс 13 .. trs before ог p. 
(Det) 13 69 124, Bo 

39 nexe said] (р) 114 .. pref and Eth Үс] р &c 114..0m Syr 
(в) nas to them] р ёо r14..ovry A эхлєц(пп 8 ог 114)- 
тачтатог (р 8 123.. тлото: QI 02..таотоєг 57) of-me] 9 ёс.. 
запатот пит[ачт.| of the Father, he who sent me 114 .. of ту Р. ёс 
Eth neqowh(g 114) his work] р ёс 109 114, Syr (gs, В) Arm 
Eth .. the work Syr (с) 

35 ке yet] 8 ёс, ec NAB ёс, OL Vg Bo (evs кє) Syr (сі, s 
other) Arm (other yet) Eth, Hil DLII* 13 28 69 al, Syr (c), Cyr 
єтс-пнтӣ behold-you] (gt) ёс (24 1) тоо (123 ?), Syr (gh) .. om r 22 
108 118 124 301 «e н(он 81 109 1) (т 91)& av. that-white | 
(g) ёс 24 (109) (123), order Bo (F,*), Aug .. от. А. e. nòn тр. 0. 254, 
OL (cff) Vg Во (nPsv) .. o. A. e. m. 0. 769 С? ёс, Во (c, FKMN, 
Q% T) Syr (g, h) .. 769 о бєрдөг ReAC*DEL 33 al, OL (bdlq, e) 
(Syr св), Irint Eus Cyr Thdrt ("ВМ ИП" al uncertain) .. om 107 
OL (am) Bo (вт) Syr (j) Arm (are whitened and for harvest ripened) 
Eth, Chr Hil 

з түєтөөөё he who reapeth] (g) &c 114 123, RBC* DLT 8 17 33, 
OL (abelq) Bo Syr g (2), Irit Or.. ka o берох A ёс, OL (с НЕ) 
Vg Во (вкьхту) Syr (gh) Arm, Chr... and. already the reaper Syr 
(es) .. for he also who reapeth Eth azw and] (а) &с.. om Bo (F,*) 
єтоиб to а life] q &c 44 123 .. Rome of life (109) 114 хєкас 
that] (р?) ёс 44 тод, Syr (h) .. om Syr (gcs) пето he who soweth | 
(p)&c 44 (109) (114, BCLTU al.. pref kau N&c | єтє(ошш то9) раще 
о. should-together] (97) &c 44 109, D, Во (КР) Буг (gc sj) Arm, Ir int 
..trs before коло 0. NA B ёс, Bo Syr (В)... trs before o от. Eth 


? пцажє TAP Orare пе oae пә. хє отет петхо 
Over METWOC. Замок амюхєттнути €ooc а#пете- 
запетищиотсе єросі. oengoove мептатупупоїсе, ATW 
итоти атетийон eoovmn energice. “ehoA ae ом 
тпоАс єтязаелу атаєннщє ÑCAALAPITHC MICTETE 
epoy erbe nujaxe итесозаяе есраамтре. хє Aaw 
мар Howh mee ситамлат. + йтероте ge wapo 
пістєУє erbe пєсүцрэлхє,, 42 мєтухо) а» ос Итесотаяе. 
хе маяпистете ли eThe поущахе. ANOM сар хисотая 

зт (р) (21) 24 44 5189192 (100) (123) — (21) (24) (44) 513 
91 92 $ (109) wit] 24 57 01 twice.. щєп 92 109 genr.) ойк. 9r 
з» (a) (р) (13) 24 (36) 57 $91 (92 $) (123) merese] mice g sic 
ental] g 24 36 57 .. vas p 9r © (4) (p) 13 24 36 (44 $) 57 Š 
9I (123) QaTHT] 13 24 .. аот. 36 44 57 91 t 13 (24) (44/55 
91123 mey] ny 123 2 13 (84):(57) OL 126!  нлесої | en 2k 

? cap] р ёс roo .. om Во (хр).. but Arm .. and Eth orare (єє 
24..н 123) lit. a true] р &c (21) (тод) 123, 'ЗВС"КІТАП" І 22 
33 al го, Or Heracl Oyr..o аХцбиос (ms І 22 al) А &c..of truth 
Syr (ges) оях nar in this] р &c.. trs to beginning NAB ёс, Syr 
(gesh) Arm (Eth) .. om (21) 109 петхо he-soweth] (24) &c тоо, 
Во (NrF,*M)..add a» and 21 44 57, МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gesh) 
Arm Eth 

° aston I] (21) ёс (247) 44 109.. pref and Syr (c) .. add ae Bo 
(pEJs) Eth arxey I sent] 21 ёс 24 44 109..exexew Í shall 
send 92 ззпєтєях (тях 91 .. TH 02)-єроц that-not] (21 1) &c (24) 
109, Syr (gch) .. om ó D* L, OL (de) ujite. laboured 19] Во (н) 
.. om wit Bo.. sowed Arm оєн(оп gt). others] (21) ёс 24 109, 
Arm..add ae Во (rr) Syr (g 10).. add yap Syr (gh) .. but they who 
laboured Syr (c) ayo and] 21 &c 24, Syr (gch) Arm... om Bo 
(Гк,*о 26) Eth ат. ye] (24) «с (109) 21 ..add ae Во (q 26) 
атетий. went] 24 ёо, Bo (N) .. арєтєн Bo, eperen Во (n 26) 
eneser(es 24)ce to their 1.) 21 &e 24 109 labores OL (cefg) 
Vg Syr (J), ?n laboribus (q) .. their work Syr (gch) 

° ae] 24 ёс 92 123..0m or, Во (1)..апа Syr (c) Arm Eth 
псала. lit. of the S.] 24 ёо 92 123, МОТА .. -parov АВ ёс, Syr 

JOHN IV 37-42 59 

he who reapeth should rejoice together. ° Гог the word is 
true in this, that one is he who soweth, another is he who 
reapeth. 3% І, I sent you to reap that for which ye laboured 
not: others were they who laboured, and ye, ye went into their 
labour. 29 But out of that city many Samaritans believed 
him because of the word of the woman, bearing witness that 
he said to me all things which I did. *? When had come 
therefore unto him the Samaritans, they besought him to 
remain with them ; and he remained there two days. * And 
a great multitude believed because of his word. * They were 
saying to the woman, We believe not because of thy word ; 

(ch) .. Samaritans Syr (g) epoq him] g ёс 92 123 .. ош N* 482, 
OL (ae) пщажє-зайтрє the word-witness] (g?) «е (137) 36 
92..the witness of the woman who was saying Syr (c) ecpar. 
bearing &c] add to them Bo (BKNTCy)..of him Bo (А "^STDA, EFJL 

4 тєр, бе when-therefore] g ёс р (44), Syr (h) Arm .. evryA6ov 
ow В", venerunt ergo ОЇ, (e)..and when they came Syr (gc) Eth 
ascen(ci 36 91)c. they-him] (р) ёс, Syr (g).. they were beseeching 
him Во (вГкемро) Syr (ch) Arm еб &с to remain &c] p &с, Eth be-he was бут (ас) Arm assay there] (р) &с 13 (44) 123, 
Буг (h) Arm Eth.. тар avrous N 71 248 253 259 569 al 5, Syr (вс)) 
спау two] 13 ёс 44 519 123, №, Arm..trs before ур. AB ёс, 
Syr (gch) Eth 

1 aso and] 13 &c (24) - ош Во (26) avas. єм. a-mult.] 13 &c 
(24)..тоААв zAÀetovs NAB ёс, Во Syr (h) Arm .. many Syr (gc) Eth 
піст. | 13 57, ЗАВ ёс, Во, Or Cyr Irint..add єроч Aim 24 4, ets 
avrov А 13 69 262 2537 33097 al, OL (f) Vg clem Bo (гр,г) Syr 
(gcjh*) Arm Eth, Chr 

*? weyaxw-corsse they-woman] 123 .. eso ae &c but &c 57 01, 
dicebant. autem mulieri OL (eq), ту бє y. eAeyov DEA 71 472, OL 
(a 1) Syr (h), Or .. пєухо ве &e they were saying therefore &c 13 24, 
Во (BLMNV 26)..т› тє y. A. № &с..ко «А. т. у. ҮҮ, OL (b) Bo 
(вэ,,) Syr (gc) Arm Eth махпіст. am we believe not] 24 01 
(menn) 123 .. esum. бе am we believe not any тоте 13, ЗАВ &c .. add 
him Bo (Amer) Syr (gc) Eth novus. thy word] 13 &c 24, сти 
Аамоу МА ёс, OL Vg, Негасіог Chr Cyr Irit.. ДаМмам cov B, Or .. 
сту paprvpiay &*D, OL (b1) anon cap for we] 13 &c 24, avro 
yap NAB &c..avrov уар D, OL (a) yap Bo (р,).. but we Eth 


epog. ATW TWcooyW. хе MAI MAME пе псотнр ti- 
пкосааос, ©. З MCa пеооот ae CHAT aer ehor 
Оз» meea єтї лу сто АТА». ито бар үс ac[p- 
зэлїтрє. хє аяазмте профитнс таєїну ораг оз» 
пераве Maar ажаасс, 4 итереце Ge eren YA at 
хущопа еросх полисаЛтЛатос. CATMAT equh miee 
ENTAYAAT OW өєротс^Анае дбає пща. TOOT Сар 
оооу ом Weaver єпща пе. 46 ace! G€ ом еткама 
Areaan meea єптацтрє па ооз PHP. avw 
wesW ovóacrAimoc. epe песүшнре wone ом кафар- 
Maore. tmar итерееютая xe a IC er ehod ow 
oraaa erada. agor wapo ac[cencorrqT. 

43 (p)13 $24 91 P 123 б or ЗзАНЫ.| weni. gt neo.] по. 13 
om] 13 24..ах 91 123 | " ($) (13) (36) (44) (91) 123 pos.] 
epar. 123  ахахпте| 13 36.. asi 24 QI 123 TaeIHT | 24 .. таєго 36 
..TaIHTT 123 epar] p 24 9т..ош 36 123 neq] nq 123 ose] 
Tae 123 азаа] om M 24 sic *5 (13) (24) (а) (36) (44) 91 (123) 
ne] 13 24 .. 0m a 9t 10 13924 @ 01 $ (123 9) Тент пе Or 
р) ep 91 nevn] 13 а 91..пєоти 24 epe] 13 24 a.. eTe 91 

*' (р) 13 (24) а (36) (44) 91 

anc. we heard] 13 &c 24 .. we believed Syr g (2) epog him] r3 ёс 
24 .. тар avrov WII? т 13 69 118 124, Syr (cj) Arm .. om АВ &e, Bo 
Syr (g) тис. we know] 13 &e 24, eyvopev К 116 131, eyvoxapev 
П* 53 .. oiapev МА В &с, venesss Во | хе-палає(н от) пе that-is] 
13 24 91, Syr (g) .. палан же паг пе truly that this is 123, Po .. ort 
ovros eoTw aÀ?0os А B &с, Syr (b) Arm (Eth) .. от. aA. o. e. N, Am Ки 
.. that truly he із Буг (c) .. om aà. К*П al, OL (ff), Heraclor Victorin 
nc.-&ocax. the-world] r3 &с 24, NBC* al, OL (abffl,c) Vg Bo 
Юуг (g б с)") Arm, Irint Or Eus Victorin Aug..add o xç А ёс, 
OL (efq) Syr (hje), Chr, pref пе Bo (AmgpgJgus) Syr (g) (Eth) 

З ae] Bo, Syr (h) Bo (мх*от) Syr (c) ..and Syr (є) Arm 
Eth спа» two] second Bo (м) ager єй, he came out] add 
Jesus Syr (g) Eth, add after exe. Bo (Г) Syr (с) agqersara he 
came-place] (р 1) ёс, NBCDT тз 69, OL (abeffflq) Bo Syr (с), Or 
Cyr .. add к. arndAGov А &c, Vg Syr (ghe) Arm Eth, Chr, к. 7AGev L 
106, OL (g) Syr (h), et fuit OL (c) 

“ cap] p r3 91 123, Arm .. de буга (4). and Eth xe] ІЗ 

JOHN IV 43-47 61 

for we, we heard him, and we know that this truly is the 
saviour of the world. 9. 43 But after the two days he came 
out of that place to [the] Galilaia. ** For he, Jesus, bare 
witness, that no prophet 18 honoured in his own village. 
45 When he had come therefore to [the] Galilaia, received 
him the Galileans, having seen all things which he did in 
the Hierusalém in the feast; for they also had come to the 
feast. 46 Не came therefore again to the Kana of [the] 
Galilaia, the place (in) which he made the water become 
wine; and there was a king’s-officer, his son being sick in 
Kapharnaum. * This (man) when he had heard that Jesus came 
out of [the] Iudaia to [the] Galilaia, went unto him, he 

36 91 123 .. pref saying Во (в) проф. | ($) (13 ?) 36 44 123, Bo 
(FKNP°QV) .. pref оз Во 

* бе therefore] 24 gt 123, Во Syr (h) Syr g (9) .. ae 36 44, 
Syr (g) Arm .. and Syr (c) Eth єтс(к 123 twice)aX. to the G.] 
26 44 OI 123..0m Syr (c) єошЁ м. all things] а 36 or (123), 
535, OL (abf) Bo Syr (В), Or .. trs before ewp. № &e (that which Syr c) 
.. полтез G, Syr (h), OL (aeff) Eth .. all the signs Syr (с) | en (1t or)- 
тачаату which he did] а 36 91 .. om Bo (2*).. add оуива 69, (Arm) 
Eth ereporcaN nas] 24, D, ОГ (q) .. өчАнэх 13 36 9r .. 
гєротоАлрок МА В ёс охх in] 13 24 91 .. om D itroos-uja 
for-feast] 13 (24) а ог (123) G 108 122* .. om yap Во (BDA, 
EFHJMPQ 18) nearer had come] 13 24 а 91, №, OL Vg Во Syr 
(ge) Arm .. yAdov A В ёс, Syr (Б) 

46 ager he came] 13 ёс 123..9A0av N øe therefore] 13 ёс 123, 
Syr (h) Arm..83e Syr (g) .. and Syr (с) Eth ой again] 13 
&e, NBCDL al, OL Vg Во Syr (с) Arm Eth, Or Cyr .. pref o is al, 
Chr .. add o ts A ёс, OL (fq) Bo (acr) Syr (gh) Eth — ev(om r3 a)- 
K( 24 9т)ана to the K.] 13 &c..ev В..єткамам Bo (Q), № 
azw and] r3 ёс, АВ ёс, OL (cg) Vg Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Or.. om 
OL (a) Bo (л)..бє NDLT 33, OL (beffflq) Bo, Chr Cyr Сала 
bacıN.] 13 ёс, Syr (h) Arm .. Васюков D 31 9977, OL (ad) Bo 
(в, 3,* Mos), Synops .. servant of the king Syr (gc) Eth ei к. in 
K.] 13 & OL (e), Aug .. trs after nv Syr (gc) 

" war this] p &с 24.. 0m №“, Syr (c)..add оти Bo (p,,).. and 
Eth a 1€ Jesus] p 13 24 ..0m г a 91 ch. ом out of] єк NA B 
&c ..azo 33 69 Xosa-eic. the L-Gal.] (р) ёс 44 .. trs from G. 
to J. Syr (c) aqê. went] p &c (24) 44 .. „Абе, N* C т 13 33 69 


BERAC єсеєт єпеснт MTANANGE песүшнүре. weeptaaeoy 
чар пе. “mexe їс GE Maf. хе ETETNTARNAT eoew- 
AfACUL SAT осищинре пиєтаєпістєтє. 5 пехасү мас 
WMoWnbacYAiHoc. хе пхоес AUOT епесит ажлатє 
пошире азот. rexe Үс мас. хе hor. пекшире 
оно. aepmicreve ибитроляе епщаьхе ENTA IC тоос 
ма. ати» абон. 2 єцинт ae єпєснт а метояя- 
GAA TWT еро. ATW гутааж ETRW ажат ос. хе 
пенщире оно. 2 рхиотот GE EMMAT ENTACLALTON 
мент. пехату. хе A пеоавове наас AAMMAT AXN- 
смије Исле. ас иблиецеют. хє паг 

жєкәс] xe ә печу. | YM. 360 5 13 а 36 44 91 gem] on 
gr twice’? 13 с (36) OE (AIS є от rave on ложит | 
тоат 13 (e) (a) 13 (a) (36) or «та с. Tag 13 а от 
9 (c) (g) 13 36 01 

124, OL (abeffl) Syr (c) Arm, Chr aqcen(cit дт)с. he-him] р 
ёїс (24) 44, А ёс, OL (bef) Vg Bo (LT) Syr (сс) Б) Arm e Eth .. om 
avrov NBCDLT зз бо, OL (aelq) Arm, Or Chr Cyr.. pref ато 
and 13 а 44, ЗАВ 4, Bo .. om кои прота G таМее cure] 13 ёс 
24 (36) 44 .. see Syr (c) чар | 13 &с 24 36 44... ош Bo (3,*) 

8 øe therefore] Syr (h) T 237, Во (DA EFL NOPQS 18) буг 
(gc) Arm .. and. Syr (j) Eth яхаємт-цуп. signs-wonders] Arm.. 
irs Syr (c) пиєтах(п 36)п. ye-believe] 13 36 44.. fitetitnan. 
ait ge will not &с а ОТ .. тиотєвєтє H* II, OL Vg Arm 

9 фасіМ.| 13 ёс 36 .. батек. D, OL (а) Bo (x,*6,* ,* K* MNOS) 
nxoeic Lord] 13 ёс 36 .. my Lord Bo Syr (gch) .. om Во (Q) 
плащ. my son] 13 &c, А 13 57 69 77 124 244, OL (cf) Vg Eth.. 
таюу NB ёс, Syr (gch) Arm.. тада №, OL (bdefflq).. om pov 
D 1, OL (beffl) Во (ва) Syr (gc) 

5 ve] E 157 472..add ве therefore 4 &c..and said to 
him Jesus Syr (g 40) Eth бок go] g &c.. add £o thy house behold 
Syr (с) nexuj. thy son] g & cov F хат. believed] g 
ёс, МВР, OL (cl) Vg Bo (хр), Суг.. pref xav А ёс, OL (abefffq) 
Bo Буг (gcjh) Arm Eth .. de LT 485 enu. the word] g ёс... om 
Bo (a) єпта(йта 13 а 91)-маєр which-him] g &c .. rov © N*, Syr 
(с) .. т. tv ov erev avrov 540... om avro КП, OL (d) ат ач. and 
he went] 13 &e, 13 69 124, буг ($)... к. єторєуєто NA В ёс, Syr (h) 

JOHN IV 48-53 63 

besought him that he should come down, and eure his son; 
for he was about to die. * Said Jesus therefore to him, 
Unless ye see signs and wonders, ye shall not believe, + Said 
he to him, the king’s-officer, Lord, come down before that 
my son dieth. 5° Said Jesus фо him, Go, thy son liveth. 
Believed the man the word which Jesus said to him, and 
he went. 5!But as he cometh down his servants met him, 
and they showed to him, saying, Thy son liveth. 5? He asked 
them therefore of the hour in which he recovered. Said they, 
The fever left him at the seventh hour of yesterday. 53 Knew 
his father that that hour (was) that (in) which Jesus said to 

Я eqm. as he cometh] OL (ef) Syr (gc)... pref уду ЗАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (Б) ae] om Bo (ABMNOQ 18) .. and while Syr (c) Arm Eth 
нео. his servants] AB ёс, OL (dq) Bo Syr (gejh) Arm Eth, Chr 
Cyr .. om avrov МЮ = L т, OL (abcefffl) Ve avraszog they—him | 
Syr (gch) Eth .. om BL, Во Ethro.. пу(атту. ауту.)уєЛа NA ёс, 
Arm єухо &c saying] A(BL) ёс, OL Syr (Б) Arm .. оп RD, OL 
(b) .. add to him Во (18) Syr (gc) Eth .. pref e? OL (a) neku. thy 
son] DK(L)UII 13 33 69 124 al 25, Bo Syr (gcjh™s) Eth, Cyr.. o 
та NAB ёс, Syr (h) Arm, Or Chr .. add avrov NA BC 13, OL (cdf 
gl) Vg Arm .. add cov Ре &c, OL (abeq), Or Chr 

52 agx. he asked them] (c) ёс a, єтьбєто NAB ёс, Syr (gc) .. eruv- 
Gavero 13 69 124 258 al, Bo Syr (h) Arm, Chr ge therefore] с 13, 
МАВ ёс, Syr (h) .. om Во (№09) Arm.. ae a от, 13 69 al, OL (1) Bo 
..and Syr (gc) Eth єппат of the h.] (с) &c а, L ёс, Chr Cyr, 
OL (fffl) Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth..trs rv ор. т. а. RACDKUII 
al, OL (beegq) Vg .. тти op. exewwnv В, (Bo N) nexav said they | 
€ ёс, OL (e) Bo Syr (go) .. єт. ow BCL т 33 al.. ки e. NAD ёс, 
OL Vg Bo (N) Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Cyr калч left him] 13 91.. 
атуу BA, Bo (o) ixmnas-caujje at &c] (c) 13, Bo (9).. 
жїнт(® 91)є псащеє since the seven Q 91 -сацучє seventh] с ёс 
q (36) .. tertia OL (c) .. ninth Syr (c) 

° ачетазе knew] (c) ёс Arm... add ow NAB ёс, Syr (h) .. pref 
and Syr (gc) Eth лєчєтот his father] g ёс, C al го, OL (ef) 
Bo Syr(gh) Arm Eth .. om avrov NAB &c.. the father of the 
boy Syr (j) пиау ermar that hour] g ёс, N*BC т, OL 
Vg Bo Eth, Chr .. pref w МАР ёс, Zn illa (ef) Syr (gch) 
Arm, Cyr 


єтаваяму MENTA IC тоос ма. хе пенщире оно. 
ATW асүпїстете ито зам пену тнр. “пах ом 
пе изасосналт Marae сита IC aa итереех ehor 
ем oraaa eTe a AYA 2.12. 

V. X, чамиса mar ме nwa пе iitrovaar a 1С bor 
€opar eorepovcaAHas. Me™ оуноХтаафнөра є 
ом erepovcalHas Qix TempohaTinH. eUjavesov e 
epoc isaewToebparoc хе Ómacaraa. epe Це нстоа 
Qvxoc. Зеумноти OA МАТ иблотаенище иметщеоме 
MAAAC set Hoare sex METIOTWOT. ° METIN ovpoase 

54 (с) тз (36) or enta] 13 .. nva өт ө|стз..є or 
 (6)(8):13:3:03 М, ох ота sa (e) (G) rosor хер 
Зоо дл КОЗ Я 21:29] та И. xom O1 роби рута 91 f! 

пєнта that which] (с) &с.. the hour which Bo (д то) с) 13 

&c .. om N* .. trs said to him Jesus Во (мо) xe 29] 13 &c .. add go 
30 (в) атоо-тирії and-house] 13 & Во(в) тнр whole] 

13 & I 29 40 63 71 253 259 

ö4 was this] 13 36 or, NAC?D ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gcjh) Arm, 
Chr Cyr Chron .. pref and Eth .. add дє BC*G al, Do (BDA,EJO 18), 
Or .. Лос igitur OL (e) оп again] 13 36 9r .. om Syr (о) 
naxeoc. the second] 13 (36) 91, ЗАВ ёс, Bo (к) Arm .. trs the sign 
second Во Syr (0) OL (е) Siaxaent-aar sign-did] 13 9r .. 
стих єтог. о i$ АВ ёс, OL (cel) Vg Syr (gh).. erou стр» о 15 N, Chr, 
fecit iesus signum OL (ab) (Eth) 

1 зип. и. after these] (c) &c, Bo (A cT A,r,* GH 26) Syr (gch).. 
add є S V al, OL (f) Bo.. add «e on Bo (о).. pref and Eth ища 
the f£] с ёс, МСЕЕНГИТ,МАП al, Bo, у АВ ёс, Arm, 
Or Chr Chron пліт. of the J.] (c) &c.. rov абушоу À .. of them 
Syr (j) .. add э) oxyvornyia 131 a st Jesus] or fl, Bo (NF,* N) Eth 
.. pref azw and с 13, NAB ёс, Во Буг (gch) Arm [ee1eposc ]a- 
Хнэх | g.. э1Миза с &c.. оте На fl.. єрогоХора. NAB &с 

* west there was] с &c g, Bo (trs w. отк. after пров) Syr (єс) В) 
Arm, Nonn .. оти МА В ёс, Chr Cyr.. om eaerw-Avposs 69 orko- 
Х (о 91)21&. a pool] с ёс (à) ..« certain place of baptism which is 
called Syr (gc) ъе | с &c.. and Syr (с) Arm Eth me оп ө. | 

JOHN IV я4--У 5 65 

him, Thy son liveth: and he believed, he and his whole house. 
54 This again is the second sign which Jesus did when he had 
come out of [the] Iudaia to [the] Galilaia. 

V. 10. After these things was the feast of the Jews: Jesus 
went up to the Hierusalém. 2 But there was a pool in the 
Hierusalém by the sheep-market, which is wont to be called 
in Hebrew, Bédsaida, having five porches. ° (There were) 
lying under these a multitude of those who were sick, blind, 
and lame, and those who were dried up. ° But there was 

om Во (Е) ГетєЇротс аМнах | g.. өхХнэх € &c .. то гєротоХорогс 
ЗАВ &c | orxn(exen Bo NBL) Tempo. lit. upon the &c] ¢ ёс, em 
т] тр. B ёс, OL (cfg) Am* Bo Syr (h)..ev ту тр. NCADGL, OL 
(dq) Arm, Nonn, (abff).. проб. №“ бі mg 116 57°, OL (e) Vg clem 
Eth, (1) Syr (g), Cyr ^ єщат-єрос which-called] с &c .. т 
eriAeyop. NAB ёс, OL (cf) Vg, Cyr .. Аєуор. DV т 15 33 118" 131 
al 3, que dicitur (abdefflq) Syr (h).. то Aey. N* Brac. | (с?) 
Яс, Bo .. Вубо. В, OL (c) Vg Во (Акро) Syr (Б) Eth (рела зауеаа), 
Tert .. Вубѓаба N 33, Вада L, Eus, betzata (1), bezatha (e) .. Be) ea, 
D, belzatha (a), betzeta (b), betzetha (ff) .. Вубеода А ёс, BibecOa A al, 
OL (fq) Syr (jh ще), Did Chr Cyr .. beth khesda Syr (gc) .. pethhesta 
Arm epe ёс lit. being upon it] 13 біс, exovca NAB &c .. and 
there were Syr (g, c) ..five porches Arm .. and, in it five porches Eth 
сто(® 91)a] 13 &c.. стора L 

3 єуп(єп 9т)к. lying] (c?) &с.. мєэнк, were lying fl, Bo (F 26) 
..€v толто кат. NAB ёс, Syr (g то h) ..ev т. ow кат. D, (Chr).. 
and in these &c (Во) Syr (g) (Eth) .. and were lying in the porches Syr 
(c) | ew (en 91)s. | 13 9r .. merik. fl, karexewro D A?, OL (ab, І" д?) 
Bo .. karekevro МА Б ёс ga under] 13 &с.. e» NAB ёс OPAL, 
a mult.] (c), тАубоѕ ВСР 33 68, OL (abelq) Bo (26).. max. the 
т. 13 ёо, L, Во (0)..add rou А ёс, OL (cfff) Vg Syr (Б) Arm, 
Cyr .. many Syr (c) .. much people Syr (g) .. the multitudes Во | тету. 
dried up] 13 ёс, Во.. trs withered and lame Syr (c) .. add тараХотисои 
D, OL (abl).. add further exdeyouerwv тту Tov ъдато$ киси А? ёс, 
OL (abcefffgl) Во (2 &c pref and) Syr (g pref and, jh) Arm Eth (pref 
and), Chr Cyr 

5 ombyerse тз от f ECD эз +157) 314, OD (а) Vg edd. Bo 
Syr (c) Arm edd, Nonn.. read A ёс, OL (abceffg) Vg Bo (Ат, A, 5 
F пе, стетет,о58) буг (gjh) Arm, Chr Cyr Amb Tert Did 



ме Mery. €acjpaeaabe wenne poene oss neej- 
шоме. в итере хс мат EMAI емнотк. €acjerese ose 
AACR. пехар Macy. xe єноуонц ео хам. 7 АЧотощі 
час ибтетщоме. хе nxoeic meit posse Rear. 
хєвас €DUJSW MOOT TWO єцємохт епесит ETRO- 
AvashHepa. Оосон ae anon HHT. шаре REOTA 
ршорп epor CAWR епесит. f пехе 1С мал, хе тооти 
сал SIMPLE. ATW AYEI ESAO. atjeeoowe. 
ме псадбатом ae пе neooov eyasesav. 10 иеухо GE 
Quoc MGIMIOTaAI аялеснтас (Хо. хе псаббатом пе. 

ssaahe] gt... зал В fl.. arah 13... аза р 6 (c) (p) 13 or f! $ 
€ovxai] 13 91 .. om e f! 7 (с) (4) 13 91 fl ang] 13.. зап 
ot fl epy, | сёс g.. Puy. f! коХзэл, | с &с.. коХоля. 91 259 
ОИ) 13 01:15 у gag оло 

° мє] р бо, Syr (g).. ош Во (0) .. and Syr (с) Arm Eth nuar 
there] р &с.. om  .. аубр. exe. АВ &с..єк. av. F 237 al, OL (ара) 
(Arm) Eth щзаниє(оп p fl) eight] ВКБУГАП al, OL (al) 
Am Fu Bo, Or.. pref xu SACD ёс, OL (bcefq) Vg Syr (gcjh) 
Arm Eth negu. his sickness] р ёс, SBC*DLII? т 33 124 al, 
OL (acel) Vg Во Буг (j) Arm, Chr Cyr.. om avrov A &c, OL (bfq) 
Syr (gh), Or Aug .. had been sick Буг (c) (Eth) 

° <] р ёо, МАВ &c..add ae fl, Bo..add ози Во (н).. and 
when saw him Jesus Syr (c, s our Lord) (Eth) єчик. lying] р ёс 
..trs before Леуе Syr (s) єлчєтазє having kn.] 13, (Bo r) .. ка 
yvovs МА В ёс .. ages. he knew р &с, Буг (es) .. and knew Bo Syr (gh) 
Arm Eth ацооск lit. he delayed] р &c .. rod. xpovov exe. N 253, 
OL (e) Bo Syr (gej) Eth .. т. 48 xp. є. AB &c, Syr (Б) (Arm)... x. 
non є. 1 118 482 565 nexay said he] 13 ёс, Syr (g 9 h).. pref 
and Во (Acra,u) Syr (g) Eth nag to him] с ёс... om Bo (г).. 
add o is G єкотонц thou art wishing] (с?) П.. котоцу thou 
wishest 13 OI 

7 aros. ans.] с ёс, Arm .. pref and Syr (Б) Eth .. Леуе A?D, Syr 
(cs) waq to him] с &с.. om Bo (BA, EFJLS) позпетцу. he- 
sick] Bo (Р).. от Syr (es)..add said he Bo, and said Буг (є) Eth 

JOHN У 6-10 67 

a man there, having spent thirty eight years in his sickness. 
5 When Jesus had seen this (one) lying, having known that he 
had been long time (thus), said he to him, Thou art wishing to 
be made whole. 7 Answered to him he who was sick, Гога, І have 
not (a) man, that, if the water should be stirred up, he should 
cast me down into the pool; but while I, I come, another is 
wont to be before me to go down. 5 Said Jesus to him, Rise, 
and take up thy bed, and walk. ° And immediately was 
made whole the man, and he took up his bed, he walked: 
but it was the sabbath that day. 19 Were saying therefore 
the Jews to him who ceased (from pain), It is the sabbath, and 

nxoeic Lord] с ёс, МАВ ёс, OL Vg Bo (ту Lord) Syr (my Lord 
cs) Arm .. pref va. CTEFG H 33 124 al, Bo (N) Syr (g ту Lord, jh) 
Eth, Сугі Chr posre man] с &c..add де C? 33 al 3, Syr (gjh) 
(Eth) Суг} Chr two stirred up] e ёс g..add фу the angel 
Syr (h) me] с &e g, Syr (gsh).. om 91..and Syr (с) Arm Eth 
anon I] с &c.. от V 69 al то щорії lit. first] 13 ёо... трос B*L 
єй. єп. to go down] 13 &c.. add ки AapBave aow 64 .. add eyw дє 
agÜevov Topevopat 69 

8 s€] оит Lord Syr ($) .. pref and Eth пе (єх or fl) and—up | 
A DK II, OL (abeff) Eth .. арои В ёс, OL (cfglc) Vg Bo Syr (gesh) 
Arm, Hil nTa. and walk] Syr (gsh) Arm Eth..add vzaye es 
тоу окоу cov 69, Syr (c) 

° azw and 19] om N*, Bo (FLPQ 26) ато-рояле and—man| om 
96 97 azw 10-заооще and—walked] om 28 al 5 йт. imm. | 
NcAB ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (gesjh) Eth, Cyr.. om 58" D, OL (Т) Arm 
azw and 29] Eth .. om Bo (Е 26) .. ка туербу N, OL (abe) Syr 

gsh) Arm, eyepfas D т 13 69 124, (ff) ало) 29-6 No(oo Ї) 5 
and-bed] Syr (gsh) Syr (c) aqsioouje he walked] and 
walked Syr (g) Arm Eth .. к. тєргєтатє, NB ёс, Syr (h) .. к. zepizaret 
AL 63 ae] р 13 91, МАВ & f! Во (А 26).. and Syr (ges) 
neo. єтах. that day] Во Syr (ges) Eth .. ev ex. nu. RA B ёс (Bo FLO) 
Syr (h) Arm .. om D, OL (e) 

19 mesaxo-nios. were-Jews] Syr (h).. сит vidissent autem illum 
iudei dicebant OL (е) (Syr s).. say the Jews Буг (gc) Arm бе 
therefore] 13 fl, SAB ёс, Syr (Б).. om Syr є (3) Arm .. ae 91 .. and 
Syr (g) Eth ззпем(пи f). to him who ceased| тө тєбєрат. 
МАВ &с.. ош OL (e) Syr (:) .. to him Syr (с) ncab, ne it-sabb.] 

Е 2 


ATW исто ман ан єс зэпекб A oo. Пачотвщі мат. 
хе пентацтаЛсої пеєтаяааал пейтасүжоос Mal. хє 
сех ners Aog mnCeroouje. 1° аломоту. хе MMe пе 
прочее emraejzsooc мак. <€ суто NTeeoowe. 13 пєнт- 
AJAO хє нєцсооэн AN. же ques me. IC CAP пегсү- 
CEOTY. epe отаянни)є ояе паза стятаелу. 11 eettitca 
пат à IC ое epog Oa перпе. Mexaq ма. хе eic 
оннтє AKOTA язпркотк ермобе. єкас Mme 
Tieooov enar Wwe Marok. Г аціньк ибитроаяе. 
AYTAE поз маз. хе IC пейтасүтаАо.  !^ erbe паї 

исто] r3 .. n&vo gr .. место fl єф 13 fl.. eges or Цаг 
gı fl nent.) пит, f! twice лаз поло ET 29100011 
шиг: (ec), ox f CS) aw] 13 91 .. om fl epe] є &c . ep 13 
M 13 egr fl (fr) aj om 13 f! repre] 13 є.. пр. 91 f! «єнас| 
табе Se or i! fr 25 13 € OI (ir) пот. | 13 ЕЯ. ео. ої 
нае ое (11) 
ош Буг ($) аз and] &ABC*DGLVT al 40, OL (abel) Во 
Syr (j) Arm Eth, Cyr Gaud .. om С° ёо, OL (сід) Vg Bo (вкьмо9) 
Syr (gch), Hil meng. thy bed] NC*DLAII 13 17 69 al то, OL 
Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Oyr .. om cov АВ ёс, OL (e) 

П aqos. м. he-them] 13, СЗО ёс, OL (abcefflq) Vg.. he saith to 
them Буг (c)..and he that was healed saith to them Syr (s).. pref 
пто жє 91, pref о дє NC*GKLAATI al 25, OL (f) Во (r,mex) 
Syr (jh), Cyr.. pref os дє AB.. ayos. ae її®їпрөззє ео) maroc 
but answered the man saying f! .. but he, said he to them Bo .. but (and 
Eth) he ans. and said to them Syr (g) Eth .. he answered them and 
saith Arm эх (от fl)nexg. thy bed] om Syr (g 10).. om cov N* 
nTa. and walk] к. теритате МАВ &c .. and до Bo (TDA Eg M ps) Eth 
.. go Во 

З om verse ГА" al 6, OL (b) Syr (s) алх, they-him] NBD 
482 7 ev, OL (aeffl) Bo (BFNOQ 26) Arm .. add ovv A ёс, OL (c) Vg 
Bo (1) Буг (h), Cyr.. add дє OL (q) Bo .. pref and Syr (gj) Eth, tunc 
(f) .. add iude dicentes (e) .. add saying Bo (Aro) (Arm Eth).. they 
say to him Syr (c) (Ё or)rrq take it up] 91 fl.. apov NBC*L .. 
Чї aneso take up thy bed 13, АС ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gejh) 
Arm Eth, Chr Cyr 

13 пен(пи Р) т, he who ceased] 13 &c, abes ЗАВ ёс, OL (acefff) 
Vg Во Syr (gcjh) Arm Eth, Cyr..ac6evwy D, OL (Ъ1).. that man 
Буг (s) OL (а) те] 3 ёс ош Df, OL (4) Boos 

JOHN У 11-16 69 

it is not granted to thee to take up thy bed. 11 He answered 
to them, He who cured me, that (one) is he who said to me; Take 
up thy bed, and walk. 12 They asked him, Who is the man who 
said to thee, Take it up, and walk? 1° But he who ceased 
(from pain) was not knowing who it was; for Jesus had 
withdrawn himself, a multitude being in that place. 14 After 
these (things) Jesus found him in the temple, said he to him, 
Behold, thou wast made whole; return not to commit sin, that 
the worse (lit. evil) than this should not happen to thee. 
15 Went the man, he showed to the Jews, that Jesus (is) he 
who cured me. 1% Beeause of this the Jews were persecuting 

and Syr (cs) Arm ne] 13 ёс, erv NAB &c.. уу D vap] 
13 &c e, Bo (A,ETLNOPQS).. because оит Lord Syr (s) .. ae Bo.. чар 
ae Bo(»,,) Syr є (2) нєацсєөт | had-himself] 13 є or, OL 
(deq) (Bo)..a«c. he withdrew himself fl, efevevoev МАВ ёс, (Bo 
BT 26)..add into the great multitude Syr (g) O3XX-33:1a$ іп- 
place] 13 ёс є (fr), OL (аъ) Syr (g) Arm Eth .. ev то тото МА В 
&с, Syr (sh) .. ev ro peo 53" .. add elsewhere because of the multitude 
of the people Syr (s) 

4 sstt-mar after these] 13 ёс (fr?), Во (A,FLNO 26), МАВ ёс, 
Syr (gcsh) Arm ..add де FA, postea OL (1) .. and then Eth 
a-epoq Jesus-him| 13 &е (fr).. єроке avr. о is (our Lord Syr s) 
Ne Ёс, Syr (gh, s) Arm .. evp. o i$ а. № (Syr с) єро him] Syr 
(gsh) .. rov тєбєрал. W*, Syr (cj) Eth nex. said he] 13 ёс fr, 
Во (r,*x0Q 26).. pref ко, ЗАВ &c, Во па" to him] 13 &с fr.. 
om f! є. 9. behold] 13 біс (fr?) A* 253, Bo Syr (gesh) Arm 
Eth .. We $Š ёс epn. to-sin] 13 &c.. pref ве any more 91, NAB 
&c, Bo Syr (g) enar than this] 13 ёс (fr), Syr (s) Eth .. than the 
former Syr (gc) N ёс, Syr (h) щопє ях. happen to thee | 
13 ёс, Arm (Eth) .. со ті yev. AB ёс, OL (c) Vg (Syr ges), Cyri 
Cyr .. re co. y. РЕКП al, OL Syr (h), Or Bas Chr 

15 леб, he went] 13 ёс fr, МВ ёс, Bo (E,*P) Arm .. kar ат. A, 
OL (bfq) Syr (gesjh) ow ЮЛ al 12, Bo, Chr Cyr 
ayr. he showed] 13 «е fr .. xar аттуу. A B ёс (атууу. D K U A al го, 
Chr), OL Vg Syr (h) Arm Eth .. кас erev NCL al 5, OL (aeq) Bo 
Syr (ges), Суг.. om кол Bo (BF, * MOQ) tadogor cured me] 13 ёс 
fr, DA? т 19** 29 40 118 244** 357, OL (аса) Во Syr (є 41 с) 
Arm .. тог. avrov тул) ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) Eth 

1 ет. паз because of this] от, Bo.. pref aw and 13 efr, NA B ёс, 


мере MIOTAAI азоне пса IC. хє мецере мах пе дає 
ncabbaron. М ae эотюшь мат. хє палет 
росі ujaepar erewos. avo anon Яросі. 18 етбе 
Mal бе Wooyo nevujpure йсоср iotiuovaat сазсстт&. 
хе ow MONON Neqhwr соХ азпсаїбатом. АЛЛА 
месржо» ROC ом. хе MACIWT пе пиоуте. еиющ 
seo зам пмоуте. TR. ачотоціі Nowe mesacy 
MAT. хе олазим олеани TAW g234e0€. MATH. хє азам 
Wore язпунре єр Халат саросі seavaa'[. ємєнтї 
миа” епеют ецетре áixetoov. иетере пи Сар 
MAAAT. NAL ооо пшире соязсюе сама. 
20 prex T TAP аас. аэпшире. ATW сртсабо азязо eq ob 

arone] 13 €.. AIWREI QI п (су тз € от 2 (e) ES еол 

1 ($) (с) 13 $ (є 9) or$(fr) vxor Gaait] с13.-441 e 91 maaar] 
плат I3 Чнааау| с 13) e.. maaar 01. плату fr 20061346 
91 (fr) 
Буг (gsh, c) Arm Eth .. add отн Во (ABCTG, HK, 26) | nepe-ac the 
J.-Jesus|] 13 ёс (fr?)..€8. ос vov. т. w NBCDLU 33 69 472, OL 
(befgl) Vg Syr (сс), s) Eth, Hil.. e8. т. iv ога. А &c, OL (aeq) Syr 
(h) Arm, Cyr..add кал e@)rouv avr. оток. А ёс, OL (efg) Во (ams 
Dg Е, 75 LNO) Syr (gh) Eth .. om addition NBCDL 1 22 33 69 249, 
OL (аЬс ст) Vg Bo Syr (cs) Arm, Chr Nonn iurat these] 13 ёс 
(fr) .. avra A .. thus Eth osx on] 13 &c D, OL (abeq), Hil 
nicah. the s.] 13 ёс (fr ?) .. add та гората EFH al 15 

№ ye ae] 13 ёс, À ёс, OL Syr (gch, s) .. et respondit ёс (q) Eth.. 
обе NB.. and Jesus Arm arcos. answered] 13 “е, Во (4,9) Syr 
(h) Arm .. said he Во Буг (єс, s).. he ans. said he Bo (NDEFJLNPS) 
Eth єтєпот to now] (c) ёс, Bo., to this hour Bo (кт).. єфоот to 
to-day Bo (N) azw and] ¢ ёс, Arm .. Во (Nr,*) .. also Syr (gh).. 
«nd also Syr (g 9) Eth .. because of this also Syr (cs) 

? бе therefore] с &e, AB ёс, OL (сй) Vg Syr (g o Б) Arm, Chr 
Cyr .. om ovv RD, OL (abceflm) Bo (м) Syr (j), Hil .. and therefore 
Syr (g) Eth .. but the Jews therefore Syr (cs) поото more] с &c .. 
om U, OL (f) Syr (cs) nico for him] om 33, Syr (gesh) Arm Eth 
.. after Jesus Во(0) | от. the J.] с ёс, D, Syr (cs) .. trs after ебут. 
N &с, Tert Hil єзлоотта to-death] (c) &с, Bo Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth 
.. om him МАВ ёс неё. was he breaking | (с) &c .. «Хосеу A*, Bo 

JOHN V 17-20 71 

Jesus, because he was doing these (things) on the sabbath. 
17 But Jesus answered to them, My Father (is) working even 
until now, and I, I work. 18 Because of this therefore more 
were seeking for him the Jews to put him to death ; because 
тої only was he breaking the sabbath, but (x) he was 
saying also, My Father is God, equalizing himself with God. 
11. ? Answered Jesus, said he to them, Verily, verily, I say 
to you, It is not possible for the Son to do anything of 
himself, except he see the Father doing them; for the (things) 
which that (one) will do, these the Son also likewise will do. 
20 For the Father (is) loving the Son, and he showeth to him 

aNNa-xe but-also] с ёс, Во..аАХ оті A 13 al, Bo (мр) Syr (gesh), 
Chr ..aA\a ЗАВ ёс, Arm negx. was saying] € e 9r .. eqx. is 
saying 13 ..was calling Syr (cs) Arm оп also] (c) &c.. om дт 
naeror my F.] с ёс, Syr (c) .. татера ov МАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm 
Eth єє. equalizing] с &c .. pref and Arm Eth 

9 agor. ans.] с &c, 33 184 е al 3, OL (abceffl) Bo (КскЕ,ткмхо 
PST 18) Arm .. add сє therefore є, SAB &c, Syr (h).. add ae Во Syr 
(2) .. pref and then Eth адот. -пау answered-them] ¢ &с e Arm 
.. added to them after ans. Во (v) .. eXeyev ovv алто o is 38" .. saith to 
them Jesus Syr (е, s) пои] с &c e.. om B 472 47 ev, Tert ne- 
xaq said he] с &c є fr, Bo (ХВЕКООЗТУ).. кой ет. AD ёс, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Cyr .. к. Хєує I 482 .. Kau eAeyev NEBL 565, 
Tert sav to them] с &c e(fr).. om Bo(r 18) oasxu 29] с біс 
є fr.. om NF, Syr (з) nyape the Son] с ёс e(fr) .. add rov av. D 
13 69 124, Агш ep to do] с ёс e.. om V .. trs after аф «avr. 13 
69 124 al 5, OL (abfg) Vg Syr (cs), Or Hil Naar anything] ¢ ёс 
e, Tu D .. trs ovàev (дє ev) after eavrov NAB ёс єллөнтї(єт от fr) &c | 
с &c (є) fr .. nor anything which he saw not his Father do Syr (c) 
eneror-à3as00$ the-them] с &c e (fr) .. zotovvra. т. т. D£r .. om пог. 
Syr (g 36) пн that] с ёс p (є Ї), exew. МАВ ёс, Syr (h) Arm .. o 
татур Or Did, Во Syr (ges) Eth oosxoroc(ssə[roc] с 91)] с 13 6 
Syr (gs, h) Arm .. trs before muy. 91 (fr) .. Ме Son also him imitateth 
Syr (c) goar. qıta. likewise will do] ¢ 13 є, A BL ёс, OL (cfg) Vg 
Syr (jh), Eus Did Cyr i Chr Cyr..eosx. muy, ep. 91 (fr).. то ор. 
ND, OL (abl), Novat Hil Amb 

° кар] с & Во(к)..анд Eth ase (is) loving] e біо .. фдє 
ЗАВ ёс, Epiph Cyr .. ayara D, Or Chr azw and 19] с ёс fr.. 
om Bo(F*) «cabo ях. showeth to him] с ёс (fr?) .. бекке D, 


має стетре WTOC] Keeeooy. ATW eyitaTeahory egen- 
оёнте EMAAT EMAL хєнас TOTE ететиерщинуе. 
? Ree Tap ещаре пают TOTMEC мєтееооут ATW 
матамо ооз. TA! он те өе ETE пщнре матанде мета- 
отащот. 22 пет сар макритє ан WAaaT. АЛЛА 
TERPICIC тире acjraac а®пщире. * хекас epe отон 
HYTACIO am аяпщире. ицтаео AM аєпегут EMTA- 
TAVOY.  "oaseum Охазни xw Reeeoc NATH. же 
отита ававмту яєпомто Wa EMEP. ATW МОНУ AM 
єтєнрєсїс, AAAA acpoone choA gae meor єооуи 
EMONG. °5 олаени Qaeenit Yaw азязос MATH. хе 
OTH оуоуно» MHT. ETE TENOT те. EPE нєт соо»т 
MACWTAL стесязн авпцунрє зєпнотє. ATW метта- 
сотах cenaono. 26 пөє Tap етеохите пекот помо 
Opal понт. Tar ом Te өснтасүү аапщире етреко 

etgjespe| єтєє. 91  ємаат| 13 91..€naaav ¢ є Єтєтиє| c.. 
ereta 13 є.. ETETIa QI Ae raya ОТ 2 ¢ (р) тз (© От 
пет (иг g1)WT] ¢ e..33m. 13 01 am] с p 13..trs after Naav ог 
23 (с) 13 91 завхє| с от... Tale 13 пщ.| с 13..33m. 91 таєго 19] 
€ 91..таХо I3 тавю 20] g1..Ta¥o0 13 Tavog] 13..таотоЧ 91 
* 13 $ (e) or $ 133 Р Taror] 133 .. татоєг 13 .. TAOTOS 91 
мной | om яя 01 5 13 § (є) дт $ 133 Р epe] Bo.. om Bo (к," 
LMOPY) ? 13 gr 1335 fiers | пон 13 sic 

МАВ &e ..8ekvvow ёс D 28, OL (e) Syr (gesh) Arm пто lit. 
he] € 91, avros ЗАВ &c .. om 13 є fr 3331007 them] с &c fr, Syr 
(gsh)..add that he may do Syr (c) qare. єоємо. will—works | 
с &c .. єруа defer avro N, OL (be), Tert Cyr Hil хєнас-шинрє 
that-wonder] с &c .. at which ye wonder Arm .. and wonder not that 
I said to you Syr (c) 

21 єцу. тоун. Is-raise] суере NAB &c .. єуєрє, A .. trs maketh live 
the dead and raiseth them Буг (c) итаио. and-live] Bo Eth .. om 
them NAB &с иєт от. those whom he wisheth] him ёс Eth 

2 vap] ¢ 40 e.. and. Arm nuj. the Son] e ёс, Syr (gh) 
Arm .. his Son Syr (cs) Arm edd Eth 

JOHN У 21-26 73 

all things which he indeed doeth ; and he will show to him 
works greater than these, that ye, ye should wonder. 21 For 
as the Father is wont to raise those who are dead and make 
them live, thus also the Son will make live those whom he 
wisheth. ?? For the Father will not judge any, but (a) all 
the judgement he gave to the Son. 23 That all should honour 
the Son according as they honour the Father: he who 
honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father who sent 
him. * Verily, verily, Y say to you, He who heareth шу 
word, and who believeth him who sent me, hath the life for 
ever, and cometh not into the judgement ; but (a) removed 
from the death into the life. 25 Verily, verily, I say to you, 
There is an hour coming, which now is, (in) which those who 
are dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who 
wil hear will live. 29 For as the Father hath the life in 
himself, thus also he gave to the Son to have (lit. put 

? пєхот the Father 19] с &c .. God Bo (8,7) пєтєнцт. am he- 
not] (c) &c, Arm .. pref and Syr (c) .. but Eth 

М wau. my word] 13 &c..rov A. pov Г 247 477, Bo (ov 18), 
Clem Тегі azw and 2°] 13 ёс Bo (F,*) пет. and 
cometh] 13 &c є.. e£ veniet OL (beffflqm), Tert adda] 13 ёс 6 
Syr (gsh) .. because Syr (c) поо (от w є). єв. removed] Bo.. 
transiet OL (е ша) Am Fu, Во (a¢o).. transit OL (bc) Во (А") 
none the life 29] 13 ёо є..ош ryv D*, Bo 

25 интп to you] 13 & A o(eo 13) э-инэ. there is- 
coming] 13 &c .. epyerar NAB &c .. veniet OL (befq), Tert — єтє-тє 
which now is] 13..ете тєупот 91 133 .. кш vvv єстї NCAB &с.. 
even now is Буг (gh).. and even &c Syr (c) Arm .. om 59" OL (ab), 
Tert Amb metar, those-dead | 15 .. ирецэхооэт the dead gt 133 
.. even the dead Syr (с) эхин, of God] 13 &c .. rov аубротоо KSH 
28 al ro, Syr (jh me) azw and] 13 & Bo (r,*)..but Eth 
иєтиас. those-hear] 13 ёс, Во Arm .. they who hear Syr (gh) .. ог 
акоусаутєѕ 549 & OL (c) Syr (с).. om ос N*, OL (1), Tert 

6 кар | om Во (,*r) .. and Eth пегот the F.] add о оу D.. 
om article Arm on—-àxni. also-Son | Bo.. om on Bo (NAF,*0 18) 
.. Kal T. vw єдокєу NC BL, OL (bl) (Arm etd) Eth, Eus Cyri Epiph 
Суг.. е. к. то v. AD ёс, OL (се, f om ки) Vg Bo Syr (gcjh) (Arm), 
Did Chr 


нас аяпимо Opar монт. "ато күң ма] итес- 
OTCIA єтрєцєүрє йтекрисс. хе пунре азпролае пе. 
28 запрушпире LUMA хе OTN оуоуноу ину. ере отом 
Whee етом итафос MacwTas erecjceen, — ? Mceer eho’. 
aveipe Пазпеєвосу єтамастасїс Hnpicic, Саван 
шол» anor eoi ep Хаалт Howh Papor eeavaar. 
SE пиепуме дїї NCA плохо ALAIN Keeeor, DANa 
ca позор яєпемтасчтатої. TÊ. З'єпуопе AMOR 
еицаиряяитре PaPOI. тляямтаяитре OVE AM те. 
3 keora петраамтре oapor avo eoori же тесү- 
з®итяямтре orere. етЦетре аяяяос Qapor — ? итоти 


т (ф)тз 91 133 гз ат r33 S "913 (тту OOD 
13 91 $ 133$ iex] 13.. зай 9r 133 — ще.| 13 9r... om uj 133 
з ¢ 13 gr P 133 Р th or əspor| 91 133..-єї ¢ 13 ос... 
pref й 13 ёс ? с 13 91 133 пєтр.] netep. 133 gapor?] -єт с 
* (c) 13 9r 133 

27 ayw (om Во в)-крісіс and—judgement | (p ?) ёс, Bo .. xar e£. €8. 
МСАВ ёс, Syr (g) Arm .. кол кр. єбок. avr. её. тои NF, Tert .. and 
empowered him over judgement Syr (с) єтрєцєєурє for-do] р ёс 
.. even to do Syr (є, Б) | йтєкр. the judgem.] p &с.. киси ЗАСА ВІ, 
33, OL (bedel) Ус clem Bo Arm Eth, Or Did Раш аш 'Thdit .. ках 
кр. Det ёс, OL (fgq) Am, Chr Cyr &e-ne because-man|] р ёс, 
joined with preceding words А ёс, OL (beifflm) Bo Syr (cj) Eth, 
Or Did Thdrt Cyr Nonn Tert..joined with following words EM 1, 
Syr (gh) Arm, Dam .. om єттї 69, Bo (D°) .. but because &c Syr (gh), 
and because Arm .. because the Son of God is son of man Eth .. because 
behold all who are in the graves Syr (c) 

28 anp. wonder not] 9r .. pref ати» and 13 133, буг (C) .. but 
Eth ovorinoy an hour] om A єтєцс. his voice] 13 133, 
NAB ёс, OL (abceflq) Am Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth .. єтєс. the voice 
91.. TNS ф. т. v. т. 0. 33, Vg clem, Tert .. the voice of God бух (c) .. add 
they will live Syr (c) 

? ficees and come] 13 91 133..0m and По (к," 18) мем (от 
13)т. those who did 1°] 13 133 .. pref and Syr (c) €vaMac, for 

JOHN У 27-33 75 

for him) the life in himself. 2 And he gave to him the 
authority for him to do the judgement, because he is the 
Son of the man. 28 Wonder not at this; because there is 
an hour coming, (in) which all who are in the tombs will 
hear his voice, ? and come out ; those who did the good (things) 
for a resurrection of life, those who did the evil (things) 
for a resurrection of judgement. It is not possible for 
me indeed to do anything of myself: according as I hear, 
I am judging; and my judgement is true; because I was 
not seeking for my own wish, but (a) for the wish of 
him who sent me. i2. ?!If I, I should bear witness con- 
cerning myself, my witness is not true. 22 Another is he 
who beareth witness concerning me; and I know that his 
witness (is) true, which he beareth concerning me. * Ye, ye 

а гез. | 13 91 133 twice .. will be for ёс Syr (c) seit, 2°] 13 91 
133) В, ОТ. (ae ff), Tert Aug .. o. де RAD (трассоутєѕ) &е, OL (bef 
14) Vg Bo (4,80, DEJ) Syr (jh)..e¢ qui OL (m) Bo Syr (єс) Arm, 
Trint mam. the evil (things)] 13 91 133 .. the evil (sing.) Bo (F) 

? анок-єр for-do] 13 І33..єуф тошу AB ёс, Po (в) Syr (h) 
Arm 644 Eth..z. € № 33 486, Bo..trs п. after eu. D 13 249, OL 
(bceffflq) Vg Syr (єс) Arm, Eus mex om anog Во (А, м 18).. pref 
Сар 01 Naav п. anything] 13 &с.. ovóev МАВ &с.. ovde ev G al 
azw and] p &с..от N* пиеиц. am I-seeking] 13.. eW. an 
1 am seeking not 91 133, Во (мо 18) АХХА | с ёо p .. add Z seek 
Syr (6) ззлентачтатої (91 133..e1 с 13) of-me] NABDKL 
АЛП al 12, OL (aefffglq) Vg Ро Syr (gcjh) Arm Eth, Or Eus Chr 
Amb Aug .. add татроѕ Е &c, OL (bc), Bas Cyr 

1 єщуупє if] but if Eth ex(ees с) щу. I-witness] с 13, (Bo) 
.. етразит. who bear witness gt 133, пєтєрая. he who beareth Во (Р) 

32 as and] с &c.. om Bo (F,*) xc. I know] с ёс,  еАВ&с, 
OL (befg1?) Vg Bo Syr (gjh) Eth, Chr Cyr... orare N* D, OL (aeq) 
Syr (с) Arm..oijapev 56 58 бт тєцэлїтээл(ош 133)тре his 
witn.] с ёс, D? 254, OL (bg) Bo Syr (gj) Eth .. р. pov D£r*, OL (e) 
7 карт. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (ch) Arm ovare lit. a true] c .. add тє 
Во .. orare te Tegar. true is his witness 13 ёс, Bo (Вр,ЕР) єтд- 
(Teq от 133)espe which he b.] с ёс, Bo.. рерарт. 13 69, Arm Bo 
(Ар, Є, хову 26) 

33 ivrorit-axe ye-truth] (7) &c .. did ye not send &e Eth .. vos tps? 


ATETHSOOT WA roQannHc. ATW асураєитрє Tee. 
3 аАнон ae пиетхи an Мтяємтяє тре TehodA orm 
posse. АХХА мәт EIXW абсо. XERAC итоти 
стетихо5 кал. ие NETMAY пе поніс єтазото. 
ATW єтротоєм. итотм 2€ areTHoTwWU eTeAHA 
ALALWTH прос oyoT WoT оз» пецотоємт. ’ AMOR AE 
хокот ehod. птооу меобите єХетре aterooy cep- 
TPE олрох. xe MELT пемтасутатог ато пет 
ENTAYTATOL Wo пептасурайттрє Qapor ovre ає- 
петисотяя ECAH їїтәсү eneo. OFTE аєпетииат cope 
WTA. ATW RXetfWTHTM RUAT аєпесуцумє ecpujoom 
понттнути. хе MENTA HH тимооус. Hai итоти ите- 
типістетє epos ам. ? QoTOT имесрафи. хе итоти 

ateri) -ren 91 зе (с) (р) 13 (01) (133) яме e 13... ош и 
дт 133 єтєтиг] (р) 13 .. єтєтипа 91 2 (с) (omms (01) CES) 
стр] єтєр 133 oso] -ow c S (с) 13 01 13510 ESC] 
emaaac ¢ I33 ental с..пта 13 &е єє] єсіє с оарот| 91 133 -- 
-ocr € 13  татог| от 133 .. el € 13 ст (є) na фп Š пе 
[ата] 1°] c.. йт. 13 &6 Tavor] 91 133 ..-065 13 gapor] 91 133 
..-oer ¢ I3 ovre] с бмісе..отає 13 Oph] ор 133 "(ey TS 
от 133 art] 13 2 зат € бо an] om с" SNC TS OTIA S 
хє iit] хит or 

misistis ad me et testimonium perhibuit Iohannes de me OL (ff) ATO 
and] с &с.. om Bo (r,*v) 

34 teh. lit. the from] с 13... ош v or 133 eñ. o. from] (c) 13 
QI 133, таро ЗАВ &c .. repr 69 роллє man] (с) 13 91 133, Bo, 
avOpwrov NAB ёс, Arm .. avÜporov DA? 126 al 3, Bo (A) .. avOpwrw 
А* al 4 єх(єєт с) хо I am saying] € 13 91 133, Arm.. I said 
Armedd .. Лао L... add to you Во (вк, Lp) 

35 we-me was being] p 13 133 .. фн єтєла. ие поо ne Во..фи 
ет. fio. ne Bo(A,FG,L0Q 26) xe] 13 91 133 .. om ЮУ, Bo (09).. 
and Arm Eth прос-пот for an hour] (c) 13 91 133 .. trs before 
ayaAA. А al 5, OL (aff) Үсеп, Chr Hil..trs to end Eth 

36 тая. the у. | с &c.. om туу W*, Во tap] ¢ &c.. ош Bo 

ФОНХ У 44-39 75 

sent unto lohannés; and he bare witness to the truth. 
?* But Т, I was not taking the witness which is from man; 
but (2) these (things) I am saying, that ye, ye should be 
saved. 35 That (man) was being the lamp, burning and 
enlightening ; but ye, ye wished to be glad for an hour in 
his light. 29 But І, I have the witness greater than that 
of lohannes; for the works which my Father gave to me, 
that I should finish them, they, the works which I do, bear 
witness concerning me, that the Father (is) he who sent me. 
37 And the Father who sent me, he it is who bare witness 
concerning me: neither heard ye ever voice of his, nor did 
ye see shape of his. 28 And ye have not his word abiding 
in you; because that (one) whom he sent, this ye, ye believe 
not. ??Search the scriptures; because ye, ye say that уе 

(вхоту) Arm нас (эг 133) от my F.] с &e, Syr (gc) Eth .. o т. 
МАВ &c, Syr (h) Arm пт. lit. they] с &с.. om G 33, Eth 
нєө.-Р(єр 91)aa. the works-witness] ¢ &c .. петераайтре lit. those 
which bear witness 133 eX. which I do] с ёс, NABDL r 22 33 
al 5, OL (b8) Bo Arm Eth, Hil .. a eyw тою Г ёс, OL (cefg) Vg Syr 
(jh) Bas Chr Aug Arn.. om 133, 38 453, OL (affl) Syr (g 36), Ath 
Did .. єтоура which they do Bo (3,/“к”) иєгот the F.] 13; МАВ 
&c, Syr (gch) Arm Eth .. maer(as 133) ют my F. 91 133 

7 ayw пех (пі 133) от and the F.] с &c.. and ту Р. Bo (м) Eth .. 
фюкот оп the F. also Во (F) || пточ he] 13 &с, A ёс, OL (bceffflq) 
Vg Во Syr (gcjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr Tert Hil .. exewos NBL, OL (a), 
Ath .. ex. avr. D .. om Syr (g o) пептачр. lit. he who bare witn. | 
€ 13, NA B ёс, OL (e) Vg Во (дет, о) Arm, Ath Chr Cyr Tert Hil.. 
пєтр(єр 91)ssirpe he who beareth w. 91 133, D, OL (abcflq) Bo 
Syr (gcjh) (Eth), Or Did eneg ever) Г ёс, Во, Chr Cyr Tert.. 
irs тот. ак. RABDKLII al то, OL Vg Syr (gcjh) Arm Eth, Syn ant 
Ath Суг) firaq of his 2°] add ever Bo (в) 

° eyg. по. abiding in you] (c?) ёс, AD ёс, OL (aeq) Bo Syr 
сер) Eth, Chr..ev vj. pev. NBL 1 (13) 33 124 1849" al, OL 
(befffgl) Vg Syr (j) Arm, Ath Cyr Hil хе nen(ni 133)—тїт. 
because-sent] (с?) &c.. misit enim unicum filium suum et hune non 
audistis neque credidistis OL (e) 

9 оотот(єт 91 133) search] imperative Syr (gch) Arm .. add ох 
Bo (р, ,) .. seek that ye may see Eth | їтиєс, the scr.] ¢ 13 .. eit ner. 


тетухо) аваасс. SE ОУМТНТИ отомо Wa ємео ор 
WOHTOT. ATW иет ажал истразитре єтіннт. 40 avo 
WTeTMOSQUJ AM EEI WAPOL хенас єтєтиєзї аяпомо. 
41 еру єооу aN ebo отти pwsee. 2 aX AA arIcoTH- 
THTT хе азеятнти Marar МтаАСАПН а®пиотте 
монттнути. "Замок aer gae прам зэлтхстоут, ATW 
жзпетї\жїт. єрдї REOTA AE EF оз» песрам asser 
adeno. WeTeeeeay тєтїїлд үт. Ч AU Моє итоти 
ететихщтистехе єтєтүхү coor ебоА orm merie- 
рну. avo пєооу перо ота поза ноот итети- 
иие псор ам. 2 аяпраяеете BE ANON ЄТКАНАТН- 
Toper язязоти имао ра» пект. WOON иблиетихка- 
тисорєт ачазоти. авсууснс MAI TOTI ететмоеАп це 
єроц. б емететипастехе сар езяюусие. имететих- 
пістєтє еро пе. Q MeTReeay бар cgar eThHHT. 

отши5| пот. 133 метр] ¢ 13 .. иетер 91 133 о (стз от 
133 an] Bo (pEJs)..0m с single negative .. тєтєм-ам Bo single 
negative єтєтиє] ¢ 133 .. стетих I3 QI i Her ОГИЗ? е (с) 
13 91 133 33sas]om 133 тах, | 133 .. om ñ 13 91 # (сүз 
gt (тоо) 133 azer] serer с maeror] mas, 133 тєтна| c 13 100.. 
тєтйпа 9I 133 * (с) 13 gt (101) 133 єтєтна| 13 .. TETA 133 
..TeTHma 91  цупіст.) ewr. gt nek.) € 13.. ne eh. OI IOI.. eb. 
133 4 (c) 13 91 (тот) 133 єтна| с . merna 13 ООН 
KaTHUO. 10] С IOI ..-TOIT. I3 133 ..-TW. 91133 катисо. 29] -tw 
дг.. катире 13 sie * (с) 13 OI 133 mereri ] 13... -тима с бо 

in ёс 91? 133 ..the scripture Syr (g 36) жи» ye say] бокетє 
МАВ &c, ueri Bo.. сооти know Bo (F,*) хє ози, that уе 
have] D, Arm Eth..trs exew after ашуюу RAB ёс, Буг (g) 
соу. Bo (0) .. that ye will live for ever Syr (c) avw and] because 
they Syr (g 10)..add those scr. Syr (с) erh. concerning me] add 
in quibus putatis vos vitam. habere, he (hec) sunt que de me testifi- 
cantur OL (ab) Syr (c) .. add by which ye think to have life Arm 

9 ayw and] (с) & Во (к) xerac that] (c) &c.. add ка U 
запомо the life] с &с.. (оду RAB &c..add awviov D 69 al 5, OL 
(eg) Syr (g), Chr 

* om verse Bo (в) pose man] Bo.. avÜpozov АКП al го, 
Chr Cyr .. -rov МВ біс 

JOHN У 40-46 79 

have [a] life for ever in them, and those are those which 
bear witness concerning me. “And ye wish not to come 
unto me, that ye should take the life. *'I am not taking 
glory from man. * But (a) I knew you, that ye have not 
the love of God in you. *°Т, I came in the name of my 
Father, and ye took me not: but if another should come 
in his own name, that (one) ye will take. ** How will ye be 
able to believe, taking glory from one another; and the glory 
which is from this only one ye seek not for. 45 Think not that 
I (am he) who will accuse you to the Father: (there) is he who 
will accuse you, Moyses, this in whom уе, ye hope. * For if 
ye had believed Moysés, ye would have believed me: for that 

4 om verse Bo (в) мсоуп(єн 91 133) I knew] 13, eyvoxa 
МАВ ёс, Syr (gch) Eth... I know Arm ах (ош QI 133) ххитн(є 

от)ти maar ye have not] 13 біс, МУГ, OL (Бед) Eth .. trs 
before ev eavr. МСА В ёс, OL (acfffgl) Vg Bo Syr (gch) Arm, Chr 
Cyr Hil 

4 amon I] с ёо 100..adNa Во (0) azw and] с &c .. om Bo 
(FP) || ахпети(єм 133) 17 ye-me] (c?) ёс (1001), Eth .. ov Mapp. 
ре ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gch) Arm Keova another] с &c 100.. от 
ке Во (в) | зє| с &c.. om ёс, Во (д, хо) Syr (h) Arm .. and Syr 
(gc) Eth 

* птоти ye] 13 &c.. om L 355 32°, Ephr Chr Cyr мет (om 
пет 13) пери» one another] с &с (101) .. avüpozov A al, Or Eus Hil 
azw and] e &c ror.. om Bo (,*) тї(єї 101)-ovwt this-one] с 
ёс тот, В, OL (ab) Bo Armed, Did..rov povov Өєоо ЗА ёс, Во 
(Bo ПЕК, г ШЕСПЕКМХРТ 18) Syr (gch) Arm Eth, Bas Ephr Hil 
п (ем с)тетищ. ye-not] ¢ &c тог, ov Enrere  &c .. ov £grovres N* 
I9 47 248 249 412 al 5, OL (el), Ephr Bas Chr Aug 

45 anpa. think not] с ёс ror, ye think Буг (gch) 
anon I] с ёс тог..ош G*K* A 262 18427 al, ОЇ, (с) | (оп gr)- 
nag. п. to the F.] с &с.. om Syr (с) eujoon-axo, there-M.] (c) 
ёс .. Moses is your accuser Syr (c) (Eth) эзээлолти you 20|] с &с.. 
add тр. т. патєра В оє№исе | 13 &с, Syr (c) Eth.. уАтикале 
NAB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. believed бут (с 9) 

4 wap I9] с & Во (в) | epox(ex с) me] me also Syr (gesh) 
Arm Eth птах. that] с &c.. ош Arm et сар 2°] (с) ёс... om 
Bo (n) 


41 ецухе итетигистехте AE AM ENECOAL запсєталагал, 
Haw моє eTETHAWMICTETE єнгє. 

УТ. TC. авмиса мар IC acphon єпекро мех Ласса 
ATeaArAara dUribeprac, METH отаєнниє еси 
отно HCW. хе NETHAT пе eaeeeaentr enecperpe T- 
ажсоу ехм метшомє. FIC ae ацюн eopar ext 
птоот. ac[QseOOC MAAT «ен иєүцэөнтнс. * пєс- 
онц хє COOTH Ибишпасэ а па Wiuovyaar ^ic бе 
>! fureqhar сора. aymar хє OTH отиоб te- 
заннщє мну щаросі. пехасү PIANO. хе emma um 

т (©) 13 gı (тоо) 133 Итети]-си 133 єтєтнащу. | 13 .. Tema uj. 
IOO 133 .. тєтйпаєщ. QI Єпащ.] 13 100 133.. пац. QI 

1 13 91 P 133 P (a!) ҮС 133 2 13 от (101) 133a! болно! 
oveo gt? емеч.| єє. 133 sic 3 тэ ох тот £53 (a!) 4-13-91 
101 133 | -* 13 91.5 (133) (6) 

* ae] c бо, NAB ёс, Во (о) Syr (h) Eth .. om Bo..and буг 
(gs)..and-8e Syr (c)..for Arm wecoar the writings] (e?) ёс 
(100) .. the writing Avm cdd стетиащ. will-believe] (с?) &с (тоо) 
.. тиютєртєтє (gre) МА &с.. пютешете BVII* 235 al, OL (fff Chr 

1 дали. и. after these] 13 91 133, ЗАВ &c, Во Syr (gcsh) Arm 
.. pera дє 13 69 124, Bo (р,морот).. and after Eth ҮС ag. Jesus 
went] 13 91 .. à 1€ & 133 .. add with his disc. Bo (м) .. went our Lord 
Syr (s) .. came Jesus Arm cdd e. птс. the sea &c] 13 91 133 (a!) 
.. om С... om т. yad. 157 330 al, Во (р), Cyr itt(~a 9r)s&. of T.] 
13 91 133 (a!).. туз тЗєриошбос ЗАВ &с, tiberiadis OL (aq), illius 
tiberiadis (ffl), quod est tiberiadis (c) Vg..pref es та меру D 77** 
249, OL (be) Syr (Б), Chr .. pref ка, V 247, (f) .. five теверка (т 
AnL)oc Во Eth .. tiberiyus Syr (gc), tbrys Syr (s) 

? ovar. а mult.] or, Во (р,4,Е208)..844 хє 13 &c.. Kor. дє 
NBDL т зз 69 124 565, OL (abceffl) Bo, Суг.. ки тк. А &е, OL 
(fgq) Vg Syr (gcsjh) Arm Eth, Chr Chron enay. great] 13 ёс 
(тот?) (al), АВ &c, Во Syr (gcsh) Arm..zoX. ох. N, Во (Q) Eth 
esata. the signs] 13 133 .. emaa. al.. Gaza. 91; NABDKLSATI 
а] го, OL Vg Bo Syr (gcsjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr Chron .. avrov та 

JOHN У 47—VI 5 81 

(one) wrote concerning me. “But уе believe not the 
writings of that (опе), how will ye be able to believe my 
words ? 

VI. 13. After these (things) Jesus went across the sea 
of [the] Galilaia of Tiberias. * There was a great multitude 
following him ; because they were seeing the signs which he 
was doing upon those who were sick. 3 But Jesus went 
upon the mountain, he sat there with his disciples. * But 
was approaching the Paskha, the feast of the Jews. 5 Jesus 
therefore lifted his eyes up; he saw that there is а great 
multitude coming unto him ; said he to Philippos, Where are 

сти. E &c..eneghuve the works ror exi upon] 13 &c ror, 
єт: AB ёс, Syr (csh) Arm Eth, OL (super, supra, in Bo Syr g) .. пері 
N, de (beff) 

з їс] 13 &c (al)..trs after дє U* (Syr ges Eth).. trs after opos 
МАВ ёс, Syr (h) A..our Lord Syr (з) xe] or ёс, 
МАВ ёс, OL (q) Bo (BDA EJPs) Syr (b), Chr Cyr Chron.. om Bo 
Arm... бе therefore 13, D 1 13 25 69 565, OL Vg .. ках 53", Syr (gesj) 
Eth eopar up] 13 ёс al, NAB ёс, OL (befq, с) Vg Во Syr 
(gch), Chron .. az3A6ev N* D 124 433, OL (aff) Syr (s), Chr ачо. 
he sat] 13 &c, Bo (м).. and he was sitting Во, ЗАВ ёс, Буг (gesh) 
Arm (Eth) uaa» there] 13 &c, DU 1 565 al, Eth .. trs before 
скай. № ёс... om 33" 63 71 al, Syr (gesh) Arm Eth 

4 nmac.-rova. the P.-Jews] Syr (ch) Arm.. the feast of the 
P. of the Jews Bo (q) Syr (є) Eth .. the feast of the unleavened 
Syr (s) 1 

5 ve] 13 91 133 .. our Lord Syr (s) .. trs after оф0. N A BDK LM II 
al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Cyr..trs before rovs Ё ёс, Syr g 
(3)esj бе therefore] 13 91 133, Syr (h) .. om Bo (ко) Arm .. ae 
Во (г, 1)... and Syr (g) Eth чат (ег g1) lifted] 13 91 133, Bo (Р) 
Буг (осв) Arm.. єтарас ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) лєчбаМ his eyes] 
13 91, U 28 al, OL (1) Bo Syr (gcsjh) Arm Eth .. om avrov NAB 
140 ачи. he saw] 13 01..кас бєавар, ЗАВ ёс, Bo.. om and Во 
(FQ).. and saw буг (gcsh) Arm Eth отпос эхээ, a great m.) 13 
91, под. ox. В ёс, Eth .. ох. т. ND, OL (abcfffl) Vg Syr (gcsh) Arm great Bo (r,*) nex. said] 13 91, Bo Syr (sh) Arm .. ка Aeye 
Der, Syr (gc) Eth єплащі (єп 91) are-buy] 13 91 .. where ате 
we about to find bread to buy Bo 



сек том. хе EPE нэх MaoTwee. битаехе пах ae 
єтүпүрәде ажаасц. ито бар нєцсооэх хе оз nery- 
нааац. Taqovwmh ма полуЛлітос. хє ае WHT 
WcaTeepe Woeiú NapowToy. хекас epe NOTA MOTA 
«Y HOTKOTY. Treue ova Ma ебохА ON irecjessormrHc. 
amapeac псом idicresou петрос ° хе оти ovunpe 
шуна» aneia ети for Моєї MEIWT итот seit 
Thr cemar. АХХА Mar evap от аяпетаннще. 
10 mexe IC NAT. хе Lape pwee мохоу. METI 
сухо ортос хє ємаШО І OAL плям eTasesa y. ә Mposee 
бе мохоу ETHAP ator ищо. Из Ge ayar ппоєік. 

їдотшах] om wa 13 в 13 91 (тоо) (al) мета] 13 roo .. 
петеч от 7 13 91 $ (тоо) (101) osx it] 13 9т.. xx IOI з 
91 тот (а!) (fr) 913 ог (тох) (a!) Gr) єт [з ae wos on 
10 13 gr 5 (1008) (fr) mesi] r3..neoyw 9r 100 (c) ES gu 
(пот) (а!) (f) 

oem bread] 13 91..o0m Syr(g26) | marthese] r3 or (a), NG, 
OL (a) Syr (g 38 s) .. trs p. ото, AB «е, Во Syr (gh, c) Arm Eth 

б Ятацхє he said] 13 от, eTaqxog Do (9).. ах. Bo .. he asked 
Syr (cs tas after him) хе] 13 al, Ne ёс, Syr (gesh) .. om Arm .. 
сар 91, №, Bo (»r)..and Eth ` сарі 13 тоо, № ёс, Syr (gesh).. 
om Во (EJN).. ae от, \*, OL (d) Arm Eth 

7 aeos. апз.| 13 91 тоо, МАВ &c, OL Vg .. атокриета, Ñ* D ЕТ 
..add xe Во (P) .. saith Syr (ges) .. and ans. Ph. and said to him Eth 
нэл фо him] 13 91 тоо, № ёс, OL Vg Буг (gesh) Arm .. ovv N* .. 
ovv avro NEY .. om OL (e) Bo(z,*) Armed | поєтк ої bread | 13 91 .. 
арто: Ñ &c .. trs after avrois D | маро(а or гот)цутот will-them] 13 
91 (тот), аркєсє: avr. L, Bo .. apkovow avr. (Ж) А В ёс .. om avras N, 
OL (ff), Chr nora m. each] 13 91 ror, NA BLII 13 33 69 al 3, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (Ь, cs) Arm Eth .. add avrov D ёо, Syr (gj) 

8 nexe said] 13 &e.. pref and Eth ana. | 13 &c а! (fr) .. add 
his name was Syr (c) .. pref whose name Syr (s) псом the brother] 
I3 &c al.. om 6 69 стая. п.| 13 &с a! (fr), Syr (b) Eth.. Sh. К. 
Syr (ges) (Arm) 

° отщ. uj. a-child| 13 91 ror a! (fr Ї), zaidapiov NBD LIT 1 
бо 157 al, OL (abel) Bo Syr (c) Eth, Or Chr Cyr..add ev А ёс, OL 
(cfffg) Vg Syr (gshj) Arm esi(cosi 91) ёс having] 13 9r al, 

JOHN VI 6-11 83 

we about to buy bread, that these should eat? © But he said 
this, tempting him; for he, he was knowing what was that 
which he will do. 7 Answered to him Philippos, It is not 
two hundred staters of bread (which) will suffice for them, 
that each should take a little. 9 Said one to him out of his 
disciples, Andreas the brother of Simon Petros, ? There is 
a young child here, having five barley loaves and two fishes: 
but (a) what are these about to be for this multitude? 19 Said 
Jesus to them, Let the men recline; but there was [a] much 
grass in that place: the men therefore reclined, being about 
[to be about] five thousand. 1 Jesus therefore took the 

os exe. МАВ ёс, Arm .. with whom there is Eth .. от whom there is 
Syr (g) .. and there is on him Syr (c) .. on one boy there is here Syr (в) 
esiap about to be] 13 от, (Syr сѕ).. сот МАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm 
Петля. this m.] 13 gr, Во (DA,EJLMOQs).. these mult. Bo .. rorovrovs 
МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) (Arm Eth).. these all Syr (ges) 

1° ого said Jesus] 13 91 тоо fr, NBL, OL (а) Bo (r,*) Syr (gc) 
Arm, Or .. erev де о is A ёс, OL (bq) Syr (h)... eur. ovv o is DG al, 
OL (cefffgl) Vg .. and said Jesus Bo (Eth) .. om Jesus Syr (s) .. add to 
them Bo (x) Eth axape-irox, let-recline] 13 91, Syr (s) .. let all 
the men &c Буг (с) .. go, make the men recline by companies Syr (c) 
>] 13 Во (A,ur)..amd Arm Eth emau. much] 13 91 
fr.. trs т. x. А, OL(b) Eth mara the place] 13 91 100.. ош то A 
пр. the men 29] 13 or (тоо) (fr), ог avópes N(A)B ёс, Во.. аб. DL 
I 33 157 al, Cyr.. he saith to them, Go, make the men recline on the 
grass Syr (s) thus repeating, and omitting the number бє there- 
fore] 13, ЗАВ &c, OL (abcfl) Vg Bo (АсгкнНкроту) Syr (jh), 
Cyr .. ae 91,al 2 .. ka al 4, OL (eq) Syr (g) Arm Eth .. om conj. EFG 
НМБУГА al, Bo (BDA, FG,LMN0) esmap lit. about to make] 
13 91..тоу apiÜuov(ov 69 M) МАВ ёс, in number Syr (gh) Arm.. 
their (but their BFF LMOQ) number they making Bo (Eth) .. they made 
Bo (c) .. they were making Во (нм9) ator about five] 13 91, os, 
occ, RAB ёс, Syr (h) .. om os Bo Syr (ge) .. троҳ:Ммо М“ 

" бе therefore] 13 91 al, SCABDL al, OL (ceffflq) Vg Bo Syr 
(hme), OL (a) Bo (роѕ).. дє № ёс, OL (b) Syr (h), Bas.. 
кол G 1 13 69 118 124 565, Буг (gej) Arm Eth ппоек the 
loaves] 13 а! (fr 7), Bo (r,*) .. the bread Syr (g) Arm Eth .. pref тете 
D 59, Syr (s) .. add ато and 91 ЗАВ ёс, Po Syr (gcsh) Arm .. add 

G 2 


AWM MoT. acpk пметинх. ATO ом пємталтхүгт 
єрооу eboA ом RTT. 1? итеротсег ae пеха 
пиецахонтис. хе соото есоти inanes єнтат- 
сєєпє. XERAC iie Aaav ge chord. 1 arcoorgor бе. 
ATW ата ео аямтемоотсе йнот ПЛакає єатроото 
enentavovwer ehoX оз» пфо0у Noem пет. 
и ироаее бе NTEPOTNAT émeeaeur ємтасүхэсү MET- 
хо) BoC. хє пар Magee пе пєпрофитнс єтину 
enHoceeoc. BIC Ge итерецеяяе хе семих ice- 
тори. хєнас evEdray прро. эсееота ow еорм 

12 (¢) 13 (20) 91 ror (a!) (fr) fixe] enne 20 (fr) 13 (с) 13 29 
gr(roi)(al) икот]| йкотк с sic  !*(c)i3 20 010! ину] пн|от 

с 1 (c) 13 20 Р 91 IP 61(Ь1) 

and the two fishes Syr (s) аш. he-thanks] 13 or al, Во (>), ND, 
OL (abeq) Arm Eth (add he brake) A EVXAPLOTHOAS AB &с, ОТ, (cf Т) 
Vg Bo Syr (h), Or Bas Cyr... Ле blessed them Во (м), OL (eq) Syr (gc) 
..he gazed up to heaven * * he divided to his disciples * * Syr (в) 
aq he gave] с 13 91 al.. pref ки ND (Г 40 69 71 569 al 5), OL 
(beq) Syr (ch) Eth, (Or Chr).. xav бієдокеи АВ &c, OL (ас 1) Vg 
Arm, Bas Cyr .. divided Syr (gs) пиети. to-reclined] (с) 13 or 
al, NF ABLII r 33 118" 482 489 565, OL (acffflq) Vg Bo Syr (gejh) 
Arm Ethro, Or Bas Chr Nonn .. pref т. рай. ог де р. р ёс, OL 
(be) Bo (күш, р, gloss ar.) Syr (s 1) (Eth рр), Cyr azw and] 13 9r 
a! (fr) .. opows кал МАВ &с.. op. Se DM al | шєнт. єр. that-them] 
(с 1) ёс a! (fr) NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gch) eh. ом out of] (c) 
&c тот al, ex N &e, ато М firr the f.] с ёс 101 al, Syr (g 9*).. 
add осоу «дєХоу NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gch) Arm 

12 ae] 13 ёс, NAB ёо, Во (DA,EFJP) Syr (h) Во (15007) 
..оти Bo .. and Syr (ges) Arm Eth пехач said Ве] (с) &e, 
ЗАВ ёс, Bo.. said Jesus Bo (мо) regar. his disc.] 13 ёс (fr t), 
МАВ ёс, Во Syr (gcsh) Eth .. Ме disc. Arm nid. the fr.] 13 
ёс (fr 1) .. add evara together Bo (Ds) | en(n 13 &е fr)tave. which- 
over] 13 ёс 20 (fr), тєригсемтагта, NAD ёс, Во Syr (gsh, с) Arm 
(Eth), Chr Cyr..-cevovra В 40 63 64 al 5 ое єв. perish] с біс 
20 .. add e€ avrov D, OL (bfl) Bo Eth 

13 аус. Ge they-therefore] с &c..and they gathered them the 
fragments which were over of them Буг (s) ge therefore] с ёс, 

JOHN VI 12-15 85 

loaves; he gave thanks, he gave to those who reclined, and 
also that which they took for them out of the fishes. !? But 
when they had been satisfied, said he to his disciples, Gather 
in the fragments which remained over, that nothing should 
perish. 1° They gathered them therefore, and they filled 
twelve baskets of fragments which were in excess to those 
who ate out of the five barley loaves. | 1" The men therefore, 
when they had seen the sign which he did, were saying, This 
truly is the prophet who cometh to the world. 15 Jesus 
therefore, when he had known that they (would) come and 
carry him off, that they should make him king, withdrew 

МАВ ёс, OL (ceffflq) Vg Bo (BDA EF *JLMOPS) Syr (jh) 
112, Bo (acTG,HkNQv) Arm .. de DA al, OL (b) Bo (1) OL (а) 
Syr (gc) Eth azw and] с or .. om Bo (FQ) .. pref eoow in 13 20 
НА. of fr.] с 13 20 .. add itrasceene which rem. over 91 .. om Syr (s) 
єатро. which-excess] (с) ёс, Syr (g)..trs а ezmepiwro. after краби. 
МАВ ёс, Syr (ch) Arm (Eth) eh. ояз. rx. out-five] с &c al., 
the superabundance of the five barley loaves and the two fishes. But the 

men who ate of the loaves were five thousand Syr (s) nei(iu 01) wt 
barley] с ёс al.. om Во (в) 
4 om verse OL (e) ñp. the men] с &c.. those who reclined Bo 

(s) бе therefore] с &с, Syr (h).. де Syr (gcs) .. and Eth пт. 
when-seen] с &e, Syr (сві) Arm .. who saw Буг (g) пазаєти 
єн(її 13 91 а!)т. the-did] (с) ёс, OL (bl, f) Syr (gesh), o ez. onp. 
NAD ёс, OL (cffgq) Vg Eth ..a єт. спи. BO, OL (a) Bo Syr (j) 
Arm .. add o is A ёс, OL (fffq) Vg Bo Syr (сів) Eth, Cyr .. om 
addition NBD 237 OL (abegl) Am Syr (cs) Arm пет» &с 
were saying] (с) &e .. say Syr (s).. pref they all wondered Во (Q) 
nasse truly] с &c.. om D єтину-кос. who-world] (c) ёс, AB 
ёс, OL (cfq) Vg, Cyr ..o es v. к. єрх, XDM 254, OL (ар ) 

15 ұс пн Jesus—come | (с 1) &c bl .. and they meditated Syr (8) oe 
therefore] 13 ёс, NA B біс, Во Syr (h) bl, Bo (А) 
Syr (g) .. and Syr (c) Eth єзххє known] с &c, Bo (р,с) Syr (с).. 
seen Bo .. knew Syr (є) Eth єує-ро that-king] 13 ёс (1), D ёс, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (gcjh,s) Arm Eth, avrov Nc ABL* І 28 
33 al, Or Cyr .. кас avadecxvuvar Bacirea 53", et facere regem ОЇ, (q) 
Буг (s) .. add but Jesus knew Syr (з) aqceoTy he-himself] 13 ёс 
bl, МеАВР ёс, OL (befq) Bo Syr (gh) Eth .. went Arm... $evye 
№, OL (acffgl) Vg, Aug .. pref and Syr (g).. he left them and fled 


exi птооу avaat. 1 итере porge ae WANE 
A иеа лөнтис єх єдрат exi өлХасса. Мах 
avade emaos єтреуєї єпекро Neadacca eRa pap- 
WAdTae, MEA MRARE AE шопе. MNE IC єї щарооу. 
18 epe сузот ae йтну ПОЛ. à oadacca тооз 
eopar 19 птєротдитє ge eboN WamoyTH йстазтом 
H aah. лума © сЦазосще огхм eañacca. eag- 
оом eoova єпхох. avpoore. * ито ae nexa 
мату. BE ANOR пе. аєпрростє. °?! nevovouJ ве me 

в (с) 13 206 91 6151 17 (с) 13 20 91 (61) DE = ™ (С 13 208 
gı (61) b1 єораг| om 13 7 (с) 13 20 gr 61Ъ! exax] отхеи Во 
..exem Во (Е) 20 (с) 13 20 § gı 61 b! 21 (c) (Г) 13 20 (В) 91 
61b!$ me][Igr 13 ёс 

Syr (с)... and he left and went ир Syr (s) on again] 13 ёс, МАВ 
DKLA 133 118 124 al, OL Vg Bo (zz) Syr (cjh) Arm, Cyr .. om 
E ёс, Bo Syr (gs) Eth, Chr Nonn єхах upon] r3 &c bl, Bo.. 
өүхсэх Bo (рл,мо)..є to 91, МАВ ёс, Syr (gesh) затла 
alone] 13 &c, ош avros 254, OL (58 1) Syr (с) Arm Eth .. povos avr. 
М..а»т. д. АВ ёс, Во Syr (gsh)..add каке mpoawvxero D ..add 
(єшХнНХ to pray b! 

16 ac] с &с, Syr (ch)..and Syr (gs) Arm Eth a-eopar his- 
upon] kareßnoav-eri NAB &с, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. he went down, he 
and his disc. Syr (c) exi upon] 13 &e, єтє ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h), ad 
OL Vg Arm Eth.. es A 13 69 131 235 258 207, Во Syr (ges), Chr 

М луто and 19] 13 ёс 61.. om Во (Fr) 1x01 the ship] є &c 61, 
игхох 011, AD ёс, Chr.. om то XBLA 33 113 131, Cyr єтретєх 
for to come] 13 ёс 61.. урхоито AB &c, Bo.. they came Во (¥,°L).. 
єрхоутаї № .. transfretaverunt OL (e) єпєкро across] 13 ёс 61 .. 
es то т. D 13 69 2539" al, Chr Cyr .. перами ЗАВ ёо пез^. the 
sea] om Syr (g) єкаф. to K.] of К. Syr (c) xea-ujone but— 
happened] (¢ 1) ёс... кал (because Буг s) окотиа 1107) (om Syr ges) eyey. 
АВ ёс, (OL) Vg Syr(gch,s) Bo Arm Eth, Chr Cyr .. «areXafjev де 
avrovs 1) скота ND щотє | 13 &с, Bo (к,* 9) ..add ки NAB ёс, 
Bo xine not] (c) ёс, А ёс, OL (cff) Vg Syr (gh), Chr ..ovzo 
NBDL зз 69 124 249 254, OL (abeflq) Во Syr (j) Arm Eth, Суг 

JOHN VI 16-21 87 

himself again upon the mountain alone. 19 But when evening 
had happened, his disciples came upon the sea. 1" And they 
went up into the ship, for to come across the sea to Kaphar- 
naum: but the darkness had happened; Jesus came not unto 
them. 18 But a great wind (blowing) forth, the sea rose up. 
1 When they had moved out therefore about twenty-five 
stadia or thirty, they saw Jesus walking upon the 860: he 
having approached to the ship, they feared. 29 But he, said 
he to them, It is I, fear not. ?' They were wishing therefore 

Nonn 1€] со, before трос ÑD 80, OL (a) Syr (j) Eth .. after 
avrovs А. ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (gesh) Arm, Chr Суг., after тр. а. «АА. 
B..add єє то тА. К 13 330 al то 

18 ерє-пвоМ lit. but-being forth] (c ?) &c (61) .. and the wind arose 
violently Syr (c) .. trs blowing a great wind to end Во (м adding xe) 
Syr (s) Eth, pref because Syr (є) .. trs to middle NAB ёо, Syr (Б) Arm 
оуноб a great] с ёс 61.. 0m 69 «є | с &c 61, Der, OL (beflq) Vg 
Bo Syr (gh) Eth .. om Bo (L) Syr (j) .. те ЗАВ &e, Буг (сз) тооти 
rose] с ёс 61.. was swelling against them Syr (g) 

19 fitepovomte(H bl) сє when-therefore] с &c .. and they had 
brought the ship бут (с) бє therefore] e, NAB ёс, Syr (h) .. ae 
13 &c .. and Syr (ges) Arm Eth i (rir с) ах. about-five] NAB ёс 
..0m ws, oce. 28 127 237, OL (d) Syr (es).. om five Syr (g 17) 
ст(> 20 gt)aatomn] стада N*D тоб, OL Vg.. отабоу$ МАВ &с, 
Chr Cyr eqsxoouse walking] Bo (v,*) .. pref and Bo .. pref coming 
Syr (s) өАХ(АХ 13)acca] 13 &с, Syr (h) Arm .. the water Syr 
(63868)  eaqo. having аррг. | © &c .. pref кал Ñ &c, Syr (gc) Arm Eth 
.. yevop.evoy G al 20, Cyr .. угор. МА В &с.. and he was wishing to 
pass by Syr (8)? enxor to the ship] to their ship Syr (gs) 
атро. they feared] 13, Во (A, r,*M»Q 18) Syr (gc).. pref ато and 
с ёс, МАВ &c..add greatly Arm ..they cried out from their fear 
Syr (s) 

2 om verse Во (т) homeotel тод ae but he] 13 4, Syr (h).. 
кол Ñ, (OL ad) Arm Eth.. add i$ 59 ттт, Syr (ges) .. om and he said 
Armedd anon me lit. I am] (с) & Bo (v) язпрр. fear 
not] 13 &c .. om Syr (c) 

й пє»-таХоф they-up] (с 1) ёс (17) &с.. and when they took him 
Syr (s) бе therefore] 1 ёс, NAB ёс, Syr (h)..and Syr (ges) 
Arm Eth 


ETAAOY ENSO ATW їтеунот à MAOI MOONE епекро 
euesuabonH epos. 2 аапечрасте паяннще eTage- 
рәт ©: пекро Headacca. ATMAT BE аваа GE axo 
auar dica пи сито яжазаентно duc añe epo. 
ATW хє аяпе Үс aXe emos eet месазлентнео. AAAA 
неєхну aves chor ом Tihepiac PATA пава ENTAT- 
OTWLe яяпоєтк EA пхоес [IMP авот Exwy. 1e. 2 итере 

хот 1°] с &c 8..-ex 161. 20129] 13 &c..-ere[ ? (c) (1) 13 
20 $ (В) gı $61 $ (51$) (fr) пекро] пік. сЇ(8) ade 1°] 13 91.. 
та№е с &с àaNe29] 20 9grbl..vaNec єс З (c) (D) 13 20$ 8 91 
61 bl (fr) (fr є) evrar] 20 &с 26.. ñT. 13 91 | отих an.) с Ї 
13 B ..oves* п. gr 61 bl..osxx о. 20  оєтк| OIR 91 4 (е) (1) 
13 20 gr P (61$) b? $ (fr) (fre) | хе or 

€raNoq to make-up] е (Г) ёс, Arm ed .. trs avrov AaB. D 69 
124 569 al, OL (e) Arm, Aug avo and] I & Bo(r,*) a- 
эхоонє the ship was m.] | &c В..т. тА. eyevero ND &c, OL (abfff) 
Vg elem Syr (gsh, c) .. trs eyevero то п. ABGL 1 33 69 124 565 1849" 
253 97 al, OL (ceglq) Am Fu (Arm Eth), Or Cyr Amb.. approached 
Syr (с) епекро(е с) аб the shore] (c) 13 ёс.. es т. уу 127 
32 97, ad terram OL Vg .. em тту y. W* 13 28 69 113 124 435 al 5, 
Or.. emi тс y. М‹АВР ёс, Cyr єпєуп. were-go] с &c (1) (В), 
Bo .. esta. being about to go 91 61, Bo (FL) .. urnyov № &c .. vmq- 
TT7O€V hi 

2? # (om 61) пер. lit. on his morrow] (c) ёс bl, ЗАВ ёс, Arm.. 
add хє 91..and Syr (gch) Eth — є(ош 6!)vaoe. who st.] тз ёс (В) 
bl.. єстукоѕ (caros № 185 °") .. who were standing Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. 
which was бут (c) arnar saw] 13 ёс (bl), «Sor ABL, OL (adf 
14) Bo Syr (gjh) Eth .. «деу ND єг 42, OL (beffgd) Vg, Aug .. was 
seeing Arm .. доу TAE ёс, OL (e) Во (р), Chr Cyr .. who saw Syr (c) 
aat lit. there is not] с &c, зэл 91 bl.. межам there was not В*, № біс 
& (& bl)e (om бе 8") хоц(єх 61) other ship] I ёс Be bl.. addo mÀoapuov 
13 69 124, OL (adeq).. т\л. аЛЛо ЗАВ ёс Пса-єроч ехсерї- 
went up] 13 &c, (337) (D) ёс Syr (gjh) (Arm), (Chr) Cyr .. except the 
one in which—crossed over Syr (c) .. om exewo D 33 al, OL (a) Syr (с) 
Arm, Chr... o. рад. а. буг (g 9 h).. оџа. т. v N*D 13 69 124, OL 

ФОНХ УІ 22-24 89 

to make him go up into the ship, and immediately the ship 
was moored at the shore to which they were about to go. 
22 Оп the morrow the multitude, who stood on the (other) 
shore of the sea, saw that there was not there (any) other ship 
except that into which the disciples of Jesus went up ; and that 
Jesus went not up into the ship with his disciples, but (&) his 
disciples alone were those who went. 23 And behold some other 
ships came out of Tiberias, near the place (in) which they ate 
the bread, the Lord having given thanks over it. 15.2" When 

(а) Syr (с) Arm .. ov д. 108, Syr (0).. є um ev NCABL т 11 22 42 
157 265", OL (befffglqs) Vg Bo Eth Ar, Nonn ATW-IE Ju. 
and-disciples] (c) (Г) ёс 8 .. ка от: ov (om A) ovveonàbev Tors p. а. о 
is Neca &с..к. о. ov cvveAnrAvh алто o 15 М, Буг (g).. and Jesus 
was not with his disc. in the ship Syr (c) eno: the ship] 13 біс 
b! 8 aNNa-&o& but-went] (c) ёс 8 (fr) .. аА. povot (цоуоу 
D, OL aq) ot p. а. az2A00v NAB ёс, Syr (h).. om 220, Syr (c) .. om 
ат. W* 56 58 бт, OL (НТ) .. with his d. to the ship Буг (g) .. with his 
disc. Syr (g 9) 

3 ayw eic oen(or 91)-aver and-came] (c) (Г) &c .. behold other 
ships came Bo (n E3»s).. behold other ships Во (v,*) .. came other ships 
Во .. and came &c Во (м) Eth .. adda дє т. 7A. А &c, OL Vg, (Syr Б) 
..аХа 7۸0. пло. BLO 33, OL (e) Syr (j).. ereA8ovrov ovv т. 
пЛошу $Š .. aÀXov тЛошаришюи eAÜovrov D, Arm .. её сит supervenissent 
alie naves OL (b) (Syr с).. trs аА. тА. yA0ov K .. trs ۸0. after т:В. 
L... supervenerunt (cffglq) Vg, Aug..venerunt (aef) Буг (с) exar 
ships] 13 ёс (fr 9), това (81) B 157 32 ®", OL (befffgl) Vg .. пЛошріа 
A(D)&e, OL (aeq) “(Bo в..+ 91 Bo.. ves b!)8.] (Г) ёс 26 .. rs 
mp. В TI 125 477 al то оатах-поєтк near-bread] 13 &c .. eyyvs 
T. тотоу отоо ep. т. артои МА B ёс, Arm Eth... eyyvs ovens отоо Kat 
ep. aprov W* (om s) where they ate the bread Syr (cs) ea 
пхоєтс (ore 13)-exwe the Lord-it] (f) &c .. quem benedixerat (-ж f) 
dominus OL (bffflq) Eth .. when Jesus had blessed Syr (g).. 
єуҳаристусаутоѕ rov к. ЗАВ ёс, Bo (add sic вр).. єрх, rov 07 237 
al 7, Syr (hme) .. evy. avrov 482, Во (Q).. v. к. eux. І 118..gratias 
agentes domino OL (c) Fu .. om D 69*, (ae) Syr (cs) Arm 

^ firepe-ssaontHe when-disciples] (Г) ёс 61, ore ovv ev (eyvo 
U) o oxÀos оті 5 (ош Н 264) ovk єстім exer ovde ог p. avrov Же &c, 
(Во) Syr (Б) Arm ..fitepe пззнищє w€ ёс gt, OL (e).. and when 
&c, Syr (g) Eth .. kac wdovtes (they saw Syr с) оті ovK пу EKEL o 15 0006 


пазнниє GE MAT хе WC MUAT AW OTAC месявлен- 
THC. aTAAE итоох ємехну. ATEI enadapnuaoves 
єупиме мех IC. ATW Wrepovoe epoy ох пєкро 
WeaXacca. пехат мас. хе opabber ivraReY emerea 
йаш Rutas. a xc ovwwh wav ео аласс, хе 
огзани омаєни xo) eoc NATH. хе инететищите 
HCW! AW. SE атєтимат єоємавлєті. ААЛА хє атєти- 
от choA ом помни. avo arericer 77 язпррооб 
ETEQPE erHaTARO. АЛЛА єтєорє ито етизяяоти 
ehord evWHD Wa exeo. TAI єтєрє пщире аапроляе ма- 
таас инт. пм CAD MENTA пиозте пет ceppacize 
заз. 25 пехлту Ge их. хе ох пеётинаааү.хєнас 

12] с 13 20 fe.. pref й от (хя) b! an] om 13" NC) 
(f) 13 20 (В) от b? (fra) (fr)  птєрот)| с ёс. птарот Ї 7 (с) 
(Г) 13 20$ 8$ 91$ (114) (b!) (fr) «e n] хи or imer] B or 
.omitri320114b! аи] 13 &c 114 bl..add me В  поєхк| maoe 
ту bread 114 -сєх] -oses 114 sic ? (D) 13 20 $ Вот $ 114 $n! 
P (fra) ewow$]eos. 20.. поз. Во (рто) wal] pref м В nenta] 
ита 114 сфрас.|-ан.114  * (Г) 1320$ 8$ or Š 114 $ ml (fr a) 

ог p. (add his Syr с) № (Syr с) sasatam there] с ёс (61) (fr « fr) Syr (g9) avae they went up] € &e fr * .. ave. єє. 
МАВ &c..eAaBov D 13 69 124, OL (bffl) Arm.. om Syr (s)... add 
ovn Bo (х) йтоот lit. they] 13 &c, avro. RCA В ёс, OL (q) Bo 
Arm Eth, Cyr.. кал ато: UT al.. eavrois D, OL (bff) Syr (h).. om 
N*S 38 251 253 435, OL (асе?) Vg Буг (gj,c,s) em(ene gt)ex. 
into the ships] с ёс I (fr a) es D 13 69 124, OL (bffl, e) Am 
Fu .. add these бут (g) (Eth) .. om Syr (s) яєхну | та пло А &c 
.. Ta. пЛошра NBDL 33 69 124 249 254 259 264, OL Vg Syr 
(h mg), Суг..то zAovv №, Syr (с) aver they came] с ёс, Во 
(BF,*Q).. pref ки NAB ёс evru. seeking] с ёс (fr) Syr (h) 
Eth .. and were seeking Syr (ges) .. to seek Arm ie] с &c fr 9 (fr), 
Syr (gch) Arm Eth .. avrov К al 9, Syr (s) .. om OL (b) 

25 avw and] (1) &с fr, Syr (gsh).. and-8e Syr (с) о: m. нө. 
beyond the sea] 13 ёс (fr “ fr) .. єп. 8 ?.. om Syr (s) пєхәъ 
said they] (с) ёс В fr ^ (frt), NAB ёс, Syr(h)..they say Syr (ges) 
opabBei] с &c (D) B (fr a), NBEHT A al ..-р AD ёс, Syr (h) Arm .. 

JOHN VI 25-28 91 

the multitude therefore saw that Jesus (was) not there mor 
his disciples, they went up indeed into the ships, they came 
to Kapharnaum, seeking for Jesus. * And when they had 
found him beyond the 860, said they to him, Hrabbei, at what 
time camest thou hither? 26 Jesus answered to them, saying, 
Verily, verily, Y say to you, that ye were not seeking for me 
because ye saw signs, but (>) because ye ate out of the loaves 
and ye were satisfied. 27 Work not for the food which will 
perish, but (a) for the food indeed which will last to a life for 
ever, this which the Son of the man will give to you, for this 
(опе) is he whom God the Father sealed. * Said they there- 

rabban Syr (gc) йтакєї camest thou] (f) ёс В (fr z fr), N 28, D, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (єсві) Arm Eth .. yeyovas № вес, Syr (h) єтєт (тїї 
20)axa hither] 13 ёс В (fr ^ fr)..wde position 28, Arm Eth .. trs 
before yey. A۸0. МАВ &c imav time] с &c Í B .. add me gt 

26 а-Яязалос Jesus-saying] (©) &c (Г) (bl) (#№).. arek. avr. о 15 ка 
єт. МАВ ёс, Буг (h) Arm .. ans. Jesus and said to them Буг (g 
(Eth) .. om к. є. 184 e .. om to them Во (Q).. trs ис поот Bo(v) 
ко Во (& F,* PQ) .. ans.—said to them Bo (Е) .. said to them Jesus Syr (cs) 
огахни 29] с ёс 114 (fr) Syr (s) пиєтє (om те r14) TH- 
ume йс. зи yeme] (с) &c (f) 114 Ъ1.. om Lyrerre pe №“. trs sought 
ye me after signs Syr (0,8) oen(oit 91 114) s1aent signs] (с) ёс 
114 bl..add ко repara D, OL (abf)..add from me Bo (р;*ез5) 
azw and] 13 ёс 114 b! Bo (А, EFJLQs) 

" зхөрр(єрєр 114)9с8(ч 114 also verse 29)-тако work-perish | 
(D ёс, Syr (ges) (Arm Eth) .. epy. 8pocw ил) тту azoAX. XÑ, OL (b), 
Hil «(ош 114) veepe for the food 29] (1) ёс, ABD ёс, OL (abefq) 
Во Syr (gcsjh) Arm Eth, Or Chr Cyr Novat МЕКСН 28 
69 al 15, OL (c1) Vg, Clem Const Epiph Aug..pref work Syr (cs) 
fitog lit. he] В gı 114..0m 13 зо m, АВ&с | матаас(тамас £) 
и. will-you] (11) ёс, 69 124 al, OL (abfq) Vgelem Во Syr (gsj) Arm, 
Hil .. uu. боов, AB ёс, OL (c) Am Fu Syr (Б) Eth, Or Cyr Novat.. 
Sidwow vp. ND, (eff) Syr (c) | плоттє ner(ns 91 114). God the F.] 
13 ёс, Во Syr (cs) .. о татг-о 0eos ЗАВ &c, Syr (gh) Arm Eth 
о таттр A | 

? Ge therefore] 13 ёс fr є, Syr (h).. ae 114 .. om A, Syr (gcsj) 
Arm .. and Eth nag to him] 13 &c (fr) .. троє avrov RAB &c.. 
ad eum iudei OL (e) оз what] 13 &c fr“ .. add ow G Tle Tit- 
saaa(om 8 gı 114)q that-do] 13 ёс (1017), тойргорег 69 254, 


enepowh емеобите яяпиоуте. 2 a 1С ovoujb nexa 
Mac. хе MAI пе noob яяпмоуте. хє єтетмепістєує 
єпєнта HH THitooTY. 30 пехат ма. хе ov GE иток 
яхазаємі пєтнєүрє Atarot. oseHac ЄМЄМАТУ Wryaemic- 
Teve ероң. ov пе посі єткере яяяяоч. "la menei- 
OTE OTWAL ажлаа ом тєрна ос ката өе єтсно 
же aX mar потоетк covosey ebo ом THe. ?? пехе 
IC MAT. хе Омаєни озаени Yow ачазос инти. xe 
ялоууснс AW MENTA инти ажлосєсн ehoA ом Tite. 
AAAA TACIT пет+р нти ChoA ом TNE аапосї аваас. 
33 поєн Tap пе пшире зєпиоутє, петину єпєснт 
єбоА ом тпє avo heyy потому aemRoceroc. 

єнє] В 91 114..сипа 13 20..fima m! 7% пе) POR BS OLS 
(92) 114 Š m! (fra) ететие] В 114 m! fr 6. єтєтпа 13 20 91 
enenta] 13 &c 92.. єпєта ш!..епита 114 3013020 $759 OIE 

92 114$ ml (fr?) enmenar] enanas 2o.. єппәпат 13 (ош 114)- 
тях (м 13 91 92 та!) пістєтє | 13 20 ml.. pref ато В ёс, Bo(amer,en 
орду) тистєтє] -тєєтє 114 gwh] owy 114 erk] erer дт 92 ml 
eR 114 3! r3 20$ В от 92 114 ш! $ єютє| зоте 92 114 
3? 13 § 20 B§ 01$ 92 $ 114$ m! $ merraq| ne сит. 114 S xS 
205 891 92 114 $ m! 

faciemus OL Vg, romowpueyv G (D) 13 124 .. rovovpev al 20 .. rowwpev 
NAB ёс, Or Cyr єнєр(єр 114)9wh we should work] 13 &e .. ть 
epyacwpeba wa rojo oj.ev D 

2 anay Jesus-them] 13 &c (fr ^ 1) .. saith Jesus to them бут (cs) 
.. and. ans. &c Eth mex. said he] 13 &c fr ©, Bo... ки єт. А В 
&c, Syr (gh) Arm neo& the work] 13 &c.. та єруа T, Во (F,* 1) 
хє 29] 13 &c.. хєнас ml..add azavres 69 ин that] 20 ёс 92, 
NAB &с.. паї this 13..0m Во тип. whom that (one) sent] 13 ёс 
(fr <), Arm .. те whom &c Arm dd .. whom he sent Во Arm cdd 

30 пех. said they] 13 &e, 248 254, OL (а) Во (р AEFJLMPQRS) 
Syr (ges) Arm .. add ae 114 .. pref and Syr (j) Eth .. add ow 
МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) ov what] 13 &c fr 5, ÑL 33 al 4, OL (1) 
Bo Syr (sj) Arm Eth, Cyr..add вє fj, ovv AB ёс, OL Vg Syr (ch), 
Eus Chr .. add autem (b) .. add me 28 114 пток-петк. (єк. QI 92 
m!) thou-doest] 13 бос (fr *) .. tu signum facis OL (f) .. палаєти Ял. 

JOHN VI 29-33 93 

fore to him, What is that which we shall do, that we should 
work the works of God? Jesus answered, said he to them, 
This is the work of God, that ye should believe him whom that 
(one) sent. 3° Said they to him, What sign therefore is it which 
thou indeed doest, that we should see and believe thee? what 
is the work which thou doest? 31 Our fathers ate the manna 
in the desert, according as it is written, He gave to them 
a bread to eat out of the heaven. 2? Said Jesus to them, 
Verily, verily, I say to you, Moysés is not he who gave to you 
the bread out of the heaven; but (a) my Father is he who 
giveth to you out of the heaven the true bread. 33 For the 
bread is the Son of God, he who cometh down out of the 

петекетре the sign which thou doest 114 .. тоієіѕ ov стр. AB &c.. 
то onu. 13 69 al, OL (1), Chr Cyr .. sign doest thou Bo (Syr gesh) 
Arm Eth.. то. бур. со N 131 .. бос (tu) roves сти. D, OL (bceq) 
Vg єрок thee] om 20, Arm ov пє-ахалосі what-doest 29] 
om Syr (s) 

М озолж ate] LV 33 69 124 al то, OL (affl) Vg Bo Syr (jh) 
Arm, Chr Oyr..trs after то pavva МАВ ёс, Syr (ges) Eth ої 
терн(є її4)эхос in &c] om Syr (g9) aq he gave] Z gave Syr 
(g то) corong to eat] om Syr (s) 

? п. 16. said Jesus] gt 114, GL al, OL (ael*q) Во Syr (gc) 
Arm .. add сє therefore 13 ёс, NAB ёс, OL (cfffl?) Vg Syr (h).. add 
autem OL (b) .. and Syr (j) Eth пат to them] om Syr (s) 

омани 2°] om 69 яхпоєік the br. то) add the true Во (3,9) 
naer(as r14)ov my F.] (Syr s) Arm Eth..the F. Syr (g 14 с) 
иет(пе ev 114 m!)+ he-giveth | will give Bo Arm нти фо you 

2° | trs after bread Во (v) them Во (1) ^ ев. тие out-heaven 29] 
13 20 В ml .. trs after sxe gt 92, Bo Syr (ges) Eth... trs аа (ош m!)- 
моек єй. om т. uae 114, NAB ёс, Syr (h) Arm..add to eat 
Syr (g 9) 

9 поек-епеснт for-down] o yap apros (add о N D) то» Geou eor о 
kataBawov МА В ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. -who сате down Во (м).. 
for the bread of God (add it із that s) came down Syr (cs) ñy} nos. 
and-life] AK 33 254, OL (cff) Vg Bo Syr (gjh) (Eth).. ка боту 
бідоюе (ws) МВР ёс, OL (abeq) Syr (s) Arm, Clem Or Chr Cyr .. om 
and Во (A,gr,*3sv).. and it liveth and is given to the world Syr (c) 
язик, to the у. | which із eternal Eth 


34 TTESAT МАС. хе пхосс ава МАМ аэпеоси НООС 
mae 35 пехе IC MAT. хе AMOR пе поён зөпомо. 
петину Wapor NYNAQKO AM. ATW петпїстете epo, 
мернаєтє am еме. “SadAa arxooc NATH. хе 
ATETHHAT EPO ATW Итетипестете хи. ЗТохом тає 
єтєрє плет MaTaay NAL NAT Wapor avo 
петину wWapor mamos ehod ам. 2* хе WTarey 
хм єбоА ом тие eTpacipe азпаотому. aXXa ae- 
NOTOU авпентацтатог — ? Tar AE пе NOTOW ANEN- 
TAC[TATOL хєвас иєнтацЦтааэт маг тироу MATARO 
choA понтот. АА» ererovitocoy ояя поле NQOOT. 

З r3 20 В 91$ 92$ 1145 ml 3 r3 (20) В 91 (92) (93) 114 
ml поєк| поеиц В 8 щарог) -es 8 also verse 37 а (о) {е 
01 $ 92 (93) 114$ т! * (с) (20 $) B 91 92 (93) 114 Š аб пет. m! 
єЁоХ| trs after am 91 3 ¢ (8) 13 (20) B 91 02 114 m! «e fir] 
хит 9I II4 taser] йтаєг B..fivaY 20 апот.) nos. 91 92 114 
татог| 13 .. Tavoer € .. тотоєг B.. таотоєг 20 .. Taovos й &c 

° ¢ 913 20 91 $ 92 (93) 114 1$ єіт.] err. 114 gae] gase 
92 114 also verse 40 

ЭМ пех. said they] or 114, Syr (ges) Arm .. pref and Eth .. add ве 
therefore 13 &c, МАВ ёс, Syr (h) пхоєгс(охс 13) Lord] буг (h) 
Arm..our Lord Syr (ges) nam фо us] to те Во (6,) õi- 
mero (3irıo 13 91° 114.. ans g1^)eix this br.] NAB ёс, Syr (gch) 
.. from this bread бут (s) Eth — itovoeruy miar lit. all times] Bo .. trs 
кур. тагт. AB ёо, Syr (gcs) Arm .. trs mavr. кор. N... trs Lord give to 
us always Eth | 

? m. 1€ said Jesus] gt 114, BLT 113, OL (abe) Bo Syr (єс, s) 
Arm ..add & 13 ёс 20, erev ow NDT 13 33 69 106 157 al то, OL 
(gq) Syr (h) .. eur. de A ёс, OL (с) Vg Syr (h ще), Cyr .. et dixit (ЇЕ) 
Eth .. om o is A, Syr (s) пейтао. will not В.] 13 ёс 20 92 93.. 
add тототє D ато and] 13 ёс 20 92 93.. ош Bo (FM) TET- 
пістє(єє 114 also verse 36 &c)ve epos(ex В) he-me] 13 ёс 20 92 
93 -. who cometh to me Во (в) eneo(eno 114) ever] 13 ёо 20, 
тототє (rore E 17) МАВ ёс, Syr (c) Arm Eth... ща em. for ever gt 
92 93, Bo, es тоу шоуа 33, Vg ist Syr (gs) 

% хє that] 13 ёс, KA al 5, OL (ef) Во (>) Syr (ges) Arm.. om 
Bo (rm) (Eth) .. ото ku NAB ёс .. and Bo .. and that Syr (h) 

JOHN VI 34-39 95 

heaven, and giveth a life to the world. 34 Said they to him, 
Lord, give to us this bread always. °° Said Jesus to them, 
I am the bread of the life; he who cometh unto me will 
not hunger; and he who believeth me will not thirst ever. 
36 But (a) I said to you, that ye saw me, and ye believe not. 
37 Every опе whom my Father will give to me cometh unto 
me, and he who cometh unto me I shall not cast him out. 
33 Because I came not out of the heaven for to do my wish, 
but (>) the wish of him who sent me. °° But this is the wish 
of him who sent me, that all those whom he gave to me 
I should not lose (any) out of them, but (a) I should raise 

ateti. уе saw] 13 ёс, Syr (gsh) .. ye see Syr (c) Arm epos me] 
13 ёс 20, BD ёс, OL (cfffg) Vg Во Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr.. 
от МА, OL (аЪеа) Буг (сз) ато and] 13 &c 93 Bo(A,Er7Q&) 
.. and that Syr (Б) — птети(зх 114)m. an and-not] 13 &c (20) (93) 
.. add рог ATI?, Во (x) 

? maer(ar 92 114)co7 шу F.] e ёс Ве (93), Во Syr (gch) Eth.. 
neswt the F. B*, МАВ ёс, Bo (x) Буг (s) Arm чину cometh] с 
ёс 20..єчи. 18 coming ml .. néa NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gesh) Arm 
azw and] с ёс 20.. om Во (F,*) ñan. є. І-опі| € &c 20 (93), 
eiicium OL (c) Vg Syr (gcsh).. єкВаХо G 69 131 al, ОЇ, (abefffq) 
Syr (es) .. add єго Nc AB ёс, OL (cfffq) Vg Syr (gjh) Arm Eth 

° хє because] є &c 20, Bo(Q)..add vap Bo | itrarer ап-єтра- 
expe І came not-for to do] с 91 92 114, ov karafl.-wa. W*, OL (be), 
Сур Novat Quest .. птатєг-єтраєгрє an Z came-for to do not 13 20 
В ml, катаВ.-оук wa WC AB ёс, Syr (gcsh) Arm an Bo 
(н,*) залем (її 114)taytavor of him-me] Arm .. add татров D 
al, OL (арей) Syr (c, s), Did Bas (Tert) .. add ту F. Syr (s) 

9 mar-TavO: but-sent me] om 114, N*C 131 al, Bo (во 26) Syr 
(з) homeotel ^ ae] ¢ ёс, Во (AFHLOP) Arm..and Eth 
запептачтатсі(д 13 20.. tavoer €.. тлото В ёс 93) of-me] с ёс, 
(335) СА В(О) 1-Т al ro, OL (befq) Bo Syr (gc), Ath Bas Chr Amb 
.. add татрос Г ёс, OL (ac) Vg Syr (jh) Eth, Aug ..add ту Р. Arm 
нентач-т. those-gave]| с &c .. add pater OL (ff) Arm тако lose] 
€ &c .. таке Naar lose any 91 114, Bo, azoA. pydev D, OL (aff, еїс, Б) 
Syr (с), Tert eb. по. out of them] с &c, Во Eth .. e£ avrov RAB ёс, 
Syr (gch,s) Arm adda] с & Во (к*)..аЛА ша D, OL (f) 
"ovmocoy raise them] с &c.. тохиос raise him 13 ox in] с ёс 


ETHAT епщире. ATW етпистехе epo. EERW Macy 
Wosono Hwa eneg. ати anon Циатотиосц ose 
поле Mooov. “ NeTHpaepae Ge пе солома ET- 
Dnm. хе acpxooc. хе ANOR пе поек emracpes CoA 
ом THe. ATW неужи» аваасс, XE зен ALMA ай пе 
IC пщнре їзосн ф, MAY ANOM єтнсооэн азпееот 
AN тєц хэлт, Нар пое FSW eoc. xe Wrarer ehon 
ом me. За se ovwwh пехас нат. хе ахприратрає 
зэл метмерну. teeren (GO HADAT єєх Wapor 
єїзөнт: NTE MAEIWT єнтаүтаэуто: сон аваас, ATW 

4 ¢ 13 20 В 91$ 92 $ 93 $ 114 m! fuga] 9 В ml .. їцагїї4.. 
om it 13 &c.. om Bo(p,*) * (¢) б 13 (20 $ 8$ 91 (92) (93) 1145 
ml$  кракрах|-релх от ne] mH ml 42 (с) а (20) B 91 1145 
ml! єтнс | тис. ml, Bo (о) з (с) 913 (20 $) В $ or $ 1148 m! $ 
и (8) 13 (20 Š at ато) В 91 93 114 m! wapos] W &c..-er В 
eium] g &с 20... erexx. 114 ..-Tes 93 114 ml.. -HT 9r five] 
ente В дт єкт.) § 13 В.. Пт. от &с Tavor) 13 93 .. та тоєг (0)... 
taovoes 8 .. таотог 20 gI Ml.. тоо 114 

93, NADKSII 13 33 69 al, OL (abcfffq) Vg ed Bo Syr (gh) .. om 
B &с, OL (e), Am Fu 

4 om verse A*, Syr (є 30), f asteriscis notat vap] SABCDK 
LUT al, OL (abcefffgmq) Am Bo Syr (gch,s), Clem Ath Bas Cyr 
Nonn Hil Victorin .. om T, Bo (F,*) 92 E ёс, Vgelem Syr 
(jh) Chr Chron..and Eth .. because this is the will of him who 
believeth in the Son Syr (s) iinaci(as 114)o of my F.] NBCD 
LTU al го, OL (abeq) Bo Syr (gch) Arm Eth, Clem Ath Nonn 
Tert Hil Victorin .. тоо тєр. ре татрос (M)A al (OL cffgm Vg) Syr 
(j), Cyr Aug Chron .. тою тєн. pe А ёс, Did — єчєңө пач lit. should 
put for him] g 91 114, єкт) NAB &с.. єцєхх should take 13 ёс, Arm 
anor I] Syr (gcs) Arm Eth .. trs after avrov NB ёс, OL (acefffgq) 
Vg Во (Bp, мое 26) Syr (jh), Ath Cyr Aug.. om AD т до 47*" al 5, 
OL (b) Bo, Clem Chr Tert Hil фиат. I shall raise him] g &c.. 
тат. Í raise him conjunctive 13 В, Bo.. єөпат. Во (м9) sic 92x 
in} RADKLSUII al.. om B ёс 

41 ge therefore] 4 &c 20 93, Bo Syr (h).. om 114, Arm .. «є 91, 
D er OL (m) Syr (gcs) .. о again Во (n) .. and Eth єтінн (om 

JOHN VI 40-44 97 

them in the last day. * For this is the wish of my Father, 
that every one who seeth the Son, and who believeth him, 
should have a life eternal ; and I, I shall raise him in the last 
day. *' Were murmuring therefore the Jews concerning him, 
because he said, Iam the bread which came out of the heaven. 
*? And they were saying, Is not this Jesus, the son of Ioseph, 
this (man) whose father and mother we indeed know? How 
saith he, that I came out of the heaven? 43 Jesus answered, 
said he to them, Murmur not with one another. “* It is not 
possible for any to come unto me except my Father who sent 

ml)+# concerning him] © ёс 20 92 93 .. om бо, Syr (s) єп(ӣ 13 
91 93 ? 114 ml) vasgei- Tite which-heaven | ¢ &c 93 .. о ката. ex rov ov. 
МАВ &c..o єкт. о. к. МГ 13 69 124 157 al, OL Vg, Chr 

З om verse Во (в*) | зан| с & m1 япь: this] ¢ &с, Bo 
(сг* ез, екх) .. om ix Bo .. that Bo (n,*) .. ош Syr (g 9) s€] с ёс, 
NAB ёс, OL (aefmq) Vg Syr (g) Arm cdd, Ath Cyr .. om М al го, OL 
(beg) Во (Ху) Arm, Eus Amm Chr Quest госиф | с &с.. add 
итааяще the carpenter Во (q) пах this 2°] с &c, Bo (ro) .. that Bo 
..and ут (cs) sxmeeeror lit. his father] eneg. 91 .. хэлгцуот r14 .. 
pref кал N* зай теч (та 114)as. and his mother | (c?) &c (20), Arm edd 
.. Tv р. Ме &с.. om №“, OL (b) Syr (сз) Arm, Quest ñaw й. how] ¢ 
В 114, OL (ae) Syr (cs) .. and how Syr (g) .. ñaw бе fige g 13 or і, 
МАР ёс, OL (befffgm) Vg Syr (h), Ath Chr Cyr .. rws vvv BCT, Bo 
Syr (J) .. how now therefore Bo (ртм) (Arm) .. and how therefore Eth 
q(es п!) saith he] е ёс, BCDLT al о, OL (affq) Bo Syr (св) 
Arm Eth, Chr Cyr..pref ог add ovros NA ёс, OL (beef) Vg Syr 
(gjh) | «xe ñ(xñ өт 114)т.-тие that-heaven] € &c.. от: (add eyw 
№) єк rov ov. катаВеВука МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gch) Arm (Eth) .. eavrov 
ато Tov o. kataBeBnxevac D, (quia, quoniam) de c. descendit OL (ce) 
Syr (s) 

9 a r€ owomË(q 114) Jesus ans.] с &c 20 .. атек, (o) is BOK LTII 
al то, OL (ae) Bo Syr (g) Arm, Oyr .. and ans. Jesus Eth .. az. ovv (o) 
G NAD ёс, OL Vg Syr (jh).. saith to them Jesus Syr (c) .. saith to 
them Syr (s) meas said he] Bo (АЕОО).. pref ки NAB ёс, Bo 
мат to them] om A* же (ха 91)np(ep 114). murmur not] 
wate уоуу. 69 

Чо 33(13..0m g &c)asit щ (ош 114)6. it is not possible] add yap 
Syr (c) naes (as 114)o7 my F.] g &c 20, Са], Cyr A al 9.. om 
pov МВ ёс, Во Syr (gesh) Arm Eth azw anok gw and I also] 

H. S. G, IJI H 


anor оо Чиатотнос оят поле йооот. «сено 
ом иепрофитис. хє семащиюпє тнрот ирееево 
Tae пиосте. OVOM амаа enTacqcwTae EBONA охта» 
MEWT. ATW acpasicho. сину wapor 4% пефоћ ан 
хє à OTA NAT епешот. влазит: петщооп CROA ота» 
пиоутє. пах MENTAMAT єпєхоут, TC. То мавни олени 
$xw 48авсс инти. хе петпістете єрө о»нталү 
LAT RION WA eweo. anon пе поек RMON. 
49 x метмеоте отож, яяпаємима QW тернаяос. AT- 
ALOT. Oar ae пе mnoeim етину єбо\ ом me. 
хєвас ершаи ота oTWae choA понт инецеот. 

X(om g)na] g ёс 20 .. та В 114 conjunctive gae] gare 114 
4 g 13 (20 $) В от (93 Š and at отоп) 114 $ and &с m! § реєсрхі| 
рүх:її4 птах) ç ёо, Bo.. five 114, Бо (с,).. оттях В gra] -ti 
їз  чину| equ. m! 46 п го (20) В ox (rr im пераве 
ne єй. 114.. 68. 13 ёо 20 amt] om 13 wevoT 19] тїї. 114 єлхэнт | 
-Ter 91 114 ml е ¢ 13 (20 $) 6$ 9: m! $8. Teor suni] 
элеше) 28138 or (озул ва Сото mls аис 
В 91 (93) m! 

g В 919.. avw aston 93, А ёо, Во Syr (gesh) Arm Eth .. anton ow 
91*, кау» NBCDL т зз al, Did Cyr.. avo 13 ml, Bo (х).. eyo Т 
eax in| (g) &с 20..0m NA al, OL (e) Am Fu 

85 gcHo it is written] 4 &c 20 93, Во.. add enim OL (abefff) Bo 
(DEFJLNOQ?C) Буг (єс8).. pref and Eth мепр. the prophets] w 
&c 20 93, Syr (h) Arm (Eth) .. the prophet Syr (gcs) же ce. They] g 
ёс 20 93, Bo Syr (єсв)..ка: NAB ёс, Syr (h) Eth 
THpo7 all] 4 &c 20 93.. om Bo (к*) отоп m. every one] g &с 20 
93, RBCDLST бо 124 al, OL Vg Bo Syr (s) Arm, Or .. add ovv A ёс, 
OL (q) Syr (gch), Cyr .. and all therefore Eth en(g 13 20 .. ÑT QI 
&c)raqc. who heard] g ёс (20) 93, Eth, a«oveas NABCKLTII al, 
OL (сіб) Vg, Or Oyr..axovov D ёс, OL (abegq) буг (hme) Hil.. 
heareth Syr (осв) Arm пє (гот 114) өт the F.] g В 91, ЗАВ 
&c .. maerwt ту F. 13 93 114 ml azw and] om 93 atcpxicho 
was taught] g &c 93, Arm .. радои NB &c..add туу aXgÜeav А... 
learneth Syr (gc) .. learneth of him Syr (s) 

© а-нат one saw] r3 ёс, Во..т ewpaxey A ёс, Syr (h) Arm, 

ФОНХ УІ 45-50 99 

me draw him ; and I also, I shall raise him in the last day. 
45 [t is written in the prophets, They will be all taught of 
God. Every one who heard from the Father, and was taught 
cometh unto me. 46 Not indeed that (any) one saw the 
Father, except he who is being from God, this is he who saw 
the Father. 16.57 Verily, verily, I say to you, He who believeth 
me hath the life for ever. 21 am the bread of the life. 
49 Your fathers ate the manna in the desert, they died. ° But 
this is the bread which cometh out of the heaven, that if any 

Syn ant Did Chr Thdrt .. ewp. т< RBCDLT 33, OL Vg Syr (ges), 
Or Cyri Суг.. om ova Q 114, U .. эта he saw 4114 eh, огтах 
(п 13) from] g &c 114, тара ЗАВ &c..ex I 22 565, Во, Did .. om 
єЁоХ Во (6,sv) moste God] g ёс 114..тоу татр. Ñ, Syn ant 
nas this] Syr(h).. that Syr (ges) Arm Eth єпєхот the Father 2°] g 
&с, МАВ ёс, OL (cfffgq) Vg Bo Syr (gcjh) Arm Eth, Syn ant Did 
Chr Cyr Hil .. rov беоу N* D, OL (abe), Novat Quest .. God the Father 
Syr (s) 

7 epos(ex В) me] q &c (20), es ewe А ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) Eth, 
Cyr Hil.. om NBLT, Arm .. God Syr (cs) mong the life] w ёс, 
Arm ..ovwnd Bo (6,1) .. опо Во, йоду ЗАВ ёс ща eneg for 
ever] 9 13 91.. iiu. eternal В ml .. om Syr (s) 

48 яхпопо of the life] g &c 93... add which came down from heaven 
Syr (с) 

4 пєтӣєотє(оєгтє 13*) your fathers] Bo .. ог т. nuov Г бо, Bo 
(c,* ку" v) .. om viov Or ошл» ate] add rov aprov D, OL (abe) 
(Syr c) жил». the manna] NA ёс, OL (а, Й mq) Vg Во Syr (gsjh) 
Arm, Cyr Thdrt .. om Syr (с) .. trs before manducaverunt OL (f) Syr 
(с 1) Eth..trs after ерурю BC(D)T, OL (b,c,e) Am Fu, Eus Chr 
Aug avasoy they died] В.. pref ато and w &c 

© Ae] g &c 93, hic est autem ap. Ln Во Syr (gc) .. om от, МАВ 
ёс, Bo (вені Фт" 26) Syr (s) ет (пет 13 ш!)инх which cometh] 
g &c 93 .. о-катаВ. NAB &c .. ока: катаВ. D є1* .. which came down 
Во (в 26) Syr (ges) Arm Eth жєкас ep(p ш!) щам (om wan g 
91*) that if] D&r?, OL (abcdfffg) Vg .. om вау RAB ёс, Syr (gesh), 
Or Eus Thdrt .. that he (all Bo s Eth) Bo Arm Eth пиеч- 
злот he-die] g ёс (931), non moriatur OL Vg (Bo) Arm Eth .. ка 
ил] атобаут (булоку) В, Eus) OL (dem) Во Syr (gsh).. and die 
Syr (с) 

H 2 


‘AMOR пе поек єтоно. ємтацєї ебол ом Tne. 
epyan ота oTwa choA gae петоєтк cpmaono wa 
exeo. поєк ae е{мәатлалср анон пе тасарт oa 
помо язпкосееос. (2 HiovaAAMTI бе METIE seit 
NETEPHT evo) авагсс, хє Haw Noe epe Mar наан 
мам їтеөсарт eovoeec. 53 пехе IC WAT. хе озаени 
омани (жо) áeeeoc NHTH. хе ETETHTALOTWLe HTCApPT 
азпиунрє азпроаее. ATW йтєтиси» жетесүсїтосү Ater- 
THTM азам у ANONO монттнути. Ómevovose NTa- 
Wa eneo. ATW AMOK Чиатотиос Oke поле Nooov. 
° тасарт сар оуорс aeee TE ATW Macoy отсо) 
Reece пе. ° петоуоае WTACADZ ATW ETCW A?1IACIHO:[. 

51 ¢ 13 баб noem (20 $) B or (93 $) m! $ wa] fuga В ea] Bo 
(26) ..exen Bo..orxem Bo (0) 55 (с) тз (20) BS or sims 
пащі inaw 13  maupp]maeupt gr m! «eosossc] -эх g ше 
13 $ (20) В $ 91 $ ml $ (fr) — " (c) g 13 (20) B or (108) m! (fr) 
araz] ош 13 ща] б 13 91.. ща В ml % ¢ (g) тз (20) Вот 
(108) т! te] ne Po (Ac,* u) 56 (с) 13 (20) В 91 m! 

" em(i or ml)vasqer which came] g ёс, Bo Syr (csh) Eth.. 
котадас NA В ёс, Буг (g) Arm ep(p ш!) ш. 1 w &c 20, МАВ ёс, 
Буг (h) Arm .. he who will eat Bo .. and he who Eth ..add ovv De.. 
pref and Syr (є s) .. pref that Syr (с) eb. озх пег(пг 13 ог) оезк 
out-bread] g &c 20, BCLT ёс, OL (cfffmq) Vg Во Syr (jh) Eth, Cyr, 
Dr, Chr ..ex rov єфом aprov N, OL (ae), Eus Сур Hil..ex eo pane 
(b) aprov Syr (g 11) noek ae but the (this Syr gc) br.] g 
&c (20), OL (eq) .. ка o apros бє NAB ёс, Буг (h).. ош de ОГ al, 
OL (cdffm) Vg Bo Syr (gcsj) Arm, Clem Amm .. panis enim (f) .. om 
conj. N*, (ab) Bo (вк," 26) єўпатаач ёс which &c] g ёс (20), 
BCDLT 33 157 474, OL (аЪсей) Vg (Syr cs) Eth, Ath Cyp.. ov 
eyo досо (add уши 96 97) у сарб pov єсти пу eyw wrw vrep TNS тоо 
к. (отс Г ёс, OL (fq) Во Syr (є, h) Arm Eth, Clem Chr Thdrt .. ov є. 
8. urep (тєр. U) rns т. к. бот n capé pov єттї N, OL (m), Tert .. body 
Syr (ges) thus afterwards 

? fi(ite ml)ros. the Jews] g &c 20.. trs after ovv CD al го, OL 

JOHN VI 51-56 101 

should eat out of it he should not die. 51] am the bread 
which liveth, which came out of the heaven: if any should 
eat out of this bread he will live for ever; but the bread 
which I, 1 shall give is my flesh for the life of the world. 
52 Тре Jews therefore were contending with one another, 
saying, How will this (man) be able to give to us his flesh to 
eat [it]? 53 Said Jesus to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, 
Unless ye eat the flesh of the Son of the man, and drink his 
blood, ye have not the life in you. 2" He who eateth my flesh, 
and who drinketh my blood, hath the life for ever; and 
I, I shall raise him in the last day. 5° For my flesh is a true 
food, and my blood is a true drink. 56 He who eateth my flesh, 

(aceq) Vg Syr(gesjh) Eth..trs after aÀAgA. NB &c, OL (bfn) Bo 
Arm, Or øe therefore] g &c 20, Bo Syr (В) .. om Во (го) Arm .. ae 
13, Syr (g) .. and. Syr (cs) Eth паг this] g &c.. God Во (r,* т") 
nan to us] g ёс (20), У (69) .. trs before ovros NC г 486 al, Or... trs 
after ovr. BD &c..trs after avrov Bo (Syr gh) птєчс. his fl] 
(c) ёс (го), BT, OL (abcefmq) Vg Bo Syr (jh) Агш Eth, Chr Amm 
.. 0m avrov МСР &с, (ff), Or Cyr 

55 yı. 1< нат said Jesus to them] б 13 91 ml, Bo.. add вес В, 
eurev ovv ауто o їз МАВ &c, Syr (h) .. and said to them Jesus Syr (gs) 
Eth .. saith to them Jesus Syr є (3) c Arm омани 20] om CA al, 
Cyr 03022 eat] AaByre D, OL (a), Victorin тс.-рояяє the 
flesh-man] с ёс (fr?), ЗАВ &c.. pov т. сарка Fa, Epiph .. add sicut 
panem vite OL (а), Victorin эх (13 ml е &c)ssivrg(e ш)та 
ye have not] habebitis OL Vg mono? the Ше] c ёс 20 fr, 
(0).. оти AB &c..add awwov М 157, Во (FCL), Chr..trs after 
eavr. D 

* perososs he who eateth] с &c.. add дє Syr (gs).. add yap Syr 
(g то).. pref and Syr (с) та-та my] g 40 20.. avrov D, OL (e) 
Syr (s), Victorin azw ан. and I] g ёс, ки eyo Е &c, Bo Syr 
(gcsh) Arm Eth, Eus.. xayo RBCDGKLUTI ү al, Bas Chr Cyr.. 
om ka Bo (Е) exx in] с &c 108..0m RBDEGHLUT al, 
OL (aeff) 

5 кар) с &c 108.. om (F2)K 229" 474 489 565, OL (be) Bo (4,) 
Syr (св) їзээє(єє сії 2) true] с &с g twice, NCBCF*KLTII al 
зо, OL (9) Bo, Clem Or Eus Bas Chr Cyr Apollin .. аХубос (W* D) 
&c, OL Vg Syr (gcsjh) Eth, Hil Aug Amb 


стає Qpar понт. ATW anon орлу понт. 7 RATA 
өе єнтацтатої йбїпегот Єтоно. anon oo оно 
erbe пет. ATW петиаотоаат, пєтававал офф ом 
наонб erbHHT. 5 пат пе Moem еитаех eho ом 
War aepsoov ON тсунасосн. е со ом кафар- 
насаа. gag бе eboÀ ON NeqeerxonTHe итєрот- 
сота? пехлу. хе MEARE MAWT. мая петиацусаутяя. 
epog. Ф"єчсооум ae ибис орм понт. хе neg- 
зэлөнтнс Rpp ere пах. пеха мат. хе пм 

epar] eo. m! twice, Bo (u п&рнх)..от 2° Bo SUN (cy OG UG 
(20) В ді m! (fr) ee emraq] oemt. gr ml Tavos] ¢ g 13 (20).. 
tavoer B..taovor gr m! ҷоно] tons m! 68 (©) та 29 Вот 
m! § fr P and $ at пет Пката| om й ml enta] iva 13 91 ml fr 
uja] 13 &c..pref п В m! eneg) ємо m! 2 T2 Š жб) ori 
(fr [Ру © 13 20 or (fr) weds) ewc gt 9 13 (20) (77) 91$ 
(108) (fr) крахрах| -pes or 

56 etta c o will remain] g &c, Во Arm..pever № &е, Syr (gch)..?s Syr 
(s) Eth azw and] g В Bo (r,*)..add gw also 13 20 
m!, Bo Eth .. kayo МА В &с Чонт in him] (¢?) &c (20) .. with ham 
(also with те) Eth..add xaños ev epoi &c, D .. add s? acceperit homo 
corpus filii hominis quemadmodum panem vite habebit vitam in ео 
(ilo) OL (аб) 

7 ката] (c) ёс g 20.. pref and Eth met the Е. ro] с (19) 13 
(го 19) В ml, twice ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (ge,s 10).. naexov ту F. g gt 
Syr (s 29) anor оо I also] g &c 20, kayo NAB &c .. pref ато 
and В azw and] Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. om Bo (кі мод) Syr (св) 
отолат eat me] (c?) g ёс 20, rpoyov ЗАВ &с..ЛарВауюу D, 
Victorin .. eat my body Буг (s) Eth .. who loveth me Arm 64 пет- 
muar owwgy that also] © &c (g) 20.. 0m Eth 

5 war this] с &c.. om N* tne the h.] с &c.. om rov BCT 
en(i 91 m! fr)raqer which came] (с) &с .. катадос МАВ &c, Bo 
Syr (gcsh) Arm .. ката Bawav Ñ* лєтиєютє your f.) (c) ёс, D 

&c, OL Vg Bo (к, см) Буг (gesjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr Nonn..o. т. 
ноу T 69" al 5.. ош деу NBCLT 251 ev, Во, Or отолу ate] 

JOHN VI 57-61 103 

and who drinketh my blood, will remain in me, and I in him. 
51 According as sent me the Father who liveth, I also, I live 
because of the Father; and he, he who will eat me, that (one) 
also will live because of me. 55 This is the bread which came 
out of the heaven: not according as your fathers ate and they 
died; he who will eat this bread will live for ever. 5° These 
(things) he said in the synagogue, teaching in Kapharnaum. 
60 Many therefore out of his disciples, when they had heard, 
said they, This word is hard; who will be able to hear it? 
9! But knowing Jesus in himself that his disciples murmur 
concerning this, said he to them, This is that which offendeth 

(c) ёс, RBCDLT 33, OL (e) Bo Eth, Or .. that which ate Бух (св).. 
add or pref то pavva Г &c, OL Vg Bo (a што) Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, 
Chr Cyr Nonn..add further ev ту єруио al 6, (ff) Bo (Ams ro) Syr 
(jms), Nonn mena, Бе-еаб | € &c, Bo .. о троуои WA B &c .. add pov 
Г 40 127 al 30 .. add ae В, Bo (р) Eth.. pref and Bo (Q) | запехоєтк 
this bread] (c) &c .. àxnoeik the br. m! .. from this bread Syr g (7) св 

59 war these] r3 &с fr..add words Eo (18)..and thus Eth 
афхоо» he said] 13 &с fr .. eAaAgsev І 565 .. add to them Eth 
tev, the syn.] 13 &c fr, D, Во (3,*,K* 1) Arm, Cyr .. om ту RAB ёс 
.. their syn. Bo .. their synagogues Во (вем) | ңәф.] 13 &c (ir) .. add 
саВВато D, OL (а, ff), Aug 

60 бе therefore] 13 &с fr, Syr (h) Во (NE) ..and Syr (ges) 
Arm Eth птер. when-heard] 13 ёс (fr ?), D, OL (q) Во (N) Syr 
(с) Arm Eth .. trs before єк ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh).. om OL (be) Syr 
(s) .. add this word Syr (J) nex. said they] 13 ёс fr, МАВ ёс, 
Syr (h) .. say Syr (g) Arm .. were saying Syr (cs) ruas who] 13 
ёс, Bo (FLQY 18) .. et quis OL (adeff) Vg Во Eth epoq it] 13 
ёс (fr), 13 69 al, OL (сед) Bo Syr (gesh) Arm Eth .. trs before 
akov. ЗАВ ёс 

Ө eec. xe but knowing] (13) (20) 91, «доѕ de № ёс, Bo (док, ст.) 
Буг (cs, h) (Arm) ..i9ov дє С", Bo.. os ovv eyvo D .. eyvo ovv NITET 
бі mg бо, cognovit ergo OL (е), cogn. autem (ff) (Syr g) .. cognovit (а) 
.. and knew them Jesus Eth мє] or fr, Агш.. бе there- 
fore? 13, Во (рд, моѕ) nonc Jesus] 13 20 fr..trs after Nonty 
91 орах W. хе in-that] 13 01.07: ev eavrois D... om ev «avr. 
435 478" Syr (cs) ethe m. conc. this] or (1087), МАВ &c.. 
єтённтЧ conc. him 13 20 fr nex. said he] 13 20 91 108 .. Kat 


104 IUI2 HHHC 

TETCHANAAAITE HAUT. ° стетищьииах ge en- 
шире saTIpwWeee eyma eopar спяях єнєцхонтч 
ишорп. menta merranoo. итсара Чон» әм 
MAaaT. нщахе єнтагхоо» инти ovna H€ ATW 
отоно пе. “aAa отм gonte WOHTTHYTW їїсе- 
тстєэє AN. мецеости бар xim ишорп ибис. хє 
має WETEHCEMICTETE AM. ATW пае петпапаралгхот 
og. ATW иєсүхоэ &$aeoc. хе erbe mar агхоос 
NHTN. хе manso HAAAT ECF UJApor єтаєнті 
Wceraac мас choA orrae пот. erbe mar à gag 
QW нечазаентне боқ єпаоот, ATW ATAO evaesoouje 

6 13 20$77 от eneq] enaq Во (с6,).. ємацосн Во йо. | eng. 
91 9 13 20 77 91 (fr § at naw.) — “ (g) 13 20 77 91 (fr $) 
wesqc.] nec. q..emeqc. 77 xm щу. | жимещ. 77 метеп] g &c.. 
мети QI mucrese 2°] -TEF 20 $ (4) 13 (20) 77 91 тот axe ev] 
xeT I3 ixa]i3201or..a3H 0 77 91 woos] om цу 77 enun 
-Tes 77 91 % (6) 1з 77 91 ro: 

eurev Ñ* 13 69, Syr (g) Eth петск. that-offendeth] 20 91 108.. 
пєтпаск. that which will off. 13 77 

? ететищаниат Ge if-see] eav ovv cop. N° &c, зі ergo OL (c) Vg 
Syr (=), quid ergo si (ff) (Arm), and how therefore if Eth, sí autem 
(f) Syr (es) .. ош ov 53" 482, quid зі (beq), quodsi (a), quid cum (1), 
єщоп ¿f Bo (A* B) .. xe eugom then 7f Bo 

5 menia the spirit] 13 ёс (fr) то M*..add ae Во (r) 
nett. that-live] 13 &c.. ett. Bo (F) .. чт. maketh live Bo (r) .. he is 
the spirit that maketh live the body, but ye say, the body nothing 
profiteth Syr (s) йтс. the flesh] 13 &c..add ae Во (r,*r) Eth .. 
or the body Syr (c) &(em 20)uy. the words] 13 ёс, Arm cdd.. the 
word Arm Eth .. maw. ту words fr єнтагх, which I said] or, 
Syr (s) .. anor йтагхоот r3 20 fr, Bo.. firarsoos anon 77..а eyw 
ЛеЛаЛлка NBCDKLTUII al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gcjh) Arm Eth, Or 
Eus Ath Did Cyri Chr Cyr Tert.. а eyo Аал» Г &c, Bo (BEFJS,V) 
awo and] тз ёс D*, OL (d), Tert ne is 29] 13 &c fr.. 
om N, OL (bf) Syr (s) Arm, Ath Chr 

JOHN VI 62-66 105 

you. ° If ye should see therefore the Son of the man going 
up to the place in which he was being at first. 9? The spirit 
is that which maketh live, the flesh profiteth nothing: the 
words which I said to you are [a] spirit and [a] life. 
64 But (a) there are some among you (who) believe not. For 
was knowing from at first Jesus who are they who believe 
not, and who is he who will deliver him up. 65 And he was 
saying, Because of this I said to you, that it is not possible 
for any to come unto me except it was given to him from the 
Father. 6% Because of this many among his disciples went 

* озп-тнтти but-you] 13 ёс fr..eow twes eé ороу ST al, 
OL (fff) Vg Bo, Chr .. e£ v. є. т. ND, OL (abeq).. e. e£ v. т. (om 137) 
В ёс, (cl), Cyr пістєтє an believe not] 13 &c.. add epo: те 
Bo (мо) «nt from] g &с.. aro N.. АВ &c.. trs Jesus from 
the beginning Bo (вк* 1) Буг (ges) Arm Eth figure Jesus] (0) 
&c..o сотур ..ош Во (Е) піза-ати» who-and] 13 &c.. om OL 
(e) Syr (cs) ил NG al 8, Am..add єроч him Во (A текс) 
Eth rias (pref xe 77)-3Хэхоч who-up] (9) &c .. ris erv о тараг 
босож (didous D al 3) avrov В &c .. rts уу о jeAXov avrov тарабибоуас Ñ 
бо ev, qui esset qui eum traditurus erat (aeq) .. qui credituri essent. in 
eum (с) omitting rwes-kat 

% ати» and] д &c 20 .. om Bo (к,") Syr (es) ме (єтє 77) х0 
he was saying] g ёс 20 .. he saith Syr (cs) .. add to them Eth мае 
to him] g ёс, Arm cdd .. om Arm .. add ауфбеи Chr, ОЇ, (с 1) Syr (j) 
nei(m тог) ют the F.] 13 101, SBC*DLT 28 124 131 435, OL 
(abffl) Bo Syr (esj) Eth, Cyp .. naer. my F. W 77 91, С? ёс, OL 
(cefq) Vg Syr (gh) Arm, Bas Chr Cyr 

% ere mas because of this] 13 &c, Во Syr (g, с, s) .. ex rovrov В &c, 
OL (aeffq) Vg Syr (h) Arm (Eth), Chr Oyr.. add ovv ND 13 бо 106 
124 258, OL (bcfl).. enim (g) .. n these therefore Bo (К) .. add word 
Bo (F,°) Syr (gs) .. and because of this word Syr (g т) оп negar. 
among his disc.] g 77 91..єк ёс BGT al 7, OL (abefq) Syr (g).. 
пиечая. of his disc. 13 тот, NCD ёс, OL (cffgl) Vg, Chr Суг 
neesxaen(e 77) Hc his disc.] om avrov № 209 бок went] 13 &c, 
NBCDKLTII al 12, OL Vg Syr (gcsj) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr Cosm .. 
trs after тоАХос Г ёс, OL (q) Syr (Б) aso and] g &c.. om 77, 
Bo (F,* q) 


meag. 0 пехе 1С G€ зэапажвмтснооус, хе аен 
HTWTH OWTTHTTH cerWovoujy ewn. ° aqovoujh 
ма ASIRON Петрос. хе пхоехс єнцабон wa 
үгээ, OENWase помо Wa eme? NETNTOOTR. ° avo 
AMON айпстєтє ATW aeree. хє MTOR пе пет- 
ovaab те пиотте. W. aqgorowh мат howe. 
хє зен мАМОБ ам AICETHTHTTH авпагитсноотс, ATW 
ova choA HOHTTHTTH ovarahodoc пе. 7 мех ae 
зхагос ne єтбє xovaac пщире CIURON піскаротне. 
па: Tap петнапараагхот азазо{. соул пе chor 
ояе MeeliTcitoore. 

пазалач|-очодгї (g) 13 77 91$ тог owt] J 13 тог.. eoo 
77 9I тєти| g &с..єтєтїї 13 68 (4) 13 (20 $ at genus) B (77) 
91 IOI wa] g &c 20..пща 77 $9 (©) (0) 13 20 8 (77) OL ror 
хе йт.] хит. gt " (с) 13 20 8 $ (77) от P 101$. үе 91 сєтїї] 

cen 91 п (с) (8) 13 (20) 8(73) (77) 91 тот пєсржо»| єм. 77 
ne 19] с, Bo.. om g 6, Bo (т) 

7 и. то said Jesus] (g) .. Ae saith Syr (s) бе therefore] 13 біс, 
Буг (В) .. om G al, OL (a) Syr (es) Arm .. de D, OL (b) .. and Syr (gj) 
Eth элите. twelve] (g) ёс, Во Syr(h) Eth .. add даб. U 13 
69 al, OL (ceffl) Arm.. his twelve Syr (ges) awr] 13 ёс... om 
Bo (7) 

$ aeos. ans.] w &c 77, NBCGKLUAII al 25, OL (acefff) Bo 
Arm, Cyr Cyp..add ow E ёс, OL (q) Vg Syr (h).. витки de D.. 
respondens autem 5. P. dixit OL (b) .. ans. Sh. K. and said Syr (g) 
.. said to him Буг (cs) .. and ans. S. P. and said to him Eth на 
to him] g &c 77 .. om Во (мвьма), Syr (є) с. merpoc] (g) &c (77), 
Syr (h) Arm Eth.. Sh. K. Syr (ges) nxoeic(oYc В) Lord] g &e 
(11) -- my. Lord Syr (ges) oeng. words] 4 &c (77 ?) .. яш. the 
words QI 

9 avo and 1°] w &c(77) Во (F,*).. but Eth ATW AIL 
and—knew | e &c (77) .. om GF al 4, Cosm .. add ос D .. trs єурок. Kat 
before тєтиот. 127 49 °" 474, ки пет. Во(0) n(mmn 9r)er. 
the holy (one)] t, о ayos УВС" DL, Cosm Nonn.. pref meget the 
Christ g ёс (17), Bo.. o Xs o wos C? ёс, OL Vg Bo (acr) Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth, Bas Chr Cyr .. o vios 17, OL (b) Syr (с) птє(4 &c .. ах 
с 77 91) пи. of God] NBCDL T зз 118 509 565 al 2, OL Vg 

JOHN VI 67-71 107 

back, and ceased walking with him. °" Said Jesus therefore 
to the twelve, Ye also, wish ye to go? 8 Answered to him 
Simon Petros, Lord, unto whom shall we go? words of life 
for ever are those which thou hast. 9? And we, we believed and 
we knew that thou art the holy (one) of God. 17. 7° Answered 
to them Jesus, Chose you not I indeed the twelve, and one 
out of you is a devil? " But he was speaking concerning 
Iudas the son of Simon the Iskaridtés; for this is he who will 
deliver him up, being one out of the twelve. 

Bo Syr (cs) Arm, Cyr Nonn Cosm .. add rov (om A) £ovros Г ёс, OL 
(ff), Bo (лег) Syr (gjh) Eth, Bas Chr Сур 

9 agor. и. пе. ans—Jesus] 13 771, AB ёс, Arm .. add пехач 
said he ¢ ёс, OL (ff) ..атек. i$ к. evrev ovr. №, OL (a) (Eth) .. аптек. 
о is Aeyov D, (OL а).. ans. Jesus, said he Bo .. ans. Jesus, and said he 
Bo (BENTV).. and said to them Jesus Syr (gc) .. ans. therefore to them 
Jesus Syr (h) .. he saith to them Syr (з) nav to them] c ёс 77.. 
avro I6 69 127, OL (gq) D, OL (bce) Bo nonc Jesus] с 
ёс 77, NBCDKLUII al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gch) Arm Eth, Cyr .. om 
Г ёс al(memtar 91, nitar 77)c. аки. I-twelve] с ёс 77, G, Bo 
Буг (g) Eth .. vy. т. 8. «А. AB &e, Syr (В) Arm... є. т. 8. N.. om 
т. до. 28..0m vpas A.. T chose you all Syr (cs) ъуо-по. and- 
you] с ёс 77, NeD al, OL (сід) Во Arm Eth (om and), Chr ..xat 
её v. es АВ ёс, OL (а) Vg Syr (gh), Hil .. unus tamen ex vobis 
(b), unus et ex v. (g), et м. est ex v. (e) .. om es N*, Bo (н*).. one out 
of you Bo (BFLQY).. and (om s) behold also from you one Syr (cs) 
ova. a devil] Syr (h).. Satan Syr (gcs) Arm Eth 

7 ає|с бос 77 , МАВ ёс, Буг (g) Eth .. om B, Bo (KMQ) .. and Arm 
тщ. пс. the son of S.] (c) (g) ёс В S£ (77), Syr (gch) .. сцішуоє NAB 
& (87, Syr (s) .. стажот Bo.. Judas of Simon Eth тисна- 
рот(а дт)нс the Isk.] (¢) &c (3?) 20 77, ткаріотоу NC ВСС-1, П? 33, 
OL (cfgiq) Am Ки (Syr с) Eth .. secariyuto Syr (gs) Arm .. окорюб D, 
OL (abe, ЇВ 4) .. ucxapwwrny Г &c Vg ed, Cyr .. ато kapvorov №“, 13 69 
124, Syr (h me) пал this] g &c 20 77 .. pref we 4 was 77 .. that 
Bo (р, “А,кЕстову) сар| g &c 20 77 .. om Во (v) mog him] 
g &с 20 (73 1) 77, BCDL 69 124 al, OL Vg..trs avr. тар. Ñ &c, 
OL (al), Cyr cova ne being one] (c) &e 20 73 77 .. es ov № ёс, 
OL Vg Bo (Syr Б), Cyr ov B*C* DL, Syr (ges) Eth .. and one 

Ае was Arm 


УП. 4enca nar neepetooujge ne donc oW техА!- 
Жага. пиецотющ Cap air пе esseoougje ом Чопа. 
хе меупуме исо пе ноцоох eeecov TO. 7 meg- 
они AE ECOOTH ноїпща їйо»хаэ: тескииописх. 
зпехату Ge их позмещенит. хє пооне chor oss 
пеел. нбфон eopar єЄТозхола. хєнас epe NER- 
зэхөнтнс QWOT Nay ємекобнтє єтнєїрє азагсот. 
4esepe Aaav сар рооб oss пооп. avo ичилие 
ито исх шопе ом отпарриситх. єпухе кере нат. 
отопок eboX аєпносазос. > пере иеиесиит Cap 
тистєэє epos ап. блеха Ge мат donc. xe 
паотосц amor азпатЦе. петмохоет хє итоти 

' (e) (g) 13 § (20$) В $ (43) (73) (77 $) 91$ 101$ me19] 73... om 
g &c 77 ex00uje] exxoouy В Xos.] "оз. 73 | пєтщ. | iner. В 
віс me 3°] B, Во.. ош с & 43 73 =? (c) 13 B $ (43) 73 91 тог$ 
з (с) g 13 (20) 8 (43) 73 (77) 91 $ тот ззаөн, | saoe. 77 мат] 
mamas 9r — " (e) (8) 13 20 Š at ew. В 43 73 Š (77) 91 (92 $ ёс) 
тот fitar] с & 77 92..0m й  ovongk] отопок 20 яяпк.] 
enx. 92, Во (ю,9)  * (c) (8) 13 20 В (43) 73 $ (77) 91 92 тот 
am] 13 ёс 77..trs before epog В 5 (©) 13 20 В $ (43) (77) 919 
92 Š тої Š 

1 om verse Syr (g 36) лзпйса after] (c) &c (20), 73 N*ebC?D 
157°* 248, OL (abcefffl) Am Syr (gcs).. pref ки 8464 В ёс, OL 
(q) Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Bas Cyr .. add autem OL (о) Vg ed Ax. 
ar after these] NBCDGKLXII al 29, OL Vg Во Syr (gesj) 
Arm Eth, Cyr .. trs after A ts ёс, OL (q) Syr (В), Ваз .. om Г 184 ve 
al.. add отн Bo (860158) ппєҷотощ-пє for-wishing] (g) ёс 
43 (73) (77), Syr (gsh) .. non enim habebat potestatem OL (а БТ) Syr 
(c)..and ёс Bo (в) Eth figsitrovaar(add a 43) the Jews] 
om 73* 

2 жє] с ёо 43, Во (л) Syr (b) Во (т 18).. ne Bo.. and Syr 
(gc) Arm Eth .. and at that time Syr (s) ища the feast] c &c 43 
.. pref пласҳа 9gr..mmacoca Во (в) скн(є 91)попн(є or)era] 
(c?) &c (43), Во (ATA, E, FKT, B).. cxevornyea D, okyvorayia A.. 
скти. Bo .. -mwa Bo (NDJV) .. -инпохча, (E,kT").. -попосча 
(LM 18) 

3 бе therefore] с &с.. om Bo (BYLMS 18).. ae 73 .. апа Syr (gc) 

JOHN VII 1—6 109 

VIL After these (things) was walking Jesus in [the] 
Galilaia; for he was not wishing to walk in [the] Iudaia, 
because were seeking for him the Jews to put him to death. 
2 But was approaching the feast of the Jews the Skénopégia. 
3 Said they therefore to him his brothers, Remove from this 
place, and go into [the] Iudaia, that thy disciples also should 
see thy works which thou doest. * For no one is wont to 
work in secret, and seeketh indeed to be openly : if thou doest 
these (things) manifest thyself to the world. ° For even his 
brothers were not believing him. 6 Said he therefore to them 
Jesus, My time indeed came not yet; but your time indeed 

and drew near his brother to Jesus and said to him Syr (s) 
нач to him] (с) ёс, Bo.. трос avrov МАВ &c .. trs after avrov № 28... 
said [to him] his brothers to Jesus Syr (g) Eth п©Йок and go] g 
ёс 77 ..ош Syr (s).. om and Bo (r,* q) Хот | ¢ ёс (43) (77) 
ST. yor. Det осот also] с ёс (77)..trs before epe 13 тот 
сиекой. thy works] с, МВ ёс, OL (fl?) Vg Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth .. 
exeo. the works 13 ёс 77, R*DGU т 597 al, OL (abceffl*q) Во 
(x) Syr (gcs), Bas Chr Суг ev(om ev 77)к(єк 73 91)erpe wh. 
thou doest] с ёс (43) 77 .. a ov rows G т al 

* эзєрє-рїєр 43 73 91)-ато for-and] (с) ёс (g) 77 .. то: ка 
АВ ёс .. пошу №, OL (b) Сар] c ёс (a).. om 73* об osx 
no. lit. work in the secret] с &c (4) 77, ть ev кр. NBKLXII al, OL 
(bff) Syr (gesj) Eth, Cyr .. ev кр. ть D &c, OL (acefgl?q) Vg Syr (Б) 
Arm froy lit. he] с &c (g) &c 77 92, avros ND £'? ёс, OL (acfffg 
Іа) Vg Syr (gsh) Arm .. avrov E* 253..avro B (D* 69) OL 
(be) (Bo) Syr (g 9 c) Eth fica uy. to be] (c) ёс (а) (77) .. tec 
for him Bo 

5 (itm 77)єрє-кє (om с)-сар for-not] с (g) В 77 91 .. .-кє 
—A€ I3 20 73 92 1or ..for till then not even were Syr (с8)..ою уар 
69, Во (r,*q)..neque enim tunc OL (acffq, efl).. єтиотємтаг DL, 
Arm Eth .. om yap Bo (н) пістєтє | add tunc OL (bd) єроч 
him] 13 &c 77 .. add rore Der .. Jesus Syr (g) 

° пех. Ge said he therefore] 13 ёс, МВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (jh), 
Bas .. add он again 20 ..n. xe but ёс 77, OL (q).. and said Eth.. 
om conj. N* рег тоб al 3, OL (e) Во (z,* Fj HILO, 18) Syr (ges) 
Arm, Oyr naor. my time] (c) ёс 77..add оти Bo (м) 33- 
патЧ(єч 77 91 92)ex lit. not yet came] с ёс (43) 77 .. ov тарєстіи 

110 Io NA HHHC 

chrwt сн» miee.  Тазазмщося» єтрє пносяєос 
SLECTETHTUTH. AMOR AE сү« осте teror хе Зрайїтрє 
ANOR ETHHATY. xe нєцофнэс седоот. 8 тити bor 
єорах enwa. anos ae аєпадтоу eer єпєнца. хе 
эхлэлтеє паотоєцу хон єбоА. ? їїтєрєүхє way ae. 
ито aqow ом тех МАма. Питере мєцсин» ae 
бок eopar enwa. тоте ито Qw лобок єорат 
ом ovosono am ебоА АЛЛА ом ovoor. 1 inovaat 
ce метупуме мсо пе oae перпе. ATW межа» M- 
азос. хе етом пн. 12 ATW пере OTR PLPA eita шооч 

т (€) 13 20 (43) (тт) 91 92 тот сүз] Чая. 91 .. єца». В, Bo 
(м) залаог| -оєгс В пєҷо.] -&nose 20 сєо.| om ce r3 20 ror 
8 (e) 13 (20) В (17) 91 92 $ 101$ xe m]uxor ° (0 13 B$ 
(17) 91$ 92 $ ror 10 (e) 13 В (73) (77) 91 92 (тот) отозоно| 
13 &c IOI.. OVON 77 91 92 а] 13 ёо ror .. trs after єВоХ gt 
92, Во (TDA EFG,JMOPS) єдоХ Bo 115(0) 2399 9 Ов) от 
дт 92 $  мєт.| pref є 77 twice | ne] om 13 92 (с) 13 (29$ 
at woon and genk.) В (73 $ аб пех. 10) 77 9192 мере] (en 77)- 
суп 7791 епащ. | ош є 92 

М" ме] с &c 77..0m Во (9)  c&(e& 92)тот prepared] 13 біс 77 
.. ош Syr (s) 

7 з (ош 13 20 91 тог)заи(еи 92) щ (ош 02) даах it-possible] (c) 
&с 43 77, № &c..trs о кос. ov 6. N*..add ae 77, Syr (В) .. pref 
and Syr (сз) | «пок ae фаз. 3x. but-hateth] (c) &c 43 77, Eth, epe 
бє мое NAB ёс... but me hateth me the world Syr (c) .. but me hateth 
the world. Syr (s) ze] с &c 77 .. om Во (1) +p. I-witness] 
I3 &c 43 77 .. trs after avr. 33 .. om терь avr. Ñ 

з їЦєн ог)т. ye] 13 &e 20, Во (2r,*xuxQr), Syr (c) Arm .. ка! 
vp. L .. add «e Во, Syr (h) enwa to the feast] 13 ёс, Nea B D K 
LTXII al 15, OL (abceff) Во Syr (s), Bas Chr Cyr... add ravrgv 
N*cb &е, OL(fglq) Vg Syr (сс) В) Arm Eth, Amm  3x(ess f) mat. 
І-соте] с ёс 77, ovrw avaBaww В ёо, OL (fgq) Syr (gjh), Bas .. ом 
ауаВ. ОКМ 17** 389 482, OL (abceffl?) Vg Bo (Z shall not) Syr 
(с 9° cs) Arm Eth, Porphier Epiph Chr Cyr ener to this f.] 13 
&c, Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. enuja £o the feast 92, Во (A*s,*Q) Буг 
(с) 69 naos(add ох 13)oeng my time] 13 6, o epos к. 

JOHN УП 7-12 111 

(is being) prepared always. ‘It is not possible that the 
world should hate you; but me indeed it hateth, because 
I bear witness indeed concerning it, that its works are evil. 
8 Үе, go up to the feast; but I, I am not yet going to come to 
this feast, because not yet is my time fulfilled. ? But when 
he had said these (things), he, he remained in [the] Galilaia. 
10 But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he 
also he went up, not manifestly but (a) secretly. 1 The Jews 
therefore were seeking for him in the temple, and they were 
saying, Where is that (man)? 1? And there was being much 

NBDLTUX al 8, OL (cffflq) Vg Syr (s) Eth, Cyr.. ок. o epos Г ёс, 
OL (abe) Bo Syr (gch) Arm, Bas Chr 

° птер.-має when-these] 13 &c, Syr (csh) Arm... these he said and 
Syr (g) mar these] 13 &с.. пах this 91, Arm .. and thus he saith 
to them Eth me] c &с, В ёс, OL (f) Bo Syr (jh) NDKH т 
33 42 118 389 565 al го, OL (abcffglq) Vg Bo (в) Syr (cs) Arm, 
Cyr .. et (e) .. add Jesus Во(вкхту) пточ he] с &c 77, avros 
ND*KLXII т 22 42 118 389 al 9, OL (арат) Vg Bo Arm, Cyr.. 
om 40 86 248 253 256 26 ev, (e) Syr (ges) .. iesus (c) .. avrois В ёс, 
(fq) Syr (jh) Eth, Bas — асо» he remained] (c) &с.. om Bo (a*).. 
add there Arm edd on тс. in the G.] (c) ёо, Syr (gesh) .. es т. у. 
D 2 *v, OL (bedfff) .. in iudæa (a) 

10 xe] c ёо ror, Bo Буг (g) 13, BO (CHP) Arm os Bo 
(n 18)..trs after went Во (ѕ).. and Syr (c) Arm cdd Eth .. and after 
Syr (s) єпща to the £.] 13 & ror, NBKLTXII їг 15 33 76 
489, Во Syr (gj) Eth.. trs after ау D &c, OL Vg Syr (csh) Arm, 
Bas Chr ewwey also] e &c ror .. om Bo (Е) єораг up 29] 13 
&c тот, ора 91°.. enua to the feast 01" (OL a) ..down Во (F3) 
отой lit. a secret] 13 &c 77 тот, кротто ND 64 66, OL (abe) Syr 
(cs)..7w кр. A 330.. pref os B ёс, OL (cfffglq) Vg Bo Syr (gjh) 
Arm, Bas Chr .. trs secretly and not openly Eth 

11 бе therefore] 13 В 92, МАВ ёс, Syr (h).. «e 77 91, Syr (єс) 
.. and Syr (s) Arm .. and began Eth om nep(p 77 91 92) пе in 
the t.] 13 &c .. ev тэ) cop. NAB &c, Во Syr (gch, s) (Arm) Eth .. om A 
69, Chr .. add there Syr (s) Arm aso and] (с 1) &c .. om Во (F,*) 
пн that] с &c 73 .. om Syr g (2) 

1? avo and] e &c (73).. от Во (к,") крахрах(єла от) mur- 
muring] (c) ёс.. щеортер disturbance Bo (в) enaujos much | с 

112 III 2:AHHHC 

шооп єтіннті ON iseeHHüje. ooente MEM єз 
ззаасс, хе OTATAECC пе. QEMROOTE AE nesxo M- 
LIOC. же MLLO AAAA ecprrAawa aereeHHuüJe. 13 meren 
Ахат seentTor axe етфинт | ом оупаррнсга erbe 
oore MMIOTAXAI. IH. oW TAHTE ae аєпща a IC 
hor egpar еперпе. acpkebo. 15 меуршиире itor 
птоз Ат ETXW аваасс, хе Hau МОЄ паг coop HCPA! 
esertovtcahoy. 16 аЧотошЬ мат monec efx 3- 
«ос. хе TAchW AMOR ATOI ан те. ААЛА тапентач- 
TATOI те. ""єрщам OTA рома єєєрє аззпецотош. 
eptaeree erbe тесбоо. хє ovehoA оз» пмоуте Te. 

оєпк. | OTK. дт хє як. | жах. OF 3 (c) 13 20 B 73 17 01926 
(ol) sxerror] лайт. OI 1 (с) 13 $ 20 Р В 5 73 $ 77 $ or В 92 Р 
fl ol Р үң 77 91 о! яянтє] с &с.. заните 20 Й.. Hae 13 
mepme] приє 7791 — (e) 13 zo B (73) 77 91 92 fl ol ñam 
л(єм 92)ое how] om f! war] pref epe 77 91 92 fico.] eco. 91 
єзапоут(єт 01)] B ol .. anost 13 &c № 13 20 В (25) 13:91:92 5 
at eyx. (1014 Tavor) 77 0l .. -oex 13 В.. -owoer 20..-ото QI 02 
f!  "13(20)8(77)(91) 92 (f!) о! pe.] epp. 92 qna] па or 
.. egma f! отєб.|В 770l .. weoveh(eeh дт)оМ gr 92 .. потєй. 13 

ёс (73), М ёс, OL (fg) Vg Syr (gjh).. trs before e» BLTX 33, OL 
(Ба), Chr Cyr .. om D, OL (aceff1) Arm woon being] 13 ёс 20, 
Bo (A шё ре F,°L, D,) Bo evh. conc. him] (c) ёс 20, (Bo), 
ND 33 249 254 329", OL (e) Syr (csjh) Arm, Chr .. trs before zv 
В ёс 597, OL Syr (g), Cyr оп aa. in the multitudes] с ёс 73, 
В ёс, Syr (Б) Arm, Chr Cyr.. 93% mas. in the multitude 13 77 91, 
WD 33, OL Vg Во Буг (gj).. Sem niNaoc Bo (Q) Syr (c) .. in the 
great multitude which had come to the feast Syr (s) ooei(or 20 77 
91 92) пе some] с ёс 20... om Arm .. pref and Eth axem (жай 91)] 
13 ёс 20.. от Во(А,ко) Syr (© 9)... yap Syr (g) ae] 13 ёо 20, 
BTX al, OL (afffglq) Vg Bo Syr (Б), (Chr) ÑD &c, OL 
(beq) Во (вғ,* Q) alii OL (a) Syr (gesj) Eth METS. 
they were s. 2°] 13 ёс 20 73... ош 69 зазлоп nay] 13 ёс 20 73 
.. he is not good Syr (сз) — єчтї. Бе із d.] 13 ёс 20 73 .. єцссөрєэх 
Bo (F) .. че. (DA EIN) age Во max the ши | 13 & 20 73°, 
Arm Eth... паззаннщє the multitudes 73" 92, rovs oxA. 69, OL (ef) 
Vg Bo (a°r,°q) Syr (164) Arm edd ,, the people Syr (ges) 

JOHN VII 13-17 113 

murmuring concerning him in the multitudes; some indeed 
were saying that he is good, but others were saying, Nay, 
but (a) he is deceiving the multitude. 1° No one was 
however speaking concerning him openly because of the fear 
of the Jews. 18. 14 But in the midst of the feast Jesus went 
up to the temple, he taught. 19 Were wondering the Jews, 
saying, How (is) this (man) knowing writing, having not 
been taught? 19 Answered to them Jesus, saying, My doctrine 
indeed is not mine, but (a) it is that of him who sent me. 
"ПЦ (any) one is willing to do his wish, he will know 
coneerning this doctrine, whether it is out of God, or I, I am 

13 ие(еме 77)axit(em 92) lit. there was not] (c) &c.. add дє Syr 
(gesh) (Eth)..and Arm erh. conc. him] (c) &c .. trs before eAaAe 
БОО (q) Е mappH.] r3 &с.. тарус:(« D)a В"РІ," 
єтбє-то тат because-Jews] 13 &c .. because they were being afraid of 
the people Syr (s) 

^ aec] ¢ &c.. om 13, Bo (BF,*MNPQ).. ду дє ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h).. 
and when the days of the feast of Tab. were half (done) Syr є (om 
Tab.) es .. when the feast was half (done) Arm .. and in the middle of 
the feast Eth  agychw he taught] 13 &c, Во (F,*).. єдїбаокеу № &с, 
Syr (gesh) Arm .. pref ки NAB ёс, Bo .. and began to teach Eth 

15 нєэрш, were wondering] (c) В 73*1 77 91, NAB &e.. 
asp(ep 20 92) uj. wondered 13 &с 736 Wait. the Jews] 13 92 Й, 
Bo (nx 18) Arm.. pref сє therefore го В 73** ol, RBDLTX 1 33 
42 249 565 597 al, OL (aceffl) Bo Syr (hms), Cyr .. кш «боор. Г &е, 
OL (f) Vg Bo (v) Syr (gesjh) Eth.. pref ae 73** 77 от, OL (bq) 
evo &c saying] 13 &c 73, Syr (h) Eth .. and say Syr (ges) Arm 

16 aeos. answered] 13 ёс 73, DLX al, OL (aeffl) Vg Во Syr (gs) 
Arm, Syr (c)..add ве 8, NB ёс, OL (q) Syr (h) .. autem 
OL (bf) OL (c) Syr (j) Eth may to them] 13 &c 73, Syr 
(csh) КГП 13 al, OL (bef) Syr (g) eyx. saying] 13 &c (73) 
.. kat єтє МАВ &с.. om ки Е* (Syr c) талєнт(инт fl) that &c | 
13 &c .. add татроѕ 33, OL (1) Syr (j), Clem 

" epu. if] 13 &c(201)(77) gı fl, Буг (h) Arm... he who Bo Syr (gs) 
.. and he who Syr (g 9 c) .. but he who Eth єтє concerning] В 92, 
Syr (Б) Arm .. e 13 77 f! ol, Syr (с) Te1c&o this doctrine] В 77 
ol, Syr (cs) .. chw 92 .. techw the teaching 13 ЇГ, NAB ёс, Syr (h) 
.. ту teaching Syr (g) Eth xe whether] 13 ёс (77) (91), тотерои 

H, S. G. 111 I 


=м AMOR  єцуамхе Оглрох seavaaT. ° петщажє 
gapo araa. єцийнє Исх пецеоо» ateen ає- 
aeoy. петцине хє ито Nea Meooy аєпентастти- 
MOOT. пат OTE пе. ATW азаан at NGONC ораї 
NOHT. 19 зєн авсууснс хи пентасүү мити аєпіоявос. 
ATH iffe AAT UROTE сестре загшоагсс. хороти 
єтєтнцинє fica аювототт азе оз. 20 acrovwwh ñs- 
панни). хе оуу OTAAIALONION IWaeeean. е 
петцине dca язосттн. la 1С отор пеха мау 
хе ovoob ROTOT MNenTamray ATW тєтирцшинрє 
тиртм. erbe mar a яястено + NATH ажисдйє. 
оз OTI жє оуебоХ ояя авсоуснс пе. АЛЛА отебоћ 
QW WeroTe пе. ати» rerichhe posse олж псаббатом. 

олрог] -es В 8 r5 В 77 91 (92) 102 01 яам) Game В 
szavaag] ош Во (к) тим.) ти. 77 ovare] r3 &e то2.. ovace В 
aui) ol. axi 13 &e 102 19 13 В 77 $ at ати» 91 102 $ (01) 
запо, 10] om 3x 77 apporti] -en or 29 тэ ӨБ тя 01 192 $ 
Aaron, | mario. QI 102 et (13) O з) Көк ТӨР 
з 5 (13) 97 91 (102) Owl e- ove 77 OL ох 1°] Boom 

оте от..ош Во озх 1°] оттеи Во (EJ) оту 29] Во (м).. ош Bo 

МАВ &с..1/ Syr (cs) Arm.. тот. є X 33 597 .. тротероу А? 69 131 
4827, Eth ait or] ol .. xen от 92... же W that not? B .. же that 13 
77 .. or if Syr (3) .. and not (= or) Eth — апок esu. I am sp.] 13 8 
amon ан єму. J am not speaking 91 ol.. amor eru. am Гат sp. 
not 77 92 

18 петщ. he-speaketh] 13 &e 92 .. add yap Syr (c).. but ёс Eth 
netu. ae but-seeketh] 13 ёс 102, Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. ka 
о й. №, Syr (es)... qu querit OL (e) .. пат qui qu. (b) .. om 
conj. Bo (хо) mar this] 13 &c 102, Syr (h).. that Arm 
Во (19 18) Syr (ges) Eth ne is] 13 ёс 102... om Bo (o) гло) 
and] 13 &c 102 .. 0m Bo (5,*) ор. по. in him] 13 &c 102 .. pref 
woon being 77 91, Bo (v) .. оок єттї ev avro LX, OL (cff), Syr (с, s) 
Arm (Eth), Clem .. ev avro о. e. МАВ ёс, Буг (ch) his heart 
Syr (g, s) 

19 аан] 13 ёс ol.. om Bo (Квс,мо) ззоуснс] 13 &c ol .. pref 
ЭХ, 77 01..844 axem Во (Q) инти to you] 13 ёс ol.. уи. H 69 

JOHN VII 18-22 115 

speaking from myself. 18 He who speaketh from himself is 
seeking for his own glory; but he who seeketh indeed for the 
glory of him who sent him, this (one) is true, and there is 
not iniquity in him. 19 Is not Moyses he who gave to you 
the daw, and no one of you is doing the Jaw? Why are ye 
seeking to put me to death? 29 Answered the multitude, 
There is a demon with thee: who is he who seeketh to put 
thee to death? 7! Jesus answered, said he to them, One work 
is that whieh I did, and ye all wonder. 22 Because of this 
Moysés gave to you the circumcision: not that it is out of 
Моувбв, but (a) it is out of the fathers, and ye circumcise (a) 

242 .. trs after wosxoc 77, Во (г 18) “awt of you] 13 ёс ol.. 
om G erpe doing] 13 ёс ol, Syr (sh) Arm Eth .. keepeth Syr (gc) 
mnno, 2°] 13 &c ol.. its commandments Syr (cs) єтєтїщ. are— 
seeking] {..тєтїїщ. seek ye 13 &c ol дало! (ег В) me] 13 &с.. 
me-to kill me Syr (сз) 

20 aorvwush(om uË 13) ans. | add stag от, Во (F,° L), avro 1 .. add 
^e Во (лвесгнкту).. от Syr (сѕ).. and ans. Eth Waras, the 
ший. | МВІТХ 33, Bo .. the multitudes Во (n, ^, E308) .. add кал erev 
D ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (gj, h) Arm (Eth), Cyr, erev avro 258, (1) Syr (h) 
Eth, єт. пр. а. 247 .. олтєкр. ot tov. к. eurov а. КП al 6, Syr (hme).. 
said to him men Syr (cs) оти there is] 8, Bo 13 ёс 
пахла. with thee] 8, Bo .. nerrixssa (о дт) к is that which is with thee 
13 &c .. to thee Syr (gh) .. in thee Syr (es) Eth 

1 э—цаз Jesus-them] 13 &с.. arok. o t$ eur. а. À .. arek. IS к. €. a. 
ЗАВ ёс, Bo (рд,ил,соѕ) Syr (gh) (Arm) (Eth)... aqeposo fixerite 
пех. и. Po .. гч. жє ёс but ans. Во (n, K) .. saith to them Jesus Syr (св) 
пат to them] 13 &c.. om D, OL (el).. trs after respondit (cff) Arm 
nemraraae is-did] В ёс (73 7) .. add before your eyes Syr (es) awo 
and] 8 & Bo (r,*) тетир(ер от) щи. ye wonder] В 102 .. 
атети. ye wondered тт gt, Во (м) тирти lit. all ye] 8 ёс (73), 
Syr (gesh) Eth, zavres SAB ёс, Bo Arm .. vues D 

?' erbe п. bec.this] joined with following words от, D ёс, OL 
(def) Am Fu Bo (Ар, Е, rzx v) Syr (gesjh) Arm Eth, Cyr Euthym.. 
with preceding (M) X, OL (q) Bo..uncertain 8 77 102, RcB.. от 
R* АХХАЙН В &c 73 102 ..add or №, Syr (сз) eb. о. пел. опі- 
fathers] 102 .. e&.—mener. out-our fathers В .. єв. -мєтиєх. out-gour f. 
9I .. єв. олти nevites. from your f. 77 тетисв. p. ye-man] В біс 
13 « тєргтєруєтол ауд. G 28 до 63 131 209 al ex on 29] В ёс 73, 

LL 2 


23 eggase wape posse хх chhe oss rica baron. xe ñe- 
DWA «Бод пэхпиосакос аваєсуусне. хороти тетинобе 
€por хе зїтоухє отрочае тиру осяє псаббатом. 
маяпрерите ката отазмтрецеоо. aAAa криє 
NPAT 48666. meri ooente Ge xo meoc chor 
OW WpseorAHes. хе чан ажлаа хи петоуийне Newey 
ELOTT. 20 ато єс оннте ещьхе ON oOTMAp- 
рнек. ATW Nee хє МАМУ ма aM. знос ATELE 
Made Изишархон avo diapoQrepevc хе Mar пе 
пес. Faa nar THCOOTH meo. хє ovehor 
TOM пе. пехе ae WToq єсущамех eet Альт 
Maereee. хє отебоА тим mne. 26 ae аЧАЩКАК 
єбол оз» repre ecpkeóo есчо жжа« ос. xe тетм- 

З B тз (77) 91 (102) xe и] хи gr, ™ B (73) (91) тог 
5 B$(73)918 102 $ пєти|-єп or ooeme] oor 91102 япа] 
(13) 91 102 B *% В (36) (13) (77) 91 102 ап] В. trs 
before may 77 ёс 7 В 36 or 102 124 oveh.] oveeh. or twice 
mun] 36 .. ап B «с 3 B § (36) ох IP 102 IP (124 ЇР) nepne] 
пр. 9I 102 

B, OL (beff) ND &с, OL (acfglq) Vg, Or &c.. add the day of 
Syr (cs) 

23 ещ. if] В ёс 77, Во (4,0,) Syr (gsh).. add ovv D, OL (af) Во 
Arm .. and if Syr g(9) c Eth posse шап] В ёс 77, ND &c..o 
av0. В зз 482 al xı c. lit. receive circ.] В &e (77), Bo (the circ.) 
Буг (В)... ye circumcise Bo (4,0) .. 2s circumcised Syr (gcs) ncab, 
the s.] Syr (ch) twice .. pref the day of Syr (gs) agp. why] В &c.. 
autem quid OL (f) .. төс D .. om NAB ёс Syr (gesh) .. then wherefore 
Bo, wherefore Eth тирі quite] В &c 102 .. om oAov X 

2t ssittp. lit. acceptance of face] В 73 91 102, Syr (gh).. faces 
faces Syr (e s) .. according to eyes Arm .. pleasing face Eth 

25 ge therefore] В ёс 73, Syr (h) Г* 475 260*v, Bo (2,7) 
Syr (g 9) Arm.. ae 9r .. and Syr (ges) (Eth) єй. оп out of] В 
ёс, ex .. om МГ 89* п (rte ог) рахец(іє 102) Ns the—J.] В (73?) 
91, NAB &с.. е Миа» the J. 102, Во (FMN) зан| В ёс 73... от 
Во (6,9)  mevosuy. he-seek] В &c 73 .. were seeking Буг (сз) | Rc. 
for him] В ёс 73 .. add the Jews Во сі? Eth 

JOHN VII 23-28 117 

man on the sabbath. * If (a) manis wont to be circumcised on 
the sabbath, that should not be broken the daw of Moyses, why 
are ye angry with me, because I made a man quite whole on 
the sabbath? 24 Judge not according to a respect of persons, 
but (a) judge the righteous judgement. * There were some 
therefore saying out of the men of Jerusalem, Is not this he 
whom they seek for to put him to death? * And behold 
he is speaking openly, and they say nothing to him. Did 
indeed know truly the rulers and the chiefpriests that this is 
the Christ? 27 But (a) this (man) we know whence he is; but 
the Christ indeed if he should come no one will know whence he 
is. 29 But Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching, saying, 

% aso and 10] В &c 77, Syr (gesh) Arm 73, LX 13 
69 al 10, OL (ag) Bo, Cyr e. 9. behold] 8 &c 73 77 .. add now Bo 
(D) equs. he is sp.] В, Bo(cA,E,FG,KLMNOP r8) .. Guy. 91 102.. 
quz. speaketh 73 77, Во .. pref Ле standeth and Syr (cs) azw and 
29] В &e 73 77 .. om Bo (F,*) зянпо (о 91)c] В &c (73?) (77), 
Во .. рутотє В ёс, Or Cyr Isid .. руте ND 49 108, numquid OL Vg 
Syr (gh) .. perhaps Syr (cs) Arm Eth avenae did-know] В ёс 
77 .. trs after ov apx. D, Arm naxe truly] В ёс (77), Syr (h).. 
om 33 63 66 473, Syr(g) Arm Eth паро. a. Wap. the rulers- 
priests] В &c (77 1) .. о: apxovres AB ёс, Bo Syr (h) Eth, the rulers 
also Bo (n,r) Arm .. our elders Syr (gcs) .. ог архієрея N, OL (а) 
паї ne this is] 891 102, 48 КЬБТХП al, OL Vg Bo Буг (сз) Arm, 
Or Epiph Cyr Isid Nonn .. add masse truly 36, aAg8os Г ёс, OL (fq) 
Syr (gjh) (Eth) 

? паї this] add behold Syr (cs) є] Bo Syr (gh) Eth.. om N, 
OL (e) Bo (1) .. and Syr (cs) equy. if-come] ерхута BD &c, Or 
‘Chr .. «Абр С 71 569, Суг..єрхєета NHXA* 28 бо 18499 al 4 
maere will kn.] Во .. ywooxe. АВ ёс, Во (вд,0,9).. add avrov N.. 
we shall not know Syr (g 10) 

28 4518 ёс 36 124 .. trs after бід. D ёс, OL (acf) Vg ..trs after 
ow ND т 69 131 254, OL (bel) Bo (Syr gesjh) (Arm Eth), Cyr 
ae] В 36..ош Агш..бє дг 102 124, NAB ёс, Syr (h) ..and Syr 
(ges) Eth agaw. (жщ. 9I 102) cried] В ёс 36 (124) .. єкрабег D 
al 4) OL Ve eqxc. teaching] В 36 91 (124).. от 102; position 
NB ёс, OL (beel) Ус clem Bo Syr (ch) Arm Eth .. trs ev то єєр, 15 бід. 
T al..trs before e» D, OL (af) Am Fu буг (gsj), Cyr єєх. 
saying] В 36 тог (124), Во (p,4,EFJ0QS).. pref ки. ЗАВ ёс, Во 


COOTH 454801. ATW тєтмсооуУН хе amor ovehorA 
TOM. ATW WALES ам сарог азалаалт, АЛЛА oT ALE 
азо. Замок Хсооун дача. хе | ооп олоти. 
ATW METAT пемтачтато!. ° мезииие ae пе 
Wca соп. arw mne Ахат Ñ TEJGIS сора ехо. 
хе иеаяпате тєцохно єї. “A оло пистехе epog 
choA са» пязнище. ATW METXW язегос. хє ерщьи 
TENE єв жен єциАр дото єяхавмеці ENTA MAI 
aav. Aa мефариемосе сота? епязиище ещкрая- 
peas Nar етЬнит. ATW avaooy WoWtapoQrepevc 

aston]® gt 102 124 oveh.| отєєй. gt avo 20] add хє 
36, Во (L 18) mrar:] fitaer В Tavos] B 102..-061 36.. Taovor 
дт еит.]| В.. пт. 36 &с 124 asm 29] B 102.. trs after эхмоч 36 
9I 124 2 (e) В 36 (43) (86) (91) тог (108) (124) өалөтнц В &c 
91..Фатне 124 84 пєтахахат| add me 36 Tavos] (86) 102 124.. 
татоє: В 36 43..таотох e? ог 108 30 (e$) В 30/43 (13) (20) 
(86) or $ 102 108 (124) тє] e В 86 gt 108..0m 36 43 102 
* e В (36) 43 $ (73) (77) 86 $ (ог $) 102 (108) (124) * e 85 
(43 $) 73 $ (тт) 86 $(918) 102 108 $ (124$) equp.] e В 43 73 108 
..єтир. 77 86 gr тог, (Во) кралкреля| e 9r .. крахрах В &c 

Syr (es) Arm .. ка eXeyev K .. ато пєхае and said he от, Syr (gh) 
Eth ®єе—&їзз. уе kn. me] В &c 36 124, Во Syr (є 14 сз) Eth.. 
каре ёс АВ ёс, Bo (M).. kat eue ёс N, Syr (gh) Arm, Or Chr 
avw тетис. and ye kn.] В ёс 124, X 409, OL (1), Or.. om 
and Bo(r,*)..kavoiàa V azw and 29] В &c 36 124 .. om Во (FL 18) 
nmas-aaszogy this-not] В ёс 36 (124) .. and him уе know not Syr (s) 

* anon I] В ог 124, В ёс, OL (aeglq) Vg Arm Syr (В), Or 
Tert..add ae 36 102, МОХ r 33 al, OL (befff) Bo Syr (gesjh*) 
Eth, Cyr anog him] В & or 124.. от Syr (g 9) *ujoor 
I am being] В &c (86) 91 124..7 was Syr (s) 

® ae] e 77 1, .. om Arm.. бе therefore В ёс 86 124, АВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (h) .. &e on therefore again 91 108.. and Syr (ges) Eth cong 
(add me e В 86 102) arrest him] e ёс 73 (86) 124..add ко, e£gA0ev 
єк TNS Хефо$ avrov A 13 69 262, Arm azw and] e ёс 73 86 
124 ..ош Во (ғ,*).. adda Во (Q) й(еп or 108) brought] e ёс 73 
86 124..pref dared to Во (18) те. his hand] e ёс (73) 86 

JOHN VII 29-32 119 

Ye know me, and ye know whenee I am ; and I came not of 
myself, but (a) true is he who sent me: this (one) ye, ye know 
not. ??] I know him because I am being with him, and that 
one is he who sent ше. ° But they were seeking to arrest him, 
and no one brought his hand upon him, beeause his hour had 
nct yet come. 31 Many believed him out of the multitude, and 
they were saying, If the Christ should come, will he be doing 
more than the signs which this (man) did? * The Pharisees 
heard the multitude murmuring these (things) concerning 

124, Во (х) Eth .. ryv x. SAB ёс, (Arm) .. таз x. G І 22 al, OL Vg 
Bo (his hands) (Arm cdd), Ir int Nonn хе ёс because &c] В ёс 73 
86 124..оуто yap 69 "(пи В 36)eaamate had not yet] В 36 43 
124, Во. ємульбе NBD &e, Arm, Or .. imate not yet 86 &c, eXgAvÓev 
L al 5, Во (д,* q) .. had not Syr (св) 

1 x оло many] e ёс 73 108 124, 69..add бє К(АВ &с), Syr 
(gsh).. ovv КП al то, Bo Syr (с), Cyr .. and Arm Eth а-заннщє 
many-multitude] e ёс (73) (108) (124), RD (ёс), OL (q) Syr (gch, s 
om from the m.) Arm .. єкт. оҳ. дє т. єт. BKLTXII al 16, OL Vg 
Eth, Cyr azw and] В &е or 108 (124) .. om Bo (F) эхн| e 
ёс 73 108 124, NBDEKLTKX al го, Bo, Chr Cyr..pym С ёс 
equap(ep 86) will-doing] e В 43 73 77 124.. мар will he do 86 
102 (108); потає NAB ёс, Arm.. тов С, Syr (881) exx (3x 
91..em 43)s1aer(a1 8) m ёс than the signs which] В ёс (73) 77 
gt 108 124, Во (NBLQ) .. eyuea-ov RBDKLTXII 597 al, OL 
Vg Arm Eth, Chr Cyr... с. rovrov-ov E ёс, Ро Syr (gesh) єп (п 
73 86 91 102 108 124) ra-aa's which-did] (є) ёс 73 77 108 124, 
МеВ ёс, OL (bfl*q?) Bo Syr (csh) Агт с Eth Chr Суг..тогс 
W* D 13 69, OL (aceffgl?q*) Vg Syr (g) Arm 

? à пефарс. (cc. twice 73 77 86 91 108 124) the Ph.] e &c от 
(124) .. укоџсоу ог ф. В ёс, OL (bglq) Vg Bo..add ве В 43 (77), 
КМОП г 28 131 al 20, OL (afff)..add де ND al, OL (c,e) Bo 
(ACF cn) .. pref ka 13 69 124, Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth .. a iiapoQrepesc 
soit reh. 77, OL (be) Syr (s), Chr пазннще the multitude] e ёс 
43 77 91 .. the multitudes Во (NACDEFIL) Syr (gh).. men Syr (cs) 
Eth ялгал these] e ёс 43 73° (91), N, Bo.. trs after avrov В &c, 
OL (fffq) Vg Syr (gh) DL* 1 565 al, OL (abcel) Syr (сз) 
Arm Eth azw and] e ёс 43 (77) .. ош Во (м) пар. лп 
mec. the chiefp.-Ph.] e ёс 43 (77), NBDGKLTUXI al, OL 
(cfffgl) Vg Bo Syr (c) Arm Eth, Cyr .. trs о. Ф. к. ov apx. Е ёс, OL 


seit Wedpapicaroc ноёнолпнретнс. хекас єуєб опа. 
33 ERAT бе ASIC. хє єтї цекоэу похоеиц He Woot 
назаєнти. ATW Зрмаїск Wa пеитататот. 3 TeTwa- 
ийне їсог птетитаяое epor ATW mea alton ex 
AL NTWTH NreTwawer am єроц. | 35 mexe 
JIOTAXI ниєтерну. хе epe пат мабиж ETON. хє 
ANON тина? є epo ам. зан єцнабон єорат 
eTatacnopa | плоєМАни мо | nuoveereunr. 
Soy пе  пепуаже єнтаүхооү же тєтмацинє 
cor итетитазое EPO. ATW mea anon єХававосці. 

отинрєтнс| -ерет. 73 91..-нрнт. 108..-єрнт. 86 102 eve- 
боп | ficetagoy Bo ..птотт. Во (р, о 18).. єеротт. Bo (1) зе 
В $ (31) (43) 738 (77) 86 $ 91 $ 102 $ (108 $) ers] evex 86 102 108 
.. AITES QI TATON] e &с.. ra voes Û 43 .. тлото QI 3t (e) 6 (31) 
73 86 (91) roz ? (e) 8$ (31) 43 $ (69) (73) (77) 86 (91) тог 
пин, | Arem. 86.. Птєнцаєшоє 91 sm] trs before epoq В 43 
A2iacmo(ogr)pa] arach. 77 oveeremmi] e B 43 77 102 .. oveen 

86 .. ovem QI 8 eB 43 (69) 77 (86) 91 102 eraq] пт. 77 
91102 їїтєтїї|їїтїї 102 

(aq) Syr (В) OL (be), Chr .. they and the chiefpr. Syr (g) .. they 
Syr (s) seen (оп 91 108)o. officers] е &c (43) 77 (91), В ёс, OL 
(cfffgl) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm (Eth), Cyr..trs before o apy. SDE 
HM5VTAA al 5o, OL (aq) Bo (r) Syr (h) al, Syr (c) .. pref 
tous № .. their off. Eth 

3 бе therefore] e В 43 73 .. om Syr (s) Arm .. «e 86 ёс 108, OL 
(bff) .. and Syr (gc) Eth nonc Jesus] e &c 43 108, NBD &c, OL 
(abeffflq) Am Bo Syr (gch) Arm.. pref пат to them В, Т al, OL 
(cg) Ус ет Во (Q) Eth, Cyr..owr Lord Во (G,*)..our Lord Jesus 
Bo (У) .. om Bo (р,*) похоеиц time] е &c (317) (43), D ёс, OL 
Vg Буг (g, ch) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr..trs before mrp. МВІТХ 69, 
OL (eq) .. om Syr (s) "uj. паз. I-you] e & 31 43, Во Eth .. pevw 
ped. v. U .. peð. v. eua МВ ёс .. pref and Bo (н) avw and] e &c 31 
43 77 .. уар бут (g 14) 

М verna ug, ye will seek] е «с (31) 91, Во Буг (h) Arm .. Enrere II 
69, Во (Асі) Armed ,, pref ато and 86, Во (ві 18) Syr (gcs) Eth 

JOHN УП 33-36 121 

him, and sent the chiefpriests and the Pharisees officers 
that they should arrest him. 9% Said he therefore, Jesus, Yet 
a little time it is which I am with you, and I shall go unto 
him who sent me. ?* Ye will seek for me, and not find me; 
and the place in which I, I am, ye, ye will not be able to come 
to it. 3 Said the Jews to one another, Whither will this 
(man) go, that we, we shall not find him? Will he go to the 
dispersion of the Hellenes, and teach the Greeks? 36 What 
is this word which he saith, Ye will seek for me, and not find 
me; and the place in which I, I am, ye, ye will not be able 

epos me] e ёс 31 ог, BTX r 258 565, Во Syr (gesh) Eth .. om ND 
&c, OL Vg Arm, Chr Cyr 570-304 and the place &c] В ёс 
31 91, Syr(gesh) Arm .. ош U and Во(9) amnor I] В &c (31) 
от, Bo (pA, EIK,¢M,osT 18) Syr (ges) Arm Eth .. om Bo; position 
OL (f) Am .. trs after єр NB ёс, Syr (h) + I am] В 31 73 91 
102, NB ёс 69, OL Ус clem (Bo м) Syr (g) Armed .. {па Z до 86, 
OL (acd) Bo (ut) Syr (es) Arm Eth .. 7 shall go Bo, Nonn epoq 
to it] e ёс 3, Bo .. exe B .. om № ёс 

35 pros, the Jews] e 73 86 or 102, Во (TNP) Syr (ges) Arm .. add 
бє В 43, NB ёс, Syr (h) .. and Eth iure». to one ап. | (e) ёс (31) 
91, тр. aÀA. G, Syr (gs, c) Arm Eth W*, OL (e) .. пр. (e)avrous, 
Ne &с, Буг (h) anon we] e &с 31 77, В ёс, OL (fq) Во (am£p,e, 
FL) Syr(gh) ND 249, OL (abceffl) Vg Bo Syr (es) 
дн | e ёс 77 9r .. рут D 124 та. ппо. the disp.-H.] e &c (69 ?) 
77 91..the disp. of the profane Буг (В) .. the d. of the heathen Arm.. 
the places of the nations Syr (g) .. to the seed of the Gentiles (aramaya) 
go and teach that we shall not find him Syr (es) .. to the country of 
the Arami Eth iur(xe 86 ог 102)os. the Greeks] e ёс 77 9r 
..avrovs 122* .. the profane Syr (gh) ..the heathen Arm ..the Arami 

% оу what] e ёс 86, т №..тс В &c.. or what Syr (c) .. and what 
Syr(s) me(a 43)1u. this word] e &c (69 ?) 86..0m ovros T а! 5, Syr(s) 
"ein(um 43 86 дт)гщ. ye will seek] e ёс 86, Bo... £yrevre бо, Bo 
(DFI) єрох(єх 8) me] e ёс 86, BGTX 1, Bo Syr (gch) Eth.. 
om ND &c, OL Vg Arm azw and] add that he saith Syr (s) 
aston Пе ёс (86 1), 69, OL (асеї) Syr (gsh) Arm .. trs after eu NB 
&с { I am] &e 86, ам NB 4с, OL Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. om 
Syr (c) .. eo OL (a) Bo 


HTWTH  TeTHaUgjey am epos. тө. opari ae oss 
поле WHooov Nios ите nwa мере xc аоєёратч, 
ATW мецащкак ehoA egxw Masoc. xe петобе 
atapecjer Wapor исо. 3 петпістєтє epos. RATA өс 
єкта тесрафн оос. хє OTH QEMEIEPWOT набатє 
choA понт eoor egong. ° йтлсрхе mar ae erbe 
патотх: MHA Cap пе. хе IC инєхєпатүхї єоо» пе. 
40 óoeute Ge chodA оз» Пчанище їтеротсоутаа ENEI- 
WARE мето) 48846 ОС. хе MAI MAKE пе пепрофитнс. 

тетиа(ає от)щ.] e.. йтєти(пи 43 01) 4. В &c an] trs after 
epoy 91 * e B $ (31) (43) (69) 77 $ 86 Р (ox Р) тог Р (33! š) 
16 77 86 91 мере] єпєрє 77 s1apeq]-p3 33! и со | neqeo 
102 38 B (43) 69 тт 86 (91) 102 331 єнта| B 43..йта 69 
&c gener | gner 77 9I eicepoos] exppwor 77 паогтє | -gaaTe 
102 33! 3 (e) В 43 $ at meñ 69 86 (от) (102) (108) (33!) me] 
om 33! twice * e В $ (31) 43 69 (77) 86 91 (102 $) 108 33! 

птоти ye] В ёс (69) 86, Syr (gesh) Arm Eth.. om 13 69, Am 
Fu Syr (g 40) epog to it] after «Абєу add кал eropevOn єкастоѕ біс 
(ch. vii. 53-viii. 11) 225 

т мє] е & gt 33! 43 .. and Syr (cs) no. it. п(ош e В 
43 102)noc lit. the last day great] e ёс 43 91 (331), В ёс, Syr (h) 
.. ny.—pey.—erx. D .. in the great day which із the last of the feast Syr 
(g) Eth the last day of the great f. Bo Arm .. om ту pey. 12 17 
229*..0m т. ery. буг (cs) rys eoprys OL (1) иєрє- 
agep. was-standing] e ёс 69 9I 331, Во (кегім), еютуке NB &с., 
stood Bo..add ae Bo (Е) awo and] om 331, Во (Хм) Syr є (2) 
меча. he was crying] e В, ND т 69, OL Ус Bo, Chr.. ачаці. he 
cried 69 ёс gt 331, В &c, Bo (хв) Syr (h), Or Cyr eqs. saying | 
om OL (ae) wapos unto me] є &c (43?) 69 (91 ?) 331, mpos (є)иє 
МеВ ёс, OL (ас аша) Vg Bo Syr (gesh), Or Eus Did Chr Cyr.. 
om N* D, OL (be), Сур 

38 netm, he who b.] В &c.. pref and Eth .. every one who b. Syr 
(ges) теср. the scr.] В &с 43, Syr (g 36 cs) .. the scriptures Syr 
(g) эхэхсол of water] В 43 102 331.. $3110» 69 77 86 дт 
єчоп5 living] B 43 102 .. помо oflife 69 77 86 .. попало 9r .. поно 33! 

ФОНХ УП 37-40 123 

фо come фо it? то. 37 But in the last day, (the) great (day) 
of the feast, was Jesus standing and he was erying out, 
saying, He who thirsteth let him come unto me and drink. 
58 Не who believeth me, according as the scripture said, 
rivers will flow out of his belly of living water. 29 But he 
said this concerning the spirit, which are about to take those 
who believed him ; for they had not yet received spirit, because 
Jesus had not yet taken glory. * Some therefore out of the 
multitude, when they had heard this word, were saying, This 

39 итаехе he said] 6, erev В ёс, OL (abefg) Vg Bo, Cyr (j) 
Сур .. eAeyev №, OL (с ша) Arm, Did Chr Cyr Hil Thdrt є | 
В &с 102 Arm .. and Eth etovita which-to | (е) &c (91) 331, 
Bo (xx T) Syr (s) .. erasa which they were to Bo Syr (c) Arm 
пєптатп. those who believed] e В, BLT 18*v, Syr (s).. пєтпап. 
those who will b. 43.. metn. those who believe 69 86 от 331, ND 
ёс, OL Vg Syr (gh), Did Cyri Chr Thdor Cyr ог т. є. 
avr. OL (b) .. those who were believing Syr(c) Arm — (et 77 86)exx- 
(мах 91)mavos they-yet] e ёс (01) 102 33!..non Am .. not until 
that time Syr (св) жї nia lit. taken spirit] e ёс от 102 33l .. mva 
аушу L ёс, Did Ath Chr Thdrt .. mva дєдодеуоу OL (abceffgl) Vgelem 
Syr (gc), пра ay. єт avrois D, OL (f) .. mva ауу бєбор, В 
254, OL (eq) Syr (jh)..zva МКТП 42 9r, Fu Bo Arm, Or Cyr 
Hesych .. not yet came the holy spirit Eth (єп 77)exx (нах 01)- 
патч (ey 69 86 or 108 33!) had not yet] e &c 91 108 331, ото NBD 
64 66 71, Arm, Did .. ovderw L ёс, Chr Cyr Hesych Thdrt .. not until 
that hour Syr (c) .. had not Syr (s) .. бєбоёаото 83", fuerat honoratus 
OL (acdfgq) Am Fu Во Syr (gesh), Aug .. eóoŠac 0 № &с.. erat hon. 
(рей) Vge4, Victorin al 

4 ooeí(or е 69 86 331) пе-занище some-multitude] e ёс 77 .. єк 
тоо ox. ow МВРІТХ r 565, OL (ab) Vg .. goesme ae ёс but ёс В 
91 108 331, Во Syr (s) .. ex т. о. де OL (сей) .. and some ёс Syr (c) .. 
о ovv єк т. 0. тоХХог 124, OL (g) .. тоХХос ovv єк т. o. Г ёс, OL (fq) 
Syr (gjh) .. and many &с Eth .. et cum audissent hos sermones eius (1) 
..some from the multitude Arm mexuy. this word] e ёс 77, X al, 
Bo (в) Eth, Cyr .. тои А. S A?* A а ..т. А. avrov 124 .. tesuy. these words 
43 86 108, N*eBDLTU r 22 33 118 565 al, OL Vg Bo Syr (јх) 
Arm .. his words Syr (gch).. om тоб 4495, Syr (з) жє-пє this—is | 
е ёс 77 .. hic vero pro. est OL (ce) .. от: ovros eatw adyfws BD .. ovr. 


41 oewHoove AE нєухө Aseeoc. хє MAL me NEXE 
Qoenre ae метоо) аяазос. хє зан TAP epe перс ину 
ehod ом Taan. t ємта тесрафн ам «оос. 
хє epe пехс мну ehoA ояз песпере Naavera. 
ху» chor ом buoWeeas rese. спере гем щооп 
понт. 43 avnops G€ wore oss пазнише erbunq. 
4 Qoemte ae eboÀ монтох wevowotug єзоп пе. 
adda ûne AaaT й тецотх egpar ехо. 2 avhwr 
ae изинеотпнретнс ша WapoQrepeyc seit мефарі- 
CcaYOoc. ATW пехе мн мат. хе erbe ov nerit- 
үт. к. % avovoub позпотупнрєтно. хе MNE 

41 ¢ 20 B (31) (43) 60 77 86 91 108 оєнк.]онпн.то08 " e 20 
В (9 (31) (69) 86 or (108) (331) ә] trs after хоос 86 ox | 
өн 69 — * (е) 20$ 8464 (31) (43 Š) (69) 86 91 331$ тор) 
-pex 9I 44 (е) 20 В є (31) 43 69 86 gr (тот) 33! esonq] om є 
e 8691 пе) є &с..ош В 20 43 33!, Во 5 (e $) 20 B $ e § (31) 
43 $ 69 $ 86 $ ог ror (331) -нретнс| Во (р, в;е).. -єритне 69 91 
..-еретис Во парх | om ma 20 by error фарс. | -сс. 31 69 91 
46 (e) 20 В є (31) 43 69 86 $ ог $ тог & 86 1012 

є ол. L &c .. аА. o. є. N, (Bo) Syr (с) (Eth) .. hic est (om g) vere pro. 
OL Vg Syr (gh) Arm .. om a6. Во (F,*) .. om ovros Во (в, ).. om o 
ap.—eXeyov бут (s) 

41 жє] е бо 31 43, T 1 13 69 al, OL (bef) Во Syr (g 28), Or .. om 
NB ёс, Syr (gch) Arm .. and Eth па! me this is] e ёс 31 43; 
Arm..add aÀm0os U 597 183°, єоти Буг (g) this 
Eth goes (оз 91) пє ae but some] e &с 43-.0 дє BL'T X r 33 
al 5, OL (acfff) Vg, Or Cyr.. adda N ёс, Syr (gch).. adot de al, 
OL (e) Bo.. but half Arm, and half of them Eth .. goere assem 43 
86 .. and others Syr (s) пет бо were saying 29] e ёс 43 .. say 
Syr (s) ээн &c] e & 43... how cometh Syr (cs) vap] є ёс 
43 --om Syr (є) 

8 en(ñ В &c)ra—xooc did-say] e ёс 69 108 (331), Bo (pref sxx) 
.. оухи-Аєує D 235, OL Vg Arm | Eth .. is it mot thus written Syr (cs) 
necn, the seed] е ёс 69 108 331, Bo.. om rov DU т 13 69 157 435 
565 32 ev, Or єрє-инъ the Ch. is coming] e ёс бо (108) 331, 
ND ёс, OL (abflq) Bo Syr (h).. epx.o xs BLT 33, OL (cfg) Vg 

JOHN УП 41-46 125 

truly is the prophet. * But others were saying, This is the 
Christ ; but some were saying, What, is the Christ coming out 
ої [the] Galilaia? 12 Did not the scripture say that the Christ 
is coming out of the seed of Daveid, and out of Bethleem 
the village in which Daveid was being? 43 A division there- 
fore became in the multitude concerning him. ** But some 
out of them were wishing to arrest him, but («) no one 
brought his hand upon him. * But went the officers unto 
the chiefpriests and the Pharisees; and said those to them, 
Wherefore brought ye not him? 20. 19 Answered the officers, 

Bo (a mg т.) Syr (gesh) Arm Eth, Суг; trs to end МВ ёс, Syr (ge, s he 
cometh) ..trs before ато Bo .. trs before ото» D .. that from the seed of 
David will he be Буг (c) .. -David the Ch.will бе Syr(s) | aavera 19] 
20 &с, NBDTT .. aña e 69 33! (twice) ЁнеХєєзх | e ёс 69 108.. 
hee. 91 .. ВубЛем Г" al, OL (ae) єнєрє-понт in which-being | 
В e.. epe &c із being e «с 108 33 .. ош отоо nv OL (e) Syr (ges) Eth 

55 бе therefore] 20 &c 43 ..^є со Bo Syr (h) .. and Syr (ges) Arm 
(Eth) | щоупе-заннщує became in the multitude (plur. Syr g)] e &c, 
order NBDLTX 33 124 157 597 al, OL Vg Bo Syr (ges,jh) (Arm), 
Or Cyr .. ev т. o. ey. Г &с, OL (q) eth. conc, him] e ёс (43) (69) 
.. trs before in Во (к) Syr (© 37) .. om Во (1) 

* ooer(20 B 43.. оте &c)me some] there were certain of them 
Syr (g) .. there were of them Syr (с) .. there were others Syr (s) ne | 
20 В є (311) 43 86 331, NB ёс, Syr (h).. om Во (Q)..¢e therefore 
е 69 gı ..and Syr (ges) Arm Eth nesosoug were wishing] 20 
ёс..-отєш e 86 9I .. eAeyov NF aNNa] е &с 31 тог.. om Во (в) 
.. ата Syr (s) й reqa. brought his hand] В є Eth hand 
Arm .. hands Arm cdd .. i wee. br. his hands 20 43 тот, Bo (T DE,» 
Qy). eme пиеч br. Мв hands 69 86 91 33!.. could bring his hands 
Bo Syr (s) .. ras x. NB ёс 

5 ayhwr went] e ёс 31 33!..3A6ov МВ «е, Syr (gh).. сате 
again Arm .. returned Syr (c) Eth .. ret. and came Syr (s) є | (e) 
є.. бє 20 & (31) 331 NB ёс, Bo.. and Syr (g) Arm avw and | e 
ёс Во (LQ) nexe said] e &e, В &с.. Aeyovow №, OL (e) 
ин those] 20 ёс, NB &c, Bo Syr (h) Arm Eth .. max these e.. om 
КОП al, OL (eg) .. the priests буг (g) .. those Ph. Syr (с).. the priests 
and Ph. Syr (з) п(си 69)т4 brought him] e ёс 31..add with 
you Syr (g 1) 

6 acyovoujb riaievnn(e 91)рєтис ans. the off.] (е) ёс 31, Eo (в) 


poste waxe итеое enco itoe запеүрсаас. ""ау- 
ovoujb мат олиєфарсатос. ose вен птатетипЛама 
QWTTHTTH. 4% ж#н A Алат пістеує epog eboÀ om 
Wapocon H ebo oW mnecpapicaroc.  "АЛМЛА ner- 
ине ETENCECOOTH an яжиноа ос сещооп oa 
Hcaoov. S пехе NIROAHRLOC NAT. пеитаег WA 
Үс пщорп. coma ебоА понтоу пе. xe жөн MEN- 
моязос крме араас манту ngecor epog 
ишорп. aro merme xe ох  mertjerpe Meo. 
52 ayowoujb erxw aseroc МАСІ. xe аен ити orehod 

" ¢ § 20 § 8 (e) (31) 43 69 86 от $ ror $ фаре. | -се. 31 86 от 
8 e20 В (31) 43 (69) 86 от ror (108) оп 20] и 86 фархс. | -cc. 
31 69 91 ror 108 * (c) (e) 20 B (є) (31) 43 69 86 91 ror 108 
ю (©) (2) 20 § B § e $ (31) 43 69 $ 86 § 91 § ror 108 || " (c) 2 zo 
В (9 (31) 43 бо 86 от тот 108 esenti] 2 &e 31..-тєх 69 86 от 
108 mc. | йс. 9t 5 (e) (2) 208 85 (9 (31) 43 Š бо от xor $ 

Syr (h) .. атекр. де ёс D .. ат. ovv &с al, Chr .. ог Se ur. атєк. №.. add 
saying Bo, and say Arm (Eth)..say to them the officers Syr (ges) 
3xne-itreroe (om е) e(ite ог) eo man—ever] (є) 31 69 86, Bo .. ovóezore 
eAaAgaev ovros avô. NCBLTX 3 33, Syr (g т), Or Cyr .. ovóez. ovr. 
ed. av. Г ёс, OL Vg Syr (gh) Arm edd Eth, Thdrt .. ov. ovr. avô. 
e. N* D, (OL a).. om irreroe thus 20 В є 43 (91) тот, Arm .. never 
spake any man aught Syr (cs)..mever spake any man Eth noe 
ззпєгр. as this man] (є) &c (31 1), X ёс, OL (eflq) Vg Syr (Б) Arm 
Eth, 'T'hdrt .. ws ovros adei о av0. М“ .. ws ovros o av. А. 3 9 .. ws ovr. 
хале D, OL (с#).. om ВОТ 225 229*, Bo, Cyr .. as speaketh this 
man Syr (g) .. which speaketh this man Syr (0,8 spake) 

4 этот. they ans.] e ёс є 31, ND г 33 al ro, OL (aceff) Bo 
(ums) Arm, Cyr .. add ow В &e, OL (fglq) Vg Syr (h)..add ae 
Bo.. pref aud Eth .. say to them the Ph. Syr (gcs) ал to them | 
е Ёс є Во (D,* A,EFTJKLOPQS) BK al 5, OL (1) Bo (Bs) Arm 
. . add saying Во (Arm Eth) .. to the officers Syr (s) | зант(єп От. o. 
were-also] 20 [8 (e?) 43..ош зан ror (Во).. sa штати oorr. 
птатєтитМ. were even ye also d. е 69 86.. зан Wr. ооо (om 31) vr. 
aTeTimM. were ye also deceived 31 91 .. py Kar vues merAavgo0e N B 
&e, Буг (сс, sh being deceived) 

ФОНХ УП 47-52 127 

Man spake not thus ever as this man. “7 Answered to them 
the Pharisees, Were ye deceived also? “š Did any believe him 
out of the rulers or out of the Pharisees? * But (a) this 
multitude who know not the law are being under the curse. 
50 Said Nikodémos to them, he who came unto Jesus at first, 
being one out of them, 51 (Is) our law judging the man eacept 
it hear him first, and know what is that which he doeth? 
52 They answered saying to him, Art thou also out of [the] 

8 а-тист, did-believe] e ёс (317) бо, NB &e, OL Vg Syr (g 
plural, Б) Arm (Eth), Or Chr .. тоте N*D .. for who &с Syr (cs) 
with verb in plural єЁоХ оп out of 10] e &c (31) (691) .. om єк 
K 13 15 69 124 240 244 248 

з adda] (c) &с e, Syr (h).. except Syr (ges) mer this] с ёсе.. 
om 69 исес. know not] e (201) 8 бо 86, Bo.. пчсооъи (om 43) 
knoweth mot 43 91 тот 108 ceuj.—cagoy are—curse] 20 ёс e.. om 
Буг (s) .. who are cursed Syr (c) .. and are cursed Arm .. but they are 
cursed Eth - 

5 mexe said] 20 &с, erev N 253%, OL (efq) Vg elem Syr (j) Eth 
.. Леуе В &e .. add де N, OL (f) .. pref and Syr (j) Eth — пеит.—пщ. 
he-first] (©) ёс (21) (31 1), OL (e) Bo Syr (j), тр. т. iv 254 489 4497 
184 9, Syr (є) Eth .. o «Ад. пр. avrov zporepov Ne B (L), OL (a), Cyr.. 
add умктос X т 13 33 69 118 124 209 565, OL (cff) Bo Syr (sh) Arm 
(Eth) .. о «Абоу vvkros пр. avrov Е ёс, Bo (Асі), o e. пр. a. v. КОАП 
131 157 220 482 489 4497, OL (flq) Vg Syr (с had gone), Bas .. trs 
о «АӨ. пр. avr. v. то тротои after avrov D, Syr (g) .. om N* є (om 
43 101)ova-me being-them] (c) &c 2..от 71 142*, OL (e) Syr 
(св) .. om. ov L, Syr (g) Eth 

7 пенпозлос our law] (c?) ёо є (31), Syr (gh) Arm.. your law 
Bo (8 MQqv) .. the law Syr (cs) anp. the man] с &c є (31) 91°.. 
om gr* epog him] с ёс є.. тар avrov МеВ &е; position E ёс, 
Am Bo Syr (gjh) Eth, Chr..trs after тро(о)т. NeBDLT 33 124 
al 7, OL (acffq) Arm, Or Cyr... trs before акоост X, (1) Vgelem.. 
irs before о уор. Syr (c) N* 47 ev azw and] 2 &c є 3І.. 
or Атта п(пє бо)ет (eq 2 69 86 ог то8)єгрє that which he 
doeth] 2 &e (6) (31), wove. МВ ёс, Syr (esh) Arm .. eroxoev D, OL 
(c) Syr (g) Eth, Leif 

8 avos. they ans. | (c) бго є (31) 108, МВ &c.. om Syr (cs) .. add хє 
2..prefand Eth eva. saying] (2 ?) &c (e) 31 108, Bo .. they say Syr 
(es) .. к. єт. N ёс mag to him] 20 &c 108, NB 4с, Bo.. trs after 


QWWR OM QW тслА гта. Оотот имесрафи nera 
хе мере пепрофитие marwor am еол ом 
тех АА ата. 

ҮШ. 12 ұс Ge ом асуцумає miar ео азавос. 
же AMOR пе похоенх аапнося»ос. METNAOTAQY News 
Wetpraseoouje AN ORF пнаке. AAAA сах аепотоеи 
помо. nexe мефарсатос ма. хє WTor erp- 
зэлүтрс охрон. теназитаямтре NOTAE am те. lta xc 
отці пеха нат. хе кли AOR єшуапраєттре 
оарог, TaseliTeeliTpe озаже те. хе соо xe iater 

оотот] оотоєт 86 gt am] om тог" 

(су (2 8) 20§ 8 § (9 (31 8) 43 $ (69) (86 $) от $ ror б 108 $ 
ml$ ина | megna m! 13 (с) 20 $ 8 $ 43 Š 69 86 от $ ror § 108 
$m! se r] xı g1 єтр(єр 86)| с 20 43 86 от... петер or 108 erp 69 Поззае|ош i 86 te] 20 43 69 тог 108 .. пе 
c 86 ml м (с) (2) 20 $ 8$ (31) 43 69 91 ror $ (108) m! $ 
egan] eeg. В parmi] ep. 86 xe n] хи or fraser] 2 &с.. 
Tacr В тои 19] 20 &c..evon 69 91 firer) йти 43.. тети 
69 m! 

answered Во (A) Arm (Eth).. om ? є om Syr (с) gwwK thou also] 
20 80 є 108 .. om Во (n,* x r,77) он оп [also] out of] 20 ёс 31 
108 ..птк отєбоМ є (probably a repetition, but the previous TK єбоМ 
is lost) пиес. the scriptures] 20 В 43 10r .. ew пех. in the s. 31 
69 86 91; position OL (а &c) .. om N &c meia у and see] 20 бїс e.. 
add тас урафаз D 229**, т. урафти 220", OL (aceffl) Vg elem .. om 
and Во (Q) | мерє-тазюти was-rise] 20 31 43 69 IOI .. epe їз not 
ёс e 86 91, (Во), surget OL (e), exurget (І) .. eyepero. NBDKS ms 
ТГАП 597 al, OL Vg Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Or Nonn.. єрхета U.. 
eynyeptar Е &e, Syr (g 14 сві ms), Chr Cyr 

Om 53-viii. 11 (c) 20 @ є 31 43 69 86 от ror 108 m! (c) ended 
on тс, but the verso of the same small fragment begins at verse 12, 
leaving no space for the preceding verses, which are omitted by the 
other eleven Mss with NABCLTXA 3 9" 22 33 63 72 96 97 106 
108 123 139 157 179* 249 250 253 470 471 565 al, OL (ab** f1* q) 
Bo (A*CTDA, F, CG, НӨКЬМХРОТ) Syr (gh) Arm, Or Chr Cyr Nonn 
Cosm Thphl Amm Tert.. read with asterisks EM ATI al 15..trs to 

JOHN VIII 12-14 129 

Galilaia? search the scriptures and see that the prophet was 
not about to rise out of [the] Galilaia. 53 Omitted. 

VIII. 1-11 Omitted. 12 Jesus therefore again spake to them, 
saying, I am the light of the world: he who will follow me 
will not walk in the darkness, but (a) he will take the light 
of the life. !? Said the Pharisees to him, Thou bearest witness 
concerning thyself; thy witness is not true. !* Jesus answered, 
said he to them, Even if 1, I should bear witness concerning 
myself, my witness is true; because I know whence I came, 
and whither I am going; but ye, ye know not whence I came, 

end of the Gospel r tisch al, Arm edd, trs after Luke xxi 13 69 124 
346, after John vii 36 225.. read DFGHKUT al plus зоо, OL 
(b* ceffgh] mg) Vg Во (BA, EF,'G,JOSV Paris 61) Syr (j) Eth Arr 51 
Perss, Const Synops Jer Aug 

12 yC-máxíx. Jesus-them] 20 &c(e) 31 69 (861), (Syr h) .. Aadyoe 
олто о is D т 33 127 209 al, OL (afffgl) Vg Bo Syr (gcs) Arm 
Eth, Cyr..avros «А. o. в RBLSTUX 69 346, OL (eq) .. ато 
o 15 Aa. EFGHKMTAA al..o is avr. «А. al ge therefore] 20 
&c 31 86, NB &c, Буг (h) .. om OL (ff) Bo Syr (es) Arm .. autem (beg) 
Syr(g)..and Eth om again] 2 & 31 86, Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth .. om 
Bo (вэ м) ne потоєт (оти 8) аш the light] (с) ёс 26 є 69 .. pws 
eua М“ эхоошє walk] с ёс (2) 31 69 .. ew remain 91 спат 
he will take] с &c (31) 86 .. e£e N° &c.. exe №*, OL (е) запоно 
of the life] 20 &c (31) 69 86.. ша eneg for ever m! 

13 mexe пєфархс. (сс. 69 91 &c) пач said-him] (с ?) ёс, Bo (84,0 
26)..add ge therefore В 43 тот, Во.. єтоу ovv avro a ф. NB ёс, 
Syr (h).. ог ow ¢. є a. І 565.. 0m avro A.. say to him the Ph. Syr 
сс, в the Jews) Arm .. and say to him the Ph. Eth огроң conc. 
thyself] 20 &c .. add and Bo (в) Arm 

1t а-пат Jesus-them] (с) & 31 108, Bo (A, M09)... arerp. (о) ıs 
kat erev алто BD ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm (Eth) .. erev av. o ts, №, 
Буг (cs) кәп even if] с &c 31, Syr (s) Eth .. om Bo (9) .. zf Syr (c) 
талаїтт.—тє шу—{гпе] (с) &с (2) 31, B 157 al 3, OL (b) Arm, Did 
Faust 215 .. а№дєут pov єоти л) p. D .. аХ2)01/6 є. 1] p. pov Ж &c, OL 
(acefffglq) Vg Bo Syr (g) Eth, Cyr йтоти-єтом but—going | (2) 
&c .. om gr, MSTA 28 33 69 al, Bo (А, к" В?) Syr (j), Or Cyr homeotel 
ae] 2 &c, BD ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (gch) Arm Eth .. vos enim OL (b) 
.. апа Syr(s) 31 69, NFHK 17 127 131 330 al 15, OL (а) 

H.8.G. ПІ K 


TAIE тои. и емо етом. 1° итотм єтетикрите 
HATA CAPT. anon иЦЩирме ап daas. 16 кам 
ещаинриме AE AMOR. TARPICIC OTE те. хє NANMOR 
AW meate пе. АЛЛА anon зам пают ENTA- 
татусі. Ичено AE ом ояе петмиоаесс. XE Тазмт- 
ээлүтрє роз е cmas ovaee Te. Замок петр- 
а®итре омрої хх зүрхмттре ом oapor побтпєот 
єнтацтато Г неужи Ge сс Nay пе. хє 
е тои пєкехот. аЧотощі Honc пеха MAT. хє 

топ 29] єтөн 69 ml 5 (с) 20 $ 8 (31) 43 69 86 ог тот m! $ 
єтєтӣк. | 20 ёс 31..тєтик. 86  ПМаау| ¢ ёс 31, Bo (v) it 43, 
Bo (Е,).. egd1 Во 16 (с) (2) го 8 (31) 43 69 86 gr тог ml зе] 
20 &c З1.. заее (с) В папок] панк с an] trs after marate 
В Haare] залаат 2 аММа amon] аМАМаток 20 emtagq] йт. 
69 86 m! tavor| 69 86 ror .. -oex B .. таотоєг € 2 20 43... тоолох 
ді ml 17 (с) (2) 20$ В (31) 43 69 86 gr rior m! ne] 20 ёс... 
заєє с В .. зані Bo (ГрдА,Ес,нїмвуВ! Ран бт 26) .. esni Во 
18 (с) 20 B (31) 43 69 86 gr тот т! $ петр] ne erp 69 .. петер 86 
дт m! оаро:] 20 &c..-oer ¢ 8 yp] чер 698691m! extrac | nr. 
69 86 91 ml razor] 20 69 86..-oer с B 43 101 .. Taovor gt m! 
19 (с) 20 $ at отте 29 B $ (31) 43 $ (69) (86) or ror $ at agos m! $ 
пе) В тот, с ёо 31 69, Во (М) tuos] ixaxoex с twice 
мететих] 20 31 86 ml..sererima (c) 4с..тєтно В cos] ¢ 20 
43 тот ш!.. сотеи 86 .. coovit B.. coovem 9r 

Во (BT*EF,TG, 3P), Novat fitases І came 29] 2 &c, Arm edd, 7 
come Атта н or] 20 ёс, BDerK TUXA т al бо, OL (ffflq) Vg 
Bo Syr (h) Arm .. ка SEFGHL al, OL (abcde), Bo (18) Arm cdd 
Eth .. nor Syr (cs) 

15 итоти ye] 20 ёс 31, Bo Syr (gh) Arm..add de OL (g) Bo 
(воо) Syr (es) .. pref et (b) capz] 20 ёс 31, Во Arm... сарка 
AA... pref тту МВ &c .. bodily Syr (g) .. as flesh Syr (h) .. аз of son of 
man Syr (c) .. as of the body Syr (s) апок I] 20 43 69 тог ші, 
ЗВ ёс, Во (os) Syr (gsh) Arm ..add ae В 31 86, 253 254 472, 
OL (df) Bo Eth .. and 1 Syr (c) fikr. I-not] 20 &c.. it prag. 
І shall not judge ml, Во (q) 

JOHN VIII 15-19 131 

or whither I am going. 1 Ye, ye are judging according 
to flesh; І, I judge not any. 19 But even if I should judge 
indeed, my judgement is true ; because it is not I only, but (a) 
I and the Father who sent me, 17 But it is written also in 
your law, that the witness of two men is true. I am he 
who beareth witness concerning myself, and beareth witness 
also concerning me the Father who sent me. !° They were 
saying therefore to him, Where is thy Father? Answered 
Jesus, said he to them, Neither know ye me, neither also 
know ye my Father: if ye had known me, ye would have 

16 kan ex(ees В) щ.-ап. but-I] (c) ёс, (xav) В ёс, Syr (h), et si 
iudico tamen ego OL (d), sed et si iudico ego (а, с), et зі iudico ego 
(efglq) Vg, quodsi ego iud. (b) Во (в,) Syr (є 14 сз) ae 
31, GX al 6, Bo.. om and Во (c,Q).. om eyo Syr (ges) .. even if 
1 judge also ату Arm | &(om 86)anor-ne I only] (с) &c (2) (31).. 
povos ovk eu NB ёс... Í was not alone Буг (es).. povos eyw o. e. D 
40° axn-Tasor and-me] (c) 20 В 43 тог (пот), OL (a) Во 
Syr (h).. злії naer and my F. біс 2 (31) 69 86 gı ml, Syr (g)..o 
тєр. pe N* D, Syr (es) ..o 7. pe татур NSBLTX ёс, OL Vg (Eth) 

И чесно it is written] (c) &c 2 зт, Во(векхту 26) Eth .. pref ка Ñ 
ёс, Во Syr(gs) Arm .. pref even Syr(h) .. pref and even Буг (c) ae on 
but-also] с &c 2, Bo.. om Во (є" 1,5)3) 18).. бє NB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm 

18 aston I] го ёо 31, Po.. add ae Bo (DA, EF eCG J MOQ Paris бт) 
.. pref and Eth оп also] om 86 ne: (ти тот). the F.] 20 В 43 
1О1 .г татур ND бос, Syr (sh) Arm Eth.. пет. ту F. 69 91 ml, Bo 
(м) Syr (gc) .. naxeeso7 also ту F. 86 

З пєух. they were saying] (с) &с бо, Syr (Б) Arm.. they say 
Syr (ges) Arm cid .. pref and Eth ge therefore] 20 ёо 31 69, 
Syr (h) Буг (gcs) nag to him] ¢ ёс 31 69 Бо 
(A*cTG,HJ,KNPTB)) eqr. where is] с ёс 69, NB &c .. add ge gı 
m! ayov. апз. | с ёс 69.. ош Syr (s) .. add хє Во (м).. pref and 
Eth явне Jesus] ¢ &c (31) 69 (86).. om Syr (s) нєхаү пау 
said-them] с ёс 31 бо (86), Syr (s) .. кал вит. N .. к. є. avr. D, OL (b) 
Syr(g) Arm Eth .. illis ihs et dixit (e) В &c, Bo Syr(h) | owe 19| 
€ 43 тот, NB &c.. orae 20 &c 31 69 86, Bo .. not Syr (s) Arm Eth 
oste 29] с тот, NB &с..оуъє 20 ёс 69 (86), T, Bo ом also 19] 
€ ёс 69 86 .. om 31 ді ml, NB «е, Syr (gs) палет шу F. ro] с біс 
(31) 86 .. add | тал тал 01| who sent те 69 .. also ту F. Bo 

K 2 


MACIWT си пе. °° wernyaoe acepxoov ose ПСоёТоф- 
Лаккон eepebo сэх перпе. arw ane Халат conj. 
хе NATE Tec[ositOov є. ?! MEXA G€ ом MAT nonc. 
хе ANOR Mahon. ATW TeTWaujute HCO ATW тєтна- 
азот Qpar ож» MeTiitobe. паза anon epuabon ероч 
MTWTI salt Woe ябеесутіт cer cajas. | 22 мето) 
хе cpxo eoc. жє mea anok єїнаЇок epo. 
HTWTH NTeTMAwer am Єаёлт. ATW MEXA мат. 
хе имтоти йтєти genehoA ож пвао. AMOK anc 
oveboA oN THe. WTOTW YWTeTW оємеђол оз» пехнос- 

о (c) го $ B Š (31) 43 (69) 86 or (тот 8) ші 01$ mepne] 
приє gr m! «xe sx] xa 91 1 (e) 20 $ B (31) (33) 43 $ at atw 
(69) 86$ gı $ m! Ро! $ тєтиа r°] c? го 8 86.. tetina 43 ёс 
itcr] 20 ёс 33 69.. -oex (c) В тєтпа 2°] 20 8 86 .. verna с? 
33 &c з (с) 20$ 88 (є) (31) 33 43 69 86 от m! $01 $ аянт] 
-тєх 69 86 or ml о!; Bo (DA БР, є 6,071.0058 Paris бт 18).. яян Во 
eyma] qma 86, Bo (G,ç G,J KELMNPSTTVBÍ Paris бт 18 26).. адил, Bo 
qxo]e&c..equo gr m! o! exna]om єс &ox] om 69 20) 
(го Š at птыти 20) (8) є (31) (33) 43 69 86 91$ (93) mlol§ xe ü] 
хи 43991 Rreth 1°] -ren gto! amor ant 1°] trs anc anor 
В 25 2°] ен 69 

maeror or (an m!) my Е. also] с &c.. пакєєх. also my F. 86, ка 
т.т. и. В ёс, Arm Eth .. om pov N, Armed .. om also Syr (gs) 

2 пет (stee 5] с) щу. these w.] с ёс (31) (69) тот .. add ae 9r .. om 
words Буг (з) аео. lit. he said them | (c) &c 3169 .. «Асе, NBD 
КІТ al го, OL (abcefl) Am Во Syr(gjh) Arm edd Eth, Or Cyr .. add 
o is X &e, (ff q) Vg clem Arm Eth .. add to them Arm Eth (к 86 ot 
тот ml о!)лтофу (1 тот) Мак ( того!) зом] (c) ёс 31, -xw МВ ёс 
.. -kaw E*SXT A al еч(иеч 69)Xc. &c teaching-temple] с &c (31 1) 
IOI .. and in the temple Syr (s) xe because] с ёо бо, Syr (sh).. 
уар Syr (о) зхпатє-єї was-come] (с) &с 31 69, ovrw Абеу L.. 
отт ЄХл)ХмӨєу 184° al, Or Суг. . орто єАлү\ъбєє NB ёс, Syr(gsh) Arm 

її пехач-оп said-again] с &c .. паМти он nexe Во.. om он Во(в) 
-.єХєуєи оту Ñ поте Jesus] с ёс, Г ёс, OL Vg, Во Chr.. om o ts 
NBDLTX, OL (be), Or Cyr ayw-ficwr and-me] (с) ёс, NB ёс, 

ФОНХ УШ 20-23 133 

known my Father also. 2° These words he said in the 
treasury, teaching in the temple; and no one arrested him, 
because was not yet his hour come. ?!'Said he therefore 
again to them Jesus, L, I shall go, and ye will seek for me, 
and ye will die in your sin; the place to which I, I shall go, 
ye, ye cannot come thither. 22 Were saying therefore the 
Jews, Is he about to put himself to death? because he saith, 
The place indeed to which I shall go, ye, ye will not be able 
to come thither. ?? And said he to them, Ye, ye are out of 
the earth ; I, I am out of the heaven: ye, ye are out of this 

Bo (&*) .. awo tote &c and then &c (69 1) .. om ml, Syr (є 9)... Enrere 
бо, OL (abcefglq) Am Bo (r*»,r,*c*r 18" 26) Буг (j) .. add xa 
ovx evpyaere pe І 22 209 al, Bo Syr (h*) охх netin. in your sin] 
(с?) & 33 69 .. off мети. in your sins m! паза &c the place &c] 
зз бо 86, NB ёс, Syr (h).. pref ат and с ёс, UX 1 al, Во Syr 
(gs), Cyr птоти-єзлау ye-thither] (¢?) &c .. птоти птєти (om 
86)naujer (щі 86) am essay ye, ye will not be able &с 33 86.. 
йтєтпацуєї ап Maar ye will not be able to come there 69 .. пт. 
птєтипаєщієї am єрос уе, ye will not be able to come to it 91 .. n, 
птетиащех an ye, ye will not be able to come m! .. Во (F,) has to know 
it instead of to come thither 

22 west &c] 20 &c, Syr (h) Arm .. pref ka. 69, Eth.. they say 
Syr (gs) Arm edd ge therefore] го ёс, Во Syr (h).. om Во (рд) 
Syr (g) Arm Eth.. aec ncinros. the Jews] 20 ёс... om Во (Р) 
aston I] ¢ &c 31 Bo (Be*L 18 26) ivrermauy. ye will not be 
able to come] 20 є 43 .. птєтипацу. 33 86 ml 01.. evevmau. c f.. 
Teram, (31) 69; (Bo).. Baron yxor зхазотеи єї epog ye cannot 
соте to it Bo (ю„* Q) 

28 ayw and | с &c 20 В 31 33, № ©®&с‚ Syr (є) Arm Eth .. om Syr (s) 
.. ovy N* eb nex. said he] с &с 20 33 .. erev Г &c, OL (fq) Syr 
(gsh)..eXeyev NBDLTX 13 69 346, OL (abceffl) Vg Bo Syr (j), 
Or Oyr пау to Шеш | (c) ёс 20 8 зі 33..add жене Во (мо) 
ятати 10-тиє ye-heaven] om m! homeotel икао the earth] c біс 
го В 33 .. жєлкосахос this world 91 ..rov кото МВ ёс, Syr (gs,h) 
Arm Eth amnor I 19] c & 20 B, NB ёс, Bo (x,* 8i) Syr (h) .. add 
^e 31 33 бо 86, Det, OL (fq) Bo Eth .. and Г Syr (gs) Arm... om 
айон—косахос I? gI homeotel ant 19] om Bo (r,* 87) тпє 
the heaven] с ёс 20 В 31 33 .. тоу avo МВ ёс, Syr (gs, h) Arm Eth 


AAOC. ANOR ANT оусбоХ ait oss пеїкосаос., ?* агхоос 
Ge MHT. хе тетида оз OW метммобе. ететитая- 
пістєеує бар хє ANOR пе. TETMALLOT ом иетмиове. 
25 нєлгхоэ Gc MOC мас пе. хе NTOR NTH MI. Messe 
IC нат. хе хли ишорп Faxe ивент. 26 exit} 
оло exw єтбєтнутм avo enpsite. ААА отаяе пе 
меди» MAROOT епносяяос. “7 яяпотєтеее же ecpuaexe 
MAT єтбе пот. 28 пехар Ge MAT ибис. хе 

ax | trs to end 86 93 м > (31) 33 43 Š 69 86 gt (93) m! $ o! 
тєтпа | twice .. terima є 69 93 59 (€) в (51). 33 АЗ (STS uae 
nexe) (69) 86 ог 93 $ m! $ о! $ and & me] є Во.. ош 33 &c 69, 
Bo (Be* OLNQ 18) 28 (с) є (31). (33) 48 57 86 от оз mi S'at 
azw 2001 сир. | кр. 31101 ovase] -ххєє 33 37:16) є (311) 33 
43 57 $ 86 от 93 ші фо! | ® є § (31) 43 57 $ 86 $ 91$ 93 $m! $ 
о! 5 

ятати 20-ңосахос 10 ye-world] с ёс (33)..0ш Х..пештєм xe «е 
Во (р,,9) лєїкос. this w. 1°] є 31 43 69 ml, Bo (n,* c*kMNr).. 
тк. this world 91 93 ol, Bo (the world) amor I 2°] с &c(31).. and 
I Syr (s) Arm cdd .. but I Eth ant 2°] om Во (F,*) лек. this 
w. 29] пк. the world e, Во (r5,* €*a,* rQsv 8) 26) 

24 бе therefore] є ёс, B ёс, Syr (h) or, № 240 244 al, OL 
(ae) Bo (вс, e*6r.PQ 18 26) Syr (gs) .. but Arm .. and Eth merin. 
your sins] є ёс twice .. петии. your sin 1° 93, OL (b), 29 93, OL (1) 
Vg пістєУє believe] є ёс, В ёс, OL Vg Bo, Clem Or Chr Cyr.. 
add до. ND 69 124, OL (e) Eth Сар] є &c 93.. ош T al, Во (Ne 
er 18 26) Syr (g9 s) Eth 

25 xes» they were saying] є &c, Syr (h).. pref neoov ae but 
they Bo (Q).. say the Jews Syr (g).. they say Syr (s) Arm .. and they 
say Eth ge therefore] є ёс, В ёс, Bo Syr (sh).. ош NT 249 al, 
Bo (5) Syr (g) .. autem OL (b) waq to him] є ёс, Syr (g 14 sh) 
Arm Eth Syr(g) їттоң thou] є &c..add ве 86 91 93 nexe 
ҮС said Jesus] e &c 57, ВЬТХ 1 33 бо 124 al 5, OL (acdeff) Vg Bo 
Syr (gs) Arm, Cyr.. pref кш А ёс, OL (fly) Syr (jh) Eth ..add ве 
33 86 от, Во (Q), eurev ovv-o is N D gr 249 nay to them] є Яс 
57 «Өөш: U BML й(ие ог)щ. +u. from-speak] є &e 57 .. semen 

ФОНХ УШ 24—28 135 

world ; I, I am not out of this world. ** I said therefore to 
you, that ye will die in your sins; for unless ye believe that 
I am (he) ye will die in your sins. ^ They were saying 
therefore to him, Thou, who art thou? Said Jesus to them, 
From at first I speak to you. 281 have many (things) to say 
concerning you, and to judge; but (a) true is he who sent me; 
and Т, the (things) whieh I heard from him, these are those 
which I say into the world. 27 They knew not that he is 
speaking to them concerning the Father. * Said he therefore 

Заржин areprkecax: from the beginning I even spake Bo (MNPQ).. 
at the beginning «с Bo Eth .. (at) the b. ёс Bo (K,T om ke) .. туу apynv 
от: kat AaÀAo NB ёс, initium quod loquor OL (a), init. (principium 
#149) quod et loquor (cfffa ó) Syr (Б), princ. qui et log. (e) Vgelem ,, 
princ. quia et log. (d) Am Fu, Aug .. inprimis quia ёс (b).. even as 
I began to speak Syr (g).. the chief that I myself should speak Syr (s) 
.. first because also I speak indeed Arm 

28 eyit(43 93 ml.. eosii є ёс 33 1) X оло] (с) &с 33 .. multa habens 
OL (e), cum multa habeam (b) Syr (s)... тоАХа, exo NB ёс, Syr хү 
Arm .. and much I have Eth exo фо вау| є &с 33, Syr (g) Eth. 
kat Aeyew Chr .. ХаХєв МВ ёс, Syr (sh) Arm .. кал Л. G al ат» 
and 10| с ёс 33 .. om Во (в) «ХХ а | с ёс 33 .. ато ml, Bo (ux) 
пеитататот (31757 86..-оє 33 43.. -таотох є? 9193 ml ol) he— 
me] є &c (33) .. add тотур N, Во (Er F,) azw anor and T] e &c 33 
..kayo МВ ёс, Syr (В) .. ка kayo T, Во.. and Syr (s) .. but I Eth 
ne-pxo are-say] є ёс (31) 33 .. Леую E &с..Аал» RBDKLTUXA 
al, OL Vg Bo Буг (gsjh) Arm, Cyr є(а% 86)nx. into the world] є 
&c (31) 33, Eth, es т. к. NB 4, in seculum (e), in mundum Тегі, 
in mundo (c) Vg Во Syr (gsh) Arm.. es rovrov т. к. D?, in hunc 
mundum (fflq), in hoc m. (abdf) Arm 64 

27 яупоуєхалє they—not | є ёо 31 (33) .. add ovv A 69 262 al.. add 
de Г al, Chr .. pref ках U al, OL Vg Bo (р, Е, м) Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth 
e(om 43)чщ. he is sp.] є ёс 33.. he was sp. Bo (АСГЕ,с, HKNPS 
ту бі) Arm пахла. to them] є &c 33 .. avrov D al, OL (1) Vgclem 
ethe nes(mt 57 03) ют conc. the F.] € ёс є (31) .. rov тг-єХєүву В 
&c .. add т. 0. N* D 38m8 64 97™s, OL (bceffgl) Vg 

* ge therefore] 31 ёс, B ёс, Syr (h).. om Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. дє 
Syr є (2) .. pref and Eth .. add om again є 91 ml, N(D) 28 тоб, Syr 
(gjh,s) mav to them | &e 31, ND &c, OL(bcefffglq)Vg Bo Syr(gsh) 

136 ТШоЛлНННС 

QoTaM ететищьисисе авпшинре жяпроаее. тоте TET- 
NAEIAE хе AMOR пе. ато HEP Алат am Qapor 
&£àT7AAT. AAAA ката өс ENTA TIAEIWT Teahor. мал 
мєч хо» азаасол. ати» c[UJoorr назаваг ИБҮПЄНТАЛ(- 
TATO ап кат LATAAT. хє anon Хере пиєтр- 
ANAC] MHOTOECI miee. HA. ° цар EXW eoor a 
оло тистєэє еро. Wise ge NESW aeeeoc MNIOTAAI 
ояе папулхе. NTETE  HAeftAOHTHC Made. 32 aTW 
TÉTMACOUM тас. ATW теє NAPTHTTH  празоє. 
33 xy oou мас. хє aom песпераех Wahpagase. 
ATW i:*muposeoaA WAaay єнєо. Naw мое itroW 
ко eoc. хє тєтмаррахос.  Збачотоці nonc. 

-xice] -жест exalt те та! Terma] terina 43 57 91m! enra] 
Ваау сита є CC 2 є (31) 43 57 $ 86 от 93 ші о! mng]e 
(31) 43 57..33meq 86 or 03 ml o! мєтр| є 43 57 .. метер 86 ёс 
® є (31) 43 57 $ 86 Рог P 9301 қа 86 or ы (с) є (31) 43 
57 86 от 935015 2 (сує(зту 43 57 86 91 93 о! vemm] 
тєтйпа 9I сози|сотєм 8691 їар|ош ma 57  Прах| ппрах от 
= (с) є Š (31) 43 Š 57 $ and at ñaw (73) 86 91 93 $ (0) anon] 
anok с sic | ахпи | Anew 860103 P|] єр 86 verna] с є 86 93.. 
tetina 43 57 73 91 .. тєтєппа Bo (Х).. еретеи(е) Бо page] 
рєлхоє 73 91 93 | | " (с) є 8 (31) 43 57 $ 73 $ 86 $ 91 5 93 $ 

Arm BLT 1, OL (a) tP(ep 86) I do] є &с.. I speak 
Arm cd Eth naexor my F.] єёс, В ёс, OL (fq) Bo Syr (gh) 
Arm pou RN DLTX 13 69 122 254 al, OL Vg Bo (4,0) 
Syr (s), Eus Cyr Thdrt Hil Tcabor(oer 43) taught me] said to 
те Bo (є) mar these] є ёс (31), Syr (h) Arm .. ovros N 150°, 
OL (ae) Syr (gs) Eth nexo those-say | є ёо, Bo (т, 18) .. nex. 
that which &c 57 91.. I speak Bo Syr (gsh) Arm 

? aw and] є &с.. quoniam OL (a), quoniam et (e) Imen- 
тачтатої (є 36 93 .. -0er 43 .. -Taovor 57 91 ш! о!) he-me] add татур 
L..trs after ku NB &c..ovk афукеи pe povov per єрою єттї NF 
эз (eax 31) пак. he-not] зг 86 or ml, МВ ёс, Arm .. pref ато and 
є ёс, LX 1 249, OL (beeg) Vgelem Bo Syr (gsjh) Eth, Cyr Hil 
эзатаат alone] є «с, NBDL'TX 1 22 69 249, OL Vg Bo Syr (j) 

JOHN VIII 29-34 137 

to them Jesus, Whenever ye should exalt the Son of the man, 
then ye wil know that I am (he); and I do not any thing of 
myself, but (М) according as my Father taught me, these 
(things) are those which I say. * And is with me he who 
sent me; he left me not alone, because I, I do the (things) 
which please him always. 21. ?" These (things) as he saith, 
many believed him. 31 Jesus therefore was saying to the Jews 
who believed him, If ye, ye should remain in my words, ye 
are my disciples truly. ?? And ye will know the truth, and 
the truth will make you free. ?? They answered to him, We 
are the seed of Abraham, and we served not any ever: how 
sayest thou indeed that ye shall be free? 34 Answered Jesus, 

Arm Eth, Eus Chr Cyr Hil.. om Syr (s) .. add o татур Г ёс, OL (fq) 
Syr (h) Eth .. add ту F. Во (а mer, 6 crx 18) Syr (g).. trs my Father 
alone Syr(g 9) amon Г] ¢ &c 31 X erpe I do] є & (31) 
.. єтєгрє who do 91 .. tersxe I know 57 Timer. &c the—which] є ёо, 
Bo .. that which Bo (сӨнвмө 18).. his pleasure Eth 

3 was these] є ёо, МВ ёс, Во (АВСГА,б,нмоРДВ)) Syr (gh) Arm 
.. pref and Bo (х) Syr g(7)s Eth .. add ae Во Syr (g 40) 

? 32] e &e Зг.. ош A ge therefore] є ёо 31, Syr (В) Bo 
(х8}).. and Syr (g) Arm Eth.. then Syr (s) neys. was saying] 43 
(n3) 57 86 от 93, NB ёс, Syr (h).. esa. is saying є ol .. said Syr 
(gs) epog him] є & Arm со ọm remain in] (c?) &c (31), 
NB &с.. gapeo є keep 86 пте (в 57) Tit ye are] є ёс (31) .. eritis 
OL (aceg) Vg, Cyp мала. my disc. | є &с 31 .. om pov № 

8 avos. m. they-him] с ёо ol .. they say to him Syr (gs) .. pref 
and (Eth) nag to him] 31 ? 86 or, Г ёс, OL (abf) Vg, Cyr .. p. 
avr. NBDLTX 33, OL (efflq).. add ov :оьбаю: ХА 13 33 69 124 
262 al, OL (bceff) Syr (jh) Arm cdd .. add пєхат said they є &c ol, 
kau evra(o)v D т al, OL (e), Syr (j) Arm (and say).. add ки evrov avro al 
.. add Eth .. responderunt ad вит iudei et dixerunt (е) Arm 94, resp, ill 
(ergo c, ad eum ff) iudei dicentes (beft), resp. illi quod iudei &c (a) 
.. saying to him Bo necm. the seed] (с) &c (31) o! .. mancn. they 
of the seed Bo azw and] с & 31 0!..ош Во (м) йаш it. 
how] с ёс, ЗВ &c.. pref ато and 93, 69 106 124 al, Буг (164) .. 
add ge therefore є, 249 2539", Eth 

М anos. answered] с є 93 .. pref and Eth .. add мат to them 31 &c, 
NB ёо, Syr (Б) Arm ., said to them Syr (gs) йене Jesus] с &c.. 


хе сани оэззени xw аваасс инти. хє петегре 
эзлнодёсе. чо gegar  semuobe. moga ae 
NYNAGW aM OFF пні Wa eneg. пшнрє ae iron 
ejiràóQ ща emeg. 3берщаи пщире PTHTTIT правое 
онтос тетихшопе правое. 27 {соотун xe итети 
песпере мл Hahpagase. АХХА тетине Со 
єчеооут. хе пащахе йцоуно ам  HOHTTHO'TM. 
38 AMOR MENTAINAT єроо» тає плехот хє зо) ая- 
&£OOv. итоти G€ QWTTHTTH иснтатєтинх» єроо» 
птах петиєюот apros. 3 ахотошЬ evao авалос 
NAY. хє пемеют пе abpagass. пехе < MAT. хе 

чо) eyo 43 * (c) e43 57 $ and at иш. 73 $ &c 86 от (93) 
пана | Чиа 73 38 (с) є 43 57$ (73) 86 91 5 (тот) рт.| єрт. 86 
91  оптос|-тос с gt Terna) тєтина 57 9r ror wone itp] 
щопє pp (73) (Во) — ? (с) є43 $ 57 73 $ at adda 86 91$ (92) 
(93) 101$ «=e fi] хи or mceor]e&c..-oexe ° (с) e Š (41) 43 $ 
57 Š and at fit. 73 (75) 86 от (92) 93 $ ror їлэх ro] питає 75 
LWT] ооот 91 93 ° ¢ e § 41 $ and at nexe 43 Š ёс 57 Š and &c 
(73) 75 (86) 91 (92) (93 $) 101 ne] om Bo (Азт*) 

om Syr (g тг) .. our Lord Syr (s)... add пєхә игъ said he to them є 
.. add saying Во (N pq) .. add and Eth .. add and said he to them Bo(26) 
пєтєғрє he who doeth] с є 43 57 93, Syr (s) .. отон sax ereipe 
every one who doeth 73 86 от, МВ &c, Во Syr (gh) Arm Eth 

35 ac] є & 93, NB ёс, Во Syr (Б) Eth .. om Bo (Q).. сє therefore 
86 91 .. and Syr (gs) Arm om nur(e|1 с) in the house] (с) ёс... 
ess тту otav D 2 ищире ae but the Son] є ёс, DT 249 al, OL 
(affg) Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Сур.. nam filius (b) .. o vos МВ ёс 
nujy.-eneo the Моп-еуег | om NXT 33 124 al, Во (s,), Clem homeotel 
тицнре-” щирє | om с homeotel | ч ил» will remain] с &c .. add озх 
тїнї in the house 73, A, Во (Q) Arm ed ,, in the howuse-is Syr (s) 

39 ерщаи muy. if the Son] 73 86 дт, 13 69 124, OL (aefflq) Bo 
(9) .. add de therefore с, МВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. add ae є 43 57, 
Eth, Clem .. and if the Son Syr (s) 

пт Хсоотп I know] (c) &с.. pref and Eth adda] ¢ ёс 92 93 
.. and. Syr (s) и (зап 73)auy. my word] (c?) &c 92 93 .. the word 
Bo (0) йч(иєў 93) отно an dwelleth not | с 43 57 93 101, Eth.. 

JOHN VIII 35-39 139 

Verily, verily, I say to you, that he who doeth [the] sin is 
servant of [the] sin. 35 But the servant will not remain in 
the house for ever; but the Son indeed will remain for ever. 
36 [f the Son should make you free, really ye wil be free. 
? Т know that ye are the seed of Abraham; but (a) ye seek 
for me to put me to death, because my word dwelleth not in 
you. 28 І, the (things) which I saw of my Father, are those 
which I say: ye therefore also, the (things) whieh ye saw of 
your father, do (ye) them. ° They answered saying to him, 
Our father is Abraham. Said Jesus to them, If ye were the 

пещооп an zs пої being є 86 91, Bo.. щооп am 73 .. ye are mot con- 
taining Syr (g) .. went not forth in you Syr (s) .. (for) my word there is 
not place in you Arm 

838 anon I] (c?) ёс 93, D ёс, OL Vg (Во Хо) буг (gsh) Arm, Cyr 
Tert .. trs after à NBC, Or Chr .. ин отп anor those therefore I Bo.. 
eyw дє а 69, Eth ..trs after epoos Bo (вмо 18) .. om Во (є*Өт) 
нєнт.-иєнт, the (things) which] e ёс, а twice N* BCDX 69 131 
229** 249 346 al, OL (f)..o twice T &c, OL (acffq) Syr (jh) Arm 
Eth .. a 19 ЖІ, Tert..a 29 К І 13 22 33 299 al, OL (befglm) Vg 
го 10 K а], OL (befglm) Vg ..o 20 SCL, Tert maeror my Father | 
с &c 75 92, ND ёс, OL (abcefffmq) Vg elem Bo Syr (gsh) Eth, Cyr J 
Chr Tert .. от yov BCLTX, OL (gl) Am Fu Syr (і) Ето, Or Cyr 
мєч хо» ях. those-say] (с) ёс (75) (021).. ЛаЛь NB ёс, Во (во 18) 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth... ravra Хало D 33 22977, Bo, Cyri Chr, Лос loquor 
(be) .. Z do Syr (s) iro i-o. ye-also] e &с 92, ки vp. ow NB ёс, 
Syr (h) øe с, 248 472 al, OL (fffgl m) Vg Bo Syr (є) Arm, Chr also Во (Асб„н qv8J) .. and ye also Syr (s) Eth aTe- 
Tinay уе saw] (c) ёс 75 92, X*D ёс, OL Vg Bo (>°) Syr (gsh) Eth, 
Tert Apollin .. ykovoare NCBCKLX 113 33 69 229"" 249 al то, 
OL (f) Bo Syr (jhms) Arm Eth ro, Or neries. your f.] с &е 41 75 
(92), NC ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Chr vpov 
BLT 13, Eth ro, Or Cyr apicos do them] с ёс 41 75 92 .. ravra 
тогитє D, Во (М), exewo т. 406, id facitis Тегі... тогитє МВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth 

9 этот. they ans.] с &c 73 86 (92 1) 93 .. they say to him Syr (s) 
..add avre 69 346, OL (cfflq) Arm, Cyr..add taque (e), ergo (f) 
єухо-пае saying to him] с ёс 73 86 92 .. ки er. avro NB ёс, Syr 
(с, h) OL (а)..ош may to him 93, 69 ёс (be) (Arm) 
пехє-пау said-them] с ёс 73, Bo .. Aeyer avr. o 5 МВ ёс, Syr (gh) 


eme итетм ищире Rabpagae иететихр меоїнтє 
Wabpaoass. 4° Temor тетициме псот eeeooyT, OT- 
posee eacpso инт йтееє. Tar єнтасүсотааєс ehor 
oiTa пмоуте. язпе abpagase p паї. И итоти 
єтєтиєгре пиєдінтє аєпетиєтот. пехату Ge Macy. хе 
anom итаххпои am ehodX ом отпорима. overwr 
ноот METWOOM Wan. ETE пиохте пе. “ пехе IC 
GE NAT. XE ENE петиезот пе MNOTTE. иететиляяерит 
пе. AMOR сар еитате: ATW EINHT CROA QITA пмоттє. 
NTAIEY CAP ан барог залаат, АЛЛА MeTAeeeay 
пемтататог. 43 етфе ow аєпетисоюм TAGINWAXE. 
же MAAN WTO UOTI єсөзта® emawaxe. 5 тот 

Suy] neu. 75 ..add me 75 91 93, Во (om Bo nux») mererna] 
€ є 4I IOI..NHereve vna 73.. METETA 43 57 75 91 megh.) add 
ne 75 (86) от, Во (эмо 18) * (с) e 41 43 Š аб ovp 57 $ and 
&c (73) 75 86 or (92) (тог) (01) р mai] (с) 41 .. expe Sim. є ёс 73 
тот ol.. par àxne-arq Bo 4 (с) e § at mex. 41 43 Š &c 57 Š ё0 
(73) 75 86 (91$ ёс) 101$ Kc ol ever] тєтїїє 7501 firar] emt. 57 
.. alt йт. QI 12 e $ 41 43 $ at am. 57 Š and ёс and at йтаг 2° (73) 
(75) 86 (or $) (92) тот $ and &c ol $ mererna) -tina gt an] om 
51 татог| є 57 86 тог.. -06! 43 .. taovor gt 0l..vaovoes 4т ? (c) 
є 41 43 57 $ (75) 86 gt (92) (тот) o! созц| e 41 43 57 .. coven 
86 9gr..coown й ol manj) 86.. ап e &с щує. | 41 86 9r uj 
€ 43 57 92 ol *5 (c) e$ 41 43$ 57 Š and at пєтах and gotan 
75 Š at e. (86) (01) (92) (101) o! $ and at o. 

Arm .. erev ovv о ts D, OL (e), dixit ergo eis iesus (f) .. dixit autem eis 
iesus (b) Syr (g 39) .. and saith to them Jesus Eth .. атєкр. олто o ts 
N.. Ле saith to them Syr (s) ene WT, if ye were] с ёо тот, e nre 
C ёс, Eus Epiph Cyri Did Bas Cyr, essetis (abeeflq) Hil.. є єстє 
NBDLT 6oev, estis (ff) Ур, Aug мєтєтнар (єр 75) ye-do] є ёс 
(92).. eroi. ау NCCK LMXATII al, Did Cyr, utique faceretis (b) av 
NB DLT 6oev, faceretis OL Vg .. rore В", (Chr), facite (ff) Vg, Aug 
ah. | nevemor your father Во (м) 

* tenor now] є ror, Bo (BF,)..add ae с ёс, NB ёс, Bo Syr 
(g 14 h) Arm Eth .. add ôe behold Syr(gs) | єлхостт to-death] c &c 
(73) тог.. om me OL (e) Armedd eax who said] с &c .. eepso 
saying Bo .. os-AeAaAnka NB &c, Syr (gsh) Arm янти to you | 

JOHN VIII 40-44 141 

sons of Abraham, ye would do the works of Abraham. 4° Now 
ye seek for me to put me to death, a man who said to you 
the truth: this which he heard from God: Abraham did not 
this, "Хе, ye are doing the works of your father. Said 
they therefore to him, We, we were not begotten out of [a] 
fornication ; one father is he who is ours, who is God. * Said 
Jesus therefore to them, If your father were God, ye would love 
me; for I, I came and I am coming from God; for I came not 
of myself, but (a) that (one) is he who sent me. * Wherefore 
knew ye not my speech? Because it is not possible for you 
to hear my word. ** Ye, ye are out of your father the devil, 

(с) ёс (731), D 69 124 346, OL (abcelq) Во Eth .. trs before AeAaA. 
МВ ёс, Or Epiph Eus tas this] с 41 43 57 --om є &c 73 en- 
Taq (ea є 86) which he heard] с ёс 73 тот, nv nkovoev D*, OL (d, eff) 
Bo (вЕ,Өкмту), Tert.. nv nkovoa NB ёс, Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth 
nose God] (с) ёс 73:01, NB &c, Syr (gsh) Eth .. zarpos pov 13 69 
124, Arm, Or Epiph Chr ..тотрос 240 244 471 sane &с Abr. ёс| 
€ &c 73 92 ol .. but Abr. Eth 

^ нтоти ye] с &c, N* B ёс, Bo Arm Eth .. add ae є 73, Ne DII? 
I 565 al 3, Во (кт) Syr (©)... pref adda Syr (s), sed OL (bel) бє 
therefore] с ёс 73 (91), CD ёс, OL (f) Vg Syr (h), Or Cyr.. om 75 
86, ВИТ г al, OL (abefflq) Bo Syr(gsj) Arm Eth, (Chr) .. and 
Eth sag to him] om 73? 75 86 дг.. om dixerunt ei OL (с) ov- 
порие!(57.. пі с ёс)А| є ёс, Bo (р,,,), NB &c..the form. Bo.. 
adultery Syr (s) 

* бе therefore] є &c от, NDMSUXA al, OL (f) Vg, Cyr .. om 75 
86, ВСЕЕСНКГТГЛИ al, OL (abcefflq) Во Syr (jh) Arm, Or.. 
and Eth ^ e&.-mwowre from God] є & 91(92)..0m G n(43 &e 
.. єм є 41)Tarer-am for-not] є ёс gt (92), ov yap ёс, D& 69 124 
569, OL (ceffflq).. обе yap & NB біс 

З erbe ov wh.] є &c 92 тот, ба ть МВ &c.. да L, Bo (s,*) 
..€ebe da: therefore Во (Ө), eebe фах от Во (r,*co) cu. 
speech | e ёс (92 "), ХаМаг NB ёс, Syr (h) Arm Eth .. алувєам D gr * 
248 253..word yr (gs) xe because] є ёс 92, Syr (gh).. yap 
Syr (s) єсотях to hear] є &c (75)... ecovn to know 92 nau. 
my word] e ёс (75), NB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. пац. my words 92, 
U al, Во (м).. it Syr (s) 

ч пт. ye] с ёс 86 (or) 92, Syr (gh) Arm, Eth.. add ae Bo (ре 


WTeTW оємеђол оз» петмезюот пах болос. ато» Teri- 
OTO ep Werreveera аяпетиеют. петазяяму меУресі- 
Qerbposse ne жк пори. ати» яяплоєрәт оп 
TALE, хе Adee «є ооп Opar NOHTY. ботан epe 
NGOA Mawase. ewaqwase choA ом метемот we. 
хе OTPEYBIGOA пе. чам пеиееют. б anon ac, хе 
"xo итазе. итетигистехе epos an. “бацаа doHT- 
тнути петизхииог erbe mobe. ewxe єгхо» Итаяе. 
ethe ох тити итетигистехе Mar an. 47 петщооп 
со oss ппоуте шаеотая єйшљхє яяпиосте. erbe 
паї HTWTN итетисотая am. хе WTeTW QeweboÀ ам 

nrerin] -теи o! ep] єєр 75 86 enie.) enere. ol.. ence. 75 
nern] -ren 75 gerh] gereh 75 arm ñg.) smeg. 75 ang] 
aney 75 86 01 epe] epwan e75 пац. | om na є 75 ea] om 
€ 101 45 (с) є 41$ 43 $ 75 86 101 015 ОЕ) 
86 тот о! жигог| є &c 75.. -0et 41 43 1 E41 да) Юй ог @ С 

€CG,H,€JS Paris 61) .. but ye who are evil, and the desire it is of your 
father which &e Syr (s) пети (ем 75)єгот your | є ёс 86 92 
тот, Smg A? al 25, Bo Syr (s) Eth, Clem Bas Did.. тоу татроѕ 
NBCD ёс, буг (о) Arm, тоо т. т. K 44, Во (3,*) 
па. the devil] є ёс 86 101 .. rov à. NB &c.. om X, Syr (s) .. Satan 
Arm Eth nera. that] (c) ёс 86 97 .. pref and Во (р).. pref Arm 
. but that Eth пет (43 &c .. meor є 86 92 101)-ne was] є &c 86 
92 тот, yv NB ёс, Syr (в)..єтт/ бо 131 49°, Syr (gs), Perat Did me Во (c* er) pego. murderer] € ёс 86 92, Bo (acre, 
некгрзт* 62) .. om реч Во (NBDA,EF,;G,JMNOQV Paris бт 18) 
хіп from] є &c 86 97.. ато NB &с.. L ээл го. he stood not | 
є ёс (021) тот, Syr (gh)..he stayed not Bo (sv).. he is not Syr (в) 
Taze the truth] є ёо ror .. add ever Bo .. add for ever Bo (ву) 32(43 e &c)asit are uy. there-being] є ёс 86 (92) .. аЛ. ovk єттї 
DT, OL (b, mq) Syr (gs), Cyp.. оок єоти аА. МВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm 
Eth, Clem eoram] є ёо тог, Syr g(2)h.. pref and Syr (g) Eth 
псом the lie] є ёс 86 тот, то yevóos NB &c, Syr (gsh) .. а lie 
Arm Eth..musseonosx Bo..micasseen. Во (м) | эап(отоо Bo F,) 
печк. and also his father] є &c 86 101 .. кал о т. avrov NB ёс, Syr (s) 
Arm .. also his father Syr (gh) .. WS о т. QUT. 157 .. кави kat o т. о. 

JOHN VIII 45-47 143 

and ye wish to do the dusts of your father: that (one) was 
a murderer [of man] from at first, and he stood not in the 
truth, because there is not being truth in him; whenever 
the lie will be spoken (lit. will speak), he is wont to speak 
out of that which is his own, because he is а liar and also his 
father. 45 But I, because I say the truth, ye believe me not. 
46 Which among you is he who will reprove me concerning 
sin? If Iam saying the truth, wherefore believe ye not 
indeed [to] me? * He who is being out of God is wont to 
hear the words of God ; because of this ye, ye hear not, because 

Cyr, sicut et pater eius OL (abceffl) кє also Во (Nr,c*a,*or 
18) .. and the father of а lie Eth 

4 ме] є &c, NB ёс, OL (fg) Vg Во Syr (gjh) Arm D 
14, OL (abcefflq) Syr (8) xe because] 41 101, NB ёс, Syr 
(gsh) Arm e ёс, Do..s? Vgclem,, and Arm cdd x(et 
41)хо I say] 41 ёс, NB ёс, Буг (h), Ог.. ЛаЛо D, OL (de,f) Syr 
(gs)..add инти ѓо you e C* 13 124 253, OL (bf) Bo Eth, Cyr 
йтєтип.-ам ye-not] 41 &c, Po (n,,,) .. pref ато and є Во (Q) Eth 
.."eTem. Во.. тетеипа. Во (P*G,°J, Paris 61) epor am me not] 
irs ан epoi e.. add vues D 

46 om verse D 235 259* 440 homeotel miee which] є ёс 75, Во 
Syr(g)..add ae Bo(D,g,)  eupseif]e&c 75, NBC LXII al 20, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (jh) Arm, Or Cyr .. add де Г &с, Bo (c ет 18) Eth .. and if Syr 
(gs) esxw І am saying] є ёс 75, Bo (NBD, A EF,7,6,J MO QS Paris 
бт) Arm.. add to you Bo .. I speak Syr (gs) Eth Taxe the truth] 
є & 75, 69 142 239 472 .. om туу NB ёс ет. ох wherefore | (с) 
ёс 75 Во (р,* 83) Syr (є 9) пт. ye] (с) ёс, ЗВ ёс, Bo Syr 
(b) .. om 75 86, 71 157, OL (a) Vg Во (кр, 8i) Arm .. trs newer 
eehe o> Bo (s) Syr (g) пах lit. to ше] с ёс, por МВ &е.. pe 
Н .. estas these 1 43 ol (e probably belongs to тист.) 

£“ петщ.-пиоутє he-God] add yap Syr (s) охх 19] Bo.. эж Do 
(АсГЕ,є,нкмхД7) ñu. the words] є 41 43 86 ol.. meu. ror; 
NB ёс, Arm .. пату. these w. Bo (нь) .. the word Syr (s) птетис. 
am ye hear not] Bo, Буг (g) .. ov тиотємєтє X, OL (a) .. ye know not 
Во (n, ErF,'G,HJS Paris 61)... add me Bo (р,.,) Syr (g 9) Eth .. add ту 
words Во (w)..add it Syr (s) | єтйє тах bec. of this] Armed ., pref 
and ye Arm (Eth) «e-mmosre because-God] om DG 113.. 
because ye are тої (Syr з) a line omitted gench.) ganek. Bo (ND 
EF,'G,JMQ Paris бт).. om gan Bo 


ой ппоуте. “a пода OTOMÊ evo ireo нас. 
хє аен KAAWC XW ANON тихо MOC. хе NTR oTca- 
замрїтнс. ATW OTH OPAAILLONION наан. 39 acy 
owoujb Honc. хє ANOR азам aateeomson MEAT. 
ХАХАХА Хтаєто à21aero T. ATWO NTWTH TeTHCOUJ 23201. 
? амон МАшуме ad исх Macooy. "ООП йбчпетна- 
Wie ATW ицирме.  OARLHIT OaraeHit xw asevoc 
интим. хє петихохрео єпащахє пунанат ам єп- 
aor Wa eneg. 5®пехе шоухар Wa. же тєнож» 
мел е BE OCTAAILLONION петнаа ан, ahpagase 
ALOT зам иепрофитис. ATW ток KAW аважсс. 
хе TeTNAQAPED EMaWaxe ми иаэхгүпе am язиагст 
Wa єнєо. “аан NTOR MAAR єпєнєгот ahpagaag. 

З e 41 Š 43 86 ror (110) 0149 (с) e$ 41 $ 43 $86 (zor $) 
іто 5015 здали | (¢?) 43.. 33131 є Ke ror тавзо| 43 ol.. taro є біс 
TOI | ?e4143$861100! 9 (c))e$ 41$ 43 $ 86 $ іто ml $ o! $ 
пла) ме. ol єпахот| om e ol 52 (с) є) 41 S 43 $ and at аб. 
86 110 $ &c ml o! aanmxomon] -eron m! к(єк ш!)хо | om к 86 
sic mma] нєцна ol ° (с) є 41 43 86 110 ml о! maar] 
HaaakK є 4I 86... €enaaak 01.. кпаљак ml 

8 a-owo. ans.| e &с, NBCDLX al 15, OL (abceffl) Bo Syr (g), 
Or Cyr .. they were saying Syr (s) .. pref and Eth ..add ovv T &c, OL 
(fgq) Vg Syr(h) Chr eyx. saying] є &с, and say Syr (g) Arm Eth 
.. ka eur. МВС ёс, Во Syr (h).. om кал Bo (DA, EG,IMNOQS Paris 61 
18) зан| є &с 110.. 0m 86, Во.. ох Bo (NBTDA,EF,!G,JNOPS 
Paris 16) | am not] є &c 110.. 0m 86 ти (тем 86) хо &c we say | 
є Ёс 110..a:xoc Bo; position DL al, Eus .. nos bene dicimus OL 
(cd)..trs before nues МВС &с, Arm.. om npes OL (aeq) Bo (с,) 
Syr (gsh) Arm cdd Eth, Chr .. eXeyouev 71 249 al то, Chr com ATR 
thou art] є &c 110, пеок Bo.. om ov NF г 118, Syr (h) .. e с» NBC 
&c, Arm сала. | є & 110, NLX al.. -perns BCD ёс гло) 
and] є ёо 110.. 0m Во (mQ)..add от: 69 maak with thee] є 
бо thee Syr (gh)... upon thee Syr (в)... тп thee Eth.. exes 
NBC ёс 

© agor. &c ans. Jesus] є &c тот, Syr (h).. om X .. said to them 
Jesus Syr (gs) .. pref and Eth .. add ка єтє NG т 13 69 118 124 al, 

JOHN VIII 48-53 145 

ye are not out of God. * The Jews answered, saying to him, 
Do we not indeed say well, that thou art a Samaritan, and 
there is a demon with thee? * Answered Jesus, Indeed 
there is not a demon with me; but (a) I honour my Father, 
and ye, ye despise ше. ° І, I seek not for my glory: there is 
he who will seek and judge. 51 Verily, verily, I say to you, 
He who will keep my word will not see the death for 
ever. 52 Said the Jews to him, Now we knew, that a demon 
is that which is with thee: Abraham died and the prophets; 
and thou, thou sayest, He who will keep my word will not 
taste the death for ever. 23 Thou, art thou greater than our 

Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth .. add to them Bo(p,4,'F,) Eth .. add said Bo (вс, 
FJ MPQ).. add after said to them Bo(D,,,Q) narar. ] є &c ror.. 
“єххон Bo.. osaesxcrm а demon Bo (c* v) avo and] є &c ror 
„ош Во (м) tetic. ye despise] є &с тот, spernitis OL (d, q) 
Буг (gsh) Arm ..атцайстє МВ біс, inhonorastis OL (el) Ус оеш 
3331301 me] є &с, Arm Eth .. him Arm ed 

50 anton I] e 22 69 al, Bo (E; с") Arm, Chr Cyr Tert .. add xe 41 
&с, МВС ёс, Во Syr(gh)..and I Буг (к) mX(verol)uy. I seek not] 
I was not seeking Bo .. pref aNNa Bo (к,) naceoos my glory | 
NBC &с.. пєоот the glory є..т. д. т. єрлр I .. the glory of myself Syr 
(s) Eth — ч(ечоТ)щ. being] pref because Во (у) | nevnau. he— 
seek] Bo (pN)..he who seeketh Bo, NBC ёс п (печ 0!) kp. and 
judge] and who will judge Bo (врх).. and who judgeth Bo, NBC &c 

З тєтигө. he-keep] (¢ ?) &c.. os ау-тур. D, Syr (gs) Armed Eth 
.. cav т5-тпр. NBC ёс, Bo Syr (Б) Arm may see] с &c, Syr (gh) 
Arm .. taste Syr (g o s) Eth 

? пехе-изЧ said-him] є 86 ml.. єт. avro ог vovó. NBC al, OL 
(abe) Во Syr (gs, j) Arm Eth, Or .. n.—ge nag said the Jews therefore 
to him 41 43 ol, D &с, OL (f, cfflq) Vg Syr (h), Cyr mag to him] 
є &c, Во (BC,°) OL (cfflq)Vg Во | «e that 19] e&c .. add truly 
Syr (s) abp. ] e &c..add yap Syr (s) — зэ пєпр. and the pr. | 
є ёс, Bo (NBN), ка. ос пр. NBC &c .. mes пікєпр. and also the 
proph.Bo azw and] є &c .. om Syr ($)... but Eth .. and-xe Во (р, з) 
metitag, he-keep] є &с.. пєто. he who keepeth ml, Syr (gs) Eth .. cay 
т< &c, № ёс, Syr (h) Arm urne taste] с ёс, Syr (gh) .. dewpnon 
B 32 ev ща eneg for ever] (с) є? &c .. om є", D, OL (bcff*1) Syr 
(з), Nonn 

9 пенєгот our #.] (с) &c, ЗАВС ёс, OL (fq) Vg, Or.. om D, OL 

H.8.G. 111 їр: 

146 1Шо.АНННС 

паї єнтаүно» ATO мєпрофнтнео ахаас». єкетрє 
meor ime 0 aqgorowh isnt. xe ewone anon 
exgairbeoo» mar oTAAAT ne пасоот, gwoon Wsv- 
MACIWT єт(Єоо» mar mar TOTE ЄТЄТКХО» аважос 
еро. хє пенноттє пе. ° ATW ATIETHCOTONY. ANOR 
ae Цессум deog. eWamxsooc. хе W-cooyw seeeocy 
am emawone їреүхигтоХ итетмое. АХХА Ycoovh 
Toj. ATW Хоарео спечщахе. ° abpagase пету- 
^Чраше. 57пехах Ge WAG NGWOTAAL хе аапати- 
ртахо» ipone. ATW a abpagare мат єрон, 28 nexe 
IC MAT. хе QaseeHH Олени хо аже ос NATH. хе 
аяпате abpagase wone. амок Foon. 5 алс wire 

єкєгрє | є &с.. аң. ol, Bo.. кур: Во (АСАГЕ,с) З (©) є S 41 $ 
43 (10) 86 (110 $) (fr) m! $ о! $ єтєти| итєзи 01" sic epos] є, 
Bo (DEF,'G,J,NS Paris бт).. ош 41 &c, Во °° (с) e 41 43 $ at ad. 70 
86 (110 § at ae) шо!  преч)ємр. o! nequ. | nu. 43 эсу 
є415 43$ 10 86 $ 110 Р ш! $ о! $ 51 (с) єв 4r $43 70 SO ILS 
ml $ o! 58 (с) (р) e$ 41$ 43 $ at xu. то 86 то $ m! $ o! $ 
запате | ear. 41 43 5 (с) pe 41 Š 43 70 86 110m! ol 

(abceffl) Syr (s) nas en(i є 86 ml)ragar. this who died] є &c .. 
отт NAB &.. orc D, OL (a) .. om Syr (s) azw and] є &c .. аи 
and (lit. with) ml, Bo (v,r6,3K0sv Paris бт).. and than the pr. who 
died Syr (gs) Eth azw-aT (ear ш!) янот and-died] є ёс, Во (Ко) 22 40 63 71 248 al .. and the prophets also Bo Eth aor 
lit. thee] є &c .. ceavrov NAB &c..add ov EFHMSU A al, (Arm) 
(Syr sh) 

5 aos. ñ. ans. Jesus] (c) &c, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm .. saith to 
them Jesus Syr (gs) .. and ans. Jesus and said to them Eth .. add 
nexaq 110 e(ee с 43) suy. if-glorify] (©) ёс (110) (fr), сау-боёасго 
N*cbBC*D r 69 346 al, OL (acdefflq), Or Amb Tert.. кау боёабо 
NeaA ёс, OL (bf) Vg, Суг qujoon lit. is being] є &c fr.. pref 
because Во (н) паєгот шу F.] с ёс, Eth .. the Father Syr (s) Arm 
єтї. who &c] є &с (110).. pref mas this 86 m! | menm. our God] є ёс 
то (110), AB*C ёс, OL (fg) Am Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. пром NB* 
DFX al, OL (abcefflq) Vged Bo (м), Chr Cyr Tert 

5 ayw and ro] с ёс 110..0m Syr (s) ze] є &c 

JOHN VIII 54-59 147 

father Abraham, this (one) who died? and the prophets died : 
whom makest thou thyself? 24 Answered Jesus, If I, I should 
glorify myself, nothing is my glory: there is my Father who 
glorifieth me, this (one) of whom ye indeed say that he 
is our God. © And ye knew him not, but І, I know him: 
if I should say, I know him not, I should be liar as you; 
but (a) I know him, and I keep his word. f Abraham 
your father was glad, that he should see my day; and 
he saw, ре rejoiced. 5" Said they therefore to him the Jews, 
Thou art not yet fifty years (old), and Abraham saw thee. 
Said Jesus to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, before 
Abraham became, 1, I am being. 29 They took up stone 

Syr (s) є(єє с 43):щ. if-say] e ёо 110, Во (Q) .. кш eav AC ёс, 
Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. xav NBD muog him 2°] с &c 110.. 
ош А АХХА с ёо тто.. de Syr (s) Eth 

° Ар. | e то 86, МАВ &c..add ae c ёс петиєг your Ё] с 
ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. nenswt our f. Bo (c,*/33) .. ош Syr (s) ат. 
he was glad] с ёс, Во (6,83) .. add Tarog т him чо 86 ml .. he was 
being glad Bo Syr (h)..he was delighting Syr (gs) .. he desired Arm 
Eth magooy (om оу ші) my day] с &c.. meg. the day ol, X 
azw and] Syr (gsh) rro, Во (кво) Arm ayp. he 
rejoiced] є &c .. pref ати» and (c) 41" 86 110, ЗАВ ёс, Bo (хвр,9) 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth 

57 пех. said they] с &c, Во Syr (h).. they say Syr (gs) Arm .. pref 
and, Eth ge therefore] с &с, МАВ ёс, Bo (р, cc, EF; G, J Ns) Syr 
(В) Во Syr (gs) Arm nag to him] є & Во (0) | паз- 
iu(ner ml)osa. the Jews] с & Syr (g rr) залатк (єк 86 
rro т! ol)p(ep 86) thou-yet] (c?) &с, ото NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gs) 
Armedd .. ovderw D, Arm .. not Syr (s) Eth Tai(es суо» fifty] 
с ёс, NAB ёс, Во Syr (g) .. тєгсаракоута (A*) 239 262, Chr Ps-Ath 
posse] с ёс.. add pw thyself Во (Гес,*кро*тВј) ато and] c &c є Bo (No) а-єрок saw thee] с &c, eopakev сє NF, Syr (s).. 
eopakas МА B ёс, Во Syr (gh) Arm Eth 

58 w. ус said Jesus] (с?) ёс, ЗАВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (g) Arm Eth 
. ће saith Syr (s) .. ко. вит. L а) 5, Bo (NAT £;) Syr (h) Eth .. add ве 
therefore olc, D G K X al до more became] (c) &с, ЗАВ ёс, OL 
(f) Vg, Or Eus уєєоба D, OL (abcefflq), Ignint Epiph 
Novat Victorin {шооп I am being] с ёс (p) .. 7 was Syr (s) Eth 

9 awqt(es с 86)-&e they-therefore] (с ?) &c, Syr (h) .. тоте ураг D, 



бе. *enac ETEMOTRE EPOS. IE ae лө оп. aer ehor 
O< перпе. 

IX. mb. ато ацпарасс agnar evpwsee єатхпогі 
еще ИБАЛе. 2a пецязаентно ANOTY evo) UOC. хе 
opabher mer пентасіриоїє. mar пе хм иецеоте we. 
шєнас єтехпос eqo HhAAE. *aqgorowh йоне. ae 
оутє tene na: puobe ovre мециееоте. AAAA exenac 
epe пєобнує азпиоттє orong eboÀ gpar понт. 
‘wwe epon epowh єпєобнтує аєпентачтатві. Оосон 
нєооо» пе. сину HGITEDIJH. QOTE àaese Маму NAW- 
cGaxcose epoob понтс. ^oocom (038 пңосаяос. ANT 

1 (с) (р) e 41 $ 43 $ 70 86 № 110 Po! IP. Kh 86 о! SS) 
41 43 70 (73) 86 1100! p] ep 86 an] eol.. жи 43..хє 41 70 
86 110 3 (с) єў 41$ 43 70 73 86 (97) 1100! $ ovre] c 41 110 
twice 97 19.. orae є ёс 97 20, Во р| єр 86 opas] eo. с 70 97 o! 
* (c) (р) «41 43 баб спит 70 73 86 97 1100! $ ep 1°] єєр 73 86 
о8.| -н|отє 97 man] 43..єззїї 70 86 97.. зай є 41 73 110 O 
пащу. | насш, р sic.. паєщ. 110 ep 29] пер 860 в (р) «ат $48 
(70) 73 86 97 110 o! 

Syr (s) .. апа they took Syr (є) Eth conj. Во (Q) Arm ..add the 
Jews Bo (мв) Arm (om edd) me] ¢ ёс, Syr (h) B.. сє there- 
fore р 110, OL (а).. апа Syr (gs) ачоопір hid himself] р &c, 
expuByn ЗАВ &c .. add epoos from them є Eth .. secretly Syr (s) .. add 
эчёюк he went e, (Arm) ацєг-єр(р e? m!) ne he-temple] с ёс, 
Буг (8)... ки (om Bo DA, EF,,6,JMN0QS Paris бт) e£gA6ev біс М* BD, 
OL (abceffgl) Vg (Bo N) (Arm), Or Chr Cyr .. add д:єАбоу Sua место 
dvrov Kat тартууєу ovros (om Bo А*) А ёс, OL (fg) (Bo) Eth, Thdor.. 
add кал б. б. м. а. eropevero &с N^ CL X 33 al, Bo Syr (h) .. and he 
passed between them and went away Syr (g) Eth 

1 arap. he passed by] є &с.. eqn. passing by р 41 86, NAB ёс, 
Bo..add o C°FGHM?al 15, OL (cffgl) Vg dem Bo (м), Chr Ps- 
Ath eavanoy lit. they having produced him] є &c .. ex yev(v)e())- 
т< placed after tudAov NAB &с, Буг (h) Arm .. add xa6ypevov D, 
Ps-Ath .. from the womb of his mother Syr (g) .. a blind one who had 
been blind from the womb of his mother Syr (s) .. he was born Eth 

2 a—xmosq his-him] e Bo (Q 26) .. pref ато and 41 ёс, ЗАВ ёс, 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. om avrov D, OL (e) .. ask him his disciples Syr (в) 

JOHN IX 1-5 149 

therefore, that they should cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, 
he came out of the temple. 

IX. 22. And he passed by, he saw a man having been born 
(пос) being blind. ° Ніз disciples asked him, saying, 
Hrabbei, Who is he who sinned, this (man) or his parents, that 
he should be born (пес) being blind? З Answered Jesus, 
Neither did this (man) sin nor even his parents, but (a) that 
the works of God should be manifested in him. * It is right 
for us to work the works of him who sent me, as long as it is 
the day: cometh the night, when it will not be possible for 
any to work [in it]. ° As long as I am in the world, I am 

erx. saying] (c) ёс, Syr (h) D 184°", OL (el) Vg Syr (s).. 
and say Syr (g) Arm .. and s. to him Syr g (2) Eth © (ош 41)рай. | 
(с) ёс, NABCDEHA al.. paßßı Е ёс, Во Syr (h) (Arm) Eth.. 
rabban бут (в) .. om буг (s) meqer. his parents] с ёс (73 1), o 
yoves avr. МА B &c .. his father and mother Arm (thus again) erac 
ёс that &c] (с) ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. who blind was born Syr g (2) 8 

° ачот. ans. | (c) ёс, Syr (Б) Arm .. saith to them Syr (g) Eth.. 
saith Syr є (4) .. he saith to them Syr (s) nonc Jesus] ¢ ёс, Arm Syr (s)..add ко erev avrows І 565 al, OL (b, e om avr.), 
respondit illis iesus (а) Ney (Rime печ є &с) кеезоте even his 
parents] (с) ёс 97, буг (g 14) .. ot yoves avrov NAB &c, Syr (g) 

^ wwe it is right] (с) ёс, D .. trs after nuas NAB &c.. add сє 
therefore 13 .. pref and Syr (є 40s) Arm єром for us] (с) ёс, 
N* ВОГ, Bo Syr (j) Ethro, Cyr Nonn.. ewe NaAC ёс, OL Vg Syr 
(gsh) Arm Ethpp, Chr.. anon we-epon us Во (a*B ёс). anon I~ 
epon из (с). .апок epor me (ACL) татог (с &c..-Oer € 43 .. 
таото: 07..-оє: 41) sent me] МАВ ёс, Bo (Ас) Syr (gjh) Arm 
Eth .. nuas N*L, Bo Ето, Cyr о(по 86)ocon] (c) ёс... eos 
МАВ ёс, dum, donec OL Vg Syr (gsh).. ws C*L 33, Bo Syr (hme), 
cum (bd) сину cometh | с &c, Bo (1q).. add ae Bo Syr (s) .. add 
yap буг (g 14) Eth gore] є 41 73 110 43! 70 86 97 
axsrit—coar it-possible] e &с.. om Мат ма бэх 97 йонт© in it] 
є ёс, Bo (amer) (Syr 8).. om ЗАВ ёс, Bo 

° о(по p 86 .. eno 7007) осон| orav МАВ &с..оо(о)с Во oar 
I am in] є & (70), DLX 1 33, OL (abegl) Vg clem Bo, Cyr Chr .. trs 
өг-ө NAB ёс, OL (cfffq) Am Fu Во Syr (gh) Arm .. it is in Syr (в) 
.. I was in Eth an (amor o!) Таш] є &c (70), Arm .. add yap 
Syr (s) 


потоємі запнос ос. битерехе маг аүнєх ov- 
паєсє єпкАО. аүтаанс ovosee ehoA OW тпабсе. 
^ ео Moree єнєцХХ. Тахо nexa Maf. хе бок 
мее пекоо ON ткоЛтуянера язпсћоољее. Was 
пецоо. ater єциат ebo. 8 метолтотю бе ATW 
WETMAT epog ишорп. хє пехтречтобо пе. weyzxo 
злазос. XE зан MAI дїї Пе єтоваоос етщет MTNA. 
?QenHoove меу 50 AOC. хе MAI пе. QEMROOTE ae. 
хе аза он. АХХА ecenure. eero. птоср Ae wecpoxo 

nosoent|nowent43 sic nk, 20] 41 &6.. пк. e?! 70 ° e$ 41 
43 $ (70) 73 86 (01) 97 $ 11080! ° (c) (20) є 41 43 $ at aq. (57) 
(то) 73 (86) от 97 1100! оп|єд? коХзэх | -Хомх от -Ёнорь | 
-b»e. 730! паг em] пещ є ovag.| отоо. 41 91 ayera) -ero or 
.. -era 3343 — "(9 (р) 20 є § 415 43 57 70 (73) 86 91 97 тто $ 01 $ 
цєтиат| etm. є 97 nar] с «ер (73) Me 41 me ето. | с ёс 
р.. пето. є 41 73 86 91 97 Wer] ¢ &ср.. щєєт о! 9 20 € Š at 
пт. 41 Š and ёс 43 $ 57 то (73) 86 от $97 110 $ 01$ еєх(ен 43 
о!)ң. 19] го ёс 73°?.. gorme some то 86 .. eoeme sen e, Bo .. gorme 
зап 9I 97 

° птер. when-said] є ёс 41 ° 70 .. pref ати» and 41*, Syr (є) Eth 
маг these] 41 ёс 70.. add ae є 73, Во (q v) aqr. he made] є 73 
97, Во (во 26).. pref ато and 41 ёс 70, NAB ёс ovo(oo 41 
g7)sxe a clay] e ёс (701) 91 .. om Bo (к) єй. o(om 91)it ти. out 
of the sp.] є &c (то 1) gr .. om Bo (Р)  a(ea 97)«xeg he touched] 
є &c чо 91 .. ayNadwy Во (вм 26) .. ки erexpwrev МА ёс, Bo .. ках 
єтєӨүкєг ВС" vid no(oo 97)axe єнєє. (with) the clay his eyes] 
є &c (то) 91.. avro тог zqXov (om OL c) em rovs o. avrov D, OL 
(cffq) .. avrov т. т. є т. o. XBL r 33, Cyr .. linivit lutum (om a) super 
(om a) oculos eius OL (a) Vg .. avrov т. п. є. т. о. тоо TupAov AC? 157 
254 569 2539Y.. T. т. є т. о. т. т. С* ёс, Syr (Б) Arm, Chr Amm.. 
є T. о. т. т. 69 108 184 ev, Syr (g) Eth .. 7. o. т. т. Ps-Ath, OL (ef)... 
superuncait eum et inlinuit illi oculos (1) .. ата he anointed the eyes of 
the blind from birth Bo .. he took, he smeared on the eyes of the blind 
Буг (s) 

1 azw and] є &c хо 86 .. от Во (вд,09) пас to him] є ёс 70 
86 .. om D, OL (ael) “Tera and wash] є ёс 70, et lava OL (c) .. 

JOHN IX 6-0 151 

the light of the world. ° When he had said these (things), he 
spat on the ground, he made [a] clay out of the spittle, 
he touched (with) the clay his eyes, "^ and said he to him, Go 
and wash thy face in the pool of the Siloham, this which 
is wont to be interpreted, He who was sent. He went 
therefore, he washed his face, he came seeing [out]. 8 His 
neighbours therefore, and those who saw him аф first, that he 
was being a beggar, were saying, Is not this he who sat, who 
wanted alms? ° Others were saying, This is (Һе). But others, 
Nay, but (a) he is being like to him. But he, he was saying, 

om 97, A, OL (ab, e) .. мо ЗАВ ёс пєкоо thy face] є ёс 70, 
Во Syr (s)..te OL (1)... om 97, МАВ ёс amci оо (om Во) а (от 
тто)за of the S.] є &с.. ttc. of Sil. (or Sil.) (70) (86) 91 07 ewar- 
пептау(є то 91 97) which-sent] є «е 20 57 (то) (86) .. om Syr (g) 
agh. he went &c] є &c 20 57 70.. and when he washed Syr (s) Ge 
therefore] с &с 20 57 70, Syr(h) 97, Г 22 al, OL (acl) Arm.. её 
(bffq) Syr (gs) Eth .. autem (с) meeoo his face] є &c 20 57 70 
86, Bo Syr (s) .. om ЗАВ &c .. add оп тк. in the pool 07 ager he 
came] e Во (вд, моу 26).. от Во (Q).. pref as and 20 ёс 57 70 
86, Bo egnar eh. seeing out] (с) ёс 20 57 70 86 .. were opened 
his eyes Syr (s) .. and he was seeing Arm 

° бе therefore] с ёс, ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h).. 2e Во (вр, A, EF," 
Jos) Syr (є) Arm? Eth .. and when saw him Syr (s) uerus those 
who saw] є & 73, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h).. бу whom he was seen Syr (gs) 
Arm..ercoosn who knew Во.. епьус. who were knowing Во (омо 
26) .. who knew him formerly and were seeing him Eth epog him | 
є &c 73..0m А" iu. at first] є ёс (73).. om Syr (s).. pref зим 
from 86 ne(eo e 97) р. ne was-beggar] e ёс 73, NABC*DK 
LXT? al ro, OL (fffgq) Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm Eth, Ps-Ath Chr Cyr .. 
tupros qv C? &с..т. 1. Kar тросолттс 69..т. mp. qv П“, OL (acl), mendicus 
erat et cecus (b) мез( ol віс). were saying] (©) ёс (73) .. add 
оти Во (Q) эхн | om Во(в) evo. who sat] є 97, Arm .. om Syr 
(з) .. add azw and (c) ёс 73 

° оєпк.-пах ne others-is] 20 ёс (73) .. ош LX 33 254 є 19] 
om e..add ovy © өєц(ен 91)&. 3e-aNNa but-but] 20 &c (73), 1 
565, OL (g) Vg .. genr. ae пеухо maroc &c but others were saying 
ёс 97, аАХос (add de № 124, Во Syrjh™s Arm, and others Syr gs Eth) 
eÀeyov ovxt adda NBCLX 33 124, OL (b) Syr (gjh™s) Arm Eth.. 
aXXo. (єтєрос D) де өт. AD &e, OL (f1) Bo (Q om дє) Syr (s, В) 


AAOC. хє AMOR пе. 10 пехлу GE NAT. xe Haw noe 
хтотюи dontenbaA.  Пачотсції. хе TLEIPWRee 
ETOVRLOUTE ероЦ “€ IC. пеитатаяме  отоаяе. 
DEEL maba. ATW пехасү мах. хе Hon encrAwoase 
має пекоо. бок GE. alela TIAQO. ATW AIEI єл 
єбоА. 1 пехат Maf. хе ESTON петахаехт. Mesa. 
хе пХсооти an. D avente авлетенецо ПРАЛе єрат- 
ov ймефарісалос. (не псаббатом ae пе. йтере 

? 20є$ 41 $ 43 $ 57 то (73) 86 91 97 $ 11001$ | " (c) 20$ 
at ash. e 41 § and at пех. 43 57 (то) (73) (76) 86 91 97 110 $ о! 
Mar] rac I1o sic emav]enavo! (с) (р) 20 є415 43 $ 57 (70) 
(75) 76 86 91 97 110 $01 же й] хи 9r also verse 15 в (©) 
20 є § 41 43 57 (70) 15 76 86 $ 91 $ 97 1100! фарс.) -cc. 75 76 
86 оттто м (с) 20 є 41 43 57 70 75 16 86 91 97 1100! 

1 пех. said they] 20 ёс 73, D, OL (bd) .. dicunt (а) Syr (gs) Arm 
.. eAeyo(a)v RAB ёс, Во Syr (h).. and they say Eth се therefore] 
20 є 41 43 57 110 ol, Syr (h) то ёс 73, OL (a) Bo (вні хр) 
Syr (gs) Arm Eth, Chr Пан) ёс how] 20 ёс 416, АВ ёс, OL 
(bcefffgq) Vg Bo Syr (gs) Eth, Cyr Chr .. пащ бє fioe how there- 
fore 41" 86 от, NCDL X 157, OL (al) Syr (jh) Arm пот- ba N 
thine eyes] 20 ёс (73) .. соъ ог o$0. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (ghs) Arm Eth.. 
cou ог офб. ul, OL (acdefffglq) Vg 

1 ачот.-риозає he-man] 20 ёс 70 (73), resp. ille homo Vg .. arek. 
exewos о ауд. N BCL 1 33 118 565, OL (се) (Arm), Cyr Aug .. resp. 
illis OL (а) .. he saith to them Syr (s) .. arek. єк. kac е. А ёс, OL (bfq) 
Во (om ка) Syr (j) .. Ле ans. and said to them Syr (5, om to them) 
(Eth) ne (n: 97 110)p. єтозэхолтє lit. this man whom they call] 
20 ёс (73)..о av0. о Aeyouevos NBC т 33 118, Bo, ille homo qui 
dicitur OL (cel) Vg .. av. Aey. AD ёс, Arm, Chr Cyr .. homo 
qui dicitur (abfg) пєнтач(ош таў 20) as11(ex є)є ото(оо 41 
97 .. > 91)лхє is—clay | 20 «с (70), Xov єтопртєу NAB &с, Arm .. om 
OL (а) Syr (s) ачхео nabaM he touched my eyes] 20 &c (70) 
(73), OL (a) .. ка єтєхритєг pov rovs оф. NAB ёс, Bo (om ка) Arm.. 
and anointed те (om [3], Б) on my eyes Syr (gh) (Eth) .. et superunzit 
(unxit ff, superlimuit b) me (bceff) .. smeared upon them clay Syr (s) 
azw and 19) 20 & 70, Ро.. om gr, Во (№ 26) en (om 86 от)сх. to 
the S.] 20 & (70) .. es rov сідоау, RBDLX 1 118 565, OL (abeffl) 

JOHN IX 10-14 153 

Т аш (he). !?Said they therefore to him, How opened thine 
eyes? 1 He answered, This man who is called Jesus is he 
who made clay, he touched my eyes, and said he to me, Go to 
the Siloham, and wash thy face. I went therefore, I washed 
my face, and I eame seeing [out]. 12 Said they to him, 
Where is that (опе)? Said he, I know not. 13 They brought 
him who was being blind to the Pharisees. !* But it was 
the sabbath when Jesus had made the clay and he opened 

Bo (Sen in) Syr (j) (Arm), Irit Cyr .. in the water of S. Syr (g).. 
єткомузайнера їїсї\. 97, А &c, OL (efgq) Vg Syr (sh) Eth, Chr 
Ps-Ath mera п(зяп 43) єкөо and-face] (с) &c 70, Bo Syr (8)... 
and wash thine eyes OL (cel) Syr (j) .. кас vayar NAB ёс, Syr (h) Arm 
-. trs vya after vraye КХП 13 22 33 69 346 al то, OL (f) Во Syr 
(gs) Eth, Chr Cyr Ps-Ath ashor I went] 20 ёс, D X, OL(abceffflq) 
Vg Bo Syr (g) Eth .. алтсХбоу RAB ёс, Syr(h) øe therefore] 20 біс 
70, NBDLX 1 33 124 157 565, Bo Syr (hms), Cyr .. om Bo (ду) Arm 
.. дє А ёс, Syr (h).. кол al, OL Vg Syr (s) Eth ar(om 41)єта 
I washed] с &c 70, Syr (gs) Arm .. ка evuyapsv D, OL Vg Syr (hb) Eth 
ъуо-єһоћ and-out] 20 ёс 76°, D, Во (v om каш) .. aveB\eva МА В ёс 
»-amtay євоМ / saw out є то 76" 86 от, Bo Буг (В) .. et vidi (На) Am 
Syr(gs) Eth, её video (acef) Vg Arm... et ecce video (І) .. et videre сері (b) 

З пехат(Ч 57) said they] 20 ёс 70, А 475 28 еу 5387 бое", 
OL (e) Am Ро, Aug.. they say Буг (gs) Arm .. add oe therefore 
є D ёс, OL (ас) Буг (h)..add autem (bd).. кол єтог NBLX 
I 33 118 157 565, OL (1) Усе Syr (j), Cyr .. and said to him 
the Jews Eth єчтоп where is] 20 ёс (70).. pref and Syr (s) 
neti. that] с ёс то, МАВ ёс, Во (У) Arm .. that man Bo Eth.. 
he Syr (sh) .. om Syr (є) nexat said he] p &c (70) .. dixit OL 
(cdf) Syr (h) .. ait (be) Vg, Aeye NAB ёс, Arm .. add avrois D 13 69 
346, OL (b) Syr (gsj) (Eth) 

З ayeme they brought] 20 &c 70, Bo (вА,).. ad (per) duxerunt 
OL (bce) .. ayovew МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm ..add ge therefore e, OL 
(e) Bo.. pref ка D, (c) Syr (gj) Eth .. they took him who was healed 
and brought him to the Ph. бут (s) mneteney (tq о!)о n&ANe 
(n&aN 75 sic) him—blind] (c) &c то .. rov поте тофлоу ЗАВ ёс, Bo 
Буг (9, Б) Arm .. who was born blind Eth 

^ жє] 20 ёо, NAB ёс, Syr (gh) 75, Bo(26) .. and it was 
Syr (g 36) Arm .. for the sabbath (was) then Eth .. and that day was the 
sabbath Syr (s) omitting the rest | svrepe-rasui(ex ol)e when-made] 

154 Ill GA HHHC 

IC тэлж moete. ATW ацохон пнецбал, 15 АУХМОУЧ 
Ge ow йслиєфартсатос. хе їйтаниал ебоћ маш doe. 
ито AE пеха nas. хе NHracecs oroe єндбаэл. 
ATW alera Mago. ханалт ebo. 16 пєхє goeme ebon 
ом Metpapicatoc. xe пегризає WoyeboN oss пиоуте 
хи пе. хе помре? am єпсаббатом. gemkoore AE 
межи» MAROC. xe HAW моє OTH Woe мотролае 
прецриовбе єр mereeaenr jvrereenre, ATW mepe ov- 
сумсазм шооп понтоу. "ESAT oW MH етеесүө 
WhAAE. хе йток emxo MAOC хе oF ETHHHTY. e 

15 20 Š and at itr. e Š 41$ 435 57 $ and & 10 75 76 $ (86) отот $ 
110 5015 ecg] < 41 70 75 86 91 (себ) 97 01.. oreco 20 43 57 76° 
IIO area] aera 75..€14 57 Tago] em. o! 16 (с) (р) 20 5 є 5 
41 43 51 § 70 15 16 86 91 § 97 $ (о $) (fr) ol $ me(om 16°)фа- 
pic. | -ресс. р 75 76" 86 91 110 an] trs before osx p є 86 .. trs am 
ne озх 97 їїчө] р &c.. eng. 76 97.. печ. ого! ози] oven 75 76 
Goa] om щ e 70986" ри.) ери. 75 86 ep] cep 75.. p о! 
U 20 є) 41 $ and at iiv. 43 $ &с 57 10 15 76 86 gt 97 $ and ёс 
(110 $ and 8) (fr) о! же п] ait gr 

20 ёс, ore &c A D ёс, OL (flq) Vg Во Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. pref neeoos 
evar. that day 75, Во (Q) .. ev у пиєра tov «с NBLX 33, OL (аЪей, e) 
Во (вр,) Syr (jh 0), Cyr ots L ато and] 20 &c.. om Во(к 26) 

5 аухи. asked him] 20 &е, T 27 435 440 al 25, OL (adef) Bo 
(r*»Q) Syr (gs) .. (ez)gporov МА В ёс, Во Syr (h) бе therefore | 
го ёс, NA B ёс, Syr (Б) .. ae 97.. om Bo? Arm .. and Syr (gs) Eth 
поте (от 767) фарх. (сс. 75 76* дт 110) the Ph.] го ёс, UX бо 124 
157 al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gj) Armed .. кол ог p. NA В ёс, Syr (h) Arm 
п (em то) такиалт sawest thou] 20 &c (86), OL (cffq) Во Syr (g) Arm, 
lumen recepisti (e), vides (51) Bo (са) Syr ()).. ave8Aejev МАВ ёс, 
Syr (h) Eth .. were opened thine eyes Syr (s) | «e| 20 &c.. om Syr (s) 
.. and Arm Eth na» to them] го ёс 86.. pref ко, A 13, OL (4) 
Syr (h) п(єп 41)vaqeco' отолхє he-a clay | 20 ёс 86, Syr (s).. 
anrov exeOnxev МА В ёс, Во Syr (g) Arm .. т. exounoev kar біс G I 22 
118 565 al, Eth emah. on my eyes] 20 ёс 86 .. ert rovs оф. pov 
D al, OL (ab) Bo Syr (gj) Arm Eth, Chr .. pov em т. o. МВ ёс, OL 
(ceffflq) Am Fu Syr (h).. pov єт. єтє т. о. А, Vgelem .. ро єт. т. 0. pov 
A, OL (e) .. upon them Syr (s) avw and] 20 & 86 .. om Во (У 26) 

JOHN IX 15-17 155 

his еуез. 19 Asked him therefore again the Pharisees, How 
sawest thou [out]? But he, said he to them, He smeared 
clay on my eyes, and I washed my face, I saw [out]. ® Said 
some out of the Pharisees, This man is not out of God, 
because he keepeth not the sabbath: but others were saying, 
How is it possible for а man (who is a) sinner to do such 
signs? And a division was being among them. 17 Said they 
again to that (one) who (before) was being blind, Thou, what 

arerx палоо I-face] 20 ёс 86 .. арту МАВ &с, Arm .. om Syr (s) 
amas єй. I saw out] 20 ёс 86, Bo Syr (g) Eth .. xa» Z see Bo 
(EJ) .. xa Aero NAB ёс, Bo (р,) Syr (Б) Arm.. et ессе video OL 
(befflq) Syr (j) .. he opened them Syr (s) 

? mexe said] (с) ёс 110.. say Syr (h) Arm .. eAeyo(a)y NAB ёс, 
Bo Syr (g pref and) ooex(41 43 57.. OS 20 ёс 110)me(om 75) 
some] OL (abcef), (Bo в) Syr (0,8) Arm .. trs after $. NAB &c.. 
om (c) e M..add «e 75 76 91 ..add ow NAB ёс, Во Syr (h).. and 
there are who say Eth eb. eii out of] om (с?) є петр.-пє this— 
God] (c) (р) ёс, Во... trs ovros o оуб. ovx єттї т. (т.) 0. А «е, OL (abfq) 
Syr (h) Eth, Chr..trs o. є ovr. т. 0. о av. RNBDLX (33) ID OL 
(e, 1) Syr (j), Cyr, non est hic homo a deo OL (cffg) Vg Arm хє 
because] 20 &c 110, Syr (h) Arm .. qui OL (ceffgq) Vget Eth 
cab. | p &c 110.. add and he made clay бут (s) ae] р &с 20, NBD 
al, OL (cff) Vg clem Bo Syr (gsj) А ёс, OL Am Fu Во (q) Syr 
(h) Arm, Chr and ёс Eth merasime such] 20 &c (fr) .. mes these 
110 (omitting тєталуле) azw and] 20 &с.. om 110, Bo (BLMQ 26) 
пере ёс was being] 20 ёс (fr).. aquywms was Во (м) сәстсал | 20 
&c 110 .. add ози Ро (юб„м).. and they were dividing one against опе 

Syr (s) (Eth) 
` М мех. said they] and they said Eth..Xeyovcow NAB ёс, Syr 
(gh,s) Arm .. ЄХєуои D, OL (abce) mex. | 20 € 41 43 57 17601, Г 
ёс, OL (q) Bo Arm .. add ge therefore то бо NABDLX 1 13 69 al, 
OL Vg Syr (h), Cyr .. pref maXsn оти Bo (вм).. and they say to him 
who was healed Syr (s) ом again] 20 біс 110, OL (efl) Syr (g) 
Arm Eth .. trs after тефХо NAB ёс, Syr (В) .. trs before said they Bo 
.. 0m e то 75 86 97, D, OL (abcf) яхин (om 75 oI 97) ev(om єт 
86) eneq (ny 43)o RAANe (НААХ 43) to that-blind] 20 біс (fr) - то 
mote тиф. N.. om rore А В ёс птон efom gr ol)zxo-os thou- 
thou] 20 &с (110%) (fr), AD ёс, OL Vg Syr (gsh) Arm.. v ov À. 
NDLX, Bo (Eth) Cyr eth, conc. him] 20 ёс 110... тєр: дсалтоо 


acpoyow яменблА. ито же пеха. хе оупрофитнс 
пе. 1 исупистехе AN Honuo»aa: eThHATY хе MET- 
(Ae пе. амлу ево. uyjanvovseov re єнєтотє NENT- 
зүүнэ» єбоА. ат аухиото» ETRW UOC. же 
па: пе петишинре ететмхо Aeroc. хе ANSTO ео 
пБАЛе. Haw Roe remor Чиа ebo. a мецеоте 
©5046 пехат мат. хе THCOOTH же пах пе пеншнре. 
ATW xe йтамхпос ego НААХ, 2 паш пое Tenor 
{йал ehod. итисостм ам. H мая пентацотон 
пиєціаЛ. anon їтисооэн ам. ито gowy арте 

18 20 €§ 41 43 57 (70) 75 76 86 от 97 тто(їг“уо!$ am] add ne 86 
iora. | tetova. 75 mey] me ove 41 70 91 97 57 (с) 
20 є 41 Š 438 57 75 (76) 86 от 97 (108) 110 (137) (fr*) о! BANE] 
&eNNe 75 also verse 20 2 (с) 20 $ є 5415 43 Š 57 75 (76) 86 or $ 
97 $ (1088) 110 $ (137 $) 0! mar] may 108 sic xe їй] жи or 
йтап] епт. 41 | ? 20 є 41 43 57 75 16 86 91 97 (108) 110 (137) 
(fr*) ol ачр] -єр 75 86 110 

м*, Во (>) *e-baM because-eyes] 20 &с 110.,0m є, Syr (s) 
йлєкбаМ thine eyes] Syr (h) .. for thee thine eyes Буг (gs) TOY 
ae but he] om Bo (v) Syr (g).. and he Arm Eth nex. said he | 
20 &c.. add nas £o them 110, Eth є ёс A proph. &c] pref 7 say 
Syr (gs) 

18 weyn. they were believing] 20 &c 70, II?, OL (beffl) .. єтістємтам 
МАВ ёс г not] є 97, D 69 72 471 575 28 еу 18497, OL (abfff) 
Во .. pref ве therefore 20 &c fr*, МАВ ёс, Bo (гр) Syr (h) .. pref 
де Syr (©)... pref et OL (el) Syr (s) Arm Eth хе mnes-eboN 10] 
om D, OL (1) nevhAXe пе lit. was a blind (man)] 20 ёо 70, ти 
тоф. NBL 157, OL (b), Сїг..тэф. ду A біс, OL Vg, Cyr Chr 
a(ea 110) пау ef. he saw out] 20 41 43 57 769 110 ol.. pref ато 
and є 70 75 76" 86 от 97, NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gh) (Arm) Eth .. om 
Syr (s) ме! (stees 43 9r .. nr 76.. menes fr*)ote the parents] 20 
&c (70), D 131 54 97, Arm .. add avrov МАВ ёс, (Во) Syr (g? b) (Eth) 
.. his father amd his mother Syr (s) эхпєнтациал єв. of-out] 20 
& т 22 118 565 al 3, OL (abcefflq) Bo, Chr 

19 azw and] 20 ёс 76.. 0m Arm axi. they-them] (с) &с 76 
.. they say Syr (s)1 evx. saying] 20 ёс 76, NCAB ёс, OL (efq) 

JOHN IX 18-21 157 

sayest thou concerning him, because he opened thine eyes? 
But he, said he, А prophet is (he). 18 Were not believing the 
Jews concerning him, that he had been a blind (man and) saw 
[out], until they called the parents of him who saw [out]. 
19 And they asked them, saying, This is your son, whom ye 
say, He was born being blind, how now seeth he [out] ? 
20 His parents answered, said they to them, We know that 
this is our son, and that he was born (lit. &e.) being blind. 
2! How now he seeth [out] we know not; or who is he who 
opened his eyes, we, we know not: he also, he was fit for to 

Vg Eo Syr (jh) (Arm Eth), Суг.. om 75 86 91 97, Ñ*, OL (abcffl) 
Syr (g) паг me this is] 20 ёс, Во (26) Syr (є 9, В) Arm Eth.. 
om ne ¢ 41 .. pref єнє 2f 86 91 97 fr*, є 33" D, Bo Syr (gs) | etetit- 
xw &с whom ye say] 20 ёс 76, add ърес № ёс, Syr (g 7 om vpes, s) Eth 
.. ov v. eXeyere ЁС M al, Arm, уе said Syr(g 7*).. say ye not Syr (=) xe 
aix, lit. that we begat him] 20 &c.. хє ow eThHHTY хе atetitxnog 
what concerning him that ye begat him 97 плащ ёс how] 20 ёс 
108 (137), OL (ae) Bo (4,0) Syr (g) .. ñau oe ёс how th. 20 75 01, 
mos оу МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm Eth .. төс де Syr (s) тєпот 
пом | (є) &c 108 137, A ёс, OL (aefgq) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Eth .. om 
Arm..trs BA. арт ВОГО 33, OL (beffl), Cyr 

? а-ото. апз.| 20 &c 108 (137), DGLU XII r 33 69 al, OL Vg 
Во Arm, Cyr .. arek. ow NB 15 %.. az. дє A ёс, OL (fq) Syr (gsh) 
..pref and Eth..add avross AD ёс, OL (belq) Vg Syr (h) Armedd 
нєцєготє his p.] 20 ёс 108 137 ..add rov avafjAeyavros G пех. 
said they] 20 ёс 108 137, Во (BMQY 26) .. pref ки ЗАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (о) ти (тем 75 86)c. we know] 20 & 76 108 137 .. add own 
ourselves Во (м) Syr (s)! 

1 ñau ёс how] 41 43 (1081) 110 137 ol .. ñaw ae ёс 86, МАВ 
ёс, Syr (g sh) Arm Eth .. пащ бє ёс 20 є 75 76 01, тов ovv 33, Bo 
Tenor пом | 20 & 108 OL (сей) ити(теи 76 86 twice) c. 
am we-not 10] 20 &с 108 137 ..0m al 4, Syr (gs) Eth, Chr пиєч- 
had his eyes] 20 ёс (108) (137).. trs avrov before qvoi£. D, OL (b) 
Vg, её aperuit (f) .. om avrov (ff) anon we] om Во (р,4,)  itroq- 
pre(tH 75 91 110 ol) he-fit] го ёс 108 137 fr 5, qAu«av exer NF, OL 
(b) Syr (s), Chr.. pref avrov eporgcare NSBDLX 1 33 157, OL (ac 
efg) Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth, Cyr..add A ёс, (14) Syr (gh) Ps-Ath 
ewwy also] 20 ёс 137, N*A ёс, OL (q) Во Syr (gs), Chr .. om avros 


eTpeqwase Qapoy. 2° wravese MAI иблмеетоте. хє 
нєурооте онтоу їйїмдї. MEATOTW Tap есейе 
Rkevoc NHaiiioTaar CCHAC єрщам OTA QoxLeoAoTe! 
азо хє пес пе. ecpeujone йапосунасоСос. 
23 ephe пат A пеетоте хоос. хе ACTPMOG. азалхноч, 
24 XTALOTTE GE OW єпризчає згпагсосп cWav. METE- 
место ПЁАЛ е. пехат Macy. хе Хеоот явпиотте. ANON 
TWcoovW xe перояяе отречриове пе. 25 acqosoub 
isma. хе ИХсооун ам alton хє отрецріове пе. 
OTA anon пєХсоон maro. хе wero MHAAE me. 
avwW темот ay eod. mexar Ge Maf. хе ov 

єтрєч| єт altered from п 76° 2? (Е) (4) (6) го $ at goar. є Š 
41 43 $ 57 (75) 76 86 91 97 $ (108 $) 110 (137) 01 mar] maer 4 
«(єм 97)єур| -ep 75 76 86 я] ir ol cap] add ne 20 epu] 
pur 20 (0) (4) (6) 20 є 41 43 57 76 86 91 97 (108) 110 (137) 
ol  ? (€) (4) (6) 20 § e § 418 43 Š 57 76 86 91$ 97 $ (108 $) 110 
(137) o! тис. | renc. 76 86 peqp] -ep 76 86 25 (К) (р) (4) (6) 
20$ e$ 41$ 43$ 57 $ 76 86 9r $ 97 $ (108) 110 $ (137) о! $ 
% (6 $) 20 e 41$ 43 57 76 86 (91$) 97 (108) 110 $ (137) o! 

NeBDLX г зз 157, OL Vg Syr (jh) Eth, Ps-Ath Cyr єтр. for 
to speak] 20 ёс (108) (137), avros (om W*, Во »)-AaAqee N° ёс... 
avros-paprvpyaeu X .. ye can know from him Syr (s) 

? peas. they had already] Ë ёс 4 75 108 137 .. pref xe ol, or. М 
.. they had agreed Syr (g 1) .. they agreed Буг (s) (Eth) пит (єх 

5 twice)osaa: the Jews] Ë &c 4 (108) (137) .. om X..trs before 
evca. 75 9r ..fariseis et scribis OL (e)..the scr. and Ph. Syr (s) 
ооллоћосєт(ст k 4 б)-пе confess-Christ] & ёс 4 (751) (108 1) (137 1) 

.. ороХоүл) ол) avrov xv ewar D, OL (e) Vg, Syr (g, sh), Cyr .. avrov op. xv 
NAB &е, (Arm) .. созк. Masog xe птоЧ me neocc 6 .. should believe 
&с Syr (є 9) Eth.. should say &е Syr (s) єчєщ. папо. should— 

synagogue | k &e (6) (108 7) (137) .. they should expel Syr (s) 

23 ethe because of | k ёс 4 6 (108) 137 .. pref and Eth а-хоос 
his p. said] Ë &c 4 6(108 1) (137), ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h).. trs evrov ot y. а. 
X 13 69 124 249 330 346 al, Во Syr (gs) Arm Eth «e-p(ep 76 
86)noc lit. he became great] Ë ёс 4 6 108 137, (Arm) .. om Syr (s) 
s1aXitos(osov r10)e ask him] (4) ёс 6 108 137 .. avrov ет. NB біс, 
Syr (gsh) (Arm) Eth .. pref ка A 

JOHN IX 22-26 159 

speak about himself. 2° Said these (things) his parents, 
because they were fearing the Jews; for had already settled it 
the Jews, that if (any) one should confess him that he is the 
Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. 25 Because of 
this his parents said, He became of age, ask him. 7" They 
called therefore again the man the second time, him who was 
being blind, said they to him, Glorify God; we, we know that 
this man is a sinner. 25 Answered that (man), I know not 
indeed, that he is a sinner: one (thing) it is which I, I know, 
that I was being blind, and now I see [out]. * Said they 

^ бє therefore] 4 &c 6 108 137 .. w€ 9I .. om 76*.. and they called 
again бут (в) Eth | om again] 4 &c 6 108 137 .. om 97, № &c, Syr (gh) 
nposse the man] 4 &c 6 (108) (137), (Arm) .. avrov D .. the blind Syr 
(g тт) .. Ме man blind Eth .. him who was healed Syr (s) omitting 
afterwards | ixmsseocn(gr rro..cew 20 &c 137 .. com R 4 є 41 97) 
cnay the second time] (+) ёс (4) 108 .. 331 comaseocias (61); posi- 
tion ВОГ 33, OL (bcefflq) Bo Syr (=) .. trs after ovv А ёс, (af) Vg 
Syr (jh) (Arm).. om Syr (s) (Eth) mex. said they] 20 ёс 108, 
Во (BF INQ 26).. pref ати» and k 76* 86 or 97, ЗАВ ёс, Во 
Syr gsh (gs say) Arm Eth anon we] В &c 4 6.. add yap Syr (gs) 

25 agor. ans.] (р) ёс (4) 6 419 108, KS т 28 33 249 299 al 40, 
OL (a) Bo (Eth), Chr .. add &e therefore 41*, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h).. add 
де 13, (OL f) .. dixit et ille OL (s)..add avrow 33, Syr (s) .. and he 
saith Arm йөзин that] р ёс (4) 6, МА Вр al 10, (OL Vg) Syr 
(h), Cyr .. Ле who was healed Syr (s)..add кал ezev X ёс, Syr (gj) 
Eth, Chr .. he who was being blind saying Bo..add further to them 
Syr (g) Eth хє (xn 9г){ (е{ 5)-нє I know not-sinner] Ë p 
(6) 767186 ог 97° (1081) .. хє euyxe отр. ue ñc. an ¿fhe isa 
sinner I know not 20 ёс 769 97* (137 1), ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gsh) Arm 
о(єно 76") та (от є) one] k &с p 4 6, Bo (gp 26).. add дє N*, Bo Syr 
(gs) Arm (Eth), Ps-Ath н (єп 97)ero(om p)-avw I-and] р ёс 6 
(108 1) 137, ури ка DL т 22 33 118 565, OL (асе 4) Syr (gj,s) 
Arm (Eth)..ov ЗАВ ёс, cum essem (bg) Vg Syr (h).. naror-ne 
{поз ae Во.. om {позе but now Во (0) Kıras І see] k &c 4 6 
108 137 .. pref behold Syr (gh) .. and because of him behold І see Syr (s) 

?' om verse Bo (c,*) mex. ёс said they] 6 &c or 108 137 .. 
again they say Arm ge therefore | 6 ёс gt 108 137, NCBDKLX 
al 15, OL (befffgq) Vg Во (р,), Суг.. ош №*, OL (ae) Во Буг (6,8) 
(Arm)... дє A ёс, Syr (h) .. and OL (1) Syr (j) Eth пач to him] 6 


NenTaqaay мав. итацотом пиекб^А ñaw пос. 
27 AgovwUh МАУ. хе мото ехо A*aeoc MATH. ATW 
запетисютяя. OF он пететмохещ сотаяеч. җен ETE- 
TMOTOUJ QUTTHTTH єразлентно мас. "Затслоот it- 
LOY ETRW AROC. хє MTOR пе пазхонтис азпетая- 
ALAT. ANON «Є ANOM £$99240HTHC ажавсууснс, 2) „пом 
THCOOTH. хе A пиотте Шахе eet «єесууснс. пах ac 
ито Итнсооэ aar, хе orehoA тои пе. 302, проляе 
отощ. ae Tay po те тещпире. хе йтоти йтетії- 
COOTM ^и. хе оусЁОХ тон пе. ATW лотом iura. 
1 THCOOTH жє ssepe пиотте сотах ерецриобе. ААЛА 

и (6) 20 $ at ov $ 41 $ 43 § (57) (76) 86 97 $ (108) 110 бої 5 
erxo] сегхо 43 отєщ|отоцу erro єр] пер 86 ° (р) (4) (6) 
205 e$ 41$ 43 $ 86 97 (108) то (115) 01$ araon. 29] aov. 115 
° p (6) 20 43 { аё mar 86 97 (108) тто $ 11501 щаже] шах 115 
7 (6) 20 § 43 $ 86 97 $ 110 (115) о! | (4) (6) 20$ 43 86 97 (99) 
(108) 110 $ (137) o! 

ёс 91 .. om 97 .. add тал» NCA ёс, OL (fq) Syr (gh) (Arm) Eth, Cyr п. N* BD 565, OL (abceffgl) Vg Bo Syr (sj), Nonn їл (est 
41)гч.—ЁгМ Ве-еуез] 6 &c (108 1)... were opened thine eyes Syr (g 11) 
.. he healed thee Syr (s) лш ёс how] (6) &c (1081) (137%), Syr 
(g, s) .. Ka т. п. D, OL (с) Bo (kurv) Eth 

Й aygas he-them] 20 ёс 76, Syr (h) Arm .. o 8e er. D .. add 
eyxw moc 6, Во (Р)... and he ans. and said to them Eth .. he saith 
to them Syr (є, s) мото lit. I finished] (6) ёс 76.. уду МАВ 
ёс, Syr (Б) Arm Eth.. om Syr (g).. but one Syr (s) ато aneri- 
(тем 76) c. and-not] (6) ёс 108 ..0m 97 ovk 22, OL (bceffgl) 
Vg Syr (s) .. оок exurrevoare 13 69 124 346 .. ovx morevere 28 253 У 
.. om and Во (r,*) оз what] (6) ёс 108, т МА ёс Syr (gs) .. add 
ow В, Eth..and Bo(r,*k) om again] 20 & 108, Syr(gs) .. trs after 
ӨєХєтє D 28 ev, OL (ae) Syr (Б) Arm .. om Bo (F,* x) cotaxeg lit. to 
hear it] 6 ёс 76 108 .. om axovoa A, Bo (fi) .. are уе asking те Syr (s) 
omitting бєл. з®н-тнузти wish-also] (6) ёс 76 108 .. зан їїтоти 
Фотт. єтєтпотощ ате ye also wishing 97 .. pref or Syr (s) пас 
to him] (6) «с 108, Syr (gs) Arm .. avrov раб. AB &с.. p. а. SDL 
XTA al, OL Vg Syr (Б) Eth, Chr Cyr Ps-Ath .. om avrov 69 

" avcag. they-him] 86 97, A ёс, OL (belq) Am (Arm), Aug.. 

JOHN IX 27-31 161 

therefore to him, What is that which he did to thee? how 
opened he thine eyes? * He answered to them, I have already 
said to you, and ye heard not: what again is that which ye 
wish to hear? Wish ye also to become disciple to him? 
28 They cursed him, saying, Thou art the disciple of that 
(one); but we, we are disciples of Moyses. 2 We, we know 
that God spake to Moysés; but this (one) indeed we know not 
whence he із. ?? The man answered, This itself is the wonder, 
that ye, ye know not whence he is, and he opened my eyes. 
?! We know that God is not wont to hear (a) sinner; but (a) if 

pref ати» and 20 ёс є 108 115, УУ B, Syr (j) Eth, Cyr Amb.. ог бє 
«Ход. NSDL т 33 157 565, OL (af) Bo Syr (gsh)., «Ход. ovv 69 al, 
OL (c) Vgclem eyx. saying] (4) &c (6) є (108) (115), Bo (Arm).. 
om 97 ..and say to him Syr (gs,h).. к. ar. N &с NTOK-Mway 
thou-that] (4) ёс (6) є (108) 115..ov єї д. ex. X ёс, OL (efglq) 
Syr (gh) (Arm) Eth, Chr Ps-Ath .. ov р. e ex. NAB 1 33 .. ov p. 
ex. є D al, OL (abcff) Vg Syr (s), Cyr .. om є L, Во є | (6) біс 
є 108 115, Во Syr (h) Eth .. om D, OL (bceffl) Вос Arm .. уар Syr 
(g) .. and Syr (s) 

? anon тис. we-know] р ёс (108).. and we know Syr (s) Eth 
ппоттє God] р &с 108..add xav оті о (om ") Geos apaproXov ovk 
akove D ac) р ёс 6, Eth.. om Arm ити (тем 86 twice)c. 
an we-not] p &c 6.. itrertesxr an Во (F M).. Tenes an Bo 

° а-ощё the man ans.] 97..add eyxw aoc мат saying ta 
them 6 &c 115..amekp. о avô. kar eurev алто NAB ёс, (Eth) .. om 
avrois D 330 al 2, OL (beel) .. saith to them he who was healed Syr (s) 
тал pw this itself] 6 &c 115, Во Arm, hoc ipsum OL (abeff) .. hoc ergo 
ipsum (e)..ev rovro yap NBL 22 249, OL (f) Vg Syr (Б), Chr Cyr 
„. €. т. ovv D, Syr (g) .. ev yap т. A &c .. ev yap rovro X al .. in hoc (14) 
Syr (s) Eth тє(ош I15) ur. the wonder] 6 &c, NBL I 22 33, 
Chr то AD &c, Arm .. to wonder Syr (gs) 

1 ти (Tem 86)соози (coomit 43 sic) we know] (6) ёс (1081), 
NBDGL г 33 al 5, OL (abceffl) Bo Syr (g 14) Arm, Cyr .. add de A 
ёс, OL (f) Vg Syr (gjh) .. уар 69 (gq), Hil .. pref and Syr (s) .. I know 
Arm сій ssepe-moñe God-sinner] (6) &с.. o 0. ap. ovk ак. BDA, 
OL (ae) Arm, Сур Conc carth .. ад. о 0. ovk ак. NA ёс, OL (befffglq) 
Vg Syr (jh), Cyr Hil .. sinners heareth not God Eth .. God the voice of 
sinners heareth not Syr (g, s) 

H.S, G. III M 


ёщопе озраяйнозте пе ova. азо бете ахпес- 
отоШ. Шаеютая epos. “ис Emeg яязпоусиутая. 
хє атом oron НЯбАХ Rora eavamoq еще RÓAAe. 
33 eme отсбоХ am gage ппотте пе па иєцнаШшр 
Ахат посі am пе. Затотищі єухо) яжезос macy. 
хе нталхпон тнрк оз» muobe. ATW ток етих {ео 
чан, ато атнох  єЄВоХ. a ҮС сотая хє атнох'ї 
choA. avo їтєрєцоє єрө meae мас. хє ток 
впістєує епщире яапроляе. 2° пехАЧ. хє пхоес 
нія» пе. хе єхепістете epos 27 mexe ҮС Maf. хе 
ARNAT єроц. ATW петшахе MALAR MWeTaeeeay пе. 

3? (4) (6) 20 43 86 97 99 (108) 110 (137) o! яАБАХ| 6 43 108 
0l.. Ameba 86 іто..єпваАМ 4 97 99 38 (4) (6) 20 $ 43 (86) 97 
99 (108) 110 (137) (б) о! ove&.] потєћ. 97 0151 am 1°] om 97 
wp] єшр fr по.) mito. 6 .. trs after am 20 97 110. 24 (4) (6) 208 
43 Š (86) 91 99 (198 $) rro $ (115) (137) (fr) o$ erna] 6 86 99... 
netta 07..Єкпа 20 43 IIO 115 ol 35 (6) го 43 86 97 995 
(108 $) rro $ 115 (137 Š) (fr) o! $ кюшист,| ern. 108 115 о! 
55 (6) 20 43 $ 8697 99 $ (108) 110 115 (137) (fr) о! erer. | eexem. 43 
em. 115 * (6) 20 43 86 97 99 Š 108 Š 110 115 (137) (fr §) o! 

azw and] 6 ёс 99 137 .. om Bo (F,*) wagqc. is wont to hear] 
6 &c 99 (108) (137) .. heard. Bo (ГР) 

32 хуи e. since age] (6) &c..and behold from the day when the 
world began Syr (є) man. lit. they heard not] 20 43 108 ol.. 
зате Naar с. б.. 3310$cc(ov 99) 13x Mar 86 97 99.. зхайссэтэж we 
heard пої 4 ат (507 20 43 110 о!)ой отим some one o.) (4 1) 6 
20 43 110 0l..à Naar отоп any one о. 86 97 99..was opened а 
blind man Syr (s) ova-fihAXe one-blind] 6 ёс (108) (137). 
a blind from birth Bo .. who from his mother was blind Syr (s) 

33 ene-nar if this] 6 ёс (108), Syr (g) .. e ил] ovros тара 0. ти D, 
Во.. e py mv o. т. 0. МАВ ёс, Syr (h).. this unless from God he was 
Syr (s) .. unless from God was this man Arm Eth Мааз по. any 
work] (6) ёс 108 137, Arm Eth .. this Syr (g) .. how did he this Syr (в) 

— № ay(y fr sic) ov. they ans.] 6 ёс 108 137 .. they say to him Syr 
(s)..pref and Eth esx. saying] 6 &c (86) (137).. and say 
Syr (g) Arm Eth .. ки evro(a)y NAB ёс, Bo.. om Syr (s) .. om xat 

ТОНХ ІХ 32-37 163 

(any) one is a man of God, and doing his wish, Бе is wont to 
hear him. * Since (the) age (began) it was not heard that 
some one opened the eyes of one who was born (xm.) being 
blind. 33 If this (one) had not been out of God, he would not 
have been able to do any work. + They answered, saying to 
him, Thou wast altogether begotten in the sin, and thou (art 
he) who will teach us. And they cast him out. * Jesus 
heard that they cast him out; and when he had found him, 
said he to him, Thou, thou believes the Son of the man. 
36 Said he, Lord, who is he that I, I should believe him ? 
37 Said Jesus to him, Thou sawest him, and he who speaketh 

Bo (BFG,KMPQTV 26) йтазх. lit. they begat thee] (4) ёс 6 86 
115 .. eyevnOns L, OL Vg Arm.. pref cv ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh, s) Eth 
озх in] 4 20 43 115 ol.. pref e&oN (6) 861 07 99, Bo (Bn, EM TV 
26) Bo (p,*) пиойє the sin] 6 &c 137 .. арартиа 142", OL 
(belq) Bo .. арартюл5 ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Bo (p,*) гло) 
and 10] (4) ёс 86 .. om Во (вхо) Eth .. camest thou teaching из Syr (з) 

35 а-с(отах Jesus heard] 43 86 97 110, МСАВ ёс, OL (aeq) Vg 
Во (BQ) Syr (h) Arm.. à r€ ae с. 6 20 (108) 115 o!, OL (befffl) Bo 
.. к &с МР”, Syr (gs) Eth .. ук. ovv o is 69, OL (с) птереч(ра 
99)9є epos when-him] 6 &с 108, Во Syr (Б) Arm .. evpev avrov ка 
D, OL (abq) Буг (g) Eth .. add eo Л?, єбоМ Bo (fr) .. when had found 
him Jesus Syr (s) .. om Syr (59) nag to him] 20 &с 108, МСА ёс, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (gs) Arm... om N*BD, OL (e) Bo (4*) яхпро. of 
the man] (6) ёс 108, NBD, Syr (s) Eth ro.. т. 0. A ёс, OL Vg Bo 
Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Cyr Tert 

3% пех. said he] 97 99 .. add maq 6 ёс (108) .. arek. exewos к. eurev 
D ёс, OL Vg Syr (h) Arm .. om az. ex. В.. om exewvos OL (а) Bo Eth 
.. Om кал є. А(В) 68, OL (a) Bo (B).. om ка. Bo.. answered to him 
OL (4) Bo (q) .. answered he who was healed and, said. Syr (g) .. said to 
him he &c Syr (s) .. and ans. that man and said Eth mx.(mxc 99 
also verse 38) Lord] 6 ёс 108, N, Arm, Chr.. trs after коту АВ ёс, 
Во Syr (gh,s) Eth .. my Lord Bo Syr (g sh) пла who] (6) &c 108, 
AL al, OL Vg Bo Syr (g) Arm Eth.. кои т< SBD ёс, Syr (jh), Chr 
ne is] (6) &c 108 137 .. om 86, Syr (s).. add «фу В | 

87 nexe said | (6) &c, М№(єфу) ВХ 33, OL (abe) Bo Syr (gjh) Arm 
.. атєкрібт D .. add de А ёс, OL (q).. pref кал 249 al, OL (cfl) Vg Eth, 
Cyr акпат thou sawest] (6) ёс, Bo (v) Syr (gsj) Eth .. pref xat 

M 2 


3 ито Ac nexay Macy. хе nxoeic Апистехе. aso 
ачотоцут magy 3 пехе 1€ Maf. хе йтадїеї AMOR 
єпєхкосакос етохп. SERAC METERCENAT choA am 
ewenaw eho\. avo метнат eboX eveyone ибАХе. 
^ алусоутаж, WoTooeute їнетнаа аа | choA ом мефарі- 
самое. MESAT иас хє чаи ANOM QOON ANON QEN- 
OXAe. 41 meme © nas. хє ene итети осибАЛе ислам 
мобе ероти me. тєно» ae TETHAW UOC. хе TANAY 
gbo. петимобе ag epa. 

X. RE. gaunt Озоны “(хоо eoc инти, хе 
петєнцинт ам ебоХ огтаж про єооун enoge їїйє- 

% (6) 20 43 86 97 99 (108) тто$ (115) (137) (fr) o! * 20 43 86 $ 
97 $ (99) (108) 110$ (137) o1 § nex] Bo (н).. пт 115 ol, Во ese] 
ever IIO sic 4 20 Š 43 86 (92) 97 $(99 $) (108) 110 $ (137) o! 
iinet. | Bo (ACTG,HKLPTY)..ehoN ei met. 92, Bo (NBDA,EFJMN 
098) вен әй по * 20 43 (86) (92) 97 § (99 $) (108) 11o (137) 
ol хе ere] xeme 99  йтєти|птоти 97 өєнК | өнд, 110 ne] 
om 20 

* 20 IP 43 $ (92) (97 ЇР) 99 IP (108) 110 $ (137) 0! № RE 97 o! 

хе] ош 110 mereitq | -meq ol arm] trs after eh. 110 

МАВ ёс, Syr (h) Arm ., thou seest Bo nevus. he who вр.| 43 &c, 
NAB &с.. пептачцу, he who spake 20 naak lit. with thee] 
20 &c, NAB &с.. trs before Лл. D, OL (1), Hil 

38 птос-пач but-him] 20 &c 108 (137 ?) Bo (м) Syr (g 40) .. om 
М, OL (b) ато МАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh)... he saith Syr (з).. 
аЧотощВ he answered (6 1).. aq. equw Soc he ans. saying 86 97 
99 (fr ?) .. om o бє-куріє OL (b1*) «e-nicr, Lord, I believe] 20 &c 
(108) .. хє yn. nx. 86 97 99 (fr?), AB ёс, Bo (вА/ёхоо) Syr (h) 
Arm Eth .. хє-паб@ my Lord Bo, Syr (gs) azw and] 20 &c .. add. 
he fell down бут (gs) nag lit. to him] 20 ёс (108) .. avrov D 157 
а] 7, Bo (maros) 

39 mexe-mat said-him] 20 ёс 99 108, Во (в) Syr (s) (Eth) .. om 
№“, OL (Ъ1*).. ки erev o ts МАВ ёс, BoSyr(gh)Arm тэс 
саше] 20 ёс 99 108, Bo..trs before es 2° D, OL (abefq) Arm Eth, 
Chr ., trs after rovrov МАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) замок I] 20 & 99 108 
137 e trs before es r° D, Eth .. trs after крда SAB &e, Syr (h).. om 

JOHN IX 38—X 1 165 

to thee is that (one). 38 But he, said he to him, Lord, I believe. 
And he worshipped him. °9 Said Jesus to him, I came indeed 
to this world for а judgement, that those who see not [out] 
should see [out] and those who see [out] should become 
blind. 4° Heard some of those who were with him out of the 
Pharisees, said they to him, Are we also indeed blind? 
41 Said Jesus to them, If ye were blind, ye would not have 
sin; but now ye say that we see [out], your sin (is) staying. 
X. 23. Verily, verily, I say to you, He who cometh not 
through the door into the fold of the sheep, but (a) is passing 

Syr (gs) Arm пєтєй(пєти 110)сєйгъ those-not] 20 &c 99 108 
(137 ?).. they who are blind бут (s) 

* атс. they heard] го ёс, NBLX 33 157 249, Bo Arm, Cyr .. 
add хє 97, D, OL (ffe) Bo (pFQ).. ки ук. А ёс, OL (bceflq) Vg Syr 
(gjh) Eth..and when they heard Syr (8) ..844 ovv т aud, 
igitur OL (a) ..add emar these 86° 97 99 90€1(43 .. оо 20 &c)- 
фар. зоше-РЬ.] Bo Arm .. єк т. ф. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gh) .. the Pharisees 
Syr (s) iuter, they-him] A &с, Syr (gh, в) Eth .. ог per avr. ovres 
NBDLX г 33 157 248 565..and those &с Axmedd (trs after Ph.) 
фарс(сс 92 97 110)aroc] N*¢PD 63 253 32°, OL (beefffgl) Bo 
Arm .. add ravra NAB ёс, OL (а, q) Syr (gjh) Eth, Cyr пех. 
said they] 92 110, Во (NBFQv) (Syr в) .. pref ати» and 20 ёс, МАВ 
&с, Во Syr (gh) оооп анон(анно ої) we also] (921) 99 108 
110 137 01..0ш 97.. 9. ап 20 43 86 .. om also Syr (s) 

4 пєхє-пау said-them] 20 ёс 86 99 (108) (137), Bo Syr (gsh) 
.. єлтє ovv &c D al 15.. erev дє ёс ST al.. ки вт. А 69 124 al то, 
OL (gl) Eth .. om Jesus Syr (s) nay to them] го ёс 86 99 (108) 
(137), D, Bo..trs before Jesus NAB ёс nean] 20 ёс 86 99.. 
ne neaxaxox Bo.. ие stessaxor Bo (Гнімсросѕу fr).. ne ne neas. ? 
Во (є,) Tenor now] 20 ёс 86 99 .. om Syr (s) me] 20 ёс 86 
99 (108) .. ве 97, Bo (z) тєлїїхөо ёс ye say] 20 & 99 (108 1) 137 
..pref because Syr (g 40) лети (ex 92) мове ag. lit. your sin (is) 
standing] 20 ёс (92 1) (99) (108) 137, Bo (моу).. у ap.-peve. №* cb 
АВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (h) Eth .. а ap.-pevovoew W^ DL X 33, Syr 
(sjhms) Arm, Cyr .. у оюу ap. A &c, OL (al) Syr (с8,Ь).. pref ато and 
97, Bo Syr (j) Arm 

! инти to you] 20 &c 92 97 108 137 .. trs before Aeyo В єй.— 
npo through the door] 20 &с 97 108 137 .. ош T itit(om 43 o! 
also verse 2)ec. of the sheep] 20 &с 92 97 108 . 2n which the flock 18 


coor. AAA» єцоуотЬ eboA ох Reca. MeTALeeay 
сурецятюує пе. ати» OTCOOME пе. ?петину ae 
ито ehoA orma про. ито Me пщос iutecoov. 
3 MAI eujape пелєнотт отом иг. ATW Wape itecoov 
COTE єтєссяєн. ATW WacqeeoTTE єнєцєсоот ката 
метрами. митох ehoA. “фотан ечиамеие ehor 
пмєтепоуц тнроу. шааяооще QATETOH. ATW шаре 
Wecoov ovagov Исо. we cecooyW итесаян. 
5 йметоулооу ae йто Hea оуцаааас. АЛЛА cena- 
пот єВОМ Magog. хє Hcecoov ам йтєсяян HIYA- 
азо. Сбтепаростама зүхоос MAT ибие. HH ae 
зэлотсїаас хе оу мет MOOT ма. "'пежасі 

coone] соотиє 43 2 20 (41) 43 92 (99) (108) тто (137) o! 
3 20 Š at ато 20 41 43 $ 92 (99) (108) 110(137) 0! euape] Bo (в) 
..щаре 43 99, Bo mesa. ] пали. 92 отоп] айотон 99 sic 
viros] -єм. 92 99 * 20 41 43 Š (92 Š) 99 (1086) 110 (137) o! 
Фатетен|-оє1то ° 20 (41) 43$ (92) (99) (108) 110 (137) o! 
йтєсахн] 20 99 ol, Bo.. et. 110 137, Во (к).. Tecan 43 sic 5 205 
41$ 43 (92) 99 (108 $) 1108 (137 $) о1$ " (R) 20$ 41 $ 43$ (92) 
99 $ (193 $) 110$ (137 $) 

Syr (g) adda] 20 ёс 92 97 108 137 .. and Во (fr) Eth єв. - 
са by-side] 20 ёс 92 (071) 137 .. trs before avaBauvov D, Arm 

2 мє] 20 ёс 99, Syr (gh) Arm Bo (r)..and Syr (s) 
ivr-ujoc he-shepherd] го ёс 99 108 137, D, Syr (8).. тоци. коту 
NAB ёс, OL (aeg) Vg Syr (gh) Arm (Eth), Lcif.. hie pastor est OL 
(befffq) Во 

3 max this] 20 ёс 99 (108) (137), Syr (gh) Syr (s).. but to 
him Eth stag to him] 20 &e (99) 108 137 .. add the door Syr (gs) 
aso and 29] 20 &c (99) 108 137 .. ош Во (в) нєцєс, his sheep] 
20 &c (99) 108 137, Bo, suos oves OL .. oves suas OL (c) Syr (g) Eth .. 
та б. троВ. МАВ ёс, proprias oves (f) Vg Arm 1.. та тр. та òa D, 
suas oves proprias (a) .. the sh. Во (A, кт) .. his beasts the sheep Syr (s) 
ката и, acc.-names] 20 ёс 99 108 137, Во Syr (gh) Eth .. -nerpa 
-their name 43 110* .. кат оуора МАВ ёс, Arm... бу its name Syr (s) 

t оотьи] 20 &c 92 108 (137), МВП? r 33 157 565, Во (Bs).. 
pref ки AD ёс, OL (aef) Vg Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth .. add ae 99, КП" 

JOHN X 2-7 167 

over by another side, that (one) is а thief and is a robber. 
? But he who cometh indeed through the door, he is the 
shepherd of the sheep. ? This one to whom the porter is 
wont to open, and the sheep are wont to hear his voice, and 
he is wont to call his sheep according to their names, and 
bring them out. * Whenever he should bring out all those 
which are his, he is wont to walk before them, and the sheep 
are wont to follow him, because they know his voice. ? But 
they were not following indeed a stranger, but (x) they will flee 
from him, because they know not the voice of the strangers. 
в This proverb said to them Jesus; but those (men) knew not 
what were the (things) which he said to them. "Said he 

al, OL (befflq) Во, Суг | їїпєетє,—тнр. all those-his] 20 43 108 137, 
Bo .. iinet. тирот we 41 0l .. Им. ste т. 92 99 110; тайа ravra NB 
DLX I 22 33 565, OL (ae) Arm, Cyr, oves suas omnes (Бс) .. та, 
«Sua. №* cb .. them Syr (j) .. all of them Eth .. та в. пр. А ёс, OL (fq) Vg 
Syr (h)... Ais flock Syr (є) .. his beasts Syr (s) | пес. the sheep] 20 ёо 
(92) (108) (137), Bo Arm .. his own sh. Syr (g) .. his own flock бут (s) 
..his sheep Eth | сесоози ёс they know &c] 20 ёс (108) (137) 
.. knoweth the flock his voice Syr (s) 

5 fures. they were not following] 20 ёс 41 (92) (99) (108) (137), 
Syr (h) .. goeth not the flock Syr (gs) me] 20 ёс 41 92 99 108 137 
.. ош Arm АММА-Азэхоч but-him] 20 ёс 41 (92 ?) 99 (108) (137) ЕХ яй (ош 92) щах(єза о!) зло of the strangers] 20 біс 41 92 
99 108 137, rov (om G Arm) аАХот. ЗА В &c .. anug. of the stranger 
110, Bo Syr (gsh) Eth .. eius OL (abcffl), Leif, ilius OL (e) 

5 Tema pe(om ol .. р 99) ок(н 99) заза this prov.] 20 &e (108) 
137..add ae Во (кг) ve: this-Jesus] this spake Jesus with them 
in a parable Syr (s) ин ae but those] 20 ёс (108) (137), exeo: de 
АВ ёс, Eth .. itar ae but these 99 .. кал NF .. and they Arm от 
пет (єс о!)хо ях. what-said] 20 &c (137) - тала ти а eka) et N ёс... 
ov пет. arog (92) 00 (108), quod loc. est OL (ae, beff) Vg Syr (g) 
Arm Eth .. om Syr (s) нау to them] 20 &c 108 137 .. om Syr (s) 
.. add o 15 69 

7 пеж.-нпат said-them] 20 ёс (021) (108), (таМи avros) D &oc, 
OL (a)..(avros там») Nacb A K ATI 157, OL Vg Syr (jh)..(avz.oi$ т.) 
X 33 106 32*"..0m т. a. N*.. om а. B .. ош т. №21 63 69124 253 565, 
OL (e), Leif Cyr .. again said to them Bo .. again he spake to them Во 


Ge си NAY HGNC, хє FAHM QANMAN poo iietoc 
мити. хе anor пе Hnujoc миєсобт. 5 отом мая 
ENTATEL оепрецаттє ме. ATW оейсооне ие. AAAS 
Fane песооу соотай. epoov. “anon пе про. ершьи 
ova бов єоон QITOOT. сүйгдоз жа ATW чиабок 
egovn. ие ehoA ифое erea ажаасснс, ° преч- 
слоте reger erbe Waas. єянті хекас EC[EQ WT 
ATO ин Шоот ATW мотако. AMOR Мтатеї XERAC 
єтєхї HosoNQ ATW ficexr WHovoovo. amok me 
Qa megecoor. 1° пахацбене ae єтейоущос am пе. — 
nar єтєйно | aM me иесоот. Шаүнау єпотон 
єцинт. arw нка Hecoor мапот. avo шаре 

° k 20 $ 41 43 (92) (99) (108) rro (137) о! gemp.] опр. о! 
оєпс.] ойс. 92 сотах) om со ITO sic ° k 20$ 41 Š 43 Š (92) 
99 (1084) 110 $ (137 $) 01 osa] от 110 sic nges) мечет o! 
єтаза| COT. 92.. eara 99 10 (k) 20 Š and at anor 41 43 $ (92) 
(99) (108 $) 110 (137 $) 01 exax.] exes. 92 занті| -тєї 20 92 99 
ol ooqgr] guhî 20 92 нӯш. | nequ. 20 ит.] мечт. ol itrarer] 
єпт. 41 43 п (&) 20 5 41 43 $ 92 110 $ ol 2. 2041/49 119 
у! 01 єтєйи.] 41 110.. єтєп. 20 &c ngka) segra ol 

(5) .. but said to them again Syr (g) .. om бє Syr (g 4) .. again said to 
them Syr (s) Arm .. and again said tothem Eth Явис esus] 20 &c 
(108) (137) .. om OL (b) инти to you] É ёс (137) -.trs before 
Aeyo В — mugoc the sh.] k &c (108) (137) ..7 вира ЗАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth fec. of the sh.] k ёс 108 (137), Во Syr (h) 
Arm Eth .. of the flock Syr (gs) 

8 ovon miar all] & &c (92) 99 (1087) (1371), МАВ &c.. om D, 
OL (b) Did Quzst..add 3e Г, Bo (»,).. pref and Во (x) Syr (gs) 
en(it k 99 108 137) aves who came] & ёс 99 (108) 137, N*EFG 
MSUTA al, OL Vg Syr (gsjh) 110.. add про eyov $e ABD K 
LX АП al, Bo Syr (є 36) Eth Ar, Or Did Isid Hesych Leif Faust Jer 
.. pref про єроо га], Arm, Valent Quest clem ме are] twice 20 &c 
99 108 .. om ? 10 K .. уоау 6 63 71 116 248 253 254 259, Arm, Did 
Jer Пес. the sh.] & & (92) 99 (108) (137) .. the beasts Syr (s) 

JOHN X 8-12 169 

therefore again to them Jesus, Verily, verily, 1 вау to you, I am 
the shepherd of the sheep. ЗАП who came are thieves and 
are robbers; but (a) the sheep heard them not. ?l am the 
door: if (any) one should go in through me he will be saved, 
and he will go in and come out, and find a place of feeding. 
10 The thief is not wont to come because of any (thing), except 
that he should steal and slaughter and destroy; I, I came 
that they should take a life, and take an abundance. 7! Iam 
the good shepherd: the good shepherd is wont to lay down 
his life for his sheep. 1? But the hireling who is not 
a shepherd, this (one) whose own the sheep are not, is wont 
to see the wolf coming, and leave the sheep and flee; 
and the wolf is wont to carry them off and scatter them, 

° про the door] k ёс 137 ..add of the flock Syr (s), of the true 
sheep Eth ер(р К) &c if &c] Ë &c (92) (108) 137, Arm .. and ай 
who Syr (s) azw чиав. eg. and-in] k ёс 92 (1371)... ош A .. om 
and Во (сткоту) Arm ялоопє feeding] k &c 92 (108) .. злоощє 
walking 110, Bo (н) 

39 престо (оо 99)5e the thief] 20 ёс 92 99 .. add de Syr (s) Eth 
anon I] 20 ёс 92 99..add de D, OL (а) Bo (nA,z20s fr) Syr (s) 
Eth  апок-оото I-abundance] om 110, om kac-exoow D отоп 
lit. a life] 20 ёс 92 .. add avovvov N, Syr (gg) Eth оз (ош оз 99, 
Во M)govo an abundance] Ë ёс 92, тєритсог RAB ёс .. перютоотероу 
XT бо 157 2097, Ath 

4 ищос ет. the good sheph. 29) & &c.. om Bo (Q).. pref and Bo 
(EJs) Syr є (4)s .. pref but Eth wagka is-down] Ë &c, rgo 
Ne бе, Syr (gh) Arm, Clem Or.. dudwow 33" D, OL (be) Vg Bo Syr 
(sj) (Eth), Aug пецес. his sh.) (К?) ёс, Во Eth .. rov проВатоу 
WA B &c .. sheep Arm .. his flock Syr (g, s) 

1? жє] ор. de А &c, OL Удсїем Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Eus Chr 
.. add the false Syr (s) .. o дє д. МОХА 33 69 124 157 2539", Const ôe BGL r, OL (a) Am Во (є,), Leif єтєйотщ. who- 
shepherd] Bo (в2,0) Syr (g) .. om Syr (s) .. pref ки ЗАВ ёс, Bo 
nar-me this—not] Syr (s).. pref and Syr (g) Eth щаҷи. is—see | 
when he seeth Syr (gs) Arm Eth azw and 19] om yl, Syr (gs) Arm 
Eth Пес. the sh.] twice .. the flock Syr(s) — и4(меч о!) пот and 
flee] add quia merc. est OL (b) azw and 29] om Bo (МЕ,*) 
торпот to carry them off] Arm Eth .. om avra D, OL (bgffl) Vg Syr 


потом торпоу ч хоорот ebo. Mee owoxaibene 
пе ATW ажпесүрооти) alt пе ол Wecooy, Мамок пе 
MWwe eTHamnose. ати -Lcoos9W more. ATW моті 
COOTH яяееої. 1 RATA OE єтєрє пезот соо яя евон. 
AMOK QO соотн аєпегот. ATW nano mra XH 
Qa илесоот. !6oyWMTAY On авт иоейнеєесоот. 
емо єнєЁоХ am мє ORL merooe. ATW нєтаж га Olt 
сапе єтрасоотоот, ATW CENACWTAL єтасяєн исе- 
щопє iovooe йоуот. ovujoc ноот. "erbe пат 
паєгот аас Kteeor, хє cbpuaBo anon нтАчУХн. 
хенас ON EFERITC., 18 Reel Альт сүү aeeeoc тоот. 
AAA amok етих язезос PAPO! аєхумат. Отур 
TEZOTCIA €HAAC. ато ом OTH} тєтоусга єхгтс. тєї- 

13 20 41 1то (у) o! М 20$ 41$ 110 $ (71) ш1$ 01$ 2 20 
(36) (41) тто m! $0! § gw] ооо 20.. 9907 o1* 1620 $ (36) (41) 
110 $ (y) m1$ 01$ єпоєм| 2001.. fie. 110 ml(or) meroge] moge 
IIO gant] готтіошіо! Nomshasgont — "20$110 y! ml $o!$ 
ІЗ 20 (36) 110 (y!) m! 01 axssit] о!.. хэл 20 &c у! ovi 19|оти- 
Ta: yl twice.,ovit 110 Єкаас| ак. 110 віс  ezoscia 20] ezova 
110 sic 

(sh), Aug .. pref cometh Syr (g) *oopos scatter them] Bo .. om 
avra NBDLII r 22" 25 33 37 42 482 489 565 Syr (sj) Arm, Leif.. 
add та троВата А &c, OL Vg Syr (h) Eth, Cyr .. add the flock Syr (s) 

13 xe—here(om кє 110) me because-hireling] 20 &c yl, М(А*) 
BDL г 22" 33, OL (e) Bo Syr (j) Arm, Leif .. add in it Syr (s) .. pref 
o дє расватоє pevye А? ёс, OL (abcfffgl) Vg Syr (gh) Eth, Cyr 
Пес. the sheep] 20 &c yl, Arm Eth .. the flock Syr (g) .. it Syr (s) 

" mug. ети. lit. the sh. who is good] 20 &e yl.. o тоци о каћоѕ 
МАВ &c..o Kados т. D azw and 19] 20 ёс у!, Bo (DA, EFIN 
оов)..ош Bo itosi(ex 41 twice) coos ах, mine-me] 20 &c y! .. 
yweckover pe та epa $R B(D)L, OL Vg Bo Syr (sj) Eth Ar, Eus Nonn 
.. ywuckopat vro rov eov А. &c, Syr (gh) Arm, Chr Thdrt .. add and 
known am I by ту own Syr (s) 

15 nes(ns 110 twice)wt the F.] 41 ёс, Bo (м) Arm Eth .. паєгот 
my F. 20, Bo Syr (gs) anok I] 20 бо 41.. pref and Bo (KLTV) 
Syr (gs) Хпәко I-down] 20 ёс 36 41... тивпра № біс, Bo (uP*) 

JOHN X 13-18 171 

13 because he is а hireling, and his care is not about the 
sheep. +I am the good shepherd, and I know mine, and 
mine (are) knowing me. 15 According as the Father knoweth 
me, I also, I know the Father; and I shall lay down my life 
for my sheep. 16I have also other sheep which are not out 
of this flock ; and those it is necessary for me to gather, and 
they will hear my voice; and become one fold, one shepherd. 
17 Because of this my Father (is) loving me, because I shall lay 
down indeed my life, that again I should take it. 18 No one 
taketh it away from me, but (a) I (am) who lay it down of 
myself: I have the authority to lay it down; and again 
I have the authority to take it: this commandment I received 

Буг (g), Eus Ath .. бідори 33" D, (Eth) tarp. my life] 20 ёс 36 41, pov D 58 71 паєсосу my sh.] 20 &c 36 41, OL (bcef 
#01) Vg Bo Syr (j) Eth.. om pov МАВ ёс, Arm .. the flock Syr (gs).. 
my flock Syr (g 36) 

№ дуптаг-оєп (оп ш1) кє, I-sheep] 20 ёс 36 41 .. каг adda трой. 
exo NAB ёс, Syr (s) (Arm) .. к. ал. дє ёс D 346, Syr (gh) (Eth), Eus 
Thdrt avo and 19] 20 & Syr g (4).. because Syr (g 9) 
azw 29] 20 ёс yl.. add also Syr (s) Eth .. add all Syr (gs) ясєш. 
and beeome] 20 &c y1, yernoovras NEBDLX т 33 565, OL (f) Bo Syr 
(jhme) Arm .. усети МА ёс, OL Vg Syr (В), Eus Bas Cyr Thdrt 
osujgoc &с one sh.] 20 &с y! Во (A*).. pref язя and (lit. with) 
110, Syr (gsh) Arm .. of one shepherd Eth 

" maer(ar 110) от шу Е.) Syr(gs)..oz.N ёс, Syr(ggh) Eth m. 
axe за. my-me] o т. pe ay. А ёс, Thdrt .. дє o т. ау. XBDLX 33 
248 249, OL Vg, Chr Cyr .. loveth me ту Р. Bo Arm .. pe o 7. pe ay. 
M... and ту F. because of this loveth те Syr (s) маке I-down] Bo 
(к" о)... mønu МАВ ёс, Во anor I] 20 yl .. trs after orc МАВ ёс, 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth.. om 110 m! ol, Syr(s) om again] om Bo (r,* x) 

З a-g taketh it away] Во.. аре №, Or Eus Did, tollit OL 
(abcefffg) Vg Syr (g)..tollet (1) Bo (в,кт).. уре W* B .. pref and 
Буг (5) Ей — àANa-s1asaa but-myself] 20 біс у!.. om D 64 251, 
OL (1*) ..but I lay it down of me Syr (s) adda Syr (g 9) Eth 
амок Г] om Bo (к,") oyw+ I have 19] 20 &c yl .. add yap Syr (gs) 
Eth ox again] Syr (s), Or .. trs after А. avr» Bo (DA,) .. after exo 
МАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm Eth.. om 110, 64 80 225, OL (ff) Bo (Lo 
Pfr), Chr Hil osit vez. I have the auth. 2°] om Буг (з) еже 


ENTOAH итатхтте ebo оттая плет. aren iceea 
ом wone QW котам erbe wewgaxe. 20 мети gag 
arw суЛобе. erbe o» тетисотая epos. 7! оемкооує 
мето) eoc. хе MEIASE Maora ми ие ео 
бл А пАБАЛе. 2° aquone isneovoeny єтї%««лъ 
ибчхїэєгн ON oHe. ne тепро те. arw meg- 
яяооще исие осяє перпе ga тестох iicoAoseon. 
A ATHWTE GE EPO нохитомам ATW пехат Macy. 
хе WATHAT вой аєпенонт. eujse йток пе NEXE. 
axic ман ом оупаррнсы. 2° aeosoujb йбис, же 

firar] 110 ylol..envas 20 ml ? 20 Š 36 110§ m! $ o! $ 
? 20 $ at етве 36 110 ml 01$ mes] 110..1eosii 20 & отп] 20 
&c..xosn m! qX.]eqN. m!  ? 20 36 (69) 110$ m! $0! eenx.] 
ойк. m! йна] om й 69 wos] 69 110..0m щу 20 &c 220 
36 $ 69 № 110 № m! $0! P orf] exe. ol 33 20 36 69 110 
(115) m! IP о! om] он 69 mepne] npne m! М 20 36 69 115 
m! $ аб euj. ol$ пот.) feros. m! ке) ener m! 2 20 $ 36 69 
IIO 115 Š ml $ о! 

to take it] го ёс yl .. AaBew № ёс араг D, OL (c) Terent (й 110 
m! о1)т. this com.] 20 &c 36 yl .. this is the c. which Во .. pref and Bo 
(мо) .. pref because Syr (є, s) наєгот my F.] 20 & 36 (yl) .. om 
pov D 36, OL (ab) Во (q), Novat Hil Chr 

9 аус. a div.] NBLX 33 249, OL Vg Bo (А) Arm... add ow 
AD ёс, Bo Syr (h), Chr Cyr .. pref апа Syr (j) (Eth) .. and there was 
again а d. Syr (g).. and when these he was sp. there was а d. Syr (s) 
er again] Bo(A) Syr (g 9) .. trs after eyevero 1 346 565 569 .. trs before 
сх. Arm .. om D 225, Bo, Chr.. and divided therefore again were the 
Jews Eth iu(er ml)os. the J.] Syr (gh, s) .. vo oxAo X .. trs 
before eyev. 33 мєт these] Syr (gh) .. this Bo (BT A,* EJ,N$,3,0* РТ) 

? ae] МАВ ёс, Ус Bo Syr (jh).. om 220, (OL c) Bo (fr) .. ow 
N*cbD 1 86 565, Bo (9) .. её OL(abcfffl) Syr (g) Arm Eth .. хє osit 
Bo (А) .. because there were of them who were saying Syr (s) ethe 
от wherefore] т. NAB &c.. om L.. why at all Arm єроч him] 
Syr (gh) .. om Syr (є 11)... stand ye and listen to him бут (s) 

JOHN X 19-25 173 

from my Father. 19 A division again became amongst the 
Jews because of these words. °?) But there were many saying 
amongst themselves, There is a demon with him, and he is 
mad; wherefore hear ye him? 2 Others were saying, These 
words are not those of one who hath demon: is it pos- 
sible for а demon to open the eyes of the blind? 
22 Happened at that time the dedication in Jerusalem; it 
was the winter. 23 And was walking Jesus in the temple 
under the porch of Solomon. * Surrounded him therefore 
the Jews, and said they to him, How long takest thou away 
our heart? If thou art the Christ, say to us openly. 
25 Answered Jesus, I said to you, and ye believe me not: the 

1 иєтухо they were saying] 20 &c .. pref ae ml, бо, Syr (g, s say) 
.. and. there are who say Eth nei. these w.] 20 ёс, МАВ ёс, 
Во Syr (gsh) Arm .. trs after оюк єттї D ARa the eyes] пй. Syr(s) || Riü&ANe of the blind] 20 &c., ganh. blind Bo, 
МАВ ёс, Arm .. trs rupA. after off. D 245, OL (ef), Chr .. toza’. 
of a blind. 69 

22 aeu. happened] eyevovro D хх (охх бо, Bo wQ)neos(69 110 
пет 20 &c)oeruy ev. at that time] 20 &c.. rore BL 33, Bo Arm 
(Eth)..pref ae 69, Bo (p,%,A,EG,SHJKLMOT).. дє (without rore &c) 
МАР ёс, OL (cff) Vg Syr (gjh) facta sunt &c (1).. and it was 
Syr (s) .. et cum facta esset (e) .. om conj. &c I 225" 226 251 258 565 
48 2 al 2, OL (ab) mx. the dedication] the feast of the d. Syr (gh) 
.. the f. which is called the honour of the holy house Syr (s) .. the restora- 
tion Eth пє-тє it-winter] yep. yy RBDGLXII r зз 42, OL (ff) 
Bo.. pref кш A ёс, OL (acefgl) Vg Bo (1,8) Syr (gjh) Arm Eth 

23 veras, was w.] 20 &c (115 Ї).. перитате AL оа under] 20 &c 
115, Bo.. Sem in Во (в), NAB ёс, Syr (gh) .. Zn the stoa of Solomon 
which is in the temple Syr (s) йс. of S.] 20 ё 115 .. coAopovos 
N*BDEFGAA а!..соХороитос NCA ёс 

^ сє therefore] Syr (h) Arm..and Syr (g) Eth єроч 
him | om N* azw and] om Во (BF,*sm@) nemo. our h.) ten- 
Lox our soul Во, туу V. пи. ЗАВ ёс .. wem. our souls Bo (NDE 
JNSV) | ой(о и 115) оуп, openly] om ой ох та 69, NA &c.. 
тартса, В" D 

? ацот. answ.] щі, $*D, Bo (кв)..а44 mas to them 20 ёс, 
МАВ ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (h) ..add avro 184 € arek. o is Eu.. 


агхоос NATH. ATW итетигистете ам еро. меобнуе 
AMOR єїєтре Mercor O32 прам ааплеют. War MET- 
Разитре єтіннт. 2 aAA итоти йтєтипістєтє an. 
же итетм осиебоХ am oW maecoos. 27 waecoov 
CENAOTAQOT cwr. ато anor Tua нат torong 
Wa енед. ATW пметоє ehoA eneg. avo inte Ахат 
торпо» ебоћ ом Tacix. 2 пленот пентасүтаат цас 
Чә жї oron ина». ATW Adee Wore MAaaT єторпот 
ehod oW Tots ажлаєгот, “amon sell плетут ANON 

€Xerpe] eek. 115 мет] neer 69 115 % 20 (36) 69 (76) 110 
115$ mlo! йтєтїїп.] тєтип. 115 йтєтїї]-тє о! een] Bo (кр,8) 
.. ош Do..eemme 115 sic | 27 20 (36) 69 (768) 110 115 $ at ато» 20 
ml$ol$ щат] ща rro sic З 20 (36), 69 (76) 110 rr5 m! ol 
? 20 $ (36) бо Р (76) 110 (115 $ at aso) m! o! $ and ёс эзээл | 
01.. зап 20 & 36 76 115 9 20 57 $ 69 (76) 110 115 ml ol 

am. 15 Kat elrev avro 47 €" .. ans. Jesus and said to them Во (м) Syr (g) 
Eth ..ans. them Jesus and said Arm .. saith to them Jesus Syr (s) 
arx, І said] Syr (gh) Arm.. Аал» D, OL (cefffgl) Vg Syr (s) (Eth), 
Tert инти to you] add уду X їїтєтїп. ап ye-not] Syr (gsh).. 
оок єтєотємтатє В 71 157 а] 6, Armed epos me] D13 69 124 346 al 5, 
Arm Eth, Chr.. om pou МАВ ёс xeof, the works] add сар бо, 
Bo (x) .. and. Syr (gs) .. because Syr (g 9) nar these] avra D, OL 
(ael) Bo Syr (gs) Arm (Eth), Tert eth, conc. me] om тєр: H.. 
єтЁннтӯ conc. him 115 

7 АМХА 20 ёс 36..ош Во (с,) тистєтє] 20 ёс (36)... add те 
Arm edd Eth хє because] 20 &c 36, NBDLX г 13 28 33 69 565 
al, OL (bfffgl) Vg Bo Syr (gsjhms) Eth, Chr Syr (g o)... 
уар А &c, OL (ace) Syr (h) naec. my sheep] 20 &c (36) 76, NB 
KLM*II* 24" 33 42 89" or 239 489, OL (cg) Vg Bo Arm ..add 
кабюс evrov ушу AD ёс, OL (abef) Во (Ашвк ск eL fr) Syr gsjh) 

М maec. шу sh.] 20 ёс (36) 76.. pref because Syr (g 9), but Eth 
avw +c. 33. and-them] 20 ёс (361) 76, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. om 
Bo (A*) 

ФОНХ Х 26-30 175 

works which I indeed do in the name of my Father, these 
are those which bear witness concerning me. * But (a) уе, 
ye believe not, because ye are not out of my sheep. ?' My 
sheep indeed are wont to hear my voice, and I know them, 
and they will follow me. 28 And I, I shall give to them a life 
for ever; and they shall not perish ever, and no one shall 
carry them off out of my hand. * My Father, he who gave 
them to me, is aboveall; and it is not possible for any one to 
carry them off out of the hand of my Father. 201 and my 

2 awo a. and I] 20 ёс 76, Во (с,* 9) .. kayo МАВ ёс... om anon 
ml.. ovog a. gw and I also Bo Eth .. om and Bo (в) draX-o7- 
(om ov m!)ong ща єпєо(и5 69) I-ever] го ёс 36 (76), Bo .. NBL 
М*Х 33 157, Во Syr (gsj) Arm Eth .. £o. а. ддош а. АГ ёс, OL 
Vg Syr(h) Or Eus Bas Chr Thdrt azw and 29] om Bo (в) 
йпєуоє-ато they shall not-and] го ёс 36 (76) 115* Во (Q) and Во (Е,*) .. not any of them &с Arm сід nne] 
add цу be able to Во (вр,* мх, EJQSV)..add мє 76 Та®тх my 
hand] Syr (h) Eth .. my hands Во (кр) Syr (g) Arm 

° maer my F. 19] 20 ёс 36 76, АВ ёс, OL (fg) Vg Bo Syr 
(gh) Arm Eth, pov N* 13, OL (abceffl) Syr (j), Bas Dial 
Chr Tert Hil.. add yap Syr (g) Eth .. pref because Syr (s) ne (om 
пе 69 76" тт5) итаат. he-them] 20 &c 36 69 115.. пєнтацтаото: 
he who sent те m! .. os dedwxev A B? &e, Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Bas Dial 
Chr Суг.. o 8e8. NB*L 13e”, OL (abcefffgl) Vg Bo (фи єта-тніц), 
Tert Hil..o дєдокоѕ D Taar п. gave-me| Bo (gave him) Eth., 
poc алта 13 69 al, Arm .. om алта RAB ёс, Syr(g) | «(es 115 шо. 
is above] 20 ёс 36 (76) I15 .. деву ND ёс, Во Syr (gs, h) .. рабом 
ABX, OL Vg, Tert Hil ejorxit o. п. is above all] 20 ёс (76) 115, 
p. таутоу e, A ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (jh) (Arm Eth), Bas Dial Chr .. т. є 
p. Х..т. р. є NBDL, Syr (gs), Cyr ш(ош 69)# possible] го ёс 
36 76 115.. om Syr (s) €rop. to carry-off] 20 ёс 36 76 115, 69 al 
5, Bo, Chr, add illud OL (acef) avra NAB ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm 
Eth тв. the hand] 20 ёс 76, Eth..itewx the hands бо, Ро (х) 
Arm | mae. my F. 2°] 20 & 76 115, AD ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) 
Arm pov NBL, Syr (sj), Bas Dial Chr Cyr 

? anton I] 20 &c, Syr (gsh) Arm .. add ae Во (ac).. pref and 
Syr bar heb mae. my F.] 20 ёс 76, A 71 247 4497, OL (e) Bo 
Syr (gs) Arm.. om pou МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Eth 


ora. lary WME ом HOTHIOTAAT хєнас ETENOTARE 
єроц. 22 asqosoubh wav HGNC. xe агтсавоти egag 
посі ємәмотоу ehoA giTae паємот. erbe aw 38- 
засот iigob erermagrome еро. ауотоШ nay 
soraan хе исмилозоме ам єрок erbe ооб 
EMAMOTYJ. AAAa erbe siora. хе иток итк оурояяе 
еңегре teok йпоуте. ^ aqovoub мату WoW. хе 
зан иене ам бак петимояєос. хє AMOR AIXOOC. 
же MOTTE. MAI ENTA MWARE ажпиоутс шопе Шароот. 

м 20 бу $ 69 (76 $) 110 $ 115 m! $o! | ?* 20$ 57 $ 69 (76) 
іто $ 115 ml ol $  тсай.| тсаахоти 57 egag] 20 & 76 .. по. ol 
orrax] -ти бо, (Во) .. grrot ах Bo (вр, х8) стетих] єтєтита 76 
83 (р) 20 $ 57 $ 69 (76) 110 115 $ ml o! § menna] nena 115.. nen 
69 (present) am] trs after єрок 69..0m ax 115 sic 34 (p) 20 5 
57 $ 69 (76) 110$ 115 m! §ol gem] опи. rro m! =з CB) 
20 Š and at ато 57 69 110 115 m! $ol $- enta] 20 57 .. ить 69 &c 

8 ayqs wne they-stone] 20 ёс 76, NBL 33, OL (Ёс) Am (Arm) 
.. add ge therefore 110 ml, AD ёс, OL Vg clem Bo Syr (В) .. pref and 
Syr (gj) Eth .. pref when he said these Syr (з) оп again] 20 біс 76, 
Syr (gh) ml, D 28 69 124 330 al 5, OL Vg Bo Syr (s) 
Arm пои. the J.] го ёс 76 .. ош ml, Syr (s) ..trs before №0. 69 
254 48** al, OL (ef) Syr (gj) .. trs stones again the J. Syr (g 14) 
єроц him] 20 ёс 76 .. add the Jews Во (q) 

32 ados.-1€ answ.-Jesus] 20 ёс 76, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm .. ат. 15 
kat є. амт. 33, Eth .. resp. eis iesus dicens OL (сеї) Во (Armedd).. 
he answered and said Bo (x T) .. saith to them Jesus Syr (gs) tad 
to them] om Bo (x,*5,*) .. add again бут (g 12) по. works] 20 біс 
16 ..ош 121" 245, Epiph enam. good] 20 ёс 76, RAKAIL т 
33 106 157 254 565 al 3, OL (acefl) Am Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth .. 
trs before epya D &c, Vg clem, Hil..trs after уши B .. om 220 54°", 
OL (b) Syr (з), Thdrt . паек. my Е.] го ёс, NA ёс, OL Vg Bo 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Thdrt pov R* BD, OL (c) Syr (sh), 
Ath Hil ethe-owh because-work] 20 &с 76, dua тоюу avrov epyov 
М(А)В &с.. ба т. avrov єрусу K al, Syr (s), Epiph.. dua п. epyov 
avrov X 71 124, Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. om avrov Л? 157 435 44°", (Bo) 

ФОНХ Х 31-35 177 

Father are опе. 31 Took up stone again the Jews, that they 
should cast at him. 3? Answered to them Jesus, I showed фо 
you many good works from my Father: because of which 
work of them will ye stone me? 33 Answered to him the 
Jews, We are not about to stone thee concerning (a) good 
work, but (a) concerning blasphemy ; because thou art a man 
making thyself God. ?* Answered to them Jesus, Is it not 
written in your law, I, I said, Ye are gods? * If he called 
those god, these unto whom the word of God became (sent) ; 

» kat д. тошу epyov 69 .. propter quid OL (e) .. because of which there- 
fore work Bo epor me] 20 &c 76, AD ёс, OL (cf) Bo Syr (jh), 
Epiph Thdrt Hil.. trs before №0. NBL 33, OL (abe) Vg, Ath 

3 avov.—itr(er ml)osa. answ.-Jews] 20 ёс 76, SABKLM* XII 
al 20, OL Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm, Ath Hil.. say to him the J. Syr (gs).. 
add Aeyovres D ёс, Во (р) Syr (j) Armedd,, add dixerunt OL (e) Bo 
(в)..а44 and said they Bo (Етммз).. and ans. & and said to him 
Eth ethe concerning 29] 20 ёс 76 .. хє because 69 110 ml, Syr 
gs) Eth тота blasphemy] 20 &c .. (er ml). thou blasphemest 
69 110 ml, Буг (g) Eth .. trs thou bl. after man Syr (s) | «e because] 
20 ёс (76), №, OL (с) Bo, Cyr Thdrt.. pref xa. AB ёс, Syr (h) Arm 
..and Syr (gs) йпток-раозає thou-man] (р) ёс (76), Arm .. йти 
отр. thou being а man? ml, ov av0. ov NAB ёс, thou a man thyself 
Bo .. аубр. ov ОКП 131 al то, OL (e) Vg ed Syr (j), Chr Thdrt Quest 
..trs before blasphemest Syr (s) єкетрє thou art making] 20 &c 
16 .. кегре thou makest p .. pref and Arm uor lit. thee] 20 
&c 76, Bo .. eceavrov № &c .. eavr. GU A al, Or Meth 

М aeos, answ.] р &с 76..add om 69... saith Syr (gs) пал to 
them] 20 ёс 76..ош Bo (AF) йске Jesus] p &c, Bo (7,*? Q) .. add 
кол ет. D, Во (Eth) .. add said he Bo (в) ñqcHo (p 57 69 76 110 
.. пече. 20 115 ml ої) written] thus written in &c Syr (g), thus in біс 
written Syr (s) netim, your law] р ёс, За АВ ёс, OL (fg) Vg Bo 
Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Eus Ath Thdrt vuov N*D 19 ev, OL (bce 
#1), Eus marc Tert Сур Hil anon I] p &c.. om N*, OL (1*) 

5 euyxe aqar, if he called] 20 ёс.. add ge therefore 69, є ovv 235 
249 al 3, OL (cfl) Arm, Hil ..add ae Bo (»,).. and if Syr (g 7) Eth 
.. Om єг-єоу Syr (s) agar. | avar. they called 69 .. he named Arm cdd 
..єте МАВ ёс, Во Syr (є) Arm.. they said. Syr (g і") nera, 
those] 20 &e, Bo (s) .. x Во | запи. щотє of God became] го &c, 
МАВ ёс, OL (cf) Vg Во Arm, Ath Did Сур Hil .. ey. т. 0. D, OL 



ATW азам Wore ivre тесрафи би ehorA. 26 ere 
пента пегот тббос. аүүтиноо» епкосяяос. тити 
тети 884880С. хе HBIOTA. хе АГХООС. хе ANT 
пщире аєпноттє. ° єцухе й{ере am шиєоінтє 
ляпаєгот. аяприюстеує epor 23 епухе perpe ac яє- 
засот, HAM ETETNTALMICTETE Epor. пистехе enteo huve. 
Opar монт. ATW ANOR Lose mero. 39 метилие Ge 
ON исх Соп. ати aser choA ом теубтх. ач 
бок om єпекро аєпіораанно emea єнєрє Iw- 
gamae понт gopi єсібаптює. aqyow язе. 

iie] 20 57 mlol.. зам 69 rro 115 ujo.] р 69 115..0m uF 
20 &c 85 (0) (p) 20 $ at птоти (26) 57 69 (76) 110 mlo! тети] 
9 20 69 .. йт. 57 01.. єтєтії тїо m! xe &.] g 69 .. хє єк. 20 
57 IIo ml ol °" (0) 20 $ (26) 57 69 (76) тто m! o1 nX.] “ёс 
26..0m п 69 3xxnp.] запер. IIo 38 () 20 $ 57 $ 69 (76) 110 
mlol кап] kaan m! пістєує 19] -telove 57  єтєтиє | -ма m! 
opar] eo. m! Понт| om Ito sic X] om rro sic Sn) 295 57% 
69 (76) тто ш! о! 40 (1) 20 57 69 $ (76) 110 шіб 01  пекро| 
тикро 20 57 тора.) neropa. m! 

(аб е 1), Eus Dam .. Ахин. поо of God reached 69 110 .. сусу. о À. т. 
0. Syr (g) Eth .. o А.т. 0. ey. Syr (Б) azw and] (р) &c .. om Во (Q) 
тес. the scripture] (р) &c .. the word of God Syr (з) hor єв. (om 
єй, 110) be broken] 20 &c .. 150А lie 69 
** exe then] g ёс (p?) 76..0m NAB &c.. but Arm Eth пеп 

20 57)®т the F.] g ёс 76..ту F. Bo (fr).. God Bo (s) Tbog 
hallowed] (8) ёс (р) 76 .. ууаттоси U 47 Во (н,*) agri. he 
sent him] (а) &c (p) 76, Во (BF,*) .. pref кал ЗАВ ёс, Во ir. ye] 
(а) ёс (26) Syr (s) xxr. thou blasphemest] w &c 76 .. blas- 
phemat OL (abeffl) .. blasphemo OL (с) arx. І said] (g) &c .. әке, 
thou saidst 69 ..evrev 472, Буг (s).. om G..add to you Bo (м) Syr 
(gs) Eth хє-поутє I-God] g ёс (26 1) 76 .. that the Son of God 
Syr (s) sic .. trs of God Son Arm cdd 

` 37 єцухє if] (0) &c..add ae Bo (nA,x208 fr) .. and if Syr є (2) 
Eth эхпас(ош 76)rov of my Е.] (g?) &c 76.. ош 110 єрох 
ше] 20 ёс 76..ош Bo (fr) ` 

JOHN X 36-40 179 

and it is not possible that the scripture be broken, 29 then he 
whom the Father hallowed, (and) he sent him to the world, 
ye, ye say, Thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of 
God. ?'IfIdo not the works of my Father, believe me not. 
38 But if I do them, even if ye believe me not, believe the 
works; that ye should know and recognize that the Father 
(is) being in me, and I, I am in the Father. 29 They were 
seeking therefore again to arrest him, and he came out of 
their hand. * Не went again beyond the Iordanés to the 
plaee in which Iohannes was at first baptizing ; he remained 

33 ae] 20 &e 76.. ош Bo (т) 3331007 them] 20 ёс, Во.. от 
МАВ &с єтєтїїтхє(ош тэх r10)m. ye believe not] 20 ёс 76 .. бєХєтє 
mot. D, OL Vg, Tert Сур epor me] 20 ёс 76..ош Во (s) 
пістєтЄ-єтазє believe-know] 20 &c.. the works believe and ye will 
know that I 4:0 Syr (s) steg. the works] 20 &c 76 .. пао. my works 
ш!, HM 124 157 al, Chr Hil птетисо. and recognize] 20 ёс 76, 
BLX г 33 116 565, Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth, Ath Ps-Ath НИ .. кастістєу- 
onte (53) А ёсс, OL (fg) Vg Syr (gh), Bas .. om D, OL (abceffl), Tert Сур 
ne(om 57)swt the Е. 1°] 20 ёс 76.. пає. ту F. 69 om п. in 
the F.] 57 110 m! ol, NBDLX 33 157, OL (асер) Vg Syr (jhmg) 
Arm, Eus mare Dam Hil (trs от: eyw ev то &c Ps-Ath Chr Thdrt Tert, 
Bo Syr s Eth).. ояк паєгот in my Р. 20 761, Bo Syr (g) .. понті 
in him g бо, A &c, OL (bfffl) Syr (h), Bas Сур 

39 бе therefore] g ёс 76, МА ёс, OL Vg Syr (h) BEGH 
MUT A al до, Bo Arm .. ae 20 57, OL (f) .. ко e£. D, Syr (gj) Eth .. ovv 
avrov оь иоъёалоо 69 .. again after (these) were wishing the Jews Syr (s) 
ox Иса Gong again-him] (6) ёс 76, U, Syr (gs) Eth .. таму avrov 
тоси В ёс, Syr (h).. avrov т. та. NCAKLXATI 1 33 131 al 5, 
OL (f) тал» N*D 64 69 440 al 8, OL (abceffgl) Vg Syr 
(g 41 j), Chr.. наАш om nasko- again they were seeking Bo Arm 
тєубтх their hand] 20 ёс, Syr (h) Eth .. пеуб'ях (9), І 22 247 565, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (gsj) Arm 

© aqg&ox he went] g ёс 76, Bo (r,*Q).. каг az3A0. МВ &c, Bo 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth ..ат. ow А оп again] (g) ёс 76..от Syr 
(gs) emata to the place] (g) ёс 76, Во (грд, зор)... от e 69 ml, 
Bo.. om № 225 245, Chr ^о he remained] 69 76* .. pref aso 
and 20 ёс, NAD ёс, OL (fg) Vg Syr (h) Eth .. ка euevev В, OL (abce 
ffl) .. Ле was Syr (g) Arm .. om Syr (s) uar there] 20 &c 76.. 
anaa єтїїахәъ at that place 69 .. om Syr (з) 



41 злузанншє bor Wapo. хус aevo Жж ос. хє 
тиздамине Melt апр ADAT Rietaent. ASE ame мая 
ENTA IWPAMMHC SOOT eThe паї осмаяе Ne, Фата 
м QAO тистєэє epos MIAN єтаваєму, 

XI. Ré. иез ova ae wone. хе Aazapoc. єоХ 
ON Hean meee Meeapia зох eeapoa тєссонє. 
TAI AE TE яємрім. теитастеос MXOEIC соби. ATW 
ахсцєт мецотернте ORL песци. тах €Wepe пессои 
ХаХарос шоме. °? лухооу G€ Wapoy ибїнецсоне 
ETAO UOC. хе пхоее єс оннтє чруюме sI- 
пєтнаас аваас, * йтерецсотае ae iuc MESAS- 
хє пепуоме їїиєзүщооп am єп оз. АХХА erbe 

Ч 20 (27) 57 69 (76) 110 $ аб arw m! $0! $ exra] 20 57 .. Tita 
боёс genase} оп m! mej] me 20 З 20 (21) 57 69 (76) 110 
m! o! 

1 20 P (27) 51 69 Р (16) 110 P o! Р Xe 110 mesi] пєот ole 
sic | 220517 69 1100! тємнтас| on ev Во.. eas ет Во (26) чет] 
het 20 69 110 ọm] Во (v)..3x бо, Bo.. pref e&oN Во (вр,м) 
tar 20) өн Bo З 20 57 69 110 ol оинтє] -ne 20 57 110 
net] Bo (rA, к*мо).. фн єт Bo 4 20 $ and at aNNa 57 § 69 110 
ol fimeg] neq 69 .. mq 110 

Ч ayar а multitude] 20 &c.. pref ато and 69 (76), кол тоХХос 
ЗАВ &c.. ganung multitudes Bo .. great multitudes Bo (м) | ато 
and] го ёс 76..o0m Bo (FQ) nexo ёс they were saying] 20 ёс 
46 .. add to him Syr (g 11) sen] 20 ёс 76, Syr (1)... от ml, 69 
124 al, Bo (r,*) Arm, Chr эхлї (20 57 110.. es 76 &c)p М. ах. 
did-sign] 20 ёс (76) .. ето. спи» ооду KLMXI r 69 124 157 565 
al 5, Or Chr.. отр. ez. ov. RA B ёс, OL Vg (ovde ev 1 69 124, Syr 
gjh, Or) Шахе words] 20 ёс 76..pref й 57..9& thing Bo.. 
whatever Syr (g) we] 20 &c 76 .. om 110, Bo (An,EJKN) 1009. 
29] го ёс 76, D, OL (bfl) .. trs eur. о. МАВ & хо. Во «оо 
said] 20 &c 76 .. axrow did Во (м) паз] 20 &c(27) 76 .. avrov A 

4 oae many] 20 ёс 76, NBDLX 1 зз 565 al, OL Vg Bo Syr 
(gsj) Arm Eth .. trs after етот. A ёо, Syr (h) anaa біс at that 
place] 57 m! ol.. ọm ёс 20 &с 76; NABDKLMUXT al, Bo Syr 
(jh) Arm Eth .. trs before es E &с..ош exe 16, OL Vg Bo (BQ) Syr 
(gs), Chr 

ФОНХ Х 41--ХІ 4 181 

there. “1 A multitude went unto him, and they were saying, 
Iohannes indeed did not any sign; but all words which 
Idhannés said concerning this (man) were true. * And 
many believed him at that place. 

XI. 25. But there was one sick, (named) Lazaros, out of 
Bethania, the village of Maria and Martha her sister. ? But 
this is Maria, she who anointed the Lord with ointment, and 
she wiped his feet with her hair: this (16 was) whose brother 
Lazaros was sick.  ?Sent therefore unto him his sisters, 
saying, Lord, behold, sick is he whom thou lovest. * But 
when had heard Jesus, said he, This sickness was not being 

* ота-Мат. but-L.] 20 ёс (27%) 76 .. and was sick L. Syr (з).. 
and there was a certain sick (man) L. Атта єй. о. out of] 20 &c 
(27?) (76) .. ато ЗАВ &c.. om e&oX Bo (q 26).. in Eth и (тг 
69, ex о!) яае the v.] 20 (27 7) 76, 28, Буг (g) (Eth), Сьг.. ош буг 
(з).. ргеї єк ЗАВ ёс, Во Буг (В) элїї аз. and М. | го &c (761) 
+ OM 157 Tecc, her в.] го ёс (76), Syr (Б) Eth .. a8. avrov A, 
sororum. eius OL (1) Arm, Aug.. the brother of M. and of Martha 
Буг (gs) 

2 ae] Во (acrepnzr, 27, N).. om бо, Bo те 15] ти МАВ 
&с sapia] papau В 33 negor. his feet] om avrov D 
244 .. she who anointed with the ointment the feet of Jesus and wiped 
with her hair Syr (g) .. she who washed the feet &c Syr (s) пєсч(ё 
69 rro)o her hair] талс 0рий aus .. add туз кєфаћѕ U 239 253% 
al, Syr (h) тәх є(ош 69)пере this whose] gç ЗАВ &с.. ys ки D 
..the brother of her was L. who &с Syr (s).. and. it was her brother L. 
who &c Eth 

З om verse OL (ff) сє therefore] om Arm .. and Syr (g) Eth.. 
бє? Syr (s) wap. unto him] om 22 40" 63 71 235 253 259 .. Tp. 
т. w D, OL (bcel) Syr (gs) Eth пече. his sisters] DS т 249 346 
565 al, OL (acef) Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth, And; position N 249 472, 
Bo Arm..trs before zp. avr. АВ & avrov МАВ &c.. his two 
sisters Syr (gs) .. om sisters Syr (є 9") eva. saying] om Syr (s)... 
add пач іо him Во (BDA,EFJMNOQS 26) пх. Lord] rabban Syr 
(gs) пєтк (єк 69 110 ol)axe he-lovest | єфїХєк L 29 ev, Arm 

* жє] Syr (h) Bo (вот) Syr (s) Arm..and Eth neu. 
this s.] add avrov D, Eth..7 ao. avrov 69 it(om 69) печ (ич 
110) щ. ап was not being] поттайт-ам із not a disease Bo .. om Во 


пёоо» а#пиозте хєкас epe пеціднрє хеоот ебоћ 
охтоот ў. °мере үс хє ae RReeapoa зам азарга 
тессомє aM Матарос. битерецеютая хе соме. 
тоте заем аб поооу CHAT OAL паза емеионтц. 
Тазмусцє AE пе хас WMec[e240HTHC, хе NAPON Olt 
€Xovaaia. S emas Maf їбиецаалөнтнс, хе 
Qpabbes renos мере HioTaar шде исх оюоне EPOR. 
ATW om кнабон ажал, ?acjovoujb ione mesa. axe 
хөн SAAT замтсмосотсе Ппоумоу ояе MEQOOT. ерщхи 
OTA ALOOUJE оз» MEQCOT засүхихроп. хє YNAT 
enowoenr аяпекосяяос. 1° ерцуам OTA хє seoouje 

QW тєупун Ujacpxrzpon. хе потосиг WOON ап орг 

5 (р) го $ 57 $69 110 40101$ ° (p)20§ and at aren 57 $ 69 110 
40101 же q] 201 &с.. жє eg ol 7 20 51 69 110 4015 o! $ 
8 го 57 69 110 401$ 01$ кна] екма 401 enar] Maar 69, 
Bo (F,*) ° 20$ 57 $ 69 110§ (40! $) o1 § man) 20..язїк бо 
110 4о1..5% 57 0! -споотсє) om e 20 57 sreg] Во..пиеч Ле 

shall not Bo (х5) 10 20 57 $ 69 95 110$ 015 mosoem] зэх. 

(г) запи. of God] eius OL (cff), Amb xerac that] pref adda 
N.. pref and Bo (26) Eth ef. o. through it (ог him) | Eth .. à 
avrjs МАВ &e, Vg сет Am? Fu Bo Arm... per eum (f) Аъ“, Во 
(кту 26), Hil, per ipsum (bel), in ipso (ff), in illo (ae) .. Sua avrov 69 
.. trs in й (or him) his Son Syr (s) .. because of him (or it) Буг (gh) 

5 жє] 20 & Bo (r,*)..and Arm Eth хаха рөг—тєсс. 
M.-sister] 20 ёс, Во Eth .. т. рарба к. т. ад. avr. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h).. 
add рарау 229** 240 244, OL (bfgl) Vg Armcdd,.ixssapra seit 
axapes Tecc. (р?) 69, р. к. т. аб. avr. papÜav т 13 22 69 124 346 
565 253°, Во (вк) Arm .. Martha and Mary Буг (g)..lazarum et 
sorores(-em c) eius OL (ace), l. et m. et sororem eius (ft) .. these three, 
the brother, Mary, Martha, Lazarus Syr (s) 

6 grep. when-heard] 401, Arm .. add oe ol, SAB ёс, Bo Syr (h) 
..add ae p &c..and when Syr (g,s) Eth .. tote отп etage. then 
therefore having heard Во (АЛГР) — «uj. he is sick] 20 &c .. was sick 
L. Syr (s) axen] 20 ёс.. om G, OL (а) aq5 he remained | 
20 &c .. euewev o ts D, OL (b, cff) 

JOHN XI 5-10 183 

for the death, but in behalf of the glory of God, that his Son 
should be glorified through it. 5 But Jesus was loving 
Martha, and Maria her sister, and Lazaros. 9 When he had 
heard that he is sick, then ?ndeed he remained two days in 
the place in which he was. 7 But afterwards said he to his 
disciples, Let us go again to [the] Iudaia. f Said they to him 
his disciples, Hrabbei, (just) now were the Jews seeking to 
stone thee, and again thou wilt go thither. ? Answered Jesus, 
said he, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If one 
should walk in the day he is not wont to stumble, because 
he seeth the light of this world. 10 But if one should walk 
in the night he is wont to stumble, because the light (is) not 

7 ахийсо(о тто)с afterwards] after this Во..етата pera Tovro 
МАВ «&е.. er. p. тота X, OL Vg Bo (v 26) Arm .. and then Eth.. 
om буг (=) є] Во (к 26) .. om 40l 01.. and he saith Syr (s) 
пиечая. to his disc.) ADKTAATI al, OL (befffgl*) Vg Bo Syr 
(gsh) Eth (el*).. om avrov NB ёс, (a), Chr And .. ато Arm 
{rapon let us go] pref соте Syr (g, в) Arm оп again] 1 13 69 
565, OL (асей) Syr (є) Arm Eth, Thdor .. trs after (056, Ne ёс, Bo.. 
mow А 184€" .. om 69 тто, №, Bo (r,*s*) Syr (s), Chr 

Š nex. said they] pref and Во (в) Eth печах. his dise.] DT 
249 253° al, OL (ace) Bo Syr (gsjh) avrov ЗАВ ёс, 
OL (bffl Vg Arm ор.] NABCDEHTA .. -fı F ёс, Bo .. rabban 
Syr (gs) Textor пом | behold Syr (s) пере were] epe are 110 
пєрє-єрок the Jews-thee] Syr (gs).. e£. сє ог iov. №0. U 1 13 69 
157 al 5, OL (f) Vgclem Arm (Eth), Chr And.. её. сє А. ог tov8. 
NAB ёс, Syr (h) 

° aqos.-nex. ans.-he] 20 &с 40l .. arek. is NAB ёс, Arm .. saith 
to them Jesus Syr (gs) .. and ans. Jesus and said to them Eth sn- 
пєоооу are-day] 20 ёс, Eth .. ouxt 8. eow ор. т. nu. А ёо, OL (Ёо) 
Vg elem Syr (Ь).. о. 8. о. e. т. nu. NABCKL MXTII al бо, (abcefl) 
Am Fu (Bo) Syr (gj, s) Arm, Chr Cyr And ..o. д. opas exer п) про D 
є (от o!)puy. if] 20 &c .. pref and Syr (g) .. he who Syr(s) оз neo. 
in the day 29] го ёс, Bo..ev tw pore X, Bo (в) жє because] 
20 ёс, Bo .. and Bo (Acc fr) nes. (пік. 20 110) this world] 
20 ёс, matk. this ёс Во .. mm. the ёс Во (AcE, uro* fr 26) 
Syr (g 4) | 

10 є(ош о!)рш if] Ле who Во Syr (s) Eth є] om Во(всн 26) 


понтс. H mar аүхооу, азмисюе пеха мат. хе 
Aazapoc пемшфир ацинотн, АЛЛА rabo. хекас 
exeToritocy. 1° пехау Ge их йбтазаєментне. хє 
паоєт єцухє NHTANKOTH үнэтооун, 18 ита < ae 
«ooc erbe пеазот. NH AE атазеєтє. XE EYRE NE- 
мкотк ажи. 1 Tore Ge a KC оос мау ом 
охпаррнстєа. хе Матарос мча оз. Гао Храще 
єтбєтнэтн. хекас єтєтиєпїстєзє. хе Weiteeex% Alt 
пе. AAAA eapon Wapoy. 1° пехе Owseac, пещату- 
OTTE epoq жє зуатязос йпесубразлөнтнс. хе 
Aapon димом. хє єнєгєсу махаар. 77 птєресеї 

п 20 $ 69 (95 $) 1105 014 12 20 Š 69 1100! $ 13 20$ 
(69) 110 o! оос] 69 ol..add me 20 110 14 20 6 то 01$ 
15 20 (95) 110 0! Храше| avtpause o! sic єтєтиє| eterna 05 
110 19 20$ (95 $) 11001$ пєщ.) nenu. то щірі ol, Bo.. 
щінр 20 95 110, Bo (АСГр;Е*нумрѕу 18 fr) т 20 001 

понт in it] 20 &c, e амт) D*, OL (d) .. понта in him 110, ЗАВ ёс, 
Bo Syr (gsh) Arm (Eth) 

п изу these] 20 &c 95.. add ae, Bo (nEsMsv 26).. апа Syr (s) 
ayx. lit. he said them] RAB &c, Bo (вм) .. having said Bo Syr (s) Arm 
.. said Jesus Syr (є) .. add to his disciples Eth — ахипсос afterwards] 
20 ёс 95, А, Во..каї pera rovro NAB ёс, Во (в).. and after these 
Bo (pegs) Syr (g).. after this Syr (h) Arm .. after these Bo Syr (s) 
.. and. then Eth пат to them] 20 &c (95), Eth .. т. даб. avrov 
235..0m 33  ацикотк he slept] 20 ёс 95, Arm Eth .. кошата D, 
OL Vg Syr (88) aenac &с that-him] 20 &c (95) .. rov єботишоц 
DT (om rov) 

12 бє therefore] МАВ ёс, Syr (h) .. om Syr (gs) .. and Eth 
nag to him] NDKII 42 481 482 489 al, OL (b) Arm... trs after 
pad. ВС*Х al, Bo.. om 116, C? ёс, OL (ffl), And ззяе. the disc.] 
110 0l, ND &c as above, Arm .. печах. his d. 20 69, C? ёс, OL (асеї) 
Vg Во (м, ©) Буг (gjh™s) Eth .. om А 44 122** 330, Буг (в) пхоєхс 
Lord] our Lord Syr (gs) йтачик. he slept] Eth .. когдато D, OL 
Vg eque. he will rise] 20 ёс, Bo .. add ом again o1, Во (Q) .. co- 

Onoerau NAB ёс (Syr gs Arm Eth) 

JOHN XI 11-17 185 

being in it. 11 These (things) he said ; afterwards said he to 
them, Lazaros our friend slept; but (а) I shall go, that 
Ishould raise him. 1? Said they therefore to him the disciples, 
Lord, if he slept, he will rise. !? But Jesus said concerning 
his death; but those (men) thought that he is speaking of 
the sleep of [the] unconsciousness. М Then therefore Jesus 
said to them openly, Lazaros died. 15 And I rejoice because 
of you, that ye should believe, because I was not there: but 
(x) let us go unto him. 19 Said Thomas, he who is wont to 
be called, Didymos, to his fellow disciples, Let us go also, 
that we should die with him. 17 When had come therefore 

13 пта-азоу but-death] 20 ёс 69 Во (0)..а хос Bo (кт) 
Буг (g) .. was saying Arm .. had said this to them Syr (s) trs after Laz. 
me 19] Syr(g).. vap Во (м).. add он Во (v) .. and Eth пецаот 
his death | Syr(g) .. om avrov W* .. because was dead L. Syr (s) «e 29] 
20 ёс 69 .. om Arm .. and Syr (gs) avar. they thought] го &c.. 
evar, they are thinking 69 .. eXeyov X ее (ош о!) he is speak- 
ing] 20 &с.. хо Во (v) .. из Bo(pA, EJNOS).. а хос Во (А 26) 
.. єтаҷхос Bo (м9).. a«pso Maroc Во (ВСГЕСНКІРТІ8 fr) nenk. 
зап. the sl. of the unconsc.] 20 &c .. т. коцитсєос т. vrvov NA B ёс... 
sleep Syr (s) 

М vore] Во (Q).. again Syr (s) .. and then Eth бе 
therefore] Syr (В)... om А 157 249 565, OL (а) Во Буг (gs) Arm Eth 
үс | Vg clem (Bo) .. trs after ато NA B ёс, Bo (nE208 26) Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth..after capp. 1..0m 33 157, OL (ae) Tapp. | таруоча 
N*X Nazap. | add о idos nuov D 

15 ато and] 20 &c .. àXNa Во (q), but Eth піст, | 20 & 95.. 
add те Arm asaport let us go] 20 ёс 95 .. walk ye Syr (g) .. pref 
walk ye Syr (s) .. go, let us come Атта uyapoe unto him] 20 & 95, 
Буг (sh) Arm Eth .. thither Syr (g) 

16 п. ewagac said Th.] 20 ёс (95), Во (26) Syr (gs) Arm .. add ovv 
МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h)..and said Th. Arm лечщібрах. his—dise. | 
т. соу. avrov D, OL (fff) Bo Syr (gsh) avr. NAB ёс, Arm Eth 
. pad. К 565 al, And asap. let us go] Syr (g) .. come-let us go 
Syr (s, h) 

" ит. when-come] NAB &с.. and when &c Syr (s) .. 7А0.-ка 
C* D, OL Vg .. and came-and Syr (g) Eth 

186 ЇШо:АНИНС 

Ge полу. мое epog єпєүцтоо» пе eggi птафос. 
18 HHOAMIA ae месони еооти eorAHee HaeelTH 
стан. 1 отазнище ae CBON ом їз ма wearer 
пе WA заарөа alt аварга, хе evecAco Xov. erbe 
пеусом. 7 aapea се Wrepecco Tae XE IC ину. ACEI 
CROA онт. MAPIA DE Wecoseooc пе oes пит. ?! пехє 
apoa бе MIC. хе пхоесе emnenaeneieea. мере пасом 
мљлазоу aW пе. 22 ААЛА Tenor он Хсооун, хє ооб 
23 mexe ұс MAC. хе ПОУСОН матооти. 7! пехє 
apoa waq. хе Дсоотм хє чматосоти ON ТАМА- 
CTACIC бля поле посох. Mexe IC MAC. хє AMOR 
пе танастасїс ATW поо. петгистехе EPON RAN 

18 20 $ 110 5015 efa] өхєсХнэх ol 1 20 11001 cAc] 
сеХс. ої | 29 го $ at asap. (95) 110 0! $ 21 20 (95) 110 Š ol $ 
mer] пі 95 110 ? 20 (95) 110 0!  єткна| 20.. even. 1100! 
З 20110001 ae] om o! sic м 20$ I10 0! 25 20 Š 110 Š at 
nem. ol $ 

ge therefore] om Bo (9) Syr (g) ngut Jesus] N* A*BC ёс, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm .. add es Вубамау NPA? DXA 124 157 al 
12, Bo (amer,¢n,¢xs fr) Буг (gsj) Eth епеччт. ne lit. being his 
four] reco. ур. A*D 237 2087 183e”, OL (e) Во Syr (є) Arm Eth.. 
т. п. nòn  &с, OL (bef) Vg Syr (Б), And... уду ти. ВС" 13 69 
249 472 т°Ү.. 905 т. 1. OL (agl) Eth .. that they buried L. before, four 
days Syr (s) eq-Tad. being-tomb] Syr (є, h).. exovra ev то pe 
N &c .. ev то p. ex. DL, OL (beffl) Vg 

18 &uo.] N*B..» 950. АСР &c ae] Eth .. and—de Syr (s) .. 
and Arm ña about] Bo Eth .. ws N &c, Syr (g).. om D, Syr (s), Cyr 

19 ae] NBCDLX 33 157 249, OL Vg Во Syr (j) Bo (r,*) 
Arm ..ovy I 118 565, Во (м 26).. «av A ёс, OL (f) Syr (gsh) Eth 
iuos. the Jews] cepocoAvpwv D wa-a a. unto-Maria] D, OL 
Vg Во Syr (gj) Arm Eth .. to Mary and Martha Arm .. трос туу p. Kat 
papau $ BC* LX 33 38 157 249 .. пр. ras терь p. к. p. A ёс, Syr (Р) Beth Ania Syr (s) sapia] papiay ЗА &c .. papap BCDLA 
xe eve.—ethe that they-cone.] concerning Во (A*) comfort M. 
and, M. Syr (s) neve, their brother] AC ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) 
Eth .. om Syr (s) .. om avrov NBDL, OL (I) Arm 

JOHN XI 18-25 187 

Jesus, he found him for his fourth (day of) being in the tomb. 
18 But Béthania was near to Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia. 
19 But many out of the Jews had come unto Martha and 
Maria, that they should comfort them concerning their brother. 
20 Martha therefore, when she had heard that Jesus (18) 
coming, came out to meet him ; but Maria was sitting in the 
house. ?!Said Martha therefore to Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst 
been here, my brother would not have died. ??But (a) now 
also I know, that all things which thou wilt ask from God, he 
will give to thee. ?? Said Jesus to her, Thy brother will rise. 
2t Said Martha фо him, I know that he will rise in the resur- 
rection in the last day. * Said Jesus to her, I am the 
resurrection and the life: he who believeth me, even if he 

2 бе therefore] Syr (h).. om Bo (Р) Arm .. дє Буг (g) .. and Syr (s) 
Eth aces came] Bo (BDA, EIJNOQS 26) .. om Syr (һ).. ргеГгастонс 
she rose Bo .. avs they came Bo (7) .. she went out Syr (gs) Eth .. she 
went io meet him Arm эзәр] 20 &с 95 .. om Bo (a*).. 
карар 33 ae] Arm Eth .. and Syr (s) 

1 бє therefore] 20 ёс, Syr (h) Arm..and Syr (gs) Eth 
mx. Lord] 20 ёс 95, Bo (м) Syr (g) Arm.. om B, Syr (s) .. ту Lord 
Во Syr (g) Eth пере-пе my-died] 20 &c (95 ?) Bo .. o ад.-атеб. 
C? ёс, OL (bcefff) Vg Syr (h) Arm .. ove av o ад. ёс AD 157 .. 0. av 
ат. о аб. и. NBC*KLXII г зз 42 118 145 249 254 (565) al 2, 
Syr (gs) Eth, Cyr And 

2 aN.—on but-also] 20 &c (95 1), Bo .. аААа кал voy NCA ёс, OL 
Vg Syr (6)... ко my N* BC*X 1 зз 53 249, OL (a), Chr And .. and 
now also Bo (вх) Eth осв м. all things] 20 &c, Syr (є 37 h).. 
ота. NAB ёс, Syr (g).. whatever (Bo) Syr (s) Arm Eth матаас 
lit. will give them] 20 ёс, Аш Fu Syr (gs), Chr .. add о 0. ЗАВ ёс, 
Во Syr (h) Arm Eth 

5 nexe said] pref and Eth нас to her] om Bo (Q) 

^ nexe said] pref and Eth qıta (20 110, Bo.. єҷпа o! .. на 
Bo д)т. he will rise] om Syr (s) ой тана. in the г. | om XA A* al 
5, Chr And .. add of the dead Eth 

б nexe said] erev МАВ &c..Aeye 69..add дє N т al, OL (b) 
..add ovv X al.. pref and Eth azw пом and the 1.) om Syr (s) 
nen. he who b.) pref and Syr g (5) 


EYWAMLLOT. cpraoHo. arw orom мая етом. 
єтпїстезе epor WYMALLOT AM ща EMEP. TemicTeve 
єпаї. 27 пехлс ма. хє ce пхоес. anon Зпістетє 
хе MTOR пе NEXE пщнре aemuovTe. петину епкос- 
aroc. ATW итересхе nas acboR. ACALOTTE eeea pta 
TECCWNE єсхо» аваасс MAC Narore. хе aA MCAQ ei. 
ATW Чазстте epo. ° итос ae itrepecco as. ACTWOT NC 
ом отбепн. acer eboA wapoy. ??^xc же меппт 
ессти emase. AAAA єтї мєтояя meea. ENTA apoa 
TWALNT еро понт. ?'iuovaat Ge ETQA пні NRR- 
авс. ATW ETCOACA язаасс, йтероумау єлхарга. хє 

% 20 (95) 1100! миа] 20 110... иа 95 0! 17 20 (то) (95) 
(96)1100! xe ñ] жи то єпк.) 20 70 96 110.. ак. о! 2 205 
(70 §) (95) 96$11001 20§ (70) 96 § 110$01$ ®" 2096 $ rro 
ol єпта)20., йта 96 &с |?! (р) 20(95) 96 $ and at йт. 110 $ o! 

6 aso and] 20 & Во (ду) ети. who Б.) 20 &c 95, Bo 
(BNQV).. pref ku NAB ёс, Bo ща e. for ever] 20 &e (95) .. trs 
before ov Syr (g except 9 s) ena: this] 20 &c.. these Syr (s) 

27 пех. said she] 20 ёс 95 .. pref and Eth nag to him] 20 &c 
95 Der 57, Bo (4,09) .. add Martha OL (ас) Syr (s) ce 
nx. yea, Lord] го ёс (101) (951) Bo (Г")..о is A.. om ce Во 
(a*c,*) Lord Во Syr (gs) +тист. I b.] 20 ёс (101) 95, В" 
472 475, Во Буг (gs) Arm cdd Eth, Chr .. тєтгштємка, NAB** ёс, 
Arm .. emiorevoa E*, Буг (Б) ин. God] 20 ёс (70) (95) 96 .. add 
who liveth Bo (26) 

3 это and 19] 20 ёс чо (95) Bo (мо 26) -xe said] 20 
&c 70 95, МАВ &c .. -сотях heard 110 паг these] 20 &c 70 96, 
AD ёс, OL Vg Во (вэмхв) Syr (gsjh) .. rovro NBCLX al, Bo Arm 
Eth, And achwk went] 20 ёс (то) (951) .. aq. ки RAB ёс... 
om OL (c).. 3A6ev L асахоттє she called] 20 &c (70), Syr (gs) 
Arm..xa e$. МАВ ёс, Eth .. e$. дє ка 69 аларга] 20 &c 
(70), Bo .. trs after come 110, D .. дарау Ñ ёс, And .. парам, 
ABCDKLAT 33 Tecc. her sister] 20 ёс то .. ош Syr (s) 
ñx. by stealth] 20 &c 70..trs after amd. Syr (s) a (ош ol)- 
злотте | 20 ёс 70 96, Syr (gs) Eth .. rapeorw к. pove NAB ёс, Syr 

JOHN XI 26-31 189 

should die, he will live. % And every one who liveth, who 
believeth me, wil not die for ever; thou believest this. 
27 Said she to him, Yea, Lord; I, I believe that thou art the 
Christ, the Son of God, he who cometh to the world. 28 And 
when she had said these (things), she went, she called Maria 
her sister, saying to her by stealth, The master came, and 
calleth thee. 2 But she, when she had heard, she rose 
quickly, she came out unto him. ° But Jesus had not yet 
come into the village, but (a) still was in the place in which 
Martha met him. *! The Jews therefore who were in the 
house with her, and who comforted her, when they had seen 

(h) Arm..adest vocat Am Bo (5) псао] 20 &c 70 96, Syr (h).. 
rabban Syr (gs) Eth .. pref behold Eth 

? ae] 20 &c 70, RBO*LX 33 69 229** 249, OL (f) Bo Syr (jh) 
„от АС?” ёс, OL (aceg) Vg Arm, And .. et (bffl) Eth .. and 
Mariam Syr (g) .. and when heard М. (с 14 s) птер. when-heard | 
20 &c 70 .. om heard Во (q) act. she rose] 20 ёс, RBC*DLX 
33 249, OL Syr ( п) Arm Eth .. eyeiperac A ёс, OL (1) Vg Syr (h).. 
sprang up and eagerly went Syr (s) 9. genn quickly] го ёс, 
Bo (¥,*Q) .. add ка ЗАВ ёс, Во acer came] 20 ёс, Bo Arm (Eth) .. 
»pxero NBC*LX 33 249, OL (abffl) Syr (g) Eth, And .. epxerac 
AC?D ёс, (OL cefg Vg) Syr (h) єйоМ out] 20 ёс, Bo (DEJOS, 
4,0) .. om Bo ujapoq unto him] 20 &c, Arm dd ,, to Jesus Arm 

°° yc] trs after yap D, And .. trs after «№А. МАВ &c .. the Lord Bo 
(1) ae] Syr (gh).. om Arm .. yap D, OL Vg Bo .. and Syr (s) Eth 
запатч(єч 110 о!) had not yet] Syr (=) .. not until then Syr (s) .. ov 
Der ets(e} 110)] NBC(F)X т 33 242 249, OL (a, be, e, fffg) Vg 
Во Arm? AD ёс, OL (1) Syr (gsh) Armedd Eth, Chr meg- 
(па 01) exx was in] F, OL (ae), And ..trs ти er: NAB бо тозайт 
(зэл 20 96) met] x e&oN орач Bo .. 1 рароч came to him Bo (A*) 

? fuos. the J.] (р) &с.. also those Jews Syr (g) .. those also who 
were comforting Mariam Буг (s) бе therefore] 20 &c, Syr (h) 96, Syr (s)..8e Syr (g) .. and when saw Eth eToxx— 
azw who-and] 20 &c .. om Syr (s) avw and] p ёо 95, Syr (gsh) 
Arm .. om D, OL (f) Bo, gui ёс OL (ъс, e) Syr (gj) Eth nac 
seen] (p?) ёс 95..add ae Bo (кт).. because they saw Syr (g).. 
when &c Syr (g 9 sh) эзәр] 20 &c 95 .. papay BC*DKLAIL 
33 -. she Syr (s) 


ACTWOTHE QW оттепн. acev eboi. xwovaoow iicoc 
ETIW UOC. хє єснобон ЄВоХ єптафос: xe ece- 
piee mear. 2? азарга G€ WTepecer ebo” emea. 
ewepe 1с онт. ATW ACHAT epos acnoxc ga 
пецотєрнтє ecxo ажаасс Ma. хе Пхоєг EMEK- 
ззпєгаям. мере пасом ида оз alt пе. Зе бє ите- 
ETPIALe. асүцутортр oss nenita мое WWeTooT, "ати 
пехац. хе Ютатетинаар, тон. пехат ма. хе 
пахові AMOT MENAT. 3 асуріавє ибис. ° neva 

хє 3°] om rro 32 го $ (70) (96 $) 110$ (01$) понт] -TE о! 
ait ne] ош rro sic 33 20 $ (24) чо (96 $) 110 entar] 20 .. йт. 
70 96 110 * 20 24 (70) (75) (05 Š at mex.) (96 Š) 110 115 § 
35 20 24 15 (95) 96 110 115 36 20 24 75 (95) 96 ІТО 115 

оп-6. quickly] (p?) ёс 95 .. thus in amazement Syr (s) aces 
came] (р) &e 95, Bo (А,моо) Syr (g) Syr (g 36) .. pref ка 
МАВ ёс, Bo Syr(h) | e&oN out] p & him Во (26) | атота- 
oov ёс they followed] го ёс 95..pref and Во (Q)..add even they 
Arm erx. saying] 20 &c (95), А ёс, OL Vg Syr (jh) .. Soéavres 
NBC*DLX 1 13 22 33 78 127 157, Syr (h™s) (Eth), And, they are 
(were G KT) thinking Bo .. for they supposed. Syr (g) .. they were supp. 
Syr (s) Arm uar there] 20 ёс 95.. om Во (q) 

3? азарга | 20 96 110 ol, RAC?D ёс, Во Eth, And .. papay ВС" 
E*L 33, Syr (gsh) Arm e therefore] 20 110 ol, ЗАВ ёс, Во Буг 
(b) Arm ? .. ae 96, Bo(r) Syr(g).. and Syr(s) Eth azw and] 20 110 Bo (хо 26) аси. є. she saw him] 20 ї10, Syr (gh) Arm 
Eth .. om Bo (ғ,*) Syr (g 9 ѕ).. ооа avr. МАВ ёс, Во ga at] 20 
IIO, pos NBC* DLX r 33 118 157 249, Cyr And .. es A&C .. ewe 254 
184 ev, Syr (s), Chr ga meg. at his feet] 20 (967) 110.. es rovs 
zo8as avrov D al, OL Vg, Chr Cyr .. avrov zpos (es) т. т. АВС ёс, 
OL (f) (Syr h Arm), And пач to him] 20 (70) (96) Iro, Syr 
(gsh) DX al, OL (a) Bo Arm nxoeic Lord] 20 70 96 
110, Во (x) Syr (Б) Arm .. ту Lord Bo Syr (gs) Eth .. yea, my Lord 
Bo (м) спекідлегпі тто) ала if-here] 20 70 (96) 110..5s woe 
МАВ &c .. woe ys D, OL (abce) пасом my Рг.) 20 70 96 110, Во 

JOHN XI 32-36 191 

Maria, that she rose quickly, she came out, they followed her, 
saying, She is about to go out to the tomb that she should 
weep there. 22 Maria therefore, when she had come out to 
the place in which Jesus was, and she saw him, she cast 
herself at his feet, saying to him, My Lord, if thou hadst 
been here, my brother would not have died. 23 Jesus there- 
fore, when he had seen her weeping, and the Jews who came 
with her weeping, he was troubled in the spirit as those who 
groan. ?* And said he, Where laid ye him? Said they to 
him, Lord, come and see. ??Wept Jesus. 36 Were saying 

.. ат. о аб. pov 69, OL Vg Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. az. p. o o. А &c.. 
p. ат. о аб. NBC*LA 33 254 .. p. о ад. ат. D 

33 бе therefore] 20 ёс 96, Syr (h).. om Bo (r,* 26) Arm .. de Syr 
(g) .. and Syr (s) Eth пт. when-seen] 20 ёс 96, ws єгдєг № ёс... 
om os N* пот.-різає the J.—weeping] 20 ёс 96, Syr (є, s) Eth.. 
Tous отуеАб. олутту vov. кА. МА В &с, Syr (Б) (Arm) .. т. vov. KA. т. ewe. 
per олт$ D, OL ачщт.-ппа he-spirit] 20 &c 06, єтарахбі) то т. 
D т 22, Arm .. єєр. то ту. NAB ёс, Syr (g) Eth .. was stirred in 
himself Syr (s) пөє fimetoot as-groan] 20 ёс (24) 96 ..os 
evBpemoupevos D 1 22, Arm .. kac erapa£ev eavrov МА В &с, Syr (e) Eth, 
and was troubled Во Во (У) .. and was excited in his spirit 
Syr (s) 

4 эзш and] 20 & 70 06. ош Во(мо) — mexas said he] 24 &c 
то 96, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. add na to them 20, Bo .. add 
ма to him Во (F,*) nex. said they] 20 ёс то 95 96 .. Aeyovaw 
МАВ ёс, Syr g(2) sh Arm .. and they вау Syr (к) Eth mx. Lord | 
го ёс (то) 75 95 96, Syr (h) Arm Eth.. my Lord Bo (s).. our Lord 
Syr (gs) nutiray and see] 20 ёс 75 (95) 96, Syr (Б) Arm Eth.. 
see Syr (gs) 

35 agp. wept] 20 ёс 95, АВС ёс, Do (км) Syr (В), Chr And.. 
pref ки ND 61** бо 253°, OL Vg Bo Arm Eth, Apollin .. and 
were coming the tears of Jesus Syr (gs) nonc Jesus] 20 ёс 
95..0m А"..їнс хє Во (кту).. отоо 14€ ae Во (DEJS).. i € ovm 
Bo (м) 

89 пеуж.-і(єг 75)ova. were-Jews] 20 &c (95) .. say &c Arm cdd., 
amd when saw the J. they were saying Syr (s) бе therefore] 20 біс 
95, Syr (h) 24, Bo (во) Syr (g 9) Arm.. and Syr (0,8) Eth.. 
add алтогс 69 


Ge язавос ибо. хе ANAT COE емеаяе UO. 
5 фоёуце AE NOHTOT пехауУ. хе MAI єнтацүотон 
HHA a*nbAAe. exe mess wron atesos ом пе 
єтяятре пат OT. 3516 GE ом иещост орм понти. 
ager єптафос. NeTcNHAaIoN ae пе. epe отонє 
орос. 23° mexe IC MAT. хе сүү NONE MAAT. 
TERE AMAPOA из TCWME аяпеитааеот. хе пхоес 
нан >чретог. пецүтоо» Сар пе. *0 пехе IC мас. 
же A*IIYxOOC ие. хє epugaiuncTeve. TEMANAT єпеоот 
зэлноэтеє, “ATI noue Ge MUAT. 1С ae ХҮ 

" 20$ 24 (57) 15 (95) (96 $) 110115 єкта) 24 75 110 ea 
Во (4,J0V 18) .. пт. 96 .. пєнтац 20 115, фи єта, me етач, 
netay Bo anha] 20 57 96 110..fihaN 75 115..€ithaN 24 
єє] 20 ёс 57 (95) 96, Bo (m) Bo..add ae 75..add te 24 
тела | eres 96..34ї 24 що.) 24..0m щ 20 &c 57 (95) 06 
388 205 24 57 $ 75 (96) 110 $ 115 $ 9? 20 24 57 Š and at nexe 20 
75 (96) 110 $ ёс 115 поме] 24..0m ях 20 &c (96) per.] epe. 
75 пест, | negr. 75 © 20 $ (24) 57 $ 75 (95) 96 (108) 110 
115 ерщаи] рш. 95 115 “ 20 б at ë (24 Š &c) 57 75 (95) 96 
(108) 110 115 § at we 19 

37 роет. (20 .. ох. 24 &c) some] 20 &c 95 96 .. others Bo (к) .. and there 
are Syr (s) Eth мє] 20 &c 95 96, Syr (g).. om Bo (PQ) Arm .. 
апа Syr (s) Eth nex. said they] 20 &c (95) 96, Bo .. add пат to 
them 95 .. trs before eé D, OL (abcefff) Am Fu .. eAeyov АКП al 6, Bo 
(s)(Syrs)Arm mas enmt. this who opened] 24 &c (95 ?)96 .. пах пеит. 
this is he who ёс 20 115, Syr (s) à33n&ANe of the blind] 20 & 57 95 
(96) .. add from the womb of his mother Syr (s) оп пе also] 20 ёс 
57 95 96 rro єтах(ахп 75) трє-эхол lit. to not cause this 
to die] 20 ёс 57 (95) (96) .. wa py ovros атоб. 33 тоб, OL (c), ne et 
hic mor. (b) (Eth) .. ut hie non moreretur (afff) Vgclem ,, wa к. ovros 
рл) atob. ЗАВ ёс, OL (e) Am Fu Syr (gh) Arm .. this (man) that he 
should not die Syr (s) 

З xc-or Jesus-again] 20 &c (961), Syr (Б).. o ovv & талу 240, 
Cyr..o is т. о. 33 .431нС отп Бо..їн© om Bo (cr,*18) бє 
therefore] 20 &с 96 .. ота Е* 69 al, Arm .. бє 477, OL (с) Во 
(мв) Буг (gs).. 2e ox Во (v).. amd Eth оп again] 20 ёс 
96, Syr (h) K, OL (abeffl*) Syr (gs) нєцоо(ош 24)т was 

JOHN XI 37-41 193 

therefore the Jews, See how he was loving him. 37 But some 
among them, said they, This (one) who opened the eyes of the 
blind, then was it not possible for him also to cause this (man 
not) to die? 38 Jesus therefore again was groaning in himself, 
he came to the tomb: but it was a cave, a stone being on it. 
? Said Jesus to them, Take away the stone there. Said 
Martha to him, the sister of him who died, Lord, already he 
stank, for it is his fourth (day). 79 Said Jesus to her, I said 
not to thee that if thou shouldst believe, thou wilt see the 
glory of Ged. 4! They took away the stone therefore there: 

groaning] 20 ёс (061), (Eth)..eyoot groaning тто.. eaquyenont 
having compassion Во (0) eyw. Bo (BD, A,E,7N), agug. Bo enr. 
to the tomb] 20 біс... ex то ру. D, in OL (а) пєт(мєоу 20 24 57 
75) су. it-cave] 20 &c .. it was in a cave Syr (g 9) .. it was a hollow 
like а cave Syr (8) | xe] 20 &c, Syr (h) .. and Syr (gs) Arm epe 
от. a stone being] 20 ёс 96 .. there was a great stone Bo (Qsv 26).. 
and there was &c Bo огроч on it] 20 ёс, ex avro МАВ ёс, Syr 
(h) Arm .. om ez N*L 475 .. epos to й Bo (AB*D,A,*G,*K fr).. epog 
to its mouth Во, Syr (g) .. and the door covered by a stone Syr (s) 

3 nexe t€ said Jesus] 20 &c (96), Syr (sh) .. add ow X .. pref and 
Bo (18) Syr (g) Arm Eth пат to them] 20 ёс 96, Bo Eth .. om 
МАВ ёс, Syr (g).. ату A* и (ег 115) take away] 20 ёс 96.. 
roll away Syr (80) sray there] 20 &c 96... this Syr (s) stap- 
ea(ap 115)] 20 &c 96, D, OL (fg) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. add ae 
Bo(r).. trs after rereA. МА B &c пач to him] 20 &e 96 .. om Во (26) 
тс. зап. the sister—died | 20 ёс (96) .. om OL (beeffl) Syr (s), Amb.. 
soror lazari(a) п. Гога | 20 &c 96, Bo Syr (Б) .. ту Lord Syr (g) 
Eth .. my Lord, why take they away the stone? Syr (з) н(ин 115)an] 
го ёс 96, Во (вмз 18) Eth.. om Bo.. we 69 .. because behold Syr (s) 
сар] 20 ёс 96, Syr (g) .. om D, Epiph 

9 үс] 20 ёс 24.. ош Syr (s).. and. said to her Jesus Eth i- 
mi(ex 75 115). I said not] 20 ёс 24 .. I said Syr (s) ne to thee] 
20 & 24 95 ..0m 115" 

Ч avgyi—oe they-therefore] 20 ёс 24 95 108 .. урау ow NAB ёс, 
Bo Syr (h) .. pref and omitting ovv Bo (s) Syr (g) Eth .. ore ovv ураг D 
253 €" .. and when they had taken away Arm .. et ut revolverunt OL (e) 
.. then those men who stand came near, they lifted the stone Syr (s) 
попє the stone] 20 Ёс 24 95 (108)..ош Во (к) aar there] 

H.S.G, ПІ о 


инеь>А єорах етпе eepso) meoc. хе maeror Дит- 
Ояеот тости. хє ARCWTAL epo, ^? aOR ae MEI- 
COOTH. хє нсютая єрог йотосиц ша». АЛЛА Tas 
хоос eThe nasHHuje eTagepaTy. хєнас evemcreve 
хє MTOR NenTARTHNOoTT. aro dWrepecpxe мы 
ацаэшнан €boÀ OW отмоб їїсгэн. хє Aaqape aor 
єбоА. tager ehoA йсшентацааот єцяєнр inec- 
OVEPHTE яе мецбух моеинерех. ATW epe пецео 
занр Horcoraapion. nexe 1С пат. хе horgy ehor 
итетикаа бон.  отязинще ae єВОМ oW 
HIOFAAL ENTATEI Wa аварга. птєротумат єпептасі- 

4 (р) 20 24 57 $ 75 (95) (96 $) 108) 110 115 | 9 206 245 57 
75 (96) (108) 110 $ (113) 115 mog] noc rro sic = 20 24 57. Q 
at mexe 75 (95) 96 $ (тот) (108) 110 (113) 115$ єфэнр| gar. 
115 fig.| 20 24 75 101 ІІ5..9п о. 57 96 108 110 oenx.] ойк. 
57 75 108 115 epe] 24 57 75 IOI 108 115.. мере 20 95 96 110 
$5osvc.] 20 24 75 95 108 110.. pii ovc. 571 96 101 115 * (p) 20$ 
24 (€) 57 $ 75 (95) 96 $ тот $ 108 $ rro $ 115$ iora.) пет». 
75  єптату| 20 57 .. йт. 24 біс 

20 &c 24 95 108 ..ош NBC*DLX 5 24 33 157 2539, OL Vg Syr 
(gsj) Arm Eth, Or.. ov ти o тєбиркос кецшеуос C? &c .. ov qv АКП т 
22 249 al 3, OL (f) Syr (h) .. отоу exero 56 58 бі .. from the mouth of 
the sep. Bo 1€ we] 20 &c 24 108, Bo .. xau o ts D, Syr (g) Eth .. o 
ovv Ts 1... om conj. 69, Arm .. but he Syr (s) п (ош 20 57 96)neq- 
had his eyes] 20 &c (24) 95 (108), D 28 33 69 253% al в, OL 
(beff) Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Or avrov ЗАВ Ёс. вора 
emne up to the heaven] 20 &c 24 (95) 108, OL (bef) Syr (sh) 
Armed, Eus.. es т. o. avo КП al, OL (a) 253, OL (e) 
Syr (gh) .. avo NAB ёс, Eth naer(nar. 24 110 115, Во). шу F.] 
татєр SAB ёс 

З amon ae but I] (р) ёс 96 (108), Syr (h) Eth .. add оо also 
Во (9)... ош ae 75, D, OL (с) Во (ву)... ки eyw 13, Syr (gs) Arm.. 
кауш 69 124, OL (abel), Hil nerc, I was kn.] (p) ёс 96 108 
.. €xc, Г am knowing 75, Буг (88)... kc. Z know 24 (Bosv) Итгэх. 
I said it] «тоу NAB &c.. 7 say these Syr (gs) .. I do Arm пая. 
the m.] 20 ёс 96 108, Syr (g 9) Arm .. nesar, this m. 75, Во Syr 

ФОНХ ХЇ 42-45 195 

but Jesus lifted his eyes up to the heaven, saying, My Father, 
I give thanks to thee, because thou heardest me. * But I, 
I was knowing that thou hearest me always; but (a) I said 
it because of the multitude which standeth (by), that they 
should believe that thou art who sentest me. * And when 
he had said these (things) he cried out with a great voice, 
Lazarus, come out. ** Came out he who died, bound as to 
his feet and his hands with grave-clothes, and his face being 
bound with a napkin: said Jesus to them, Loose him, and 
permit him to go. **But many out of the Jews who came 
unto Maria, when they had seen that which he did, believed 

gsh).. mar. this m. 110 115, Во (26).. add тнрӯ all p 24 75..add 
of men Syr (s) 

8 ay and] 20 &c 96 108 .. om Во (м 26) Arm жє war said 
these] 20 &с (108), Syr (g}.. хотот said them Bo..add Jesus Bo 
(мо) Naz(adaz 75)әрє | 20 &с, Ne &c .. Хадарос 24 110 115, Bo 
.. Хабарє Хабарє СЗ, Ето .. Хабар М .. pref and said Syr (s) Arm Eth 

44 ager eh. came out] 20 ёс 108, BC*L 56, Bo (Nq), Or.. pref 
ка МА 4, OL Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. pref ато йтєтпот and imme- 
diately 113, D, OL (f) Vg Syr (s), And..add ae єЁоХ Во 
(F,*) п(е 96 113)meqo(a rr3)se(om 113 її15)ритє-бүх his— 
hands] 20 &c 95 (тот) (108) .. т. тод. к.т. x. NB &c, Arm .. trs мечет 
&c 113 115, Во(врксмо) Syr (gsh) Eth..7. x. к. т. под. АЛ 28 69 
157 262 al r5, Eth, And Repe(ar 113)a] 20 ёс 95 тот 108.. 
«euius ÑB &c .. кур. АХАЛ al... кір. Syr (h mg) awo and] 20 ёс 
тот (108) Bo (26) ҮС nas Jesus to them] 20 & 101 
108, BL, Am Fu Bo.. avras о 15 МАР ёс, OL (bcfff) Vg Syr (gjh) 
.. and. saith to them Jesus Arm dicit ihs disc. suis (e) .. dixit 
ul ihs (d)..then said our Lord Syr (s)..but Jesus said Во (1) 
hor loose him] 20 ёс 95 тот 108..ВоХЧ 75..ВоМ loose 110 
птєтик. and permit him] 20 ёс 95 тот 108, BC*L 33 157, Во (uq) 
Syr (j) Eth, Ог.. om avrov NA ёс, OL Vg Syr (gsh) Arm, Cyr And 
„ош and Bo 

5 жє] 20 ёс, Arm.. ow AB ёс, Bo Syr (h) .. and Syr (gs) 
Eth eh, оп out of] р & ex D І, Bo ща se, unto M.] го 
ёс, ЗА ёс, Bo Or And .. пр. т. парам BCDL 33 .. pera рараѕ A .. add 
et Martham Vg clem Eth .. to Jesus because of Mariam Syr (s) 
птєр(ош єр 115)ovmay when-seen] 20 &c, Bo, eopaxores D.. xar 



хэс хэтистєжє epos. ‘бооеме хє ефоХ онто» 
ATHWK ща мефарісміос. ATTALLOOT EMENTA IC Ard. 
‘THapyxileperc сє зам Nedpapicaroc avycoovo eoovit 
MLMCTNOEAPION. ATW Ioa. хе оу петиаагс, хе 
Tletpwsee р оло Reeeacin. 48 еищаикла итаое 
ovom miae MAMIcTETE epog. ATW исеет иблиеоро- 
заглос. исеи мтоотм aenema ATW пєноєөнос. 
“ora ae «БОХ понтот. хє каграс. emapyrepeTc 
пе итєрогжпє erTareeay пеха мат. хє итоти 
HTETHCOOTH ам HAaav. Novae итєтиДосч(Є ан. 
хе сриочрє нам. хекас ере ovposee потот UOT 

пістєтє)-тє|отє 57 52024 € § (37) 57 $ 75 96 тот $ 108 110$ 
115 ші Р өсєшє| 20 24 57 .. gome є ёс Ч 20 $ (24) (є 9) 37$ 
57$ 75 (96) тот $ 108 $ іто(їгут! eoosu]ome ззисэн.| 37 57 
75 96 ml.. єпсуп. 20 є 101108 110 9 20(9 37 57 (75) (тог) 108 
rro (fr) m! * (р) 20 $ 37 $ 57 P (ror) 108 $ Iro $ m! $ and at 
mex. ® 2037 57 101 108 110 m! сри.| ecnohpe m! 

Өсалгодєго6 NAB &c .. ато ase and they saw (р Ї) 24 75, Syr (h).. 
videntes OL (abdf).. om Syr (s) єпептачаає that-did] (р?) ёс, 
A? BC*D 1 244 249, OL (е) Arm Eth .. à er. XA* ёс, OL(abcfffgl) Bo 
Syr (h), Or And .. om Syr (s) .. add o :s (N)C? D ёс, OL (afffg) Vgclem 
Во (DE,°,KMQstV 26) Syr (gj) Eth, And .. add our Lord Jesus 
Bo (7) epos him] (p) ёс є..ош C?.. from that hour believed in 
Jesus Syr (s) 

© om verse Š ae] 20 & Во (5) .. and Syr (gs) Arm Eth 
пефарс(сс 75 ror 108 r10 ml)aroc the Ph.] 20 &c .. т. арх. к. ó. 13 
69 124 .. who believed not but went to the Ph. Syr (s) һут. they— 
them] 20 & avras G.. pref ато and 24 є 75, МАВ ёс 
enema the (things) which] 20 ёс 37, à NB ёс, OL (acfffg) Vg Во 
(ни) Буг (h), Or.. оса АП al... all those which Во (N) Syr (g 8¢) Eth. 
..6 CDM бо 124 249, OL (be) Bo Syr (gs) Arm Eth 

Ч бе therefore] 20 є? 37 57 96 тот, Syr (Б) .. om Bo (r fr) Arm.. 
me 24 75 108 110 ml, 69..and Syr (5)... then Syr (s) пефарі- 
с(сс 75 ror 108 тто ш!)глос the Ph.] 20 ёо 24 є 96.. ot прєгфи- 
repo, 69  истир. the council] 20 &c 24 є 96.. and made a plot. 

JOHN XI 46-50 197 

him. 4° But some out of them went unto the Pharisees, they 
showed to them the (things) which Jesus did. 47 The chief- 
priests therefore and the Pharisees gathered together the 
council, and said they, What is that which we shall do? because 
this man (is) doing many signs. “8 If we should permit him 
thus, all will believe him; and (will) come the Romans and 
take away from us our place and our mation. *° But one 
out of them, (named) Kaiphas, being the chiefpriest for that 
year, said he to them, Ye, ye know not anything, 5° nor 
reckon, that it is profitable for us, that one man should die for 

Syr (s).. add ката rov iv 13 69 124 127 254 346 al 5 azw п. and 
said they] 20 ёс 24 є 96 .. кал eAeyov NAB &с.. Aeyovres 69 124 346 and Во (в) ov what] 20 ёс 96 .. add ow A петиаа- 
a(om 75 r1o)qthat-do] го ёс 96, Bo, 249, OL (abcef) .. тооъдєу 
NAB &с.. nevemiima that-yedo108 оао many | 20 &c e fr .. тоалта 
D,OL(bceff) | зхалаємт signs] 20 &c efr .. тое сурвал N A BLM X 
33, Or Ath .. exp. т. D ёс, OL Vg Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Chr .. many 
are the signs which this man doeth Bo 

48 en(it га) щу. if we] 20 &c (є) 75 101 fr, Syr (Б) Arm .. pref ка, D 
235, Bo (вА,Е208) Буг (gsj) Eth Kaa permit him] 20 &c є 75 
тот .. om him Syr (g 9) палист, will believe] 20 &c є 75 10111. 
motevovow М, OL (ff) — яхпет(пи тто)аха our place] го ёс, Во 
.. роу т. тотоу ОКП al то, OL (abcefffl) Vg elem Syr (g) .. урь ках 
т. т. ЗАВ ёс, OL (g) Am Fu Syr (h).. add from us Bo (9) Eth .. our 
city Syr (s) .. trs our nation and place Arm 

4 xe] 20 ёс, Буг (g) Bo (NBDA,EF,*JMoP*Qs) Arm .. and 
said to them Eth хє] 20 &c.. оуорати І 565, OL (abefl) (Bo) 
буг (gj) Arm Eth, add after к. OL (cg) Vg Syr (s) ЗАВ ёс, 
Буг (Б) кмф. | (p?) &c, D?, OL Vg .. каїафас ЗАВ &c ..куфаз D* 
є(ош m!)napx. пе being the ch.] (p) &c .. apx. ov ЗАВ &c.. ov арх. 
LX, OL Vg Буг (gh)..add their Syr (s) | йтєр.-ахаяггу for that year] 
20 &c .. in that year Syr (g 9) пат to them] 20 &c .. om 110 .. add 
that Kaiapha Syr (s) птотії ye] 20 & ror .. om Во (q) an 
fiNaav not anything] 20 &c ror, (Bo w) .. fiods ar Bo 

5 мам Юг us] A ёс, OL (cfg) Am Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Or Cyr.. 
ушу BDLMXT al, OL (abeffl) Vgelem Во.. om ml, N 252, Thdrt 
xek. epe] irre ml, om оа Во (в) Потот one] Bo (р,8), «s 
МАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm .. Ахахалал | alone Во 


Qa пХаос. ATW reri поеөнос тир ое eboX. 
? ATASE MAT AE ан Qapoy залаа, АЛЛА enap- 
“Хїерєтс пе TEPORE єтаваөлт асіпрофнтєує. хє 
мере IC їл оз ох посөмос. arw oa поеөнос 
All аз ате. ААЛА XERAC ом NWHpEe аєпмоттє. ET- 
хооре «БОХ. ецесоотоох erea ROTOT. ° SIN 
Ileooow єтаееелу эухицохиє. XERAC ETERLOTOTT 
Жо. HC. "1c хє исЧаязооще ан пе ом озпар- 
рис OW Nrovaar АЛЛА abor ehoA оз» mea 
єтаваєху ETEN WPA єтони етерняяосе єтподЛіс ET- 
SLOTTE єрос хе єфратяє. acq[ujone Mear «n 
мецазлентнс. — Üwee[oHW AE ефоти ioWrmacsca 
ИО А. ATW ала ннще бон egpar corlHee chor 

ато | om m!, Во (puq) 1 20 Š and at aqm. 37 57 $ (тот) 108§ 
110 §m! (fr) § firaq] eT. 57 паржл]-жегий thus before -teve | 
-telove 57 nepe] 20 &c fr..epe rro geen.) об. m! thus verse 52 
9) (20) 37 57 $ and at xex. 108 110 (fr) т! ахин, | їїтєпп.ш! ез.] 
pref єооти fr | 2 37$57§ 108 $ 110 ml ™ 57 $ and at aNNa 
57 $ біс (ror) 108 P 110$ НЕ 108, ІВ 37 єтєр.] pref єооти 
108 ° (р) 37 $ 57$ 108 $ 110 fr$ m! Р огАнях)| ere[pos]- 
саМная р 

ea nÀ. for the people] om behalf of the whole people Syr (s) 
өєө(өө ш!) пос nation] Arm .. people Syr (gsh) Eth 

? mar this] 20 &c..this word Syr (s) мє] 20 &c .. om Bo 
(4,0) Arm sravaay himself] 20 &c .. om Во (L) Syr (Б) Eth .. of his: 
own will Syr (g).. of his own mind Syr (s) йт.-ахазату for—year] 

20 &c.. om OL (e) Syr (s) exewov Det «e that] го ёс fr.. 
because that Syr (s) | vc] 20 ёс fr..m9¢t Во (Р)  оєе(об m!)moc] 
20 &c fr, Arm .. people Syr (gsh) thus verse 52 .. all the people Eth 

з am]20 &c fr..add de МХ 33 wer. that] 20 & fr, OL Vg 
Syr (є 9) Eth .. add ки МАВ ёс, OL (ae) Bo Syr (gsh) Arm .. and 
also Syr(g3*)  evxoope(om m!) who-sc.] (20) ёс fr.. ош 69 251 
eqec. he-them] 37 &c.. should be gathered Syr (8) | ev(eow 57)ara 
ii. to one place] 37 ёс, es ev NAB &с.. trs before ovv. D, OL (ae) 

53 xm from] pref and Syr (є) Eth .. add ôe Syr (s) Arm neo. ] 
108 110 ml, Во (Syr gs) ..add ве therefore 37 51, МАВ &c, Bo (м) 

JOHN XI 51-55 199 

the people, and that the whole nation perish not. 5! But he 
said this not of himself; but (>) being the chiefpriest for that 
year, he prophesied that Jesus was about to die for the 
nation. 52 And for the nation not only, but (a) that also the 
children of God who were scattered away he should gather to 
one place. 55 From that day they took counsel that they should 
put him to death. 26. 5* But Jesus was not walking openly 
among the Jews; but (a) he went out of that place to the coun- 
try which was near to the desert, to a city called Ephraim, he 
abode there with his disciples. °° But was approaching the 
Paskha of the Jews, and many went up to Jerusalem out of 

Syr (h) п. ет. that day] ЗАВ ёс, Bo (вх) Syr (gs) Arm Eth, Or 
Ath Chron Chr.. ex. opas LX 249, Во Буг (h), Cyr Nonn ахиц. 
they-counsel] Bo..egovAevcavro NBD 13 69 124 346, Ath Chr.. 
оллеВ. À ёс, Chron Cyr 

* xe] 37 &c, Bo Syr (gs) .. ovv NAB ёс, Syr (h) Eth .. and Jesus 
henceforth Arm мечл».-пе was not walking] 37 &c, Буг (g) Eth 
.. омкєте-тєргєтатє, МА В ёс, Bo Syr (h) парр. | 37 бо тот, Syr 
(s translit.) .. rap. В") || поту, the Jews] 37 ёс 101 .. townea Bo 
.. before the Jews Syr (s) АХХА | 37 ёс 101 .. add кш II* ев. 
maar опі-ріасе | 37 &e тот, exe&ev ЗАВ ёс, OL (f), Ath Chron... 
om DT al, OL Vg Хора | 37 ёс тог... add caypoupew sapfurim 
р єфр.| 37 ёс, Ефре(у Во в)р NL al, OL Vg Во Eth, afreim 
Syr (gh) .. ephrayim Arm ayuj. he abode] 37 &c (тот), euewev 
NBL 249, Syr (h me) Eth, Ог.. бієтрибєу AD ёс, morabatur OL Vg 
Syr (gsjh), Chron .. he was being Arm aru. аз. he abode there] 
31 &c (тот), Bo (B) .. каке &c ЗАВ &c .. ки exe ёс LT 33 69, (Bo) 
Syr (g), Or печах. his disc.] 37 ёс (тот), А ёс, OL Vg clem Bo 
Syr (gsh) Eth, Chr Chron .. om avrov NBDILTA 1 33 118 565 al 5, 
Am Fu Arm, Or Cyr 

5 weqo. хє eo. but was appr.] (p) &e .. and it was the time that 
approach the feasts Syr (s) | є) yap Syr g (2) ..and Arm Trac. 
the P. то] (р) &c..add єорту 33.. pref the feast Eth (thus again) 
avo and] р ёс, NAB ёс, OL (aefg) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Or 
Chron..ovv D, (beff)  аз(аот 108) за. Вок lit. a multitude went] 
(р) &c ..aveB. тоХХос es ёс ЗАВ &с.. ауеВ. ovv es ёс толо D 
eh.-X wpa out-country] 37 &c .. om p .. out of the countries Bo (к) 


ох тєхөра gaon авппасуа. шєнас evethhoor. 
56 меуцуме GE пе їсэ IC. ATW нєэхоо AOC NET- 
єрну. eTagepaToy оа» перпе. хє оу пєтсхонєх 
инти. хе їүинэ ан eopar enwa. °" наруперетс 
ме зэм necpapicaroc MEATY HoTENTOAH пе aenac 
єрщам OTA EIRE хе етом єЄцєтааасо» XERAC 
eveo ore. 

ХП. к. X€ Ge gaon coor пооот ennacxa acer 
єбнөлмїг. mea єпєре Жатарос asesor. пента IC 
тоунос ефоХ ом иетазостт. Сатсиырс Ge мА 
HOVACININOMN аж єтазаяму. ATW пере apoa 
AIARONEI Хадарос же ме OTA пе инетинх цагаал, 

55 37 § 57 $ (тот $) (108) 110(fr) n! mepne]mp.rroml љоке | 
-нҮ ml..-er 110 eopar] Bo (DEJNS) .. om 108", Bo 1 97 
(57 $) тот $ 108 $ rrom! me] 37 & rro eqr.] 37 &c .. чт. 

1 (р) 37 $ 101 IP 108 IP гто P(fr $) m! Р RÇ lor 108 fre, RH p 
єпп.] p 108 ml.. хип. 37 ёс 2 57 Š (тот) (108) тто ml 
aem. | 37 - am. 108 r10 m! 

өлөн зап. before the Р.) р ёс, Arm .. trs after eavrovs G .. om 33 69 
108 235, Syr (s), Chr Cyr n(om m!) mac. 29] p &c.. the feast 
Po (Q) Буг (g) 

56 ge therefore] 37 &c тот 108 fr, Syr (h) Arm .. add кол D.. 
amd they were seeking Bo (в) Syr (gs) .. апа began the Jews to seek Eth 
azw neva. and-saying] 37 &c 101 108 .. the Jews saying Bo .. saying 
the Jews Bo (м) erag. standing] 37 ёо тог 108, LX 69 124 249 
346, Во Syr (h) Arm Eth..trs after «po МАВ & Syr (gs) 
от-инти what-you] 37 &c 101 (108), Syr (h) Arm... ті докетє D, OL 
Vg Syr (g) Eth .. putatis OL (eff) Syr (s) йт (єч m1) rr. he—not | 
37 &c ror 108 .. pref perhaps Syr (s) .. behold he came not Eth | muya 
the feast] 37 &с ror 108 .. this feast Bo (4,0) .. the feast here Arm 

Я $&apoci(er ml)e. the ch.] 37 ёс 57.. 0m o. A.. and the chief- 
priests Syr (s) (Eth) ae] 37 &с 57, NABKLMUAAII al до, OL 
Vg Bo Syr (gh), Or Chron .. ош Bo (40) Arm .. add кш D ёс 
пефаріс(сс тот 108 110 ml)aroc the Ph.] 37 &c 57, Syr (s) .. om 
o al.. the scribes Syr є (3) oven(osi ml, Bo Ар, A, Е, FJ)TONH а 

JOHN XI 56—XII 2 201 

the country before the Paskha that they should cleanse them- 
selves. 5% They were seeking therefore for Jesus, and they 
were saying to one another, standing in the temple, What is 
that which seemeth to you, that he cometh not up to the 
feast? 57 But the chiefpriests and the Pharisees had given 
a commandment, that if (any) one should know where he is, 
he should show to them, that they should arrest him. 

ХП. 27. Jesus therefore before six days to the Paskha came 
to Béthania, the place at which Lazaros was, he whom Jesus 
raised out of those who are dead. * They made therefore for 
him a supper at that place, and Martha was ministering, 
but Lazaros was one of those who reclined with him. 

comm.] 37 ёс 57, AD ёс, OL Vg Syr (h) Arm, Chron .. evroAas NB 
IM r 118 254 477, Syr (Ьо), Or.. commanded Syr (s) Eth .. had 
comm. Bo Syr (g) єр(р m!)ujan ота if one] 37 ёс, Arm .. he who 
Syr (s) erare know] 37 &c.. add him Во (во) Syr (g 9).. should 
see him Syr (s) таллодт show to them] 37 &c..add him Bo.. 
should. come, tell to them Syr (s) 

1 ус ве Jesus therefore] xc ae ml .. om ow trs is after Абе, Н 69 
al 2, Syr (s) ge] Буг (Б) Arm ?.. ae ші, Во (р, 18) Syr (g).. 
ae оти Во (м).. апа Syr (s).. and then Eth єйнө. to В.] 37 ёс Beth Anya the village unto Lazar Syr (s) Хас! (р) ёс, NB 
LX, OL (ace) Syr (gj) Eth, Nonn .. add o тєбуукоѕ AD біс, OL 
(bfffg) Vg Bo Syr (s, Б) Arm, Chron .. add who died and lived Syr (s) 
ye] р ёс, Bo..trs before єк №, OL (f).. trs after vex. AB ёс, Syr 
(gh) НКМБОХГА" al, OL (abce) (Syr s) Arm Eth, Chron 
єй.—пєт. out-dead] (р) &с.. om OL (bffq) Vg (Syr s) 

2 бе therefore] 37 &с тот, Bo (pDEJMNQs) Syr (В) .. om 122, Bo.. 
ка єт. D, OL (се) Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. fecerunt autem OL (g) Vg 
Syr (j) эх (оях ml)m. єт. at that place] 37 ёс тог 108, Во Syr 
(g 26 s) .. trs before бет. 69 346, Syr (с), Arm (before avro) .. om OL 
(ae) azw and] 37 ёс 101 108, Arm Eth .. ae Во(р,) sapea] 
37 ёс тот, МАВ &c.. trs after дик. D .. add to them Syr (g 9) .. trs 
after him but М. was occupied in ministering Syr (s) ae] 37 108 ml, 
Буг (h).. бє therefore тот 110 .. and Syr (g) Arm Eth пиет. of- 
reclined] 37 ёс, AD ёс, Bo.. pref єк NBL, OL Vg Bo (км 26) Syr 
(gsjh) Arm Eth, Or эхээ, with him] 37 ёс (108?) .. pref who 
Syr (g) .. the recliners who reclined бу Мт Syr (з) 


Saeapla ae ACSI поуАгтра исобм Nwtapaoc а8- 
засто choA ояя пестох аапсобм. * mexe 109aac MIC- 
RAPIWTHC. OTA єбоМ oW меаяхонтис. петиапара- 
AIAOT ажаассЧ. “ae erbe ov ажио | песовм ehor 
Qa WaerwWe itcaTeepe NeeTaay ийОонныєЄ. бїттәсүхє 
паг ae ehoA aw xe пероотщ пе oa понке. AAA 
хє иетрецеоте пе. ATW epe песАоссонояввон 
HTOOTY. нєцоцшот HMMETOTHOTSE ateeoor epog. 
`пеха ве ибис. хе хАюти oapoc. хє ecegaped 

з 37 (108 $) Ito m! $ and at эм. ййозєр | поуєр. 108. * 37 
(108 $) то m! $ 5 37 (108) TTO m! 5 (g) 37 (108 $) 110 $ 
ir!lm!$ an]trsafter poosuy 108? 11! ses] 108 110 .. meos 37 11! 
m! «Хоөссоко.| 37 .. <Хососо. TIO .. «Моссоко. 11l.. <Хосоко. 
ml йнпєт.) om й r1l.. pref ne ml nosse | om e ri! * (9 31$ 
(108 $) 110 11! $ m! $ 

3 азарга | 37 &c 108 .. шари Вт 33 me] 37 ёс, Bo (26) Syr 
(gs) Eth ..&e therefore ші, ЗАВ ёс, Bo Arm ас took] 37 біс, 
accepit OL Vg... AaBovoa NAB ёс, Syr (Б) .. AapBan Det OTM. а 
pound] 37 &c, Syr (h)..a eruse Syr (g) .. а cruse of a pound Syr (s) 
псови п (ош rro ml) rapa (х 110)oc ахиисл (єг ml.. и то8)ки oint- 
ment &c] 37 ёс 108, (Во) Syr є (2) (Eth).. perfume ёс Syr (g).. 
тістік popov D, OL (de) .. ointment of пата of good pistic Syr (s).. 
oil of nard, precious, costly Arm єпащє covit(em 108 110) C (4 m!) 
lit. being much of price] 37 &c 108 .. om OL (abc) act. she ап.) 
37 ёс 108, NAB &c.. pref ка: D, OL Vg Bo iuc of Jesus] 37 ёс 
108, (Bo) .. avrov X .. poured on the head of Jesus as he reclined and 
anointed Мв feet Syr(s) arw-ane and-head] 37 &c (108 1), M, Удсїет 
.. kau e£. т. 0. avr. т. т. avrov NAB ёс, Syr (gh) .. к. т. 0. avr. e. т. 
т. а. I3, Arm .. т. 0. e. raus єамтэ) т. т. а. 69 .. к. є. т. 0. TNS Kep. avr. 
т. т. а. IK 251°" .. and wiped them with the hair of her head Bo .. om 
rovs тод. а. I 116, Fu Во Syr (s) Eth пн the house] 37 ёс 108 .. 
add ody т 13 69 124 346 565 2519), Syr (s) (Arm) 

* nexe said] 37 &с (108 1), L 33 249, OL (ae) Во (LQ 18) Arm .. 
Хеує. Se МВ, dixit OL (beff) Syr (gs) Eth.. A. ow AD ёс, 
OL (fg) Vg Syr (jh) хоу. п. Iudas the Isk.] 37 108 ші, (mrcx., 

ФОНХ ХП 3-7 203 

5 But Maria took а pound ої ointment of pistic nard, which 
was of much worth, she anointed with it the feet of Jesus, and 
she wiped his feet with the hair of her head: but the house 
was filled with the odour of the ointment. 7 Said Iudas the 
Iskariotes, one out of his disciples, he who will deliver him 
wp, * Wherefore was not sold this ointment for three hundred 
staters, and given to the poor? 9 But he said this not because 
that his care was about the poor; but (a) because he was a 
thief, and having the 000, he was stealing the (things) which 
were cast into it. ‘Said he therefore Jesus, Cease ye from 

писк. Bo) NBL 1 33 118 209 249 565 251*" 2536", OL (g) Vg Syr 
(g 9 j) (Arm), Cyr Aug .. зол. meer. Judas the Skariótes 110, (Syr gs), 
tou. ато Kapywrov D .. уд. сциороѕ (ок. А. ёс, OL (f) Syr (h the son 
of &c) Eth <4.. vovd. счиоу o ск. FGHU al, OL (bc) Bo (amep, KT) 
Eth .. оцрюу tovê. іск. 26 97, (ae) Bo (им 18) ova (om I10)-s2a0. 
one-disciples] 37 &c, NBL 33 157 249, Syr (gsj) Eth .. trs before 
vovdas AD ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (Б) єк BLQ 33 249..0m 
avrov Syr (s) | нєтиап. he-up] 37 &c (1081) .. o peAAwv &с ЗА В &c 
..0$ єрєАХєу D, qui incipiebat &c OL (beff).. who was delivering him 
up Syr (s) 

° nes(&mnes 110 m!)c, this oint.] 37 ёс, Syr (sh) Arm Eth .. om 
To pupov Syr (g 9) узя (яли га!)тарє three hundred] 37 &с 108, 
Bo .. pref erave Х... діакос. L 69 124 258 346al mie. to the poor] 
37 &с 108, D 33, Во.. om rois NA B ёс 

$ птач.-ає but-this] 37 ёс 108, NAB ёс, OL (bffg) Vg Syr (h) 
(Eth) .. rovro де є. D, OL (acef) Bo Syr (gj) Arm (om conj.) .. but te 
Judas not for the poor was it а care Syr (s) azw and] 37 &с 108 Во (вр) єрє-їтоот having] 37 &c (108), eov RBDLQ 
т 33 157 565, OL (с) Vg Bo, Or.. exev ка: А ёс, OL (abcef, Я) 
Syr (gh) Arm (Eth) .. the bag (gl.) for the poor was by him Syr (s) 
n(om тг!) єчоое(ё тто т11)т he was stealing] (g?) &c .. auferebat 
OL (ace) Eth.. «бастае, ЗАВ ёс, Bo Arm, portabat (f) Vg Syr 
(gh), exportabat (bff), батшаба (d) .. portabat offerebat (g) .. om «Вас- 
табєу &c Syr (s) 

7 бе therefore] g 11!, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h).. om Arm... add өн again 
110 ml, Syr (g 9)..8e Syr (g).. when heard Jesus he saith to him 
Syr (s) .. and Eth .. add ато 69, Bo (F) Eth .. add ei (b), ill (c), Eth 
«Мот cease ye] q &c, OL (ag) Syr g(2) Arm Ethro, Chr Amb.. 
apes ЗАВ ёс, OL (bf) Am (ce) Bo Syr (g) Arm ed Eth PP *€ 


epo emeogoov iiTanacice. SHOHRE сар мазажнти 
потоєтиу miee. AMOR де ифиазченти хи потоєгу 
має. °’отаенище хє емлщост ербол oW шоаал 
aeree. хе SRAT. ATW aver erbe IC am UATE. 
aAAA хенаес он ETENAT EAATAPOC. пеитьчтотиос 
єЄбоХ ом иєтя зоот. ахиц охиє Ge Asap- 
“хзєрєтс. сєнас єуєззоуоут авпнєХатарос. "xe 
мере оло Wioyaar фик eThHATY. avo wevmcereve 
єс. ЫН. 12 печрастє озаеннще emaujor iurew- 
тале ena HTEPOTCWTAL ae IC NHT eerepoyca A(nese). 
ayer моємба ниймиє. aver eboÀ eroasWr epo. 

8 (g) 37 (108) 110 (115) 111 m! $ at anor fit] g Iro т!.. тет 
115 ..8 ХХ цоон m rr! 9 (37$) 108 $ rro $ (115) (о!) 
10 37 108 $ (115) 0! -эхототт| -эхоототт 115 U ETO SENLO 
(115) о! 17 ) $) (p) (37 Р) (108 Р) гхо P (115 Р) 6! о! Р 
RH 37 108 ol, IA’ 37 о! merr] om й р 38 (0) (р) (108) r1o 
(115) 6101 тизапт| д p 61.. ToT 1100 ,. толат 115 

є(ош ї1!)сєө. that-keep] g ёс, NBDKLQXII 33 42 145 157, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (sjhms) Arm Eth, Nonn .. rergpgkev A ёс, OL (f) Syr 
(gh) TaRaeı(37 ..aı g &c)ce my embalming] om pov D 336, 
Syr (g 14) 

* om verse D, Syr (s) cap] g & L, Arm..but Eth 
апок-шах but-always] (0) ёс (108) (115), Eth .. om A*, Syr (g 9*) 
.. om conj. Arm 

° ovaxunuje-eisse but-knew] 37 &e 115 .. oxAos дє zoAvs-qkovaav 
D, OL (a, beeff) .. and heard great multitudes ёс Syr (g) -- eyvo ovv (o) 
oxAos то№ѕ МА B ёс, OL (fg) Vg Syr (jh) .. avesaxe xe but they knew 
Bo .. they knew therefore &c Во (в" мое) .. om conj. Bo (r* 6) .. kn. the g. 
multitude Во(ве) .. om great Во(нму) .. and knew many &c Syr (s) (Eth) 
.. when knew a great & Arm qiias. he is there] 37 &c 115, Syr 
(sh) .. there is Jesus Syr (g) Eth aver they came] 37 &c (115) » 
add thither Syr (s) ethe ёс not because &c] 37 бїс (115) .. not 
because they should see Jesus but Lazarus Syr (s) uate only | 
37 ёс 115 D 245, OL (be) хекас or that also] 37 біс о), 
wa ка, NAB ёс, (Bo) Syr (gh) Arm (Eth).. om ка D, OL Vg Syr 
(60) | пентачт. he-raised | 37 біс (115) ol .. ov уу. < D, Bo (puq v) 

JOHN XII 8-13 205 

her, that she should keep it for the day of my embalming. 
$ For the poor (are) with you always; but I,I am not with 
you always. ? But a great multitude out of the Jews knew 
that he is there; and they came not because of Jesus only, 
but (a) that they should also see Lazaros, he whom he raised 
out of those who are dead. !? Took counsel therefore the chief- 
priests, that they should put to death Lazaros also. И Because 
many Jews were going because of him, and they were 
believing Jesus. 28. 12 The next day a great multitude of 
those who came to the feast, when they had heard that Jesus 
(is) coming to the Hierusalem, they took branches of the 
palm-trees, they came out to meet him, and they cried out, 

Eth merar. those-dead] 37 ёс (115?) ol .. rov уекроу D .. om rov 
NAB &с.. add o is A 33 

1° ge therefore] 37 ёс, MU 97 254 470 27 ev .. om Bo (BJP) Arm 
.. де ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (Б).. and Syr(gs) Eth ясійәрә%. the ch.] 37 
&c.. [fi¢mtlrovaar зэлт паро. the Jews and the ch. 115 .. pref ка В 
запкєМ. L. also] 37 &c.. om also Eth 

П хе-етвинта because-him] 37 &c (115 ?) .. for because of L. ёс 
Syr (s) .. because because of him &c Bo .. от: поЛЛог би avrov &c МА В 
& because of him Arm rosa. Jews] 37 ёс (115 !).. ой 
шоу. among the J. 110 .. rov tov. МАВ &c.. out of the J. Bo Syr 
g); position D, OL (aceff) Syr (gj) Arm Eth .. trs after уттуои 
МАВ ёс, Syr (s) Внк-ата» were-and] om Syr (s) 
avo and] 37 & Bo (м) пєуп. were b.] 37 &c 115 .. believe 
Буг (g) .. erurrevoav 69, Bo (L) Syr (s) 

? пєер. lit. his morrow] (4) ёс 37 108 115..add ae Bo... pref 
and Syr (gs) Eth .. add he went out and came to the mount of Olives, 
and Syr (s) ovas. а ши. | 37 &с 108 115..0 охл. BL, Bo .. those 
many multitudes Syr (s) exta au. lit. much] q &c (р) 115 .. om 33, 
Bo (F) е 108 &c.. ae 115 ve] 4 ёс р 108 115, ALX 33 
157 al, OL (ace) Во Syr (gsjh) Eth .. trs after єрхєта: NB ёс, 
Arm етеротсаХ нах | g, D... orNias р ёс (108) 115 .. tepoco- 
Лура NAB ёс 

1 Weem(em 115)ha branches] $ &c p 108 115, Bo .. пива the 
branches 61, МА В ёс nnne of the palm-trees] g 108, тоу pow- 
kov МА В ёс... оп thine from the palm-trees p 110 (115 1) 6101, e&oN 
Sen підем Во (N8DA,z3M0PQS).. eb. 55. ganh. out of p. Bo Arm 


ATW ATAWRAR ЄВОМ. хє самих yceeaseaaT ÑS- 
петину оз» npan nxoeic прро аялинА. 1с ae 
птерецоє ever. agade epoy ната ee єтсно. 
"хе аалрроотє тщеере йстом. єс поурро мну we. 
Eqggaerooc єхи оуснб имею. 19 иесүя®бдөнтнс яяпоу- 
esee enar ишорп. adAa итереенесох SIC. тоте 
^урпаеєєтє. хе пере им сно етфинт. ATW mai 
HENTATAAT из. ""мечраєттрє потпаєннціє єтмяя- 
аза]. хе ^Чазотте EAazapoc єВоХ оз птафос. 
ATW ацтотносЦ ебоХ ом метазодтт. 18 erbe паї 
OM A Пазнище єт eboX онт. xe љлусотяя xe хүр 
пезаелети. 19 мефарісатос Ge пехал пиєтєрну. хе 

затих] 115 о1..йтє mAN 110 61 | Мао $ (115) 6! o! § 
гє ev.]eev. 115 erw] Во(ғ).. 1» Во (в*Гер, дк," G,K T) .. ew Во 
"r1o(r15)6lol  eqe.] єчпо. 115 sic exit] өгхи 110 а) 
(p) 110 $ (115) 61 ol $ ense en.] ermen. o! 17 (8) (р) 110 
(1159 (616) орф — " (a) по (115 5) (61) olg ayp] avp 61 sic 
5 kiro$61l$0l! фарис. | -сс. Ë rro 

azw and] gq &c p 115.. 0m Во (F) Arm avaus. they cried] g ёс 
р 115, В", Bo (4,*) .. єкраууабоу (єкрабоу) МАВ біс, Во Syr (gsh) 
xe] g &c p, В ёс, OL (bcefg) Vg Syr (h)... pref Aeyovres NADKQ 
ХП al 2o, OL (aff) Bo Syr (gsh™s) Arm Eth wcamita | g &c (1151) 
..ocava L... о(ф')стама D* ejcax. blessed is he] 110 (115) 61.. 
qcasaat Q о1.. om Syr (s) озх—х. in the name &c] 110 &с.. om 
OL (e) np(ep 115) po &c the king &c] 110 ёс 115, DKXII al.. 
Васі). А ёс, Bo (вм) Буг (gsh) Arm.. om OL (1)... pref кш N*cb 
BLQ, Bo Eth ЯНХ| 110 ёс 115... ‘страл D, OL (abde) 

Ч xc-ee but-found] 110 ёс 115, Bo.. evpov дє o is N ёс, Syr (gh) 
Arm (Eth) .. but Jesus was riding Syr (s) хє|ош Во (4,*т*) єтсно 
written] тто ёс, Arm Eth .. add in Zacharia the prophet Syr (s) 

" тщєєрє lit. the daughter] 110 ёс (115 1), Bo, у буу. B? 7 
МАВ" ёс cron] 110 &c..cewy АВ" позрро thy king] 
IIo ёс (115).. om сор A тє to thee] rro ёс 115, OL (се) Bo 
(FKL) Syr (gs).. om МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) .. mansuetus sedens OL (a) 
.. mites sedens (e) Wero of ass] pref пшнрт the son Во Syr (gs) 

"б megar. his dise. | 110 ёс, NBLQ, OL (beffgl) Vg Syr (j) -- add 
2€ 115, AD ёс, OL (acf) Bo Syr (8) (Eth), Or Cyr.. om avrov КП 

JOHN ХП 14-19 207 

Osanna ; blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord, 
the king of [the] Israel. 14 But Jesus, when he had found an 
ass, mounted it, according ав it is written, !5 Fear not, 
Daughter of Sion ; behold, thy king (is) coming to thee, sitting 
upon an ass's colt. 16 His disciples knew not these (things) 
at first; but (а) when had been glorified Jesus, then they 
remembered that these (things) were written concerning him, 
and these (things) were those which they did to him. 17 Was 
bearing witness the multitude which was with him, that he 
called Lazaros out of the tomb, and he raised him out of 
those who are dead.  !? Because of this also the multitude 
came out to meet him, because they heard that he did this 
sign. 1° The Pharisees therefore, said they to one another, 

..and this his disciples Атта exar these] 110 &c 115..trs to 
beginning NAB ёс huy. at first] 110 ёс, Буг (В) .. at that time 
Syr (g)..trs after ravra Syr (s)..trs to beginning Eth пос 
Jesus] тто &с 115..our Lord бут (8) тотє| 110 ёс 115, Arm... 
om Syr (gs) аурпал. they rem.] (p) &c (115) ..add ог pad. L al, 
Во (моу) Syr(g)  mepe-aso these-and] p ёо 110 (115 ').. om Bo 
(A) erth. conc. him] р &c (115 1), D, OL Vg Во (r°) Eth.. ет avro 
ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm ..ab eo OL (c) .. om OL (be) Во (сан 26) 

17 нєчрая. was bearing уг | 110, Во .. add ae g p 115 6101, L, Chr 
.. ovv NAB &e, Syr (h) .. pref and Во (q) Syr (g,s) (Eth) .. which was 
with him was declaring Syr (s) xe that] g 110 610!, DE*KLiII, 
OL (abceff) Во Syr (g) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr .. ore ЗАВ ёс, OL (fg) 
Vg Syr (jh), Apollin .. how Syr (s) топос raised him] g 110 о! 
.. made him live Syr (s) петля. those-dead] $ 110 (115) o! .. add 
in the sepulchre Bo (Е) 

18 єтйє—оңт because-also] 4 &с 115 61, RA B?D ёс, OL (f) Vg Syr 
(jh) ка В*ЕНАЛ al го, OL (abceffl) Bo Syr (є 41) .. and 
because of this Syr (с) Arm Eth .. and all those men ran to meet him 
Syr (s) а-онті the mult.-him] g ёс 61.. отуит. avro o (om бо al 
Во р) oxAos A &c .. vr. а. ox. тоХос Ñ .. ът. а. охХос D, OL (с) Syr (6)... 
were meeting him the multitudes Bo, were meeting him the most of the 
m. Во (DEJS) ave. they heard] g &c 6! (repeats ат. хє) МАВР 
KLMQSX II al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsj) .. «ovce EG H UT A al, Syr (h) 

? бе therefore] МАВ ёс, OL (abeg) Vg Syr (jh) Arm? K 
al, OL (с 1) Syr (gs), Во (гр)..апа Eth ^ ines. to one 


TETHNAT. хе птиуону ай НХАаау. єс пкосяавос 
agbon ошаоо» malog. Кө. meri оємотєєІ- 
emt ae ЄёоАХ. ом NeThHR еорах естошт ояз mua. 
1 изу бе ху Хлєуотоёх єфїАшлос. mebo ом бна- 
салм. итехАТАМа. ATW хусспсон evxw ажааос. 
хе nxoeic тмотющ ewav ex. a dprAumoc er. 
Acpxooc Hattapeac. амарсас ae зах —cprAmmoOc 
мухобс Hic. 23 ито «ae acpos ouo ео meoc 
МАУ. хе A тєуно EF. хенае ecpexieoov нелпцунрє 
ажприває. ?oaseHit Охавни AW язяеос NATH. хе 
eperas ThAbAe исото ое Egpar exas TIRA? MEAOT. 

% & то № 61$ о! № нө IE о! mezr] Ë ї10..мєози 6101 
21 (д) k (37) 110 6101 mehoA] 61.. пе eb. k &c nvc.] irte тс. k 
-Nara] -Nia o1 тпотощ | тпотщ) 6! 22 (gq) k 37 (тог) rro 618 
olg = (g) k (37$) (ror б)хтобіфо!5 — * (k) (37) (16 блог 
іто $01 АХМХЄ| &eN. 76 єхэх | өгхєн Во (R FM Qs) 

ап. | Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. трос eavrovs МАВ &c .. пр. avr. D al, Syr (Б) 
тетин. ye see] k? 6101, Во (BpEFs,*LMs 26) Syr (gsh) Arm Eth.. 
типат we see 110, Bo(ACTA,GHKNOPQTV) 0 йтидонт we gain] &? 
110 61, OL (cfg) Vg, Nonn .. йтєтиҷо. ye gain ol, NAB ёс, Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth .. o$eX« S, (ff) Arm etd ,, we shall gain Do .. уе will gain Во 
сь.) esc behold] Во, (боо A?, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth.. de RAB 
&c икосяя. the w.] МАВ ёс, Syr (h), Chr..add оХос DLQX, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (gsjh с) Arm Eth, Nonn And 

2 оєпотуєєгє (от r10)mnim Greeks] Bo .. ЕЛА. rwes NBDLMQX т 
33 157 249 565, OL Am Fu (Syr g) .. wes EAA. А ёс, OL (ag) Vgelem 
(Syr Б) Eth, Cyr..the nations Syr (g)..the profane Syr (h).. the 
Arameans Syr (s) ..the heathen Arm .. om EAA. 69 ame] Syr (Б).. 
om Во (c,*) Arm (some also) .. et erant OL (aeff) Syr (s) .. add ка: D, 
Syr (g) Eth єбоМ оп out of] Syr (Б) .. om T al 5 .. among Syr (g) 
..who had come up Syr (з) ọm nuja in the f.] 110, NAB &c.. 
gan. at the f. К &c .. to the feast that they might worship Bo (Eth) 

21 war &c these &c] k &c.. and they came and said to Ph. Буг (s) 
бє therefore] 110 ёс, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (В) L 69 254, OL (ae) Syr 
(с) Arm.. 2e &..апа Eth frac. | k ёс, D, OL (a) Bo, betsaida 
(b) .. B00. ЗАВ &c, Bo (arg) .. bessaida (el) avo and] k &c.. 

ФОНХ ХП 20-24 209 

Ye see that we gain not anything: behold, the world went 
after him. 29. ? But there were Greeks out of those who 
came up to worship in the feast, “' These therefore came up 
to Philippos, who was (lit. the) out of Bédsaida of [the] 
Galilaia; and they besought him, saying, Lord, we wish to 
see Jesus. 22 Philippos came, he said to Andreas; but Andreas 
and Philippos said to Jesus. ? But he, he answered, saying 
to them, The hour came, that should be glorified the Son of 
the man, * Verily, verily, I say to you, that unless the grain 
of wheat fall upon the earth and die, it is wont to remain 

om Во (r,*) Arm ascen(cm о1)с. they-him] Ë 8, eporgcav M. X 
I 28 330 565 al 5 .. ротоу ЗАВ ёс, Bo.. єтоу 69 eva. saying] 
(g?) ёс... and say to him Syr (с) Eth mx. Lord](a) &e, Syr (s) 
.. ту Lord Syr (gh)... om U* 28 

2 a. Ph.] К &c (ror), МАВ ёс, Bo..add ae g, Bo (m) .. and 
came &c Syr (g)... and they came Syr (g 9) .. and Ph. went, he said to 
4. Syr (s) (Eth) апа, to А.) (g) ёс (тот) .. add his brother Syr 
(g 9) aita,—xooc but-said] (g?) &с (тот Ї), andr. autem et ph. 
dixerunt OL (с, add iterum bff) .. andr. aut. cum ph. dicit (1) .. and A. 
and Ph. said Syr (g) .. kau паи ауд. к. ф. Xeyovew D ёс, Syr (h) .. 
andr. rursum et phil. dixerunt (dicunt Am Fu) OL (fg) Vg .. epxerae 
(кол таћу єрх. Ñ 157) av8p. к. ó. к. Aeyovow (33) ABL (157), OL (а).. 
deinde venit andr. et ph. (e) .. Andr. again with Ph. came, they said to 
Jesus Bo .. but А. again &c Во (р, кт)..А. with Ph. ёс Bo (внро fr) 
A. with Ph. said. to Jesus Во (¥,*).. A. and Ph. say to Jesus Arm.. 
and went А. and Ph. and spake Eth .. and. came the two of them and 
said бут (в) iuc to Jesus] К, то iv NAB ёс, Bo .. est 37 &c, ad 
ihm OL (bcffl) .. to оит Lord Jesus Во (в) 

? froy he] g k.. 3€ 37 ёс, о de is МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (є, h) .. saith 
to them Jesus Syr (s) .. and Jesus Arm .. and answ. Eth = ачотощі 
answ.]g &c Ё 37 (тот), AD ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gj В)... атокриета МВ 
LX 33 .. having answ. Bo (n,4,E20s).. om Syr (є) eqx. saying] 
g ёс k тот .. om 110 .. 394 he Bo..and said Syr (g) (Arm Eth) 
мат to them] g &c É 37, 13 69 124 346, Во Syr (gj) ..trs before 
Леу. МАВ ёс, Syr (h) 

М єөраг-као upon the earth] R ёс, Bo.. es т. y. NAB &с.. in the 
earth trs after атой. Syr (gs) п©(пєс o1) 3308 and die] k &c 37 Bo (к) 



паса» заалаас, EWONE ae есшамазот. шас Нот- 
нарпос emaujo. meree NHTEWTXH qitacop- 
avec, ATW петазостє йтєуутун 088 пекосаяос 
qWage epoc evwng wa exeo. * єщопе оти ova 
с\азазо панемганонос МАЦІОПЄ seaward. ЄРШАМ 
OVA двое NAL пет MATAEIOY. 77 темоу a 
TAM SSH WTOPTP. ATW or пефиахооц. плет 
зяхтоухої eboA oW таотнот. АЛЛА erbe Mar aies 
сора! eTeroywoy, 2 плаеют Yeoos ажлєнрам. AT- 
саен Ge ex eho? ON THe. хє arfeoos. ATW он Хма- 
jeoor, 2 пазннщє eTAQEpaTey єтсотяя мех 

вк (76) (02) тог rro (015) пе] В 76 92..п: тот rro 
% (g) К (76) 92 $ 110 $ at epus. (fr) (PS) aragones 29] 92 fr .. -m 
k 76 110 Taesoq] К 76 110.. тах. 92 27 (0) 37 $ at яза 76 $ 92 
по те] oz twice = (р) 37 $76 (92) (ror) rro | = (8) (р) 
(37 $) 76 $ (92) (тот) (то $) 

ujacgw 18-гешаш| & &e (37 1) 76 .. із Syr (s) ecw. if-die]& ёс 
.. pref fall and бут (в) 

25 weree he who 1.| К &c ol .. but he who Eth фас. will lose 
it] К ёс 76 (017), aro\ece AD &c, OL Vg Bo, Chr Сур.. алоАХыє 
NBL 33, OL (ff) avo and] Е &c.. om Bo (3,*) .. ae Bo (в) Eth 
qnaoe will find] & (76%) 92 101 110 .. pudage NAB ёс, Во Syr (g) 
.. custodit OL (bcfffl) Vg, Nonn 

% ещ.-пат if-me 1°] k &c, Eth .. вау tus epot бак. D al 8, OL Vg 
Arm .. cay eu. 6. ris EFGHSTAA al, Cyr .. eav ep. т. Ò. NABKLMU 
ХП al, Во Syr (gjh), Chr .. he who to me will minister Syr (s) azw 
and]g ёс 76 (fr) ..because Eth anon I] g &c 76 fr, D, OL (abce) 
Bo (р,) Syr (є) Arm .. trs eu eyo RAB ёс, OL (fg) Vg Syr (jh) Eth, PS, ee Syr(s) marear. iar my-there | (8) 
&c 76 (fr), Syr (gsh) Arm .. om ка A, Eth .. cemamore Ranar igi- 
лакєаайтсиотс йълакон will be with те ту twelve ministers also PS 
.. om eke D .. om єста: L, OL (el), Chr epu. if] g &е 76, NBD 
LX al ro, OL (ae) Vg Syr (j) Arm, Chr.. pref ки A &c, OL (f) Bo 
Syr (h).. si quis autem (bel)..he who Syr (gs) naeswt my F.] 

JOHN XII 25-29 211 

alone; but if it should die, it is wont to give much fruit. 
25 He who loveth his life will lose it, and he who hateth his 
life in this world will find it for a life for ever. 21 (any) 
one will minister to me, let him follow me; and the place in 
which I, I am, my minister also will be there: if (any) one 
should minister to me, my Father will honour him. * Now 
my soul was troubled, and what is that which I shall вау? 
my Father, save me out of this hour; but (a) because of this 
I eame to this hour. 28 My Father, glorify thy name. А 
voice therefore came out of the heaven, I glorified, and again 
I shall glorify. 29 The multitude which stood (by), which 

9 ёс 76, U 28 бо al, OL (acegl) Vg Bo Arm Eth .. om yov ЗАВ ёс, 
OL (bf) Syr (gsjh) 

7 Teror now] 9 &с.. but now Arm Eth {тн | (8) &с.. add 
behold Syr(gs) avwand]g& Во (uq) maerwrt my F.] 37 ёс, 
Во Syr (gh).. om N ёс 

28 паєгут my F.] 37 ёс 92, Syr (h).. татєр NAB ёс, Во Syr (gs) 
Arm Eth эхпєкр. thy п.) 37 ёс 92, Syr (gsh) Armed ,, pov то 
o. B 5.. cov тог шоу LX 1 13 33 118 262 346 al, OL (с) Во Syr 
(hme) Arm Eth, Ath Nonn..add ev ту добт ёс D from xvii 5 av- 
caneri а-саше | 37 ёс 92, (Bo) Syr (h) (Arm Eth) .. 3A6ev ovv povn 
N &c .. кал (om d) eyevero $ov D, Во (n,* A EJMOS*) .. and a voice was 
heard Syr (g) .. апа immediately was heard a voice Syr (s) ge] Bo 
(n4,E20) X*, Bo Arm... ae р, OL (a) .. and Во (Е) Syr (gj) Eth 
тие the heaven] р ёс 92, Во (Nx) Syr (g).. add Хєуоиса, DII? боеу, OL 
(ace) Bo Syr (jh) Eth .. add кас N ёс, Syr (h) Arm.. add which said 
Syr (s) Eth avw ом and again] p ёс 92, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth.. 
таму ко А..ош again Во (ХЕ) ırak. I-glorify] р &c (92 1), 
Arm .. Г am glorifying Syr (gsh) 

29 max. the m.] 37, B, OL (a) Bo (m) ..add ae p 76 92 110, Bo (q) 
Eth .. add ow SAD ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (h).. pref and Syr (gs) Arm 
etag. which stood] p 37 76 (110) .. «aros, єстукос NAB &c .. which 
was standing Bo Syr (g) Arm .. who were standing there Syr (8) et- 
сотах which heard] p 37 76° 110.. pref ато and 767, ка: akovov X 
І 22 565, Syr (h).. акоисає ND т бо, OL (1) Bo.. xav akoveas AB 
Яс, OL Vg Syr (jh) .. was hearing Bo (в) Arm (pref and) .. heard Syr 
(g) .. and heard Syr (s) (Eth) нєэх бс were saying 1°] p 37 76 
(ror?) (110?) LU al то, OL (be, cd) Am Fu Во Arm... «Ау NAB 
ёс, Syr (h)..and say Syr (g) .. were astonished and say Syr (в) 



азаасс, хє оторотаяпе тпєнтаүцопє. oennoove 
NETAW азаяос. хє OTATTEAOCC пентасүцэлхс пятае су. 
30 АЧОТСУЦІ RSE ео Moc. хе RTA TECH ex 
ait єтіннт. АЛЛА єтієтнути. У темох TERPICIC 
мох єпєснт. “anon QW. єушэагхаст eo огхая 
THAD. nacer озон miee Wapor 2 ecpxo хє залаа. 
ec[cTasante xe epiaasov ON aw ieor., + acorowh 
Ge MAY WoeeHHüje. хе ANOM ancora eho оз» 
пноаос, хе MEXE NAWWME Wa eneg. ATW Naw noe 
TOR кажи» MOC. хє QANC єтрєухєст пщире #%- 
прояее. iae пе пехцнре re проляе. ? nexa ве 

opovax.] p іто..орахпє 76° зо (4) (76$) (92) rro $ (136) 
те! 192 — ? (8) (76) 92 фіто 136 — * (8) (76) 92 по 136 
22470 92 во $ 13615 34 (41) (76) (92$) (пот) Ito $ and at тил» 
136 qamê] 76 92 тот 110..0m 136 3 (0) (41) 76 $ (101) 
IIO $ at ззоощіє 136 $ m! Р 

genr. others] Iro, МАВ ёс, Во (в,*) Буг (h)..add ae 76, al 3, 
OL (el) Bo Syr (gj).. pref and Syr (s) Eth nes. 29] 76 IIo, 

Arm ..зау Syr (gs) ovavc, an angel] 76 110.. pref 333201 nay 
but Bo (Q) axe spake] 76 r10..add оці of the heaven Во 
(рева 8°) 

9 agor. ans.] 76 110..ош Syr (s) .. add to them Bo (рА,к208).. 
pref and Eth eqx. saying] g 76 92 110 (1361), Bo (s*) .. said he 
Bo (NBPQ) .. i$ ки єтє А ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. trs к. є. о (om B) ts 
BL 157 489v .. 0m  ..а44 to them Bo (вмд2) Syr (g) Eth .. said to 
them Jesus Syr (s) ег came] g 76 92 тто 136, D, OL Vg Arm Eth, 
Tert Hil al .. yeyovev МАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh) Arm ed ,, was heard 
Syr (s) 

1 rrer(mı тто twice). this w.] (4) &с.. om rovrov D, OL (bgl) Vg 
Bo (x) Syr (g 36 s) те is] g .. trs before nes (761) ёс, Bo (NBCT 
DEFJ,NPQ) Bo..came Eth Tenor now 2°] g ёс 76.. but 
henceforth Eth maps. the ruler] g ёс 76, translit. Syr (gh) 
єпєснт down] g ёс (76), 22 ev, OL (beffl) Syr (s), Chr .. єго NA B ёс, 
Бо Syr (gh) Arm Eth 

3? am, ow T also] (0) ёс, кау» ЗАВ &с..ко eyo D 69, Bo (км) 
Syr (gsh) Arm .. к. e. дє Chr .. and I also Во Eth .. Z Во (в) єуш. 

ФОНХ ХП 30-35 213 

heard, were saying, A thunder is that which happened : others 
were saying, An angel is he who spake to him. 3 Answered 
Jesus, saying, This voice eame not because of me, but (a) be- 
cause of you. 31 Now is the judgement of this world ; now the 
ruler of this world will be east down. 221 also, if I should 
be exalted from the earth, I shall draw all unto me. 33 But 
saying this, he is signifying in which death he is about to 
die. ?* Answered therefore to him the multitude, We, we 
heard out of the law that the Christ will abide for ever; and 
thou, how sayest thou, that it is necessary for the Son of the 
man to be exalted? Who is this Son of the man? * Said 

if] g &c, Syr (Б) Eth .. orav 157 254 4897, Syr (gs) Arm, Or Ath Bas 
Chr Ces єй. o. from] 76 ёс, ато DL al, OL (beefffgl) Vg, 
Chr Ces .. e&oN ga from Bo .. єк ЗАВ ёс, OL de (ad), Or озон 
mua all] 92 ёс, Во .. ravras NAB ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm, Or Ath 
Epiph Chr Bas Nonn Cyr .. ravra 53" D 56, OL Vg Syr (j) Eth; posi- 
tion D, Bo Syr (gs) Eth .. trs before «Ак. МАВ &с, Syr (Б) Arm 

33 єси» saying] Bo (A,0s) .. ekeyer ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) Arm 
.. he said Syr (gs) ae] and Eth — єчсуяхане sign.] add to them 
Bo (в) Eth 

53 agor. ans.] (161) 92 110 136, Агт..зау Syr (g) .. they were 

saying Syr (s) бе therefore] 110, RBLX 249 474 4897 183 ev, 
Syr (1156)... om 76 92 136, AD ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (jh) Arm, Chr .. 
and Syr (s) Eth nag to him] (76) 92 & H 33 157 48 °v al, 
Bo (FT) паз. the m.] (76) 92 ёс, Syr (є 9) .. om ó A .. the 
multitudes Во (к) Syr (g) ..add saying Bo..add said they to him Bo 
(к)... add and saith to him Eth .. men of the multitude Syr (s) маш. 
will abide] (76) ёс 92..pever; position МАВ ёс, Syr (Б), Ath 
Rebapt..trs after шоуа 69 346, Syr (gs) Arm (Eth) azw and] 
76 &c 92 (101)... om Во (ве, *) йток thou] 41 76 (92) (тот) Iro, 
МА ёс, OL Vg Bo (uns) Syr (Б) Arm, Ath .. trs after Aeyas BL X, 
Bo (Eth), Chr Victorin 136, Bo (Р) Syr (gs) gant erp. it- 
exalted] (76) (92) (тот) rro .. сепажест lit. they will exalt 136 
үнээ, me who is] 76 110..а44 ow D, Eth..add ошер also Bo (ams 
FL fr) juas-posse who-man] (41 ?) (76) (92?) 110, Syr (gsh) 
Arm .. от 136, EFG 13 69 131 al 15, Syr (g 40*) .. tus єттї о Xoyos 
ovros L лєкпт 110) this] 41 76 11o, Eth .. om H 33, OL (bc) Bo, 

35 ge therefore] g &c 41 Во Syr (gs) Arm .. and. Eth.. 


WAT HOC. хє ETI некоэу потоеиц пе. epe novoent 
Woon MáseeHTW. азооще Qocomn OYWTeTW Tovoent. 
хє име пкаке TAQETHTTH. ATW петазосоще оа» 
пкаке ицеооти AM. хє езид ETOM. 36 оосо OTH-= 
тети Hovoent, MICTEVE enovoent. osenac ететиещюпе 
ишире ите потоехи. Х.магаүхоот HGNC. ATW atj- 
Hor agong epoov. °" пееле ae тнрот aqaar 
запетаято choA. язпоупістете epog. 5 хєнас epe 
Tljaae мнсагає пепрофнтне хон ебоХ пемтач- 
MOY. хе пхоее MIA MENTAMICTETE єпєнороо». 
arw пєб ох ажпохоес TAYSON entree. 39 eThe пат 
азпоуєцуваєсояве emicTeve. хе ac[asooc ом MGIHCAIAC. 
^ же тоя NETAN. ATW ASTO зялеуонт. XE- 
нас їнеунэлт OW weThad. iicenoer oss пехонт. iice- 

єтї] ererml_ отитєти) -тнти g 136..-тєн 76 хє it] жи 136 
tage] єт. g 36 (єб at nar) (41 $ &c) 76 IP аб нах (тот Р ёс) то $ 
(132 $ &c) 136 $ &с m! $ and & A at mar rore озї(єп 76)- 
тети | om оти IIO sic.. -THT 41 76 тот 136 єтєтиє| 76 110 .. етет- 
па є IOI ml.. єтєтипо 136 fire] 33 132 3 є (41) 76 тот $ 110 
132 136 m! 38 (g) (20) є (41) (76) (тот) то 132 136 m! тем.) 
тїї. 132 three times й (єн e) raqpo.] g 20 є 132 ml.. пеит. ror IIO 
Bo (0) 3 g 20 $ and at хє є (36) (41) (76) 110 132 $ 136 m! 
еще.) ще. e " (g) (p) 20 є (36) (41) 110 132 136 m! $ 

оп again Во (№) | пот. the 1. 19] g & A мах. with you] (g) 
ёс 16, А ёо, Syr (gsj) Arm Eth, Chr.. ev uu. NBDKLMXII al 20, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (h), Nonn эхоошє walk] g ёс, Bo (Nr*v) .. add 
ow D, OL (em) Bo, Aug о(єпо g)ocon] g &c, Во (N).. os ABD 
KLXII r 33 42 108 489, (Bo) Syr (hme), Cyr..ews № &c, Syr 
(h), Chr .. dum OL Vg Syr (gsj) Arm Eth THOTH you] g &с.. 
скота (pref ў SCKLUXATI та!) vas № &с..ъд. ок. D, OL (am) 
Vgelem Syr (s) Eth avo and] g &с.. ош Syr (g 40) .. yap 
Syr (s) Eth 

3 socom] (41) ёс, Eth .. os NABDLII* зз 42 108 481 489", 
(Bo) Did .. ємо X &c пист.] walk in Во (А*с, Р) Syr(g9) ах. 
said] є &c 41 101 132 .. «Хаосу NAB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. and when 

ФОНХ ХП 36-40 215 

he therefore to them Jesus, Yet а little time it is (for) the 
light being with you; walk as long as ye have the light, that 
the darkness should not seize you: and he who walketh in 
the darkness knoweth not whither he is going. * As long 
as ye have the light, believe the light, that ye should become 
the sons of the light. зо. These (things) said Jesus, and he 
went, he hid himself from them. ?' But all these signs he 
did before them, (and) they believed him not. * That the 
word of Esaias the prophet should be fulfilled, that which he 
said, Lord, who is he who believed our report (lit. sound), and 
to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed? 3 Because of 
this they were not able to believe, because said again Esaias, 
40 He hardened their eyes, and he hardened their heart; that 
they should not see with their eyes, and wnderstand with 

he had spoken Syr (s) Eth ayh. he went] є &c 41 тот 132, Bo буг 
(gsh) Arm .. az9A0cv к, D, Eth ..ате«Хбоу ЗАВ ёс 

9 иег-тир. lit. these-all] є &c 41, Syr (g)..rocavra NAB ёс, 
(Syr s) Arm ..тошлта Е, Syr (Б) +є]є &c 41 .. ош G, Bo (q) .. and 
Syr (gs) Eth ачаат. lit. he did them] є ёо 41, Во (DA EJOS) 
Syr (s) .. meroujkoros МА В ёс, Bo Syr (gh) àxnevax(ess 76)то 
before them] e ёс 41 .. om Syr (s) запотпіст. they believed not] 
є &c 41, G 13 69 124 346 al 20, OL (aef) Bo Syr (gs) Arm cdd Eth, 
Eus Did .. erwrevov ЗАВ ёс, OL (beffg) Vg Syr (jh) Arm .. pref and 
they Arm 

38 пєпрофин(» 132)тнс the pr.] є &c 41 76 101..0m 13 69 245 
249 346 18497, Did Chr nxoeic Lord] 20 & 41 76..ош H.. 
my Lord Syr (gs) azw and] 20 ёс (41) 76.. от Во (q) 

39 єтЁє-тист, because-believe] g ёс(361)(761)..ошбуг(8) œe- 
о because-again|] g ёс 36 41 76, Bo Syr (gh).. ko yap D .. and 
again Во (ac¥,°GuP fr) Syr (s) again Bo (gu) aqzxooc said] 
9 &c 16..0m I 

* ачтиза-ачт. he hardened-and he h.] g &с (36) (41).. they 
blinded—and they &c Syr (g,s) Eth avw and] $ &e 36..ош Bo 
(x,*) neye. their Б.) 20 &c.. йпєто. their hearts 132 nerh. 
their eyes 29] g &c p 36 41 .. add к. т. wow акоотоси 13 69 124 346 
.. add and should hear Syr(s) ^ Wcemoex(ox 110 132 136) and und. | 
є 361 136 .. pref ато 20 ёс 41 ..ovvo(w)ew КП al, Bo (т,*) Syr 
(gs) Arm .. pref ил) D, OL (aefl) Vg clem Bo Eth псєк. and turn] 


ROTOT. TATAAGOOT. има хүхооу иблисалае. хє 
AYNAT єпєоо»т ажиноутє. ATW ASWYAXE єтЁЬннтї. 
4 Qoss0c seentor ебоА ом нархон a gag rcTeyxe 
epog. ААА erbe мефаріслтос мето ожеоАосек ax He. 
хекас nnuevujomne пАПОСУМАСОСОС. 5 алтаасрс пеоот 
сэр Hitpwree єоотєпєоол авпитоттє. 5 xc G€ ayaw- 
нак ебоћ ecposc) авазос. хе петпистехе epos neqne- 
TETE Epor an. АЛЛА епемтацтатог. 4 ATW петнат 
Epor ENAT ememvaeyravor “AMOK пе потови 
Итатег EMROCRLOC, RERAC OTOM пае етпистехе epos. 
HITEYSW ose пкане. “ATW єрщам OTA сотяя ENA- 
Шахе. MPOAPEO єроо» ап. anor їг нанрие Aeeoey 

4 20$ and at ато є $ (36 $) (41$) 110 $ 132 $ 136$ m! 5 
° (g) (р) 20 є (36) (41) 110 $ (132) 136 $ ml розмьс] Во (рел, 
JNOQS).. pwasoc 110 ml, Во(р,*).. eosx*eoc 132 .. o1100c Bo... oroc 
Во (к).. gomwe Во (c,?MQ)  sxemror] siir. 132 136 ml .. -таз 136 
.. add ve Во (в) тист.]-тєз 132..-тєотє 20 | фаріс.| -cc. 110 
136 m! nes.] enn. 20 * (g) (p) 20 є 36 110 $ 132 136 m! 
атэхєрс| om pe р ** (g) (рд) го Р є $ (41) rro $ (132 $) 136 Š 
пиєч| g 20.. meg є 41 110 136. - Ta vor] ¢..-Tavoer 20.. -Taovoer Q 
4I..-TaO0vO: IIO 132 136 “ (g) 20 є 41 110 (132) 136 -тажол| 
IIO 132 .. -TATOEI € 20.. -TAOFOEI 4I * 20 (c) (ar 5) 110 $(132 $) 
136 * 20 (36) (41) (110 $) (132) 136 ova] or 110 

го ёс (361) 41, Eth ..add to me Bo..and should repent Syr (s) 
татаХАтоот and-them] 20 &c 41, кол vacat. LU?T al, (Eth) .. ках 
асоро NA BD ёс, Did .. and I should forgive them Бух (s) 

* sas these] 20 ёс 41, Bo Syr (gsh) Arm ..add є D 249, Did 
Chr Hil .. pref and Eth хе because] 20 & 41, МАВЬМХ г 33 
97 252 472, OL (e) Bo Arm Eth, Epiph Nonn Cyr..ore D &c, OL 
Vg Syr (gsjh), Eus Did Chr Hil me. aim. the glory of God] 20 ёс 
(36) 41, тз 69, Bo Syr (jh) Eth cdd .. т, боё, т. бєоо avrov D 66 mg.. 
т. 6. avrov NAB ёс, Syr (gs) Arm Eth, Eus Did 

? өөлж. ax.] 20 &c (36) (41) (132), Bo .. also-8e Syr (g) .. and 
also-8e Syr (s) .. but nevertheless also Arm .. but Eth epos him] 
го ёс 36 (132) ..2n Jesus Syr (s) пет(от 132)9ол». they were 
not confessing] 20 &c 36 (132) .. add in him Syr (g 9 s) хекас- 

ФОНХ ХП 41-47 21]. 

their heart, and turn, and I (should) cure them. * These 
(things) said Esaias, because he saw the glory of God, and 
he spake concerning him. 42 Nevertheless even out of the rulers 
many believed him; but (a) because of the Pharisees they were 
not confessing (him), that they should not be put out of the 
synagogue. 43 For they loved the glory of the men more 
than the glory of God. * Jesus therefore cried out, saying, 
He who believeth me was not believing me, but (>) him who 
sent me. “5 And he who seeth me is seeing him who sent me. 
*6T am the light who came to the world, that every one who 
believeth me should not remain in the darkness. 47 And if 
(any) one should hear my words, and keep them not, I, I shall 

супах, that-syn.] p &с 36 (132) .. that they should not expel them 
Syr (s) 

З wap] g ёс Syr (s) єоозє more than] g 20 36 136 .. 
поото e є 132 .. eoove є ml.. зхАХХон єоотє Bo.. рал. rep ABD 
&c, Const .. д. vrep XLX т 33 69 118 157 565 415 

4t бе therefore] g 136, D 240 244 .. Ас 20 ёс, МАВ ёс, Bo Syr 

gsh)..and Arm Eth аЧацу.-азалос cried-saying] w ёс (p!) 
(132), Во (№в).. clamabat dicens OL (a) .. clamat d. (e) .. expagev ко 
ere МАВ ёс, OL (f) Vg Bo Syr (gh, s) (Eth) .. єкрабеу к. eXeyev D 
69 346, OL (befflq) Arm, Eus 

5 om verse 136, U 64 126 142* 472 474 18497, OL (b) ATW 
and] g &с 132..0m D, Syr (є 36) пети. he who seeth] 20 ёс, 
Буг (g, s) Arm..he who saw Во (um 18) Syr g (3) Eth єєн. is 
seeing] 20 &c 132, Syr (sh) Arm .. saw Syr (g) Eth 

б anok I] 20 ёс є 132 .. add yap or de Syr (s) ittarer who 
came Ist Per*-] 20 41 110, NA B & .. ittages 314 Pers. є 136 жєкас 
that] and Syr (s) отоп п. every one] 20 ёс (132), NAD ёс, 
OL Vg Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Eus Ath .. om B, Syr (s) epor me] 20 
& Во (Q) mekare the darkness] 20 біс, not light Syr (s) .. add 
but he who will become а light of life for ever Во (м) 

*' ep(p 20)щ. if] 20 (41) 132 136, Arm .. he who Bo Syr (gs) Eth 
wam. my w.] 20 132 136 .. туз povns 69 и (печ 20) o2 pe(om 20 
132)? and keep-not] го 110 136 SABDKLXII r 13 33 69 118 157 
249 346 565 al то, OL (beffgl) Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Ath Nonn 
.muwrrevg:] Е ёс, OL (fq) Syr (Б ще)... om ка ил) ёс, OL (e), Aug 
ast not] 110 1, МАВ ёс, Syr (s) Arm Eth .. om 20 132 136, DS al, 
OL (abcfff), Amb п (ош ї10) нок, I-judge] го (36) 110 132 


хи. Taler Tap am. xe єтекріме аяпкосазос. АЛЛА 
c&emac єємљо ALE. З петлеєтєт аваас: MOXI ам 
HNAWARE. отит | петианршие ROY. пщахе єнтал- 
жоор ито петканритє atesos 058 поле iiooos. 
49 хє AMOR TAIWANE эм оарог seavaaT. ААЛА 
пає ут єптацтатог. ATOY NETAY мат потємтодн. 
хє оз пе{махооц. arw от пеїнататоч. "avo 
Ycoovit же тєцєнтоАн отону Wa ємео те. meto 
TAI Te ое єУущаже аваасс. 

ХШ. Аз. gaon ae anwa Аялпас Аа ec[coovi 
HGNC. хе A тєцоуно» єї. хе єцєпоонє choA оз» 
пекосяяос MOR Wa пект. eacpeeepe метемотс. 

паозлєч | -ug 132 48 (0) 20 (36) (41) (92) 94 110 Š at nu. 
(129) (132) (136) mass] єп 36 94 отит | озєит 132 
ose] бан 132 9 (в) 20 (41) 94 (110) 129 (132) (136) ззал| 
20 4I 94 136..332313a9. ф 129 132 -tTavor] 04 (110) 129.. 
-TAOvOES 20 4I..-TaOvOrg xe 20] ош 94 me] пе ex. 94 twice 
5% 20 (36) (41) 94 rro Š at mex 129 132 136 єнта| 4т.. stra 
20 &c 2 

1 (g) 20 (36) 41$ 94 $ (110 $) 129 Р 132 $ (136 $) Р AX 129 
132 mmacosQa] om п 36 жє 2°] 20 &c 136..жекас 94 110 ml 
посиє| none 94 маВ.]| neq. 20 

136, криб Gal, Aug .. кю ЕКГАП, OL Vg {erac that] 20 
36 110 (132) 136 .. om wa Der* 

* петаоєте(ТІ 132.. re 94) he who rej.] 20 &с 36 (132) 136.. 
but he &c Eth .. but he who asketh Бух (s) naw. my words] 20 &c 
(36 1) .. anw. ту word 132 пєтпак. which will j. re] 20 &c (36) 
92 136, Bo.. xpwovra МА B &с.. криаута, EA 251 єпт(41.. йт 
g &c)arx. which I said] g ёс 92 120 132 136 пєтпәк. 20] g &c 
92 129 (132) 136 .. кріує FT A al, Arm 

9 anon I] g ёс 110 132 136 .. trs after euavrov D 22 ev „ош G 
245 471, Tert Amb Chr птанц, I spake] g 94 1206 (1361).. 
NENT. 20 110..¢«AnAvOa Г alë, Chr oapor atar. of myself] g &c 
(41) 136..ehoN atav. 1101, Bo (r,*).. £ МАВ &с..аф(т) L r 22 
69 346 565, OL (ael), Did Cyr, Tert .. єв. grrot Bo .. from my words 

JOHN XII 48—XIII 1 219 

not judge him ; for I came not that I should judge the world, 
but (a) that I should deliver it. * He who rejecteth me, and 
taketh not my words, hath that which will judge him: the 
word which I said, it is that which will judge him in the last 
day. * Because I, I spake not of myself; but (а) my Father 
who sent me, he is he who gave to me a commandment, what 
is that which I shall say and what 1з that which I shall utter. 
50 And I know that his commandment is a life for ever: the 
(things) which I say therefore indeed, accord?ng as my Father 
said to me, thus I speak. 

XIII. 31. But before the feast of the Paskha, knowing 
Jesus that his hour came, that he should remove from this 
world, and go unto the Father ; having loved those who were 

Syr (s) пьет my F.] g &c (1101) 136 .. vov the F. 132, NAB 
ёс, Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth Bo (Acrg,ux) тос he] g &c 
IIO 132 136 .. ovros G..add and Bo (м) тах to me] 20 ёс 132 
136 ..trs after evroAnv т 118 565 azw and] 20 ёо 110 136, 
МАВ ёс, Bo (м) Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. и or 94, OL (4) Bo Syr (h) 

9 тєцємт(їйт 132). his com.] 20 &c.. his commandments Syr (s) 
.. this com, Arm отопо-тє is-ever] 20 ёс (36 2), бол) а. ear 
МАВ &c..awy. є. Ё. D.. Loy є а. 69 346 нєфхо-аноы the 
things-I] 20 ёс 41.. а ovv Aadw eyw A &с, Syr (Б) Eth, Cyr .. a о. 
eyo А. RABLMX г 33 бо 118 157 249 346 al то, OL (befffgq) Vg 
Bo (Arm), Tert єуо ОГ 44, OL (a) Bo (м), Chr бє 
therefore] 20 &c 41, NAB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. ae 132 .. and Syr (з) 
Eth — maer(nax 132 Bo)wt my F.] 20 &c 41, Буг (g) .. the F. NAB ёс, 
Буг є (6) h Arm Eth .. he Syr (s) оос said] 20 &с 36 41 .. evere- 
Лато 13 617569 124 346 | eXuj. lit. which I speak] 20 ёс 36 41 .. 
єтєхєгрє which I do 94 

1 ae] 20 &c 36 110 136..0m Arm.. and Eth єчє. knowing | 
го ёс (36) 110 136..was kn. Syr (gs).. «доу 33, Bo Eth .. knew 
Arm .. add ae Bo (1, к) тєцотпот his hour] 20 ёс 36 110 136.. 
the hour Во (¥,*) | nex(nx 132)к. this w.] g &c (36?) 110 136, МАВ 
&c, Во (КАРО) Syr (gs) Eth .. пкос. the world ml .. nuoc. the world 
Bo, бо, Syr (g 40 Б) Arm nes(ms 132) от the F.] 20 ёс (36) 
тто, МАВ ёс, Arm .. his Р. Syr (53)... паєют my F. 136 єац- 
ээс (єє ml)pe having loved] g & 110 136, ЗАВ ёс, (Eth) .. and he 
loved Буг (g) .. he loved Syr (sh) Arm mevenosq those-own] (9) 

220 W3AHHHC 

ме єтояж пносааос. acpeeeprroy waho. 2 avo 
їтєрє ovaenmmnon wone, єм помаболое озо ey- 
тозе AROC єпонт NIOTAAC пщире ітстявомі MICRA- 
PIOTHC, хекас єчцепаразклотї Maco. Зесооти 
HSE. хе A пет $ iua Nias сорах єнєүбгх. ATW 
же Wracper ehoA orae пиоттє. ATW eyma ератЧ 
запмоттє. Засүгооун ояе плепион. AHA MEY- 
QOEITE eopar. хүүх: MOTAENTIOM. хүхцорчт aco. 
?awO ачциєх ж ооз єтХАавайн, АЧАРУ Є iterw 
ййозернте їїяй#я®дөнтис. ATW єцото» азп'Аємткюом 

ne єто.| nevo. 94 щаё. | Bo (c4,*).. maeh. Bo 2 (g)(1) 20 
(41 Š) (92) 94 (95) 129 (132) (136) m!  xem.] 41.. am. g & 95 
132 136 *enac] xe m! 3 (г) 20 $ (36) 41 9294 95 $ 129 m! $ 
fina] пенка 92 120..йПна 94 m! eopas]om 05 &rx] om 20 sic 
эхин. | эхин. 92 іс * 20 36 (41$) 92 04 95 51295 m! $. 2em.] 20 & 4+ Хєнтзон| 41 95 .. Neiyon 20 &c.. Хєнмон 
29 ° (4) 20 (36)929495 129 m! mios.] g &c.. iineos. 92 .. Пот. 
20 -єрнтє|-ринтє 94 also verses 6, 9, 12 

&c тхо 136, rovs 181005 NCAB ёс .. т. ovdarovs УУ пк. the w.] 
8 ёс 110 136 .. this w. Syr (gs) agar. he loved them] g ёс 136, 
NAB &c .. cagar. having loved them 132, Bo .. and-he loved Syr (s) 

2 птощотє when-happened] (4) &c 41 132 136, NCA Der ёс, Bo 
Syr (g), Chr Cyr .. ywo. \* BLX, OL (d) Eth, Nonn .. it was supper 
Syr (s) .. in there being the s. Arm | es их. the d. having] 20 &c 136 
.. ema. the devil—casting 6... a пл. the devil-cast 94 .. rov те д. А... and 
Satana was putting Syr (s) .. entered S. into Е ото єциолхс(ош 
129) already cast] g ёс 41 dy Syr (g)..had put Arm 
iosa. 5 азоч of Tud.-up] (g?) &c (1 ?) (41) 95 (1361), AD ёс, OL 
(acefmq) Syr (gjh) Eth, Chr Cyr..wa тар. a. vov0as с. wx. NBL 
MX, 474, OL (bffgl) Vg (Bo) года 13 69" 124 131 346 
al 19, OL (с) тщ. the son] g ёс (41) 95 136, Syr (gsh) m! 
пс. of S.] g ёс (1) 41 95 136..0m ml, OL (m) изскарю- 
v(a шие the Iskaridtés] г &e 41 05 136 .. ато каруштою D, 
OL (e) 

3 eqe. knowing] 20 &c .. iov 33, Bo Eth .. add de 13 69 124 al, OL 
(b) Bo Syr (h) .. but Jesus because he was knowing Бух (g) .. and Jesus 

ФОНХ ХПІ 2-5 221 

his own, who were in the world, he loved them unto the 
uttermost. ? And when a supper had happened, the devil 
having already cast [it] into the heart of Iudas the son of 
Simon the Iskariotes, that he should deliver him wp; ? know- 
ing Jesus that the Father gave all things into his hands, 
and that he came from God, and he is going to God, the 
rose from the supper, he laid his garments down, he took 
а towel, he bound himself with it. 5 And he cast water into 
the bason, he began to wash the feet of the disciples, and 
to wipe them with the towel with which he was bound. 

because &c бут (s).. knew Jesus Arm..and when knew Jesus Eth 
поліс Jesus] т ёс, A ёс, OL (bfmq) Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm, Chr Cyr.. 
om NBDLX al, OL (aceff) Ус Eth ner(ni 05) от the F.] r &c.. 
идет. Ais F. 04 ayo and 19] 20 &c.. om Во (BH)..add ore D, 
Syr (g 9) eyma із going] 20 &c.. yma goeth m! .. add он again 
Bo (N Bv) 

* афтоози (ош 36 92 94 95) he rose] го &е 41, surrexit OL (ас 
defa) Bo Syr (gs) (Eth), Hil .. eyepera. NAB ёс, OL (bffgl) Vg Arm 
.prefand Eth ояк from] 20 ёс 41 .. ex NAB &с, Syr (g) .. om єкт. 
8. кол Syr (s) ачка he laid] 20 ёс 41, OL (acefq) Bo Syr (gs), 
НІЇ.. rOnow ЗАВ ёс xeepooer(or 92 94 120)тє his g.] 36 41 92 
041 95, D 124 al 5, OL (acfgq) Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Eth, Bas Hil.. 
nego. Ais garment 20 129 ml .. om avrov NA B ёс, Arm .. the garment 
Arm edd agar he took] 20 ёс 41 .. pref and Bo .. having taken 
Во (x) .. kat AaBov ЗАВ ёс aqaopy ах. he-it] 20 &c .. б(пері)- 
«Сооєу єаутоу ЗАВ ёс .. he girded his loins Syr (g) Eth .. he put (it) 
on his loins Syr (s) 

° ато and] 20 ёс 36, Bo Syr(gs) Bo (вмо).. era NAB 
&c .. and then Arm эчие(н 02) аз. he-water] 20 &6 36, 248 
al, OL (abfffglq) Bo Syr (g) .. Валле ёс NAB &е.. AaBov vd. Ba) At 
13 69 124 346, Arm .. he took water, he cast Syr (s) эхоо?| пая. 
the water m! Na(e 92 94) R(t ml)anu] 20 &c .. a washing vessel 
Syr (gh) .. а lakana of washing Syr (s) aqapx. he began] го &c, 
Bo (SBF,*).. pref ки Ñ ёс, Во srao. the disc.] 20 36 95, NAB 
&с, Буг (В) Arm .. megar. his disc. g &c, D al, OL (cfq) Bo Syr (gsj) 
Eth eyot. to wipe them] g ёс, МАВ ёс. єкиаовов 63 69 al, 
Syr (s) .. he was wiping Syr (g) mNennts(94 95 .. a1 92 .. 20 &c)om 
the t. | (31) &с.. ош то A 


стаанр азаасч, бое G€ Wa CIURON петрос, MEXE 
NH из. хе пхоєс ток METMAEIA ихотерите. 
та 1С отющЬ пехасү пас хе пефетре Mato ток 
NECOOTHT Tero эм тепоу. чамисос AE киаєгає 
epog. ?Зпехе петрос Macy. хе WHAHAAH єєїх рат 
eweg. х ҮС отошЬ масі. хе emmen ратк. «еттік 
asepoc мазал. ° Mexay MAY ибїсїезон петрос. 
хе тйхоєїс OF жоот ихотєрнтє. aAAA EFA MARC- 
бүх dN Taane. 10 пехе 1С из. хе пентаүхонаф 
паросріа an слазитт era иецотерите, AAA сүтБйнэ 

° (g) 20 $ (41 Š) 92 94 (95) 129 m! $ meta] 20 (41) m! .. етих 
є &e * (g) 20 (41 $) 92 94 (95 $) 115 129 m! smic.) sic. 
115 f(r) 2o § and at a 1€ (41 5) 92 94 $ (95 $) 115 (129) m! $ at 
AIT dun]emnnag94  єєга| era 92 r15.. exe m! twice хє er] xer 
I ea 20] за 92 iT.) axem. 92  sxepoc] sxeprc 92 115 m! 
° (1) 20 (92) 94 (95) 115 m!$ = (g) 20 94$ (95) 115 m! $ 
ті. | 20 94 115 .. єчт. (95) m! 

etar. эх, with-bound] g &c .. which he girded on his loins Syr (gs) 

8 бе therefore] g ёс 41 95, Syr (h) U 229**, OL (bl*m) 
Arm, Chr .. and Eth .. autem OL (c) Bo (в) .. et cum (e) Syr (s) .. but 
when Syr (g) Crax. п.| Arm Eth, Shem. К. Syr (gs) .. rov erp. 
соха D, OL (al) .. om petrum (b) nexe said] g &c 41 .. Aeye 
BDL, OL (Im) Bo Syr (gj).. pref кш МА біс, OL (abefffgq) Vg 
Syr (h) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr ин that] g ёс 41, МАР ёс, OL 
(tflm) Syr (h) Arm, Chr .. petrus (acefgq) Vg Bo.. от N* B, OL (b) 
Syr (j) Eth .. Shemun Syr (gs) mxoesc(nac 94) Lord] g &c 41 .. 
om М*.. my Lord Syr (gs) Во (т) паотєрнтє my feet] g &c 41, 
Syr (g 14 h)..add for me Syr (gs) .. похерите the fect ml, Ñ ёс 

7 ovwush answ.] (4) бо 41 95..add avro 184 97, Arm .. said to 
him Jesus Syr (s) .. pref and Eth пех. m, said-him] g &e (41) 
(95), Bo (BF,*KTV)..0m 33 157 476 32 ®" (18495) .. pref ки МАВ 
Яс, Bo Syr (g) мач Во (вм) ие (пет 115) X (т 94) espe 
that-do] 20 ёс 41 (95), Bo Syr (g) .. 4 N* .. add eyo NAB ёс, Syr (h) 
.. add to thee Syr (s) иток thou] 4 &c (41) 95 .. trs before tenor A al, Syr (s) Tenor now] 20 &с 41 95..0m g? Syr (s) 
ae] om Во (Q) 

JOHN XIII 6-10 223 

° He eame therefore unto Simon Petros; said that (man) to him, 
Lord, thou art he who will wash my feet. "Jesus answered, 
said he to him, That which I do, thou, thou knowest not now, 
but afterwards thou wilt know it. 8 Ѕаіа Petros to him, 
I shall not permit thee to wash me ever. Jesus answered to 
him, Unless I wash thee, thou hast not part with me. ° Said 
he to him Simon Petros, Lord, not only my feet, but (x) wash 
my hands also and my head. !? Said Jesus to him, He who 
was bathed needeth not except washing his feet, but (a) is 

° петр. | 20 ёс 41 (95) 129, NAB ёс, Bo Arm .. om ml.. Sh. K. 
Syr (g).. Sh. Petros Syr (h).. Sh. Syr (s) .. and. saith to him P. Eth 
mag to him] 20 &c 41 129.. add коре DII? 76 eera рат lit. to 
wash my foot] 20 ёс 41 (95) pov tovs подає BCL 157 
-235 435, OL (Ъсе аша) Vg .. р. v. т. т. D 169 346 .. v. т.т. и. МА 
ёс, OL (al) Syr (Б), Cyr .. for me my feet Syr (gs) Arm Eth = a-naq 
Jesus-him] 20 (41).. arek. 15 avro ABC*L, Am Fu Arm edd, Or.. 
ат. ovro (о) 5 N ёс, OL (acfq) Ұс еш Syr (gh).. om mag fo him 
(957), C? D al, (belm) Bo Arm.. add nexag said he (т) &c .. saith 
to him Jesus Syr (gs) .. and ans. Jesus and saith to him Eth 

9 пех. said he] (т) ёс 92 .. pref and Eth ciar. | r ёс 92, Syr 
(g) .. trs after тєтр. В..ош D 32 ev петр. | т ёо 92..0m 472, 
Syr (s) .. Kepha Syr (є) moxoerc(mxe 04)| 20 ёс 92, Во (м).. от 
N* 63 253 - ту Lord Bo Syr (gsh) .. add then Syr (gs) эхонон | 
20 ёс 92, D, OL Vg Во Syr (g) Arm .. trs after роо МАВ ёс, OL 
(e) Syr (sh) Eth паоте (om 94) pure my feet] 20 ёс ог, МАВ 
ёс, OL (fgq) Vg Bo Syr (gh), Or Chr до» DEGH al го, 
OL (abceffm) .. add thou shalt wash for me Syr (s) пакебтх шу 
hands also] 20 &c 95, F* 13 al, Bo Syr (gsj) Eth .. om pov NAB ёс, 
Буг (h) Arm яз and] Syr (sh) .. om Syr (g) Taane my head] 
20 ёс 95, Во Syr (gj) pou NAB ёс, Syr (h) Arm .. my 
head also Bo (0)..844 et totum corpus OL (abelm)..also my head 
Syr (gs) 

° nexe said] 20 &c.. pref and Eth er(om 115)яянті (ex 115 
ml) є(єє 94)ra печотєрн(ни 95) e exc.-feet] 20 ёс (95), (Bo), є 
py tous т. уц. BC* KLII al ro, OL Syr (gh) (Arm) (Eth), Chr.. 
7. т.т. V. А ёс, Суг..т. т. у. EEH а1..туу кеф. v. et рл) т. т. шоком 
D..vupacdau NÑ, OL (с) Fu, Tert Jer..but his feet only to wash 
Syr (s) 


тиру. WTOTW QOTTHYTW тєтнтд нт, ААЛА итирти 
am. Пмецсобум Tap ажпетиапараагхо» Mocy. 
erbe паї асүхоос. хє птетитё их ан тирти. 12 ите- 
рецЦото ве ее инеуотеритє. ASSI мечооєтте. 
ациохі он. ATW пехасү HAT. хе тетисооти хе ov 
TENTAIWAG интим. — 1? итоти тєтнаєоэтє ерох хє 
псао ATW пхоае. ATW HAAWC TETNAW MAOC. моң 
Tap пе. “exe ANOR мех метиотерите пхоес 
ATH MCAD. птоти OWTTHTTH шще EPWTH єє ратот 
инетиернэ, 15 OTCALOT сар пеитмаа инти. «єкас 

тійну 20] тЁйє m! йтирти| д..тирти 20 &c п (g) 20 94 
(95) 115 $ аб ev&e m! язпєт.] exxm. 115 2 20$ 94 $ (95) 115$ 
at mex. m!$ тєтїс.] pref м 115.. pref є m! З 20 94 (95) 115 
ml  !*(g) 20 94 (95) 115 m! Sand at ivo. arw) repeated 94 
шиє) pref є щще ероти 94 | parvos] 20.. потєрнтє 
(мотрнитє 94) (4 1) 94 115 m! 5 (4) (20 $) 94 95 115 ml extras] 
д.. пт. 94 ёс 

пт. уе] g 20 94 115, Bo (мму) Syr (є 36 h).. pref ато and ml, 
Во Syr (s) Arm (Eth).. add all Буг (5) оотт. ye also] g &c 95.. 
om Агт АХХА &с] g ёс 95 .. єоти yap D, Syr (gj), quia est OL 
(1) Syr (в) Arm 

1 vap] g ёс 95, МАВ &с..дє Syr (g o sh)..add < D, Syr (g) 
Arm Eth .. add ab initio ths OL (1) єтћє-тнрти because-all ye] 
(31) ёс (95), Arm D, Syr (j) .. because of him &c Syr (s) 
agx. he said] g ёс, Bo (в), NAB ёс, Syr (gs) Arm (Eth) .. he was 
зауїпу Во Syr (е 9) хє &с ye-all ye] (g?) &с 951, Arm Eth.. 
this word Syr (s) 

? ge therefore] 20 ёс 95, МАВ ёс, Syr (h)..3e Syr (gs) .. and 
Arm Eth iutevos. their Ё] 20 ёс, avrov МАВ ёс, Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth..avrov W* ..rov раб. T al, OL (c) agar he took] 20 
ёс, NAL 33 249 251 1846", ЛаВоу 254, OL (abcefffglm), Bo Syr 
(gs) Arm Eth.. ко ehaBev ВС" D ёс, OL (eq) Vg Syr (jh), Or Bas 
Chr Cyr (pref п 94 95 ml)eqooer(or 94 95 115 ml)se his g.] 
20 ёс 95, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. om avrov D, OL (bem) agit. Ш. 
he cast him] 20 &c (95 ?), Bo (BQ) .. ки aver. N* BC* 157, OL (ae) 

JOHN XIII 11-15 225 

clean altogether: ye also are clean, but (a) not all. И For he 
was knowing him who will deliver him up : because of this he 
said, ye are not all clean. !? When he had finished therefore 
washing their feet, he took his garments, he reclined again, 
and said he to them, Ye know what it is which I did to you. 
13 Ye, ye call me, Master and Lord, and well ye say, for I am 
(that) 15 If I, I washed your feet, the lord and the master, 
ye also—it is right for you to wash the feet of one another. 
15 For an example is that which I did to you, that according 

Во (м) Syr (gsj) Arm Eth, Ог..ка: avarecwv No А? 33 249, OL 
(befffglmq) Bo, Chr .. avarecov C* D ёс, Vg Syr (h), Bas Cyr 
Ай-Наз he-them] om А" ой again] 20 &c 95, Syr (h) Arm 115, Во (DQ) Syr (gs) azw and] 20 ёс, 
Syr(g9s) мат to them] 20 &e 95, Syr(g) Во (Р) | -соотії 
know | 20 ёс 95, Во (м).. -єзэл Bo 

8 птоти ye] 20 &c.. behold бут (s) тєтпээ. ye call] 20 &c.. 
ye will call Bo (0,3) ncao—xoe:e (пос m!) lit. the teacher and the 
lord] 20 ёо, МАВС*р ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Or Bas 
Ps-Ath .. trs mat ато ncao 94, C'EFGHMA 13 28 33 69 тоб 157 
al зо, Во (X) Syr (j), Ath Did Chr Cyr Amb  т(ргеї e 115) etitxw 
ye say] 20 &c.. ye know Bo (1) wap] 20 &c.. om Во (Mv) .. add 
also Arm с ,, add thus Eth 

^ anon I] 94..0m Bo (к)..844 сє therefore го, МАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (є) Arm (Eth).. add сар 115 m!.. and if I Syr (s) петпох. 
your feet] 20 ёс (95) .. pref for you Syr (0,8) (Eth) п. (пас 94) 
avo the-and] 20 &c (95), Arm .. om Во (r,*) .. your lord and Bo Syr (g) 
mcao the master] 20 ёс 95, Arm .. your master Bo Syr (g)..trs 
your teacher and, your lord Syr (g 3 s) Eth птоти о. ye also] 20 
ёс (95) .. pref тосо uaAAov D, OL (affglm) буг є (om also) .. pref 
тосо Syr (s) Eth 

15 ovcss, an ех. | (3?) ёс 20.. this example Syr (gs) ap] g &c 
2о.. дє Буг (5) пєнтат. that-did] g &c (20) .. ewka Ñ &c .. I showed 
to уои Syr (з)... Т showed and I gave to you Eth инти фо you 19] g 
ёс 20..prefeyo Armedd қата oe acc. as] g &c 20, UT 33 al, Bo 
(о) Syr (s)..add eyo МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm ..add after уши 
(Eth) Cyr.. pref Bo (N) | ететиво. o. ye-do] g &c (20) .. йтоти сот. 
ет. ml .. om Өютт, Bo (FN) 

H. 8, G, ПІ 9, 


16 сани Qanun {хо ажаасс NATH. хе азаа 
ояжолА emaa єпєүхоёс. orae Meee апостоХос 
EMAA єпємтасүтаээтос,. 1" єцрхє TeTWcooyW АХ. 
HACIATTHYTH ETETHUAMAAT. 18 иегхєроти тирти 
AM. AMOK ETCOOTH пиеитасотпот. AAAA схєнас 
epe тесрафн он бол. хє петотояе аєпаоєтк 
acer axmneepXóc eopar exor Masse Tenor “хо 
язегос MHTM апт щеопе. SERAC єтетмепістеуе EY- 
uJamujpone, хе AMOK пе. Аф. 20 oasenmoasermm хо 
&$4*OC инт. хє Tre vost ажлєч  натиноос ет аваасг. 
METAI AE яз «ео ссу аяпемтасцтатої. ?! Mar птерес- 
SOOT HGNC acuroprp оля nenia. ATW эразмтре 
CXW AOC. хе оляени озлани TAW AROC мити. 
хе оул «фол понттнутн петиапараагхот ажаасн. 

16 (g) (го Р) 94" 95$ 115 m! § Marit 19) 20 95 .. art ёс 
enaay 19) 94 .. emaaay (J) &c.. маза 20 xoerc] х6 94 Marit 20] 
95..A3M 20 ёс emaag 29] 04. eMaaay 20 95.. маза r15 m! 
enemraq] їп. 95 и (20) (94) 95 115 m!$ maer] мал. 75 
18 (13) (20 Š) 44 95 $ (115 $ at ad.) m! $ seporn] 44 &c.. 
«epo: 20 Пиєн.| 44 &c 115..еиеи. 20 meros] -orr 20 
agys] -qerml X&c] 13 20 44 ml.. hec 95 115 19 (g) 13 (20 $) 
44 (95) 115 m! $ инти] om ин 20 віс maT] 13 .. matey 44 
IIS.. Саи. 20... елапатец 95 m! eterne] єтєти|иер 11556 ? (g) 
(го Р) 44 $ (85) 95 $ 115 m! $8. Ahos egas 29] eqepsr 115 sic.. 
х: ш1 яїпєйт.] ахцєтєнт, 1157 -Tavor] 95.. -татоет 44 115.. 
-таотог 85 m!..[-tao}woer 20 | ?' (20) 44 $ аб хє 85 $ 95 $ 115 IP 
ПРш!Р рат. | eps. 115 

15 озхо. servant] g ёс (20), бок Во (кім fr)..ov&. a serv. Bo 

anoct. | (20) &c, Во (р,* кмхо*рт).. oven. an ap. Во -талоч | 
94 95 . -таотоц (20) ml, Bo (Ans fr)..-vmmoovq 115.. 
оторт Bo 

" єврхє &c if-them] (20) &c 94 .. if these ye know and do blessed are 
ye Syr (s) .. pref and Eth eve muy. if ye should do them] orav ёс 
F, Eus .. om OL (e) 

18 anox I] 20 & 115, BCD &c, OL (abefffg) Vg Syr (Б) Eth, 

JOHN ХПІ 16-21 gor 

as I did to you, ye also should do. 16 Verily, verily, І say to 
you, There is not servant who is greater than his lord, пот 
is there apostle greater than he who sent him. "If ye know 
these (things), blessed are ye if ye should do them. 18I was 
not saying (it) of you all: I know those whom I chose ; but 
(а) that the scripture should be fulfilled, He who eateth my 
bread, lifted up his heel against me. !?From now I say to 
you, before it happen, that ye should believe, if it should 
happen, that І am (he). 32. 2° Verily, verily, I say to you, 
He who taketh him whom I shall send is taking me; but he 
who taketh me is taking him who sent me. *! These (things) 
when had said Jesus, he was troubled in the spirit, and he 
bare witness, saying, Verily, verily, I say to you, One out 

Or Eus Thdrt..add уар МАКП 13 28 69 124 131 346 al 25, OL 
(с14) Bo Буг (є) Arm, Cyr .. pref because that Syr (s) пиеитат 
those whom I] (20) ёс 115, ovs AD ёс, Eus Thdrt .. rwas NB CLM 
33 157, (Eth), Or Cyr теср. the scr.] 13 ёс (20) 115, ЗАВ ёс 
..trs after тАур. D, OL (bc) Vg Arm .. add which saith Syr (s) Eth 
лаоєїк my bread] 13 ёс 20 115, ВСІ, 127* 249 471, Eth .. мет єроо 
RAD ёс, OL (abcefffgl,q) Vg Syr (sh) Arm, Thdrt .. my bread with 
те Во (A* BT K).. the bread with me Bo 

3 жи т. from now] 13 ёс 20 .. pref but Eth PP .. and now Eth ro 
тист. believe] 13 ёс 20 95.. add me Syr (g 9) єчцу. if-happen | 
(9) 20 ёс 95, RBIL, OL (abegl) Am Fu (Eth ro), Or Cyr .. trs before 
etetnensct, 13, ACD ёс, (cfffq) Vgclem Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth Pr, 

? easan 20] (20) &c.. om FH 258 440, Syr (s) Too ry- 
tavos| тєрдш—алтоттеАаута. X 1 118, Bo буг(в)..тєрдуш—тєрдаута, $$ 
АВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm Eth egxı is taking 1°] (91) &с.. add ae m! 
птах me 311101 but-me] (201) &c 85.. о дє epe A. МАВС &с, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (h), Or Суг.. ато metas i. and-me ml, D, OL (el) (Bo в) 
Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. om conj. Bo (м9) 

2 par these] 20 ёс, Во (Br,*) .. add ae Bo .. and when ёс Syr (8) 
Eth | mima] 20 &c..add holy Po (к)..ада and he sighed Bo (z,°z) 
azw and] (20) & Bo (r,*) Arm eyx. saying] (20) ёс, Bo 
(У)... кш. erev RA B ёс, Eo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth.. said he Bo (вм) 
Фгзхни 29] 20 & Syr (в) пити to you] 20 &c.. trs before 
Aeyo B ne"mam. will &c] (20) &c .. delivereth up Syr (s) 

Q 2 


2 иетбющт GE EQOTN oW NETEPHT mWolteenoH- 
THE єтапореі. хе ео aeeeoc єтбе мая. 23 меті 
оул хє eboÀN ом метезлөнтнс єцинх ом ROVNY iuc. 
петере үс ase muog. 2 aqaswpae б є orbe rax sI- 
сазои петрос єхнотс. хе mee MeTYwWaxe ероч. 
3 & пн GE мох EXM таассөнт ме. пех Macy. <€ 
nxoeic MI me. 26 ачотощі» HGNC. хє menace 
TLOEIK татаар MA. петазлех пе. итерецееп поєїк 

2 (13) (20) 44 85 $ (95 $) 115 11 ші єв.) 44 &6 95.. fig. 1! 
25 13 (20) 44 $ 85 $ (95) 115 П ш1$ мези] 13 44 85 П..пєоти 
(2017) 95 115 m! çît 2°] 13 85 115 ml..eenll..e204495 котиЧ| 
13 &c 95 .. кототиЧ 20 44 are] areare і3 ™ (g) 13 (20) 44 85 $ 
(95) 115 1! m! 35 (g) 13 (20) 44 85 (95 $) 115 11$ ml exit] 
exem 115 (20) 44 $ 85 $ (95) 1151! $ m! $ 

22 eyg. were looking] (20) ёс 95 .. eBAerov ovv ot (05баю!: ets ад. 
ог раб. 33" ge therefore] 20 ёс 95, 3" AD ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (b), 
Cyr .. om ті, Ne BC 16 245 483, OL (e) Arm .. ae ll, бт 64 575 al 
12, OL (а) Syr (gs).. and Eth arao. the disc.] (20) &c .. add 
avrov I3 69 124, OL (a) Bo Syr (s trs to beginning) Eth етап. 
being perpl] 20 ёс, Буг (Б).. not knowing Syr (g) .. апа wondering 
Syr (s) үзээ, whom] 13 &c 20 95 .. add then Syr (s) 

23 Ac] 13 ёо 20 95, NAC?D «е, OL (acfffq) Bo Syr (gsh), Cyr.. 
om BC*L з 80 87 475,, OL (e) Arm Eth.. ergo (bgl) Vg 
eh. ом (єм l!) out of] 13 ёс 95, «к RABCDIKLMXAII al 15, 
OL Vg Во Syr (h), Cyr .. om E ёс пєтєрє-Зхэхоч he-loveth] 13 
біс 20.. mar єпєрє &c this whom Jesus was loving 85 1! ml, МАВ ёс, 
(Bo) .. ov ка ёс D, OL (a) .. trs after шабутоу Syr (s) .. om Syr (g 8") 
үс 29] om 69, OL (e) .. our Lord Syr (s) 

?! agx. beckoned] (g?) ёс (95).. he was beckoning Arm .. х. ће 
beckoneth (201) ml, Ñ &c, Агш 04 сє therefore] g &c 20 95, NAB &c, 
OL Vg Во Syr(h), Or Суг.. om C*A 69, OL (с) Bo (Q) Syr (gs) Arm 
.. є ll.. et (e) Eth c. пєтр.] 13 ёс (20) (95), буг (Б) Arm Eth 
.. Sh, K. Syr (gs) | єхпоте-пєт to ask-he] 13 &c 20 (95) .. Trudeau 
ты av en (add ovros D) AD біс, Syr (gsh) Arm, Cyr .. kar Aeye 
(dicens a, et dixit bcgq Vg) avro (om aq) eme (interroga ас ад, om 
g Vg) т< eoru (om т. є с Eth) ВСІХ 33, OL (abcfffglq) Vg Eth, 

Or .. туб. т. av ви] тєр. ov eAeyev ког Neyer avro eure Tis терь ov Meyer № 

ФОНХ ХПІ 22-26 229 

of you is he who will deliver me up. 22 Were looking there- 
fore at one another the disciples, being perplexed concerning 
whom he is saying it. 29 But there was опе out of his 
disciples reclining on the bosom of Jesus, he whom Jesus 
loveth. ?* Beckoned therefore to this (one) Simon Petros to 
ask him, Who із he of whom he speaketh? * That one 
therefore cast himself upon the breast of Jesus, said he to him, 
Lord, who is (he)? 29 Answered Jesus, He to whom I shall 
dip the bread and give it, that is (he). But when he had 

.. ut cognosceret а thu de quo dixisset (e) miar who] 13 &c 20(95).. 
add of them Bo (BDEG,JMNSV) лєт(тєч 115 1! ш!)щ. epog 
of-speaketh] (g?) ёс (20?) (95 ').. ош ог 299, OL (58 1) 

25 „по cast himself] (g?) & 20 95..fell and Syr (gs) Eth... 
ауа(єті)тєтау МА В &c, Arm пн that] 13 ёс 20 95, exewos .. add 
pabyrys Bo Syr (g) Eth .. add disciple whom Jesus loved Syr (s) 
бе therefore] 13 ёс, RDLMXA г 13 33 69 118 157 330 346 565, 
OL (abefgl) Vg Bo Syr (hx2).. om ВС, OL (e) Syr (s), Or.. de A 
ёс (ff q) Bo (х«сгесанкірт fr) Syr (Б), Cyr .. and Syr (g) Arm Eth 
пох] (g) &e 20 (95), NADII r бо al, OL Vg Eth .. add ovrws BC 
&c, ovros КОГА al то nag to him] g ёс 20 (95?) .. om Во 
(um) nxoeic Lord] g &е (20), Bo (nv) 13 11.. ту Lord Во 
Syr (gs) .. rabbi Syr (g 9) sss ne who is] g ёс 20 ..add that 
(one) Во (F,°)..add this Syr (s)..add o тарабибоу$ сє 28 62 235 
472, OL (с) 

25 aeos. answ.] (20) ёс, Bo, атєкр@ II? 249, Arm (Eth) .. aro- 
xpwera, Ñ*A ёс, OL Vg Syr (h)..add ow N¢BC*LX, OL (a) Syr 
(h mg), Or Cyr... he saith to him Syr (s) .. add avro D 13 69 124 249, 
(e) .. add further кол Хєує (add avro 69) ND 13 69 346 Syr (g) Arm 
Eth, saying Bo nedxmna.-naq he-give it] (20) ёс, Syr g (3), 
Bayo то у. каа wow avro BCL, Bo (express eyo except NH) (Arm 
Eth), Or... B(euB)awas т. V. (єт)досо (avro) XAD ёс, OL Vg Syr (h), 
Const Chr Cyr Thdrt.. for whom I dip bread, I give to him бут (gs) 
пет. пе that is (he)] 20 ёс, exew. eorw МАВ ёс (trs before о).. 
йточ me пет. he із that ш!.. eos пе Во п (єн 44) Tepeycen 
(сїт 20) поєтк ae but-bread] 20 &c (951) .. aw agqcem moerg and he 
dipped the bread 85 ml, Syr (g) Eth.. кал (eu)Bayas AD ёс, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (h) Arm .. and dipped Jesus bread Syr (s) .. Baas ow NBCL 
XII? 33, OL (а), Or Суг тпоє the bread 29] om то В атаач 


ATW замиса трєүх: яяпоєк a псатанас hor 
EQOTH єроц. пеха Ge MAY donc. хє MeTRMArAagy 
хр ом отбепн. same Алат ae пиетиих етаяе. 
хе erbe ow зүхс mar Maf. 2 пере ooente сар 
авсєтє XE €eneraH песћлоссокоявои NTOOTY MIOTAAC. 
же та ҮС хоос Maf. жє Wen петирура азс 
enwa н oeRac ere} нлонкє. 30 итерещел oe as- 
поёїн SINH. йтєумоу afer єбоМ. ne TETUJH ae Te. 
31 йтєрєтех Ge eboÀ nexe ©. хє TEMOT acpxieoov 

" 20 Š at mex. 44 § &c 85 $ & (95) 1154 at а пс. and ар. 11 $ at$atmn. тре] тєрє 115 Язпоєзк] ош 3195 fics] eno: 44 
netk] -тєк тїз l!m! aag] aq 85 115 28 (0) 20 44 85 
(95) 115 1! m! ? (0) (13) 20 $ 44 $ 85 $ (95) 115 $ at ml! m! $ 
элєєзє] eve 115 tocco] кМосо l! ші &osson] -со. 13 П.. 
-aon g 8511 stra] erra 44 SQpra]I3 &с.. борта 944 aoc] 
nag m! enya] sam. 115, Во (Е) ese] cert 115 20, (0): 13 20 
44 $ 85 $ (95) 115 И м$ ne] 13 &c.. ene g 20..й m! ae se] 

13 & ae И — (13) (20$) (445) 85 (95) 115 2] 44 95 
II5.. ayx 85 

he gave it] 20 ёс (95) .. (emt)ddwow ЗУ" ФР AD ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (В) 
Arm Eth, Суг..ХарДаув, ко б. М BCLMX 33, Syr (hme), Or 
ищ. fic. the son of S.] 20 &c (95) .. очиоуос ЗАВ ёс, Syr (g) .. eut 
13 тот 346, OL (befl), Or..cxsxom Bo Bo (ім) Arm 
тиск(пєск 95) артют(> 85)нс the Isk.] 20 ёс, iscariota Syr (g).. 
scarioth (ае) (Syr gsh) ..aro xapvorov Ї)..шпкаріютоу NBCILM 
XII? 33 157 435 al, (є) Am Fu.. wapwry A ёс, Cyr 

7 aw and] 20 ёс 95, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth... om Bo (Г) sii- 
(om 115)са-тоєн after-bread] 20 &c (95 ?) .. ut (postquam 1) accepit 
panem OL .. after the bread Во (вт. EN) Syr (gsh) Eth .. pera то y. 
NAB ёс, Bo.. om D, OL (e) Bo (г) a-hwk the S. went] 20 біс, 
NSDL 565, OL (abeffl) Vg чем Bo (Асенкьрту) Syr (s), Cyr .. pref 
rore ABC ёс, OL (fgq) Am Fu Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, statim OL (e) m the 115, D* A бе therefore] 20 ёс, ЗА В ёс, OL (beffq) 
Во Syr (Б), Or .. om 1, 59 86 249 254 569, (afgl) Am Fu Во (25,*Q) 
Syr (є 36 s), Chr Cyr.. же 85 ші.. ка: D, (e) Vg elem Syr (g) Arm 
Eth apiy do it] го &c 95 .. pref ventos now 85, (Arm) on-o. 
quickly] 20 ёс 95 .. evraxe Х..тахюу NAB ёс 

JOHN XIII 27-31 231 

dipped the bread he gave it to Iudas, the son of Simon the 
Iskariotés. 27 And after his taking the bread [the] Satanas 
went into him: said he therefore to him Jesus, That which 
thou wilt do, do it quickly. 2 But no one of those who 
reclined knew concerning what he said this to him. * For 
some were thinking, Since the bag (was) with Iudas, that 
Jesus said to him, Buy that which we need for the feast, or 
that he should give to the poor. 3° When had taken therefore 
the bread that (one), immediately he came out; but it was 
night. 31 When he had come out therefore, said Jesus, Now 

28 зяпе-етазе but-knew] 20 ёс (95 1).. and his disciples knew not 
Syr (s) me] 20 &c 95.. om 115, В 157 248 435, Bo (s) .. yap 63 
253 259..а44 om Во (w)..and Syr (s) Arm Eth nag to him] 
20 Ёс 95 .. om Во (Р) 

29 sepe were] g &с (13) 95, Syr (зЬ).. йтерє when had ml.. 
thought Bo (А) Syr (є) eoer(20 44 ..01 g &c)ne some] add of 
them Syr g (5) tap] g 13 20 44 95, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (g) 251, 
Во (r,*)..2e 851! ml, 63 253 475, Bo Syr g (3) h Arm, Cyr .. pev 
Bo (рх5).. and Eth enes(ms 13 44 85) an] (3) ёс 13 (95), Bo.. 
єтє, NAB &с.. or. D, quia OL Vg Syr (gsh) Arm 16] а ёс 13 
95, Arm .. om т 565, Syr (gs) .. the Lord Во (Р)  жоос said] g & 13, 
Syr (Б) Arm Eth.. gave commandment Syr (gs) єтїї (єн 115) 
we] пєтєтії ye 13 н] д &с 13 95.. and Syr (s) 

3 йтєрєч(рЯ 13 115) xı when-taken] g &c ..took-and Syr (gs) 
ge therefore] g ёс, Syr (h)... 2e ml, 80 249, OL (e) Syr (g) .. then 
rose Jesus and. took Syr (s) .. and Eth поєх(ох і3)к the bread] 3 
&c 95, Во (BD, E,MxN) Vo. NAB ёс, Bo Arm ñømu that] g ёс 
(95), МАВ &с.. trs before то y. 33, OL (ac fffg1) Vg (Arm) ., trs after 
суб. єї. Cyr .. om 69, OL (Б) Во(х).. iudas OL (е) Syr (g) Eth я(єм 
44)тетпот imm.] g ёс 95, А ёо, OL (afq) Syr (h), Cyr ..trs after 
cé. NBCDLX 33 69 249 346 440, OL (beffgl) Vg Bo Arm Eth, 
Or .. trs after bread Буг (g) .. om Syr (s) Arm ed nme] 13 & 
Bo (к) Eth .. and Arm .. but the time was night Syr (s) 

8 (em 44)тєрєц(рч 115)er-e&. when-out] 13 ёс 20 44, NBC 
DLX 1 33 69 157 249 254 346 al, OL Vg Bo, Or .. and when ёс 
Syr (s) Arm Eth .. ore e£. joined with preceding words A ёс, OL (4) 
Syr(gh), Chr .. and hewent out and it was night when he went out Атта cd 
nexe 1€ said Jesus] 13 ёс 44, Syr (sh) Arm .. o i$ Аєує X al, Or .. pref 
ках A Syr (є)... add ow U .. then saith to them Jesus Eth Tenor now | 
20 &c 44, Syr (gh) .. behold henceforth Syr (s) .. add therefore Eth 


мехпиуврє аяпролее. ATW A ппоуте їсоот ор 
мент. 2 єцрхє a пмоуте мессу Qpar понт. 
ATW пиохте на Хєоо» aep ора понт. ATW TET- 
но» «маДесохт мач. ° пашунре ету нвєкоэ: пе 
Хэхэввжнтїс, тетима іме HCW ATW ката OE єнтал- 
«оос Hitforaar хє паа anon еДиабок єросі. 
rori їїтетилШЩе an epot. yaw азаасс NATH 
осттнути Tenor. 2* пАни + НотснтоАн ибрре. 
хєнас ETETNEKLEPE NETHEPHT ката OE ємтатазєре- 
THUTN. єнас QWTTHTTH єЄтєтнєгєєрє METHEPHT. 
ererWujanesepe метмерну. 36 TESA мас потехе ои 
петрос. хе пжоєї ERMA ETON. а 070040 macy ios. 

epar] eo. 115.. 0m Во(ААб,8) ° 85 95 (108 1) 115 $ at asco 10 
epar 19] eo. 115, Во(А,ку) зз (g) (13) 85$ 95 $ 115 $ and аб 
{хо ml єтї] єтєє m! япсох] enc. 115 ent.) 95.. йт. 85 115 m! 
sova.| єз. m!  ireTmaue:r] птетииащу ml м (0) та 85 
(95 $) 115 ш! ємтоМ.) WT. 95 115 пар.) йёер, 115 єтєти- 
(vex д)є 1°] д..єпєтпє ml.. єтєтпа 13 .. йтєтпа 85.. єтєти 115 
єтєтиє 20) 95 ml.. етети 115.. єтєтпа 13... йтєтпа 85 Se раї 
85 95 115 ml cit Итєти| йтоти 85 massac. | mae. 115 5% (g) 

(85 $) 95 $ 115 m! $ аб ayov. 

32 єщ.-Понті if-in him] 85 ёс, МА ёс, OL (efl?q) Vg Во Syr 
(gj) (Arm Eth), Or Cyr Nonn.. for if ёс Arm .. and if ёс Eth .. om 
N'BC*DLXII al 12, OL (abcffgl*) Fu Во (р,*мрот) Eth cdd, Tert 
Amb avw-eoor and-glorify] 95 115, Bo .. add оп also (108 1)... 
гло a Tut, хїєоот and God was glorified 85 .. and (om 5 cdd) also God 
glorifieth him in him Syr (g) .. and God who (is) in him glorifieth him 
Буг (з).. om and Bo (xTv).. add ae Bo (у).. God also Eth ATW 
and 29] 85 &e 108 .. om Syr (s) nag him 29] 85 ёс 108 .. add in 
Мт Syr (g 9) 

33 козу little] o5 115, ABCD ёс, OL(abeffgq) Vg Bo Syr (gs), 
Clem Or..add потоєгу time 85 ml, NLXT al 15, OL (cfl) Bo 
(nExG,2N) Буг (є 39 h) Arm Eth, Eus Chr Cyr Thdrt Ambrst 
qx. I-you] 85 &c..add and Syr (gs) Eth..add ка vrayw mp. т. 
перу. ре 33 тет. ye-me] 85 &c .. Lytnoare U 184 eal .. (rece 69 .. 

ТОНХ ХШ 32-36 233 

was glorified the Son of the man, and God was glorified in him. 
32 Tf God was glorified in him, [and] God will glorify him in 
him, and immediately he will glorify him. * My children, 
yet a little (time) it is I am with you: ye will seek for me; 
and according as I said to the Jews, The place to which 
I indeed shall go, ye, ye will not be able to come to it, I say to 
you also now. * But I give a new commandment, that ye 
should love one another: according as I loved you, that ye 
also should love one another. * In this all will know that 
ye are my disciples, if ye should love one another. 29 Said he 
to him Simon Petros, Lord, whither art thou going? Answered 

pref and Bo (в) azw and] 85 & Bo (Nq) Syr (s) апок 
I] (5) ёс, МАВСЬКІМОХИ al, OL (cefffgl) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth, Or Cyr..trs after ът. E ёс, (abq) Syr (Б) .. om Syr (g4) 
ит. уе] g &c, Bo (BDEFG,HIMNOQS) Syr (g).. om Bo оотт. you 
also] g &с 13, Syr (s).. om Bo (1) Arm тєпоу now] 13 &с, буг 
g (2) g ml, Syr (s) .. trs before сот. 115 .. et nunc OL (а) Arm.. 
et-nunc (e), Syr (g) .. and behold Syr (s) 

м пни but] 13 ёс 95, І 565.. ош NAB ёс, Syr (gh) .. and Eth 
.. add vemos now g Syr (s) t+ I give] 85.. add инти £o you 9, 
МАВ &с.. add n. after të. 13 115 ml.. 7 say ёс Bo (м) "&€R.— 
пєтїї(єп 115 Ёмісе)єрну that-another ro] 13 & OL (сей) 
к. ec acc. as] 13 ёс XT al ro en(i 115 ml)vasas, 
I loved] 13 ёс 95 .. pref кау D, eyw 249 al 4, OL (abceflm) Eth, 
Cyr Hil хєң.-єрнъ (add є 95) 29] 13 ёс 115°.. ош Syr (s) 
оотт. ye also] om xer. eor. 115" .. 0m Bo (A*c) Arm сі 

55 osx mar in this] 13 &c..add yap D, OL (с) Syr (s) .. pref and 
Bo (q) Eth єтєтїїщ. if ye should] 85 ёс, Во (sp,*A,EE,* 6,7 
№095) .. wa Л.. pref єщоп Во sepe мети (єп ттб)ер. love one 
another] 85 &c, 69 124 al 2, Bo Syr (hmg) Arm Eth, Did Chr Cyr.. 
ауатту exnte ev аАтХок (33) АВ &с, Syr (gsh).. a. є. ev аАХо С 

39 stag to him 19] (0) ёс 85.. ош Во (р) стакон] (3) &с 85.. 
om Во (A*x) nep. | 4 ёс 85, Syr (h) .. Керла Syr (gs) ma. 
Lord] g ёо .. our Lord Syr (g) .. my Lord Bo (r*) Syr (s) agor. 
ans.] 95 &c, Arm ..Хєуєс D Буг (s) пач to him 2°] 95 115, RAC?D 
ёс, OL (q) Fu Bo (хо) Syr (sh) Агшс44 Eth, Chr ml, 
BC*L 229", OL Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm .. ans. Jesus and said to him 
Syr (g) Eth йезе Jesus] 95 & Syr (s) anor I] 95 &c, 

234 ТЦЛНННС ` 

хє TIA ANON е{их epog ибнашоуаок Hews ам 
TENOD. замнсоос AE EREOTAOK исох. ?? пехаЧ macy 
Worerpoc. хе nxoeic erbe от нАмащотаст сок 
тємоу. YHARW HTAWTXH Egpar барон. 2 agor- 
cub ма мопс. хе вкиана текфууун YQapor. 
олеени Фазани sw ахазос ман. хе їнетэХеєнтор 
алоттє. аяпкариа eroi нщояюмт мсоп. 

XIV. AG. asnprpe петионт штортр. riceve en- 
MOTTE ATW итетигпистете epor ‘отм оло Mea 
ишопе O22 MHI яЯпАЄТОУТ. EME аваари їтетд жос NATIT 
пе. xe pao єсітє orea инти. З ATW ом eigaat- 
bor echre ovasa NATH. {ину TASITHTTH WAPOL хенас 

etna І go] єфХиафон Z shall до ml 81 (р) (95) (115) m! $ 
їсок | add am m! 2 (р) (95 $) 115 $ at gass. m! $and &с mana] 
р 95 115..єкп. ml finer] 115 .. Hite ow p 95 m! 

' (85 P) (95 §) (115 P) m! обо * (95) (115) ml. cive] 
115 ml.. сеёте 95 3 (95) (115) m! 

NDSmsUX 13 33 69 118 124 157 346 al то, OL Vg Bo Syr (h) 
Arm, Or Chr ABC &e, Syr (h)..trs after go Bo (в) 
имә. thou-able] 95 &c.. pref thou Syr є (6) тєнот now] 95 
&с, D, OL (e) Syr (s) Eth ..trs before акол. МАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm 
ээл жє but afterw.] 95 &c, А СЗТ ёс, Bo Syr (gsjh) (Arm) Eth .. trs 
after ак. бє NBC*LX 1 33, OL Vg, Or ae Во (fr) | itews 
me] 95 &c.. om NA BC*LX al, Bo Syr (gh) 

87 rexa said he] 95 (115) ml.. pref and Eth iiem. Petros | 
(95) 115 ml, Буг (Б) Arm Eth .. om D.. Sh. К. Syr (g).. Sh. Syr (s) 
пх. Lord] (115) ml, МАВ ёс, OL Bo (вмо) буг (h) 95, 8" 
33 249 al, Vg Bo.. my Lord Syr (g) Tenor now] 95 115 ml, арт: 
МАВ ёс 157, OL Vg Во Syr (gjh)..trs viv before акоЛ, C*D L X 
473 2 ev, Bo (4,* м9) (Arm), Chr Cyr..(om Syr g 9 s) тако 
&c I shall &c] (р) 95 ml .. орт: туу улуту &c D, Syr (g 9 s) Arm .. om 
арт, МАВ Ёс. eapok(oapot p) for thee] (p) 95 ml, ABCD ёс, 
OL Vg Во Syr (gh,s) Arm Eth .. trs before т. y. u. МХ 

33 aeos. answered] p &c 95, CD ёс, OL Vg Bo Arm (Eth), Cyr ., 
aroxpwerat N ABC* LX al го, Syr (h) .. saith Syr (gs) .. pref and Eth 
nag to him] р &c 95, CEGHSUTAA? al, OL (bfq) Үсеп Bo 
Syr (gs), RABC*KLMXIZI al, OL (ae) Am Fu Во (0,4,* 

JOHN XIII 37—XIV 3 235 

фо him Jesus, The place to which I indeed go, thou wilt not 
be able to follow me now; but afterwards thou shalt follow 
me. °" Said he to him Petros, Lord, wherefore shall I not be 
able to follow thee now? I shall lay my life down for thee. 
38 Answered фо him Jesus, Thou wilt lay (down) thy /ife for 
me: verily, verily, I say to thee, that a cock shall not erow, 
thou having not denied me not three times. 

XIV. 33. Let not your heart be troubled ; believe God and 
believe me. 2 There are many abiding places in the house of my 
Father: if there were not I should have said to you, because 
I shall go to prepare a ріасе for you. ? And again, if I should 
go to prepare a place for you, I come, and take you unto me; 

EF0,*,3») Syr (h) Arm .. arek. 15 Kat erev avro D, OL (с, ff) Syr (j) 
Eth..add saying Во (q) gaunt 20] p ёс (95)..ош Syr (з) 
запи (єк 95)ap. having not d.] (95) 115 .. шантекамариа until thou 
deniest ml, МАВ ёс, Bo Arm Eth.. before croweth ёс Буг (s) 
apra] 115, BDLX т, Or .. anapna ml, МАС ёс, Cyr ищ. ёс 
three times] (95) 115 ml.. eroweth the cock twice for the third time thou 
wilt deny те Syr (s) 

1 запр(ялєп 85 115)трє let not] 85 (95) 115 ml .. pref ки erev т, 
p. avrov D, OL (ас) Vgedd ,, pref and then said Jesus Syr (s) uj. 
troubled] 85 (95) mł.. add pyde бєМатө X al 6, OL (e), Hil 
nsct. believe] 85 95 115 m! .. pref but Arm azw ат. and believe 
ше] (115) m! .. and in me ye are believing Syr (s) .. Kat ets ewe пістєуєтє 
NAB ёс 

2 ого many] 115 m! .. add уар Во (x T) яаснот my F.] (115) pov T, Syr (j) ene maon if-not] 115 ml..& дє py 
NAB ёс, Syr (h).. and if not Syr (gs) ase because] 115 m!, ЗА 
BC*DKLXII al 20, OL (beffg) Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm, Cyr Thdrt 
Nonn.. om C* ёс, OL (aefq) Eth, Chr 

° awo and] 95 m!..ewjwn ae but if Bo (s) юп again] 95 m! 
„ош NAB ёс он-пити again-for you] (051) m! .. om (115), 69 
al 2, Во (A,*¥,*P*) Arm cdd єсЁтє to prepare] ml, єтоџаси D M 
al, OL (fq) ..sac&re and prepare (95), Bo, ки стор. RBCLNSU 
ХАП І 13 33 124, OL Vg Syr (sjh) Arm Eth, Cyr Thdrt.. єтог- 
paco AEGKTA al 40, Syr (с) инти for you] (95) (115) ml, 
NBDKLNXTFII al, Bo, Cyr Thdrt..trs before тотоу АС ёс, OL 
(befffgq) Vg Syr (gjh) Arm тотоу Syr (s) {инэ (от 


бат» TIA AMOR єдина epog TETHCOOTH teog. ATW 
TETHCOOTH Wein. ° HESE Өсжөас Macy. хе пооєхс 
NTNCOOTH QW хє єна етом. Naw Noe ennacgcovi 
TEQIH. ‘пез из NGC. хе AMOR пе TEQIH ATW 
таас ATW HONO. эм Азат NAT єдоти Wa пет 
єгаянті EBONA QITOOT.  "euyxe ATETHCOTWNT тетих- 
ATH атєтинат epog. Зпехе ФфуАїппос Macq. хє 
пахоєю яямтсабом єпєнєгот. ATW QW Epon. ° Mexe 
IC MAY. хе ахпеготоєту тир YACHT. ати» t- 
NERCOTWNT eprAmme. пентациат EPO ациал EMA- 
етот. ATW Haw Моє їїтон RSW AOC. se esa vcabon 

‘t (95) (115) m1 ° (95) (115) m! $ ° (95) (115 $) m! $ Tare] 
TIŞ eT. ml 795(115)т! asevnmnasv]avevenas 115 5 95$ 
(115) m! $ ° 95 $ (115) m! кхо] єкжо m! 

115) І come] 95, Bo (r*»)..add om again 115 m!, D, Eth .. madw 
єрхора: NAB ёс, Syr(gsh) | тахк and take] 95 115 m! .. and I will 
(exe) take Bo (м) aston I] 95 115 ш!.. ош Bo (FP) | eXax. which 
I am] (95) m! .. to which I shall go Bo (1) єтєтиє (а. па Т) цу. ye 
should be] 95 ml, yre N &c . . сода D .. ye also might бе with те Avmedd 
t anor I] 95 щі, NAB ёс, OL (cfg) Bo Syr (h) DLX т 69 
71 346 565 al 5, OL (abeffq) Syr (gs) Arm Eth, Chr тетис.- 
он уе-гоа4| (95) m}, oare кои туу об. одатє ACD &c, OL Vg Syr 
gsjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr .. orare туу об. NBC*LQX 33 157 al, 
OL (a) Bo 
5 eosxac] ml.. add о Хєуорєуос бідироє D 76 nag to him] m! 
.. ош Bo (4,0) rxoerc(nóc m!) Lord] m! .. our Lord Syr (8). 
ту Lord Syr (s) їстис. am we know not] 115.. йтєтис. am ye 
know not m! by error ñaw п. how] 95 ml, BC*L, OL (ab) Bo 
(BF) Syr (s) .. pref ко NA ёс, OL (cefffgmq) Vg Во Syr (gjh) Arm, 
Chr Cyr Tert .. add therefore Eth | esta eujgc. tegin shall-road | (95 t) 
.. ететизещ & will уе &c ml by error .. dvvapeOa т. о. edeva (tS) А. &е, 
OL (cfffgq) Vg Syr (gjh) .. odapev т. o. BC*(D), OL (a, bem) Eth, 
Cyr Tert .. can we know the road which it із Буг (s) .. the road can we 
know Àrm 

ТОНХ ХІУ 4-9 237 

that the place in which I indeed am, уе should be also there. 
* Апа the ріасе to whieh I indeed go ye know it, and ye 
know the road. 5Said Thomas to him, Lord, we know not 
whither thou art going; how shall we be able to know the 
road? f Said he to him Jesus, І am the road, and the truth, 
and the life: no one is coming in unto the Father except 
through me. "If ye knew me, уе would know my Father 
also; and from now ye know him, and ye saw him. 8 Said 
Philippos to him, Lord, show to us thy Father, and it is 
sufficient for us. 3 Said Jesus to him, For all this time I am 
with you, and thou knowest me not, Philip. He who saw me 
saw my Father ; and how sayest thou indeed, Show to us thy 

8 ину coming] 115..0m m! пет the F.] (115) ml, Syr(h).. 
my F. Syr (gs) єй. o. through me] 115 щі, & ey. МАВ ёс, Syr 
(h) Arm Eth .. in me Syr (gs) 

7 этетисотои (ош 115) ye-me] om pe A 59..те ye knew тої 
Syr (s) awo and 1°] 95 115 ml, МА ёс, OL (beefffmq) Vg Bo 
Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Ath Chr Cyr Novat Victorin BC*LQ 
XII? 1 33 565, OL (а) Во (m) тетис. ye know] 95 115 m!.. 
ууосєсдє №, OL (fq) Vg, Hil ато-єроц and-him] 95 115 ml.. 
om 33 al 5, Armedd ,, om avrov BC* 

8 nexe said] 95 m!.. pref and Eth ДАХ. | 95 m!..add ae 115 
(Bo г" 1) пхоєг (пос ш!) Lord] 95 ml, Syr (Б) Arm Eth .. my 
Lord Bo (v).. our Lord Бух (gs) Во (9) aate. show to us] 
95 115 to те Syr g (2) пекетют thy F.] 95 ml .. rov 
патера МА В &с.. фахотт the road Во (г*) 

° nexe said] 95 ш!.. атекр бу N, OL (a) 1€] 95 ml.. add ae 
Во (м) | запет-тиря for-time] (115), vocovro xpovo NDLQ 253 ev, 
OL Vg, Eus Cyr Tert .. nes(ne та1)-т. all this time 95 ml, rocovrov xp. 
АВ ёс, OL (ff), Or Hipp Ath Ps-Ath Thdr Chr ал and 1°] 95 
115 Bo (мхо) фїМпие., | 115, thus pointed by Gr. cdd 
and vv... Vg clem points before Ph... om Syr (s) agit. saw] 95 115 
m! .. add et OL (abefffgq) Vg, Tert Novat Leif Hil Aug ает 
my Ё.| 95 115 ml, Syr (s).. т. т. ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh) .. ту F. also 
Во (вх) .. him Bo (нү?) azw and 29] 95 115 ml, AD ёс, OL (fq) 
Syr (gjh) Arm, Ath МВО 58 565, OL (abceffg) Vg Bo, Hil.. 
mos ovv Cyr Eth sxatc. show-us] 95 115 to me Syr 
(g 9) 


епекекот. . 1° MEMICTETE AM хє anon Золя maeror 
ATW паєгут понт. NWase AMOR сухо АЗА» СОТУ 
инти. мєгхо) азазо0у ам OApOL eeATaaAT. MAEIWT 
ae петщооп понт erpe иєцовнтє. “merere 
мау. хе ANOR TORE TACIT. ATW пасгот понт. еше 
uso. пистете erbe шецобнує. 12 QANMAN баяні 
Ххо eoc NATH. хе петпістєУє epor meobmwe 
efeipe ззаасот пн оооу ом Maaar. avo Nap 
нєтнаат epoov. хе AMOR ємтаЇок Wa плет. 
13 ATW TI€T€ TM AYTCE R$ eos] сах парам. пат мала. 
«єнас epe пекот areoov оз пщнре. М ететищхи- 

10 (y) (от) (95) 115 m! $ at яц. Syr (s) omits from та Bu. to end 
of verse тт, Syr (с) begins az euavrov п (р) өт 95 115 ml 
? gr 95 (115 Š at avo) ml $ яеєтнаат| 9r..-aaav 95 115 ml 

Із (р) ot (95 $) (115 $ at xerac) ml "* (p) gr 95 (115) m! 

neres. thy F.] 95 115 m!.. cov т. ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh) 

9 исп. ап thou-not] 95 115 ml..ov morevoes В", Bo .. creditis 
OL (с) Vg Syr(s) Hit maemnov my Е. 1°] 115 ші, Syr (g) .. vo т. 
SAB ёс, Syr (sh) Arm Eth maeror 29] p 115 m! Syr (gs).. 
о т. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) Arm Eth muy. the words] 115 ml, саат 
Bo .. these words Bo (4) .. pref and Syr (s) exo which I say] 115 
ml, ВЗ1. ХХ, OL (eq) Bo Syr (h me) .. om В"... Аал NA ёс, OL (abe 
fffg) Vg Bo (кт) Syr (gcjh) Arm, Ath Thdr Chr Cyr Tert Hil .. Aeda- 
Мука D 3 218 220, Eth пити to you] p 95 .. with you Буг (с) 
Arm Eth .. om 59 69 330, Syr (gh), Chr Cyr пєтщ. (вора m!) 
понт(т9 95 sic) he-me] gr &c95 .. o ev enor uevov NAD ёс, OL (acf) 
Во Syr (gcjh) Arm, Chr .. om o BL, OL (beffg) Vg Bo, Or Cyr Aug 
Чєїрє doeth} 91° 95..єч. із doing 115 ml, moe NAB &c.. avo 
eveipe and who doeth 91* .. arw єЖетрє р sic печов. his works | 
р ёс ог 95..та epya avrov NBD, facta OL (e), opera Tert.. vo. є. 
avros А ёс, OL (fgq) Vg Syr (gcjh) Arm (Eth), Or Ath Ps-Ath Chr 
Cyr .. he it is who doeth his works Bo .. he &c the works Bo (ві Msv) 

1 пуст. 19] р &e, miorevere N &c .. pref ov U al, OL (g) Vg — нм lit. 
to ше] p ёс, Syr (ch) OL (fg) Vg Syr (g) Eth, Did Chr Cyr 
Тегі хє-пөнт that-in me] p &c.. om ках o v. ev ep. A, Ath .. trs ore 
от. біс D, Hil ^п. I] trs after паємот 19 115 паєгот my F. | 

twice Во Syr (gc).. то 7, о т. NAB ёс, Syr (Б) Eth понт in me] 

JOHN XIV 10-14 239 

Father? 1°Thou believest not that I, I am in my Father, and 
my Father іп me: the words which I indeed say to you, I am 
not speaking them of myself; but my Father, he who is 
abiding in me, doeth his works. 1 Believe [to] me, that 
I, I am in my Father, and my Father in me: if not, believe 
because of his works. 12 Verily, verily, I say to you, He who 
believeth me, the works which I do, that (one) also will do; 
and he will do those which are greater than they, because I, 
I shall be going unto my Father. 13 And that which ye will 
ask in my name, this I shall do, that the Father should be 
glorified in the Son. !* If ye should ask a thing in my name, 

М(А)В ёс, OL (abfffq) Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Eus Chr Cyr Tert 
Hil..add eorw т al, OL (сер) Vg Syr (c), Ath Hil eujxe if] gr 
& Bo (н).. є дє МАВ ёс, Arm Eth.. and if Syr (gh) .. нан 
Bo .. and if me ye do mot believe Syr (c) піст. 29] от ёс, ВОГ 
33, OL (cefg) Vg Syr (cj), Tert Hil Amb..add ро АВ ёс, OL 
(abffq) Bo Syr (ch) Arm Eth, Ath Chr Cyr ethe because of] 
95 ml, eT] 115, dua NO &c, Syr (g).. e 91..0m ба N* segg. his 
w.] 91 ёс, B 220", Eth..ta є ата МАВ ёс, OL Vg Syr (ch), 
Ath Суг..та єр. 24" 157 244, Во Syr (g) Arm, Chr 
works Eth 

2 germ. he who b.] or &c rr5..every one who Syr (g 41) 
eter(eter от)ре which I do] gt ёо 115, Bo (sv) Syr (є 36) .. add 
eyo ЗАВ &c, Во Syr (gh, s) Arm Eth azw and] 01 ёс r15.. от 
Bo (9) ena f, T shall be going] 01 ёо 115, торсмторо: H*Q Во, 
position 33, OL (e) Bo, Hil..zopevoua, trs after татєра NAB ёс, 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth лавот my F.] от 95 ml, Г ёс, OL (e) 
Syr є (5) 8..0ш pou NABDLQXII r 22 33 42 69 157 258 489, 
OL Vg Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr Novat Hil 

13 ати» and] 91 95 m! Bo (м) пєтєтпа (типа 91) arres 
(її 95..X ші) ах. that-ask] от 95 ml .. add т. татера, 33, Vg .. add 
ab eo OL (b), Amb, ab illo (c) ..add pe 5 12 161 26 ev +{паагагф 
1-до| р ёс 95 ..add for you Bo Буг (0,8) Eth .. I shall give it to you 
Во (9) .. he shall do it for you Во (ні р8у fr) eax in 29] or ml.. 
ела with Bo (r) nuj&pe the Son] gr 95 ml, Arm Eth .. his Son 
Syr (gs) 

14 om verse X (A*) 1 22 565 253*Y al, OL (b) Fu Syr (sj) Arm, 
Nonn єтєтп (єп 115) цал if ye should] (p) &c 115 .. pref ка U 


amer Hovoob оз» парам. пах фиааац-.- І етети- 
шанаєєртт тєтнаоарєо ємаєнтоАн. ATWO AMOK 
ост Змасєпс nero. ато» qrat NATH инепара- 
кАнтос. схєнас Єцєцрөпє  мазазити Ша ENEY. 
1T nena Итазе nere WFO аєпкносязос EXIT. 
хе Исмәт epog ам. OTaE насосом ALLO ам. 
HTWTH TETHCOOTH Mej. хе «моб оатитнуты. 
ATH чЧиашопе понттноти. 1 ифиакатнотм ам 
eTeTHO порфаиос. Хинт шароти. ети кеноэ: 
пе ATW пносаєос G€ мана» EPO! AN. птоти ae 
TETHNAT epos. хе ANOR pong хто йтоти 9WTTHTTH 
тєтинэхоно. 20044 ПЄОООУ сталях тетизетяяе 

aay] 95 ml .. aq 9r 15 (р) 91 95 115 m! $ їз (gr) (95) 
(115 $) m! " gt (92) (95 $) 115 § at orae m! xe пч] хич or 
gati] 91 95 ml..gate 115 13 91$ (92) 95 (115 $) m!$ ?? (or) 
(92) (95) (115) m! єтї] 95 ml.. erm! 115 .. are or икос.| 95 
115 ml..prefàax 91 92 ond] (91) 92 95 ml.. oneg 115 007] 92 
95 m1 .. eww gt ? (91) (95) (115) m! 

al, OL (ff) Bo (pesos) Syr (g) Eth arrer(TY 95) ask] от біс, 
AD ёс, OL (aegq) Bo Syr (є 36) Eth, Cyr..add ис NBEHUTA 
33 al, OL (cf) Vg Syr (gh).. add т. ratepa 240, а patre meo OL (ff) 
Eth na: this] p ёс, АВГА? 33 124 249 262 al, OL (cgq) 
Vg Во, Суг Aug .. om Bo (1) .. eyo ND ёс, OL (aefff) Syr (gh) .. add 
to you Bo (р,е,) Eth 

15 eteti. if &c] р &c .. but if Eth -злєріт love me] p &с.. om 
pe N* тети (пи 91)ao. ye will keep] от ёс, BL 54 73, Bo Arm, 
Epiph Melet Chr Cyr .. турусттє № 33 69* ..тпруоате AD ёс, OL Vg 
Syr (gcjh) Eth, Or Ps-Ath Chr 

19 ayw-owwt and I also] (917) (95?) 115 ml.. kayo NBDQ т 
237 251 254 475, Epiph Cyr .. xa eyo А ёс, Bo, Eus Cyri 
Xnacenc(ene 115) Г shall b.] (91) 95 115.. Xe. Z b. m! TEIWT 
the Е. ] (115?) ш!.. ту F. Syr (gs) azw q. and (om Bo BQ)-give] 
91 05 115 ml, Syr (gh).. and he will send Eth .. that he should send 
Syr (cs) йкєп. another p.] or (95) 115 ml, Bo Syr (gesh).. 
„napak. Во (А)..а spirit paracl. Syr (g 9) єчєщопє that he 
should be] or (95) 115 ml, Bo, NB, OL (ас ша) Syr (gesh ще), 
Eus Novat Leif Victorin .. wey AD &c, OL (g) Vg Syr (jh) Arm 

JOHN XIV 15-20 241 

this Ishalldo. !5If ye should love me, ye will keep my com- 
mandments. 16 And I also, I shall beseech the Father, and he 
will give to you another paraclete, that he should be with you 
for ever. 17 Тһе spirit of the truth; he whom it is not 
possible for the world to take, because it seeth him not, nor 
knoweth him. Ye, ye know him, because he will remain with 
you, and he will be in you. ® I shall not leave you being 
orphans; І come unto you. 19 Yet a little (time) it is, and the 
world will not see me any more; but уе, ye see me; because I, 
I live, [and] ye also will live. In that day ye will know 

(Eth), Did Cyr Chr нэх. with you] or (95?) ml .. пити to you 
115 ща єп. for ever] gt 115 ml..trs pel v. es т. а. п) В, OL 
(b) .. pevn є т. а. ред v. D 

17 xe because] 91 40 95..уар Syr (cs?) îq (mey ml) мат 
сооз seeth-not| gt &с (95 1) .. бєөрєтє-үшөскєтє H TETON] 
him 1°] от &c (95), Bo Syr (gcsh) Arm NB, OL (а), Leif 
йтоөтїт ye] or &с, МВО 346 470 al, OL (ab) Во(Е,тхРУ), Leif Quest 
..add ae 95? AD ёс, OL (cefffgq) Vg Bo Syr (gesjh) Arm Eth, 
Did Cyri Cyr .. and ye Во (м) эзэхоц him 2°] or 92 (95) 115.. 
add am not m! sic ч(єч от) пасо he will г.) or ёс 95, OL (в) Vg 
Syr (cs) Arm Eth.. peve E ёс, OL (abcefff q) (Во) Syr (gj), Leif 
eta uj. he will be] 95 m! (пўш. and be 91 92 115), errar МА ёс 33, 
OL (g) Vg Bo Syr (sjh) Arm Eth, Did Cyri Cyr .. кот BD* r 22 69 
251 254 565, OL Syr (ес), Leif по. in you] 91 &c (92) 95, Bo 
Syr (gc) Eth .. ovv vp. т, OL (bcff) Syr (s) Arm 

18 пАпака I-leave] or ёс 92 115, Syr (csh) Агш..7 leave not 
Syr (g) | +пнъ I come] or &с 92 115.. ош буг(с)..844 yap Syr 
(g)..add дє Syr (g 9) .. pref adda Syr (s) .. and Eth uja poit 
unto you] 91 ёс 92..0m Syr (с) 

19 єтє-нє yet-is] 01 95 (115) ml, Syr (s) Arm Eth .. behold, a little 
more Буг (c)..join with єрхорол rp. v. 131, Syr (gh) me Bo 
azw and] 01 92 95 m! .. om Во (коту) ge more] от 95, Syr (h) 
Arm ml, A, OL (be) Syr (gs).. position fluctuates in Bo 
мє] 91 95 ml, Syr (g) 92, Bo (acarPv)..and Syr (s) 
TeTHMay ye see] 95? 115, NAB ёс, Во (a*rn sr) Syr (Б) Arm edd ,, 
тєтйлалат ye will see gt ml, Bo Syr (gs) Arm epor me 29] (91) 
95 LQ хє-он9 because-live] (от) (92 ?) (95) m! .. om 
OL (e)..and I live &c Syr (s) || (змо live] add because of me Bo (q) 

29 ох in] or (95) ml, Arm .. pref and Syr (g 36 s) 

H.S.G. щі R 


TOTH. хе AMOR YORE пленот. ATW WTOTW понт. 
ATW ANOR HoHTTHUOTM. (2 пєтєоунт ү наснтоАн 
за еєрүтЧ, ATW Знхотонот maq ебол. 2 пехе 109a ac 
мам cebo. истаяотомок choA ж*пносажос. 23 xc 
охошщЁ mexay maf. хє єрщам ота MEPIT сүна- 
Qapeo EMawaxe. ATW паеют Mastepri. ATW 
TMHHT шаро. HTHTALeIO MAN Morea ищопе QAQ- 
THY. 2 петемяяе alt teror Ne[OQa peo alt emawaxe. 
ATW пщахе єтетисотяя EPO] MNI ait пе. АМЛА 
NAMEIWT пейтастатої ^ MAL AISOOT инти. єнцооп 

1 85 (91) (95) m! пєтєозиті) 85 ш!..-тач 95 еит.] 85 91.. 
йт. ml 2 85 $ 91 $ (92) 95 m! $ * 85 $ (91) (92) 95 Š 

ml$ щопє] щоотє 85 ^ (р) 85 (от) (92) (95 $) ші an 1°] 
irs after azo: (p) 02 25 85 95 mi 

йтоти ye 1°] (95) ml, МО ёс, OL (aceffgq) Во Syr (h) Arm.. 
trs before уу. BLM*QX 33, OL (f) Vg, Cyr.. om А 249, OL (b) Syr 
(сві) Eth, Chr Cyr Victorin паєгот my F.] ml ..the F. Eth 
пт, уе 29) (95) m! .. add өөтєн also Во(мхроу) Eth ато anox 
and I] m, ки eyo E'GMSUAII? 597 al 20, Во (Q) Syr (gch) Arm, 
Chr .. kayo NAB ёс, Bo Eth, Cyr 

1 азоөо-єроож and-them] 85 91 ml .. om Во (К) me] 85 91 95 Bo (DEJs)..and Буг (cs) maer. my F.] 85 91 95 ml, Syr 
(gs)..the Р. Syr (с) — маля. will love him] 85 91 95 ml, Bo Syr (с).. 
ауатувлаєтаї vro Ñ &c, Syr (gs) Arm aso and 3°] 85 01 95 ш! 
..а44 anor Bo (м) пач to him] 85 91 95 ml, Bo.. trs before 
єраутоу МА В ёс, Syr (gcsh) Arm Eth .. avrov єрауто М 

22 yoymac] 85 &c, Syr (c).. Thomas Syr (s) nkan. the K. | 
85 &c..ovk о wk. МАВ &c, OL Vg Во Буг (h) Arm.. ovy o ато 
каруштоъ D .. Thomas Syr (c) .. sed alius OL (b) .. it was not Ska. Syr 
(0) .. and is not Азда. Eth nxoeic Lord] 85 &c.. my L. Syr (g).. 
our L. Syr (cs) ethe оъ wherefore] 85 &c, ABD ELX 33 al, OL 
Vg Во Syr (gj) Arm Eth, Cyr..pref ка: N ёс, OL (q) Syr (h), 
Amm cat Chr к(єк m!) паоуонок wilt-thyself] 85 &c 92, Syr (g) 

ФОНХ ХТУ 21-25 243. 

indeed, that I, I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. 
21 He who hath my commandments, and who keepeth them, 
that (опе) ів he who loveth ше; but he who loveth me my 
Father will love him, and I also, I shall love him, and I shall 
manifest myself to him. 22 Said Iudas the Kananités to 
him, Lord, wherefore wilt thou manifest thyself to us, and 
not manifest thyself to the world? Jesus answered, said 
he to him, If (any) one should love me, he will keep my 
word; and my Father will love him, and we come unto him, 
and make for us an abiding place with him. 24 He who loveth 
me not keepeth not my word; and the word which ye hear is 
not mine, but (a) that of the Father, he who sent me. 25 These 

..yeyovev от, ёс, МАВ ёс, Во Syr (Б) Arm.. єстім от: ёс D, Syr 
(g 41 св) маи to us| 85 &c, OL (а), Leif.. trs before исЛА. ЗАВ 
&c, Буг (g) Arm Eth .. trs after edd. D, (e) .. trs before te ipsum (ff) 
Vgclem Syr (св) | mv3xos. and not] 85 .. pref arw and gt біс 92, 
Буг (s) .. om manifest SAB ёс, Во Syr (gch) Arm 

3 а-отоШ,| 85 &c gt 92 ..add жє Bo (м).. arek. 5 МАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. saith to him Jesus Syr (cs) | mexa said he] 
85 ёс от..кш ат. МАВ &c.. saying Bo пач to him] 85 ёс Во (Х2") єрщам ота if опе] 85 ёс or (92), Syr 
(Б) Агш..Ле who бут (ges) Eth qag. he will k.] 85 ёс or, Bo 
.. mpnon NGHX бо al.. keepeth Syr (gesh) паля. will-him] 85 
ёс 9I ..ayarnon G al тп(тєп от)п. we come] 85 ёс от 92.. 
e\evcoueda МАВ ёс, Bo.. «Хєктораол D, OL (e) (Syr с) птит. and 
make] 85 от 959 ml, (Bo) .. топусонш D, OL (e) Syr (с) .. їтєтит, 
and, ye make 95* sic потаха-тнц an-him] 85 &c 92 .. povnv тар 
avro RAB ёс, Буг (gesh) Arm Eth.. трос avrov povyy D, aput eum 
manebimus OL (a), Leif, apud eum manemus (c) 

* петейчазе (ит 85) he who &c] (р) &c (91 1) 92 .. add ae Syr (gh) 
Eth .. and & Arm fto. К. not] 85 m! .. пепао will not keep (р), 
D, Bo пащі. my word] (р ?) ёс 92, Syr (gc) Armed ,, rovs А. д. 
МАВ ёс, Буг (sh) Arm muy the word] 85 (011) m! .. add o epos 
D, OL (ae) Syr (jh) Arm, Gaud пе is] p 85..0m 95 m! manes- 
(ms 85)e that of the F.] 85 95 m!.. om 13 69 184° al 5, Syr (в), 
Did Chr 

° mar these] Во (»).. add ae Bo .. and this Eth | ese, with you] 
95 .. сатит. 85 .. ea ev. ml, тар уши ЗАВ &c.. тар vpov L*X al 

R 2 


QAOTHTTH. ?%оотан AE ETWatter itomrmapananroc 
nenita erovaab. пєтєрє пеют MATHMOOTY оз» 
парам. TheTaseeay матслбетнуті egwh яв. ати» 
матретирпяєєєтує ишде міне єнтагхоо» NATH. 
7 ÈRO NATH потегрнин. таєгрнин. ететом те. +-Ç 
язагос инти. инэта өс AIT ещьре пносазос У. autor 
erk инти. запртре петионт штортр orae аєпр- 
трецресі. 2 атетисотяя хе AMOR агхоос NATH. 
же Хфризбон Taer om шаротм. емететмаее Teron. 
мететихраще пе. хе емабок ща паєюот. хє 
NACIWT наас еро. о Затв» тєно» aArxooeq минти 
EMMMATYMWIME. хекас ecugamupomne стетиепистеуе. 
axe gag GE AN HWase NATH. чину TAP 
здр OM аєпеткосягос. ATW аячаитЦ Aaa Орал 

26 85 Р от Роз ба! Pm! P Aa 85 95 ин треє|н иатре85 sic 
третир] 95 al ml.. трететир 85 or 77 (р) 85$ and at aarp 1° gr $ 
95 $ (а! $) m! $ єщарє | iw. (р) gt eX] eerta! * 85 9r (95) 
(al) m! $ at ene иєтєтпа | 85 95 ш!..пєтєтима дт maay] 85.. 
maaa 91 а! ml 2 (20) 85 (or) (95) (108) a! m1 инти] -Ten 
91 essmaty] or al.. sam. 95 .. matey m! єтєтиє| 95 108 al.. 
єтєтпа 20 85 ml 9 20$ 85$ (95$) (108) al $ ш!$ epar] 
єр. 95 

2% eoram &c but when &c] Bo .. о дє тар. то туа № &c, Syr (g) Arm 
Eth .. but that spirit the p. Syr(s) љє| от Во | пех(пгаї) от the F.] 
буг (є 3* h) Arm Eth.. паєгот ту F. 85, DII?, OL (g) Во (8,N) 
Syr (ges), Eus Gaud типооує sending] add £o you Во (BpNs) Syr 
(є 4" 8) тия» all 2°] Armedd, om Arm єит(а1..йт 85 &c)asax. 
which I said] a evrov ЗАВ ёс, Armedd a av euro DII 254, que 
dixero OL Vg ..а eyw evrov X 33 .. which I say Syr (ges) .. trs before 
and will remind, Arm пинти to you] om OL (abceffl), Eus.. eyw 
Cyr..add eyo BL 127, Eth 

7 инти to you 19] р &c al, Syr (gesh) Arm Eth .. with you Bo 
(ND, EJ) оуєгр. a peace] p &с peace Eth таєтр. шу 
peace] р &e a! .. pref and Bo (кт) Eth Пката-инти not-to you] 
(р 7) ёс al .. om OL (є) пк. + the-give] (р) &c а!..а44 ушу N 
anor I] р &с al, Arm.,om Syr (g 40 сз) 

JOHN XIV 26-30 245 

(things) I said to you, being with you. * But whenever 
should come the paraclete, the holy spirit, whom the Father 
will be sending in my name, that (one) will teach you 
all things, and remind you of all the words which I said to 
you. 271 leave to you [a] peace, my peace, which is mine, 
Igiveitto you: not according as the world 1з wont to give 
am I indeed giving to you: let not your heart be troubled, 
nor let it be weak. * Ye heard that I, I said to you, I shall 
со and come again unto you: if ye had loved me, ye would 
have rejoiced, because I shall be going unto my Father, 
because my Father is greater than L % And now I said it 
io you before 16 happen, that if it should happen ye should 
believe. 8% І shall not say any more many words to you; for 
cometh the ruler of this world, and he hath not any thing in 

2 anok I] 85 95 ml, Syr (gsh) Arm .. om gr, Syr (c) янти 
to you] 85 ёс Во (Q) taer and come] 85 &c (95), кал 
єрхорои NAB біс .. к. eyo єрх, 69 єнєтє(ош тє 9г)тиаае if- 
loved] 85 ёс 95, Во..ауататє D*HL 69 475 185° al.. pref and 
Arm cd xe ermak. because-going | (91) .. xe amon em. 85 95 ml, 
Arm.. хє {па ёс J shall go Bo.. от: торєзодо NA BD K* LX II al 2, 
OL Vg Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Or Eus Epiph Chr Cyr Nonn Сур... ore 
evrov пор. E &c, Dial Amb пет шу Е. 19] 85 ёс 95, G 13 69 
124 346 4797 260 ev, Bo (ко) буг (gcs) pov ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr 
(Б) Arm Eth же maeswt because ёс 2°] 85 91 95, N* PD? &c, OL 
(afq) Bo Syr (g) Arm, Eus.. хє nei because the Р. m1, Se АВТ)" 
LX 1 33 64 157 565 47%, OL (bceffgl) Vg Syr (jh) Eth, Ath Chr 
Tert Сур Hil.. who Syr (cs) 

? тєнот now] 85 &с 91 .. add behold Syr (ges) arxoos I said 
it] 85 al.. axxooc Í said 95 ml, Во .. again I say Bo (Bx) .. again 
І said Во (E,°,3) єчцанщу. if-happen] 20 &c (95) Bo.. eav ёс L 
.oray бс МАВ &e || пістєує(тє|отє 20)| 20 &c (95) (108) .. add 
ро: D..add от: eyw evrov vp. 33 346 326У..844 xe amon me that 
I am he Во (£,°,38 fr) OL (1), Chr 

% оло many] 20 &c.. om Syr (s) Чи. cometh] 20 ёс 95 108 
.. veniet OL (fq) .. came Syr (g 11) vap] 20 &c (108), Syr (gh).. 
om 69, Агш nap». the r.] 20 &c (95) (108), position 1 69 346 
565, OL (e) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Hipp Or Bas Ath Cyr Hil 
nesk. this м.) 20 ёс, т 346 565 al, OL (e) Vg Bo Syr (g 3°) Arm 


понт. “аАХХА senac epe пкосазос eiee. xe зас 
ззпаєюут. Ната өс єнтацоон ETOOT. TAI TE өє 
е\ехре аячасс. TOTNTHTTH. eeapon chord oss nerea. 

ХУ. anton пе Tho HeAoode Mee. ATW плат 
пе похоме. 2 WAT miae орлу понт єтепцмәХкәр- 
пос ан qgmacoAng. ато ШАХ ия стихфкариос 
epazbboq. хєкас eset gore карпос. êm тємот 
итоти тєтитд нт erbe пшаже єнтагхоос нти. 
460 ораї понт. ATW ANOR понттниути. ната @€ 
anwy єтєнциа нпарпос am Qapo avaat. 
єлзэнтї MSW ом Tho WeNooNe, тах QWTTHTTH Te 
тетмоє. єтєтнцрэнтаабо понт. банок пе Tho 
пеХооХе, WTOTW ие RWAF. петиабо Qpar понт. 
ATW anor ораг понт. Mar way поткарпос 

1 20 P аб tovit 85 $ & (95) a! $ &с ml $ &c entag] 20 al.. 
йтач 95 ml.. ety 85 

1 20 85 (95) (а!) ш! ? 20 Š at awo 85 (95) ml cit орам] 
eo. 20 ml «єкас| 20 &с.. же cit 8 20 (73) 85 (95) (а!) m! 
entar] 20 al.. fias 73 ёс 95 * 20 73 $ 85 $ (95) (108) (а!) m! 
fr єгаанті) -Tes 73 85 тє] om 739 85 | Понт 29] pref opar 85 
5 (р) 20 $ 73 85 95 (a!) m! ие йщ.) ййщ. m! epar то] eg. m! 
twice epar 29] 73 85, Bo .. om 20 &cal qıta] 73.. па 20 &c al.. 
eyna m! sosk.]om it a! 

Eth, Or Hipp Bas Mac Ath rovrov ЗА B ёс, Во (к) Syr 
(gsh), Hil эх (ош 95 а! ш1) лаліт hath not] 20 &c .. evpnoe КП 
42 116 25205 330 al 3, OL (fg) Syr (hms) (Arm) Eth, Hipp Ath 
Має Bas Cyr .. add evpew D, OL (a) 

31 «eRac that] 85 ml, ЗАВ ёс, Во (опа) Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. хє 
because? 20 al, Syr (s) пає шу F.] го ёс 95, Syr (gs).. том 
т. МАВ ёс, Syr (h) Arm Eth KaTa] 20 &c 05, A* E, OL (bff) 
Bo (s*) Syr (s).. pref ато and 85, NAcB ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm 
Eth emragqowst ordered] 20 ёс (95), evereAaro NAD ёс, Bo Syr 
(jh) Arm .. evro\yy cdwxey BL, OL Vg.. өт. д. X 33 .. є. р. єкт. I 
198 ,, evr. pou ded. Cyr, mandatum mihi dedit OL (beq), Hil єтоот 
me] 20 &c 95, мог D, OL (el*).. add о татур МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) 
Arm Eth.. add ту F. Syr (gs) 

1 gaze true] 20 & 95 al..add vues та кАтдата 5 28, Во (м), 

JOHN XIV 31—XV 5 247 

me. 31 But (a) that the world should know that I love my 
Father, according as he ordered me thus I do. Rise, let us 
go out of this place. 

XV. I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 
2 Every branch in me which will not give fruit he will cut it 
off, and every branch which will give fruit he will cleanse it, 
that it should give more fruit. 3 Егот now ye, ye are clean 
because of the word which I said to you. *Remain in me, 
and I in you: according as the branch which will not give 
fruit of itself, except it remain in the vine, thus ye also 
unless ye should remain in me. 5I am the vine, ye are the 
branches: he who will remain in me, and I in him, this (one) 

Chr Hil azw and] 20 (95?) а! ml, Syr (gsh) Arm.. om 85 
потоєтє (om 85 95) the h.] 20 &c 95..0m 6 DA 

? AŞ branch 1°] 20 &с 95.. add ge therefore ml .. vine Syr (s) 
понт in me] 20 &c 95 .. which is in те and Arm чтасоХиа he— 
off] го ёс 95, Bo..tollet OL (ceffglq)..ape МАВ ёс, (abdf).. 
add pater (bcl) WAF ruas every branch 29] 20 ёс 95, Eth .. om 
nrar Bo (5)... that Syr (gs) .. om branch МАВ ёс, Во карпос 29] 
20 &c..add ae emamows but good cit, (Or) e(pref н ml) ras. 
he-it | 20 &с, кадар D, OL (bceffglq) Vg Bo, Hil .. кадаре МАВ ёс avro OL (aq), Nonn gove more] 20 & 95, AD ёс, Bas Thdrt 
..trs after карт. NBLM*X зз 157, OL Vg, Clem Eus Cyr Novat Hil 

3 om verse D*d хит т. from now] 20 85 (95) .. от m! .. add 
бє Syr (g rr) Arm Eth .. pref and Syr (s) пт. ye] 20 73 85 (95) 
.. add ошттнттї ye also ml 

4 бо-тнэти remain-you] 20 ёс al(fr) ml, D*d ато 
aston and I] 73" 85 (fr?) Syr (gsh) Arm ..add ec also 20 736 al, 
Bo Eth .. kayo МАВ &c.. om and Bo (ENQ) ката &c] 20 бо 95.. 
кабов yap 1369 346 .. pref and Syr (g 36) ssavaag lit. alone] 20 &c 
95 .. от 1081 оотт. ye also] 20 & 95 (108) al, кал vp. X 18497 al, 
OL (ас) Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Eus .. sic et qui &c OL (bff) .. ovde уше 
МАВ ёс, OL (efgq) Ух Syr (s) — єтетищан(опа wan 85) тях-йонт 
unless-me] 20 & 95 .. nothing can уе (do) apart from те Syr (s) 

5 anon I 19] 20 &c al.. add yap D*, OL (ad).. pref because Syr 
(s) пт. ye] 20 ёс а! .. pref and Bo (pEJOs) Syr (s) Arm (Eth).. 
add 8e Syr (h) azw am, and I] 20 &c al, Arm... om avo 95.. 
kayo NAB &е, Bo (Bn, зх 08) Syr (s) .. and I also Bo Eth паї 


eNawwy. хе axir Итєтнашр Алат am поо. 
6 еретая ота бо Opal понт. хунох | eoù idee 
NYAH. ATW аүшооус ATW сєнасоо»ООУ їїсє- 
похот єппоот исерокооу.  "єтєтищамсо opa! 
понт. NTE машахе GW понттнути. MeTeTHACTAWy 
AITEY азс. ATW C[MAWWME мити. 5048 Mar atj- 
ео’ позпаеют. ‘хенас єтєтнє| моткарпос 
ENAWWY. итетищопе мах 22:4OHTHC, ° RATA өє 
Opal ом таасан, 1° ететищамозрео єнхєнтоХН 
тетихб QW TAAUAMH HATA OE QW ємтатоарео 
ENENTOAH аж асот ATW seer ом тєцасопн. 

° (р) 20 тз (77) 85$ (95 $) 81808 еры] eg ml "гоў 
13.8 77 85 Р 95$ (al) ml ite] pref ато 77  йонтт.| pref 
орг 77 пєтєтпа] -типна 95 al, Во (9).. mera 85*.. петети 
73 77, Во | " 20$ 73$ 77 85 95 (с) ш1$ ететие] 73" 77. 
єтєтпа 20 &с а! потк.] 73 & її 20 77 а!..Ош от 77 
SLAGHT. | зааеєт. 77 ° (p) 20 73 77 85 95 (al) m! enta] р 20 
.. ПТа 73 ёс а! 10 (р) 20 73 (77) 85 95 $ (al) ш1 entoAH] йт. 

73m! Terma) tethina al entar] 20 al.. йт. 73 ёс 

this] го & al.. ovrws M*T 124 184 е al..add де Syr (h).. he then 
Eth — Маат-йо. any thing] (p?) го ёс (а1').. om D* 253 ev, OL 
(d) .. add nist in те quis manserit OL (a) 

° еєрєтэх-со unless one remain] 20 ёс 95, NAB ёс, Syr (с 9).. 
netengnagw an he who will not remain cit .. but if &с Буг (g) .. and 
if ёс Eth .. and Ле ёс Syr (s) этно» lit. they cast him] р ёс 
95 .. cemanoxy they will cast him cit азо agu. and-up] p ёс 
95..0m (77) and Во (q) Eth .. which із withered Syr (gs) 
cenac. they-them] р &с (77), АВ ёс, OL (abcfff) Am Fu Во Syr 
(h) .. -9§ egoyu -him in cit, Bo (M F,r) .. cuvay. avro NDLXATI т 13 
33 (69) 124 249 346 565 al, OL (egh) Vg «еш Syr (gsj) Arm Eth, 
Cyr псено (a 85) хоу enk. and-flame] om cit, Bo (9*).. om and 
Bo (вм) похот] 20 ёс 77..cast him Во (кт) Syr (gs) Eth 
пк. Ше Я.) 20 ёс 77 95, ЗАВ ёс, Chr.. om то DHX al, Cyr Thdrt 
-рокоот lit. burn them | -рокеч burn him cit, Syr (gs) .. om Eth 

JOHN ХУ 6-10 249 

will give much fruit, because without me ye will not be able 
to do any thing. 9 Unless (any) one remain in me, he was 
cast out as the branch, and he was dried пр; and they will 
gather them, and east them into the flame, and they (will) be 
burned. "If ye should remain in me, and my words remain 
in you, that which ye will wish, ask, and it will happen to 
you. ?In this was glorified my Father, that ye should give 
much fruit, and become to me disciples. ? According as my 
Father loved me, I also, I loved you: remain in my love. 
10 Tf ye should keep my commandments, ye will remain in my 
love, according as I also kept the commandments of my Father, 

7 єтєтпщ. if-remain| 20 &c, eav &c NAB ёс, Во (BE)... єди de ёс 
D 254, OL (f) Bo Syr (gjh) arrer(7Y al) ask] атусасдє ABD 
LMXT 1 106 124 127 346 al бо, OL (beffq) Bo Syr (j) Eth, petere 
(отусасдои AD ёс) OL (аєѓ).. атусєсдєе NEGHKSUAATI al, 
petetis OL (g) Vg Syr (gh) Arm, Cyr | нти to you] 20 ёс al.. om 
D*, OL (d*e) 

8 agx, was glorified] 20 ёс al.. shall be gl. Во (м) maer. шу 
Е.] го &c al, Arm.. the Р. Syr(g) || e(om 95)nauj. much] 20 &c.. 
trs before карт. D, (Bo) Eth йтєтіїщ. and become] 20 ёс al, Bo, 
ког yevgcóe BDLMXA т 262 al 12, Amphil.. к. уєтаєсбє МА &c, 
Буг (gsjh) Arm (Eth) мә to me] 20 біс al, Syr (h).. yov D* 254, 
(Syr gs) Arm Eth 

° maeror my F.] р ёс, Во Буг (g) Arm .. o т. ЗАВ ёс, Syr (sh) 
(Arm edd) Eth anok оо(оот 85) I also] р &e al, кау» МАВ 
&c, Eth .. «av eyw 33, Arm .. and І also Syr (g 36) тнэти you] р 
&c (а! ?), RA &c, OL (cfffg) Vg Bo, Chr Cyr Novat .. trs before тууа. 
BD*L r, (abeq) en in] p &c al... ñ 77 таах (тәх 73)апн(є 
ш!) my love] 20 ёс al, Syr (s,h) Агш..т ay. ту eum NAB ёс, 
Syr (5) Eth 

1° таах, my love] (р) ёс 77 al, Syr (s,h).. ті ay. ту eun № X 
44 97, (Буг g) Eth .. om pov OL (e) оо I also] 20 &c 739 al, kayo 
ND er, OL (abcefffg) Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm, Cyr.. eyo АВ ёс, OL (dq) 
Syr (gsh) Eth, Novat maes. шу F.] 20 &c а], Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth 
.. om pou В, OL (abcffq), Chr Novat .. trs before т. evr. N B, OL (abffg) 
Vg, Chr Novat {веет І am r.] 20 ёс, ро К ёс, Bo .. реб 
ВЗЕСОХ al, Bo (A) 


И мах агхооу MAHTI. євас epe паращє WITE 
понттнэти, ATW ите петмраще хок єОХ. 1 тас 
T€ таептоАн. хекас єтєтиєвєєрє NETHEPHT. KATA 
өс єптатазєретнути. 13 ава мтє Хаалт асапн EMAC] 
стат. хенас EERW їтєє (фэн ga mwestÓcep. 
14 итоти итети mawheep. ететищаметре negon 
TOOT ETETHTTH. 15 ицилязотте G€ ам еротм хє 
Wao ato ЛА. хє ажполаолХ сооун AM. хе ох петере 
пєсүхоёүс expe MOY. ТОТИ ac їтэлаасттє ероти 
хе nNawheep. хе NENTAICOTALOT THPOT тає плехот 
ететихбюн йтети{кәрпос. ATW йтє петинарпос 
азотун ЄВОМ Wa емео. хєнас METETNAAITED аза»®осү 

! 20 93 $ 85 $ (95) ш1$ жок] 20 739 95.. ujome єцхнк 73* 
85 m! 12 205 73 85 $ (95) ml  єптоМн| йт. m! entar) 20 .. 
fitar 73 бо 95 13 205 73 (77) 85 (95 $) m! ante) ante 
85 ас | mac. ті maay] 85. tasas 20 &c м (g) 20 $ (28) 
73 тт 85 Š (95) m!  єтєтнути| g бс..йтєтн. 77..eTOOTH 95 
15 (g) 20 (28) 73 77 85 (95 $) m1 merepe] g ёс 95, Bo (М, рез о).. 
were 20, Bo щћєєр | (а) &с..щёнрш1 trà] g? &c.. five 20 95 
15 (q) 20 $ (28) 73 $ at ато» то (77)85 (95) m! comi] сотӣ 73 95 
сєтїї] сїт 73 ететих|ош а 95 ати 20] om 73 

1 war these] 20 ё0 95..а44 Se D, Syr (h)..pref and Eth 
wine be] 20 ёс 95, Bo, n ABD 1 33 38 106 249 251 254 489 565, 
OL Vg Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth .. eum N 66, (f), Chr Cyr azw and] 
20 &c 95 .. om Eth page joy] 20 73° (951) m! .. add ом also 
13" 85, Во (8) 

13 var this] 20 ёс 95..add де 13 69 124 339", Clem Ohr 
єтєтиє(а 85)ax. ye should love] 20 &с (95) .. pref пөотєн ye Bo, 
ite. oven ye also Во (q) ката оє(зафрня; Bo) entar. acc.—you] 
20 ёс (95), Armedd ,, om Во (в)..аз I also & Arm 

13 хекас that] 20 ёс 95, N*D*, OL (abcdeff) Arm, Leif.. add 
т< NC AB ёс, OL (fgq) Vg Bo Syr (gsh), Cyr Сур ко lay down] 
20 ёс 77 95 .. give Bo (в) печщієєр (Вир m!) his friends] 20 
ёс 77 (95).. nequ. his friend Bo (NABDMNSV) 

JOHN XV 11-16 251 

and I am remaining in his love. И These (things) I said to 
you, that my joy should be in you, and that your joy be 
fulfilled. !?'This is my commandment, that ye should love 
one another, according as I loved you. 13 No one hath love 
greater than this (love), that he should lay (down) his life for 
his friends. !*Ye, ye are my friends, if ye should do the 
(things) which I order you. 15] shall not call you any more 
my servants, because the servant knoweth not what is that 
which his lord doeth; but ye—I called you, my friends, 
because all the (things) which I heard from my Father 
I showed them to you. 19 Ye (it is) not (who) chose me, but 
(5) І, I chose you, and I put you, that ye, ye should go and 
give fruit, and your frwit last for ever: that that which уе 
will ask from the Father in my name, he should give to you. 

M fit, уе] 20 &c (95) .. add yap N*D*d йят. -щієєр| om 77, 
Bo (4,'P) homeotel ney. the (things) which] 20 ёс 28, ф(оса) 
МА &с, OL Bo .. all which Syr (gs) Eth ..ó В, OL (aeq) Syr (s), Сур 
Leif Xewn I order] 20 &c 28, A al, OL (ae) Eth, (Cyp) .. pref eyw 
МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arn 

15 д(от 20)XmassosTe(om тє ш!)-єрөти I-you] g ёс 95, Во 
Armed, Thdrt, Z call you Syr (gs) Arm .. Xeyo vu. NABLX 33 235 
249 al, OL Vg Syr (jh) Eth, Const Cyr Сур Leif Hil .. vp. Aeyo Der 
&e, OL (q) oe any more] g & 28 95..o0m 73” mmga. the s.) 
g &c (28) 95.. по. 85 m! we] g ёс 28 95, Во Syr (gsh) Arm 73 ml, бо, Aphr naes. my F.] g &c (95), Syr (gsh) 
Arm pov I 565 

6 ит. ye 19] 20 &c (95) .. pref and Eth ..add сар 77 апок 
IJ го &е 77 (95)..ош Во (») пт. уе 29] 20 &c 73° 95, NAB 
ёо, OL (efq) 28 57 127 al 3, OL Vg Bo Eth, Cyr Leif .. pref 
also Syr (g) ..add ae Во (»,r,7) карпос I9] 20 ёс (95) .. pref 
zolw(v) А 13 346, Bo (q) Syr (g 9), Amb ща em. for ever] 73° 
(95)... om ЗАВ &c, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. pref escono for a life g ёс 

28 73* хекас that 20] g &c 95.. 0m N*.. ка 13 69 124 346, 
OL (1) Arm, Leif ^ m(em 95)evevmaarres аз. that-ask] g ёс (95).. 
стетищамат. 7f ye should ask 20 73°, Syr (s) птах п. from the 

F.] 9 &с.. ana. ту F. 20 739..0m 69 є(єє m!)getaag м. 
he-you] g &c..Tovro поштою, wa бобасбт o таттр «v тө ww 13 69 
124 346 


Tee пет ояя парал єцєтаас| мити. V war neg- 
Фон RReeooy ETETHTTH. хєкас єтєтнєцєєрє METH- 
єрну. 'Зещхе пкосаяос «т осте aeer( TM. EIRE хе 
ацаяєстої Оатетион. 1 еме итетм QeweboÀ оз» 
пносягос. мере пкосазос изазере петепо пе. хє 
YUTeTW оепебоА ae am ORF пкосевос. AANA anon 
AICETHTATTH eboX PI пкосевос. eybe паї пкосаяос 
азосте atto TW. 2 аршаассуе авпиумхє єнтагхоосү 
MHT. SE MILAN сагс АХА силач єпєүхоєс, ESE упот 
NCI CENANWT їсатнэтн, CWE атударео ematujaae 
семаохрео он єпоти. 2 АМЛ пагтнрот єупаллату 
инти eTbe парад. хе їсесооэт ам аапеитаататог. 
22 ewe ARTIKEL ташахе MUAT. Mean moke єроот 
пе. TEMO хє ажчантоу Лоєсе Mars єтіє nev- 
Mode. 29 пєтаасстє яяевот. Чазосте ом ARMAEIWT. 

1" 4 20 (28) 73 85 (95) їз! ететие] -ма 85 ' (g) 20 $ (28) 
73 (71) 85955 m! —— 3 (g) (р) 20 (28) 73 77 85 95 ml йтети 1°] 
-ten 95.. йтаутій m! eem 10] ої 73 m! mepe] єперє 77 mere] 
мєт § gen 29| ош 77, Во (віх" 18) an]trsafter к. 30 р asceti] 
-ceme m! 2 (0) 20 § 73 $ (77) 85 $ (95) 1$ entar] д 20.. 
ит. 73 бо яллап) аан 7785  єкаач|85..-ааач 20 &c 77 fice] 
єсө 77 21 (g) 20 73 85 m! Tavor] g 73.. Taoro: 85 ml.. 
TAOTOES 20 2 (4) 20 $ 73 (77) 85 $ (тог) ш1 mier] g &c .. 
“neier 85 пі! mexxax]20 &c.. nean 4 85 пе] g 85 m! 20 
713101 mutor) 20 73..аапт. g 85 ror m!  Моєхте| 20 73.. 
Noise g 85 ror m! З 20$ 73 77 85 ror $ m! б yar. | ega. ші 

" war these] 20 739 95 ml, Во (BP).. add ue g 73" 85.. add ae 
Bo Syr (s) .. pref and Eth {оон I order] g 73" 85 ml.. erown 7 
am ordering 20 739 хекас that] g ёс 95 .. om D, OL (e) 

18 ещхе if] 20 &c 28 .. pref and Syr (gs) — 33». you] 20 ёс (28) 
(77), №, Bo... trs before дите, NAB ёс оатєтпон(отн 95) before 
you] (4) ёс (28) 77, NAB &c, OL (fglq) Vg Syr (gsjh), Cyr .. om 
vov W* D, OL (abceff) Bo Arm Eth ' 

1 ene if] g &c.. pref and Syr (gs) xe-ae but because] g ёс 
(28) 73°, МАВ &e, Буг (Б) Arm Eth .. ош ae y 77, D, OL (е).. om 

JOHN XV 17-23 253 

11 These are the (things) which I order you, that ye should 
love one another. 19 If the world hateth you, know that it 
hated me before you. If ye were out of the world, the 
world would love that which is its own; but because ye are 
not out of the world, but (a) I, I chose you out of the world, 
because of this the world (is) hating you. 29 Remember the 
word which I said to you, There is not servant greater than 
his lord: if they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if 
they kept my word, they will keep also yours. 21 But (a) all 
these (things) they will be doing to you because of my name, 
because they know not him who sent me. 22 If I had not come 
and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they 
have not pretext concerning their sin. 23 He who hateth me 

от: Буг (gs) АХХА g ёс р, Syr (h) Arm Eth.. уар Syr (g) .. от 
Буг (g 9).. and Syr (s) moc. the world 4°] g ёс р, N*, Bo Syr 
(j) .. trs after unas AB ёс 

° арит. remember] g ёс 77 95.. pref and Syr (s) тщ. the 
word] 4 ёс 77 95, Arm .. add pov EGIT A A al, OL (ffgq) Vg Syr (h) 
Eth .. rovs Хоу. D .. that which Syr (s) *ooq said] g ёс 77 95, 
eyo ет. A B ёс, Bo Syr (gsh) Eth ..eAaAgoa №, Во (A) nui to 
you] 20 ёс 77 95, Arm cld,, om them Bo (6,) озхолХ 
servant] 20 ёс 77 .. pref pov Р =т* пецх. his lord] 20 ёс 77.. 
add ovde атоотоХо8 &e 254 5597, пес apostolus—elegerim OL (a) 
exe if 29] g &c.. pref and Syr (gs) Eth avo. they kept] 4 ёс 
.. they heard and kept Syr (s) on also] g ёс 20..0m 73" Во (м) 

2 ААМ] g &с.. om Syr (s) тироу all] y &c.. om DX 71 237 
248 al 5, Arm..trs before ravra A evitaaa(om 85)» they— 
doing] g &c..cenaovagoy will add Во (м) muri to you] 
g &c, прим A ёс, OL (aefgq) Vg Bo (потем) Syr (jh), Cyr Novat .. 
es ур. RCBD*L r 33, OL (beffl) Во (м єротєм) Syr (gsh ше) Arm 
Eth, Petr alex Chr .. unas X al 

? ene if] (g) &c.. and if I Syr (s) ae] g 85, NAB ёс, Во 
Syr (gsh) Arm Eth..¢e therefore 20 & тот, Bo (BQ) N*, OL 
(e) Bo (к*) петп. their sin] 20 &c 77 тот..ош avrov OL (cl), 

23 пєтазо (e 85)сте he who h.] pref because that Syr (s) ow dima. 
also my Е.| буга (6) sh Arm .. оп зхикєєгот 77, Bo (om on except 
Q) .. and also my Р. Syr (g) .. om кал Eth 


24 ewe аяпер меобнує орг понтоу. ETEME REOTA 
ArT. NeeNToy MONE UAT. тєно AE ATHAT Epor. 
хуяаєстих зем пакет. 2° АХХА сєнас ege- 
хон eho\ mWonujaxe єтсно 038 пеупоаеос. хе 
ATLETO епухиехи. AE. ? oovam ечиуамех Woi- 
ппаранАнтос пе{матинооус MATH ебоА girat 
пет. пепла irae єтину ehoA gir пет. 
петазазху Waperittpe єтбинт. arvro тот 
ооттнути тетираєнтрє. хє син пшщорп тетищооп 

?avpTH?TH Walocywacococ. АЛЛА сину Molov- 
arcere xe ецере поущаяще запноутє. ЗАЛ» 

м (g) 20 (28) 73 $ at атая. 77 85 ror ml эахпєгр] g 73 85 m!.. 
тар 20 77 тог ор.] eo. д ml neasitror] encar. 77 55220 
28 73$ 77 85 $ тот ті | 2 (g) 20 P (28) 73 $ (77) 85 P ror ба! 
ш!Р "e 77 85 єтину) 20 &с.. пет. 73 21 (д) 20 $ 73 85 
roralmlfr¢ Plo mm! йш.) em. 73 wopr] wwpit 20 

1 g 20 § 73 85 $ (92) ror $ а1 $ m! fra Ипетп| 73 &c .. eim. g 
28 al fra crama.) chant. 02 2 (g) 20 (41) 73 85 92 тот (a!) 
ml (fra) синт] еси. m! отози.]| оти. 73 ml etna] egma 73 
зхототт] 110077 ml egna) g &c 41.. Чиа т!.. eg 92..йтєч Bo 
запи. | ош їп 73" ° (g) 20 (41) 73 85 92 тот (108) m! (fr) 

35 ewe if] g &c .. and if Syr (gs) Eth ор. по. among them] g 
&c .. trs after aav did 77, Arm asma s they saw | 20 &c, Bo Syr (s) 
Arm.. ka ewp. Ñ ёо, Syr (gh) epos me] OL (e) Во(вссгомхозт) М с avar. they hated] 20 ror ml, Во (в).. pref ато 
and 28 73 17 85, D, OL (acefflq) Bo Arm edd ,, om al.. кал pepo- 
касі ku eve ЗАВ ёс, OL (bf) Vg Syr (g jh) Arm Eth .. and те hate 
and my F. hate Syr (s) 

25 adda] Syr (h) .. om 47 бт, Bo (гт) Syr (g).. add because Syr 
(S) | єтснө which is wr.] A &c, Во Syr (gsjh) Eth .. trs after avrov 
NBDGLX і 33 254 565, OL Vg Arm, Or Суг 

JOHN XV 24—XVI 3 255 

hateth also my Father. ?*If I had not done the works among 
them which another did not, they would not have sin; but 
now they saw me, they hated me and also my Father. 25 But 
(&) that should be fulfilled the word which is written in their 
law, They hated me without a cause. 35. 26 Whenever should 
come the paraclete, he whom I shall send to you from the 
Father, the spirit of the truth, who cometh from the Father, 
that (one) will bear witness concerning me. 27 And ye also, 
ye bear witness, because from at first ye are being with me. 
XVI. These (things) I said to you, that ye should not be 
offended. ?'They put you out of the synagogue ; but (a) cometh 
an hour, when every one who will put you to death will be 
thinking that he is doing a service to God. ?But (a) they 

26 ootan) 20 ror al, МВА 565, OL (elm) Bo Syr (j), Did Chr 
Epiph Novat Hil.. add ae (g) &с 28 77, AD ёс, OL (са) Vg Во 
(гр, E, M opq v) Syr (gsh) Arm, Cyr .. add ergo OL (abcff) .. pref and 
Eth — пефиа. he-send] (g) &с 28 77 ..reurw D, OL (ff) Во Syr (gs), 
Epiph .. pref eyo МАВР” ёс, Syr (h) Arm пе!(пт 85 а!) от the 
Е. 1°] го ёс (77), Syr (h) Arm Eth..maer. ту F. ml, DII* 33 42 
569 al 4, OL (acm) Во Syr (gs), Did Novat Amb nenta the 
spirit] (3) & me ror ей. e. from 20) g &c, Bo (px) .. eb. ба 
Во... єї. Sen Bo (т" У) ..from Syr (h) Arm .. from with Syr (g) Eth .. 
from before Syr (s) 

7 ao itr. and ye also] (3) &е, Bo Syr (g 7) Eth, ки vu. де NAB 
&c, Syr (В)... om eorr. also 85 .. om де D al 5, OL Vg Arm .. om and 
Syr (gs) хит from] g ёс, ато ЗАВ ёс. e£ 1 тетищ. ye are 
being] (3) ёс fr є, Syr (gh) Arm .. he is Syr (g 9).. ye have been Syr 
(s) Eth 

1 паз these] g &c .. add дє Syr (s) 

° avp(ep 92)7. lit. they made you] 20 ёс al fr 4 .. zougeovaw 
МАВ ёс..а44 yap Syr (gs) .. pref because Eth adda] g ёс 41 
al fra, Syr (Б) Arm Eth..and Syr (gs) ooTe] 20 &c.. eoram 
(g?) 73* 92 fra.. ості 85.. wa МАВ ёс uwm you] 20 біс 
(41) .. om B eqerpe йотщ. is doing a service] 20 ёс (41).. 
Латр. тротф. МАВ &c .. offereth offering бут (g) .. serveth Syr 
(s) -. ministereth offering Syr (h) ппоутє God] (g) &с (41).. 
то кур. A 

* om verse Буг (s) аМАа| 6 73" 85 92, sed OL (bcefffl), Сур.. ато 


супаАР nar MHTH. ose зяпоусоун плеют OTAC NOT- 
соуонт, "маг агхоо» инти. хєнас ерщьи тєуно» 
єх єтетмерпавєєтє. “хє AMOK агхооу мнт. War AC 
язпухооту MHT SIM ишорп. хє мемаяленти пе. 
5venmow Ae emtahwn Wa пентаүтауо: ATW язе 
AaaT монттнути AMOT 488801. хе ERMA етом. 
AAA хє AIXE MAY интим. à ТАУПН MEQ петмонт. 
TaAAAA anon сухо MATH Итаяе. сриоцре инти 
жекас AMOR erebon. evrasbon cap. аєппаранАнтос 
ину ли шаротм. enganbon ae. Хиатинооф( 
шароти. ATW петааааалт ESWANEI Mage пкос- 

P| єр 20 92 4 (g) 20 $ 73 85 Š and at mas 29 92 $ ror $ (108) 
(al) m1 § and &с ex] ош 73* єтєтиє| -nma 20 тог m! imi] -es 
85 m! š (g) 20$ (41) 73 85 92 $ тог a! m! § Tavor] 73 85 92 
IOI..TavsO€eral..Taosor д ml..taovoer 20 ДІ | àxaxii] om & 85 92 
IOI в q 20 (41) 73 85 $ 92 101 a! m! 7 (g) 20 § at erug. (41) 
73 85 Š at сри. 92 Š at сри. ror $a! ші esso] еегхо а! «её. | 
emad. 73 | заппар.| 73" &с..от ах g 20 73° ror m! * (g) 20 
(41) 73 85 92 ror (a! $) m! xmıe] snese ml 

and20(41)739 101 ml, ЗАВ &c..omL инти to you] (g) &e (fra), 
NDL 1 69 al, OL(acfffg) Ус ет Bo Syr (jh) Arm .. om AB &c,(belq) 
Am Syr (с), Chr Cyr Сур Leif .. es vp. 33 al 5, Bth .. vp. 73 259 al 
зпотсозп-сотамт they—me] (91) &c (fra7)..trs ахпотсотамт orae 
sam. naci. they knew not те nor my Father (1081) m! тавх, my F.] 
го біс, IP, Syr (g) pov ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) Arm .. pref neither 
Syr (g) orae (те 85 тот fr?)] го ёс fra ..add amon g 92 (Eth) 
i3noscosomnT they me] om q, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm Eth 

t мат these 1°] g ёс 108, D*, OL (adel) Во (х) Syr (gs), Chr .. 
pref аЛЛа ЗАВ &с .. but also Arm Eth.. add autem OL (bcfff), Сур 
ep(p ш!)щ. if] g ёс (108) al, (Bo), eav NeL..av W* ..orav АВ ёс 
тєтнот the hour] (4) &c (108) al, ND ёс, OL (а) Bo Syr (sj) Arm 44, 
Chr Cyr..add avrov ABII* 33 124 229*" 482, Bo (в) Syr (gh) 
(Eth) LIP 13 69 106 346 al 5, (bcefffglq) Vg, са ох Сур..17 wpa 
avr] 157 an hour Arm (ep 92)max. remember] (g) ёс (108) al, 
мор 68, OL (а) Во (вгрімрзу) Syr (s) Arm, L &c as above .. add 
avrov МАВП“ ёс, Во Syr (gh) (Eth) anon I] g ёс (108) al.. 

JOHN XVI 4-8 257 

will be doing these (things) to you, because they knew not my 
Father, nor knew they me. * These (things) І said to you, 
that if the hour should come ye should remember, that I, 
I said them to you; but these (things) I said not to you from 
at first, because I was being with you. 5 But now I shall be 
going unto him who sent me; and no one among you asketh 
me, Whither art thou going? 9 But (a) because I said these 
(things) to you, the grief filled your heart. "But (a) I, I am 
saying to you the truth : 16 із profitable for you that I, I should 
go; for unless I go, the paraclete (is) not coming unto you; 
but if I should go, I shall send him unto you. 8 And that 
(one) if he should come will reprove the world concerning 

om Во (9) maTi to you 2°] 20 & 108 al.,om N* пах these 29] 
g &c 108 al „these (things), because I said not Syr (в) имї-интї | 
om 92 homeotel ae] g &c al.. om Syr (є 9, s) Arm anx. I 
said not] (4) &c al, L 28 ev, Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth .. trs after e£ 
МАВ &c, Syr (h).. trs e£ арх. прим ёс D 33 157 254 .. om ушу 63 69 

° xe] g ёс (41).. om Во (Q) emmah. I-going] (g?) ёс 4r, 
(Bo) .. vrayo АВ ёс, Bo (м).. eyo ur. N .. that I go Syr (s) | пєптач 
him who] (0) &c 41 .. тоу rarepa rov 69, Bo (х) Eth azw and] g 
ёо Во (м) (Syr s) ахалог ше] g &c 41.. trs before єр. 
69 єкпа art thou going] g &c 41 .. утаүсс N* 

° ХАХА| g ёс 41..0m A .. yap Syr (gs) хе because] g &c 41, 
Bo (AcHOPQ) ml, Bo .. ore A? nar these] g &c 41.. ош A* 
qr 127" al 3, Bo (ps) а тА упн(єг 92) the grief] g &c .. pref and 
came gr. and Syr (gs) 

7 aston I 19] 20 &c (41).. om тот nuit to you 19] g &c (41), 
МАВ &c..trs before Aeyo KLYII 33 69 87 185°" 25347, OL (a), 
Chr Arm cd ср(єр 92)поч(ё 73 92 m!)pe it is prof. | 
(3) &c (41).. add сар m! anor I 20] q ёс 41... ош 85, Bo (fr) 
є(єє a!)s(om 20)тзхћ. v. for-go] g &c 41, NBDLY 1 al, OL (ffglm) 
Vg Во, Суг.. pref eyo A ёс, OL (abcefg) Syr (gjh, s) Arm Eth, Did 
Cyr Bas Chr Thdrt Novat..eugom ae but if Во (LM) «(єєх а!)- 
wank. I-go] 20 &c .. when Г go Syr (s) me] 20 & 69, Bo 
(в fr).. сар Bo (в*) тии, send him] 20 &c., send the paraclete 
Syr (s) 

° ато and 19] (3) &c 41 a!l., дє Syr (s) equi. if-come] g &c 

H.8.G. 114 8 


aroc erbe пиобе erbe таткаюстумн єтдє тенис. 
9 erbe пмобе seen. хе исегистехе am epor 1° erbe 
TAIRAIOCUNH AC. <€ AMOR entabon Wa пеюот, ATW 
jireTManay Ge epor an. "erhe текрісіс же. хе 
парх он ажисуосаасс aATTSAEIOY. err OTH gag 
Nwase exooy минти. AAAA йтєтмАЦІІ хи теме“. 
13 oorAM єрщам пн ет. пепма їтаас. ©үйгїа®оеут 
онттнути ояя авс niet. WEMamase Cap alt Papor 
заалаа AANA єцналхє петциасотагсчц, ATW сма 
TA&£0TW emermaujone. 14 merear MeTHayeocos 

° (g) го (41) 73 85 $ 92 101 ші am] 20 ror..trs after єрох 
41 ёс 10 (g) (20) (41) 73 85 92 95 тот (108) ml єтйє] et m! 
віс | йтєт.) тет. 73 85 -тна| 85 92 тот ml.. -tina 0 73 95 en] 
g &c .. trs before epos (41) m! пд (41) 73 85 92 95 ror (108) m! 
ирсїс] крис 85 sic ? 37385 92 95 тот § (108) m! § оти |] 
-terg2 exo(o т1)от| ñx. 92 19 (g) (41) 73 85 Š and at nequa 
92 P 95 ror (a!) m! $ ёс ерш.| Pus. m! egma] qua g 95 
м (0) 73 85 92 (95) тот а! m! 

41 al..e\0uv ЗАВ &с..ош К erbe пи. concerning the sin] 
(g1) ёс (411) йз sins Syr (в) erbe conc. 29] 4 73" 
92 .. pref ато and 20 (41) 85 тот (a1) ml, МАВ & vau, the r.] 
го ёс (41) (a!).. his r. Syr (з) єтћє conc. 3°] g 73" 92 .. 0m 69" 
44 °v, OL (b) .. pref aw and 20 & 41 al, RAB ёс 

° ethe conc.) g &c (41) .. pref and Syr (s) ии. the sin] (g) 4 
41 .. sins Arm .. sinners Syr (з) Armed п (ош ror)cen.-arn they— 
not](g?) &c 41, Syr (gh) Arm .. om ov W* .. ovk єтиотємсаг 64 127 
184 У, OL (acefffgq) Vg Syr (s) Eth, catox schol *" 

19 ethe conc.) g ёс 20 41 .. pref and Syr (g 98) Eth emak. I- 
going] (41?) ёс, Bo..vzayo ЗАВ &c.. ropevouar 33 nes (ns 
тог) ют the F.] 41 73° 92 95 тот, NBDL 1 33 157, OL (abeffg!) 
Vg Во Syr (j) Eth, Chr Cyr Victorin .. naer. my F. g 73" 85 ml, A 
&c, OL (cfq) Syr (gsh) Arm ge any more] д &c (41) П" 
131* 489*, Bo (м).. pref henceforth Syr (s) ^ epos ше] g &c 41 .. ту 
face Bo (B) 

п ає|9 & 4I Во (к) ^ mer(m: 85 тот)к. this world | 

JOHN XVI 9-14 259. 

[the] sin, concerning [the] righteousness, concerning [the] 
judgement. ° Concerning [the] sin indeed, because they believe 
not me. 19 But concerning [the] righteousness, because I, I shall 
be going unto the Father, and ye will not see me any more. 
11 But concerning [the] judgement, because the ruler of this 
world was condemned. 12 Yet I have many words to say to 
you, but (a) ye will not be able to bear (them) now. 13 When- 
ever should that (one) come, the spirit of the truth, he will 
lead you in all truth: for he will not be speaking of himself; 
but (a) he will be saying that which he will hear, and he 
wil show to you the (things) which will happen. 1" That 

д & (1081) .. om 1 68 азтбаєгах g 108)oq was cond.] was cast 
out Bo (н) 

12 ети (er 92 ml)] g &c.. om Syr (s) пинти to you] д &с (108), 
AD ёс, OL (a) Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Eus Did Chr Thdrt .. trs 
before Aey. NBLV 33 118, OL (bcefffglm), Theognost Ath Tert 
Hil Aug qı bear] g ёс, Syr (g).. pref avra D, OL (abceffm) Bo 
(Eth), Tert Hil receive Syr (з) tenos now] g &c.. om ЮМ" 

5 ootan] 73 ёс, D al, OL (e) Bo (внт) Arm, Cyr Tert Hil .. add 
хє 4 92, ЗАВ ёс, OL (afmg) Vg Bo Syr (g), Theognost Did Eus 
Ath .. add enim (beffl) .. pref and Eth ин that] (8) &с, Arm Eth 
.. om OL (a) Syr (gs), Novat циалсгаа, he will lead] g & (41 4), 
МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm Eth.. pref exewos D, Во Syr (j), OL (a) Syr 
(g, в), Novat өнт(ош онт 85)тнути (ош ти m!) you] (41) &c, эрас 
NAB &c..trs ур. before oó. D, OL (a), Tert Novat охх axe mar 
in all tr.] (41) ёс, № (* om тасу) DL 1 33 565, OL (bel) Bo (Syr 
gsh), Nonn Victorin .. es т. aA. zac. ABY, Or Did Cyr .. es т. т. aA. 
I &c, (Arm) Eth, Bas Epiph Chr Thdor Thdrt, OL (afgmq) Vg, Tert 
Novat Hil цєцна-ан he will not be] (g?) ёс (41) .. he will Bo 
(4*) cap] 41 ёс 85 .. because Syr (s) тет (Tey 92 mP)nac. 
that-hear] (g?) ёс (411) al, BDE* HY 1 435 48 ev 184 ev, Bo Syr 
(gsh) Arm, Or Eus Epiph, audiet OL (g) Vg .. akouvo А &c, Ign int 
Chr, audierit OL (acdfffmq), Hil..akove NL 33, audit (bel) .. he 
heard. Bo (v) ujone happen] g &c al .. which are about to be Syr 

g) .. та ерхомеиа N ёс, Во Буг (s, Б) .. add *upow all Bo (н), 
Syr (s) 

М петазаза (аа 02)» that] (01) ёс 95.. pref and Syr (gs) Eth 

пєтпаҷ{. he-glor.] g 73" 85 92 101, МАВ ёс, Syr (©)... пєт{.. he 
5 2 


MAT. хе єцнххє єбоА оз» пете mo me. имхо 
ероти. HRA miee стеумте палет. MOS! ite. 
erbe пах агхоос. хє ециахи ебоА оз» пете пох 
пе. MAW єрөтн. 16 REROVI пе итетмАо eTeTWita? 
Epor ATW оп KEROTY пе итєтинэ» epor И пее 
осеме миеаяхонтие миетерих. хе ох пе MAI 
ет 2х0 Maj мам. хе HECHOS! пе итєтитаємнау 
Epor ATW OM кєкогі пе итеєтина» €por ATW AMOR 
aĝon wa пєгот. ATW rmexas. хе оу Ge пе 
TEIROTY. HTHCOOTH ан хє exe ov. 19 agere io nc 

жє eq] хе 73902 = (9) 73 85 $ 92 $ 95 101 (a!) m! (fr 2) 
etevit.| 92 а1..єтєоун. 73 &с -7€] 73 92 .. - vec 95 101 al.. -Tage 
85..-raq m! жє eq] хеч 73 85 92 | " (8) (44) 73 85 92 95 
(ror $) m! PS No] add єтєтиМо 95 sic No єтєтинат| TAMAT 
not see 92 7 (3) 44 (739) 854 92$ (95) (108) 1$ sraon. ] 
araoe. 73° ето] ereq. 92 ш! 1 (3) 44 85 92 $ (95 $) m! $ 
? (3) 44 85 Š 92 $ 95 (a!) m! 

who glorifieth 73° 95 а! ml xe because] 73 &с 95 .. ки 69 
eqitaxs he-taking] g ёс, Syr (g,s).. eqexs Ле shall take 95 ..he 
taketh Syr (g 40 h) ид хо and saying] g ёо 95.. pref and Bo 
(с, м P) .. he will show Bo 

15 om verse М*, Bo (G,*p*) homeotel пка и. all things] 0&с 
al.. om ravra with verse 14 33, OL (m) .. that which Syr (s) пае. 
шу F.] (9) &e al, Syr (gs) Eth .. пегот the F. ml, RAB ёс, Syr (h) 
Arm arx. I said] 73 &c al, АВ ёс, Во (МА,б,ОР" fr) ..add uuu 
МГ, 249 al, OL (aefq) Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Cyri Cyr Nonn 
e*ptaxr he-taking] 73 &c al, МСАКП al, OL (befffgmq) Vg Bo 
(Syr gs) Arm edd Eth, Cyr; НИ .. ЛарВауе BD ёс, OL (a) Syr (h) 
Arm, Cyr 

© nen, me yet а little it is] g ёс (441) тот ..єті сар кєкоті 
nosoerug me for yet a little time it is PS птетиХо and ye cease] 
(g?) (44 ?) тот... кал ovxere RBD*rILAII? 33 95 262, OL (beffg) 
Vg Буг (В) Arm, Or Nonn.. ки ov А ёс, OL (adefq) Syr (gs) 
Arm dd .. стук, о. 122, OL (fq) Bo (DA EHJNOQS).. om kar Во azw 
and] g &с 44 тот..ош Во (вм).. then Arm em again] g &c 44, 
МАВ &с, Arm cdd ,, om ror на» epor see me 29] 9 &c 44, NB 
DL, OL (abe) Bo Eth, Or..add от: (and because Syr g 1 .. and 

JOHN XVI 15-19 261 

(one) is he who will glorify me ; because he will be taking out 
of that which is mine, and saying to you. P All things which 
my Father hath are mine ; because of this I said, that he will 
be taking out of that which is mine, and saying to you. 16 Yet 
a little (time) it is, and ye cease seeing me; and again yet 
a little it is, and ye see me. 17 Said some of his disciples to 
one another, What is this which he saith to us, Yet a little 
(time) it is, and ye see me not ; and again yet a little it is, 
and ye see me; and I, I shall go unto the Father? 1° And 
said they, What therefore is this little (time)? We know not 
what Бе is saying. 19 Knew Jesus that they were wishing to 

Arm) eyo (om А ёс, OL cg Vg Bo Amgrps Syr gsh) vrayo тр. т. 
татера A ёс, OL (cfgq) Во (amzA,z,knworsT) Syr (gjh,s) (Arm) 
Eth рр 

17 om verse (73*),69 mexe said] (g) &с 95, Bo Arm .. ейтоу ovv 
NA B ёс, Syr (h) .. and said Syr (g) Eth .. and say Syr (s) goes- 
(ооз 73° 85 92)зтє some of] g &с 95, Syr g(6)h Arm .. om № &c, Syr (gs) 
Eth йпє+. to one another] g &с 95..trs before ск К man to us] g &c 
95 .. om 85, Во (г) кекотг-єрог yet-not] (д 1) ёс (73°) (95), (Bo) 
(Eth).. рикроу kat омкет: біс DE 33 124.. р. к. ov ёс МАВ ёс, Syr 
(gsh) йтєтитахпау and ye see not] 44 73° 85 02..єтєтїтїхилъ 
4 73* .. птетиХо etetitnas and ye cease seeing ml .. йтєтитахМо and 
ye cease not 95 sic .. ovk overbe D, OLVg avw-eporand—me] om 92* 
homeotel ато and] 44 85 92 (95 1) m!, Во(во).. om g.. ка ort (ках 
o N*) МАВ ёс, Во буг (є) Arm .. or. Н 106 237 346 al, Syr (h) Eth 
aston I] 44 ёс 95, D ёс, Во Syr (Б) Агт МАВЬМАП al 12, 
OL Vg Syr (gs) — Xna&ox I shall go] (51) 85 92 108 .. emah. 7 shall 
be going 44 (95) ml .. and. that he saith that I go Syr (s) T€ OT 
the F.] 95 ml, Syr (g 12 h) Arm etd Eth .. пає. (nar. 92) ту Р. 44 
85 92, Syr (gs) Arm 

7 это m. and said they] 44 ёс (95)..eXeyov ow МАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (h) .. and. they were saying Syr (g) .. and they say Syr (g 36).. 
om D* al 5, OL(abde)Syr(s) от #e(om øe 92) ne nei, what- 
little] (9) ёс 95, Syr (s) .. quid est pusillum OL (e) .. tu вать rovro Ñ B 
D*LYII? al ro, OL Vg Bo Syr (gj) Arm Eth, Ог..тоуто ті вот 
ADs? ёс, Syr (h) nerkos: this little] (g T) &c.. ro шкроу N* D* 
1 13 69 71 124 565 al 5, OL (abdeff) Syr (j) (Arm) .. o Aeye то (om 
ВГУ 121 al) шкроу МАВ ёс, OL (cfgq) Vg Eth . which he is 


же исуоуоц) єхпоуср пе. пеха MAT. хе erbe пат 
тетициие ажи метмерну. хе агхоос. хє RH€HO?! пе 
тимат epor °%огдаани Огдаени {хо Meroe инти. 
AE чихраше. WTOTW тетихАхпег. AANA тетиАхин 
CNAWWHE инти єтуращє. 2! Tecgreee єсєх ecitaseice 
AC есщамхпие пщнре авесрпаасеуе Ge WreeAnyic. 
erbe праце. хе асхпе OT PWaLe єпносаеос. 22 итоти 
записке же он -pranay epo. ivre петмонт pate. 

2 (g) 44 $ and at кос. 85 $ and at fit. 2° 92 $ (95 $) m! $ (fre) 
° 44 $ 85 92 $ (95) (108) m! (fra) Хтин|-нє:о2 Pras.] ерпаа. 
92 2 (h) 44 (57$ аб запи.) 85 928 95 Š m! Aor] -єг 92 
петпо. | nereng. m! 

saying, yet а little Bo.. this little which he said Syr (gs) .. that which 
he said to us a little Syr (h) ити (тєн 92)соози-ох we know 
not &c] g & Syr ($) eqxe от what-saying] g &c, (Bo) ..o 
Neyer D* .. то ХаЛе ЗА. ёс, OL Vg Syr (gh).. om B, Eth 

19 agesaze knew] 44 &c, NBDL т 33 157 565 al, OL (abe) Bo 
Arm .. eyvo ovv А &с, Во (ко) Cyr .. eyvo дє UII 38 482, OL (fgq) Vg 
Bo (вЕсмхвт) Syr (gs, В) .. ки eyvo OL (cff) Syr (j) Eth ner- 
озшщ were wishing | (0) &c al, Bo .. пєтмажнотер were about to ask 
him 85 92, queXXov &с N 69, OL (cff) .. what they were seeking to 
ask him Syr (s) exit, to ask him] add тер: rovro D Tex, said 
he] g &c al, Bo (т) Syr (s) .. pref ки ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh) ias 
to them] 44 ёс A al 2 write seek] 44 &c al.. | щ/а| ж, 
speak 9 хоос said] (8) ёс al..add инти £o you 85, Во Syr 
(gs) ne it is 1°] q 85 92..0m 44 95 m! он again] g 85 .. om 
44 &с 92° al ne it is 2°] g 85 .. om 44 ёс 92° al 

2 oaar, 20] q &c 95 fr*.. om 69, Bo (c,*) avw terit. and 
wail | g &с 95 fr ®, ка. бриитаєтє NAB &c .. om A* 482 .. кал wevOy- 
cere A? 124 al 4 .. add and groan Syr (s) птоти lit. ye 19] 44 ёс 
95 іта, Буг (Б) Arm Eth..trs before azw g, Syr (g) .. trs before 
йтєтїї 92 (omitting ати»)... om Syr (s) йтоти ye 29] g &c 95 fr 9, 

JOHN XVI 20-22 263 

ask him: said he to them, Concerning this ye seek with one 
another, because I said, Yet a little (time) it is, and ye cease 
seeing me; and again yet a little (time) it is, and ye see me. 
20 Verily, verily, I say to you, Ye will weep and wail indeed, 
but the world will rejoice: ye, ye will grieve, but (a) your 
grief will become to you for [а] joy. 2! The woman coming 
to be (lit. being) about to bring forth hath [a] grief, because 
came her hour; but whenever she should produce the child, 
she is not wont to remember any more the tribulation, be- 
cause of the joy that a man was produced into the world. **Ye 
therefore also now indeed ye have [a] grief; but afterwards 
again I shall see you, and your heart (will) rejoice, and no one 

N*BDA r, OL (abcefffq) Bo Syr (sj) Arm, Tert Cyp..add ae 85, 
A ёс, OL (g) Vg Bo (x) Буг (Б) Eth, Or Суг.. pref and Syr (g) 
adda] g ёс (95) (fr2) .. aw 92 тетиХ. your grief] (3?) ёс (95) 
(fra), Syr (g) .. nuov Г 33 249 al инти to you 29] 44 ёс 
(95) г“, Bo 92, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gs) 

й тесе. the woman] 44 ёс, RAB &с.. аз a woman Eth .. add ae 
Bo (хр) тєсотиот her hour] 44 ёс 95 (108?) (fra), Syr (h) 
Arm Eth (her time)..npepa D 248, OL (abceff).. the day of her 
child-bearing Syr (g) ae] 44 ёс 95 108 .. and Syr (s) Eth 
nujRpe the child] 44 ёс 95 (108), то пагдіоу МАВ ёс, Syr (h) Arm то 1.. the son Syr (gs) ge any more] 44 92 ml, RAB 
&с, Syr (gsh) Arm .. om 85 95 өХ.| 44 ёс 95 108 .. Ату D, 
OL (с), Amb єтћє mp. because of the joy] 44 ёс 95 (108) .. om 85 
.. because of а joy Bo (1) ovposxe a man] 44 ёс 05..00:0. М 
єпк. into the w.] es т. к. МАВ ёс, Arm Eth..2n the world Bo 
(acr*) Syr (gsh) 

2 ит. тии ye-also] 44 &c .. kac vers ovv МАВ &с, Bo (вр, д, 
gnos fr) Syr (h) .. trs ovv after pev №*.. йт. 007.85, U al, OL (bceff) 
Bo (мт) Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. and ye also Bo .. but уе Во (м)  venos- 
Nonn now-grief] Ë ёс 57, vuv pev Атти W'cBC*DLMY 1 33 235 
249 254 565, OL (bcefffg) Vg Bo Syr (h), Chr Hil.. À. р. v. А ёс, 
Ath, Cyr.. A. pev ovv TA al.. om pev OL (а) Во (v) Syr (gs) Arm 
Eth озитн(є 95 ш!)ти ye have] Ë &c 57, exere N* BC ёс, OL 
(cfffq) Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm Eth, Cyr Hil.. efere NCADL 33 131 249 
al 10, OL (abe) Am Fu Bo, Antioch запис. afterwards] Ë &c 57 
„om № &c, Во Syr (gsh) Arm Eth = ae] Е &c 57..0m 85, Bo 


ATW азам ASAT MAYI петираще йтетнути. 23 ose 
gaan To RietOC NHTH. хе пететихаттех ажаасс( 
угте пект. YMATARY NATH ояе парам. 2 wa тєнот 
ззпетматтє HAAAT Oak парам. мтег ATW TETHAXI. 
хєнас epe петпращє хок ehoA. 25 Mar arxoov 
инти ом оеипароама. отм ототноу мну. QoTE 
Wentaljace GE AN тазаєнти ом Oeinaporeera АЛЛА 
ом ovmappHcià entaupaxe мазаєнти єЄтє пет. 
26 QRS пеооот Єтаваёглу TETMAAYTEI O32 MAPAN. ATW 
ус галхоос ам нити. хе AMOR ємалспс menor єтбе- 
тнути. 27 ATOY бар пект (486 A242(07V. хе итоти 
ATETHALEPIT. ATW атетипістєує. хє AMOR єнї 
ehod QIT mero. 28 талс: CBON SITAR пет. ATW 

ями №. | эй A. 57 95 петр. | зап. 92 т! | 5 (К) (44 $at gas.) 
57 Şand & 85 $ at g.and ёс 92 $ ato. 95 $ and &c m! $ або. rerna] 
тєтпа 95.. тєтипа 44 also verses 24,26 єМ.| ЯА. 92, Во (р,к(м) 
qıta] єчє 85 | (k) (44) 57 $ аб arres 85 (92) (95) $ m1 ° (k) 44 
57 $ and at отп 85$ 95 $ m! пар.) Ë twice..mapo. 44 &с mema] 
finemta 85..meesma m! ої ovn.) k 85 ш!.. ош ої 44 &c ° (44) 
57$ 85$ 95 $ ші § Terra] teruna 57 fma] 44 85, Во (т).. 
om 8 57 &с, Во ema] + 85 7 57 $ 85 95 m! mest 19] ns. 
57 біс отта] Во (вх).. en Во (MV) .. ga Bo ? 57 $ 85 $ 95 $ 
m! италет| єтан Bo (DEIN)..ass Во gıra] Sem Во.. 9a Bo (1) 

паи will take away] Е & 57 .. пашет will фе able to take away 
85, Bo (FT) 

23 om neg. in that day] 44 ёс, X 249 252, OL (є) Syr (є 14), Chr 
.. pref ки NAB &e, Буг (g).. pref sed OL (a) жпозі(єг 57) ask 
те] 44 & me Syr g (2) an] 44 &c..add жє any more Bo 
(в, DEJNST) петети (пп 44)aarres that-ask] 44 ёс, Bo..o av 
(cav) ХИ 33 42 131 al 8, Syr (jh) Arm .. av (вау) r. BOD L Y*2, 
OL Vg, Or Ath ..av A, eav 145" .. ora av(cav) Г ёс, Syr (gs) Eth 
ivre nes(ni 44 57) от from the F.] 44 ёс, Eth.. тах naes from my 
F.85 92, Y, Во (9 18) Syr (gs) Arm бэх m. in my name] (k 7) ёс 
(441) SBC*LXYA, Or Nonn..trs after татера AC?D ёс, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr 

25 àxneTWHarrer ye asked not] Ë 44 57 (95) .. 331a Tet, ye asked 

JOHN XVI 23-28 265 

will take away your joy from you. * In that day ye will not 
ask me anything: verily, verily, I say to you, That which ye 
will ask from the Father, he will give it to you in my name. 
24 Unto now ye asked not anything in my name: ask, and уе 
will take, that your joy should be fulfilled. 29 These (things) 
I said to you in proverbs; there is an hour coming, when 
I shall not be speaking any more to you in proverbs, but 
(a) openly I shall be speaking to you concerning the Father. 
26 [n that day ye will ask in my name; and I shall not say to 
you, that I, I shall be beseeching the Father concerning you. 
27 For he the Father loveth you, because ye loved me, and ye 
believed, that I, I am coming from the Father. 2 came from 

not yet 85 92 ml RM. anything] К ёс 44 92 95.. от 85, Syr (s) 
єрє-хєож should be fulfilled] k m! .. epe щопє ежик should become 
fulfilled 44 &c 

25 nar these] Е ёс, Во (BD,A,EJLNOQS fr) Syr (gsh) Arm ..add 
ae Do Eth.. add all Arm cd пинти to you] Ë 85 ml .. om 44 ёс 
отп-ину there is-coming] k ёс, t$ BC*D*LXYII т зз 69, OL 
(abdeg) Vg Bo (fr) Syr (j) Arm, Aug .. pref adda A ёс, OL (са) 
Буг (h) Eth, Or Ath Cyr.. ae Bo Syr (gs) gorte] k ёс, Bo Syr 
(gh).. eoram Bo (fr).. отоо N*.. gover 85, от: Г, Syr (s) Arm 
бе any more] & ёс, Arm .. om Syr (g) Eth nero the F.] 44 ёс, 
Arm Eth.. my F. Syr (s) 

7 тетиааттєї ye will ask] 44 ёс, Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth .. штуса- 
обе № т, petite OL (a) .. pref in which Syr (g) езх п. in my name | 
44 ёс, № т, Bo Syr (gs) Arm Eth..trs before ат. АВ ёс, Syr (h) 
ауФ-отнути and-you| 57 & ego rogabo propter vos OL (a) 
am поё] 44 & H*L* .. add any more Bo (BDEJMNQS) 
anon I] 57 &c, Syr(gsh) Arm Syr (g 9) пе! (п! 57 
85) эт the F.] 57 ёс, Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. пьет. ту F. ml, D, буг 
(s) ethet. concerning you] 57 &c .. om 36, OL (bce), Cyr Aug 

7 пточ-п. for-F.] but he, ту Р. Syr (s) азо атєтип, and ye 
believed] om L 59 26 ev, Cyr anok Г] ош Bo (sux) етих І 
am coming] є бог МАВ &e ..add ки уко X 69 124 nei(m 57 
85)®т the Е. | Xea BC* DLX 77 249, Bo Syr g (6) .. дєоо N*cb A. &с, 
OL Vg Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Chr .. from him Syr (g 36) 

? италег-пезот І came-F.] om D, OL (eff) Syr (s) .. om e£gA6ov 
OL (ae) e&oX о. from] тара NA ёс, Суг.. єк BC*LX 33 249, 
Epiph .. а OL Vg neswt ће F. 19] паєгот mlc.. God Syr (g 9) 


arer епносяяос. MAA om rano їїсог аєпкосягос. 
TABOR Wa пет. 2 пехат ма Wonteceea.oHTHc. 
хе EIC оннте теноу HWase ом отпарриса. ATW 
мехе Хаа» ан ажмаросгоха. Tenor THeraee. 
хе Rcoovir пооф mee. ATW МОРУ pra ан. senac epe 
OVA MOTH. ORL Mar типїстєтє. хє таке» ehor 
оттая пиозте. 31 хото NAT NSW. хє Tenor 
TerTMmicveye. 22 exc QHHTE сину NGIOTOTMOT. ATW 
ACEI. хекас ететиххоюре EhOA пота nora єпесі- 
Aa. ATW WTETMRAAT aeavaaT. АЛЛА seer 
SOOT инти. хенас ETETNARW инти поуєғрнин орат 
понт. оумтнти Mear idoveAnpic саа пкосялос. 
АХАа тон понт. хє AMOR агхро єпкосявос. 

? (20) 57 $85 95 m! $ (fr) кщ.| екщ. m! паррн. | парон. fr 
mapoor] -рн. fr 9 20:54 $ 85 (95) mi (E S) EC євєг 
по.| eo. fr pra] 20 &c..ocpr 95 sic.. Ж pesa 57 320.8 
57$ 85 (95 $) mi ($) — * 20$ (37) 57 $ at &NNa 85 95 m! 
сину] єси. m! єтєтиг]-пє 37 ш! azw] om 85 їїтєтїї] ire- 
teti 85 щооп| om 57 3 20 Š and at оти 37 $ 57 $ and ёс 
855 955 11$ Ac 95 

п^№и оп again] pref and Во (нѕ).. ош on Во(д,"нім).. and again 
Буг (кв) Агш Xnako I shall leave] Яка» Z leave ml.. афиш 
МАВ ёс Дфиако-косахос I-the world] om Syr (s) пкос. the 
w. 2°] nesr. this world 85, Во (У) nero the Е. 29] maes. 85 ml, 
H al 2, OL (c) 

? пех. said they] 57 &e, Syr (s) .. Aeyovew NAB ёс, Syr (gh) 
Arm may to him] 57 &c, А &c, OL Во Syr (gsjh™s) Arm Eth, Cyr 
.. om (М№*)еВС*р* АП r 262 565, OL (eq) Syr (h) .. trs after дай. Bo 
печалає. his disc.] 85 &e, Ne ёс, Syr (g) .. 331126. the disc. 57, М 
exc оннтє(тєх 95) behold] 57 ёс, Arm .. add also Syr (s) Eth 
ow in] 57 ёс, RBOD .. om e A ёс, Chr Cyr azw and] 20 ёс fr 

.. add also Syr (є 36) и©хє and sayest] 20 ёс fr..and saidst 
Syr (s) 
3 denos now] 20 &e 95 Y "Here we know] 20 57 

95 anere we knew 85 ml fr, eyvokapev 69 346 ito. м. all 

JOHN XVI 29-33 267 

the Father, and I came into the world: again I shall leave 
the world, and go unto the Father. * Said they to him his 
disciples, Behold now thou speakest оретіу, and sayest not 
any proverb. 3° Now we know (erage), that thou knowest 
(coovit) all things; and thou needest not, that (any) one 
should ask thee: in this we believe, that thou camest from 
God. 3! Answered to them Jesus, Now ye believe. 3? Behold 
cometh an hour, and it came, that ye should be scattered away 
each to his place, and (will) leave me alone: but (a) I am 
not remaining alone, because my Father (is) being with me. 
33 These (things) I said to you, that ye should have [a] peace 
in me: ye have [a] tribulation in the world; but (a) be 
confident of heart, because I, I conquered the world. 

things] 20 ёс 95 fr, Syr (g).. patrem OL (е) ova one] 20 ёс 95 
fr .. add он again 85 ova хи. one-thee] 20 &c (95) fr .. any one 
thow shouldest ask Syr (s) .. should. tell thee Eth ти (тем Їт)тист. 
we believe] 20 ёс 95 (fr), Syr (gsh) Arm .. zezworevkapev. 249 .. yuvo- 
скорєу 33 ittaner thou camest| 20 &с (95) fr, Arm.. thou wert 
sent Syr (s) eË. октах from] 20 ёс 95, Во (є), ато МАВ ёс... 
тара D..e&. озх out of (fr) Во (вкру).. eh. ог Во 

М agos. ans.] 20 ёс (95 1) (fr).. said Syr (gs) Eth тату to 
them] го ёс 95 (fr), NAB ёс, Во (Ags)  яёнс Jesus] 
20 &c (95) (fr) .. om S al 3.. add said he Bo (q) .. add and said Arm 
tenos now] 20 ёс (95) (fr) .. om Syr(g).. add behold Syr (s) 
тети (ях 95)піст. ye believe] 20 &с 95 .. Arm (interrog.) .. believe 
(ye) Syr (є imperat.) Eth .. believe (thou) Syr (є 14) 

? esc о. behold] 20 & Во (в) acer it came] 20 біс, 
«Аде NA BC*D*LX 33, Bo Syr (sj), Const.. om Bo (0).. pref 
ууу C? &c, OL Vg Syr (gh) Eth, Did Bas Cyr Hil .. add indeed Arm 
Eth ?.. add further п wpa N* nora 20] 20 ёс 37 .. add of you Во 
(А шЕР) eneqara to his place] 20 37 85 .. ємєчала to Мз places 
57 95 ml паєшуг my F.] 20 & 37, Y 69 247 al 15, Во Arm edd 
.. om pov ЗАВ ёс, Во (в) Arm 

33 arx, I said] Syr (gs) .. ЛеЛаАука № &с, Syr (h) Arm Еф отзи- 
тн(е ш!)ти уе have] ЗАВ ёс, OL (e) Во Syr (h), Const Bas Thdrt 
Nonn .. e£ere D бо al, OL Vg Syr (gs) Arm Eth, Chr Сур Hil «xe 
because] 20 &c, Arm Eth 85, МАВ ёс апок I] om 95, Bo 
(9) .. add yap Syr (s) 

268 1ШеАНННС 
ХҮП. AE. мат асүхоот Hane. ager мецбаХ eopar 

ETNE сх яеаеос. хе плет A тєуно» ег. Хеооу 
яепекунре. хєнас epe пекщире Tecoy мак. ? RATA 
oe ейтаң+{ Way Wrezovcra Мсара MIA. хекас озон 
аа. ENTARTAAT их. ЄЧеї мату потюио ща eneg. 
пмоуте аваас KATAAS ATW тпєнтавтиноотс IC 
NeXT. Замок arbeoo» ман сухая HRA Єагхєн 
noob єВоХ eNTARTAA Mar страха. 5 темоу GE 
палет Teooy мат ож пєоот емезита охотник. 
зяпате NWHoceeoc wone.  ^ajovewo menpamn ehor 
Hipwee єнтанвтаа» War ehoA OAR пкосазос. ие 

1 20 $ (37) 57 $ 85 $ (95) m! P (fr) Ae 85 neq] 20 57 ш!.. 
pref it 85 95 * 20 57 85 95 m! (fr) ємтак ro] йтак 85 ml fr 
ficaps | єс. fr отоп п.|отопіл 95 єнтан 2°] 20 57.. йт. 85 ёс 
fr usa] pref й 95 ° (14) 20$ (37) 57 85 95 $ m! (fr) сотона] 
57 85 95 (fr)... -wnk 20 m! * (В) 14 20 № (37 Р) 57 № Sm № 
95 $ 31! m! $ yx 20 ° (Е) 14 20 57 $ 85 95 31! $ m! $ 
охх | pref ораз 311 сиезйт, | 14 .. eneosity. 20 біс - var] -таєкі 
95  3Xmave] eamm. 20 95 ° (Е) (14) 20 (37) 57 85 95 31! (в!) 
m! єптан) 14 20 57.87. 85 &c р! e&oN] небом 85 пе 19] 
om m! 

1 agx. said] 20 ёс 37 95, Во (c,*s) Syr (g 4) .. eXadyoer (\) AB 
ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Eth .. when he said Syr (s)..when he had spoken 
Arm Eth Фе (єг m!) he lifted] го & (95), Syr (s) Arm .. pref 
гло and m'.. ко єтарас (ernpe) NA В &e, Bo aygi-maroc he- 
saying] 20 &c (95) .. erapas-evrey NBC* DLX 1 16 33 69 124 346 
565, OL (abg) Vg Bo, Or Cyr .. єтүрє-ка e. A &c, OL (cefffq) Bo (х) 
Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Chr Nonn maer шу F.] 20 ёс 95 fr, Syr 
gsh)..carep ЗАВ &c .. om Syr (g 12) a-es the hour came] 
го ёс (95) fr.. om Bo (NA*caqv*) .. add that Eth &ekac that] 
20 ёс 95 fr, NABC*D r 96 97, OL (арс о) Vg Bo Syr (jh), 
Victorin Hil .. add ка C? &e, OL (4) Arm (Eth), Chr Cyr .. pref and 
Eth nexu. thy Son 29] 20 ёс 95 fr, AC?Der ёс, OL (abcfgq) 
Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm cov МВС"? 47 64, OL (deff), 

2 пау to him] го ёс fr .. om 69 .. to те Po (fr) Syr (g 14) 

ФОНХ ХҮП 1-6 269 

XVII. 35. These (things) said Jesus, he lifted his eyes up 
to the heaven, saying, My Father, the hour came ; glorify thy 
Son, that thy Son should glorify thee. 2 According as thou 
gavest to him the authority of all flesh, that all whom thou 
gavest to him he should give to them a life for ever. ? But 
this is the life for ever, that they should know thee the true 
God alone, and him whom thou sentest, Jesus the Christ, 
41, I glorified thee upon the earth, having finished the work 
which thou gavest to me for to do. 5 Now therefore, my Father, 
glorify me with the glory whieh I had with thee, before the 
world became. 51 manifested thy name to the men whom 
thou gavest to me out of the world: they were thine, and 

eget he should give] 20 ёс fr, Arm .. досо W* ..єк D (om avrois).. 
that thou shouldst give Bo (fr) .. there should be Syr (g 9) пау to 
them] 20 &c (fr), Во Syr (sh) (Eth).. avro &* 1 22 38, OL (ef) Syr 
(с) (Arm), Victorin Hil .. от Arm Eth 

3 мє] 20 ёс fr .. ош 85, L, Во (т) Arm .. and Eth эхээс 
savaag Ш. true alone] 20 &c.. шоуоу аАтбшоу ЗАВ ёс, пота 
эхэхллтэлЧ pF Arapuan the one alone God of the truth (the true fr) 
Во (Eth) .. solum et verum OL (b), Сур Novat Victorin .. om verum (ff) 
. that thou art the God of truth alone Syr (g) .. that thou alone art the 
God of truth Syr (s) пєҳ the Christ] 14 &c 37 .. add es rovrov 

t earx. having finished] 14 ёс, NABCLII r 33 42 122 246 489, 
OL (bff) Bo Syr (j) .. avxex Z finished 85 (D) ёс, OL (acefgmq) Vg 
Syr (gs) Arm, Ign Const Did Ath Bas Chr Сур Novat .. pref ка D .. 
trs to end Syr (gs) eipaaa(20 57 311.. гг k &c)« lit. for me to 
do it] К ёс, U ог 127 248, Во Syr (gs).. om avro МАВ ёс 

5 tenor сє now therefore] 14 &c .. ки узу ЗА B ёс, Bo Syr (g).. 
om ка: Syr (g 9) .. and. also now Syr (s) Eth naer my F.] k ёс, 
Во Syr (gsh).. тате NAB ёс... add with thee Syr (gh) Arm nat 
ше] k &c ..add оти Во (вм) .. add оготнк with thee 31! оготнк 
with thee] К ёс, D, OL (afm) буг (о, s, Б) Eth, Сур.. trs after evar 
МА В&с, BoArm, Во (№) щопє became] Ë &c, Во, уеуссбас 
fieret D, Irint Cyp., evar МАВ біс 

° мотє(о 20 57 05) ир I manifested] 14 &c .. pref and Syr (s) Eth 
пекрап thy name] (k) &c (14), Syr (gsh) .. thy glory Syr(g36) пяр. 
to the шеп | (k) & 14 gl.. among the men Во (в,*9) пе NOTK ие 


мат оемебоХ orrooTR ие. "є ишахе єнтактаат 
Magee. хе Water eËoÀ orroOTH. ATW АУПІСТЄУЄ axe 
HTOR автиноут. ° AMOR єїсопс єтЁннто. иесопе 
aw erbe пносазос. aAA erbe цєнтакталл мат. жє 
NOTH ме. Мати MOTI THpov MOTH ме. ATW мон 
MOTI ие. ATW AISIEOOT HOHTOT. avo | Шооп an 
сє ояя пкосазос. MAI AE CEPA пкосееос. AMOR AE 
єзїн Шаров. паеют eToTaah gapeg epoov ois 
пекрам ENTARTAAY Mar wWekac evewwne Hora 
HATA өє WAWQI 12 аэпеотоенц єгкаваяму MEJ- 

7 (k) 14 20 (37) 57 5 85 95 31! gi ш1$ єнтак| 14 20 57 95.. 
itt. 37 ёс 8 14 20 (37) 57 85 95 311 g! т! entak] 20 57 95 
.. Пт. 14 KC Hrarer] йтає 311.. Итал g1 anth. | 14 &c  пєнтокти 
378595 ° (14) 20(37) 85 95$ 31121 m! (01) -cont] -cone 14 sic 
© (14)20378595(31!)g!m! sors 20] mover 37 85.1 (14) 20$ at 
emt. 37 85 95 g! $ at пакт an] trs after ge 14 12 (r4) го § 
(37) 85 95 g! m! $ 

they-thine] R ёс (141) gl.. pref because Syr (є 23 s) avoapeo 
they kept] (k?) 14 (37 1) (g1) .. servavi OL (eff) 

7 tenor now] (k) ёс (37), Bo (т).. е пипс OL (beff) Bo Syr (s) 
Eth areraxe I knew] 14 ё0 37, № 7 118evv, OL (abcefffq) Syr 
(gsjh m&).. eyvokav АВ ёс, Bo озоп-нє  all-are] 14 &c .. all-is 
Syr (gs) Eth — eere&. огтоотк me are from thee] 14 &c.. om Arm 

* хе-изт because-to me] 14 ёс, om Arm .. om because Syr (g 9) 
ñu. the words] 14 &c.. add cov D.. add pov 569, OL (е) итоот they] 
14 ёс (37), Bo(,4,0)..add охот also Во || ажхитож they-them] 
14 ёс, Bo .. add from me Syr (в) azw avenae and-knew] 14 &c, 
МеВ &e, OL Vg Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Cyr N*AD, OL 
(aeq) and Bo (q) палає хє truly that] 14 ёс, Syr (gsh) 
Arm (Eth) .. guia vere а te OL (bf, cff) ñraies I came] 14 &c (37) 
.. exierunt OL (abeffq) 

° aston I] 14 ёс 37 .. pref and Syr (gs) .. pref because Syr (g 9).. 
pref now Arm.. pref but Eth (їп 85) erconc. I-beseeching] 14 
&c (371) cit.. add ae 31! паг to me] 20 & 37 cit ,. om Во (в) 

JOHN XVII 7-12 271 

thou gavest them to me, and they kept thy word. * Now 
I knew, that all whom thou gavest to me are from thee. 
8 Because the words which thou gavest to me, I gave them 
to them ; and they, they took them, and they knew truly, 
that I саше from thee, and they believed that thou sentest 
me. ЭТ, I am beseeching concerning them; I am not be- 
seeching concerning the world, but (a) concerning those 
whom thou gavest to me, because (they) are thine. !? And 
all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I was glorified 
in them. And I am not being апу more in the world, but 
these are in the world, but I, I am coming unto thee: my 
holy Father, keep them in thy name which thou gavest 
to me, that they should be one, according as we are. 12 At 
this time being with them, I was keeping them in thy 

® ayw-ne 29 and-are mine] (147) ёс (3111).. ка epot avrovs 
єдокас № .. om ато нолк-иє Ро (A6,) Syr (g 36) ме are 29] D, 
OL (ac) Vg Bo Syr (gs) Arm Eth.. om ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) ау 
and 39] 14 &c.. add anor Во (Р) aıxıe. I was glorified] 14 &c.. 
edogacas ие D 

1 это ї}—косазос and—world 1°] (14) &c .. et tam non sum in sæ- 
culo et in seculo sum OL (e).. trs after єрхорол Or .. et hi in hoc mundo 
&c (a)..add after єрхорас et iam non sum in hoc mundo OL (c) .. om 
апа Во (q) Syr g (2) пкос. 19] 14 &c .. тоуто то к. D, OL (be 
fffq) Bo (н) mas ae but these] 14 ёс... кш ovro. ACD £r ёс, OL 
Vg, Chr Cyr... ки avro. NB 229** 254, OL (df).. war ae Hewor 
Bo .. but they Eth anok ae but I] 14 &c.. kayo NBC* DX 1 33 
бо ev, Or Cyr .. кал eyw А ёс, Bo.. om єуо Во (9) етих І аш 
coming | 14 &c .. add ovxere euu ev Tw к. кой ev то к. epu D, OL (а, с, e) 
пає. my Е.] 14 ёс, Bo Syr (sh)..zarep (gp B) буг (g) Arm Eth 
єтот. holy] 14 &c.. miacaeoc Во (rc*r») оарєө keep] 14 ёс 
.. pref take Syr (s) озх-рам in-name] 14 &c..add каг ore nuny- 
ovoua. cov D en(it 85 ші)такт. which-gavest] (141) ёс, ЗАВ 
С(0) ёс, Во Syr (gjh) Arm, Cyr.. ovs D? 69 al, OL (fgq) Vg Eth.. 
om OL (abceff) Syr (в), Hil ма to me] 20 &c.. add йонтії ти 
(Mm) 85 | жекас &c that they &c] 14 &c OL (abceff) Syr (s), 
Hil ката ee acc. as] (14) ёс, МАВ СО ёс, OL (q) Bo Eth, 
Cyr .. кад. xa. BYMSUYIP а] 12, OL (fg) Vg Syr (h) Arm, Ath 
ñanon we] (14) &c .. add би X, év сореи 33 al 5, OL (g) Syr (Б) Arm 

2 aster, at this time] 14 85.. ans. 95.. aneor. at the time 20 


Qapeo Epooy пе ояе пекрам ENTARTAA HAT. ATW 
agape єрост. ати» Алс Ахат choA понтоу тако. 
єтяянті пщире аяптако. хє epe тесрафн хок eho’. 
13 тєнот EINHT Шаров. ATW MAI сухо MOOT ояе 
пкосагос. хєндс ETERW мату азпараще єүүхнн ehor 
opar понтоу, Manon ary мат аяпенщахе. ати» 
пносакос ^еавестооу. хє поємебоЛ aw оз» пнос- 
asoc ме. RATA өє Оо eant  oveboA am оз» 
пкосязос. 15 meront am же єнєцүто» ЄОХ оз» 
пкосакос, АХХА сєкас  enegapeo  epoov ehor 
оз» ппоинрос. 15 йоємефоћл an ose пкосееос ие. 
ката өе QO eant orehoX aw 0885 пносяеос. 
17 geathhoor opar QW Tare. пекщахе пе Tate, 

пе] от 85 єзаанті| 14 &c 371 .. -Tes 85 є! 13 (145) 205 37 
85$95 51 m1 eve] eva 85 іс M (14$) 20 $ 37 $85 95 g! ml 
PS ast] arver і! een] 14 85..0m И 20 &c.. пом ml me] trs 
before osx 85 15 14 $ (20) 37 85 (95) gl $m! $ 16 (14 $) 
37 85 (95) g1 m! me] trs before exx 85 п 14 37 85 95 (d!) g! 
ml$ epar] eo. m! 18 14 5 37$ 85$ 95d! 21 m! еитак] 14 
37 95..57. 85 бо Tavor] 85 d! gl.. татоєг 37 05... таотох ml., 

&с.. Фотє(там) Bo єунэх, being with them] 14 &c 37, Bo (ен 
.. ман Q), RBC*DL 1 al, OL (bceffg) Vg Bo, Cyr Hil Aug .. add 
ev то к. А ёс, OL (fq) Ро (v) Syr (gsjh) (Arm) Eth en(ñ 85 
m))rak. mar which-me] r4 &c, NCBC*L 33 64, Bo Syr (j) Arm, 
Cyr .. om NF, Syr (s).. ovs & А ёс, OL Vg Syr (gh) Eth гло) 
and 19] 14 ёс 37, NBC*L 33 64, OL (d) Syr (j) Arm, Cyr Hil.. om 
95, AC* рєт ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gh) .. behold Eth awo 10-єроо» 
and-them] 14 ёс 37 .. om Буг (s) ат» 29] 14 &c 37 .. om Во (1) 
тес. the scr.] 14 ёс (37) .. тєкєр, thy scr. 95 ..that which was written 

Syr (s) 

13 senor now] (14) ёс, Во (TT) Syr (з) .. add ae 85, ЗАВ ёс, Bo 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth ємну І am coming] 14 &c, Во (ЕГРТУ).. 
amos Í came? Во ик. the world] (14) &с .. rovro то к. D, OL 

(abc fff) op. йо. in them] r4 ёс, C*D ёс, Cyr.. ev eavros RAB 

JOHN XVII 13-18 273 

name which thou gavest to me; and I kept them; and not 
any out of them was lost, except the son of the perdition, that 
the scripture should be fulfilled. 13 Now I am coming unto 
thee ; and these (things) I am saying in the world, that they 
should have my joy fulfilled in them. ИТ, I gave to them 
thy word; and the world hated them, because they are not 
out of the world, according ав I also am not out of the world. 
15 Tam not beseeching that thou shouldst take them away out 
of the world, but (a) that thou shouldst keep them out of the 
evil. 16 They are not out of the world, according ав I also 
am not out of the world. 1" Hallow them in the truth: thy 
word is the truth. 18 According as thou sentest me into the 

ХП al 3 .. ev та карбюл$ єаутоу С" .. that they may be full of ту joy 
Syr (s) 

M anok-ujaxe I-word] (14) ёс, Armedd .. pref ато and 85, Arm 
.. but Eth .. eyw дє edwxa тоу А. cov ev алто D arx. hated them | 
(14) &с.. p(e)oe D 4063 73 77 253 259, OL (aeq) пк. the w. 29] 
I4 &c .. rovrov т. к. D, OL (acfq) ..:t Syr (s) ката-косялос 
acc.-world] 14 &c..maY оо anor ant отуєбоМ am понт4 PS .. om 
DII* 69 19° 4897, OL (bce) Syr (s) gw also] Arm (Eth) .. om щі, 
NAB ёс, Bo (в) 

15 ytei(iuter 85)conc I-beseeching] 14 &с 20 .. trs after world Syr 
(gs) ипон, the evil] 14 &c.. om the Arm 

15 fioeneh. | (14) ёс (95) .. pref because Во (BDA,EJ,0Sv) Eth.. 
addyapSyr(gs) пк. the w. 19] 14 &c 95 .. pref rovrov D, OL (bcfq) 
оо I also] 14 &c 95, kayo D 69 97, OL (cf) Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm.. 
eyo SAB ёс, Syr (gsh) Eth eant І am] 14 & 95, МАВС 
DLX al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsj) Arm, Chr Cyr .. trs after косџро» Y 46, 
Syr (h) 

U ззат, hallow them] 37 ёс, NAB &c.. эзатВВо hallow 14.. 
pref marep aye A, Cyr Did .. pref Father Syr (є) Taze the truth 10] 
A BC*DL, Bo .. om 7; В .. add cov Ж &c, OL (q) Bo(B5,A,EGaz,kosv 
fr) Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Did Chr Dial nerw. thy word] 14 &c dl.. 
pref because Syr (gs) Arm Eth тазе the truth 29] 14 &c dl, B.. 
om 7) NÀ ёс 

18 пк. the world] pref rovrov twice D, OL (abcfq) eo(ecGot 
85) I also] 149 ёс, kayo NAB &c .. om 147 dl.. and I Arm 
arxooscos I sent them] arxoosce 14 

H.8.G. 111 т 


соу єпкосевос. 19 aso (то аяааст Олроот, xenac 
оооу ow єхєцропє evthhuy ом Tae. 20 wesconc 
ме an erbe War eeavaav. adda erbe їнооуе он 
єетмлпістете epor ehoA сүтэж mevigaxe. ^ xenac 
THPOT єуєщопє HOTA. ката өе WTOR MAEIWT EKO Pas 
понт ATW AMOR Монти. хекас оооу OM eveujorte 
Qpar понти. ceRac ере пносажос IICTETE же TOR 
тах Mal. хєнас ETEW WME йота. KATA өе Nanon 
ємном ova. AMOK орлу NOHTOT. ATW йток орат 
понт. хенас eveujone Орал монти evan ehod 

т (g) (14) (37) 85 95 d!g!m! | (9) (14) 85 $ 95 $41 86! 
ml$ стая] 85 95 ml .. erress dl.. оттеп gle 21 (0) (14) 85 95 
dlglml єнөраї| 14 &с.. йти орал 4! | понти | pref epar d! m! 
Tavor] d! gl.. татоєг 14 95 - таотох ml. тимоотт 85 — ^ (8) 14 
85895d!$g!m!$ йапоп]т4 85 й 95 &c anon 19] 
оси Bo (во fr) 23 (g) (14) 85 95 d! gl m! тиноот| 
14 &c.. Tavor (0) м (g) 14 § 85 $ 95 $ d1 g1 m1 masa] pref є 
dl, Bo (т) 

? aso and] 37 & Во (v) {тЁћо І hallow] 14 ёс 37, 
MA, 71 248, OL (bceq) Syr (s), Chr .. pref eyo ВСР ёс, OL (af) Vg 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Bas Cyr .. trs eyo after сралт. Bo .. pref et pro eis 
rogo OL (є) | охот on they also] g (14) ёс 37, C? ёс, Syr gsh).. 
trs after оси NABC* DKLXYII al 14, OL Vg Во Syr (j) Arm Eth, 
Ath Did Cyr .. om ошо Bo (fr) OL (abe), Did Victorin tase the 
truth] g &c .. adnea МАВ ёс, Arm 

20 иеле. I-beseeching] (14) &с.. add from thee Syr (s)(Eth) ae] 
у ёс, Syr (h) Arm .. om Bo (Bus) Syr (g 12) .. and Syr (gs) Eth 
firooze on the others also] (14) &c.. om МАВ &c.. om also Arm cdd 
‚ татоу XII 247 al то, Syr (Б) Arm єтиатисте(єє d!) тє 
who will b.] (14) ёс, D? al, OL (acefgq) Vg, Сур Hil .. io revovrov 
МАВ ёс, OL (b) Bo Syr (gsh) Arm, Ath Bas Chr Cyr epor me] 
(g) &с 14 .. ош Syr (s) e€&oN-ujaxe through their word] (14 ?) ёс 
.. от A 

JOHN XVII 19-24 275 

world, I also sent them into the world: ?? And I hallow 
myself for them, that they also should be hallowed in the 
truth. ?°But I am not beseeching concerning these alone, 
but (a) concerning the others also who will believe me through 
their word. 2! That they all should be one, according as 
thou, my Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also 
should be in us; that the world should believe that thou art he 
who sent me. 22 And I, I gave to them the glory which thou 
gavest me; that they should be one, accordin 0 аз we are one. 
23 Т in them, and thou in me, that they should be in us perfect 
in (є) one; and the world should know that thou art he who 
sent me, and thou lovedst them, according as thou lovedst me. 
24 My Father, those whom thou gavest to me—I wish that 

? тирот all] (14) & Во (Р) пота one] 14 & С*.. 

add 1276 us Bo (q) firok thou] (14) &c.. om Во (AcTA,GHKLOQT 
fr) maeror my Ё.| 14 ёс, Syr (gh, ѕ).. zarz(e)o МА В ёс, Arm 
Eth azw and] 14 ёс, Во(т,ньот fr).. om Во .. om anor 
—fiontK Í Zn thee Bo (в) Понти in us] 14 ёс, BC*D, OL (abce) 
Bo (в) Arm... add бу ЗА ёс, (fgq) Vg Bo Буг (gjh) Eth, Clem Bas Cyr 
Thdrt Cyp хєкас that 29] g &c 14 .. add кат 475 al, Arm, Clem 

22 это а. and I| 14 &c, A ёс, Bo Syr (gsh) Arm .. om aso d! ml; 
Bo (T)... kayo УВС“ DLU X 1 33 249 al, Eth, Clem Eusmere Chr Cyr 
Пота one] 14 &с..то ev D є(ош 85)anom we are] 14 &c, eopev 
МСА ёс, OL Vg Bo (еищоп) Syr (gh) Arm, ecpev (М*)В. 
C*DL і 33, OL (e) Syr (sj) Eth, Clem Hipp 

5 апок-йонт I-me] (14) &c.. 7 shall be with ёс Syr (s) ..trs ov 
ev epot кауо ev алто D 59 Bo (Ac,*G,*Pv) єтє(а 85) uy. they 
should be] 14 &c..add оошот also Во (BA, его)  йонти in us] 14 &e 
.. понт in те 95.. om № біс e(n dl)osa in one] 14 &c.. es то ev 
D, Eus mare Chr azw (om as d!) fire and-should] 14 &c, ках Ñ 
r, OL (be) Vg Во (в) Syr (gjh) Arm Eth .. wa BCDLX 33 69 124, 
OL (aeg) Bo Syr (s) Eth, Hipp Eus шаге Chr Cyr Amb eiae 
know | 14 &c .. believe Во (Р) akarep. thou-them | 14 ёс, NAB ёс, 
OL (cefgq) Vg Во(кн2,х s) Syr (h me), Clem Eus mare Cyr .. ууатуса 
D al 7, OL(ab) Во Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, Chr .. om aso-aseprr Bo (AC v) 
ex(95 gl .. ii 14 ёс)тавэхергт thou-me] су pe ту. D, OL (ab) 
me, Father, thou lovedst Syr (s) .. as also thou &c Syr (g) Arm edd 

^ naes, my Е. | 14 ёс, Во Syr (h) .. тату(«)р NAB ёс, Буг (=) .. om 



єдажавосі. тооз оооу OM eveujorme MARAL хенас 
ATRATAHOAH аяпкосаяос. 2 пасгот Ппаткатос. ARTIE 
ATCOTWHT. хє MTOR пентантиноот, ATW АГ» 
WHS mad choA запекрал, ATW он Цихотомо. хєкас 
TATANH ENTARLLEPIT понтс єсещопе opas NOHTOT. 

ХУШ. AZ. mar йтерецхоот Hone. acer ehor 
яе нєүөэөнтнс єпекро авпедх бєїааррос аяпке- 
APOC. паза єпєрє оушин понт. паза entTachor 
єдоум EPOY. ито зах иеазхентис. 2нецсоон 
AE QWWY ióonovaac петпапарахгаот 88480:| ая- 
месязлентнсо. 3 тоуљлс we хүүх: Nrechipa ати» 

єтє] era 85  єпт.| 405 gl.. RT. 14 ёс 25 1468595 d! $ gl 
m! ? 14 85 95 d! $gl m! ow] 14..9007 85 &6 epar] 14 .. 
om 85 &c 

' 14$ 85 Р (95 ) g! P m! P. AF 85 95 enexpo] 85 ml.. 
emik. 1495 g! neoc.] neix. m! етая. | тая. 8551 ? 14 85$ 
95g ml$ ° (14 $) 85 § 95 $ (97) m! $ 

Буг (8) пєнтакт, those-gavest] 14 ёс, АС ёс, OL Vg Syr (jh) 
Arm Eth, Chr Суг Thdrt Сур..о 86. NBD, Во Syr (s) оооу 
they also] 14 &с.. ка ekevor (avro) МАВ ёс raza. with me] 
14 &c .. ааа т there 85 dl.. pref there Bo .. pref they also Bo (ND, А, 
EJ OQS fr) паєсот my gl.] 14 &с..т. боб. т. eunv МАВ &c.. om 
т. eu. D gı .. thy gl. Во (9) хе because] 14 ёс.. and that Syr (s) 
т(ош рЇ)катай.-кос. the foundation-world] 14 &c..the world was 
Syr (s) .. the becoming of the world Arm 

35 waer my Father] Bo Syr (gsh).. rarz(e)o NAB ёс, Syr (g 9) 
mar. the г. | aye 2, OL (d), Const àxne-cos. the world-thee] D, 
OL (befq) Vg elem Bo(ux o* TV) Syr (j), Aug .. pref ки RA B ёс, OL 
(aeg) Am Bo Syr (gsh) Arm, Clem .. 8¢ Eth mk. the w.] add 
Tovros D sic, OL (af)  анок-со» but-thee] 14 & 
сє ae Bo (Ac63,L) паг these] add Фюот on also 85 
хе that] and Arm cd 

JOHN XVII 25—ХУШ 3 277 

(in) the place in which I, I am they also, they should be with 
me, that they should see my glory which thou gavest to me; 
because thou lovedst me before the fowndation of the world. 
25 My Father, the righteous, the world knew not thee; but 
Т, I knew thee, and these knew me, that thou art he who sent 
me. 26 Апа I manifested to them thy name, and again 
I shall manifest it ; that the dove with which thou lovedst me 
should be in them, and I also in them. | 

XVIII. 37. These (things) when had said Jesus, he came 
out with his disciples across the torrent of the cedar, the 
рїасе in whieh was a garden,the place into which he went, 
he and his disciples. ? But was knowing also Iudas, he who 
will deliver him up, that place, because many times Jesus 
assembled thither with his disciples. ? But Iudas took the 

% ати» and 19] om d! m! ъто-ото(о 11) по and-it] om Syr 
(j)  en(14..& 85 &с)тәказєріт thou-me] уу. avrovs 14. enrax.— 
tone lit, in which] 7 D, qua OL Vg .. y ЗАВ ёс 

1 nas these] 14 &c.. add де Во (Кк) йт. when had said] 14 &е 
(95), erov МА В &c, Syr (Б) Arm Eth .. said and Syr (g) .. was say- 
ing Bo (q)..spake and Syr (з) Ranken. of the cedar] 14 4, 
N*D, OL (abd) Bo Eth.. тоо xeópov ASA 123, OL (cefgq) Vg Syr 
(gsh) Arm, Amb Aug..rov кедроу $R BC ёс, Во (МАВ,Е)..тюи 
«evópov al то .. rov Sevdpwv 9, Cyr .. add a mountain бух (s) .. Kedron 
the river of (the) cedar Eth .. getróni Arm en(14 95.. t 85 &c)- 
тацдок-аааө, into-disc.] 14 &c.. єством E al 3, Syr (he) .. intro- 
ierunt discipuli eius OL (e) || Ятоц he] 14 ёс..ош 85..8 хєлс 
Jesus Do 

? печс.-іюта. but-Iudas] but Judas the betrayer was knowing 
Syr (s) ae] om G, Во (ко) Arm..and Bo Eth..add behold Bo 
(P) naa єт. that place] om 85 соото assembled] ЗАВ ёс 
..add xa. EGHMSYTAA al..conveniebat OL (cf) Bo (н) Syr (g) 
esrar thither] OL (befg) Vg .. ovv. ex. is, D, OL (a, є) Vg Bo Syr (gs) 
Arm..cvv. 15 eka. NAC ёс, OL (eq) Syr (jh) Eth, Cyr .. trs after 
avrov В... enara єт. to that place 85 Syr (є 4) 

3 sova.—as but Iud. took] 14..but Judas the betrayer took with 
him Syr (s) .. and Judas having taken with him Arm .. and Judas took 
Eth .. 3092. бе вах: Judas therefore having taken 85 &e, ЗАВ бо, 
Syr (gh) | тєспгра the band] 14 &c.. pref олуу 13 69 346 ато» 


оемотпнретнс choA ovrt нарулеретс uF иефари- 
сатос. AC[EY єпаєм єтяяеелу UN Оснфанос ати 
QemAassmnac ATW оеёноопХон. 416 ae eqgcoori 
посі mee єтинт exw. ager єВоХ пеха nav. хе 
ететмилие fica MI. Savorowh мас. хє єнцинє 
исх IC пизхормос. пехе (€ MAT. хє AMOK пе. 
AIDOT AUNO. битереүхоос хє NAT MGIC хє ANOR 
пе. aver йс^плооу. ATJE exae пкљо. ТпаЛІМ on 
^сүхмоуоу ecpxo аваасс. хє ететмииме HCA mige. 
TOOT хє пєхлу. хе иса IC пиазТорагос. 5acov- 
cub мау Ибис. хе агхоос нити, хе AMOR пе. eujxe 
Ge пететмилиме исог. ва маг тирох исебюк. 

t 14$ 85 $ 95 $ 97$ m! ° (14) 85 $ at меч. 95 ёс 97 (110) 
т! $ and &с еищ.] йш. 97 m! ° (g) 14 85 95 97 $ 110 $ (gl) 
mi 7 (g) (14 ) 85 $95$ 97 110 g! $m! $ and at ит. ° (д) 
(14) (85) 95 97 $ 110 $ аб euyse g1 ті пєтєти| ne пети m! йсє- 
бок] 14 &с.. €rpes&on m! hon 85 97 

оємоти. and off.] 14 &c .. the officers Bo (NL) .. and. (om 36) from ёс 
he took officers Syr (g) .. and from the scribes &c Syr(g 9) sī меф. 
and the Ph.| 14 ёс, B, Bo.. ф. МАС ёс, OL Vg, Or Chr .. єкт. $. 
N*bDL, OL (а).. and from the chiefp. and Ph. and officers and 
а multitude of people Syr (s) enara єт. to that place] 14 &c .. in 
locum OL (4).. exe № ёс... om NF azw genast. and torches | 
14 & Во (Q).- ast оеиХ. 85 .. carrying lanterns and torches 
Syr (s) azw оєм(оп ml)eonNo(o 85) и and weapons] (14) біс 
97 .. om Syr (з).. хэл geng. 85 95 

* xe] RDLX 1 33 565, 69 124 346, OL (abefq) Bo Syr (сіб) 
Eth, Chr Cyr .. ovv ABC ёс, OL (eg) Vg Syr (h) Arm .. om Bo (z).. 
and Syr (s) Eth eec. knowing] 14 ёс, EthPP .. ис. was knowing 
95 -. who was kn. Syr (g) .4боу D 69 90 124 157, Syr (sj) Arm Eth, 
Nonn аче!-пех. came-he] Во Syr (sj).. e£eA0ov. erev NA 4, 
OL (f) .. e&yA8ev кои Хеує BO* D 1 97 565, OL (acegq) Arm (Eth).. 
processit et dixit (b) Vg Syr (gh) 

5 avor. answered] 14 ёс, Во (N) Syr (Б) Arm..add ka, eurov 
X, Eth .. they answered, said they to him Во .. they say to him 
Syr (gs) nag to him] 14 & Bo (р,4,Ес,0Р8) nac. | 

JOHN XVIII 4-8 | 279 

band and officers from the chiefpriests and the Pharisees, 
he came to that place with lanterns and torches and weapons, 
4 But Jesus, knowing all things which are coming upon him, 
came out, said he to them, For whom are ye seeking? 5 They 
answered to him, We are seeking for Jesus the Nazoraios. 
Said Jesus to them, I am (he). But was standing with them 
Iudas, he who delivered him wp. 9 But when had said to 
them Jesus, 1 am (he) they came backward, they fell upon 
the earth. " Again he asked them, saying, For whom are ye 
seeking? But they, said they, For Jesus the Nazoraios. 
8 Answered to them Jesus, I. said to you, I am (he): if 


14 &с..уабарууоу D, OL (асе) Vg nexe r€ said Jesus] 14 &c, Во 
.. Aeyec-is Syr (є) Arm .. Хеу. 8e-i$ Or ҮС пат Jesus to them] 14 
&c .. олто ts (V) А. &c .. avrois eyw єш is В.. om 15 (В)р 4 35 1506" 
25397 а! 3, OL (a, be) Syr (s) є] 14 &c.. om ml, Bo (AQ) .. also 
Arm..and Eth .. add also Syr (gsh) ^ memrasqm. who-up] (14) ёс 
IIO .. netia who will &c ml .. om Syr (s) 

° xe] 14 95 A 13, Arm Eth.. ве therefore 85 97 110, 
NB ёс, Syr (h) .. and Syr (gs) Eth nav to them] 14 &c .. om 85, 
М", Syr (s) .. add Jesus Syr (0,8) Eth avoe they fell] 14 &c gl, 
Bo (5)... pref ки МАВ &c, Bo 

1 он] g &с (14 7)..оп Во (B).. and again Syr g(2)s..ow МАВ 
ёс, Syr (h) .. and. then again Eth aqxmos(om 97)о» he asked 
them] (4) &с 14, ABCLU XY 33 69 106 127 249 al5, OL (efq) 
Vgclem Во Syr(gjh) Arm Eth, Cyr..trs avrovs єт. N(D) &c, OL 
(abc) Am .. add and saith to them Eth... add Jesus Bo (Bx v) Syr (g) 
..add the second time Bo (DENPS).. saith to them Jesus Syr (s) 
єцх. saying] (g) ёс 14, D, Syr (j) NAB ёс пехау said 
they] g ёс 14..add тами D..add to him Во (p,Mrr) ..they say to 
him Syr (s) (Eth)..and they say Arm пса for] r4 &c.. pref 
rigime we seek (3) .. цу. we are seeking 95 тигт. | (51) ёс (14) .. 
nazarenum OL (ac, e) Vg 

з aeos. answ.] (14) &с.. saith Syr (gs) пат to them] 14 ёс, 
DX al, OL (fq) Bo (х) Syr (gs) Arm, Ог..оп 95 110, МАВС ёс, 
OL (abceg) Vg Bo Syr (Б) (Eth), Cyr .. pref nexay said he m! .. add 
and said to them Eth понос Jesus] 14 &c.. om Syr (s) eujxe 
if] 14 85, Буг (g9s) .. add anor 95 &c.. pref and Syr (g) Eth. 
бе therefore] 85 &c ‚. om ml, Syr (gs) Eth маг т. lit. these all] 
(14) &с.. om Syr (s) .. om all ЗАВ ёс 


?eeWac єЄцєхөк ehoA пепицахс тасос. же 
пєнтантаалт мат аялсгтано EhOA понтот. сажи 
Ge петрос epe ожснце їтосте. ас тонаасс ATW 
{рест позжогх aenapy seperc. acjceAm meepeea axe 
моумал. We прак ae язпояяо^А пе зал Хос. 
п пехе vc запстрос. хе novae itrencHeqe єпескоєхо. 
NSW [ATA плет тах mar аан їфиасоос ам. 
12 теспегра AE ATW пухмаруос ях похпиретне 
HitoTaalr Лопе ПІС. ATOPY. Зато зит wa 
anmac ишорп. ме пщояє ae пе їнэлфас пару тє- 
pevc птерояепе єтажава У. ""кнагфас пе пат ENTAS- 
хіщожиє Hitloraar хє сриоцре erpe ovpoase 

9 (g) (14) 85 95 97 110g! m! °° (3) (14) 85 $ 95 $97 $ 110 
ml сиче]-Ве 110 реет] роот 14.. роот дя 85 архч | аросєг. 
от ced] cAn m! п (8) (14 $) 85 $ at nsw 95$ 07 110 $ ml 
ikma] om я 97 — " (g) 14$ 85 $ (92) 95 Š 97 $ 110 $ m! $ 
cnespa] g 97.. спі. 14 & XIN] хех. 97 йо.) mne. 110 
отинрєтнс| 97 110, Do (р,е,т)..отпєретнс g 14 85 ml, Bo.. 
онпєр. 92, Во (5) .. отпєрнтнс 95 13 (g) (14) 85 92 Š at ме 95 
97 110 ml м (д) (14) 85$ 92 $ 95 $ 97 110$ ш! епт. | 95 .. RT. 
14 &с RR] зап пі. 95 cpnogpe| сєриоЁрє 92, сриой. m! 
ovpoase] ovoas ml sic 

9 тшщ. the word] 14 ёс .. add of Jesus Arm cd MENTAR. 
those &c] 14 &c.. all ёс Syr (є 9) За пе! (07 ml.. пі 85 &c)vano 
I lost not] (141), Syr (s) .. -rare 85 &c..add Naav any g ёс, Bo 
eh. ito. out of them] (0) &c 14, Bo Eth.. e£ avrov А... trs before ovó. 
ато. D ..trs before ovdeva NAB ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. nemine(m) per- 
didi ex illis OL (e), nem. ex Мз p. (a) 

19 ge therefore] 14 ёс, МАВ ёс, Буг (Б) Arm .. ae 110, OL (q) 
Syr(gj)..rore D..and Eth тєтрос|д &c.. Керра Syr (gs) epe- 
то(а тто)кязес having-it] (g) ёс (14) .. drew a sword Syr (8) гато 
and] 14 & 97, Bo (вт) по. the servant 1°] (0) & 14, ND 
242, OL (abcef) Bo Syr (gh) Eth .. trs after ару. AB &c, OL (gq) Vg 
Arm ste] 14 &с, Во(лсГенкі) праи the name] 14 ёс, 
DXal3..0mzoNAB &с ae] 14 &с.. and Syr(s) Arm Eth sang. 
of the s.] 14 ёс, OL (q).. 3ang. etaar of that servant щі, D al 2, 

JOHN ХУШ 9-14 281 

therefore ye seek for me, permit all these to go. ? That 
should be fulfilled the word which he said, Those whom 
thou gavest to ше--1 lost not (any) out of them. 1° Simón 
therefore Petros, having а sword, drew it and he smote the 
servant of the chiefpriest, he cut off his right ear: but the 
name of the servant was Malkhos. 1! Said Jesus to Petros, 
Cast thy sword into its sheath: the cup which my Father 
gave to me, shall I not drink it? !? But the band and the 
khiliarkhos and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus, they 
bound him, 13 and they brought him unto Annas first : but (he) 
was the father-in-law of Kaiphas the chiefpriest of that year. 
14 Kaiphas is this (one) who took counsel for the Jews, that it 

OL (ae) 8. ЗАВ & || зааМогос) 14 ёс, Bo Syr (h) Arm 
Eth .. хзоАМх ос Bo (Ps) .. molékh Syr (є).. malkū Syr (s) 

П nexe said] 14 ёс, Arm..add ве therefore 85, МАВ ёс, Syr (h) 
.. add жє ml ., pref and Syr (gs) Eth norae cast] 14 &c.. return 
Во (в) Syr (s) Eth їтєнсич(Ё тто)е thy sw.] 14 &c, 1 бо 569 
253*" al, OL (e) Vg clem Syr (s) Eth, Cyr со» МАВ ёс, 
OL (abcfffgq) Am Bo Syr (gjh) Arm, Nonn eneckoer(os ml)o 
into its sh.] 14 &e, X 13 69 124 247 evv al, OL (abcefffq) Syr (gjh) 
Bo Arm Eth .. om avrys NAB ёс, OL (к) Vg, Hil.. its place Syr (з) 
йта (є 85 97) &с which-me] (3) 95 110.. stre пає. from my Father 
m! naci шу F.] 85 ёс, 69, Bo Syr (gs) Eth, Dion #ех.. om pov 
МАВ ёс, Буг (Б) Arm coog drink it] ce drink g 

12 xe] 14 95 110..6€ therefore 9 97 ші, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm.. 
then Syr (g) .. and Syr (s) futuros. of the Jews] (0) &с.. аи fior, 
and the Jews 85 .. om m! ave. fuc they-Jesus] g &с.. om Syr (s) 
ava. they bound him] g ёс 92, Bo.. pref azw and 14 85, ЗАВ ёс, 
Во (A,E,J,0PST) .. having bound him Во (м, м) .. and. insulted him 

3 avit(em 92)т4 they-him] 14 ёс, А ёс, OL (bfgq) Vg Bo Syr 
(gsjh) .. om avrov N*¢BC* СО СХА 33 91 127 440 49*" 150*Y 18595, 
OL (acff), Chr Cyr пе-хє but he was] (14) ёс, С, OL (g) Syr 
(h), Chr .. who was Arm .. nv yap NAB &с.. because Syr (g) Eth .. but 
he was Syr (s) .. om пи-к. Syr (j) кафас] 14 ёс... кифа CD, OL 
(abcfffgq) Vg elem .. каафа NA В ёс, Am Bo Arm Eth 

М Буг (s) inserts here verse 24, continuing he who counselled 
ne] 14, Bo (ux) (Syr s) Arm... pref ae 85 ёс, Syr (g).. pref сар Bo 


отот 4109 ga WAaoc. АН. 15 мецотно ae fica r€ 
WHOTCYeRO)I петрос ££ ңез«дөнтис. паалөнтнс AE 
єтїз««#му пере п^рҳтереус соотн maoy. ати 
аціокн egovn eTATAH яжлархчєрєус зам С. 
16 петрос ae метлоєрљт пе ноХ ограє npo. aer 
хє ебоА ñsmeaenTHe єтєрє napxieperc соот 
11 тоаарАХА ae мазносте пехас запетрос. хє аан 
TOR оок ой нти Ovebo OW азаєхентно аяпет- 
poste. MESAJ ASMAL хє ажваасн. 18 METAQE AC 
Eparor Wontssoal лам моупнрєтно. єхэєхєрє 
. OTWag cvosso азаасол, хе пере Maa ИбоАХ. петрос 

15 (g) (14 $) (85 $) 92 $ and at тээлө. 95 Р 07 § тто 56!Рш!?Р 
AH 95 19 14 § 92 $ 95 $ 97$ 110$ g! $ ml $. me] om m! 
пар: |-Хє 97 ATA] res 92 95 97 1101 пєтрос 2°] pref 
ах 92 97 У 14 92 $ 95 97 $ 110$ g! ш1$ изхи.| exuit, 92 110 
RTR] eii 92 18 14 $ (21) 92 $ and at петр. 95 $ 97 $ 110 § g! $ 
ті) отпнрєтнс] он. 02..0є. ml .. -перитис 92 gl naag] 
-aĥ 92 | 

(9) .. and Eth эхо» die] g &c 14, 8 BC*DsLX al, OL Vg Bo Syr 
(gsjhms) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr Nonn .. атоАєобал A ёс, Syr (h) | Naoc] 
9 &c 14 .. add кал мл оХоу &c 22, OL (a) Во (т fr) 

15 печ but-Jesus] 14 &c 85..ош Syr (s) by error ac 19] 
14 ёс 85, Syr (g) .. om Bo (n)..¢e 92 .. and Arm 1€] 14 ёс 85 
.. autos C* петр. | 14 ёс 85 .. Kepha Syr (gs) xe another] 
14 &c, МА Вр» тоб 330 472 565, Во Arm edd, Nonn .. пкє the other 
85 92 ml, о addos №еЪС ёс, Chr Cyr .. one from the other disc. Syr 
(є) .. one from the disc. Syr (s) | me 29] 14 ёс 85, Syr (g) .. om Bo 
(5) .. оти Во (4,0) ..and Arm azw and] 14 &c 85 .. because of this 
Syr (s) (Arm) зхпар т. (єз. twice 97 ml) of the chiefp.] 14 &c, Syr (gs) зап ҮС with Jesus] 14 &c.. om gl .. trs before 
es NAB ёс, Во . 

1 trs verses 16 17 18 after 23 Syr (s) nep. | Shemun Syr (g) 
twice.. Sh. К. Syr (s) then Sh. ae 1°] om Bo (acr).. and Arm 
Eth — meqage. was standing] aq. stood m! || n&oMN &c without &c] 
№, OL (a) Во Syr (gs) Eth .. trs after бура АВ ёс, Буг (h) Arm .. om 

JOHN XVIII 15-18 283 

is expedient for one man to die for the people. 38.15 But was 
following Jesus Simon Petros and another disciple: but that 
disciple, the chiefpriest was being acquainted with him, and 
he went into the court of the chiefpriest with Jesus. 16 But 
Petros was standing without at the door; but came out the 
disciple, with whom the chiefpriest is aequainted, and he said 
to the porteress, he took Petros in. М But the porter-maid- 
servant, said she to Petros, Art thou, thou also out of the 
disciples of this man? Said he this (one), Nay. 2 But were 
standing (by) the servants and the officers, having lit a fire, 
warming themselves, because it was [the] cold without: but 

Bo (9).. 33 &oN ixnpo without the door та! me 29] 14 95 11001 Arm.. бе therefore 92 97 ml, NAB ёс, Syr (h).. and Syr (gs) 
тала. the disc.] Y 254, Bo.. add o оЛЛоз ёс ЗАВ ёс, Syr (В) Arm 
..add exewos 13 69 71 124 157 al, OL (q) Am, ¿lle alius (abcfff) 
Syr (g) Eth єтєрє-эхэхоч with-acqu. | Syr (є) .. os qv yv. то арх. 
МА ёс, OL Vg .. о yvocros rov арх. BC* L (X) azw and] Bo (pA, 
ENOPS fr) Bo agar he took] Bo (B4,0Qs fr) .. pref ках 
МАВ ёс, Bo.. add «e Во (s).. she brought in Syr (g 36) 

17 тоя (өєая 92)o.-nerp. but-Petros] Хєує ovv то П. у талд. 1 0. 
BC*LX 33, OL (bcfffg) Vg, Cyr .. А. о. 9 т. 0. то П. МА ёс, 
OL (a) Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth me] Syr (g) Bo Arm.. ge 
therefore 92, МАВ ёс, Syr (h).. and Eth петр.| Sh. Syr (g) 
.. when saw Sh. the maid of the porter she said to him Syr (s) ээн | 
om Во (в) — eocx also] om Во (ву) — ose. em lit. an out of] 
one from Syr g(2)s, єк МАВ ёс оп mao. of the disc.] оях 
палає. of the disciple ml sic nex. said he] Aeye МАВ &c.. pref 
and Syr (g9) — marthis] 14.. пн that 95 &c, ЗАВ &с.. пас to her 
92 “son nay] Во Syr (gs)... ovk єш МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) Arm 

18 xe] 14 &с.. om 92, L, OL (ff) Bo (c,*) Arm, Eus .. and-àe 
Syr (g 36, s add there) .. add kar №..егдо OL (q) пояхо. the serv.] 

14 &c..the s. also Bo (DA,EOPS) ears. having lit] 14 &e .. ava. 
they lit 92 .. pref and. Syr (gs) отщао а fire] r4 &c.. add în the 
court Syr (s) єтө(14 92 97 ml.. зө 95 &c)axo йдаходу warming 

themselves] Syr (Б) Arm Eth..trs ках (om Bo вт) «бери. after у. nv 
МАВ &c, 1 565, OL (abff) ззэхоот-єцө(14 21 92 97 
ші. то 95 &с) азо] om g1 homeotel петрос-пе but-standing | 


AE офф о метлоєрљт пе eoero asas org. 1° nap- 
XIEPETC ae acpxne IC erbe necjstaoHTHC ATW ethe 
Tee(cho. 20 ацоо 6 May nonc. хє AMOR итм- 
унаж, aitchw OW Исуиассосн ATW ояе перпе. enea 
єщарє iuovaar THPOT соото NOHTY. ATW запгхє 
Ахал нщажє ose пооп. ""аорок поз Teror. 
SLANE NENTATCWTAL. хє OT имєнтагхоо MAT. Was 
NETCOOTH йпентагхоот AMOR. mar ae итереч- 
SOOT. OTA ипотпиретие єцаоєрат | acqpegT sc 
Яотаас exw ажаасс, xe таз те ое Wovoujb anap- 
“х єрєтс, 2 пеха may Wonc. oe ESE KAROC 

1 14 § (21) 92 95 § 97 $ 110 § g1 $ 014 mapaes] -xer 97 also 
verse 22 -epesc] -epe 14 sic 2 14 92 95 97 110 $ g1 m! $ and 
аб паа пєрпє) 14 92 97 &c Anixe] 14 &c .. ames. 92 
9597 9xxmg.]e ото. 92 — " 14929597 110g! ий #14 
(92) 95 $ 97 $ 110$g! $ m! § evr.] енп. 92.. gen. т! -пнрє- 
т(> 97)Hc] -пєрнтис gl тє] ош 97 23 14 (20) 95 $ 97 $ 110 
gl m! 

14 (21) 92 (m!)..0m ae 95 & ош ml..add missam with 
them 97 me except 21 .. qv дє кал o п. per avrovs N BCLX т 33 
124 249 565, OL (a) Syr (g, j), Cyr .. nv бє per avr. т. А ёс, OL (fg) 
Bo (р,*) .. qv Se д. а. к. о т. 13 346, OL (beq) Vg (Bo) Syr (h) Arm 
(om 8e)..«v yap p. а. к. о т. 69..ош Syr (s) єцөлхо muog 
warming himself] 14 &c (21).. pref ku ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gh) Arm .. om 
Syr (s) .. add with them Eth 

19 ae] 14 ёс, Bo (ве) Syr (gs) .. ge therefore 92, SAB ёс, Bo Syr 
(h) Bo (B*)..and Arm Eth negara. his disc.] 14 4, 
Armcdd .. om his Arm .. add who they were Syr (s) ethe concern- 
ing 2°] 14 ёс 21..от 69 124, тєр т. бас. а. Bo (к,") 
Tes cho) his doctrine] 14 &c.. add what it was Syr (s) 

2 agor. answered] pref ка №“, Буг (g) Eth..add de rz .. saith 
Syr (в) ма to him] trs after is N*.. ош ml, C 73 44*v, OL (ab) 
Bo (K)QV .. et dixit ei Vg cd Eth же] pref saying Во .. add s. to him 
Bo (x) зай пк. lit. with the мг.) Arm e .. with the people Syr (g) 
.. in the world Arm Eth йсуп. the syn.] Bo.. cvvaywyy RABC 

JOHN XVIII 19-23 285 

Petros also was standing, warming himself. 19 But the chief- 
priest asked Jesus concerning his disciples and concerning his 
doctrine. 2° Answered to him Jesus, I, I spake to the world 
openly ; I always indeed taught in the synagogues and in the 
temple, the place in which all the Jews are wont to gather; 
and I said not any word in [the] secret. 2! Why askest thou 
me? Ask those who heard, what were the (things) which 
I said to them; these are they who know the (things) which 
І indeed said. 22 But these (things) when he had said, one of 
the officers standing (by) smote Jesus with a blow, saying, This 
is the manner of answering to the chiefpriest. * Said he to him 

&c..7 с. А т 698 al, Bo (TDF, M") Arm, Bas Cyr .. esc. their 
synagogues 92 enata lit. to the place] 14 gl.. om e 92 &c .. and 
where бут (s) ewape-cwore are-gather] evvepxovra. ЗАВ &с.. 
avvynpxovro М 33 al то (Arm) Ваз тироу all] МА BC*LXII al, 
OL Vg Во Syr (gsj) Arm Eth, Ваз Cyr.. om Bo (Ps) .. таутоте С° ёс, 
OL (q) Syr (В) .. ravro£cv al 

21 sopor (om 95)-3xaxo1(ex 95) why—me] om Bo (z,*) .. pref but now 
Syr (s) кхиот askest thou] 14 02 95 (-моту) 97 .. exx, art thou 
asking gl ml ,, anxn. askedst thou 110? от ment, what-said | те &c 
NAB &с.. ori &с A, quid 8 Arm «жоо» said 10 | Bo.. «алса NAB 
&c, Àrm Eth sar these] pref we NAB ёс, Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth 
иєнтаг-анок the (things)-indeed] пеитьэхоох mak the (things) 
which they said to thee 959 .. the (things) which I said to them Bo (х) 
хору said 2°] а erov ЗАВ ёс, Arm edd ,, т, «Хал. X, Arm Eth 

22 ne] 14 &c 92, NAB &c.. om 97, X 69 237 440 al, OL (а) Bo 
Буг g(6)s Arm .. and. Syr (gj) Eth ittepeqa. when-said] 14 ёс 
92 .. add Jesus Syr (g 14) ота-єратії one-by] 14 &c (92) ..0. 
Re. ney. one of the off. was standing by 97 .. eis rov vr. тарєстукоѕ 
А ёс, OL (а) (Bo к) Syr (gh) Arm.. es пар. rov vr. МВ, OL (affg) 
Vg буг (j), Cyr .. опе of those who stood, an officer Eth .. є т. тарєста- 
тоу vinperov BCC*LXY 33, OL (bef) (Bo) Syr (s) єх. saying | 
14 &с..єтоу МАВ ёс .. and said to him Syr (gs) Eth .. and saith 

° пеж.-їс said-Jesus] 14 ёс, Syr (s)..0 де ts (and Jesus Arm) 
erev avro N 13 69 124 (Агш)..атєкр. avro is AB ёс, Буг (h).. 
апз. to him Jesus, saying Во (Qv)..ans. Jesus, said he іо him Bo 
(Syr є Eth) .. ans. Jesus, saying to him Bo (L) se exe как. &c] 
well I spake. Why smitest thou те? Syr (з) 

286. IUI2AHHHC . 

AWALE. apiasiTpe са папееоот, eupxe наХос ae. 
морок когтє еро. бас хоох (| ae нбтаннас 
єүөнр ща нафас тпархїєрєтс. 2сїеон ae 
петрос ECTAQEPATY ECfoLeo MLALO. пеха хє пг. 
хе зан MTOR боон он ити oTEhOA ON иечаехонтис. 
a пн APNA ео seeeoc, we MAO * пехе ova 
choA niossoa ахпаухлєретус. єусуссеннс пе MTE 
NENTA петрос CEAN пеев хе. хе ANON AM MENT- 
anay єрон он тєшин маза. 7 памМи ом 
ачарна HoNrerpoc. ATW ATAAEKTWP MOTTE итеу- 
мот. З8азмиса им зэх: duc ehoA отти Warpac 
єооум єпєпрагтортон. ме OTOOTE AE пе. ATW itroov 
залоэбон єоозн азаа, спепрыториом -xenac 
пнеусооч, ALAA eveovoss ааппас Аа... 2° acer oe 

ко. | 14 ёс 20... erg. glm! м 145 20 95$ 97$ 110$ g! $ 
та! 5 25 14 205 95$ 97 $ 110 $ сі m! $ and at mex. and a 
6310] 14 97 .. 70310 20 бс ove&.] ovech, m! % 145205 95 $ 
(97 $) 110 $ g! $ m! ? 14 20 95 110 gl m! § or] ош Во (в) 
28 (k) (14) 20 P and Š at azw and аММа 95 $ 110 P g! m! TP 
йпєт] enner 95 2 (5) (14 $) го 95 (тот) 110 5 g1 $m! $ 

amgaxe І spake] 14 &c .. evrov N* папєе(то 95)oov my 
evil] тикак(ос, on) Bo.. kaxoc Bo (rv) єщхє-љє but if] and 
4/-6є Буг (о) epor(er 14) me] 20 ёс.. єроц him Во (к) 

^ trs after 13 Syr (s) aga. sent him] sent Jesus Eth xe] N 
13 69 124 247 330 482 al то, Syr (3) .. её OL (cg) Vg Syr (gj) Arm À ёс, OL (q) .. ovv BC*LXAII? т 33 565 al, OL (abfff) 
Syr (h), Cyr .. rore Во 

35 ставом | om X 471, Chr .. and Sh. К. Syr (g) ..also Sh. Syr (s) 
ae 1°] om Во (т)..в'є therefore m!..and Arm Eth єчаоє. is 
standing] печ. was st. 97 ml, qv-eoros NAB ёс nex. said they | 
146 &c .. nexe ae ova(ova left uncorrected) but said one 14* .. evrev 
ow A, OL (g) ae 2°] om Bo.. бе therefore 97 m!, МАВ &c .. and 
Syr (gs) .. add those men who were warming themselves Syr (s) ошок 
also] om Bo (1) megar. his disc.] раб. exewov С" а-арна that 
denied] NA BC* DsHLSU XII al, OL (beffgq) Vg Syr (є 36 Б) Arm 
add ow C? &c.. ille autem OL (a, f) Bo Syr (s) .. et ille OL (c) Syr 

JOHN XVIII 24-29 287 

Jesus, If evilly I spake, bear witness concerning my evil: but 
if well, why beatest thou me? * But sent him Annas, bound 
unto Kaiphas the chiefpriest. 25 But Simon Petros is standing, 
warming himself: said they to him, Art thou, thou also out 
of his disciples? That (one) denied, saying, Nay. 29 Said one 
out of the servants of the chiefpriest, being a kinsman of him 
whose ear Petros cut off, Is 16 not I who saw thee in the 
garden with him? 27 Again denied Petros, and а cock crew 
immediately. 28 After these (things) they took Jesus from 
Kaiphas into the praitorion: but it was (the) morning, and 
they, they went not in with him into the praitorion, that 
they should not be defiled, but (a) that they should eat the 
paskha. 2° Came out therefore unto them Pilatos, and said 

gj) Eth eyx. saying] ки erey NAB ёс, Syr (gsh) Arm Eth.. 
Леуе А 33 .. om Bo (ві) 

26 nexe said] add ovv I бо 74 89 330 483 565 -and saith Arm 
Eth .. and. answered. Syr (s) ота one] 20 ёс 97, NAB &c, Во 
(ACTA GHL)... add наа to him 14, Во буг (g) Eth ev7cse- 
«(хе ml). me being a kinsman] o ovyy. LX 33, Syr (gsh) Arm, OL 
(beffg e) Vg merp.] Arm.. Sh. Syr (g) .. Sh. К. Syr (s) e] 
14 &c..add зан ml, Bo, ок NAB &c.. pref he saith to Sh. Syr (s) 

7 пами | 14, Arm .. add ae 20 &c.. add ow ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) .: 
and, again Syr (gs) Eth ayap. denied | trs after тетр. 69, OL (c) 
петр. | om OL (аЪе).. Sh. Syr (gs) .. add I know him not Syr (s) 

28 жетүү, оу after-took] 14 ёс... ayovow ovv МАВ ёс, OL (асе) 
Vg Во Syr (h), Chr Cyr Chron .. ay. де OL (fg) Syr (gj) .. and &c Arm 
Eth .. от conj. LMU al, (b), Or.. pref and when it dawned Syr (s) 
евВоХ-праг. from-prait. 19] 14 &c.. ad C. in pret. OL (a,c, e, f, ff e) 
катфас | add principem зас. OL (а) Bo (q v).. add and led him Syr (s) 
ne it was] É ёс 14 .. pref that they might deliver him to the governor 
Syr (з) жє] &с, Syr (В)... om Bo (n) .. and Буг (g) Arm .. because 
it had dawned Eth avo and] 14 &c..8e Syr (s) naat 
with him] 14 &c..trs before єооти in (k) xekac-cwwy that— 
defiled] (К) &с (14)..от Во (р) adda eve. but that they] 
Ë ёс 14, Arm .. and that they Eth .. until they Bo Syr (g, s) eve- 
ozwaa should eat] (ЕЁ?) ёс 14 .. pref ша С? ёс, OL (aefffq) Vg clem 
Syr (h) 

? бе therefore] k m!, ЗАВ ёс, Bo.. ош Во (х) Arm .. e 14 ёс, 


eho шароот ибииАзтое ATW пехач xe OT 
WHATHUOpIA пететметие Mtaro доти єпегризаєє. 
30 ayowoujb evoo Maroc масі. хе єнєажлє nai p 
пееоох ам. MEMMATARY ETOOTH Alt пе. 3'пехасі 
ме мах HamrAatoc. хє SITY йтоти итетикриме 
Maco HATA петимоявос. пєхат их МОМПОУААТ. 
же OTK EFECTY MAM езет Ахаз. 3 BERAC єцєхон 
сої позищахе ємта 1С жоо. єцснааазиє хе QW 
AW EROT єсүүүйхаж от. 33 „бок AE ефоти єпєпраг- 
төрөн ибииАхтос. ATW эчазотте єї. пехач 
xaq. хє йтоң пе прро Wirosaar  аЧотощі 
VIGNE хе екхо MAI Олрон A£ATAAH. хе оснкооте 

-vopia] -к. 20 95 101.. -юрта тог 110, Bo (Av) пєтєти | neri 
ml maoy] Зхэхос m! перо.) тир. 14 101 зо (К) 14 20 95$ 
тот 110 $ gl ml$ -ошЁ| -ош ror єнєзхиє| 20 ror g! ml.. 
frere 14 95 .. єпєпє 110 an 10] om ml, Bo (r) werta] 
єпєппа т! (Во рез) me] & 14 ёс з (R) 14 20 (93) 95 $ 
тої $ 110 Š at mex. gl $ ml $ and ёс ezeeni] Ë &c .. -Ter gl ml 
32 r4 20 (21) 93 95 (101) 110 g! m! ege] eq 110 єцсн. | esca. 
ml.. стая. 93 110 ml.. ст(н)яхених Bo 38 14 5 20 (21) (85) 93 5 
95 $ (тот) 110$ g! $ m! $ st 14 (20) 85 $ аб же 20 93 $ 95 Š 
(101§) 110$g! $m! $ жє 29] xe ene 85 

Во (nA, ЕОРЗ) .. and Syr (s) Eth wap. unto them] (k) &с 14, A 
ёс, Syr (s).. pref «о NBOC*LXII r 27 33 249 565 al, буг (gh*) 
Eth, add 13 42 69 25397 al, OL (abcefffg) Vg Syr (j) Arm azw 
and] k &c 14 .. om ml, Bo (NEN) nex. said he] (k) &с 14 .. erev 
А &c.. фути NBC*LX т 33 565, Cyr .. add nav to them ml, Syr (s) 
Arm сій Eth со. e against] (k) ёс r4 ror, ката NaC ёс, OL 
(bfffg) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) (Arm Eth) .. om 34" B, OL (e, ас, q) 

30 eyx. saying] É &с.. ка. aro(a)y МАВ &c..and say бут (gs) 
Arm Eth nag to him] k &c.. om Syr (з) р nee. done evil | 
14 &c, kakov тошу Wc BL, OL (e), С" 33 63 97, OL (а) .. какопогоє A 
&c, OL (befffgq) Vg (Bo) Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Eus Chr Cyr 

1 Ae] 14 ёс, 145* 254, OL (abe) Bo Syr (gsj) Arm.. ge 
therefore ml, МАВ ёс, Syr (b) .. and Eth miM. | 14 &c, № ёс. 
пећ. 95, ABCD e 10] 14 &c..add why then Syr (є) | те- 

JOHN XVIII 30-34 289 

he, What accusation is it which ye bring against this man ? 
30 They answered, saying to him, If this (man) had not done 
evil, we should not have delivered him to thee. *! But said 
he to them Pilatos, Take him, уе, and judge him according 
to your daw. “Said they to him the Jews, It is not lawful 
for us to put any to death. 5° That should be fulfilled the 
word which Jesus said, signifying by what death he will be 
dying. 33 But went into the рган шоп Pilatos, and he called 
Jesus, said he to him, Thou art the king of the Jews. 
54 Answered Jesus, Thou art saying this of thyself, or others 

тикр. and judge] 14 & and Во (NABQTY) “aog him] 
14 ёс, RcAB ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Eth, &*@¢ r 477 
565 251°", OL (с) Arm nex, said they] (8) ёс 14, BC 225 250, 
OL (eq) Bo Syr (gs) Arm .. add хє 14, ADK U@cII 1 al 5, Syr (h) 
.. add ве therefore ml, М ёс, OL (abcfffq) Vg Syr (j), Chr Cyr.. pref 
and Eth пошиот, the Jews] К ёс (93) .. om 14 Naav any] 
14 ёс 93, ЗАВ &c.. trs before атокт. т 565 251 е, OL (ас) 

32 потпи. ооч the word-said] 14 &c (21), Syr (в) ..o Aoyos т. 
ш—оу erev Ne &c, Буг (Б) Arm Eth .. o A. доо ёс LA 59 259, т. kvptov. 
245 435, ov erev N* 254 equassos he will be dying] 
14 &c..trs before oit m! 

5 мє] 14 ёс, Syr (g).. ве therefore 20 93, МАВ ёс єпепраг. 
to the prai.] 14 &e, C? 33 259 44°Ү..айа тай ЗА ёс, Syr (h).. 
pref ом again 93, BC* DSL X Y A al то, OL Vg Syr (gj) Arm, Cyr.. 
naim om ачи &c again came ёс Bo. and went again Pilate Eth 
mN. | 14 бо 21..ne1X. 95, ABCDs azw and] 14 &c 85.. ош ml, 
Bo (NNT) Arm mes. said he] 14 ёс 85, Bo .. pref ка МАВ ёс, Во 
(DA ENOPS) Arm мач to Ыш] 14 ёс 85, Во (fr).. 

м ацото. answered] 14 ёс 20, ABC*(DS)LMUXYII al, OL 
Vg Во (4,0 fr) Syr (Б) Arm, Cyr... pref xa. Df, OL (асе) Am Fu 
(Eth)..add mag to him 93, N &c, OL (с) Во (х) Syr (gj) (Eth)., 
nexe said Bo (x) Буг (g) .. add and said he Bo, (Eth) ^ єкхо thou 
art saying] 14 ёс 20 (тог).. єнєкхєо thou wast saying 85 .. emas 
54" ama this] 14 бе 20, N*Ds до, OL Vg Syr (g) Arm Eth, Chr 
.. pref ev МАВ ёс, Syr (Б) 9apok aa, of thyself] 14 &c 20, ато 
сєалтоо NBC*L, Сһг., аф eavrov А ёс gem (оп 110 ml)koose 
others] 14 &c 20, МАВ &c., aÀAos MSII*? al 

H.S. G. III U 


ментатходс мак єтбинт, 25 хото MGITIAATOC« 
36 aepos«ujb Hane. хє тляямтеро amon oreo ан 
те сах пекосазос. exe oveboÀ QUE пеңоса ос те 
TAMNTEPO, иетиляяице пе нбїнао тпнретнс. хенас 
йиєттаат ETOOTOT MMIOTAAI. TEMOT ac TaseltTepo 
Wowebo am те ояе пеел. 7 пехе MWYAaTOC Maf. 
хе OTKOTH GE ити ovppo. aqovwwh iouc. хє иток 
ооб. avo Мтатеї €mnocesoc EMA. XERAC єхєрлємтрє 
їйтаас, отом пяе єтщооп COA ON таас ügac[co Tas 
eTAce*H. 38 MEXE NYAa TOC Hay. хе OT те таас. ATW 
мтерецхе mar agger он ehoA ща Nrovaar nexa 
MAT. хе anor нем Ахаз ам мага Qpar понт, 

иєнтат| ййтат m! 35 (14) го 85 93$ 95 тот 110 g! m! $ 
5 14 § 205 85 $ 93 $ and at тєн. 05 $ (тот) 110 § and &c g1 $ m! $ 
заптєро) -трро 20 85 (19,29) поз. r°] om й ї10,.Потє m! 
nek. |] тік. 14 20 110 ene ov] позе m! gyn.) -ере. 93 ml.. 
-єрн. g! firmer] etter 14 йоз, 20] neor. 93..ftove.m! || 37 14 
20$ 85 Š and at ачот 93 $ at agor and отон 95$ and at xe 20 
(пот) 110 Š and at отон 21$ m!$ отрро 10] ovepo 14 ant] 
ANT 95 отрро 2°] отерро 14 ner] ns ror esep] 20 85 93 95.. 
єтєр 101 IIo..eip g! m! язптрє] эх 95 sic 35 r4 20 Š and at 
avw 85 $ and & 93 95 Š ёс (тот) 110 $ &c g1 $ ёс m! $ and &с 
те] ne 85 aser] agerer 14 sic поз». | nerrosa. 14 sic 

чаи to thee] 14 ёс 20, BC* DsL, Vg clem Bo Syr (сі) Arm Eth, 
Cyr .. trs before єт. № &c 

9 agor. ans] r4 &c .. said Bo (N) .. saith to him Syr (g) .. pref 
and Eth тА. | 14 ёс, № &с.. пем. 95, АВ” Ds.. add and saith 
to him Eth — зантк(єг 20 85 gl m!)] 14 &е.. py N* т 565 253°, Во 
..add also Arm Eth nergee (g5 ш!) пос thy nation] 14 &с.. the 
sons of thy people Syr (g) .. thy people Syr (Б) Eth пар. the ch. ] 
20 ёс, Armedd., om of Arm..o арх. ЮМ", OL (be) пт. MENT: 
they—who] (14) &c .. єпєптат they are those whom! | єтоот to me] 
(14) & Bo.. миг to me Во (p,MrNT) Syr (gh) Arm Eth 

ТОНХ ХҮШ 33-38 291 

are those who said to thee concerning me. 35 Answered 
Pilatos, Am I indeed a Jew? Thy nation and the chief- 
priests, they are those who delivered thee to ше: what is that 
which thou didst? 36 Answered Jesus, My kingdom indeed 
is not out of this world: if out of this world had been my 
kingdom, (then) would have fought my officers, that I should 
not have been delivered to the Jews: but now my kingdom 
is not out of this place. ?'Said Pilatos to him, Art thou 
therefore а king? Answered Jesus, Thou art he who sayest 
that Iam а king. I, I was born (пот) for this thing, and 
I came into the world for this, that I should bear witness to 
the truth: every one who is being [out] of the truth is wont 
фо hear my voice. 38 Said Pilatos to him, What is the truth ? 
And when he had said this, he came again out unto the Jews, 

36 agor, ans.] 14 ёс ror .. saith to him Syr (g) anor lit. I] 
14 ёс, Bo (NBDA,ELNOPS), у Bac. y eun AB &e, Syr (gh) .. om 
Во (ACGHKQTV), у eun B. М me] 14 &c.. add exws for me ml, 
Eth me] 14 ёс, Syr (g) .. om ml, Bo (x) .. ве therefore 93 
am Te] 14 &c..trs after косахос щі merga this р | 14 &c., 
пєгкосазос this world 85 93 110, Во 

37 А. | NB ёс. пе. 14 05, AB*D® may to him] 85 110 ml, 
Syr(g) Arm .. om Bo (a*D,EPs).. pref ge therefore 14 &стот.. erev ovv 
avro о m. RAB ёс, Syr(h).. and saith to him P. Eth .. n. отп пех 
Во.. п. ae пех. Во (1) anos. ans.] 14 &c, Syr (В) .. pref ка U, 
(Eth)..add avro К..зайһ to him Syr (є) anor I] 14 ёс ror, 
NBDsLY г 13 33 69 124 235 249 2537 al, OL (ac), Chr Cyr Сур 
Amb.. ато and 85 .. om eyw OL (e) .. eyw eyo А &с, OL (bfffgq) Vg 
Syr (jh) .. but I Arm Eth (єм 14 95 g!)tavanos I was born] 
14 біс IOT .. усуєуупрал МАВ ёс... pref ка А ато and] 14 ёс ror Во (зт) їїтэхе to the truth] 14 &c тот.. тере тус ad. №, 
Syr (g) 

_ 38 тА. | 20 ёс (101) .. пе. 14 95, AB* Ds Tase the truth] 
14 &c, т al, Bo Arm cdd „om у NAB ёс, Arm azw and] 14 &c 
IOI ..0m Arm nex. said he] 14 &c, Syr (є 9).. pref к NAB ёс, 
Syr (g) anorg I] r4 &c.. om 85 йөз (®єп 110) I find not] 
14 &c.. I found not Во (р) Eth ї+.-онт I-him] 14 ёс... оуб, 
amay evp. ev а. ÑA ёс, OL (q) Syr (gjh) Arm, Chr .. ov. evp. ev a. au, 
BLX 249, OL (bceffg) Vg Eth, Cyr.. ovà. алт. ev а. evp. Ds, Const 
U 2 


ehoA Şa пасха. тетпотощ Ge таки» инти ehor 
запрро їїнотхэл, "Фатащкан ehoA тнрот erxw 
яяееос. хе запрка пат єЙоА. ААА ка hapahhac. 
hapahbac ae петсооне пе. 

XIX, We. тоте пуЛатос agar HI aqesacticoy 
muo. ATW аячехто: ATINT oTRACLe ebo ON 
HWONTE. ATHAAY €eopar exi Tegane. aT Окооч 
мотиутни їхнбє. 3 ATW петину шароч пе exo M- 
aoc. хе Sa ipe прро питома. атоо nerẹaac масі 
пе. “тїХатос ом ager eboÀ шароот, пехас мат, 

9 та 20 $ 85 93 $ 95 $ 110$ g! m! $ and at тети muar] Mara 
IIO sic eeka] єтака 14 .. ereke m! sic * 14 20$ 85 (92) 93 Š 
(95) (тот) зто $ аё Ё. 29 gl m1 nes] 14 .. пєот 20 ёс 

14 20$ 85 $ 92 93 IP (95 $) тог $ 110 $ 26! IP g! IP ті! 
AS 85 95 ror g! 2 14 20 85 (92) 93 $ at arẹ (95) ror 110 26! 
gl ml § щит| cent 93.. wont п 85 92 grwwy] ото 93 3704 
го 85 (92)-93 (95) (тот) 110 26! g1 m! § їїйїозъ.] itmeYora. m! 
хас] ас 93 me 29] om m! ^ 14 20 Š 85 $ 92 (93) (95) 110 $ 
2618 g1 $m! $ 

(ката) (є m!) ры ñg. in him] iż this man Bo .. against this man 
Во (p,uT fr) Eth 

39 озїтн(є ш!)тйй ye have] 85 93 ml, (Во квм)..ош ушу OL 
(eg) Eth .. add ae 14 ёс, МАВ &c.. but your custom is Во ove. 
a custom] ormossoc а law 85 инти to you 1°] RBDsKLUX 
ATI, т 33 al, OL Vg Во Syr (gjh) Arm, Суг.. trs before aro\. A ёс, al eax in] om B бе therefore] om Bo (М) Ta- 
(єтра for me to 85)x« that-release] AB &c, Bo, Chr Cyr... pref wa 
NKUYT al, Bo (хв) инти to you 2°] NABDSKLUXYII т 
33 69 al, OL Vg Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, Cyr..trs before атол. 
Е &c .. om al, Syr (g 7) зхпрро the king] Syr (є 41) .. this king 
Syr (g) | 

40 avauy. they cried] 14 ёс 95 (тот), S al 15, OL (efg) Am Во 
(XDA ENOPS) Arm, Aug..add ovv МАВ &c, Bo (в) Syr (В) .. add 
autem OL (а) Ус Syr (gj) Eth THpos all] 14 ёс 95 
тот, AEGHKSUYTAATI al, OL (abcefffgq) Vg Во Syr (gh) Arm 

JOHN ХУШ 39—XIX 4 298 

said he to them, I, I find not any cause in him. 9) Ye have 
a custom, that I should release one to you in the paskha : ye 
wish therefore that I release to you the king of the Jews. 
40 They cried out all, saying, Release not this (man), but (a) 
release Barabbas. But Barabbas was a robber. 

XIX. 39. Then Pilatos took Jesus, he scourged him. 2 And 
the soldiers plaited a crown out of the thorns, they put it 
upon his head, they clothed him with а purple garment. 
? And they were coming unto him, saying, Най, the king 
of Ње Jews! and they were giving blows to him. * Pilatos 
again came out unto them, said he to them, Behold, I brought 

Eth .. om NBLX 28 71 249 435 477 al 10.. pref паМи МВ ёс, Syr 
(h) Eth (om тами G K UII r 13 33 42 69 124 127 299 346 565 575 
253 9У al 4o, OL abceffq Bo Syr gj Arm, Chr) erx. saying] 14 
ёс 95 тог..ош 93, OL (bce), Chr хе] 14 ёс 95 IOI.. add 
maon nay 93 | 3хир(єр 20 1 10)&a release not] 14 &c (95) тот, Bo 
„от МАВ ёс 8. 10114 &c 92 (95) 101 .. add nan єЁоХ to us m! 
&. 2°] 14 ёс 92 95 101 .. add ovros 1, Во Arm мє] 14 ёс 92 95 
тот, Eth .. and Arm coone robber] 14 ёс 92 95 ТОГ... insignis 
latro OL (e), Promiss, chief robber Syr (hed) Eth 

1 тотє | 14 ёс 95, Bo Syr (g) Arm (Eth) .. add ве therefore 85 92, 
МАВ ёс miM.] NB? ёс. пе. 95, AB*Ds афхг-ацаас- 
т: (с\ 261)с(к 95 1то)оз he took-he scourged] 14 &c (95), Bo.. 
edaBev—xar єраст. АВ ёс, (Syr Б) Arm .. Aaffov-euaor. NLX 33, 
OL (a) .. scourged Jesus Syr (g) 530 him] 14 ёс 95, 235 al, 
OL (ce) Bo Syr (jh) Eth 

? avo and] 14 & 92 95.. дє Syr (є 97) п (ме 95)щ. the 
thorns] 14 &c 92 (95) .. genu. thorns 261 m! атк. they put it] 
14 ёо 92 95.. pref ато and 85, Во (DA r,roPs) eo. ехи тє. 
upon his head] 14 ёс (92) (95), G 250 48 ev al, OL (e, q) .. avrov ert 
т. kep. A UII 489 .. avr. туу к. NB ёс, OL (abfffg, e) Vg 

3 avo and] 14 ёс 92 95 101 .. add om again 85 &vo-ne and— 
him 19] 14 &c 101 me 92 26! ml; NBLUXAII 13 33 69 106 
124 565 al, OL Vg Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Cyr .. om А ёс, OL (fq) 
Syr (g) xaspe] 14 &с 92 95 .. peace Буг g (2) .. peace to thee Syr (g) 
nppo the king] Вас:Аєо М wes they were giving] 14 ёс 92 95, 
єбібому А &c, Arm (Eth), eosar 33 BLX 1 22,Cyr.. they gave Avm edd 

* quN.] МВ? ёс. пе. 95 ml, AB*Ds or again] 20 ёс 95 .- 


ee EIC оннте мита инти eho. XERAC eremita erase, 
хе Эн Азат an iama Ора понт. afer ae 
eboÀN сте. epe MenAose їшонтє огхм тецапе. 
ATW ере тештни їхнє 9100. ATW HESA nav. 
хе exc прочее. с птеротунау ac epeq петнаруле- 
PETC avo потпнретнсе ATAWRAR CBON evoso) яе «вос. 
же с Ро Maroy с фот Baso. nexe пуЛатос мау. хе 
SITY Tori йтетис от Gato. anor Сар ифонх 
хи «Малу HAoiwe єдотм epos. Татотиції масі 
RATA Ilewioseoc шще єрос EMOT. хє ахаас ищире 

хєнас|хєш!  єтєтна,| eteri 95 .. ететие 261 arts(er ml)a] 
arka 92 261 орах] eo. ml 5 14 Š 20 Š at ато 2° 85 Š 92 (95) 
110$26l$gl$m!$ өмөө | pref то given Iro ° 142085 § andat 
nexe 92 (95 Š &c) 110 Š and & 26! $ and &c g! m! $ and &с ато] 
эзїї 85  ащка(аа 85)к| хицк. 92 хє 10] om 110 Rreth] итек 
20 ап] trs after Naay ш! eNaas] ПАМ. 92.. Мау ml Noise] 
14 & 95.. Моє є 92 7 14 Š 20 $ and at ати» 85 $ (92 $) (95) 
110 $ 261$ 21$ ш!$ osnossoc] osaxoc 95 віс..Йотпоялос ml 

єї. таму о т. NDST т тоб 157 565 184 *Y al 3, OL (acefgq) Am Bo 
Syr (h) Arm .. pref сє therefore 93, Е ёс, OL (bff) Vg clem ,, pref ae 
14 85 ml..xai-raw ABKLXII al 9, Syr (g,j) (Eth), Cyr.. om 
па 258" 346 477 479", OL (bff) .. trs e£. o П. тал 440 484, 
Syr (є) Arm edd єЁоХ out 1°] 14 ёс 93 95 .. om тто Bo (A*) 
wapoor unto them] 14 ёс 93 95 .. om Во.. её» МІХ бо 124 237 
252 346, OL (abcfffgq) Vg Syr (gj) Arm Eth.. trs e£o before тал» 
Y ..trs before o П. AB &c, Syr (h), ew 106 131 249 477 
al 6, OL (e) Bo пех. said he] 14 &e 93 95, Во (BN)... pref kar 
МАВ &c, Bo ећоћ 29] trs eh. ин. ml, Arm it(om 110) {6и(еи 
02)-өнт Ч I-him] 14 &c (95), (Bo) .. ovà. шт. evp. ev a. NB 1I 33, 
Eth, Cyr .. our. ev a. оуд. єр. LX Y 157 250 299, (Arm), A al, Vg clem 
Syr (є, h) .. от. ovk evpioxw №“, oud. avr. evp. 131*, 78 127 2537, 13 
69 124, OL (сей, a, bf) Syr ()).. ev a. о. au. ev. Ds ёс 

5 Ac] 14 &c 95.. 0m Arm... Ge therefcre 85 92, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) 
..and Syr (g) Eth псе Jesus] 14 ё0 95, 235, OL (ffe) Vg Bo.. 

JOHN XIX 5-7 295 

him out to you, that ye should know that I find not any 
cause in him. 5 But came out Jesus, the crown of thorn 
being upon his head, and the purple garment on him: and 
said he to them, Behold, the man! 6 But when had seen him 
the chiefpriests and the officers, they cried out, saying, Crucify 
him, crucify him. Said Pilatos to them, Take him, ye, and 
crucify him; for I,I am finding not any pretext against him. 
7 Answered to him the Jews, We, we have a law, and accord- 
ing to our law it is right for him to die, because he made 

pref «о КОЛП т 106 131 157 262 565 al 15, OL (q)..add e£o 
МАВ ёс, Syr (g) Arm Eth epe-çıww the crown-on him] 14 біс 
(95) .. $opov-exov т 330 565 251% al, OL (abcefffq) (Arm), Chr.. 
om exo МАВ ёс. шєкХ, the сг, | o|s]k&N. a crown 95 ато 20- 
прояяє and-the man] 14 ёс (95) .. om OL (aeff*) nav to them | 
14 ёс 95.. add o mA. 64, Bo Syr (с) Eth erc behold] 14 &e, (боо 
МВІХУП? т 33, Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Cyr Hesych.. дє A ёс 
проялє the man] 14 &c 95..0m ó B. your king Bo (v) 

° жє] 14 &с 95, буг (g) Агт..в'є therefore ml, МАВ ёс, 
Syr (В) .. and Eth пар%. the ch.] 14 &c (95) .. pref o oxAos xac 
Y от 225 299 81 3 йоупнрє (ере 92 ..єрн сЇ)тне the officers] 
I4 &c .. their off. Eth .. add т. vovóawv 13 69 124 346 .. pea B. Y al 2 (951), 71, Arm edd eva. saying] 14 ёс (95), AB &e, OL 
(cfgq), rro, М"СҮ gr, OL (abeff) Во(воу) | сфо»- 
эхэхоср crucify-him] 14 &c (95), Bo Syr (gj) Eth .. от. от. avrov МА 
ёсс, OL (abe, fffgq) Vg elem Syr (Б) Arm .. om avr. BL... cfos muog 
crucify him m! miN. ] пе. 95 261 ml, AB*Ds іт take him] 
14 &c.. итд take him away 92 gl ml.. om avrov Syr (g) fO T 
ye] 14 ёс 95, ЗАВ ёс, Во (Arm) Eth ..trs before avr. DsLY, OL 
(eq) сар] ae ш!.. om Eth Хонт I am finding] 14 &e 95 .. 
xe I find m! 

7 пач to him] 14 &е 95, AB ёс, OL (gq) Vg Bo Syr (g), Cyr .. om 
N г, OL (abcefff) Bo (x) (Eth), Or пг (ие! ml)osaa: the Jews] 
14 &c 92 (95) .. add ка arov 69 124 346 .. add and said to him Eth 
Rata according to] 14 ёс 92 95 .. add zm Syr (g) nenn. our law] 
14 «ёс (92) 95, А &с, OL (q) Bo Syr (gjh), Chr Cyr .. ош пишу ВЛ 
LA, Ob Vg, Or НЫ aqaa lit. he made him] 14 ёс (92) 95; 
(Eth) .. cavrov етотоки NBLMXY 1 зз 69 249 346 48*" al, e 
Or Oyr .. eavr. v. 0. er. А ёс, Arm 


яте пиоутє. ?mYAaTOc Ge итерецеютая епенцахе 
ачцростє поого. "ати хабов ом есоти єпепрат- 
тором. mexaep ие. хє итк owebo том ток. IC 
ae жапотошв may. "mexe тиХатос May. хе 
WUHaljaoe Wakatay ам. МОСООУМ хи хе оз 
TEZOVCIA пс Toy meor. ATW OTH} TeZoT cia HEAAK 
сол. Пачотоуці масі Hose. хє меаамтк Агат 
FleGOTCIA єроти EPON схаант: хе aTTAaC мак EBON 
ом тпе. erbe Mal пемтастаат ETOOTR отита отиоб 
Wutobe ear. 12 єтбе nar пере mAaToc wine Nea 
ках ehoA. itiovaar ae METAWKAR CHON єухө 

fire] эх 85, Во (Р) ° 14 20 $ 85 $ (92 $) 95 $ 110 261$ 21 $ 
ml$ irepeq] -р 141851 ро.) eps. 92 ° 14 20 85 (92) 95 
110 26! (61) т! трагн,| npara. 92 261 10 14 20 $ 85 (92) 95 $ 
110 $ 261$ (515) т! пс.) 14 &c.. pref аан (021) ovn] twice.. 
-тєї 92..-тәх 14 леї єс. 85 92 110 26! тез. 20) 5. 85 sic 
fikaak] exaak 85 92 110 п 14 20$ 85 $ (92 $) 95 $ 110 Š 261 $ 
gl$m!$ egovit] pref nuar 85 erui ]-7e185 26! g1 ml xe 29] 
om 85 osi] -tay 85 12 14 20$ аб fiov and озон 85 95 $ ёс 
110 261 $ &c g! $ m! $ &c and отоп e&oN 1°] add пе 26! 

8 yuN.] пез. 14 95 261 ші, AB*Ds.. trs after Aoyov 69 124 
253 97, Во Arm Ge therefore] 85 92 m1, МАВ &c.. om Arm.. ae 
14 &с, Syr (g) .. and Eth eneiuj. this word] 14 &c.. rovrov т. А. 
H, Во (сА,*скхоту).. ачрщпнрє ато Ле wondered and 85 
Яоото more] 14 ёс у2..ош Во (Р) 

° aso and] 14 &c о2..ош Во (N) — он again] 14 20 95 110 51, 
Во (ва, E,NOPS).. om 85 &c 92, М" 235 4997, Eth .. trs after mpar. 
МАВ ёс, Syr (h) nex. said he] 14 80 92 gl.. ки Meyer МА B ёс, 
Bo (х)..ргеї ñxentNatoc Во (N, мю?) st Jesus] 14 ёс 92 gl.. 
he Syr(g40) є] 14 &c 92.. om OL (e).. ве therefore 85 .. ка M, 
(f) захи (14 85 95.. mney 20 &c)ow. ans. not] add any word 
Bo (q v) (Eth) .. word gave not Syr (g) .. атокриочи ovk eò. RAB &c 

10 тз (еу 95 261 ш1)\.] 85 92 ml, N*A 28 69 124 346 435 184 97 
al 25, OL (4) Bo Syr (є) Arm, Cyr .. add ве therefore 14 &с, МеВ &c, 
OL Vg Syr (h).. and Eth nag to him] 14 ёс 92 gl.. om Во (N) 
сТот-каак crucify-release thee] Ds ёс, Буг (Б) Arm Eth .. trs 

JOHN XIX 8-12 297 

himself Son of God. $ Pilatos therefore, when he had heard 
this word, feared more. ? And he went again into the 
praitorion, said he to Jesus, Whence art thou indeed? But 
Jesus answered not to him.  !?Said Pilatos to him, Thou 
wilt not speak to me: thou knowest not that I have the 
authority to erucify thee, and I have the authorit; to release 
thee. 1 Answered to him Jesus, Thou hadst not any authority 
against me, except it was given to thee out of the heaven: 
because of this he who delivered me to thee hath a great sin. 
12 Because of this Pilatos was seeking to release him; but the 
Jews were crying out, saying, If thou shouldst release this 

NABE*, OL (е) Syr (g) ато and] 14 &c 92, Во (pv) Bo.. 
add он again g1 (Bo) 

З aeos. ans.) 14 ёс 92, Syr (h) Arm.. said Syr (g) mag to 
him] 14 ёс 92, NBDsL т 33 249, OL (ас) Syr (g), 85, 
A &c, OL (befffq) Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm йс Jesus] 14 ёс 92 .. 
add пєхә mag said he to him 85, add ка єйтєу avro 13 69 346, 
Syr (j) Eth, et dicit OL (acff), saying Bo (pENPs) nenn (est 
д2)тк thou-not] 14 ёс 92, B ёс, Arm, Chr Thdrt Cyr Latt.. 
езаи (ап ml.. хамт 261)тк thou hast not 95 261 ml, NADsLXY 
АП al 12, Во Халт-єрох any—me] 14 ёс 92, Bo.. e£. ovà. кат ep. 
А &c, Syr (Б), Cyr.. є. к. є. ov. NBDsKLX т 33 124 157 565, 
OL (abcffg) Vg Syr (j) Arm Eth .. к. e. e£. ovd. ҮП al, OL (54) Syr 
(g), Сур... є. к. e. A* 28 80 235 254 482, Маат it any 85 
.. OM о. к. є. Chr Thdrt ^ a(ea85)wTaac пак it-thee] 14 ёс, (Bo), 
дед. co. RN BD5L Y, Syr (gjh) Arm Eth, OL (aceffq), Сур.. то: 8e8. A 
&e, Chr Cyr Thdrt, OL (bfg) Vg пептачт. he-me] 14 ёс, тараг 
Sous NBEAA 330 565 47 У 251 97, Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. o тарад: бос 
A ёс, Chr Cyr .. gave it Bo (c,*) .. gave him Во (с,ср,) 

12 ет. m. because of this] ex rovrov NAB ёс .. add ovv І 13 19 69 
124 346 565 al 5, Bo .. pref et OL (acfffg) Vg clem Syr (gj) Arm Eth 
тА. | пєїМ. 95 26! ml, ABDs.. trs after ато. avr. КП 27 254 482 
489 OL (b) wme seeking] NBLMX 13 33 124 346, OL 
(aceffg) Bo Syr (j) Arm, Cyr... trs before mA. A ёс, (fq) Vg Syr (gh) 
fica к. to release him] ат. т. iv 13 69 71 124 569 al 5 ae] Во 
(4,0) Syr (g) .. сє therefore т], Bo .. and Arm Eth nesvaujg were 
crying] Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. expavyacav BD: 33 157 249 489 al то, OL 
(а) Bo (N) Syr (j) .. eAeyov N* | evs. saying] Syr (h) (Arm) Eth .. om 


ї%азос. хе єнщанна паз eo. ATR пешфир ан 
запрро. ovom mee стегре aso Hippo eqtorhe 
прро. “тидатос ae їИтєрєцсотаж — єнетуахе. 
acjemte ебоА Ніс. acoseooc єпёнэєэл. оуааа ET- 
язоуте epog хє Меосстритом. аяаамтоевразос ae 
хе өл хөл. ne nnar ae їїхпсо me итпара- 
скєун ажшас)Ха. ATW пех Hitroraar хє ас 
петирро. 15итоох ae нєтацукак ehorA. хе сита 
err сої Haso. nexe maroc мат. хє тас фот 
запетітрро. avovoujb nontapocrepesc. хе UNTAN 
рро Mear єгөнт: прро кмсар. 1 тоте G€ ag- 
таас єтоотот єтрєус(о9У meog. йтооу ae їїтє- 

14 20$ 85 $ (91) 95 110$ 2615 m! IP. оєвр.) ойр. дт “14 
20 85 91 $ аб azw 95 110 $ 26! ml $ me] trs before fix. 85 
15 14 20 Š and at nexe 85 $ and ёс and at азот 91 95 $ and ёс 
(110 $) 26! m! $ and &с apocs] -Xer ml mun] зай 85 91 95 
етазит! | 14 I10..-Ter 20 &с nppo] pref є 85 !5 r4 20$ and [Р 
у птоож 85 $ and at йтоо» (01) (95 $ and &c) (110 $ at йт.) В! $ 

ёс (261) m! and &с erpes] єтрож 91 

М" 71 248, Syr (g) отоп и. every one] Во (fr)..add сар 85 
261, Dš тоб 3247, OL (afq) Vg clem Bo Syr (gj) Eth ever(X 110 
m!)pe who maketh]. who calleth Arm — эхэхоц lit. him] MY 26 ev 
Arm... trs before пошу NAB &c n(en m!)ppo the king] om vo І 

3 п. | 20 85 110, М &c.. тей. 14 95 261 ml, ABDsI ae Io] 
14 ёс, Bo Syr (g) ..&e therefore 85 261, SAB ёс, Во (fr) (Arm)... 
and Eth — wer(ms 261) цу, these w.] 14 &c .. rovrov т. À., rov А.т. KU, 
АП al, Bo (во) Буг (g) Eth, Chron aygas. he sat] 20 & or, 
Bo (N) .. pref awo and 14, МАВ ёс, Bo erê. on the béma] 14 &c 
от, E ёс, Arm, Resporth .. om rov NABDSILUXII al 15, Cyr Chron 
ovara a place] 14 95 110 ml.. evara at а place 20 85 91 261 
evar, being called] nugavaxosre 91 .. єщатза. 85 261; being wont to 
бе called №! (ет 95)eo(o 85 91)erporo(14 85 9r.. ao gr)n] 
litostratus OL (с), lithostratus (fg) .. lapidestratus (q) мє 29] 14 
85 91 95 110 .. от 20 261 ml, МП, Bo (вге,кмрет).. and Arm Eth 
©аййлөг] Arm..nahaea IIO.. уаВаба HT II* al бо, Vgedd Syr 
(h™ser), gabbata (q), gabtha (c), gennetha (b), gennatha (e), genncsa (a), 

JOHN XIX 13-16 299 

(man), thou art not the friend of the king: every one who 
maketh himself king is opposing the king.  !? But Pilatos, 
when he had heard these words, brought out Jesus, he sat 
on (€) the béma, а place being called Lithostroton, but in 
Hebrew, Gabbatha. 1* But it was the sixth hour of the 
рагазкеуб of the paskha. Апа said he to the Jews, Behold, 
your king! !5But they were crying out, Take him away, 
take him away, crucify him. Said Pilatos to them, (Is it) 
that I crucify your king? Answered the chiefpriests, We 
have not king except the king Kaisar. 19 Them therefore he 
delivered him to them for to be crucified. But they, when 

gennesar (f) .. катфаба 1 198 22 138 .. уоХуоба. №, Bo (Ac) .. golbatha 
Bo (A*) .. gaphiphta Syr (g) 

М пе-пасха but-paskha] ти дє тараск. rov masya wpa ти ws 
(wre DSHMUA al) єкту МА В &c (ора дє ws EHISYT A al.. ора ws 
157 258ФУ 17, befq Vg) | є) om 95 110 ml, Y, Во(ксткоту fr) 
Arm .. and Syr (g) twice for де, 20 Arm, 10 Eth.. om 20 Eth їйхїсо 
sixth] -coo 20 9r, єкт) \*АВ ёс, OL Vg Во Syr (jh) Arm Eth, 
Resperth Cyr Valent Hipp Hesych .. трту Мерв. ХД 72 88 123* mg 
151, Chron wpa єкт) Bo (F;*) azw апі] om Во (fr) 
mexae said he] he was saying Bo .. Хєує МАВ &c 
. P йт,-ңаң but-crying] 14 ёс, DsKYII 489 al, OL (g) Vg Syr 
(gjh) Arm (and)... йт. хе атащкак but-cried or, A ёс, OL (acfff) 
Bo Arm 44 (and) (Eth and) .. ekpavyacav ovv exewo. $c BL X, OL 
(b, e, а), Cyr .. add Aeyovres U 13 69 124 299 al, (Eth) .. ос de eXeyov 
W* йтоот-рро 26! homeotel 4179. take-away 29] 14 ёс... 
ош Ха, OL (с) Во (N) Eth cfos ах. crucify him] 14 &c.. om Bo 
(6,*)..=щ4 awg Во (acute) Syr (g)..and crucify him Arm Eth 
TUN. | 14 &c (110).. nesN. ml, АВ" DsI азот. they ans.] 14 біс 
.. add нач to him 85, Syr (g 7) .. add ovv 13 69 124 346.. they say 
Syr (g) .. eried out the chiefpriests Bo (N) 

16 бе] 14 & от 95 110, Syr(h).. om m1 7, Bo (в) Syr (g) Arm .. and 
Eth .. add miNa [voc] өт evoovos to them] 14 &с (91) 95 110, AB 
ёс, OL (ae) Syr (gjh) Arm, Chr .. trs before avrov №, OL (befffgq) Vg, 
Cyr... to them Jesus Во | тост ae but they] 20 85 91 ml .. йт. бе 
they therefore 14 95 110 В! ivroos-ic but-Jesus] 14 &e 95 (110), 
(47) М і 13 61m8 69 124 346 565, Arm (отт. їм) .. тара. де т. w U II? 
QI 127 131 239 274 299 260*Y al 15 (Syr j) .. тараЛаВоуте$ ovv т. iw 
We, (Or) .. or de rape\aBov т. iv Y, OL (f) .. пареХаВоу бє т. iv A 


porar ME хэт ehod. Тата» мечей аєпецебог. 
aces хє eho erara evasovTe ероЧ хє пенргапон. 
ээлэлгто ЄВрахос ae же Totoo. 13 паях enTarcyor 
ATW OTA Иса TAL 1С ae WrevseeHTe, Pa пГЛатос 
сно хе epog пе. хе пм пе IC пизхормос прро 
moraa 20 пегитАос Ge A оло Wiuowaat ОЦ. 
хє мещони есоти єтпоЛіс ñsmea єнтатс от 
MAC понт. ати» мєцсно пе азаагтосЁрагос азаант- 

т (14) го $ аб ager 85 $ & (от) (93) (95 $ ёс) 110 B! m! $ ёс 
neg] ng 95 qr] gef gt стос) add me gr m! erar.) єщатяя. 85 
оєйр.] оёр. m! xe 29] 14 85 95 В! 20 93 по ? 14 
20 Š at ота 10 (75) 85 (91) 93 95 (96) 110 81 m! $ at ати» 19 
eras] 20.. ñT. 14 біс ner] 20 85 91 93 fl..m: 14 ёс 96 
" r4 20$ 75 85$ 91 $93 аб neq 95 $ 110 $ 81$ щ1$ me 1°] 75. 
om 14 ёс * (13) 14 20 (y) 75 85 Š 91 93 $ (95) (96) 110 $ at 
avo (81) ш1$ яшота.| 20 85 ml.. fuos. 14 93 95 В!..өп iu, 
13 91110 entar) I4 y 95.. ИТ. 20 &с яйзайтор.] эхэхпор. m! 

&c, OL (g) Vg Syr (Б) Eth, Сугеї Chr .. and they took Jesus Syr (g) 
Eth .. rape\aBov ovv т. w BL X 33 249, OL (abceff) Во, Cyr, Ds 142 
470, OL (q) 42 61* | ажит єв. they brought him out] 14 ёс 
(011) 95 110, №, Vg Bo (р, кг) Arm .. аттуауоу (yayov) es то тракт. 
МОГ 127 262 299 al.. ат. es то ctavpwoa 28 al .. ат. erifevres avro 
т. тталроу tisch* .. ко, ат. A al, OL (є q) Vg clem Syr (h), kat пу. DS 
ёс, OL (f) Arm, Chr .. and they brought him out Bo(r) Syr (g) Eth.. 
етебукау avro т. ст. 13 69 124 346, Syr (j), Or.. om ВЫХ al as above 

" a<w-eho\ and-out] 14 &с (011) (037) 95 .. and (om Bo fr) he 
(om Вор) bearing his cross, he came Bo (was bearing NKTT, the cross T, 
add out ND A, EF "OPS fr) .. et bajulans (gestans а) sibi crucem pervenit 
OL (ас) .. et b. sibi cr. et venit (ff) (Arm).. ка [Jacrofov eavro т. от. 
e£gA0ev. NAB &c, Буг (h his cross) .. кал В. avrov e£. 13 69 124 346, 
Syr ()) .. bearing his cross Syr (g) ачет he came] 14 &c 93 95.. 
aves they c. 110..0m Буг (©) 2e 1°] ош ml єтэхл бо а place] 
(141) ёс (91?) 03 95, EHST A al, OL (abcefffq) Syr (jh*) Eth.. 
«s Tov тот. 346 435 al, Bo.. om ml.. «s rov (ro У) МАВ &c тєкр. 
the skull] 14 &c (91?) 93 95, Syr (g) Arm Eth .. паза Ахпєкрапхой 

JOHN XIX 17-20 301 

they had taken Jesus, they brought him out. И And he was 
bearing his cross. But he came out to a place being called, 
The skull, but in Hebrew, Golgoth: 18 the place in which 
they crucified him, and two others with him, one on this side 
and one оп this, but Jesus in their midst. 1° But Pilatos 
wrote a title, and fastened 16 to the cross: but it was written 
for him, This is Jesus the Nazoraios, the king of the Jews. 
20 This title therefore many of the Jews read, because was 
near to the city the place in which Jesus was crucified ; and 

the place of the sk. m1.. кр. тотоу МАВ &c..add o Хута NA BK 
157 440 184 9У al 20, OL (acfq) Буг (gjh), Cyr..add os А. Ds ёс, 
OL (e) .. om о Aey. LX 33 249 3597, OL(bffg) Vg Bo, Chr ae 2°] 
I4 &с 91 93 95, LX &c.. om ml, OL (b) Am Bo (врзт fr) ro- 
voe] 14 20 85 81, B.. -oa 93 95 110 ml, RA B ёс, Bo.. gogulta Syr 
(gh).. gulgutha Eth .. yaBBaba X 

18 тала the place] 14 &c.. отоу ЗАВ &c.. add also Arm заз 
{sog him] 14 &c, r, Vg сів Буг (gh) Arm Eth..trs before eor. 
NAB &c..add and they crucified Eth кеси. two others] 14 &c 
15..Ov. aAA. Ds .. alios duos latrones OL (a) ..two robbers also Bo 
оза-ота one-one] 14 ёс 75 от, Буг (g) Eth .. evrevÓev кал evr. МА В 
&c, Syr (h) Arm ^e] 14 & 75 9r..and Syr (g) Arm Eth 
йтєтая, in their midst] 14 ёс or, Bo (rr) Eth.. мечей tev, was 
being in &с 15 .. иєтоу NAB &с.. in the midst Bo 

19 mA. | NB? ёс. пем. 14 05, АВ” D8T me 19] NAB &., 
om ml, Во (N) Arm..ce therefore 75..and Syr (g) Eth ñor- 
T(a 93)г. а title] Eth.. ки т. ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm это 
and] om Bo (в fr) я(єм 75)єчсно it-written] add « рают: &c 13 
69 124 346 ^e 29] and Arm Eth ma: me this 18] Syr (gj) 
(Nonn).. om NA B &c., trs after Jesus Eth хс Jesus] mest 95 sic 69 пидоры! (ре тто) ос | nazarenus OL (abcg).. om 69 
‚ 20 ner(ns 20 85 110 m!)t(a В!) rrNoc this t.] 13 &с 96 В\ Bo.. пт. 
the t. (951) Во (Ан ms) &e therefore] 75 85 93, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) 
„от Arm . ae 14 20 gt 95 110 fj! ml, Bo.. and Syr (с) Eth 
a &c read] 14 ёс 95 B!.. mea ёс had read 93 o(a 75)щ4 read] 
14 ёс ВІ, Ds, Vg celem Bo Буг (g) (Е{Һ)..1тв before rov ЗАВ ёс, 
Syr (h) (Arm) ети. to the city] (13) &c 95, І 69 al, OL Vg Во 
Syr (j) Arm .. trs after тот. N* AB ёс, OL (q) Syr (h), Cyr neg- 
сно &c it мав &c] om 13 69 124 346 ne] 75 85 01 93..0m IIo 
„sen indeed 13 14 20 у 905 06. ъє мі. | Азэхиїтоєд(08 от щі)р, 


орояелтос arerntroveerennrn 21 нєэзхо» Ge seeroc 
зэлиХэлтос liatitapyreperc Nitloraar хе ажирсао Ч. 
хє прро Wiuovaar АЛЛА хе пн пентарцхоос, хе 
мов пе прро Hittovaar ~aqorwowh їөхпүлатөос. 
хе пемтасао. мсаоЧ. PATO! ae птероту- 
ctos NIC ATI aemee(ooerre тах ицтоох потом. 
оуохон Nora поза ай атос. ATW THCUJTHIM. 
тєштни AE месторп ам єхөс пе AAAR мєусаот 
eyroov те. ?mnexav Ge ниєтуєрну. хє ажиртрєн- 
плос. ^ААх Lapiene єрос xe есихр Tange. 
«хєнас epe TETPAPH он ебоћ. хє ATMEL нас осүтє 
єхооу. ATW ATHES КАнрос exi Taghcw. ажиатой 

oycererur] 20 у 85 91 93 96 т1о..отееиии 75 ml.. ovarerum 
13 .. отелетии 14 (95) 21 (13) 14 20 Š (y Š) 75 85 Š 91 93 95 96 
110 (81) ml$ хє an.) жали, 91 | запр| пер 20 75 йй. 
20 39] imer m! mppo 10] перо 20 же 3°] om ml, Bo (ктмгт) 
? (13) 14 20$ 75 85$ 91 93$ 95 $ (96 $) 110 81 11$ * (14) 
20$ (у) 75 Š 85 $ 91 Š 93 95 Š (96 $ and at тєш.) 110 $ and ёс 8! $ 
ті $ &е 3xmosa] em. 75 85 93 | Пахалатог(оєї 81)] mes. 9r 
торп] у ёс 96.. торт 14 20 В! ш!..тарй 13 ne] om 93 nesc.] 
у ёс 96 .. eosc. 14 20 85 93 В! м (13) 20$(y $) 75 85 91 93 95 
(96 $) 110 (8! $ ші $ хє 33| хэх 75 np] -ep 20 75 110 
ззари)-рєм 75 91 93 110 та! emus] 20 у 85 91 96 rro. Tattam 
Lex Budge Ps.. сизаяе 75 (811). en 93 .. ese 95 ml epoc] poc 
Bl тєср.] Tarp. my scr. 95 ооєг.] gor. 20 75 91 93 110 ml 
атиех| -Hx 91110 кАнрос|крн.75 exit] exem 75 

&c in Н. &c] (13) &c у 95 (96), R*B 33 74 89 90 234 248 440 483, 
OL (e) Bo Syr (j) Arm Eth, Суг.. eG. «А. p. A ёс, OL Vg Syr (gh) 

з бє therefore] 20 ёс (1, МАВ &c, Во Syr (h) 13, Bo 
(ектт) Arm.. ae 14 20 y 110.. and. Syr (є) Eth miX.] 20 біс, 
М &c.. пе. 14 93 95 ml, AB* DsI Hapoc.-10$2.] om Bo (x) 
йот. of the Jews 19] (13) &c, Arm .. язян 110$ar with the Jews 
93..ош 95 В! ml, 73 249 473 477, Am .. sacerdotes iudæorum OL 
(e), principes sacerdotum. (ff) .. prin. iud. (befq) .. pr. sac. её iud. (a), 
cagẸ write it] 13 &c y £! .. cag write 14 20, Bo.. write thus Во (К). 

ФОНХ ХІХ 21-24 303 

it was written in Hebrew, in Roman, in Greek, 21 Were 
saying therefore to Pilatos the chiefpriests of the Jews, Write 
not it, The king of the Jews ; but (<) that that (опе) із he who 
said, Т am the king of the Jews. 22 Answered Pilatos, That 
which I wrote I wrote. 2° But the soldiers, when they had 
crucified Jesus, took his garment, they made it of four parts, 
а part for each of the soldiers, and the coat also: but the coat 
was not sewn together, but (a) it was woven throughout. ?* Said 
they therefore to one another, Let us not rend it, but (a) draw 
lots for Ц, as to whose it will be. That the scripture should 
be fulfilled, They divided my garments among them, and they 
cast lot upon my clothing. The soldiers indeed did these 

anok-10972a: I-Jews] (137) ёс 8!, Bo.. anc прро ёс ml.. Вас. ept 
т. і. МА &с, OL Vg Syr (gh) Arm... B. т. в єш BL X 33, Eth 

2 agos. ans.] (131) ёс 96..satd Bo (N)..add and said to them 
Eth mA. | пе. 14 20 05 8! ml, AB*Ds 

3 жє] 14 ёс, Буг (g) Eth.. ве therefore 75 91 93 ml, МАВ ёс, 
Bo Syr (h) йтєротсДож when-cruc.] 14 & ore L 73.. ot 
cravpocavres Ñ iuc Jesus] 75 85 91 93 m!, МАВ ёс, Syr (gh) 
Arm Eth.. uoy him 14 20 95 110 ВІ, 124, OL (g) Vg, Aug 
алх: they took] 14 ёс, Bo (NAB &c) .. AaBovres Eus ..Aaffov 69 
àx(om 31)печооєг(ог 75 85 91 110)7e his g.] биеч, his garments 75 
85 110 ml, МАВ &с, Syr (g)  avaay they-it] 14 &c .. атлау they 
made them 75 85 91 ml; єтойрау 69, Bo, Eus.. pref ки NAB ёс, 
Syr (g)..zowsavres DS | ovos(om oF 75 110 ml) и-язатога рагі- 
soldiers] 14 & Во (АТ) ато тк. and-also] 14 &c 96, (Bo) .. ка 
тоу xitwva а ёс... om 95, 33", OL (abff) Syr (g) (Arm Eth).. rov дє 
x: (13) 69 124 346, OL (c), Eus Ps-Ath Сур continuing ere ти ap. 
and omitting ovv тещт. xe but the coat] 20 ёс 96 .. ткєщутни aE 
95  &NNe]20 &c 96..ош NAB ёс, Во Syr (g) roor] lit. four 

^ бе therefore] 20 ёс 96, NAB ёс, Syr (В)... om 13 69 124 346, 
OL (с) Bo (вг* оту) Arm, Eus Ps-Ath Cyp.. ae у 93 95 110, Ds, 
Во (DA, Ers) Syr (hmg).. and Syr (g) Eth єспар(єр 75) Ta(75 
ёс 96..от ay 20 85 01) зах, whose-be] twos erra. RAB &с..т. 
вот D8, OL Vg, Сур xerac ёс that &c] and was fulfilled Syr 
(є) | жк єв. fulf.] 20 & 96, МВ 249, OL (abceff), Eus Ath .. 
add eva 3жахос which saith 75 01, у Хєуоиса А ёс, OL (fgq) Vg 
Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Cyr ..add ecxw maroc saying ml, Bo | здазатове 


заем хур паю 25 метлоє ae epaToy олотяя пес toc 
тс fioiTeqaeaay ATW теме їтєүөээт, зарга 
Teepe нкАопа., ATW UAPIA телслААнин. 2 IC 
е їтереүнэ» єтєа#хаз ATW пазлентно EAE- 
рат петемесяєє ALLOY. MEXA Мтєсяєлат. жє 
тесотаяе EIC поущире. 7 erra пехач зяпазментнес. 
жє EIC TERALAAT. сан тєуно ETALLLAT A паялентне 
SIT єооуи єпесні. 2 aexiica маг єфЦсооун nonc, 
хе a ооб мая хов бол. хє epe TETPAPH хок 
єбоА nexa. xe Хобе. 2 мети ovTgMaAAT кн воры. 
egeco пояях. оуспоссос ce єчяєєо choA моля 

avf] азер 75 | " (13) 20 § 75 91 Š 93 IP 95 110 P m! $ 
aee] ag 93 sic баөтэх| gati m! % 20 Š and at пех. 75 $ 91 
93 95 $ 110 m! $. * 20 (75) 91 93 95 (96) 110 m! * 20 91$ 93 $ 
95 $ 96 $ and at mex. 110 m! IP e&oN 1°] om 93 95, Во (»,*).. 
add me 9r ? 20 Š at осп. 91 93 95 (96) 110 m! $ and at ark. 

єцэхєө 10] -ахно 95 

nas. the s.-these] om 471*, OL (a) asen) 20 85 93 95 96 
Буг (<) Arm .. ge therefore 75 91 110 ml.. pev ow МАВ ёс, Буг 
(h) .. and thus Eth nas these] LX al.. trs before er. NAB ёс 

7 xe] 13 ёс, Syr (є) .. om 75, Bo (NBc,*) .. and Arm Eth 
Tegar. his mother 19] 13 &c .. add maria OL (a) .. om avrov I 27 
axo pra 10] 13 ёс, AB ёс. парам МП? r 33 .. pref and Syr (g) Eth 
тщ. the daughter] 20 &c.. rov МАВ &c.. rov L 475, Bo (вете 
T* v) Arm xNomna] 20 75 ml, МАВ &с.. клота H 69 235 249 al 
.. R(T 75 91*)Newna 75 91 93 95 110, Bo..cleop(ph). OL (abcfq) 
Am Vg clem ,, add et maria iacobe (c) sapia 20] АВ &c .. иерар. 
МІП? 1 33 .. om ки p. у рауд. OL (a) ssava(t 75 01”) a Amur] 
-№ин 75 91 93 110 ml, ГП" al, Во 

26 үс язмау Jesus-mother] om W* .. but Jesus saw &c Syr (g) .. and 
when ёс Eth ace] №, OL (abcefff) Bo Syr(g).. om Arm .. g'e there- 
оте 715 93, A B&c | eqag.standing]om A* 477 mer. ах, he-loving] 
om L* 235 346 .. trs before тарєст. Syr (gj) Arm Eth пех. said 
he] Леуе NCAB &c .. kac Aeye №, (Syr g) Arm edd. Eth йтє лө. 
фо his mother] A ёс, OL Vg, avrov NBLX 1 22, OL (be) 
Arm, Суг Teco. lit. the woman] om Bo (AncG,* nNqQTY) .. add 

JOHN XIX 25-29 305 

(things). * But were standing by the cross of Jesus his 
mother, and the sister of his mother, Maria the daughter of 
Кібра, and Maria the Magdalene. 29 But Jesus when he had 
seen his mother and the disciple standing, he whom he was 
loving, said he to his mother, Woman, behold thy son! 7" Then 
said he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! From that hour 
the disciple took her into his house. * After these (things), 
knowing Jesus that every thing was finished, that the scrip- 
ture should be fulfilled, said he, I thirst. * There was a 
vessel put down, full of vinegar: a sponge therefore full of 

thou Arm exc. behold] ¿ou NA &c .. Wwe BDSMTXA al, Or 
Chr Cyr 

27 erra] 20 ёс 75..and Syr (g) Eth exc. behold] го ёс 75, 
доо À &c .. де NBLT al 12, Chr Cyr... pref youth Syr (g 9) XIN 
(add ях 93 95 96) from | 20 ёс 75 96, T, OL (ae) .. kau ar. NAB ёс, Bo 
.. ат. єк. оху I 565 tevi. hour] 75 91 ml, ЗВ &e.. пєооот day 
20 ёс 96, A al 40 site took her] 20 ёс 96 .. «А. aur, о рад. N Ds 
ТОГ т 13 69 124 565 al, OL (abefffgq) Vg Bo Eth..eA. о даб. 
avtnv AB &c, OL (e) (Bo в) Arm, Cyr епечит to his house] 20 &c 
959 96 .. земні £o our house 95" 

28 star these] U al зо, OL (fq) Bo Syr (gj), Eus Chr Hil .. postea 
(beffg) Vg .. rovro NA В &c, OL (a) Syr (В) .. tunc (e) (Eth) .. add ae 
Bo (DA, ENOPST) єцс. knowing] М А(В) ёс, OL (с ва, bef) Ve 
Syr (h) Arm, Did Chr .. Anew бут (g) Arm ed .. доу EG H KS YT al, 
OL (a) Bo Eth, Cyr оо м. every thing] r 565 al, OL (abceffq) 
Vg clem Syr (gj) Eth, Chr Hil.. pref уду ABDsLUXYII al, Am Fu, 
Bo, Did..add уду № &e, OL (fq) Syr (h).. pref behold Bo (н) Arm 
хок єв. finished] add та терь avrov U Mme al хок й. -жиок ef. 
finished-fulfilled] rereX.—7A9po0g ND" т 13 69 124 346 184% al, 
Syr (gh) (Eth), Eus ..rereA.-reAewo09 AB ёс xe that 29] pref 
and Буг (g) Terp] add which saith and they gave for my drink 
vinegar and gall Syr (Б) nexat said he] which said бут (g 9) 

? пєт(єот 20 95 rro ml)w there was] от, ABL X, OL (abc).. 
add ae 20 ёс 96, №, Bo Syr (j) .. add ovv Ds ёс, OL (cfgq) Vg Syr 
(h), Cyr .. pref et (ff) Syr (g) Arm Eth OvcHOv,.—os*x а sponge— 
vinegar] 20 ёс 96, NBLX 1 33 565, OL (beff,cg), Eus Cyr Hil.. 
ог дє zÀqsavres ст. oŠous кал А ёс, OL (fg) Vg Syr (gh).. and they 
filled &с (Bo) Arm Eth .. om ml, 47 56 58 61*, OL (a) Ge there- 
fore] от, Во (T'rp,Er,'xes).. om Bo .. ae 20 ёс 96 eh. похаж of 



єтецтапро. 3 nvepecja GE asrosex пото пеха. хе 
хухон EONA. ATW acpiRe итецапе. af} nenna. 
1 MIOTAAI Ge. ehoA хє ме тпараскеун те. хе Wwe 
Меси GW OF пес+{ос запсавбатом. ме OTMOG сар 
пе пєооо» ажиса атом єтаж л. хусєпс myAaToc. 
хєвас eveovoon миетотернте псесутоу MAAT. 
PATEL GE ибтаячяхтог. ATOTEGT мотерите апшорп 
зам mnueova ENTATCYLOT язаасср meag 22 птє- 
ротєг хє exu IC. avoe єросі eacovo er[eeov. te- 
пототеби мєҷоуєрнте — 7 adAa отл тазаватої 
ачномо явпецепір NoTAOT KH. ATW HTETHOT ac[et 
chor пототсмоср sew оза ооз. ATO пеитаиат 

огхи] exi 93 95 96 | сооути) 91 ёс 96.. соозти 20 110 
єтє] го &с.. reg m! ° 20$ (91) 93 95 Iro ml М 204 
(91 $) 93 (95 $) 110 m! Р and $ at asc. Шшожа.| neYosa. m! 
че 19] пере 110..0m m! mapackesH] -kuye ші wot] wait 110 
.. оби m! ? 209395 $ (96 $) тто $ m! -ecr]-ocmn 93 en- 
Таз] 20.. Пт. 93 біс muog] ахззоот 110 ml (Bo А,О,РОТУ) 
* (13) 20 $ 93 $ (95) 110 $ m!§ exn] exem m! novoy.) 20.. 
nov. 13 ёс 95 * 20$ 93 (95) 96 (110$) ші Novosen] Noxa 
95° ® 20 (93) (95) (96) (119) m! š 

vinegar] 20 ёс 96 .. eñ. oxx по. of the vinegar 91 95, BL .. add pera 
ході 13 16 бїї бо 124, Syr (jh) Arm, Eus оуссонос| 20 біс 
96 .. e'*co(o дт) пои gt ml, OL (acfq) Am Fu avw апа | 20 ёс 
96 .. om ml, Во 

* бе therefore] от ml, ЗАВ ёс, Bo Syr (Б).. om 33, OL (a) Arm 
.."A€ 20 &c, 131 al, Буг (g) .. and Eth eux vinegar] 20 ёс от.. 
add pera хоХус 69 124 346, Syr (j) Arm, Eus поне Jesus] 20 ёс 
91 .. om №“, OL (a) .. trs before то обоз Е 69 124 346 49 87, OL (bce 
са) Vg Arm Eth, Eus атхок eb, it was f.] 20 &c (91) .. pref 
behold. Syr (g) .. pref every thing Arm avw апа | ош от Tita | 
20 ёс 91..ад4 ws бє-кото 37 87 96 97 235 245 255 4897, Syr 
(jh), Суг 

* бе therefore] 20 ёс or, Syr (Б). є 95 110, Syr (g) Eth 
eh, хє-тє because-parask.] 20 ёс (95), NBLXY 1 13 33 69 124 
249 346 565 251 ev, OL (abcefffg) Vg Bo Syr (g, j) Arm (Eth), Chr 

JOHN XIX 30-35 307 

vinegar they put upon [an] ///ввор, and they stretched it (up) to 
his mouth. 3° When had taken therefore the vinegar Jesus, said 
he, It was finished ; and he inclined his head, he gave (up) the 
spirit. 31The Jews therefore, because that it was the paraskevé, 
that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the sabbath, 
for great was the day of that sabbath, besought Pilatos, that 
they should break their feet, and take them away (from) there. 
32 Came therefore the soldiers, they brake the feet of the first, 
and the other who was crucified with him. 29 But when they 
had come upon Jesus, they found him having already died, 
they brake not his feet. ?* But (x) one of the soldiers pierced 
his side with a spear, and immediately came out [a] blood and 
[a] water. 25 And he who saw bare witness, and true is his 

Cyr Nonn Hesych..trs after eaf98. A ёс, OL (4) Syr (h), Chron 
ñcwara the bodies] 20 & m 93 95 пє-пєоооту for-day | 
20 & М Сар] 20 &c.. om Bo (4,0) era. that] 20 біс, 
D*L 69 73, Syr (g) Arm .. trs exewov before т. Ga. RA ёс, OL (ab 
effq) Bo Syr (h) Eth, Hesych .. trs exew before т. с. В" Н 33 69 al, OL 
(cf) Vg, Cyr ascenc(ciiei 93) they besought] 20 ёс 95 .. add ovv 
N*L miN. | МВ? &с.. пе, 05, АВ” Ds пеу(пєоу 05)05- 
(om ov 95)єрнтє their feet] 20 ёс 95.. avrov та oke ЗАВ &с.. 
avro та ск. L .. add яяєм m! 

32 бе therefore] 20, ЗАВ &с.. om ml, Arm .. xe 93 &c .. and Syr 
(g) Eth mkeova the other] add оптат thus m! (Arm) мах- 
saa« with him | trs after аААо» Arm .. om Syr (g 9) 

3 мє] 20 ёс 95.. om ml, Arm .. and. Syr (g) Eth avge they 
found] 93 110 ml, &* (afterwards xar ov) OL (f) Bo... armas they saw 
20, Syr (g).. and saw Arm Eth .. eayna having seen 13 95, ws eov 
NAB &c..they knew Syr (j) єгцоэо having already] 20 &c, 
Во (D,F,').. avrov nòn NA ёс, OL Syr (g), Cyr.. уду avrov BL, Syr 
(h) Arm Eth, Or .. aeqosc he had already 13 95, Bo 

39 пязялат. of the soldiers] 20 &c 95 (110)..add «2 Хбог 69 
ацкон ксисш!, кис 110) pierced] 20 ёс 95 110.. иски 56 68 
al, OL (fg) Vg Syr (jh) .. pierced him Bo (Хх) Syr (=) 33 (от rro 
ml)wesew. his side] 20 &c 95 (110)... om Л*.. in his side Во (Nq v) 
Syr(g)..add the right Eth їтєэнот imm.) 20 &c 95 (110), А 
ёс, OL (cfffg) Vg Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Chron .. trs after «é NBL 
XY 33, OL (ab) Syr (j) Armed, Or m! ayer came] | 
20 ёс 95 11O0..av. came (plural) оз, Syr є (4) споц-яло0у 

X 2 


AYPLeliTpe. ATW ота е те теаемтаямтре. ATW 
петатаелу СООУМ. хе єүхє KLE, XERAC OQTTHYTM 
єтетиєпістеує. 36 NTA MAY Tap WAONE “єнас EPE 
тесраАфн хон CoA. хє име OTHAC потот оо 
ебол понт. arw on тєсрахфн оо 85 ос. хє 
CENANAT enemTavHonce]. ааа. 35 ARICA мах асепс 
TmrAaroc ибиюенф пебоћ ом apreeaoatia. Єулєлөн- 
тис пе Nre IC. єцонп ae пе erbe oore iiuowaar. 
хекас eger newera MIC. ATW АЧНАМ Asma- 
TOC. ATEI AE УЧ атпесүсооз лд. 39 AGEE AE о оос он 
ибиикохняяос. пеитаег Wapo ншорп итеущи. 
ageme ноос Hoard or АХ ол, сунар aue 

єтєтиє | 95 ml..-ma 20 93 110 38 20$ (93) 95 $ 110 $ m! 5 
кас | кєєс 93 110m! , 8" 20 93 95 110 m! 5 * 20 5 93 $ (95$) 
110 P (132) m! Р ах 93° erar | cova. m! ive] їїтєрє mlsie 
тот.) пєгол, m! qr) qrr rro 39 20 $ and at ager (93 $) 110 $ 
132 (m!) микохнахос| -талос 110132 пєкптасі| пит. 132 pl 

єр 132 

blood-water] 20 &c (95) (110), Syr (gh) Arm Eth .. удор-аца, Y, 
OL (e) Bo, Eus 

35 om verse OL (e) Fu | ovaxe-asitrpe true-witness] 20 (93) 95 96 
(110) ml, Bo, aA. сот. у u. a. HY al бо, OL (befffg) Vg clem Syr (gh) 
Arm Eth, Chr Cyr .. ad. avrov вот. 1 р. ЗАВ ёс, Or .. aX. eor. avr. 1 
p. EGKSU A al, Am, Ces.. om Во (х) azw пет. and that] 20 
(93) 95 96 110 ml, BY r 239 299, Or Cyr..kaxevos NA &e — eur. 
ye also] 20 (93) 95 110 ml, ЗАВ ёс, Syr (gh).. om xa, E ёс, Во 
(а BL'QvV) Arm edd .. om vues Bo (Crp * 4, EOPS) 

% карі 20 ёс 93..0m К 239 al то, OL (e) .. and ай 
Eth ujone happened | го ёс 93, OL (а) Bo Syr (e) Arm Eth.. 
trs before yap NAB «с пиє-отоц (8 rro) shall-bruised] 20 ёс 
(93) .. confringent Vg Bo.. he shall not break Bo (v) .. confringetis 
OL (befff), confringitis (a), comminuetis (g) choX понт out 
of him] 20 ёс 93, cf. Numbers ix 12, ат avrov МГ 33 69 106 124 
435* al OL Syr (jh) Eth..avrov АВ &c, OL (eq) Bo Arm, Thdot 
Or him Syr (g) 

9 xo saying] om x 22 565, OL (a) 

ФОНХ ХЇХ 36-39 309 

witness; and that (one) (is) knowing that he is saying truth, 
that ye also should believe. 38 For these things happened, 
that the scripture should be fulfilled, One bone shall not be 
bruised [out] of him. 27 And again the scripture (is) saying, 
They shall see him whom they pierced. 41. % After these 
(things) besought Pilatos Ioseph, the (one) out of Arimathaia, 
being a disciple of Jesus, but hidden because of the fear of the 
Jews, that he should take away the body of Jesus, and permitted 
him Pilatos: but they came, they took away his body. ° But 
came also Nikodémos, he who eame unto him at first at [the] 
night, he brought a misture of myrrh and aloe, being [about 

38 asititca m. after these] 20 &c 95 ml, EGKMSXYTAAII*? 22 
33 131 157 al, Bo (n, A,z, 09 Tv) Arm, Chr ..add дє ЗАВ ёс, OL Vg 
Во Буг (h), Cyr .. add ergo OL (ff) .. pref and Eth — адсенс (ссп 93) 
besought | 20 &c 95 ml .. trs after арці Syr (g) тА. 1°] 93 ml.. 
пе, 20 & 95, AB*Ds ne(ee 95 110..H e ml)&oN lit. the 
(that) out] 20 & 95 ml, Ñ ёс, Syr (jh), Chr Cyr ó AB 
DsL 9o арта. | 20 &c 05 .. -рабєає D$, Во.. -ka0euas А .. -рабіа. 
ті, П «ae ııe] 20 95 тто..ош 93, Bo (5).. om ae ml, Во (с, &,*) 
Arm..and Syr (g) Eth Tewara iuc the-Jesus] 20 ёс 95 ml.. 
то c. avr. М 482 evv al .. ihesum OL (e) ачк. permitted him] го 
&с 95 ml .. om Syr (g 9) .. commanded to give it Bo .. om to give it Bo 
(A) .. add. to him Во (г, кт) TA. 2°] 93° 110 .. om Syr (g 9).. 
nei. 20 ml, АВ” Ds aver-aryr they-away] 20 4 (132 1), RF, 
OL (аЪсей) Syr (j) Arm .. aqerı-aqqs he-he 930, NCB &с, ОЇ, (fgq) 
Vg Bo Буг (gh) Eth, Cyr ях (ош 20 132)mege. his body] 20 ёс 
132, NCBLXA al то, Eth’, Суг..то o. т. w DF &c, OL (#4) Vg Bo 
Syr (gh) Eth PP, Thdrt .. avzov 53", (abceff) Syr (j) Arm 

9 xe] 20 & 93, NAB ёс, OL (bcefq) Vg Syr (h) .. om A, Bo (x) 
Arm .. ovv E, (affg).. and Syr (g) Eth wapog unto him] 132, 
ABLUXY, Суг.. ща x€ unto Jesus 20 93 110, 8 D*&c, OL Vg Bo Syr 
(zjh) Arm Eth, Thdrt птєтцун at the night] 93 110 132 .. em v. 
?n the m. 20 ayeme he brought] 20 &c..and he br. Во (м) 
Syr (g) Arm Eth .. фероу Ne &c .. exov NÈ (Bo) дуг (к 132) 22a] 
20 &c .. сриура 122 259 435 477 479", opnypa 482 .. malagmam 
OL (e) .. «Мура З" В АХХон| 20 ёс 93 .. aos МАВ ёс. 
atons EX al aue about hundred] 20 93 132 .. ош a about 
110, Eth 


WAvrpa. 4 лухт G€ язпсоеел МІС. ATOPY gen- 
обоос sex оємониє ката NCONT Witroyaatr екоссот. 
? мету отщин AE ол» neea lav C TOV Maco понт. 
epe оутафос ибрре ом тещин. exettaToTRA Агат 
мости понт. erbe тпараскеэн се шараас. 
хе мере птафос они єооун. avka ї иоохи 
мо нт. 

ХХ. җөй. иткураки ac MAPIA тазасадАнин 
acer ebo єптаФфос egToore. ети epe пкане hod. 
ATW ACHAT єпоме. CATY CoA ограє птафос. 
? XCIWT Є. ACEI WA сїзесон петрос зай пкеяяхен- 

4) 20 (91) 93 (110$) 132 (1$) &oocos] kooncos 132 * 205 
(91) 93 (100) 132 m! $. nes] eos 20 шин| щие 132 зєшин| 
птещ. ml.. етещ. QI З го 93 100 132 ш! $  параск.,| 
пареск. 93 .. -kHve ml 

1 20 Р 93 P (100 IP) 132 (al) (a! Р) заб 93 ® 20 (93) 132 

* øe therefore] 93, ХАВ &c.. om Arm 20 110 132 .. and 
Syr (g) Eth iuc of Jesus] 20 93 110 ml, NAB &c.. яте our 
Jesus 132 .. 00 À... kv 248 поеи (оп 132) o8o0 (оо 93)c in clothes | 
20.93 TIO NBK EX Y H** 1 за 69 565 al ОБ (аребо) Me Bo! 
Cyr.. оп genohwwe (or?) 132, А ёс, OL (q) Во (TrnA, вЕГОРЗ), OL (eff) {ii with] pera NAB ёс, Syr (h) Arm Eth.. 
and бут (о) een (оп 132)onne spices] 20 &c тто, 69 .. pref rov 
ЗАВ ёс ката &c ace.-them | 20 ёс (91) (110 2).. кайоѕ «0. єоти 
&c, АВ ёс..к. e. ти &с N*, Буг (g 36) Arm, Nyss.. sicut moyses 
iudæis sep. iussit OL (е) misora. of the J.] 20 ёо от 110, Armedd 
.. om rois D 8, Arm 

Ч жє] 20 &c.. om gr .. and-8e Syr (s) .. and Arm Eth mara the 
place] 20 ёс 91 .. om то Ds, 69 ivra mc, ax. lit. in-him] 20 & 01 
. от Буг (s) xoy Ш. him] Jesus Syr (g) | em in] 20 &c.. pref 
пооти within(g1)m! | eax (ïi QI 93 100 132) патоз (om то» 132) ка 
they-laid] 20 біс... запотка they laid not ml, Во (хх) Eth .. they not 
yet buried Syr (s) Naay any] 20 ёс тоо, Bo (,) .. ovderw ovders 
АВ ёс, Syr (В).. ovóes ovderw №, Syr (gsj) (Arm)..add eneg ever 
132, 1846У al 3, Bo Arm 

З єтіє-юо заг because-Jews| because the sabbath was entering 

JOHN XIX 40—ХХ 2 311 

to make] about (an) hundred pounds. *°They took therefore 
the body of Jesus, they bound it in (її) clothes with spices, 
according to the custom of the Jews to embalm them. * But 
there was a garden in the place in which he was crucified, 
a new tomb being in the garden, within which they had not 
laid any (опе). 4? Because of the paraskeve therefore of the 
Jews, because the tomb was near they laid Jesus within it. 
XX. 42. But on the Lord's day Maria the Magdalené came 
out to the tomb in (the) morning, the darkness being still 
without, and she saw the stone having been taken away from 
the tomb. 2 But she ran, she came unto Simon Petros, and 

Syr (є) transposing after and they laid Буг (g 9) бе 
therefore] тоо ші, ЗАВ & Во Атт.. >= 20 ёс Поу. 
of the Jews] om OL (beff) Syr (gs) хє because] pref and Syr (є) 
хе-еооти because-near] trs before because it was &c Bo ATK.— 
понт they-it| Bo .. e«e-w МАВ ёс .. om Bo (rrz,*) .. and hastily at 
once they laid him in the new sepulchre which was near there, because 
the sabbath was dawning Syr (s) .. and there they buried Jesus, because 
of the completion of the evening of the Jews; and near is the sepulchre 
Eth yC] nite our Jesus 132 (probably as before for our Lord).. 
олтоу 71, OL (е) 

1 йткт. мє but-day] 20 &c (а!) (al), Л 25, туу дє (and Arm Eth) 
ша т. са. ЗАВ ёс... тэ) дє &с тоутєоти т] корака Chr *9? the 
night which dawned (to) the first of the sabbath Syr (s) sapra | 
20 &c 100, al, В &с.. papay NAL І 33 зла (к 132)>. | 20 тоо 
(a!) (41). -Ninn 93 132, XT A al, Во aces came] 20 &c roo al, Bo 
.. єрХхета NAB &c .. trs єрх, before pap. 33, OL (abcf) Bo (N) Syr (gj) 
Eth eotoove in the morning] 20 ёс roo a! (al), трос МАВ ёс, OL (abe) ets-ithoX the darkness-without] 20 ёо roo 
(al), 13 69 346, (Arm) Eth .. trs скот. єт. o. before es NAB &c .. trs 
before epx. Syr (s) azw and] 20 ёс тоо а! (a!) Во (qv) 
eb.—radoc lit. from at the tomb] 20 ёс (a!) .. ek rov uy. RAB &c.. 
ато Ts Óvpas (add єк N) т. pv. N I 19"" 22 157 209 565, OL (df) 
Bo Syr (s) Arm Eth 

2 ae] 20 93 132 .. бе therefore al, NAB ёс, Bo .. and Syr (gs) Eth .. 
then Arm пєтрос] 20 93 132 al.. Керла Syr (gs) .. om Syr (є 36) 
ax пкєлхаон(т 132)7Hc and-disc.] 20 93 132, Ро (N), OL (сде).. 
kat Tpos rov «АХоу р. ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh) Arm .. and. to the d. 


тис. €Mepe IC аас AROS. ATW пехас MAT. хе ATYI 
пхоєс ehoA ож птафос. ATW їтисооэн ай хе 
птатувааЧ том. Зае ce ebo мочпетрос sen 
пкеазлентнс. ATW METHHT eboX єптафос. * мету- 
єпот єдотє петрос. хто acer пщорип choA єпта- 
фос. Рачсюцуг єооун. астату eneogbooc суки 
eopar аяпбок ae єооун. Sacer ae ооо ош 
TGICIALWH петрос єЧотуно Newry. avo aeos egori 
єптафос. ачциату  eueobooc ETRA сора "ати 
NCOPAAPION єнєүцнр єтєцапє єцын AIT вора eeu 
weohwwe. АМАА ecolasNose Hea orca чатах. 
8 TOTE пкєлєлментне envacjer шор. ац дон Одоо 
ом EQOTH emracpoc. AYNAT ATW AYMICTETE. ° меая- 

йтау | em. 20 8 20 $ (от) (тоо) 132 4 20 (gr) (тоо) 132 
(a!) пе] om 132 egove] по. 132 а! 9120, TOO 152 эц 
arney 132 8 20 5 (тоо) 132 120 132 (al) “соль. comm 
132 eveq] єт 132 8 20 Š 132 (al) а! 9 (yl) JPO 132 
al (а!) у! 

буг (5) 1€] 20 03 132 .. 0m OL (e) nxoeic the Lord] 20 93 
132, Syr (g 179).. add our Bo Syr (gs) Eth .. add pov ХА, Bo (rr), 
Eus Chr eh. oxx out of] 20 93 132 .. aro X azw and 2°] om 
Bo йтис. we-not] 20 93 132, Arm ..ouk ода Š 477 486 57° 
184 €Y 26o ev, OL (e) Syr (gs) Arm edd Eth, Eus Chr 

3 бе therefore] от, NAB &c.. om Arm.. ae 20 132.. and Буг 
(gs) Eth пєтр. | pref esasco gr .. Sh. Syr (g).. the two of them 
Syr (s) а»о-тафос and-tomb] 20 (gr) (100) 132 .. кш ypxovro &с 
МА В &c .. om №“ .. £o go to the sepulchre Syr (s) 

° me] 20 or 132..0m Arm..ov al, OL (4).. кас N*, Syr (gs) 
(Eth) xinec. o. both together] 20 от (100) 132..ош Syr (s) 
n&kex1aeH(w 132)THE the other disc.] 20 (01) тоо (al) OL (bq).. 
add ze 132, AU 33 127 239, OL (acdefff) Syr (gs) .. кш o adAos 
МеВ ёс, (Bo) Syr (Б) Arm .. zpocdpapev дє тахюу tov петро 
*.. ош other OL (а) Во Syr (gs) netp.| Sh. Syr (gs) ау 
апі] го (91) тоо 132 .. om Bo (хв) (Eth) gopi first] 20 
(91) тоо 132 .. trs after ри. Ñ .. om OL (e) Syr (s) Eth .. before him 
Syr (а) 

ТОНХ ХХ 8-0 313 

the other disciple whom Jesus was loving, and said she to 
them, They took away the Lord out of the tomb, and we 
know not where they laid him. š Came therefore out Petros 
and the other disciple, and they were coming out to the tomb. 
4 But they were running both together: the other disciple 
hasted to run more than Petros, and he came first out to the 
tomb. 5 He looked in, he saw the clothes laid down; but he 
went not in. 9 But came also Simon Petros following him, 
and he went into the tomb, he saw the clothes laid down, 
Тапа the napkin which was bound to his head, not laid down 
with the clothes, but (a) folded up apart alone. * Then the 
other disciple who came first went also into the tomb, he saw 
and he believed. ?For they had not yet known the scripture, 

5 ач. he looked] pref ки МА В&с | єткн e. laid down] кецієма 
‘АХ 225 249 44 € 18497, OL (cff) Во Syr (gsh) Eth .. trs before 
та об. В &с, OL (abdefg) Vg, Cyr.. om A 253 еу ze] Syr (gsh) 
Arm Eth .. pevrou XCA В &c .. д. ye LX т 29 565 .. add further ка: X 
єооти in] add to the sepulchre Syr (s) 

° xe] го roo 132, Bo Syr (g) OL (a) Bo (Fr) Arm .. ow 
МАВ ёс, OL Vg Syr (jh), Cyr..and Eth ооо on (om on 132) 
also] 20 тоо 132, Re BL X 33 56 58, OL (a) Bo Arm .. om кал А ёс, 
Eth .. but Sh. having come entered. бут (s) петр. | 20 100 132.. 0m 
Syr (g) єукн є. laid down] 20 132 .. om Syr (s) 

1 emesqas.-aNNa which-but] 20, Bo.. ечая. ёс being bound ёс 
132 .. ош Syr (s) єцкн laid] 20 al.. печки was being laid 132.. 
add ae Bo (ВГТЕЕЇХР5) пса-язат. apart alone] 20 132 al.. 
xopis-es eva. тотоу МА В & es є. т. Syr (s) Arm .. being alone 
(trs before not with &c) Eth 

° тоте] 20 &c, Syr (g) ..add ow ЗАВ &с, Syr (h).. pref and Syr 
(s) Eth nkessaen(v 132)тнс—о the other—also| 20 ёо, Bo .. кол 
o aAX. р. МАВ ёс, Arm, et alius d. OL (cdeffq), et ille alius а. OL 
(f) Eth ille d. OL (b) Vg Bo (кв) Syr (gs) d. OL (a) 
єп (я 132 al) vaq-ujopn who-first] 20 &c.. om Syr (s) Апат а. 
he saw and] 20 біс y!, Во (Ар) Arm .. as aequ. and he saw al, Bo .. 
кал «деу ка МАВ ёс, Eth .. kar «доу 69, Syr (s) аи. he believed] 
20 &c al y! ‚. ovk emuoreuoev D8 .. exu Tevoay бі më 69 124, Syr (s) 
Eus шаг 

° пезхпатотсоз (єм 132) they-known] 20 ёс (а!) .. уде №“, OL 


патоусоун тесрафн сар пе хе QANTE єтрєтзүгооти 
єбоА ом werTesooyT, 1045док Ge ом enervi ii- 
A*f*MOHTHC. 11 eeapra хє NecagepaTe me tenho 
заптафос есртаяе. єсрізяє AC асбиціт eoovw ENTA- 
фос. асна» cearreAoc cnay QW оєёноёсо 
evowobuj evostooc. OFA сах ATW OTA Оалрат® 
ANAS єнєрє mewa Hic понт. 13 пехе мн мас. 
же Tecoveee хоро TEPILE. MESAC мату. хе chor xe 
ХУЧІ пхоес. ATW ифеости ли. хе HTATRAAY том. 
1 итересхе мах аснотс єпаоот., ACHAT EIC елое- 
рат. MECCOOTH ae an. xe IC пе. 15 пехач мас 
мтс. хе тєссїєєє хоро тертяяе. ерециме dca мее. 
TH AE месяяеете. хе патешин пе. MESAC ма хє. 

єтрєч. | єтрцч. 132 19 20 $ 132а1 71$ 1 20$ 132 $ (al) y! S 
З 20 132 (a!) у оєпо.] omo. 132 ємєрє| epe а! 8 SOR 192 
(4) (а $) y1 § 9 го 132 (al) (yg) — ® 20 $ at m 132 (а!) 
(a!) (y1 $ ёс) ерещ.] 20 а!..ерщ. 132 у! пәтєщ.] 20 al yl.. 
naTuj. 132 

(beeq) .. om yet Syr (g 4) Terp. the scripture] 20 ёс al.. мєср. 
the scriptures 132, Arm .. from the seriptures Syr (gs) vap] 20 &c 
.. ош Bo (дуг) xe олп (add me 132) that-necessary | 20 &с.. om 
Bo (c) homeotel eh, ёс out-dead] го ёс, X OL (de) Во Syr 
(gsjh) Eth .. trs before амаст. NAB ёс, Arm 

1° бе therefore] 20 132 al, МАВ &c .. om Во Syr (g) Arm .. ae у! 
..and then Eth.. but the disciples having seen these things Syr (s) 
ой again] 20 al RAB & 132 yl Syr є (2) Arm Eth 
nsima. the disciples] ЗА В &c, Arm .. trs before єпєтні to—-house al, 
Syr (g) .. went away бут (s) 

п азарга | 20 &c al, AB &c.. раар МО I 33 ae 19] 20 &c 
а!..отб9 noA mnr. 19 without the 4. | 20 &c (a11), Arm..outside 
by the sep. Bo..apos т. м. єго МВОХА al, Eth .. ev т. ри. №“ .. trs 
e€w after кАшоута, D8 &c, OL (q) Syr (h), Sev .. om єбо N*A, OL (ab 
сей) Syr (gs) me 29] 20 132 yl.. ws ow ЗАВ ёс, Syr (h) .. and 
Syr (g) Arm Eth .. and as Syr (s) 

1? acm. she saw] 20 ёс, Bo (АВСОНХР).. pref ku МАВ ёс, Do 

JOHN XX 10-15 315 

that it is necessary for him to rise out of those who are dead. 
10 Went therefore again to their house the disciples. 1! But 
Maria was standing without the tomb, weeping: but weeping 
she looked into the tomb, !?she saw two angels in white 
vestures sitting, one at his head, and one at his foot, in the 
place in which the body of Jesus was being. 13 Said those to 
her, Woman, why weepest thou? Said she to them, Because 
that they took away the Lord: and I know not where they 
laid him. 1* When she had said these (things) she turned 
back, she saw Jesus standing, but she was not knowing that 
it is Jesus. 15Баа he to her Jesus, Woman, why weepest 
thou? For whom art thou seeking? But that (woman) was 
thinking that it is the gardener, said she to him, Lord, if thou, 

(nEosT)..add there Syr (s) спау two] 20 &c.. om №, OL (e) 
evga. sitting] 20 а! yl, AB &c .. trs before ev Л. №, Bo.. om 132 Ds 
azw and] 20 ёс Во (B)..trs ка eva-zocuw after iv Syr (s) 
псояла &c the body of Jesus] 20 біс al .. Jesus OL (a) Во (v*) Syr (s) 
suc of Jesus] 20 а! yl.. sannt of our Jesus 132 .. . Kup. tu С 184 ФУ 

13 rexe said] 20 & al, №, OL (abdfg) Vg Syr (s).. pref ka 
АВ ёс, OL (сед) Bo Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Eus Cyr ин those] 20 
&c al, NAB ёс, Syr (Б) .. om Буг (g) .. those angels Syr (s) Eth 
agpo тер. why-thou] 20 &c .. add twa &yres D 69 255 al 3 .. add and 
whom seekest thou «с Syr(s) Eth nex. м. said-them] 20 &c .. ка À. 
avr. В, Eth .. que dixit OL (4) | wxoesc the Lord] 20 yl, Arm edd, 
тоу к. роо RAB ёс, (Arm).. add єв. o. пт. out-tomb 132, 184 ev, Буг 
(j) Arm, Jer Amb atc. І know not] 20 yl.. птис, we know 
not 132 

1 птєрєсхє when-said] 20 132 (a!) yl.. this she said and Syr (g) 
mas these] 20 а1.. trs ravra. ет. МА ВОБХП r 33 157 489 565 al 
5, OL Vg Bo Syr (h) Arm.. add ae 132 yl, L.. xar т. є Е ёс, Syr 
(sj) Eth, Chr Sev аспаз she saw] 20 132 al.. pref avw and yl, 
NAB ёс 

З mex. said he] 20 132 al..Aeye МАВ ёс, Syr (є) Arm .. add 
ovv 63 73 259 .. dixit autem OL (f) .. and he suid Syr (j) Eth .. but he 

said to her Syr (s) omitting Jesus TH ae but that (woman)] 20 
132 а! yl, №“, OL (cf) Bo Syr (gh), Sev.. om де Ne ёс, Nyss Cyr.. 
and she Syr (s) meca. was th.] 20 132 y1, Bo (r7) .. thought and 

Syr (g) .. ecax. thinking (a1), ЗАВ ёс, Bo 


пхоехс єцрхє MTOK AKQITY. асе ерок хе Итэннаас 
том. ATW амок faqir. 1 mexe IC MAC. хе Rap- 
QAR. TH AEC асвотс пехлс ма азчемтоебраос. хе 
орабботумеї петецрууотаоа асч, xe ncao. "nexe 
IC мас. хе запрхоо epor залга (ок cap eopar wa 
паэєхоут. бок ae ща wacHHT. итехоое МА. хе 
Хиалбон eopar Wa илеют ETE петмеют пе. ATW 
п^моутєе ere петимоутє пе. ‘acer noyeeapioa ee 
ост. ATW ACRE мат Hal. зас. P povoe ae MTRT- 

16 20 $ 132 al § at TH y! пєтєшал| 132 yl..neujav 20 а! or- 
agarey (ary 132)... osooaseq а! " 20 Š and at вок (108) 132 
(а! $ and at azw) (у!) inp] -ep 20 паст 19) nro 132 
18 20 (108) 132 al $ (yl) ? 20 $ and at ager (57) 132$ Bate 132 

похоєтс lit. the lord] 20 132 y! .. ту lord Во Буг (gsh) Eth — єцрхє- 
qve if-away] 20 132 yl..e ov єг о flaeracas “* птаннаар 
thou-him] 20 132 al yl.. trs avrov єбүкас E АП al, OL (q) ATW 
and] 20 132 а! Bo (в) .. that I may go that I may take him 
away Syr (g) Eth 

16 mexe said] pref then Syr (s) asap. | papay N BLOT r 33 
489", Bo, Nyss Sev Nonn..papia A ёс, Cyr тн-котс but- 
turned] Bo.. отрафеюа дє exewn NDH? al 2, OL (e) Bo (x), et con- 
versa (bff) Syr (gjh) Arm conj АВ ёс, OL (acgq) Vg, 
Cyr отраф. Во (рѕ).. and she perceived him and answered and 
said to him Syr (s) яззлптоєђ (об 132)paroc in Hebrew] 8 ВРІ, 
OXAII* 33 42 71 157 239 433 253", OL (bceff) Bo Syr (gjh) Arm 
Eth .. om А ёс, OL (afg q) Vg Syr(s Cyr  opa£&.] 20 132 al, B.. 
pa ovv. МА &e, Во Syr (Б) Arm .. оравотие! yl, paBovre OX 40 
69 тоб 124 al, Arm edd, Sev, paflove D, rabboni OL Vg ..rabbulz 
Буг (gs) .. rabbi Arm edd ncao lit. the master] бідаткадє, domine 
OL (a) .. кори ài. D, magister et domine OL (e, ff) .. add kar тросєдра- 
pev apaoĝaı avrov N° 13 346, OL (с) Syr (jh), Cyr 

" зе | 20 а! yl... pref nnxoesc our Lord 132 .. but he Буг (s) | epos 
me] 20 132 а! yl, В, Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Tert.. trs before аттор» 
ЗА ёс, Resp orth Or Eus Epiph Chr Cyr pov 473 479" 
vap] 20 132 a! y! .. om Syr (s) паєцоп ex 132)o my Father 19] 

JOHN ХХ 16-19 317 

thou tookest him away, say to me where thou laidest him, and 
I, I shall take him away. 1° Said Jesus to her, Mariham. But 
that (woman) turned, said she to him in Hebrew, Hrabbunei, 
that which is wont to be interpreted, Master. И Said Jesus 
to her, Touch me not; for I went not yet up unto my Father: 
but go unto my brothers, and say to them, I shall go up unto 
my Father, who is your Father, and my God, who is your 
God. 18 Came Mariham the Magdalene, she told to the 
disciples, I saw the Lord, and he said these (things) to me. 
43. ? But (in the) evening of the Lord's day—that day, the 

20 132 al, А ёс, OL (acfffgq) Vg Bo Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Eus Nyss 
Cyr Thdrt Sev Tert .. om pou NBD 473, OL (be) Syr (j), Epiph Chr 
Max ae] 20 132 al, $ CPB ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gjh), Or Cyr 
Thdrt A, Did .. аА Syr (s) Arm .. ow» Мо DL O, OL (q) 
паси. my br.] 20 132 yl, АВ ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth, 
Eus Did Nyss Cyr Thdrt pov WN*D, OL (e) Bo (кті) 
{пәё. eo. I-up] 20 (108) 132 a! y! .. avaBaww NAB ёс, Syr (s) 
Arm, Did Nyss .. mopevopar Cyr .. pref behold Syr (s) ато (отоо 
Во... mexr Bo) nan.—ne and-God | 20 (108) 132 al (y!) .. et ad (om d) 
dominum meum et ad (om d) dom. vestrum OL (cd) .. om x. 0. u. G, 
Во (а) 

18 acer came] 132 al, Во (вт").. epyerar NAB ёс, Syr (Б) Arm.. 
add ae 20 (108) yl, Bo.. add ovv 13 346 25347 al 2, Nyss Sev .. pref 
and Syr (sj) Eth .. pref then Syr (=) sxaproase| 20 &c (108) yl, 
поран NBL r 33, Nonn.. papa AD &с, Bo, Cyr якас (к 132)- 
хаМнин | 20 a1 yl.. -Nmn 132, A al Буг (3) | асталає lit. she 
showed | 20 &c 108, Bo .. (ат, av) аууєАооса (eàovoa L* X P AIL al) N ёс 
.. she said Syr (s) | s3313134en(w 132). to the d. | 20 &c, Do .. add avrov 
D,Eth amar I saw] 20 &с, XBX, OL (a ffe) Vg Bo Syr (s) Eth .. 
ewpaxapev Š 33 .. -pakev AD ёо, OL (Бсеѓа) Eo (н) Syr (gjh) Arm, 
Cyr Sev пах. the Lord] 20 &c.. our Lord Syr (gs) Eth .. Jesus 
Syr (g 9) avw-mar and-me] 20 ёс, et hac dixit mihi OL (ffe) Vg 
(Во An,nrT* ?) .. et hoc dixit OL (b) .. кал ravra. erev avrg NAB &c 
(avro:s 69 al 4) Bo Syr (gh) Arm .. et omnia dixit ei (f) .. kau а evrev 
avr: <umvucev алто D, OL (с, e) Syr (s) Eth 

19 ротоє evening] 20 132 .. om Syr (s) me | 20 132, 239 al 3, 
OL (aeq) Во Syr (о) GXTA 13 69 237 299 al.. and Syr (sj) 
Arm Eth .. ovv ЗАВ ёс, OL (befffg) Vg Syr (6) | пткур. of-day | 


PIARA зжпсооо» єтавлу. cpe про Worte. ANA 
єтєрє мецяаєлентно coovo есоти монтЦ. erbe өоте 
ҮҮӨ мз. Асет Ибис. acjagepaTy ow тетазнте. 
пехар wav. хє Хрнин NATH. arw їтєрєүхє 
паї. acyTcahooy єнєцбүх «ет пеепр. arpaue ae 
пбтязеелөнтнс. NTEPOTMAT єпхоєс. 7 nexa ow 
мау. хе Хрнин NATH. ката OE єкта пасюот TH- 
ноотт. AMOR QWWT си хоо» азавити. 22 птє- 
PEIE MAL ae. ине COOTM oss пездо. ATW Texa 
MAT. хе XI WHA ЄцоуАА5б. 23 weTeTMaRa wewnobe 
мату ербол. CEMARAAT Way соХ. weTeTia a texo Te 

єтерє| epe 20, Во (в).. емаре Во 20 2019 ab отр. (27) 132 

Wrepeq] 20? 57..-py 132 2 20 $ (57) 132 * 20 $ (57) 
132 233 20 (51) 132 cit 

20 132 ..7 (om 33") ша ra BB. М A BIL 33 .. 79 ша Tov с. D ёс, Bo 
Cyr запєо. ет. of that day] 20 132 (Arm)..trs before ту ша 
МАВ ёс, Eth єрє| 20 132, Bo (Хв).. pref and NAB ёс, Bo 
про the doors] 20 132 .. ther doors Syr (s) Meg (IY 132)эхлөн- 
(v 132)т. his disc.] го 132, LUATI 33 330 346 489 2537 al, Eth, avrov RAB ёс, Bo Syr (gh) Arm соо»о e. lit. 
gathering in] 20 (57) .. om egovn 132; бэлуурвуос Ма ёс, OL (bce 
fffg) Vg чет Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Eus N*ABDIA* 44* 
95 122* 246" 478 481", OL (aq) Am Fu Syr (gs) ages he came] 
20 57 132, Во (n,6,0T)..add ae Bo.. pref and Eth..came, stood 
Jesus Arm old nex, и. said-them] 20 57 132, Bo .. Леу. avrous Ne.. 
om avro: №, Syr (j) .. pref ка. ЗАВ ёс, Во (в) инти to you] 20 
57 132, Eth .. with you Syr (gs) (Arm) 

? avw-mas and-this] 20 (57 1) 132 .. кас rovro arav Ñ ёс, Syr (h) 
Eth .. and when he had said Syr (s) .. this he said and Syr (g) .. when this 
he said Arm aytcah.—cnp he-side] 20 (57), E ёс, Во Syr (gsjh) 
Arm Eth, Eus Cyr .. om ney his 132, 1 13 565, OL (aefffg) Vg.. 
єдєёєг-тХєшрау алтаа NA BDI, OL (q) | єнєцөгх his hands] 20 (57) 
132, Во Syr (gs) Eth .. таз x. ND ёс, OL Vg Syr (j) Arm Eth, Eus 
Cyr .. add кол rovs тобаз 13, Arm cdd .. ки таз x. AB, Буг (h) ac] 
20 132, т 565, OL (dq) Syr (j)..ow NAB ёс, OL (cg) Vg Bo 

ФОНХ ХХ 20-23 319 

doors being shut in the place in which his disciples are 
gathering together, because of the fear of the Jews, came 
Jesus, he stood in their midst, said he to them, [The] peace to 
you. 29 And when he had said this, he showed to them his 
hands and his side: but rejoiced the disciples, when they 
had seen the Lord. 21 Said he again to them, [The] peace to 
you: according as my Father sent me, I, I also send you. 
22 But when he had said this, he breathed into their face, and 
said he to them, Take holy spirit. ?? Those to whom ye will 
forgive their sins, they will be forgiven to them ; those whose 

Буг (h), Eus Cyr..e¢ OL (abefff) Syr (g) Arm Eth Sxsraen (v 
132)т. thedisc.] 20 57 132 .. add avrov D 71 127, Eth | fireposmas- 
хосте when-Lord] 20 (57) 132 .. om OL (a) .. when-our Lord Syr (e) 
Eth .. and when saw him the d. they rejoiced Syr (s) 

Я пех. said he] 132, OL (ce) Arm (Буг s).. add «e 20, Syr (g).. 
add озу ЗАВ &c, OL Vg Syr (jh), Eus .. pref ка LOX, Bo Eth, Cyr 
он again] 20 57 132, NDLOX, OL (acegq) Vg Bo Arm, Eus Cyr.. 
om Bo (N4,'NPS*)..0 ts таму AB ёс, OL (bfff) Syr (h) ..trs to 
beginning Syr (s) .. т. o 5 1 27 299 565, Syr (gj) (Eth) инти to 
you] 20 (57) 132, Syr (h) Eth .. with you Syr (gs) (Arm) TAEI- 
(as 132)от my F.] 20 57 132, Syr (gs) Arm ..o т. NAB ёс, Syr (h) 
Eth ewwt І also] 20 (57) 132..ош Syr (g 14 s) {хоох 
lit. I send] 20 57 132, veo, атостеАо МАВ &с.. тєн» 587, OL 
(c) Bo (кет) 

? йтєрє (py 132)- є but-this | 20 (57)132..ка rovro (these Syr gs) 
єптау WA B &с, OL (f) Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm Eth .. om OL (a) .. om ках D, 
OL (bceffgq) Vg аети (Ё 132)6-өо he-face] 20 (57) 132, Bo 
(Зем) Syr (s) .. evepvonoev avros D, Syr (gj) Arm Eth .. evedvonoev 
NAB ёс, Eus Chr Cyr Сур 

? нєтєтнака those-forgive] 20 (57) 132 cit.. pref and Bo (rtp 
EF, G,NOS) nev. their sins] 20 57 132 cit, zwov МА ёс, OL 
(beg) Vg Bo Syr (jh) Arm Eth, Or Bas Cyr Novat .. twos В, OL 
(aef) Syr (gs), Cyp Eus сємакаал they-forgiven] 20 57 132 cit, 
афебтаєта: 34", OL (a,deq) Am Syr (h) Arm Eth, Сур (Novat).. 
афеоута, NCADLO X т 13 19** 124, Chr .. афіоутаї (B) ёс, OL (be 
fg) Vg Bo Syr (j), Or Cyri Eus Bas Ps-Ath nerernaass, those— 
retain] 20 (57) 132 cit, Arm .. add де W* .. pref et OL (beg) Vg Во 
Syr (gsjh) Arm el, Сур Novat .. ye will shut against Syr (s) 


мото. сепллеелоте AAALOOT. зах. 5 OWRRac AE 
ora eho\ ож» MHAAMTCMOOTC. петєщатяавтутє єросі 
хе AVATRLOC. Wecpuaeefa y AM пе. їтєрсцех Norse. 
25 үнєэ"хо». GE яяееос има пе NGINKRERLAOHTHC. хе 
ANNAT єпаоєтс. ито AE MEXA MAT. хе CITAAMAT 
enewe имебт ом меетх. ATW Tanex патнніє 
exit меше пет. ATW талмех табүх ex mecjenip 
үг С малистєэє. ам. 2 ARICA Шазоти ae посох 
наа елду. ager ибис. epe про шота». acjaoeparTy 
ом тетазнте. MEXA мау. хе PANH инти. 27 erra 
MEXA мефаяхс. хе ау пеңтинбе cHeveex, ОМА 
ємабух. ATW тєнбүх ибиохе єхає пасПпір. ати» 

М 20 Р (57 $) 1325 al Є P зак 132 5 20 $ at пточ (є) 
(57 $ &с) 132 al $ &c el ne] om 132 »»aem.]-esv. 132 xoexc] 
sore al rierb(q а!) 19] ипезёт 132 танєх 10] al el.. fira. 20 57 
132 merbT 29] meryt є а! Tanex 29] є 57 а! el.. sra. 20 132 
% 20 Š (є 9) (41) (57 $) 132 Š а! Š and at ager є $ 21 20 $. and. 
at ато 29 41 (57) 132 $ (а! $) (Є) av] add e 41 mera] miara 
132 мохе]| tocx€ 132 

ппото lit. theirs] 20 57 132.. Зхэхоот them cit сеплаляя. 
lit. they will retain] 20 132 cit, OL (abeq) Bo Arm (Eth), Сур Novat 
.. KEKPATYVTAL NAB ёс, OL (cdg) Vg .. й és shut Syr (s) .. will not 
be forgiven Eth 

^ Ac] 20 & OL (ae).. ow 1 ота one] 20 &с.. who was 
буг (g 26) meyn. was-them] el, ЗАВ ёс, Bo (вау), Syr (s with 
the others) .. add exec L, Во Syr (g,s) .. печахачат was not being there 
20 &c 51 птеречех й. when-Jesus| 20 &c 57 .. memtager tionc 
132 sic .. ore ovv т)Абєу 15 N* joining with following words 

5 бе therefore] 20 57, МАВ &c.. om Во (вм) Syr (g9) Arm.. 
ae 132 al el.. and Буг (g) Eth .. they say to him, came our Lord and 
we saw him бут (8) пкє the other] 20 ёс 57..0m алло: NF 122, 
Во Буг (є) Armedd пжоєт (ої о1)е the Lord] 20 ёс 57 .. our Lord 
Syr (0) Eth ae] 20 &c 57.. and Arm Eth — пещуі the prints 1°] 
20 &с 57, rovs тьтоёс 565 ..тоу тот. NAB ёс, Во (vsnoc) Syr (h) 
Arm (Eth) ..locwm OL (fq) Syr (j) Arm etd .. and the place Syr (s) 

ТОНХ ХХ 24-27 321 

(sins) ye will retain, they will be retained. 44. ?*But Thomas, 
one out of the twelve, he who is wont to be called Didymos, 
was not being with them, when had come Jesus. 25 Were 
saying therefore to him the other disciples, We saw the Lord. 
But he, said he to them, Unless I see the prints of the nails in 
his hands, and put (lit. east) my finger upon the nail prints, 
and put my hand upon his side, I shall not believe. ?9 But 
after eight days were being within again the disciples, and 
Thomas also with them: came Jesus, the doors being shut, he 
stood in their midst, said he to them, [The] peace to you. 
21 Then said he to Thomas, Give (me) thy finger hither, and see 
my hands; and thy hand, and put it upon my side: and 

em in] 20 & 57 ..«s D, OL (с), Bo (e) Syr (s) Eth 
megg. his hands] 20 ёс 57..0m Bo(G,) avrov NÈ суп 
лейт and—prints] om 132, А 69 235 472 3397, OL (e) Во (6,) Syr (j) 
..trs after zAevpav avrov D .. and put forth ту finger into the places 
Syr (s) mewt п. the nail prints] 20 ёс є (57 1).. тои тотор т. Xov 
NBD ёс, Bo (тэпос) (Eth), Cyr Nonn.. тоу тотоу т. у. АІ 47 56 
58 97**, OL (abegq) Vg Syr (s, jh) Arm, Or Hil Amb Aug .. туу 
xepav avrov N* .. them Syr (e) табтх my hand] 20 ёс є (57), 
МАВ &с.. pov ras x. D, Во (1)... om pov т, OL (ad) — exsx пєҷсп. 
upon his side] 20 &e є (57!) .. in [the] place which is in his side 
Syr (s) 

28 Xel 20 ёс є (517) «ка: МАВ ёс Пооот days] 20 ёс є (57) 
.. add on the first of the next sabbaths Syr (s) мето. were—within | 
20 &c є (57).. were assembled in the house Syr (8) | яязаген(у 132)т. 
the d.] го (є) 57, Ñ r 56 58 69 122 124 472, OL (abce) Во (КА"ГТ 
DEHPS) Syr (gsj) Arm.. negar. his d. 132 а! el, ABCD ёс, OL (fgq) 
Vg Bo Syr (g 36h) Eth, Or Cyr ayes came] 20 &c (57), Bo .. 
epxerat МАВ &c.. add ovv D r 19** 29** 150° .. pref and Syr (g) 
Eth ^ ачаоє. he stood] 20 &e 41 (57), Syr (g) .. pref «ao. NAB ёс, Bo 
пехач said he] го ёс 41 (57), Bo.. pref ки ЗАВ ёс, Во (кр, к,г) 
nav to them] 20 &c 41 57, А? 235 251 472 477, Bo Syr (gs) Eth.. 
om NAB &c, Arm инти to you] 20 &c 41 57, Eth.. with you 
Syr (gs) Arm 

27 erT(a el)= | 20 & 57 а! el, Syr (s) .. and Syr (g) werr. thy f. | 
20 &c 57 al el.. add инх to me Bo (n,*) .. add and cast Arm aco 
and] 20 &e(57)a! e! Bo (N) тєкбүх thy hand] 20 &c 57 а! el, 

H,S.G, III ¥ 


метазцуопе Warmrcroc aAAa ажлистос. 28 acpovoub 
NHFrEwLeac пеха Maf. хе пахоес ATW HaWoTTe, 
2) rexa ибие. xe ehod axe ARMAT epor anmcreve. 
нАЄГАТОУ ПиєтєаєпоОУМАУ ATIICTETE. 3 лор gen- 
кечеле хє ENAWWOT Ибис ажлсаато eboW пиеч- 
яелөнтнс. NAT €HCECCHO AW €mnewsoosee. l ira wceo 
мат AE. хенлс єтєтиєпїстете. хе IC перс пщире 
HOTON Wa ENED ose перам. 

XXI. age. «nica Mar a IC oToMAOT emnecesaon- 

257200410132013 29 20 (e) (41 $ 132a! $ e! xe єв. | «єв. 
132 maera. | masa. (©) 41 132 metem.) metar. 132 ЗРО) 
(41 §) 132 al § e! $ эзлтєлхло | nato 132  єпсєсно| al.. fice. 
є&с 41  emer.] al el.. єп. 132 в (qr 9) (43) (02) 582 als u 
йтат| сит. Є єтєтиє| al.. -Tma 01 &c 

* (43 $) 91 5 132 Š ase 132 

Во (н)..ргеї give it Bo.. pref pepe NAB ёс wone become | 
20 &с al (el), буг (gsh) Arm ЕЊ.. сб: D, esse OL Vg Bo (єр) 
ñan. faithless] 20 ёс (57) al .. lacking in faith бут (s) adda ёс 
but &c| om Bo (a*) Syr (s) amicr, believing] 20 .. p(ep 132)n. 
be believing 41 132 a! 

? aeos. ans.] &BC*DGLX al то, OL Vg Bo Arm, Cyr Сур.. 
om Syr (s) .. pref кол А ёс, OL (q) Syr (gjh) Eth..add ae Bo (Гір 
ES) пех. said he] Во (N fr) Syr (s) .. pref ка: NAB ёс пач 
to him] Bo (&rrpzr,»s fr) Буг (gsh).. ош 440, OL (ет) Во.. add 
tu es ОЇ, (ас) 

? пех. said he] 20 &c, rexe Bo.. Aeye АВ ёс, буг (g).. add жє 
41, eur. 33" 13 69 346, Xeye де №, et ait OL (e) Eth icc Jesus | 
20 41 el .. pref nay to him 132 al, ЗАВ ёс, Во Syr (g) — €&oN xe 
because that] 20 &с (41)..or. ЗАВ ёс, Bo (Arm).. now that Syr 
(gs) экиат thou sawest] 20 &c 41 ..arxooc J said є! epor 
me] 20 &c 41, SA BCD ёс, OL Am Во Syr(gsjh) Arm Eth, Chr Cyr 
Сур .. add бора al, Vgelem ,, пак £o thee 61. экпист. thou b.] 20 ёс 
41 .. pref xa. N*, OL (gq) Во (ст, Ехо) Arm .. add me Syr (з) Eth 
пат saw | 20 ёс (41), Bo .. i8ovres МАВ &c.. add pe N* 19** 6oev, 
Syr (gsjh) asnics. they b.] 20 &c (41) .. кал (om A) micrevoartes 
N(A)B &c .. add те Syr (s) 

JOHN ХХ 28—XXI I 323 

become not faithless but (a) believing. 29 Answered Thomas, 
said he to him, Му Lord and my God. 2 Said he Jesus, 
Because that thou sawest me, thou believedst: blessed are 
those who saw not, (yet) they believed. 39 But did many 
other signs Jesus before his disciples, these which are not 
written for this book. °! But these were written, that ye 
should believe that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God ; and 
that having believed ye should take a life for ever in his 

XXI. 45. After these things Jesus manifested himself to 

89 зар he did] 20 ёо 41..showed to Syr (s om before) Arm 64 
eenkeaxa. other signs] 20 ёс, NAB &c .. опкєобйнтє other works 
132 me] 20 є 41 132, Bo .. om а! el .. uev ow МАВ &c .. aren Bo 
(ACG нкгіг).. and Syr (s) Eth .. тату also Arm req (из 132)- 
злаен(у 132)т. his d.] є &с, NCD ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Arm 
Eth, Chr Cyr .. om avrov ВЕКБАП al, OL (f) .. add postquam &c 
OL (e) цал these] є &c 41, Syr (sh) .. om 132 

М om verse G* mar these] 132 &c .. also these Syr (g).. this so 
much Arm .. this-of them Eth вє-тист, that-believed] 43 ёс gt 132 оті-бєоу 477 | om OL (a) їс-пє 
Jesus-God] 43 gral, Bo.. om me el .. i$ «оти о xs o wos т. 0. NAB ёс, 
Syr (с) Arm Eth .. is o xs v. є т. 0. D .. i. ch. filius est dei OL (m).. 
і. ch. est f. dei OL (bf) Syr (s) .. i. ch. ipse est f. dei OL (c) .. 4. est ch. f. 
dei OL (gq) Vg, Hil azw and] 43 &с or .. om N*, OL (m) Во (в) 
ато-рай and-name] (43) ёс 91 .. and that ye might believe, and life 
eternal have by his name Arm .. and ye shall believe lam, and ye shall 
live by his name Syr (s) ща &c for ever] ЗАС” DLT 13 33 69 9t 
124 127 229** 239 346 60*Y 253 9, OL (befgq) Bo Arm Eth, Chr 
Nonn .. om AB ёс, OL (acm) Vg Bo (в) Syr (jh) 

1 seititca after] (43) 91 132, Bo (7) ..add de 234 al, OL (e) Bo.. 
and after Syr (j) - and then Eth е) от 132.. 0m DM 51 255, OL 
(е), Chr | osona(e 132)o*5 manifested &c] or 132, G 18 42 бі 106 
510 575 al, Bo (x) Syr (sj), Chr .. add тами ABC ёс, OL Vg Syr (h) 
Eth, Cyr ..trs m. before eavrov N, Syr (g) .. trs т. before epav. D 235, 
Bo Arm.. trs т. after с 19 69 435 Mmeqsraon(y 132). his d.] 9r 
132, CCDGHMU XT 13 69 124 127 235 239 24491 40, OL (abcfgq) 
Во Syr (gsj) Arm Eth .. om OL (е) Am Fu.. om avrov МА ВС“ ёс, 
Veelem Syr (h), Chr Cyr .. add єуєрӣеѕ єк vexpov Г 13 69 106 124 al 



THe огхи eaAacca итфертас. итацотоно ae ehor 
итеое. 2 пеущооп OF OFCOM me Woicveeom петрос 
WA@AWAHA пе ebo ON ткана ЙТОСАЛІЛАТА. seit 
WMüjHpe ихебехмос. ATW несмах ehoA ом mey- 
$*4OHTHC. MESA WAT Үбїсї оо петрос. хе 
"«uabon eger thr. mexar мас. хє тину ооон 
MARAR., aver «БОХ arae enxor ATW а®позтеп 
Aaav ом теупун erea. * итере oToove ae 
топе A IC лоєрљ^т OF пекро. азпотуєгаєє NSi- 
зэчслөнтнс. хє IC пе. NESAS G€ MAT nonc. хе 
миунре шинээ. ee ov Qaav MrT йтєтноти. 
атотооції wa. хє ажа оп. бпеха NAT XE AMEME 
азпещие мсл оида ажгхог. ATW TETMAQE OTOI 

тій. | зів. gt e&oN] om or 3 (41) (75) 01 132 Rama] 41 
132... 75 91 > 9 (43) 75.91 8261-7254 1): (45) оса 
541443 75 91 132  тщ.| 41 43 132.. merg. 75 91 отп] oven 
132 хе аз. xxx. 01 ° (41 $) (43) 75 91 132 Š at mvoos 
ormat] cos. 91 тєтпаоє] 41 132. тетима. 75 01 отоп] eos. 

15 91 

птачотопо (om 01) -тєї(| 132)ое he-thus] 91 132..0Ш 253 97, 
OL (а) Eth .. add to them Syr (s) ae] or 132.. and Arm Eth 

З ог пе together] 132 .. xe me ог oscon or (Во г, кг) .. when 
they were assembled all of them together Syr (s) петр. | 91 132.. 
Kepha Syr (gs) mete—ara. he—Didymos] (41 1) or 132 ..ош Syr 
(s) &s0-v(& 132)ad. and-Galil] 75 & Bo(a*) пе eb. 
the-out] 75 ёо... os nv ато D, OL (befg) Vg n(ne 75)щ. птєйє- 
ләт (љє 132)oc the sons of Z.] 75 ёс, NDE 157 184*v 185 еу al то, 
OL Vg Syr (овј) Arm Eth, Chr... от. б. шо C .. ov т. ¢. АВ ёс, Syr 

(h), Cyr кеспат two other] 75 &c .. om other Bo (Qv) .. two others 
Syr (s) neeaxaen(v 132)7. his d.] 75 &c, Armedd Eth .. the disc. 
Syr (s) Arm 

3 пат to them] 75 &c .. rovrois D пєтр.] 75 &c .. К. Syr (g).. 
om Syr (s) mag to him] 75 &c .. add exewou X оооп we also] 
75 &c..trs after со OL (e) т aver they went] 75 01, 
BCD ёс, OL (aeq) Arm, Cyr.. add ae 132 ..add ow МОГ XII? 157 

JOHN XXI 2-6 325 

his disciples at (lit. upon) the sea of Tiberias: but he mani- 
fested himself thus. ? Were being together Simon Petros and 
Thomas, he who is wont to be called Didymos, and Nathanael, 
the (one) out of the Kana of [the] Galilaia, and the sons of 
Zebedaios, and two other out of his disciples. ? Said he to 
them Simon Petros, I shall go to catch fish. Said they to 
him, We come also with thee. They came out, they went up 
into the ship; and they caught not any in that night. * But 
when morning had happened, Jesus stood on the shore: knew 
not the disciples that it is Jesus. 5 Said he therefore to them 
Jesus, Young children, have ye any fish? They answered to 
him, Nay. f Said he to them, Bring the net on (the) right (side) 
of the ship, and ye will find some. But they, said they, We 

al..pref кш АР, OL (befg) Vg Bo Syr (gsjh) Eth emo: into 
the ship] 75 ёс, SBC*DLXA 1 33 69 565, OL Vg Bo Syr (j) Arm 
Eth..add evévs А ёс, Буг (В), Cyr оп in] 43 & І, OL 
(abce) Vg 

5 птере-иу. when-happened] (43) ёс, NCD &e, OL Vg, Cyr.. 
угон. A. BC* EL al ro evoose morning] (43) ёс, М" 22 69 122 
124 565 150% al го, OL (ace) Vg elem Во Syr (є) Arm Eth .. add 
767 Ne &с, OL (bfg) Am Буг (h) ae] 43 &c.. om G.. and Syr (s) 
Eth a-ag. Jesus stood] 75 &c..came Jesus, he stood Syr (s) 
es on] 43 &c, Bo, єл МАРІМОХ зз al, Clem .. ets BC ёс (OL Vg) 
Bo (Qv) поз. knew not] 43 132 ..add ae 41 75 91, Syr (h).. 
ov pevror 99. (eyv) NA В ёс, Bo .. and Syr (gs) ззязьен(у 132). 
the disc.] 41 ёс, Bo (acp,GHT 18) .. печах. his d. 43, 69, OL (f) 
Bo (квт,ЕХОРОБУ) Syr (sj) Eth 

5 бе therefore] 75, NA B ёс, Bo (Асєнт 18).. ae 411 43 132.. 
and Syr (є) Eth.. om C?U 33 106 599 al 15, OL (ae) Bo Syr (g 40 
sj) Arm, Cyr .. бє оп 91 поле Jesus] om OL (a) Syr (з) aT- 
озшщЁ they ans.] they say Syr (s) (Eth) .. add and say to him Arm 
nag to him] om Во (л"ау).. to him and say Arm edd 

8 пех. м. said-them] 41 ёс 43, 479", OL (g)..Aeye avr. N*cb 
239, OL (be) Vg Bo Syr (gsj) Arm .. pref and Bo (N) Eth .. add Jesus 
Eth .. o дє erev avrois МА BC D ёс, OL (aefq) Syr (h), Cyr .. о de ts 
ea.X ameme bring | 41 (43) 132 .. тє(н 75) cast 75 91, Bo, ВаЛете 
МАВ ёс, Bare A*, mitte OL (e) пешие(н 75 91) the net] 41 ёс 
.. от то 69 .. your net Syr (gs) Eth azw and 10] 41 & Во 

326 ШО?ХНИиНС 

HTOOT хє пехау хє AMWNQICE NTETUH тире. At- 
nisen Ахат. ехая пекрам ae тимамох?. гос 
GE ATW яяпотешсяясояе EcORT єорах eboN ом Tae 
пйтбт. 7 пеха Ge ажиєтрос нстпазлентнс. єнєрє 
IC жее ROY хе пхоес пе. CIRAN Ge петрос NTE- 
рецсотяя. oe пхосіс пе. ac[eeopeg авпецєпеноутнс. 
мецин сар HAQHT пе. ATW acyosy єөлХасса. 
3 икеаехонтис AC ATED OY ISONI. NETOTHT бар ай 
пе eĝo азпекро. AAAA WaUJHT Reeage єусон e- 
пеше пітіт. ° итероуеесоме GE єпєнро. ATHAT 
суща?О. epe оутбт охоо]. ATW ovoem CRH EQ Par. 

йтєт. | gent. 75 | бэхб.| cens. 75 | тащє| 75..-щн 41 or? 

132 т (41) (43) 75 (91) 132 (41) saen. | aer. 132 їтєрєч | 

5 41..-р4 132  єпенаутне| enmacanc 132 8 43 (15) 91 132 
(47) пе] 43 9141..ош 75132 7 43 15 91$ 132 (41$) 

(оу) птооу-ти(тєп 75)манох (ота. 41) but-it] (41 ?) ёс, Nes, 
OL (g) Eth .. om N*A В ёс, Во iamnnc'en(ci 41 132) we caught 
not] 41 132 .. pref aw and 75 91 ge therefore] 41 &с, Ne ёс... om 
OL (ae) Arm .. ae 132, N* D, Bo .. and Syr (gj) Eth .. and when they 
had cast as he said to them they sought to take up the net into the ship 
Syr (s) азо and 29] 41 ёс, NAB &с.. om 132, Eth anor. 
they were not able] (411) ёс, Во Syr (g, s).. овкет, ioyvoav A &c, 
OL (eq) .. омкетс wzxvov NBCDLATI т 27 33 124 262 al, OL (ab 
cfg) Vg Syr (jh), Cyr есок бо draw it] (41) ёс Bo, II x 127 
157 254 482 489 565..trs avro «Ак. NA В &c .. trs as above Syr (s) 
.. ош avro Arm eboN em lit. out of] 75 91..i for 132 .. ато 
МАВ ёс. from the weight Syr (s) ййї(пєп 75 132)тйт of 
the f£] 75 &c..add which it contained Syr (gs) .. add which were 
caught Eth 

1 бе therefore] от, ЗАВ ёс, Во (0)..от Bo Arm .. xe 75 132, 
Bo (NBDNP)..and Syr (g) Eth.. then said Syr (з) язпєтр. фо Р.) 
75 91 132 .. trs after is NAB &c .. pref стало Bo (ду 18) .. to Kepha 
Syr (g).. to Shemun Syr (s) єпєрє-алє was loving] 132, NAB ёс 
.. єтєрє &c Їотеї 15 техоєтс (пос 75) ne it is the Lord] 41 & ot 
.. add nuov D, Syr (gs) Eth .. vc Во (18) twice бе therefore 29] 

JOHN XXI 7-9 327 

toiled all the night, we caught not any: but at (esas) thy name 
we shall cast it. They cast it therefore, and they were not 
able to draw it up from the abundance of the fishes. 7 Said 
he therefore to Petros the disciple whom Jesus was loving, It 
is the Lord. Simon Petros therefore, when he had heard that 
it is the Lord, bound himself with his garment, for he was 
being naked; and he leapt into the sea. 8 But the other 
disciples eame in the ship; for they were not being far from 
the shore, but (a) about two hundred cubits, drawing the net 
of the fishes. ° When they had moored (the ships) therefore 
to the shore, they saw a fire, a fish being upon it, and a loaf 

75 ..ош Arm .. ae 132, Syr(g)..and Eth пєтр.] 75 132 .. om Syr 
(gs) | ачакора he bound himself] 43 6 41 .. he girt his loins Syr(gs) 
.. he put on Arm аАчч(В 75 91 132)054 he leapt] 43 ёс 41, тАЛато 
D?.. he fell Syr (s) .. «Bade єамт. ЗАВ ёс, Bo Arm (Eth) eo. 
into the sea] 43 ёс gt 41, Буг (є 36) .. add that he might come to Jesus 
Syr (=), add and came Syr (g 6) .. add and was swimming and coming 
Syr (s) 

8 пкєзаон(т 132)тг-хох(єг 43 4l)but-ship] trs and the rest of 
the d. were coming after shore Syr (s) є | and-ae Во (№) Arm 
пх. the ship] 43 ёс 75 4l..pref а\Ао № aNNa-21aoc but— 
cubits] om Syr (s) шит two h.] 43 ёс 75 4l .. viginti OL (а) 
пещие(н 75 91 132) the net] Armed .. the nets Arm пїтЁт of 
the f£] 43 75 132 4! .. ба. itt. under the fishes 9x .. om Syr (s) .. with 
the fishes Eth 

° їїтєрөлээ, when-moored] 43 бо 4l.. өв-атсВусаг ЗАВ &c.. 
—ereBnoov А 47 © 1846, Cyr ..—-aveB. МН от, Syr (є) ge 
therefore] 75 41, SAB ёс, Во (18).. om Во (сғ,внт) Arm.. хє 
43 &c, Bo (NABDE,NOPQSV)..and Syr (s) Eth єпєкро to the 
shore] 43 &c.. es тту yyy NF &c .. єт. туи у. №1. X avia they 
saw] 43 &c (41), «дау P, OL (befg) Vg Буг (є) Arm edd .. pref they 
looked Bo .. BXezovow NAB ёс, OL (aeff) Syr (h) Arm .. were seeing 
Arm åd ,, they found Syr (s) Eth esujae-orxo а fire-it] 43 &с 
41..« fire of coals and a fish upon (it) Arm .. аубракиам кєцієми kac 
офарюу МАВ ёс, Syr (gh).. carbones incensos et piscem OL (abcft) 
Eth .. in front of Jesus coals of fire and the fish put on them Syr (s) 
avw-eopar and-down] 43 ёс (41), Syr (s) Eth .. етикециеои kat ортой 
МАВ &c .. and bread Arm 


10 rexe vC WAS. хе эмиме eboA oW HTT єптатети- 
бопо» темот. Hagae GE иблелаяюи петрос. avo 
ACCOR яяпешщие єпекро. єцаєєо Woo йтбт. єтєтре 
meme moo. 1° MEXE IE MAT. хє AKLHEITN итети- 
соус. mne Аллах Ба лөнтнс TONALA єхноуү 
же NTR MIA. єУСООУМ хе пхоее пе. 1° ager MGIC. 
agx noem. хүү мат. ато ом eboA оз» птіт. 
14 пах ae пе Пазесощожемт исоп NTA IC ovonggy 
емецахонтис. итеретости ehoA ом метазоотт. 
15 птероуотоее AE пехар ибис маяяюи петрос. 
хе сизон пшире NIWOANNHC наас аваас: EQOTE 

10 43 95 91 132 (41) eura] 41..йта 43 &с I 43 85 DI. £32 
(4) ume] 43 132..щин 75 91 tht] 43 75..теёт 91 132 
Tà€107] 43. тают 75 &c vei] 132 merme 29] 43 ..-щин QI.. 
ищин 75 132 12 43 75 (91) 132 (41$) эзанети]| 43..-ні- 75 
91132  " 43 75 (91) 132. '* 43 (75) 91.132. З (6) 43 015 
132 $ 13! 

10 wewe said] 43 &с (4!) .. pref and Syr (g) Eth ch, оп out of] 
75 91 (41), Bo, ex DL... eh. п 43 132, ато NA BC &c 

й бе therefore] 43 &с 41, RBCLXIP? r 22 33 565 al 3, Bo Syr 
(jh) AD ёс, OL (abefffg) Vg Arm .. tunc OL (c) .. and 
Syr (gs) Eth..add єпхот into the ship 132 петр. | 43 &c (4!).. 
Kepha Syr (g) .. om Syr (s) avw and 19] 43 &с.. om Во (BA,TQY) 
ene(om 132)кро to the shore] 43 &c, es т. y. NABCLPXATI 33 42 
48 239 299 482 489 2516%.. erc туу у. D т 69 124 127 299 al, Bo 
(exen)... єтї т< y. Е ёс, Во (вт) өгхєн єчэхєо-тЁт full-fish | 
43 &c .. and. they found in it fishes great. Syr (s) пиоб great] 43 
&е, ADGLXA т 33 565 25327, OL (abfffg) Vg Arm .. trs after суб. 
NBC ёс, OL (c) Syr (gs) Eth, Cyr awn abundance] 75 91, 
МАВ &c .. add птіт of fish 43 132 .. all this weight Syr (gs) iine 
not] 43 ёс .. pref and Arm 

12 şe] 43 ёс or .. add ovn Bo (в).. pref and Syr (g) Eth iine 
№. none] 43 &с 91, ВС, Bo (в) .. add бє NAD ёс, OL (bcefff 
tamen, autem) Во Syr (gjh), Cyr .. «a. OL (ag) Vg Syr (s) Arm Eth, 
Chr nalne 75)231aen(v 132)т. of the d.] 43 &c(91 1), Syr (gh) 
.. of his d. Во Syr(s) Eth — ятк(є 132) п. who-thou] 43 &e, Syr (h) 

JOHN XXI 10-15 329 

laid down. 10 Said Jesus to them, Bring out of the fish which 
уе caught now. И Went up therefore Simon Petros, and he 
drew the net to the shore, full of great fish, making (an) 
hundred (and) fifty-three; and (yet), there being this abundance, 
the net was not rent. 12 Said Jesus to them, Come and eat. 
None of the disciples dared to ask him, Who art thou? 
knowing that itis the Lord. !? Came Jesus, he took the loaf, 
he gave to them, and also out of the fish. 1" But this is the 
third time which Jesus manifested himself to his disciples, 
when he had risen out of those who are dead. 15 But when 
they had eaten, said he Jesus to Simon Petros, Simon, the son 

Arm Eth.. who й із Syr (gs) | ewc.-ne knowing-Lord] 43 &c (911) Во (TT A,s) .. believing ёс Syr (s) nxoeic the Lord] 43 &c .. 
our Lord Syr (g) Eth .. he Syr (s) 

13 ager came] 43 &c, NBCDLX т 22 33 gt 565 al то, OL (abe) 
Arm .. add ovv A ёс, OL (fff) Bo Syr (h) .. et venit OL (g) Vg Буг (j) 
Eth .. tunc v. (с) .. де Syr (g) drew near .. om Syr (з) асүхг-тЁт he 
took-the fish] 43 &c (91 1) .. and he took bread and fishes ( fish g?") and 
gave to them Syr (g) .. and took Jesus bread and fish Syr (s) aq 
he gave] 43 ёс, Bo (т).. ки бідоочу ЗАВ ёс, Bo.. еохарютуоа$ 
єдокєу D 27, et benedicens dedit OL (df) Syr (h) .. benedixit et dedit ОЇ, 
(о), and gave thanks and gave Syr (j) .. and blessed over them and gave 
to them Syr (s) ntht the fish] 43 &c 9r .. the fishes Bo (D ENOPS) 
Arm edd ,, the fish also Bo (D, FT) 

14 xe] 43 с 75, NGLX 33, Bo Syr (j) ABCD ёс, OL Vg 
Bo (т) Syr (gsh) Arm, Cyr..and Eth пялєощ. the third] 43 ё 75, 
Во Syr (gs) Arm Eth .. pref 8, ЗАВ &с 1€] 43 &c 75 .. trs after 
pad. 5 234 OL (ff) отоо man. himself] 43 &c 75, Bo.. 
єф. єаут. X 71 346 evgg, OL (abce) Syr (g).. єфамєробу МАВ &c, 
OL (fff) Vg Syr (sh) Arm Eth neq (mY 132) эхаөн(5 132)т. his 
dise.] 43 ёс 75, D &c, OL (bef) Vg elem Bo Буг (gsjh) Arm edd Eth, avrov МА ВСІ. 1 22 33 53 122 157 489, OL (ае) Am 
Fu Arm 

з їїтєро»ож(13!.. от os 43 &c)wax when-eaten] 43 &e .. прістт- 
cec К є | 43 ёс, Syr (g) .. ovv ЗАВ &c.. and Syr (s) Arm Eth 
пече Jesus] 43 132 131, D, OL (ас) Bo Syr (gjh) Eth, Chr .. trs after 
тєтр. 91, NAB ёс, Arm В 234 249 251 569 575 al 7, Aug 
nerp.] 43 &c .. Керла Syr (g) Syr (з) тоо. ої І.) R &e, 


MAI. HESA Maf. хе се пхоєс ток пеєтсооуН хе 
"ete жже оң. пех Maf. xe засонє пилоте. 
16 пех ом ма AAITALEOCTICHAT. хе спевом пщире 
TOR петсооти хе $ee Merron. пех Maf. хе 
soome милесоот. М пехь MAC] ажиагсооооут 
исоп. хе CMON пщире NHIWOANNAC наас ALLOr. 
ac Avmner MGIMETPOC. хе ас хоос MA аєпазєо- 
пхоее ERCOOTH ток ооб miae Итон етсооти 
хе pere UOR. MEXE IC ма. хе азооме iuraecoov. 

nere.| 43 FSU. ere, Ё ог 132 15 (#) (20) (43) O1 132 (13 1) 
си) & or ..cem 132 . com 43 13! мєлс-| 20 132 (enc. от и (8) 

20 (01) 132 13! 

мавстрі, OL (abdefffg) Vg Во, Nonn..wva A ёс, OL (с) Syr 
(gsjh) Eth, Bas Chr Cyr W*..Jonan Syr (s) (Arm) 
«(В ог 131.. и 43 132)оотє п(єм 91)as more than these] om т 22 
565, OL (abceff) Syr (s) пае to him 19] k gr, NAB &c .. om 43 
132 151 mx. Lord] k & Lord Syr (gs) ПтоК-я язок 
thou-thee] к & OL (ae) Syr (s).. pref and Arm їл to 
him 29] К &c..add o:s DU 19", Syr g (6) Eth o(eo or 132)serh 
lambs] NAB ёс, OL (fffg) Ус Syr (gsh) Arm Eth, Bas Cyr.. mpo- 
Вата R, C* D 3беу, OL (abede), Chr 

16 om again] Ё &c 43 131.. trs after avro AB ёс, OL (affg) Vg 
Буг (gh) Bas Cyr..trs before Аєує NC, OL (bf) Bo Syr (sj) Arm 
(Eth) D, OL (се) Syr (g 9) anaco. the second time] & 43 
QI 132 131, то devrepov Ма т 19** 565, Bo.. devrepov AB ёс, OL 
(се) ..от N* 249, OL (abfffg) Vg Arm .. add o кирюз D iuo, 
of L] Е ёс (43) 13, NBC* D, OL (abefffg) Vg Bo, Nonn .. та 
as above..xoamrma Во (А.Г)... xoarmg. Bo (ре) .. om фа. Во (кт) 
mos me] К &c..add much Syr (з) ce yea] Ë & NF 
nx. Lord] К &с.. ту Lord Syr (gs) пток-яязхок thou-thee] É &c 
го..ош OL (a) Syr (s).. Syr (h) has the other word for love.. pref and 
Arm mas to him 3°] 20 &c .. add o is ЛП? 124 219 239 262 299 565 
41797, Syr (gh).. add further e ayazas pe кол pieis pe 565, Syr (h).. 

JOHN XXI 16,17 331 

of Iohannes, thou lovest me more than these. Said he to him, 
Yea, Lord ; thou art he who knoweth that Ilove thee. Said 
he to him, Feed my lambs. 1°Said he again to him the second 
time, Simon, the son of Iohannes, thou lovest me. Said he to 
him, Yea, Lord; thou art he who knoweth that I love thee. 
Said he to him, Feed my sheep. 1" Said he to him the third 
time, Simon, the son of Iohannes, thou lovest me. Was grieved 
Petros, that he said to him the third time, Thou lovest me; 
and said he to him, Lord, thou indeed art knowing all things ; 
thou art he who knoweth that I love thee. Said Jesus to 

add оп again Bo (ГТ—„ЕЕ,ТОР5) naecoos my sheep] 20 ёс 13), 
Bo, троВата NAD ёс, oves OL (acefff) Syr (є) Arm, Bas Cyr.. 
mpoBaria ВС 19, oviculas OL (b) Eth, agnos OL (є) ewes 
Syr (s) 

И пех. said he 10] 20 ёс gt..pref again Syr (s) пач to 
him 19] 20 &с 91 .. add again Bo .. add Jesus Syr (go s) .. add further 
aga?n Syr g (4) эхизхєо(эхо 132) uj. йс, the-time] 20 ёс gr, Bo 
Arm ..то тртоу ЗАВ ёс. om Syr (s) то С CUI АА ОТ 
S.-me] 20 &c .. om Syr (є 9) ioo. ої І] го ёс, 8BC*D, OL 
(abefffg) Vg Во, Nonn..wva as above  asjNsmes(om єї .. 1 132) was 
grieved | (k) ёс, Ne &с, Syr (s) .. add de №*, Bo (BTTDEF,TPS) .. pref 
её OL (m) Syr (gj), Amb пєтр.] К &c .. К. Syr (g) .. Shemun- Syr (s) 
mag to him 29] Е &c.. add Jesus Syr (s) жє-зхазог thou—me | 
Ë &c.. thus Syr (s) ати and] k ёс, NBCD ёс, OL (cefffgm) Vg 
Bo Syr (gjh) Arm Eth А, OL (аб) Am Bo (Aj) Syr (s) | mex. 
said he 2°] Е &c, erev BC ёс, OL (ffm) Vg em Syr (jh), Cyr .. Neye 
NADX т 33 565, OL (bfg) Am, ait (ace)..add Shemun Syr (з) 
нар to him 39] го &c.. om В 249 mx. Lord] 20 &c.. my Lord 
Bo (#,°) Syr (с) .. om Syr (s) exc. thou-art kn.| Ë 132 .. ке. thou 
knowest 20 131..trs after ravra cv NA B &c ñr. thou 12] К, А ёс, 
OL (f) Vg Syr (j) Eth, Bas .. trs after ravra АВС" D 33, OL (aeffm) 
Syr (є, s, В), Amb..trs before etc. Bo (Arm) Eth .. ош го ёс, OL 
(eg) Bo (4,7) .. om там. ov odas Буг (g 9) йток thou 2°] ёс. 
pref and Arm хє tare that I love] & &c..pref and Arm.. га 
before thou kn. Syr (s) mexe said] Е &с.. pref and Syr (s) ic] 
k ёс, АВС ёс, OL (f) Syr (gjh) Arm, Bas ND І 33 120 
565, OL Vg Bo Syr (s) Eth наєс. my sheep] 20 &c, проВата 
ND &c r 33 ёс, Cyr, oves OL (abedefffg) Vg Syr (s) Arm Eth.. 


емеко NWHpe шне. WewjanecopR ne nthor 
Emea | ETROTAWY. остан ae  сищаиролАо 
KMallepiy мекстх ebon. fire meova ж орн. ng- 
SITE emea eETENTovVAWY ан. raxe пм 
DE єцснааанє. хе ом ай) Meor єчиачеооу m- 
ппоуте. итерехе пах ae пехаср мА", хє ovaok 
Newr 20 экто{ иблиетрос. ациат єпжөлөнтнс 
€nepe IC аас аваасс| єцоуно су. паї єптасі- 
но оа» IIANIMON esi TeeecOHT іс. cepxo) а8- 
NOC МАС. же пхоєю ша петнАпАРААГАОУ M- 
20K, (5 итере петрос Ge на» enar пехас 

7 20 $ (104) (131$) зэхэхос пак] maor 131 eneko] 20 131.. 
еко 132 мещак]20..щак Do. пак Во (FJ) .. tekıta 132 єтїк] 
20..єтєк 132  ро.| epo 132 З 20 $ and at Xeoow 104 132 
(1315) тєрє] -pq 132 ? 20 $ 104 $ 132 (131) ssaen.] 
-e7. 132 єпєрє] пере 104 паг єп.) 20.. mar Ñ 104.. пи 132 
пєтпа | 20 104.. птиа 132 2 20 $ (104) 132 

троВота ABC, АшЬ..ариа A, agnos Vg eld Bo (Ад). ту ewes 
Syr (gh) 

15 gas. 20] го 131... om Syr (s) ae] 20..and Syr (s) Arm 
киапер(пр r3!)u-ivre thou-and] 20 132 (13!) .. om OL (e), Chr .. 
thou wilt lift up &с Syr (s) Arm 1 неко. thy h.] го 132 (131).. 
т. хара cov № Bo (Ад) Syr (j) .. om thy Bo (6,) Syr (g 9) KREOTA 
another] 20 132 (131), АВС" ёс, OL Vg Bo Syr (h) Eth .. алло. 
“СРП 1 19 22 33 565, Syr (gj) Arm, Cyr кє Bo 
(G,V) | axopk bind thee 2°] 20 104 132 (131), Bo, NBC? .. trs ос ос. 
AD ёс, OL Vg, Chr иазитк and take thee] 20 104 132 131.. 
owe, N*A B ёс, Во..атоштомочу ЕП 1 19 22 565, owcovow С? 33» 
Bo (ACGHNO) Syr (j) Arm.. arayovow D, ducent (d) .. and thrust thee 
Syr (s) -х1тк | N*AD т 565, OL (acff) Bo Syr (jh) Eth, Суг.. 
om oe В ёс, Arm enata to the place ёс 29] го 104 132 (13!) 
Mora NC 

° птачхє he said] 20 &c, erev МАВ ёс... eAeyev I, Chr пат 
this] 20 ёс 13!..ravra D, Chr e ro] 20 ёс 13! .. om 69, Bo 

JOHN XXI 18-21 333 

him, Feed my sheep. 18 Verily, verily, I say to thee, that 
at the time (in) which thou wast being young [child], 
thou wast wont to bind thyself and go to the place 
which thou wishest: but whenever thou shouldest become 
old, thou wilt spread thy hands out, and another (will) 
bind thee and take thee to the place which thou wishest 
not. ?But he said this, signifying in what death he 
wil be glorifying God: but when he had said this, 
said he to him, Follow me. 2° Turned Petros, he saw the 
disciple, whom Jesus was loving, following him, this (one) 
who reclined in the supper upon the breast of Jesus, say- 
ing to him, Lord, who is he who will deliver thee wp? 
? When Petros therefore had seen this (one), said he to 
Jesus, Lord, but this (one) indeed (what) was (for him)? 

(v*) Arm .. and Eth єцсн(5 тод)язатє sign.] 20 &c .. om 
Syr (s) сета. will be gl] 20 &e 13!.. Shemun will gl. 
Syr (s) запи. God] 20 ёс 13!.. eum OL (е) ae 29] 20 
ёс 131.. кал NAB ёс мае to him] 20 132 13!.. om 104 .. to 
Sh. Syr (s) 

2 sqnrtog turned] 20 132 131.. епютр. ABCII* 33 489", OL 
(beeg) Vg Arm... add дє ND ёс, OL (f) Во Syr (h), Ces Cyr Anast .. 
еі conversus. OL (aff) .. ачбощут ae but looked 104 .. pref and 
Syr (gj) Eth пєтр.] 20 ёс 131.. Sh. К. Syr (g) etos. п. 
following him] 20 &c 131, Bo (c,* ктхо).. eqasouji tewe Bo (amerr 
A LTS)..akoAovÜovvra Ñ? & УУ, OL (ff) Bo ou ma. in 
the в. | 20 &с.. от Arm тэхєсө. п. the breast of Jesus] 20 132, 
C vid, OL (af) Syr (g) .. Tegar. his breast 104, МАВ ёс, Bo Syr (h) 
ма to him] 20 ёс, NCD 33, OL (ff) Bo Syr (j) Eth, 
АВ" ёс, OL Vg Syr (gh) Arm Eth, Or Chr mx. Lord] 20 &c.. 
om C* 435 .. xau G.. ту Lord Syr (g) 

? пєтр.| 20 104 132, Arm Eth.. ciwon п. Во (DFJ) .. ставот 
Во (Ar), Sh. Syr (ѕ).. Kepha Syr (g) бе therefore] 20, NBCD 
33, OL (befffg) Vg Bo, Or Anast А ёс, Syr (gsj) Arm.. 
me 104 132 ..and Eth ena: this] 20 104 .. epo him 132 .. add 
akoAovÜovvra. X, Syr (s) mex. said he] 20 104 132, «mev №, OL 
(fg) Vg elem Bo .. Леуе AB ёс 


MIC. xe хоёс пм ae точ ме. 22 rexe 
© ма. хе  єпуамотусєщ erpeyso wanter 
HTK me HTOH. OvAOH Hewr MTOR. a па- 
Шахе Ge er eho ON иесмих хе аяпаехонтне 
ETAIT Malor ой. NTa IC оос ма ан. 
хе үйд оз ап. АХХА єЄйцХнотоц)р єтрєцбог 
Ujam-per HTK Wee Итон. З пм пе пазъен- 
THe. єтржмтрє erbe Nar avw пентачеєо 
нэл. ATW THCOOTN хе оз е те TeEtparitTaeit- 
тре. 25 отт оемнеобите ae enawwor eacjaat 
Honc. mar ETWancagoys оул оул. xw 4#- 

7 20 8) (104) 132 3 20 Š and at mra (104) (132) saen. |] 
-өт. 132 adda] 20 .. add хє 104 132 Syr (gs) 2 20 ТОЖ 

піс to Jesus] 20 тод .. niirê to our Jesus 132 .. то iv NAB 
&c..avro iv ОЕТ.. avro 248 48 У, Syr (в) na. Lord] 20 104 (add 
ne) 132.. om N Lord Bo (aBcauqv) Syr (gs) мє] 20 104, 
Bo (AcG,#) Bo 

92 1c] 20 132. өн Во (т) enam if] 20 104 І32..зіс OL 
(beg) Vg etpeg (py r32)#o for-remain] 20 132 .. peve ovros 
Der .. pref sic OL (dff).. escas to leave him Bo (с,"Гтв) 
п(ем 132)TK max m. who art thou] 20 132 ..£o thee what to thee ? 
Syr (gs) . ті mpos ce МА В &с .. to thee what care is it? Arm 
отхок-пт. follow me, thou] 20 132.. ev ак. иог С? ёс, OL (f) Syr 
gh) Arm .. ov pou ак. RA B(C*)D 1 зз, OL Vg, Or Cyr Anast .. but 
thou follow me Во Eth .. pref now Syr (s) 

? пєх(тх 132)uy. this word] 20 132 .. om ovros 3 250 18497 al, Or 
бе therefore] 20, МАВ ёс, Syr (h).. om Bo (7) .. xe 132, Bo.. and 
Syr (gs) Arm Eth пєсинъ the brothers] 20 (1041) 132 .. add 
kat edogav D, Arm .. the disciples Syr (s) ivra-am Jesus-him] 132, 
Во (ITDA,'E F,"N*0Pr).. птах. Ae пач попе but said mot to him Jesus 
20 104 .. ovk erev дє o ts NBC 33, Bo OL (c) Bo Syr (j) Eth, Or Cyr 
.. Kat ovx eurev о is A(D) ёс, OL(abefffgq) Vg Syr (Б) Arm Eth .. but 
Jesus, not that he dieth not said Syr (gs) | om ХА” пач to 
him] Arm Eth..avro D 69, OL (a) Bo (дг) Syr (g) 
Armedd — и(ош 132) нээхот ап he-die] 20 104 132, Bo.. оюк aro- 

ФОНХ ХХТ 22-25 335 

22 Said Jesus фо him, If I should wish for him фо remain 
until I come, who art thou indeed? Follow me, thou. 23 This 
word therefore came out among the brothers, that that 
disciple wil not die: Jesus said not to him, that he will 
not die, but (a) if I should wish for him to remain until 
I come, who art thou indeed?  ?* This is the disciple 
who beareth witness concerning these (things), and he 
who wrote these things; and we know that true is his 
witness. 25 But there are many other works which did 
Jesus, these if they should be written one (by) one, I say 

бупокєс D, OL (e) exam if] 20 104 132.. sc OL (abc) Vg.. 
om (ff) єтрєц(рч т32) 5ю for-remain] 20 104 132, Syrg (4)s .. 
that this should remain Syr (gh) Arm птк-йт. who art thou] 20 
тод (132 Ї).. ті трос сє МА BC(D) ёс, OL (bdfffg) Bo Syr (gjh) 
Eth, Or Nonn Cyr, quid ad te? tu me sequere OL (c) .. om N* r 22 
565 6397, OL (ae) Syr (s) Arm 

25 erpa. who-witness] о кош март. B, Cyr mar these] 20 .. mas 
this 132, 63 73 253 440 iesu OL (ae)..add ай. Syr (g) 
azw пеит. and-wrote] 20.. ка ypayas УУ AC ёс, OL (fg) Vg Syr 
(gj), Or Chr .. ал fttog nent. and he, he ёс 132, Во Г(р)кх(Р)8.. 
and he wrote Bo (Syr s)..o ка. ур. № 4 33 69 122** 124 253 97, 
OL (с) Syr (g, Б) (Arm), Cyr.. xa. о yp. BD, OL (b, e, ff, q), Eth .. 
et quis scripsit hoc scimus et scimus OL (a) ау тис. and we 
know | o кал o:9aj.ev G те Tegar. is his witness] МА C? ёс, OL Vg 
Bo Syr (gsh), Chr... his witness true is Во (6,) ..avr. 7 рарт. eavw 
BC* ..євти avr. 7 март. D 48*Y, Cyr .. avr. є 7 март, 33 

25 om verse N* ovit(em 132)-ae but there are] 20, Bo Syr (gh) ae 104..and—xXe Во (р,скгру)..апа Syr (s) Eth .. but also 
Arm отп-єпащ. but-works] 20..0m erra. many 132.. єсти 
дє kat a\\a zoÀAa N®BCD & alia autem (om a) multa OL 
(a, b, eff) eafaaT om зат 20) nonc which—Jesus| fecit Jesus 
OL (abeff) Bo (rrz, c,xros) Syr (s) поліс Jesus] pref о ys D.. 
add evor. т. раб. avrov 76 247 435 472, Syr (j) .. add que non sunt 
scripta in hoe libro OL (b) ота ота lit. one one] om Во (о) 
{= за. І say] 20 .. oa МАВ ёс, Во Syr (gh) Arm .. om 
Syr (s) Eth .. add инти to you 104.. Г know Во (А) | Злкос, lit. 
not the world] 20 104, Во Syr (s) .. 0:0є-тоу xoopov NAA В ёс, Syr 
(gh) Arm 


ззос. SE ажиносаёсс маши Wewweee an ETOT- 

ra ujit(em тод) will contain] xwpyoew N*BC* .. would not be suffi- 
cient Syr (gs) .. хоруса: АС?” ёс, OL Vg .. capere posse (agq) 
Vg clem Arm (sufficient to bear) erovitac. which will be written | 
МАВР І 19** 22 33 90" 240 244 al, OL (abeffgq) Vg elem Syr 
gsh) Arm .. add орлу E ёс, OL (cf) Am Eth, Cyr 

Subscription. пката 10] | | 104 .. суне (in deo Б) nesavceNion 

пката THOOAMMHC 20, evayyeAtov ката wavvyv N*A CESA A 22 33 al, 


that the world will not contain the books which will be 

Arm .. ката ишауту В... тєХос rov ката voavvqv єгаууємою H IIS 473 al .. 
evayy. ката wavyv єтєХєоӨт) архєтаї evayy. ката, Xovkay D .. evangelium 
secundum (cata e) iohannem explicit incipit secundum (pref evang. df) 
lucan bdef .. secundum iohannem explicit incipit sec. luc. amen (q) .. 
explicit evang. sec. toh. incipit sec. lucanum (a) .. explicit evang. sec. 
(cata Vg сід) iohannem g Ус .. explicit evang. iohannis (c) .. erat- 
сеМон сонс ката roan(om am в)инс(и АВ) subscr. Bo 
(c, АГ F," Js T) 

H.S.G, 113 Z 



(Revillout 137) S Matthew XIII 22 equjone | 23 $ | 33 $ | 

9971 (К. тод) XIV 13 moNeríc | 14 єнєтцомє | 15$ | 16 ре | 
22 xoen | 

73 (В. 203) XVII 2 gorte | maq] add eboN | 12 {хо | add ас | 
14 {запечотох | 

9994 (В. 120) 5 Mark II 13 ач соото | 14 [ve]Nonei| оп) | 18 
ато) 10| om | зээлөнтнс | add ae | mamecbaprcaroc | ne] added above 
line | то язпатщєћєєт | псєпаєцу| йсєпащі. | 21 Naar] add жє | 
оутоєтс | тоєхс | єтиутни | єцутни | зхпескоте] nko[ve| | eii] й | 

8 тобто (В. 114) S Mark VI 3 samay] add ан | оаотни | garam | 
5 angp | єачка | 6 cho] add nas | 8 епиезаи | ose thrice | 

(R. 159) S Mark IX 17 mexaq] eyxw maroc | arerne] АаҮНЄ! | 
18 Taze сённте | тауєсойните | 19 Ито ae &c] a (€ ae озоош | 
19 mar] шаре! | 20 птер[е ias ae | exi] є | agrave сёинте | 
ачтатсєо[Ён|нтє | 21 =e] add eqaw maroc | epon охх &c] epon 
[2 letters] Tma agon [3 letters] aay | пещи | пєхал | add mag | 

10021 (В. 139) S Mark IX го avitty] pref ато | 29 пєхач | add 
ae | ngoro] єпєцотош | 34 етионти] [evnen]rov | 35 иєхач| 
pref ao | cep] ep | 36 итєрєч | 

9994 (В. 128) S Mark XV 17 гаанс | пщоптє| pref e&oN 
оп | 18 muog] add arw exooc mag | 20 acp Toro о] omitting or 
transposing meyoorre | 22 пат-краніон| єтє Mar] пе ахпекрані- 
о[и) | 23 поунрӣ | eqasox | orga] wa] | 31 neos-xe]| Maro 
€vxo ix[a10c] хє | 35 хє] add eic. [оннтє) | єчалоттє | «3x07 | 
36 пот | add itresn]os | аэхлос | aqareo | exit ovkauj] orxit оуоус- 
сопос | инт-єпєснт | инэ | єт єпєснт | 37 avw] add йтєтпоу | 

1049 S Mark XV 23 the same leaf as above, completing some of 
the text muog arw] ae xissoq | 24 єораї | хє єунац ov] xe 
epe пота пота [3 letters] qY[v]os | 25 пхп] пхп | 32 пес] om | 
enema йтипістєтє | enenicrese | 

II 9970 (В. roo bis) S Luke VII 16 asnoc] а отиоб | 17 вок | 
I9 ачхоотусє | 20 ATOR єтпнт | 22 trs пау after Maroc | ce es. 
пат | om на» | 

73 9980 (В. 129) 5 Luke XI 8 петчаое | rr печіщнирє| | 3- 
YteqjeroT] maoy | ng] egna} | martes ахаосі| nepp taroq є 
added above X= ex = arres and азааоч over erasure | coown] cw || 
йиєт | пит | 18 ааїттрро | anog] add жє | emex] етих | ro ЁнХ- 
qebo[=N] thus probably before | 21 енпар| фонта | 


9967 (В. 126) cit S John XIII 2 amnon | om nyape їсгэхон 
тискарготис | 3 {ийка | 4 тости | amnon | gorre | 

Brit. Mus. Papyrus ХПІ 5 John XX 3 Явсгэон петрос | 
7 мечки | 8 тоте сє | ro нөлэхээ, | om or trs. | 12 азо) аспат | 17 
om ae | 18 аспау | awo xe | пас | 20 ae] сє | 21 on] ве он | 
паз | add tent | pwwt on] eo | 22 ӨЗХ| є | 25 fies. ] iter | exhT 20) 
eig? | 28 ачотицуй mag figrowssac хє maxoeic | 29 пежач ae | 

Brit. Mus. Or. 6201 C. 3 of 3-5 S Matthew XIV 28 etpaes doubt- 
ful, perhaps тарх | 29 331100» | 30 eymar | 31 налкотег язтистис | 
к|эмстате! | 34 їтероэхєгоор | єпєкро | macapet | ХУ г фарс- 
сатос | етеросоМ таза | 3 ПтитоХн | 4 зхатаєте | 

Bodleian (Flinders Petrie) m S Matthew X 23 esme] sine | 24 
єцхосє| add egove | 25 хоїс | нү | 

Ghizeh т S Matthew XXII 43 [z2]asYz (verse 45 navera) | 46 
euj.] om eu | XXIII 2 ок) оп | 3 ae] ве | 5 magh] magte | 
єуєтрє | єтоуєгрє | 

Cairo 35 S Matthew XXIV 28 єтупна-аєтос) єщарє maetoc 
cwore epoq| 29 aso] om | saei] add йтларотста | 30 ато] 
om | epar | 32 ite] pref это | 33 тє] om | 35 ae] add fitoor | 
42 ихоес] пєтихоєг | 

Golenischeff 5 S Matthew І 25 пўзкотте] асалоттє | П 1 exepos- 
соМхаха | 3 erepocoNsasa | 5 om nay | 6 шсранХ | 8 ацхоосє | 
єөнөћєєз» | таззоєт | 10 азо йтєротєт| aver! тг scop | 12 av- 
тоупотєттоу | e&oN 20] pref ато | 13 mYocuep | sut pane] 
sim йрахпє | 20 пінм | 21 аутоупотєт | 22 азоощте]| 
зхоощує | 23 оттп пєпроф.] gra пєпроф. | III 2 заєтапої | 
3 negra] negara | 4 ovebre | 5 тнрс 2°] om | 6 шєро | 9 nome | 
то xe] бє | KeNahim | ox тпоупє | rr axniicoer | паї sepisruga | 
12 єтєрє] epe | eqnav&.] eth. | 14 mesp] erp | ҳр | щароє! | 
15 aqoscoujb ae | eyxw Maroc] add пач ахпноеє | 

Cambridge University Library 1876.1 Add. MSS. coll. 2 ll. 30, 
(тб) x 14:5 8 Mark X 15 птязитеро | kovi] wrar | 16 ujenugomos | 
17 птєрєчет| add ae | пот] add ñcoq | meresma] пефиа | 20 
тазхикоэз: OF оп пє|фшаат mog | 21 cep] ep | петкщаат | 
| зхлтє/тїїтан | 24 еж, maroc | eee ercax.] єтйє oscssone | er- 
axmTepo | 25 Tap] om | оти | Towarye | eooso є | етазитеро | 
26 этщтортр | xe eye ni йтосуп пєтпащопо | 27 йпаорї | 
een for ont throughout | зап озхалаат | seit оєпєот afi oesx]anaa | 
arwraroc | отопо | 31 отип | пароає | йогє ршорп | 32 ae] add 
ne | ë] add ae | ae] он | 




ml pl Я mi ا‎ 




we these are ина >Аом ката AoTRAC 

сент ] пе they number 83 Wretpadaron 

asne[vjacceAton irata Хоунас 5 


concerning тапосрафн the enrolment 

пщоос the shepherds 5 

crew Symeon 

amma тпрофнтіс Anna the prophetess om тпр. S 

пщахіє йтјачщопє ща 105 the word which hap- 
pened unto Iohannés ethe 1ooanngc S 

memTas[xme 37] 1055 those who asked Iohannes erke 
зхазннцує the multitudes S 

пптрасалос запсор the temptation of the Saviour 
om sac. Š 

пєтєрє nenna Raarnonion the demoniac erbe n- 
заталогиоп S 

тщозлє àxnerpoc the mother-in-law of Petros 

nemrasNo оп oemnujome those who ceased from sick- 
nesses ethe иетщоме those who are sick S 

тсоотос fifitht the draught of the fishes ethe 
tTAssutH the lake S 

пєтсобо the leper 

пєтсне the paralysed 

Newer nreNongc Levi the publican om пт. S 

YteTepe reco vx ujosoos him who had his hand dried up 

птощ imamocroNoc the appointment of the apostles 
ethe мапостоХос S 

Miaxrakapicaroc the blessings ethe mentagqTadsoor 
those whom he cured 5 

moekaTomTapococ the centurion 

nujHpe itrescHpa the son of the widow 

memratQrnümnoosce ща 105 those whom he sent unto 
Johannes єтє maxaen| S 


[ка] ethe |тєн|тастєөс móc icosw her who anointed the Lord 

with ointment ethe тєсогалє ї the woman S 

KB тпарадоХн запетхо the parable of the sower [erbe 

R(T] тєпїтїзїїд паз[оох je the rebuking of the waters 

нх [merle] Necxomn. отоосу him who had legion 

RE тщєєрє s1napoQicsmaco the daughter of the ruler of 
the synagogue 

ке тєтєрє песиоЧ gapoc her who had the issue of 

RZ течитимост затій the sending of the 12 

кн mXov noeit aur птЁ[т clay the five loaves and the 
two fish 

нэ пєхпо anst єоо| зи эзээ|хөнт the question of the Lord 
to the disciples 

^ tToimushty піс the transfiguration of Jesus 

AS пєтогтє fitaqtave оЁните] the lunatic who foamed 
[er]ëe me[(vepe пе]чщире о паагалонтоп Ө 

AB хе ma пе nnog which is the great S omitted 
between pages of 108 

At пєтєлөїє наг eorvaog itcr him whom he permitted 

not to follow him 

Эх пепуцєспостус the seventy-two S 

AE птозаткос the lawyer 

At пеитаег єтоотот mmxiose he who fell among the 
thieves (ппсоопє S) 

AT sxzapoa зап apia Martha and Maria 

^R жє srzatcahon єшщМнї\М Teach us to pray 

^e nano the dumb єтіє гпєзхпо. ето maarmasomnvon 
the dumb who was demoniac S 

ax тп(тєп 5)тасцт opac єВоХ om пзаннще her who lifted 
up her voice out of the multitude 

эхэ mesujme mca o}yaraent those who ask for a sign 
ethe Trenca а«попнроп Š 

ab пє[ фархс| | ос п|птачта? the Pharisee who invited him 
erbe ee Птаци jo пні àxnepap| |5 

aT Ч Јн — ] похимкос ethe пиолатк(ос) S 

зах mnjeea|& пиефар:сазос the leaven of the Pharisees 
ethe netha 9] | arw neoah S 

axe петоуєцу ткХнропо him who wisheth for his inheritance 

єтбє npàxssao the rich man S 


ë erbe nenta теч opa отоХє him whose country was fertile 


уз! 991 бул! 
el gi 

ул! vll бул! 

Фі mid np c y| 4 

791 21 буз! бул! 



(ris e 
€ ol CI 
Al Ba PA 




erbe пкоту поо[є) the little flock S 

mircaNiNasoc the Galileans (пс. S) 

1 е | erbe tecorsse the woman Š 

Ч пија ищоне нааахас the woman with the 
spirit of weakness 

опкоті нєтнаолхал few are those who will be saved 

онро[ъ]не oseuy эхооттк Hérodés wisheth to put 
thee to death 

поузропікос the dropsical man 

àxnepnoxk ensa mme recline not in the upper 

пептатутадя [em] arom those who were invited to 
the supper 

пік]от s*mmsproc the building of the tower 

nuje пєсооу the hundred sheep S 

ищире cmar the two sons S 

покопозлос дих! пбоис the steward of the iniquity 
om Samar по. Š 

S 30 

шиєтн зап Матарос Ninevé and Lazaros om aT 
№. 5 
x ficohd the ro lepers erbe метсово 5 

пекрітно їїтазмнїг the judge of the iniquity 

nepapicaioc эп птеХопис 73] the Pharisee and the 
publican om зап ёс S 

тщорӣ |п|еитоХн the first commandment S 

n&ANe the blind man S 

TaKXaıoc Zakkhaios Š 

талитєро ахпиоттє the kingdom of God S 

TpWare пєусєпнс merna the nobleman, the pounds S 

тооз пижоєтт the mountain of the olives S 

nbamnrrcaxa й rooannuc the baptism of Iohannes S 

паза пєХооХє asm mevoern the vineyard and the hus- 
bandmen S 

твхнбоорө [io] the ensnaring him S 

псазаоткатос the Sadducees 5 

| meget ищире [плате > пе (how is) Christ the son 
of David? S 

Глс ад bs Ne[riom] the treasury S 



o (Hunt. 4) also occasionally gives them, and f! (the Lectionary Hunt. 3) 
has a few of the sections but not the canons. 

MATTHEW ПІ at 1 Ç 5345,49. €, De TE sam, 1250. 5, 13 ҮС. b, 
IV rie, Ё, 2 sc. e, II IÇ. €, 12 їн, >, 13 10. 17 K. {,19 Ka. і, 
21 кб. €, 23 Rv. a, У I ка. в I avt Re. є, 3 Kc. є, 4 (5) RZ. € 
altered from s, 5 (4) кн. є altered from х, 6 кө. є, 7 М. є, 13 Na. В, 
14 NË. В, 17 Мо. x, 19 Ne. т, 25 Nc. є, 27 М. SV Eo иж (0). 
I3 me. є, 15 HC. 5, IÓ HTI их. €, 19 пн. є, 2I Me, ©, 22 Z. €, 
24 ga. є, VIII 23 [z |ө. 5, IX 27 oe. x, 35 ole} & 36 от. ç, 
UD man мс B, та €) РА Me- e, тоне e № по €, 
19 пн. Ü, 24 q. ©, 25 єцухє qa. r, 26 qh. û, 27 qv. є XXVI 45 
сан. є, 46 ceo. >, 47 T. є, 48 та. & 51 T6. а, 58 те. т, 58 TÇ: >, 
59 тн. Ё, бо затисис Te. c 

Marx XIV at 21 проле pz. ç, 22 PEE. a, 23 PET. &, 26 PST; 
27 PSH. >, 27 JCH? PFO. є, 29 ро. а 

Токи ILE at 10 6 г 16 v. ау 17 ta. є, 19 rb. D; 2T 1€. аз 23 үх © 
ТҮ 1 se. v, 2avW SUNY. їс. €, 14 17. а, 16 IH. I, 22 19. №, 23 Е. I, 
24 кә. à, 25 КЕ. I, 31 KU. н, 32 KA. Ё, 33 ке. H, 36 Re. û, до точ 
KT. н, 42 KH. H, 44 ко. x, V 4 mexay М. ө, 8 Na. s, IO mexe 
KO. № r2 Nw b 15 Ма. а, 16 Ne. 5, 17 Ме 6 18 M. a, 27 
Хн. A, зт ax. 6, VI r зла. 6, 6 ash, В, 12 зэх, b, здавав т] 
ахє. à, 20 ЗАС, Є, 21 AX. Є, 21 MAL, 20 зан. є, 22 яке. €, 24 М. Y, 
26 ма. (1), 27 пі. є, 29 nv. є, 31 их. є, 32 me. є, 37 nc. є 
KETS (ралі) В, 20 [рн]. є, 22 [pz e]. Ё 

Тонх ХІ at 53 че. >, 54 АММЖА с. >, 55 ЧС. 5 XII 2 чн. >, 9 
че. t, I2 р. а, 27 pc. œ 27 АХМЖА рн. 1 XVII г рих. s 



Note. Paris= Bibliotheque Nationale, unless the name of another 
collection їз appended. 

а Мохісн Royau LIBRARY Des Rivières collection cahier 2 пого 
Luke x 14-16 

b Мохісн Royat LIBRARY Des Rivières collection cahier 6 по 129 
Mark iv x1, 12, 16, 17 

с Parts Reinach (De Ricci) ff. 36 col. т, 11-5 x 9:5 (8-8) John i 1- 
33, 35-42, 43, 45-51, li I-10, 21, 22, 25, Ш 1-6, 27, 28, 31-36, 
iv 1-8, 15-24, 52-54, У 1—3, 6, 7, 17-23, 30-40, 42-41, V1 11— 
26, 37-39, 41-43, 52-58, 69-71, vii I-15, 49-52, ҮШ 12-23, 
25-21, 31-41, 43-46, 49, 51-59, їх 1—4, 7, 8, 11-14, 16, 19, 20 

> British Museum Papyrus xiii ff. 4 col. r ll. (16), (12.5) хто John 
xx 2-89,10-15,37-29 

є Ввітізн Museum 958 Or. 5994 f. x coll. 2 Il. (32), (28-4) x 20-5 
John vii 29—49 

д LONDON 63 Lowndes Square Kennard collection (copy by Des 
Rivieres at Munich В L сод copt 3 Quatr) ff. 38 col. т ll. 17, 
181, 17x9 Matthew ii 12, 13, 16-18, ій 10-12, 15-17, iv 4- 
6, 10, 11, ХҮН ТР, 10, 20, xxi 22, 22, 25,26, xxv 32-34, 39:49 
Mark i 36-38, 40-44, ii 2-4, 7-0, 12-14, 16, 17 John iii 33- 
36, iv 1, 35, 36, 39, 40, 50, 52, 53, vi 38-51, 64-71, vii I, 375, 
х 36-40, xii 6-8, 12, 13, 16-18, 21—23, 26, 27, 29-32, 35, 38- 
40, 42-45, 48, 49, XUI 1, 2, 5-1,-40, 11, 14-10, 19, 20, 24, 25; 
28-30, 33, 34, 36, XV 14—27, xvi 1-20, xvii 19-24, xviii 6-15 

р Кіовехск (Pistelli Studi Religiosi 1906 Fasc. ii) col. r ll. (12), 
(-66)x(-58) Luke vii 22-26 

k Paris Musée Guimet from copy by De Ricci Luke xi 39-44, 47- 
52, xli 1-6, 10-16 John iii 31-34, 36, ix 22-25, X 7-11, xii 
19—26, xvi 22-25, xvil 4-1, xviii 28—31, хх! 15-17 


m BonLxiAN Copt. 58 (P) (Flinders Petrie) coll. 2, one col. (18:5) X 7 
Matthew х 23-26, 37-40 

р British Museum Flinders Petrie coll. 2 ll. 19, (25) x (20) (too frag- 
mentary to measure but one column 8 em. broad) John i 22, 23, 
26, 27, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, БІ, ШІ, 5, 6, 9, то, 12, 15,16, 



TS EO, 22, 29; WE) 2, 446-8) 10, 11,132 94; 175.19, 20,28, 24, 
20.21. 20, 32, 33, 3091155 EG 10-12) 145.15, 19; 22; 25, 28, 
29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, V 5, 6, 9, 19, 22, 27, 30, 
Эми 58, 59, 1х 1, 4, 55 8, 12, 16225128, 29, X 33-36, хі. 5, б) 
31, 42, 45, 46, 49, 55, Xll І, 12, 13, 16, 17, 28, 29, 40, 42-44, 
лі 37,58, хіу 1O II, 13I 2 27? XVI) 6, 0: 10, 19 

т Paris ACADÉMIE ff. 2 coll. 21. 21, 11:2 Х8.6 Matthew хх 23-34, 

ю м 

a л 


ХХ! І, 2, 22—26, 28 John xii 2, 3, 8, 9 

ерр- BRITISH M. formerly Gilmore coll. 2 ll. 21, 11-2 X 10 John i 1-6 
British Museum 105 Or. 3579 В f. 58 coll. 2 П. (13), (6:2) x (7) 

John vii 50—52, УШ I2, 14, 15-17 

BERLIN Museum Р. 3210 (по 171) col. т ll. 22, 11 X 7.7 ин пе 

Luke vi 41-49 

BERLIN Museum 9097 (по 175) coll. 2 11.24, 12:5 X 1 John iii 

2-5, 8, 9, 12-16, ix 22-25, 28, 31—34 

BRITISH M. 956 Or. 4917 (1)coll.2 1l. (7), 4:5x 41 Mt.121, 23, 24 
British Museum обо Or. 5287 (7) col. r И. (25), (14-7) x9 

John ix 22—38 

BonpLErAN Coptic є 3 coll. 2 П. 23, 14-8 x 11:5; Matthew xxvii 23- 

27, 29-39 

ВоргжгАх (Woide 1) ff. 4 coll. 2 (punctures between coll.) ll. 34, 

21х16 Matthew i, ii, iii, iv 1-3 PARIS 129.9 f. 641v 3-5 PARIS 
129.4 ff. 10-12 iv 3-0, 12-15, 17, 18, 21 Panis 129.9 f. 64 
iv 21-25 Paris 129.4 f. ТЕ iv 21-23 f.12 24-25 {ТІ 25, 
V 1-4 f. 12 4-8 f. II 8-12 f. 12 12, 13 f. 11 13-15 f 12 16-18 
STRASSBURG 99 viii 28, 29, 33, 34,1х 4, 8, 9 British MusEUM 
64 Or. 3579 B f. x 10717, 10-26 VATICAN 42 ff. xvi 24-28, xvii, 
xvii, xix, xx 1-7 PARIS 129.5 ff. 134-141 xxiv 7-51, xxv, xxvi 
1-64 Paris LOUVRE 106.10 (Revillout 114) Mark у 41-43, 
vi I-13 Paris 129.6 ff. 16-20, 22, vi 14-56, vii, Vill I-31 
British Museum Or. 6954 (formerly Cairo rr) xii 24, 25, 27, 28 
Paris 129.7 f. 16 Luke iii 37-38, iv 1-12, 14-17 PARIS 129.7 
ff. 36-43 vi 35-40, vii, viii, ix 1-10, 129.9 f. 78 John iv 18-35 

9 Panis 129.4 ff. 74-77 coll. 2 1. зо, 18-8 хід Matthew x 31-42, 

xi I-30, xii 1 ff. 121, 122, ХХ! 33-35, 43-46, xxii 1, 2 STRASS- 
BURG 256 xxiv 36-39, 42, 43, 45, 46 Paris 129.5 ff. 145—152 
xxiv 47-51, XXV, xxvi 1-47 CAIRO 17 xxviii 12-15, 17-18, 20 
and subscr. British Museum 78 Or. 3579 B ff. 31-32 Mark i 
2-13, ll 21-23, 25, 26, Ці 1,2,4,5 PARIS 129.7 ff. 3-13 Luke 
lii 4-38, iv, v 1-8 ff. 76-79 xi 25-50 f. 1 50-54 xii 1-8 f. 96 хи 


8,9, т1,12,15,18,19 LEYDEN 55 xii 8-11,13-14,17,18,19—25,27, 
28,31-36 Panisf.?36-48 LEYDEN 55 xii 48-59, xiii 1-3 Paris 
129.8 f. 138 xvi то-то VATICAN 63 хіх 44-48, xx, xxi I-37 

IO Panis 129.6 ff. 34-37 coll.21.32,20 x 14-8 Mark xiv 4—73, xv 1,2 

тт Вквітізн М. Ог. 6954 (formerly Cairo 18) Luke v 10-14 Paris 
129.8 f. 92 coll. 2 (punctures between coll) ll. 27, 14:3 x 10:5, 
vii 4-12 Paris Louvre 9970 (Revillout 109) vii 12-22, 129.7 
f. 55 viii 6-16 ff. 66, 67 ix 3-22 PARIS 129.8 ff. 123-128 xviii 
4-43, хіх 1—42 f. 135 xix 42-48, xx 1-6 

13 Panis 129.4 f. і coll. 2 1.37, 24-2 X 18-6 Matthew і 1-22, 129.4 
f. 7 ii 10-17, iv I-13, 129.5 f. 95 хіі 41-58, xiv 1,2 Ввіт. M. 
69 Or. 3579 B ff. 16-17 xv 11—39, xvi 1,2, 4-12 BERLIN 1605 
f.4xix12-29 В.М. Е. 18 xxi 6-23 CAIRO 35 xxiii 35-39, xxiv 
Т-5,7-36,37-43 BERLIN М. 8778 xxv 20-39 Paris 129.6 f. 2 
Mark 1 30-34, 36-41, 44, 45, li 1-8, 129.4 f. 8 ili 22—25, 129.6 
f. 5 iv 15, 16, 32-34 VATICAN бу ff. 3 Luke xxiii 14-16, 
17-56, xxiv 1-32 Paris 129.9 Ё 5 John iv 27-33, 40-50 
ff. 80-85 iv 50-54, У, vi, vii 1—21, 129.10 f. 163 xiii 18, 19, 22— 
25, 29—31, 33-35 f. 192 xix 20—22, 24, 33 

14 PARIS 129.4 f. 32 coll. 2 ll. 36, 32-7 x 22:3 Matthew їх 33-38, x 
TIO, 129.5 f. 115 xix 24-30, xx 1-19 BERLIN 1349 Й. 2 
Mark xiv 26-49 Luke inscription and 1 1—22 Bnrrisu MUSEUM 
112 Or. 3579 B ff. 66-69 John xvii 3-26, xviii I-40, xix 1—23 

15 Paris 129.6 f. 1 coll. 2 Il. 31, 22:2 X 17. Mark i 1-17 BRITISH 
MusEUM 79 Or. 3579 В ff. 33, 34 117-10, 22, 23, 30-34, 38- 
45,11 I, 2,4, 5 Paris 129.8 ff. 114—117 Luke xv 27-32, xvi, 
xvii 1-29 BRITISH MUSEUM 97 f. бо xx 17-31 

16 PARIS 129.4 Ё. 26, 27 coll. 2 1. 33, 26 x 19:3 Matthew vii 11-13, 
16,17, 22, 23, 26, 24, vill 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18—20  Ввітівн М. 
72 Or. 3579 В Ё 13 хуш 31-35, ix 1-18 Panis 129.5 f. 117 
хх 9-32 f. 132 xxi 37-46, xxii 1-12 GuizEH І (8003) xxii 
43-46, xxlll1-12,14-22 LEYDEN 59 Luke xx 28-47, xxi 1—0 

17 Panis 129.5 f. 88 coll. 2 1l. 30, 19-6 x 13-5 Matthew xii 29-40 
f. до xiii 50-58, xiv 1-6 f. ror xiv 20-35 f. 156 xxvi 68—75, 
xxvii I, 3-5, 129.7 Ё 53 Luke vii 25-30 ff. 59-62 viii 14-56, 
їх 1-8 f. 75 xi 23-34, 129.8 f. 103 xiv 20, 21, 28, 31, 32 
f. 104 xv 26—32 f. 161 xxiv 45—53 subscription 

18 British Мозеом 73, 3579 Bf. 22 coll. 2 1. 41, 28:2 x 18-5 Mat- 
thew xix 17-24, xx 8-17 Paris 129.5 f. 125 xxi 12-37 f. 133 
xxii 21-27, xxiii 5-11  BnrrisH MUSEUM 73 f. 23 xxiii 19-22, 
27, 28, xxiv 1,2 Paris f. 144 xxiv 34-51, xxv 1-20 PARIS 


129.7 f. 28 Mark ii 12-18, iii 4-10 LEYDEN 51 vii 30-37, 
viii 1-26 VATICAN 55 Luke i 32-14 

'19 Panis 129.8 f. 146 coll. 2 1l. (19), (14-5) ХІТ Luke xxii 35, 36, 
38-41, 46—49, 52, 53 

20 British Museum 85 Or. 3579 В f. 41 coll. 2 ll. 37, 27:5 Xx го 
Mark xi 30-44, xiii 1-7 BERLIN Museum Р. 8780 (по 170) 
Lukei22-24, 40-42 Paris 129.7 ff. 26, 27 Ш 16-20, 35-38, 
iv 1-3, vii 30-34, 37-39 STRASSBURG 29 John і 32-34, 38- 
40 Paris 129.9 f. go vi 12-35 f. 101 vi 35, 36 f. 98 37—41, 
132.2 f. 126 vl 42—47, 51-53 f. 101 vi 54-56 f. 98 vi 57-61 
f. 94 61—65, 68—71, vii 1, 3-8, 12—17, 129.10 f. 103 vii 41-52, 
viii 12—23 ff. 132-131, іх 7-41, x, xi 1-52 VATICAN 74 xii 38- 
50, Xili I-31, XIV 20-31, ХУ, XV1 1—10, 29-33, хуй 1-15 Paris 
129.10 f. 183 xviii 23-40, хіх 1, 2 BODLEIAN (Woide 8) ff. 4 
хіх 2-42, хх I-30 Paris 129.10 f. 199 xxi 16-25 subscription 

21 Paris 133 Matthew ii 13,14 Mark ix 24,25, x 1-3 Luke iii 
1-3, 28, 29, x 20, 21 John iv 6-9, xviii 18, 19 

22 LEYDEN 53 Mark xiv 16-20, 22—25, 29-31, 34—37 

24 British Museum ror Or. 4717 (6) ff. 2 coll. 2 П. 26, 15-5 X 11:5 
John iii 29-36, iv 1-9, 35-41, 110 Or. 4717 (7) xi 33-47 

25 BopnLEIAN Copt. 4 (P) (Flinders Petrie) col. т П. 18, 5:5 x (5) 
Matthew x 14-17, 19-21 BODLEIAN Copt. 13 (P) (Flinders Petrie) 
ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 23, 12 x 9:5 Luke xvii 16-29, xix 30-35, 37-46 

26 BODLEIAN Copt. 15 (P) (Flinders Petrie) coll. 2, 14 x 11-5 John 
11:04, 25. щі I—L5,Xx 97 

27 Paris (Weill per De Ricci) John x 36, 37, 41, 42, xi I 

28 BODLEIAN Copt. 6 (P) (Flinders Petrie) John ху 14-19, 24-26 

o. PARIS 129.9 coll.2 ll. 29, 28, 18:2 х(10-5) John i 16, 17, 19-23 
f. 65, 11 2-9 f. 76, iv 45-52 

В Paris 129.7 f. 35 coll. 2 П. 26,29, 19 X14 Luke vi 11-18, 129.8 
ff. 121, 122, ХУП 29-35, 37, ХҮШ I, 2, 32-42 f. 140, xxi 25-31 
VATICAN 65 xxii 12-42, 45-71, ххій I-II Paris 129.8 f. 157 
xxiv 18, 19, 21-23 Vatican 65 John vi 21-23, 25-58 

зо Panis 129.8 f. 160 coll. 2 ll. 19, 1 x83:5 Mark xii 40-44 

31 Раві8 129.10 ff 113-117 col. г ll 21, 22, 10:5 X(7-3) Ё 113 
John vii 33-35, 37 f. 115, 40-52 ff. 116, 117, viii 12, 14-24 
f. 114, 25-34 

32 PARIS ACADÉMIE coll. 2, 10-7 X 9:2. John ii 12-25, Ш 1-6, 8-14 

33 BERLIN M. 9071 (по 176) col. 1 1. 19, 7:5 X 6:2 John viii 21-27 

34 HEIDELBERG UNIV. LIBRARY І coll. 211.27, 18 X 14 Г. xxiii 33-53 



36 Paris 129.9 f. 79 coll. 2 1l. (34), (21-8) x(11-8) John iv 39, 40, 
44, 45, 47-49, 52-54, 129.10 f. 112 vii 26-31 f. 143, x 15, 16, 
18-20 f. 130 x 20-23 f. 143 x 24, 25 f. 129 K 227 FR x45 
х 28, 29 f. 129, xii 30-41 f. 141 xii 42, 43, 47, 48, 50, хіі 1-5 

y PARIS 129.10 f. 198 coll. 2 1. 15, (13-7) x 16-5 John xix 20, 21, 
25: 24 

8 PARIS 129.7 Ё 14 coll. 2 ЇЇ. 35, 26.8 х 18-5 Luke iii 11-19 
British Museum 92 Or. 3579 В ff. 46, 47 vii 2-6, 8-10, 
45-41, 50-55 Paris 129.7 f. 72 x 11-21, 129.8 ff. 89, 90 хі 
15-32  BoDLEIAN (Woide 5) xii 5-59, xiii 1-23 PARIS 129.8 
f. 139 xxii 45-54 ff. 147-154 xxii 65-71, xxiii 1—16, 18-56, 
xxiv I-17 

є PARIS 132.2 f. 92 coll. 2 ll. 35, 26-3 x 18-8 John Ш 18-20, 129.9 
f. 87 v 13-22, 132.2 f. 75 v 24, 25 British MUSEUM 959 
Add. 34274 Е 52 vii 42—4T ' Panis 129.10 f. 142 чи 48 
British MUSEUM 959 vii 49-52, viii 12 BODLEIAN (Woide 7) 
viii 22-32 PARIS 129.10 ff. 119—124 viii 33-59, ix 1—28, f. 164 
х1 45—48, f. 156 xii 36—46, f. 196 xx 25, 26, 29, 30. 

2 PARIS 132.2 f. до, (14:5) X (5۰6) John i 7-11 

37 BERLIN 1348 ff. 3 coll. 2 ll. 35, 36, 28-5 x 22:5 Matthew ii 15- 
23, Ill, iv, v I-12 BRITISH Museum 61 Or. 3579 B f. 2 v 13-29 
PARIS 129.4 f. 23 vii 8-27 f. 28, viii 23-25, їх 4-6 f. 33 ix 25- 
38, x 1-9 Ё 24 x 9-28, 129.5 f. 154 xxvi 41—60, 129.6 f. 15 
Mark у 40-42, vi 11-14 f. 42, xiv 20-30, 35 MANCHESTER 
(Crawford) Copt. 5 Luke iii 8-38, iv, v, vi 1-37 Panis 129.8 
f. 88 xi 39-41, 45, 46 f. тоо, xiii 3-12, 14, 18-21 BRITISH 
Museum 111 Or. 3579 В f. 65 John xi 46-57, хи 1-9 Paris 
129.10 f. 154 ХИ 9-12, 21-23, 27—29 f. 181, xvi 32, 33, xvii I, 

38 Ввітізн Мозвом 62 Or. 3579 В f.3 coll. 2 Il. 30, 22:5 X 17:2 
Matthew ix 2-16 PARIS 129.5 f. 93 xiii 37—46, 49, 50 f. 104, 
xiv 28-36, xv I—II f. 109 xv 34, 35, XVi 11—13 

39 Ввттїзн Museum 67 Or. 3579 B ff. 9, то coll. 2 ll. 32, 20-9 x 16-2 
Matthew xii до, 41, xiii 1-3, 5-8, ІІ, 12, 15, 18-20 Paris 129.5 
f. 105 xiv 27-36, xv 1-11 f. 120, xx 8-11, 13-15, 17-10, 21, 22 
f. 123, хх 24-31, 33, 34, XXi I, 2, 4-6 f 124 xxi 8-12, 10-21 
f. 128 xxi 21—24, 30-32 VATICAN 48 xxvii 45-66, xxviii I-10 

40 British Museum 83 Or. 3579 B f. 39 coll. 2, ll. 37, 24:5 x 18-8 
Mark ix 50, x 1-4, 6-8, 13—16, 19-21 LEYDEN 52 x 23, 24, 
21-30, 32, 33, 36-38 Paris 129.6 ff. 26-29 xi 11—25, 27-33, 
xij, ХШ I-14, 129.5 f. 94 ХШ 36, 37, xiv І, 5, 10, I3, 14 












Panis 129.7 f. 68 coll. 2 П. зо, 18-2 X 13-3 Luke ix 8-21, 129.8 
f. от, xi 30—42 VATICAN 64 ff. 10 xx 10-47, xxi I-24, Xx1l 32-42, 
45-49, xxii 48-56, xxiv 1—7, 24-53 subscription John i 1—6, 
11 13—25, ili 1-18 VATICAN 64 ff. 5 viii 38-59, ix 1-28, x 2-16 
PARIS 129.10 f. 166 xii 34-42, 44-46 f. 165 xii 47—50, xiii 1-4, 
6-8 f. 180, xvi 2, 3, 5-11, 13 f. 201, xx 26-31, xxi 2, 4—7] 

PARIS 129.4 f. 22 coll. 2 ll. 34, 27:5 x 18-3 Matthew viii 11-18 
f. 36, ix 111. 35 іх 14 Ё 36 ix 15, 18. British MUSEUM 65 
OF. 3579 Bf 6 x 12-21 Paris 129.4 f. 78 xk 3—11, 129.4 
f. 37 xi 18, 21-26 

Panis 129.9 f. 56 coll. 2 ll. 32, 22:3 Ж17 John 1 43-51, U I-11 
ff. 66, 67 ii 11-25, iii 1-25, 129.9 f. 57 11 25-36, iv 1-9 f. 97, 
vli Т-7, 129.10 ff. 105-111 vii 29-33, 35-41, 44-52, ҮШ 12-59, 
үе xX r 12 202 XX 31; xxi T, 3 10 

Panis 129.9 f. 39 John iv 36-38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 129.10 
f. 160 coll. 2 П. 29, 23 X 17 xiii 18-31 f. 177, xvi 16-26 

Paris De Ricci coll. 2 ll. (16), (тт) x 115 Matthew viii 3, 4, 
18, то Luke 1 3-5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19 

STRASSBURG тоб coll. 2 ll.(7) (т col.— 7:2) Matthew xvii 2, 14, 15 

BODLEIAN Copt. g 3 coll. 2 Il. (18), (whole fragment 12-9 x 8-5) 
Matthew її 13-19 

BRITISH Museum 84 Or. 3579 В f. 40 coll. 2 ll. (пт) (т col. 
—T:2) Mark x 46, 47, 50, 51 

Barr. M. 89 Or. 3579 Bf. 45 coll. 2 ll. 38, 28:2 x18 Luke 1 36-59 

Paris 129.4 f. 3 Matthew i 1-19 f. 6, iii 1-3, 5—7, 9, 10, 13-15 
VATICAN 38 coll. 2 П. 32, 23.1 X 18.3 vii 32-34, іх Г-15 
BritisH Museum 68 Or. 3579 B ff. 11-14 xiii 8-58, xiv 1-18 
PARIS 129.5 ff. 99, 100 xiv 18-36, xv 1—19 Panis 129.5 ff. 112, 
113 ХУШ 20—31, 34, 35, хіх І, 5-22 PARIS 78 ff. 55, 56 xix 22— 
30, хх 1-26 VATICAN 38 xxi 11-46, xxii 1-13 BRITISH MUSEUM 
68 xxii 17-20, 23-25 PARIS 129.7 f. 73 Mark ii 1-9, 11—13, 
15,16,18, I9 LEYDEN 49 11 30-35,iv1-15 PARIS 129.6 f. 7 
iv 15—28 VATICAN 50 x 46-52, Xi I-25, 27—33, ХИ, xiii 1-28 
BopLErAN Copt. g 3 ll. 4, (7 X 7:5) xvi 14-20 Luke i т 

Paris 129.4 f. 13 Matthew v 16-32 f. 18, vi 6, 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 
22-24 Carro (Patriarchate) f. 21 хі 13-17, 20-22 f. 32 xi 8-11, 
24-27 (variants in additional collations) PARIS 129.5 f. 143 
XXIV I5-21I, 24-28, 30-32, 35-38 Vatican 47 ff. 3 coll. 2 ll. 37, 
28-1X 19:5 xxv 41-46, xxvi 1-67 Paris 129.5 f. 165 xxviii 
5-20 subscription Mark i 1-6, 129.6 f. 14 v 13-38, 129.7 f. 64 
y 18-39, 129.6 f. 33 xiv 41, 42, 47-40, 54-56, 60-62 














Paris 129.4 f. 25 coll. 2 П. 32, 24-5x 18۰; Matthew viii 3-20 
VATICAN 39 ix 38, x, xi I-25, xii 31-46, 48-50, xiii, xiv, xv 1-5 
ВоргктАх (Woide 2) ff. 5 xvi 21-28, xvii 1-20, 21-27, xviii I-10, 
12-35, xix 1-12 British Museum 75 Ог. 3579 В ff. 24-27 хх 
34, XXi, xxii 1-15 Panis 129.4 f. 34 Mark ii 9, то, 13-20 

Paris 129.7 Ё 4 Luke i 19-3І, 33-35, 129.4 f. 79 vii 15-22, 
129.8 ff. 86, 87 хі 29-54, xii 1-5 LEYDEN 58 хіх 17-30, 32- 
37 PARIS 129.8 ff. 131—134 coll. 2 ll. 32, 27:5 X 19 xix 37—48, 
xx, xxi 1-22 f. 137 xxi 22-38, xxii 1-3 

British Musrum 66 Or. 3579 Bf. 7 Matthew x 31-33, 35-38, 
40, 41, Xi 1,2 Ввїтїзн Museum Or. 6954 (formerly Cairo 62) 
хі 2-7, 9-13, 16—19 Panis 129.5 Й. от, 92 coll. а Ш. зө, 
23X 17 ХШ 23-48 ff. 102, 103, xiv 21—36, xv 1-18 

VATICAN 36 coll. 2 1. 33, 27-1 x 20 Matthew vi 19-34, vii, viii 
1-4 Paris 129.5 Ё 97 Mark xii 35-44, xiii 1-7 PARIS 78 
ff. 2, 3 xiii 7-37, xiv 1-5 

Panis 129.6 ff. 38-41 coll. 2 ll. (30), (23) x 19-2 Mark xiv 33- 

s 3740, 41, 43—72 X WERE —20 

VATICAN 56 Luke ii 1-49 BRIT. M. 99 Or. 3579 B f. 52 coll. 2 
ll. 34, 28 x 19.3 xxiii 30-53 PARIS 129.9 f. бо John і 25—45 
ff. 58—61 1 45-51, ii, ili, iv 1—10, 129.10 f, 138 iv 20-42 f. 118, 
vii 25-44 Brit. M. 107 Or. 3579 Bf. бо їх 7-27 PETERSBURG 
(Golenischeff) x 8-29 Brit. M. 107 f. 61 x 29—42, xi 1—10, f. 62 
хі 37-57 Panis f. 179 xvi 22-33, xvii 1-8, f. 197 xx 19-27 

Panis 129.7 f. 52 coll. 2 ll. (17), (col. z= 10:2) Luke vii 37, 38 

LEYDEN 56 coll. 2 1. (28), (23:5) x 22-5 Luke xvi 9-15, 17-10, 

PARIS 132.2 f. rro сої). 2 Il. (4), (3:6) x16 Mark vi 24, 28, 
3r, 32 

CAMBRIDGE University LIBRARY 1876.1 Add. MSS. coll. 2 1. 30, 
(16) x 14-5 Mark ix 13-17, 19-21, 24-27, 29-33 

PARIS 132.2 f. 94 coll. 2, (11) x (10-5) Luke ix 23, 24, 26, 27, 
29-31, 33, 34 

PETERSBURG (Golenischeff Copt. 5) ff. 6 coll. 2 ll. 36, 31-8 x 21-9 
Matthew і 23-25, ii, iii 1-16, collation p 339 Mark vi 46-56, 
Vil, Vill, ix 1,2 Luke xvi 30, 31, xvii 1-23 

VATICAN 40 ff. 2 coll. 2 П. 34, 28 x 19.8 Matthew xv 28-39, xvi 
I, 2, 4-6, хүй 10-20, 22-27 

VATICAN 52 ff. 2 coll. 2 1l. 30, 23:5 x 17۰6 Mark xiv 69—72, xv 
1-10, 21-23, 25-27, 29, 30, 32-34 

PETERSBURG (Golenischeff Copt. 7) Luke xvi 30, 31, xvii 1—23 

68 Sayce ff. 2 coll. 2 Il. 29, 30, (23:5) X 18-5 Luke iv 17—24, 26, 
21, 32-35, Vi 11-23, 25-29 
69 Vatican 68 ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 38, 39, 29:5Х 21.5 John vii 35-52, 
Vill 12—25, X 21-42, Хі I-13 

то PARIS 129.4 f.16 Matthew у 6-11, 14-17, 19—21, 23—25, 129.5 
f. 116 v 31-33, 129.4 f. 29 coll. 2 ll. 30, 32, 24:8 x 18:3 ix 13- 
33 Ё. 31 ix 33-38, x 1-15 BODLEIAN (Woide 3) xvii 16—20, 
22-21, xviii 1-8 VENICE Or. 192.1 ff. 4 xviii 28-35, хіх, хх, 
xxi I-15 NAPLES 46 ff. б xxii 15-30, xxiv, xxv 1-19 PARIS 
129.5 f. 160 xxvii 10-13, 20-31, 129.7 f. 74 Luke x 38, 42, 
хі I, 2, 5—7, 129.8 f. 99 xiii 10, тт, 13-31 NAPLES 46 xvii 7— 
34 John vii 54-59, ix 1-18 BODLEIAN Copt. g 3 John хі 
21-29, 32-34 

71 VATICAN 37 ff. 5 Matthew vii 7—29, viii, ix, x I-12 PARIS 129.5 
ff. 81-87 coll. 2 П. 28-33, 26 x20 xi 13-30, xii 1—46, 48-50, 
Xili, xiv 1—31 f. 107 xiv 31-36, xv 1—20 ff. 126, 127, xxi 9-12, 
14-18, 21-25, 28-30 f. 130, xxi 32-34, 37—41 f. 163, xxvii 50- 
53, 55-66, ххүш 1—4 

ча PARIS 129.5 f. 89 Mark ii 27, 28, ili 1-4, 19-24, 129.6 f. 4 
coll. 2, ll. 33, 26-3 x 15-8 iv 1-4, 6—12, 16-19 

73 PARIS 129.5 f. 108 coll. 2 П. 47-42, 28:5 x 21.8 much corrected 
Matthew xv 16-39, xvi І, 2, 4-19, 132.2 ff. 73, 74 xxii 9-11, 
129.5 f. 142 xxiv 3-11, 16—25, 27—32, 34-41 BODLEIAN (Woide 4) 
XXV 34-46, xxvi 1—26 British Museum 80 Or. 3579 B ff. 35, 36 
Mark i 45, ii, ій 1-11, viii 31-38, ix 1-35 VENICE: Or. 192 
XVII bis xi 29-33, xii, xii xiv, ху 1-22 VATICAN 57 ff. 2 
Luke iii 5—38, iv 1-39 PARIS 129.7 f. 57 viii 4-12, 14-21, 23- 
27, 30-37 f. 65 УШ 18—21, 27-29, 132.2 f. 117, xiv 10-12, xv 
4-6, 129.8 f. 129 xviii 21-43, xix 1-22 Carro (Patriarchate) 
John vi 71, Vil 1—5, 10-16, 21—26 Paris 129.10 f. 125 viii 33— 
42,1Х 2-11 f. 178, xv 3—27, хү! 17 

74 PARIS 129.6 f. 6 coll. 2 П. 31, 22:3 x 15:44 Mark iv 32-41, У І- 
11, 129.7 f. 63 v 11—30, 129.6 ff. 8-13 v 30-43, vi, vii 1—36 
Ї. 21 vii 36, 37, УШ 1, 3-5, 7-10, 12-15, 129.4 f. 21 viii І-3, 
6, 7, II, I2, 16, 17, 129.6 f. 30 xii 11-26 British Museum 86 
Ог. 3519 В t 42, хай 14:25, 29 

75 PARIS 129.9 f. 51 col. 111.24, 17:5 X 12 John і 25-36 BERLIN 
Museum 8775 (по 174) і 36-51, ii 1-7 PARIS 129.9 f. 52 И 7-18 
LEYDEN бош 27—36, iv 1,2 ВВїтїзн Мозеом 106 Or. 3579 В 


f. 59 vili 38-46 VATICAN 72 ix 12-22 Paris 129.10 f. ТБО xi 

34-48 Ввттзн М. 114 f. уг хіх 18—27 Parts f. 200 xxi 2—14 

76 VATICAN 71 col т ll. (25), 19:2 x 13:5. John ix 11-27 Paris 
129.10 f. 127 x 26—34, 36-42, хі 1 f. 128, xii 24-39 

77 British Museum 81 Or. 3579 B f. 37 coll. 2 ll. 34, 26:8 x 19:8 
Mark vi 39-56, vii 1-110. LEYDEN бі John vi 61—71, vii I, 
3-23, 26, 30-33, 35-38, 40-41 PARIS 129.10 f. 173 xv 6—10, 
13-16, 18-20, 22—26 

78 PETERSBURG (Golenischeff Copt. 6) Luke vii 16-24, 26-33, 36- 
50, УШ І, 2 

80 PARIS 129.4 Ё 5 Matthew iii 1-3, 6, 7 f. 15, vi 25-32, ҮН 2-4, 
8—13 f. 80, xi 16-30, хіі 1-4 VATICAN 44 coll. 2 11. 33, 27:2 X 18 
XX 25-34, хх! 1-31 Paris 129.5 f. 131 xxi 31—33, 43-46, xxii 
3-5 British Museum 76 Or. 3579 B ff. 28-30 ll. 32, 33, 34 
xxii 9-46, xxiii 1-12, 14-37 BERLIN Museum P. 8129 (по 172) 
Luke vii 23-25, 29-31 

81 Paris 129.5 f. 98 coll. 2 П. (21), 18-5 x 20 Mark xiv 17-25 

82 British Museum 70 Or. 3579 Bf.19 Matthew xv 13-32 Paris 
129.5 f. 114 coll. 2 П. 30-33, 22:5 X16 xix 13-30, хх 1-4 
VATICAN 45 xxii 6-46, xxiii т-то PARIS 129.5 f. 153 xxvi 74, 
15, XXvll 1—23 f. 162, xxviii 4-20 

83 Paris 129.5 f. 161 xxvi 25-30, 34, 36-30, 132.2 f. 87 xxvi 32, 
33 f.157 Matthew xxvi 71-73, 75, xxvii І, 2 Carro (Patri- 
archate) xxvii 41-46, 49-51, 54-57 PARIS 129.8 f. 141 coll. 2 
П. 29, 21.5 X 17:4 Luke xxii 11-28 

84 Paris 129.7 f. 3 coll. 2 Il. (27), ? x20 Luke i 36-41, 43-58 

85 Paris 129.7 f.7 coll.211. 30, 24х18 Luke 15-33, 129.4 
f. 20 vi 37—38, 40-43, 45-41, 49, Vil, viii, Ix 1-5 VATICAN бо 
ix 22-40 LEYDEN 54 ix 62,x 1-20 PARIS 129.8 f. 113 xv 29, 
Xvi 1, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22 f. 118, xv 16, 17, 21, 23: CT CE 
31, 32 f. 120, xvii 10-34 Camo (Patriarchate) 51 xix 44, 45 
PARIS 129.9 f.77 John iv 9-18, 20-28, 129.10 f. 161, xiii 20- 
36 ff. 168—172, xiv 21-31, xv, xvi I-20, xvii 5-15 Ё 190 xvi 
20-33, xvii 1—5 ff. 184, 185, xviii 33-40, xix 1-24 

86 VATICAN 50 ff. 4 Mark x 46-52, xi 1-25, 27—33, ХИ 1-44, xiii I— 
28 Paris 132.2 ff. 134, 135 xiv І, 2, 6-9, 11-13, 129.7 f. 15 
Luke iii 29-32, 36, iv 1-22 ff. 18-23 coll. 2 ll. 37—40, 25.5 X 18:5 
iv 23-44, У, vi, vii 1—26, 28, 29, 31-35, 40-50, viii 1—8, 13, 14 
Carro (Patriarchate) 66 viii 17-20, 24-35, 39-41 VATICAN 50 
ff. 4 John vii 29-52, viii 12-59, ix 1—41 

87 PARIS 129.7 Ё 25 Luke iii 29-32, 34-37 



88 PARIS 129.7 Ё. 69—71 coll. 2 Il. (38), (25-5) x 19 Luke ix 23, 25, 
27, 28, 32, 33: 39—47, 49—58, 61, 62, x I13 

89 VATICAN 54 coll. 2 ll 27, 22.5X 16 Lake i 15-80, іі т—4г 
Panis 129.7 ff. 80-85 x 30-42, xi, xii I-37, 129.8 f. 93 xii 37-52 
f.95 xi 53-59, жи т-у BERLIN 1605 f. 6 xiv 3-18 МАХ- 
CHESTER (Crawford Copt. т) ff. 5 xvii 18-35, 37, xviii, xix 1—2 

до PARIS 129.8 f. 07 Luke xiii 2-4, 6-14 VATICAN 62 ff. 12 coll. 2 
ll 23-25, 20-7 X 14:7 xiv, xv, xvi 1-8, xix 5-48, xx 1-28 
Panis 129.8 ff. 142—145 xxiii 8-16, 18-56, xxiv 1-10 

ді LEYDEN 47 Matthew v 19-25, 27-30, 32-38 PARIS 129.9 
ff. 1-45 coll. 2 П. 38, 26:3 x 19. Luke iv 37—44, У I-15, viii 
10-21, 52-56, їх, х хі, хи, хі, XIV, XV, XVI ХҮЙ 35, 31, 
xviii, xix, xx, xxl, xxii 1—42, 45-11, xxiii I-16, 18—56, xxiv 1— 
47, 49—53 subscription John і 23-51, ii, lii, iv, V 1—3, 5—47, Vl, 
vii 1—40 British Мозеом 104 Or. 3579 B ff. 55, 56 John vii 40- 
52,УШ 12-44 Paris 129.9 f. 46 ix 6—26 PETERSBURG (Goleni- 
scheff Copt. 8, numbered in apparatus 136) xii 30-50, ХШ 1, 2 
BRITISH MuskEUM 104 f. 57 xiv 10-24, 26-29 PARIS 129.9 f. 47 
xix/13—51, 129, 1Ot TOP 40,41, xx/3, 4 1548 SS ST XS TT 

92 Paris 129.10 f. 139 col. І ЇЇ. 20, 15:3 X 13 John iv 27—39, 129.9 
f. 92 vi 20-41, 129.10 f. 140 vii 4—18 f. 131, ҮШ 37-40, 42-44, 
132:2:1.83 1х 40, Дт, X I; 4, 5, 20:10 E 140 € Ото ER. 
xi 25-34 PETERSBURG 4044 f. 143 хіі 48-хш 9 CAIRO 
(Patriarchate) 65 xiv 22-24 PARIS 129.10 ff. 175, 176 xvi 1-24 
LEYDEN 63 xviii 12-22 British MusEUM 113 Or. 3579 Bf. 70 
ХУШ 40, хіх I—II 

93 Paris 129.9 f.93 John vi 35-37, 39-41, 44, 45,48-51 VATICAN 
69 ff. 4 coll. 2 П. 27—31, 18-5 x 12:2 viii 23-35, 37-30, ХУШ 31- 
40, хїх 1-4, 17-42, хх I, 2 

94 PARIS 132.2 f.58 Johnivg,10 VATICAN 75 coll. 2 П. 27—29, 
25:2 X21 xli 48-50, xiii I-17 

95 PARIS 129.10/f. 347. John хі то, тт, 26, 27 Ё 203 жа 20, RE, Үл, 
16, 20-22, 26-28 f. 148 хі 31, 34-37, 40-42, 44-45 VATICAN 
16 ff. 15 coll 2 ll. 27, 24:2 x 16-8 xiii 2-38, xiv, xv 1—20, xvi 
10—33, ХУП, xvili, xix 1—38 

96 Paris 129.10 f. 149 John xi 27-47 f. 189 coll. 2 ll. 35, 
28-5 X 17-5 xix 20-24, 21-29, 32, 34, 35 

97 Carro (Patriarchate) до John ii 12-20, 23-26, iii 1-6 VATICAN 
70 ff. 2 coll. 2 П. 28-30, 25-6 X 19 ix 3-41, x і PARIS 129.10 
f. 182 ll. 32, 3 xviii 3-26 

98 Paris 129.9 f. 72 coll. 2 ll. 26, 24, 20 (14-5) 11 4, 5, 13, 15, 16 

H.S.G, III A а 



gg Paris 129.9 ff. 54, 55 coll. 2 П. 32, 22:3 x 19 John i 42-51, ii, 








111-4  Bnrrisg Museum 109 Or. 3579 B f. 64 їх 31-41, x I-10 
PARIS 129.9 f. 63 John і 2-6, 14—16, 19—21 f. 62 і 22-24, 28, 
29, 33, 38, 39 f. 73 coll. 2 П. 32, 21.8 X 15-5 11 23-36, iv т, 3- 
S is TOO, V 47, Vi 1,6, 7, 10 $1194, XIX AT, (Мо хх 30 

Panis 129.9 f. 99 John v 44, 45, Vi 2-4, 7-9, 11-13 Ё 95 
coll. 2 1l. 26-28, 21.8 X 16 vi 65-71, vil 1—10, 129.10 f. 104 Vil 
44-52, viii 12-20 f. 126 viii 36-49 f. 151, хі 44-51, 54, 56, 57, 
xii І, з f. 157 ХИ 23-25, 28, 29, 34-38 f. 174, xv 22-27, xvi 
1—16 f. 195, ХУШ 29-38, 40, xix 1-3 

РАВ18 129.10 f. 102 coll. 2 ЇЇ. 30, 31, 24:5 X 19:2 John vii 

бАҮСЕ coll. 2 П. 37, 28 x21. Mark хі 18—25, 27-33, ХИ 1—12 
VATICAN 77 coll. 2 ll. 25, 21:5 X7 John xxi 18-25 subscription 
BopLkEIAN Copt. g 3 coll. 2 ll. (7), 1 x18:5 Matthew у 11, 12, 
Еу. FS O1, 22, 85 

Panis 102 f. 26 coll. 3 ll. (30), 1 x 20۰7 Luke iii 21-26, 28-38, 
Iv I, 3-9 

Sayce Matthew ii 23, iii, iv 1-6 Weill їй 5, 10-12, 16, 17, 
iv т Panis (Weill) ff. 12 and other fragments coll. 2 1. 40, 
31:2 X 20 V 13-37, Vl 4-34, Vil І-ІІ, 1X 33, 34, Xll 3-5, 7-46, 48- 
50, xlii I-10, Xvi 17—28, xvii 1—12, xxiv 4, 5, 29, 30, ххуі 65-69, 
xxvii 17—20, 27—20, 55, 56 | Mark vii 4-32, viii 23-38, їх 1—13 
SaycE xiii 25-30 Paris ACADEMIE ЗІ, 32, 33 SAxCE 33-37 xiv 
1—6,9-12. Paris ACAD.14,15 SAYCE 43-72 xv I Weill xvi short 
ending, long ending 9-20 Luke vi 20, 21, xviii 5-31 BODLEIAN 
xxii 29-31 Johni 1-27 Pamis (W.) vi 61 PARIS ACAD. vii 29— 
33, 39-42, 48-52, УШ 12—14 | SAXCE іх 19-29, ЗІ-4І, X 1-10 
Paris (W.) xi 40—57, xii 1-13, Xili 32. xiv 29, 30, ХУ! 3, 4, 10—12,21I 
PETERSBURG (Tischendorf) ll. 33 Matthew xxvi 65, 66, xxvii 
3-6, 11-17, 23, 24, 37-40, 46-51, 57, 58. xxviii 2-3, 5, ГО, II, 
13,14 Luke xxiv 1-7, 11-17, 20-25, 29-35, 39-44, 50-53 
subscription John i 3-15, 17, 19-26, 29-33, 37-41, 43-49, 
51, 11 1—8, 11—15, 19-24. lii 2-6, 8—15, 18-23, 26-31, 34-36, 
iv 1—5, 0—13, 18-22, 25-20, 34-38 

BERLIN 1605 f. 4 coll. 2 П. 40, 28-3 x 19-7 Matthew и 4-23, iil 
I-9 PARIS 129.4 f. 30 ix 25-38, x I-19, 129.5 f. 119 xx 16— 
34, хх! 1-2, 5-10 VATICAN 49 Ё. 2 Mark v 19-43, vi 1-3, 
56, уп 1-26 PARIS 129.8 ror (numbered in apparatus roo) 
Luke xiv 3-34, xv 1-2 f. 156 (numbered in apparatus roo), xxii 
1—16, 18-32, 35-39 CAIRO (Patriarchate) John viii 48-59, т 





17 VENICE Or. 192.2 ff, 6 їх 17—41, x, xi, xii, xiii т PARIS 
129.10 ff. 186—188 xviii 5-40, xix 1—40 

CAIRO (Patriarchate) 34 Matthew viii 17, 18, 22-25 PARIS 
129.4 ff. 38—73 coll. 2 ЇЇ. 26, 24-8 x 20-7 x 39-42, xi, xii, xiii, 
xiv, xv, XVI I, 2, 4-28, xvii 1—20, 22-24, xviii I-10, 12—35, 
xix, xx, xxi, xxii, хх I-I2, 14-39, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii 1— 
54. 129.5 f. 164 xxvii 54-66, xxvii 1-8 VATICAN 58 ff. 4 
Luke у 1-39, Vi 1-48 Paris 129.8 f. 130 xix 3-26 

Panis 129.5 f. 110 coll. 2 П. (32), (25:2) X 19:5 Matthew xviii 
ЛОЗА 120 хх 32, xxii! 1-4 

Panis 129.6 f. 23 coll. 2 Il. 27, 28, 27:3 x (15) Mark viii 23- 
37 Ввтіѕн Museum 88 Or. 3579 B f. 44 xiv 68-72, ху 1-3, 
6-0, 11-15 

113° Paris 129.8 Ё 155 ll. 17 Luke xxii 45, 46 f. 119 John хі 42, 






43) poor Є 145 x1 43, 44 
VATICAN 43 ff. 16 coll. 2 ll. 29, 30, 27.2 X 20:5 Matthew xviii 
16-35, xix I-24, xxv 21-46, xxvi 1-23 Mark ii 13-24, 26— 
28, 11, iv, v, vi, Vil, ҮШ, Ix 1-17 Paris 129.7 f. 2 Luke i 1—5, 
18-21 ff. 29-34, v 10-30, vi, vii, vili 1—7 f. 58 7-26 VATICAN 61 
ff. 3 xiii, xiv I-II, ху 1-25 PARIS 129.8 ff. 105-112 xvi 18-31, 
xvii I-34, 36, 37, xvii 1-24, 26-43, xix, xx, xxi, xxii 1-6 
ВортжтАХ (Woide 6) ff. 6 xxii 6—71, xxiii 1-16, 18-56, xxiv 
1-33, 35-41 CHELTENHAM (Phillips 22, 6 Fenwick) John iii 
22-26, 29-31, 36, iv т, 6-9 PARIS 129.9 f. 91 vi 26-46 
PARIS 129.9 f. 86 John iv 6—10, 12-17 BRITISH Museum 
108 Or. 3579 B f. 63 ix 28-30, 34-38 VICTORIA AND ALBERT 
MUSEUM г coll. 2 ll. 23, 19x 12 x 23-35 Paris 129.10 ff. 152, 
153 хі 34-46, хи 8-18 f. 159, ми 7-17 f. 158 xiii 18-26 
LEYDEN 62 xii 27-37 Paris 129.10 f. 162 xiii 37, 38, xiv І- 
9 f. 167 xiv 9-20 
VATICAN 33 ff. 2 coll. 2 11.30, 26.7 x 20-5 Matthew і 22—25, ii, 
ii 1-11 GHIZEH 4 1.31 vii 13-24, 26-29, viii 1-31  SrRAss- 
BURG 104 хх! 30, 31, 45, 46 Carro (Patriarchate) ff. 57, 
67 (cited as fr) xxv 38-46, xxvi 1-15 f. то, xxvii 32—45, 
Carro (Patriarchate) 36, 28 | Matthew iii 7-13, 15, 16, iv 4, 6 
Vatican 34 coll. 2 П. 27, 28, 20:2 X 15:5 Matthew iv 23-25, 
v 1-14 NAPLES 271 ff. 2 1.26, 27 v 24-35, vi 11-23 BRITISH 
Museum 63 Or. 3579 B f. 4 ll. 22-24, ix 18-28 
British Museum бо Or. 3579 Bf. г Matthew iii 1-4, 10-13 
VATICAN 35 ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 40-42, 31:5 X 23:5 V 22-37, 40-45, 
A a 2 


У! 2-33, УН 1-3, 7-16 PARIS 132.2 f. 72 xvii 27, ХҮШ 1-4, 9, 
IO, 121. 70 Luke iv 22—26 

11g VATICAN 4I ff. 3 coll. 2 П. 31-34, 27:7 x 20 Matthew xvi 19— 
28, xvii 1—20, 22-27, ХУШ I-IO, 12—19 

120 MANCHESTER (Crawford Copt. 3) ff. 6 coll 2 ll. 40-43, 
3o-2x23:3 Mark ix 18-43, 45, 41-50, X, Xi I-25, 21-33, ХІІ, 
xiii, xiv 1—26 

122 British MUSEUM 957 Add. 19902 f. x coll а Il. (14), 
(14:5) X (11:5) Matthew xxvi 18-21, 40-43 

123 Ввгмзн MUSEUM 102 Or. 3579 В ff. 53, 54 coll. 2 1l. (33), 
(25.2)x22:9 John iv 14-20, 23-30, 32—37, 39-46 

124 SAxCE col. r ll. 16, 10:2 x7 John vii 27-32 

125 PARIS 129.4 f. 2 coll. 2 П. 25-28, 20x15 Matthew 1 17-25, И 
воді 4ац4-6,18, 9, ТБ 125/34, 15 

126 PARIS 129.4 f. 19 coll. 2 ll. 33, 26۰4 X 20۰5 Matthew vii 6-29, 
viii 1-4 CAIRO (Patriarchate) 54 xxiv 26, 33 PARIS 129.5 
f. 158 xxvii 49-53, 129.7 f. 1 Luke i 1-26 f. 24, iv 43, 44, 
V 1—29 

127 LEYDEN 50 coll. 2 П. 34, 36, 23-6 x18 Mark у 4-31 Paris 
129.6 f. 24 х 42-52, xi 1—15 f. 31, ХИ 31-44, xiii 1-9 f. 32, xiv 
25-53  Ввітівн Museum 87 Or. 3519 В f. 43 xiv 53, 72, 
XV 1-9 

128 Panis 129.7 f. 17 Luke ii 48-52, lii r f. 6 iii 4-8, 9, 13-19, 
22-25, 27, 129.8 f. 98 coll. 2 П. 42, 43, 39-4 X 22:2 xiii 14-36, 
xiv 1—16 

129 PARIS 129.7 f. 50 сої. 1 1.19, 20, 15 X 11:5 Luke vii 7—15 f. 54. 
viii 2-12 VATICAN 59 ff. 6 viii 36-56, ix 1-41 CAIRO 
(Patriarchate) 33 xii 5-16 VATICAN 59 ff. 6 xii 39-59, xiii, 
xiv 1-9 Paris 129.8 f. 102 xiv 9-20 British MUSEUM 98 
Or. 3579 B f. 51, xxii 13-18, 20-26 Paris 129.8 ff. 158, 
159 xxiv 27—53 subscription, 129.8 f. 94 John xii 48-50, 
хш 1-8 

130 VATICAN 51 ff. 4 coll. 2 Il. 34-36, 29-8 x 21:1. Mark х 46-52, 
хі I-25, 21-33, xii 1-40 VATICAN 66 Luke xxii 55-11, 
xxiii I—3 

131 VATICAN 53 coll. 2 П. 21-26, 21:2 x 17 Luke 11-15 

132 VATICAN 73 Я. б coll. 2 П. 21-24, 24 X 18:5 John xii 36-50, 
хї 1, 2, xix 38-42, xx, xxi 1—23 

133 Panis 129.9 f. 53 coll. 2 П. 37, 39, 26-8 Ж18 John 1 47-51, 

ii 1—23 ff. 68, 7o (one folio), 71 ii 24, 25, iii, iv 1—6, 9-22 f. 88, 
У 24-47, Vl 1-5 

134 PARIS 129.4 f. 14 coll. 2 ll. 30, 31, 26 x 19:5 Matthew У 11,12, 
15-28, 129.5 f. 106, xiii 31—41, 43-48, 51—54 f. 159, xxvii 
21-56, 129.6 f. 25 Mark xi 3-13, 15-17, 21-25, 27 

Fragments unnumbered, cited as fr, fr^and frt, but probably belonging 
to some of the above manuscripts 

Carro (Patriarchate) 52, бт the same folio coll. 2 П. (13) Matthew 
xii 43-45, 48, 49, xiii 4-6, 12-15 variants in additional 
collations, vol i p 643 

145 coll. 22 ll. (11) Matthew xvii 11, 12, 20 no variant except 

47 coll. 2 П. (13) Matthew xxi 25-30 variants in additional 
collations, vol 1 p 644 

183 coll 2 ll (13) Matthew xxvi 7-0, 14-16 variants in 
additional collations, vol i p 644 

2, 55, 59 the same folio coll. 2 ll. (20), (14) x 19:5 Luke i 
21, 22, 27—32, 35-31, 41, 42 

24 coll. 2 П. (29) Luke ii 8-26 

Sayce coll. 2 ЇЇ. (33), (23:5) X 17 Luke xii 23-26, 30-34, 37-42, 

Cargo 372 Luke xvi 23, xvii 8, 9 

бо ff. 2 Luke xxii 42, 45, 46, 49-52, 55, 56, 59-61 

43 col. т ll. (12) John ii 25, iii І, 2, 17-19 

68 ll. (12) John v 13-16, 19-20 
Carro 16 coll. 2 ЇЇ. 25, (14:7) X (19-5) John vi 53, 54, 57-61, 63, 64 
Sayce fr^ coll. 2 John vi 23-25, 27-30 

22 John vii 54, 1x 16, 17 

4fr* John ix 18, 19, 21 

Здуск fr^ coll. 2 П. (17) John xv 27, xvi 1-3, 15, 20, 21 

Carro 48 coll. 2 1l. (15), (11:5) x (14-5) John xvi 20-31, xvii 1—3 
probably the same as 77 

20 coll. 2, (14:5) x 17-5 Mark xiv 21-23, 26—29, 31-34, 37-40 
143, 161 coll. 2 П. 34, 21x (6) John vi 8-12, 22-26 
Амневзт, Didlington, Norfolk, copy by De Ricci Mark vi 28-33, 





al British Museum (Kennard) (copies біс see above) John xx т, 
2,/8:11, 13-55 

t! Metts, Frome (bought аб Akhmim 1803) Mark i 4-10 


1! PARIS 129.19 f. 96 Luke iv 18 

21 Parts 129.6 f. 3 coll. 2 1l. (то), (5.6) x 12-8 Matthew xxviii 16, 
17,20 Marka 4,5 

al Paris 129.21 ff. 13 coll. 3 ll. 33, 29 x 26-9 Matthew iii 13, x 38, 
xi 8, 9, 13-15, 19, xvii І, 2, 5—7, XXV 14-30, xxvii 33-57, 60-66, 
xxviii 1-3  BRirisH Mus. 82 Or. 3579 Bf. 38 Mark ix 21, 22, 
25,26 PARIS 129.21 Luke i 42, 49-51, хі 27 British Mus. 
тоо Luke хи 4 PARIS 129.21 xii 5, 9 Вкітіѕн Mus. 82 f. 38 
xxiv 36, 42, 43, 47-49, 103 John vi 1-3, 4-6, 8, 9 PARIS 
129.9 f. 96 vi 11, 12 Вкишвн Museum 103 vi 13, 14 PARIS 
129.21 f. 5 xiv 26-32, ху 1—5, 77-10, 26, 27, XVI I, 2, 4-5, f. 7 
7-9, 13-15, 19, f. 10 xx 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, f. І 15-18, 24-31 

В! Paris 129.19 f. 57 Luke 1 21,22 VATICAN 96 ff. 3 coll. 2 ЇЇ. 31, 
25:5 Х 16.5 John хіх 16-24 

3! Panis 129.19 f. 64 coll. 2, 25Х 1 Luke vii 1-5 

4! Paris 129.19 f. 75 Mark xii 18—27 f. 41 Luke i 17-20, 23, 26, 
30-38 Panis 129.7 f. 5 39-41, 44-46, 129.10 f. 204 coll. 2 
ll. 29, (24:2) x (14) xii 8-1o John xxi 7—12 

5! British Museum 71, 96 Or. 3579 B f. 20 coll. 2 Il. 32, 27:5 X 19 
Matthew xviii 15-20 Luke xiii 6—14 | GHIZEH 3 xxiv 13-27 

6! LEYDEN 48 coll. 2 1. (37) Matthew x 16-22, 28, 33, 34, 39—42 
PARIS; 129.19 f. 91 xv 10-14, 24-28 f. 75 coll. 2, 29-6 x 22 
(cited as 41) Mark xii 18-27, 28-34 f. 41 (cited as 4!) Luke i 
17-20, 23-26, 30-38 Panis 129.7 f. 5 (cited as 4!) і 39-41 
VATICAN 93 ff.2 Luke vii 12-17, хі 27-32, xix 4-10 John iv 
5, 7-11, 14, 15, V1 15-17, 18-24, xii 12-23 

y! PARIS 129.7 f. 136 Luke i 11-80 f. 51 coll. 2 П. 32, 24:3 X 18 
vii 36-37, 38-46, xi 27—32, 129.19 f. БІ xvii 11-21, 129.9 f. 74 
John iv 5-12, 129.19 f. 84 x 12—14, 16-18, 129.10 f. 193 xx 8-18 

el BERLIN Museum 8771 (по 173) Luke xii 4-8, то, 1+ VATICAN 
97 coll. 2 ll. (зо), (24) X 17-2 John xx 24—27, 29-31 

{1 BoDLEIAN Copt. 5 (P) (Flinders Petrie) coll. 2 П. (19), (10-5) x (8:5) 
Matthew v 17-19 

n! Вкітѕн Museum (Rustafjael) col. т Il. 23, 12:5 xX 15 Mark i 1-12 




01 BoprEiAN MS. Gr. Liturg. C т (=8 C 30051) (Gregory Т!) coll. 2 
1.25,23,24 x21 Matthew iv 1—6 

9! PARIS 129.19 f. 77 Luke ix 28-34, 36, 37 

10! Panis 129.5 f. 118 coll. 2 ll. (27), (19-8) x (16-7) Matthew xx 1-10 

111 Paris 129.19 f. 19 coll. 2, 22-7 X16 Matthew iv 2—11 BRITISH 
Museum 74 Or. 3579 A f. 42 Luke iv 23 Paris 129.19 f. 50 
Luke xv 11-27 

12! Paris 129.19 f. 25 Matthew xviii 10, 12-14 f. 67 Luke i 11- 
20, f. 25 17-20, f. 66 57-80 

131 Panis 129.19 f. 63 Matthew v 17—20  Ввіт. Mus. ут Or. 3579 А. 
f. 34 coll. 2 П. 30, 25 X 18-5 Luke v 2-9, vii 36-48 Paris 
129.19 f. бо John 1 1—13 f. 59, iv 19-29 f. 31, хх! 15-20 

15! Paris 129.19 f. 32 coll. 2, 20-5 x(15) Matthew xxvii 1-10 
cited as 13! Mark xv 1-5 

161 PARIS 129.19 f. 48 coll. 2 ll. (27), 21-7 x 16-5 Luke xxiv 36-44 

18! LEYDEN ді coll. 2, 24 X21 Matthew vii 24—27 

19! PETERSBURG (von Lemm ZMG. 1885) Matthew xv 12-14, 
xxii 9-12, 14. Mark xiii 35-37 Luke xii 34-36 

211 VATICAN 92 coll. 2 ll. 28, 24-7 X 19-7 Luke xvii 28—34 

221 Bnrr. M. 95 Or. 3579 B f. 49 coll.2, (23) X 23-2 Luke xii 10-12 

23! BERLIN 1610 ff. 4 coll. 2 П. 29, 30, 21-5 X 15-5 Luke viii 19- 
25, ХХ! 12—19 

24! VATICAN go ff. 2 coll. 2 Il. 29, 22 X 14-5 Luke i 29-38, хі 37—39 

25! VATICAN 91 coll. 2 ll. 25, 26, 20-1 X14 Luke ii 40—51, їх 48 

26! VATICAN 94 ff.6 coll. 2 ll. 26, 27, 22.5 X 15-9 Matthew xxvii 
23-26 Mark ху 6-15 Luke xxii 66-71, XXxiii 1-9, 13-16, 
18-25 John xix 1-16 

281— 48! 

зо! Panis 129.19 f. 17 coll. 2, 22 X 15:5 Matthew xxvii 27-36 

31! Panis 129.19 f. до John xvii 4-10 

33! Paris 129.19 f. 39 Matthew ix 14-17 f. 53 Luke xi 2-4 f. 39 
John vii 37—40, 42-45 

34! Paris 129.19 Ё 56 Matthew xvi 24-28 f. 82, xxv 14-27 

35! VATICAN 95 ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 27, 29, 24 X 19:5 Майї. іу 23-25, V 1-15 

36! LEYDEN 114 Luke xiii 24, 25 

40! Panis 129.19 f. 18 coll. 2, 23:2 x 145 John хі 5—9 

41! PARIS 129.19 Ё 27 John xii 6-8 

42! Panis 129.19 f. 46 coll. 2, 20-9 x 15 John 16-9 f. 34, ii 12-22 

43! Panis 129.19 f. 42 coll. 2 ll. 29, 23:2 x 19-5 John iv 6-14 

44! PARIS 129.19 f. 52 Mark iii 1-6 f. 68, xv 40-47, xvi 1 Luke 
xxi 37.39 земна 



451 (cited as 46!) PARIS 129.19 f. 23 coll. 2, 18-5 x іо Matt. xxv 5-13 

461 PARIS 129.5 f. III Matthew xvii 14-20, 129.19 f. 69 col. І 
1.22,15:4X 11.5 John ці 1-8 

41! Paris 132.2 f. 96 Mark xiv 25 

481 Carro (Patriarchate) 14, 42 coll. 2, 21.4 X 15 Matt. i 18-25 variants 
in additional collations, vol ip 643 Luke ii 9-20 John i 1-9 

fr! Carro (Patriarchate) 13 Luke i 39—48 

fr! Carro (Patriarchate) 9 Luke viii 8-10 


b! Paris 78 f. 23 coll. 2 П. 30, 26x17 Matthew iii 1-9, 129.19 
i, тоб y Л, 2, 132.2 f. 116 xvi 16, 17° Їзкүркн 90 УНІ 21-25. 
26, 27, Xiv 25-33 PARIS 129.19 f. 102 xv 32, 35-37 f. 100 xv 
39; XVI т, 2, 4 f. тог xvi p rr 129.19 f. 108, xxv 1—5, 78 f. 22 
xxv 6-13 LEYDEN go iv 35-40 PARIS 129.19 f. 102 Mark 
vii I, 2, 4-6 f. тоб Luke v 1-3, 5-1 LEYDEN 9o viii 19-25 
Ввітізн MUSEUM 93 3579 А 22 x 25-27 PARIS 78 f. 21 John 
ії 6—11, 18—22, 129.19 f. 100 vi 15-26 

c Paris 129.19 f. 109 Luke xviii 5, 6 

d! Paris тог Copt. Arab. f. 2 coll. 211. 25, 30:5 X 18 John xvii 17-26 

f!BopLnEraN Hunt. 3 Copt. Arab. со]. т ll. 37, 31:4 x 20 Matthew iv 
1—11, У 14-20, Vl 4-15, 19-26, vil 13-22, ХУШ 21-35, XX I— 
16 Mark ix 2-8 Luke iv 1-13, їх 23-31, хі 5-13, Xiii 22— 
30, xiv I—II, ХУ 1—23, 25-32, xvi 16-25, хуш 9-14 John iv 
5-30, У 1—14, Vll 14-17 

gl ВоргжгАх Hunt. 5 coll. 2 П. 29-31, 25 x 18 Matthew xxvi 30-15, 
xxvii 1-45 Mark хі 6—10, xiv 17—30, 32, 33, 43-12, XV 1-27, 
29-32 Luke xxi 30-39, 47—71, xxiii 1-16, 18-25 John xvii 
6—26, xviii I, 2, 6-0, 15-40, xix 1—12 

П VATICAN 98 Copt. Arab. ff. 4 coll. 2 ll. 25, 30:8 X 17-8 Mark xiv 
25 Luke xxi 14-30 John xii 21-30 

m! Vatican 99 Copt. Arab. one volume coll. 2 ll. 27, 26 x 16.8 
Matthew xxi 23-27, xxii I-14, ХХШ 14-24, 29-39, xxiv 1—51, 
XXV 14-46, ххуї I-13, 17-75, xxvii 1-57 Mark xiii 32—37 (i, ii), 
xiv I, 2 (i, ії) 3-16, 26—72, ху 1—27, 29-41 Luke vii 36—50, 
xiii 22-30, xxi 35-38, xxii 7-13, 31—42, 45-71, xxiii 1-16, 18— 
49 John vi 27—58, viii 12-20, 51-59, X 14-42, хі 46-53, 55- 
57, ХП 1—8, 35-43, xill 1-30, 33-38, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix 

о (cited as o!) ВоргжгАх Hunt. 4 col. т П. 17-19, 27-1 x 18:5. John 
Vil 13-19, vili 20-33, 40—59, їх, х, хі 1—32, xii 9-25 

p Carro (Patriarchate) Luke x т, 2, 17-20 

1! Luke i 71-80 



LEYDEN 53 John xiii 35 

11 Mt xxviii 18 

John xx 23 

89 Mt хүй 9-13 

104 Mt xi 8 

II4 М xxii r3 

John xv 6, xvii 9 

126. Mi УД r L5 

MANCHESTER (Crawford) Mt v 4, 

5, O 758 
I Carro Museum 8006 Mt iii 12 
3 Mt xiii 3o 
7 8008 Mt vii 5 
11 VIENNA 0617 Mt x 28 
12 9665 Mt xxii 14 
13 9668 Luke vi 46 

24 PARIS 130 
f. 49 Mt vii 2 
27 69 Мёхх 1б 
29 73 Mt xvi 23 
31 84 Mt xxv 3 
Bn 99 Mt xxii 14 
40 136 Mt xx 34 
42 PARIS 130.2 
f. 20 Mt iii 12 

43 Mt xiii 30 
46 23 Mt v 17 

47 Mt v 33 &c 
48 53 Mt xxiii 35 

97 PaRis 130.3 

1542 Mt xxv 2T 
115 62 Mt у 4, 5 
118 66 Mt xxii 8 
126 69 Mt xviii 4 
133 ча ML 15 
135 Му TE, F2 
141 PARIS 130.4 

f. 84 Mt xv 27 

142 Mt xvi 26 
145 8) Mt vii 7 

146 Mt xxv 6 
147 Mt xxv 34 

148 Panis 1304 

f. 87 Mt xxv 9 
149 88 Luke xiii 27 
I50 97 Mt xi 24 
Era вов Mx 16 
156 Mix 34 
TON їїд Mt xvi 19 
оз шов Mi xS 
167 122 Luke xxii 19 

168 Mt xxvi 28 
Вили, ГЕЗ ТИМЕ хш 53 
176 Mt xxv 

179 150 Mtv 17 
180 154 Mt vig 
191 PARIS 130.5 
f. 38 Mt vi 2 
192 Luke xxii 19, 20 
193 Mt ix 12 
195 47 Mt xvi 26 
199 61 Mt v 13 
203 68 Mt viii 29 
204 71 Mt xii 36 

205 75 Mt iv 18, 20, 21, 22 
206 49 Mt xxv 31, 32 
207 Mt x 16 

2rr | TO? MG хх рі 

2r2'! ror MEGVA 

213 Mt xiv 19 

210: 1260 Мыш 17 

226), TIA Меха 

228 ZOEGA 

f. 185 Mt x 28 

230 188 Mt xxv 35 

Rossr, Francesco, the Praise of 
S John Baptist, Papiri di Torino 
vol i pt iii p69 Lukei 5-19 

PS Pistis Sophia, edited by 
Carl Schmidt in the Coptic 
Gnostic writings for the series 
of Greek Christian Historians 
of the Prussian Academy of 
Science, Leipzig, 1905 

Canones Ecclesiastici, Lagarde 
p 267 


page number, t(ext), n(otes), tr(anslation), line number 

Vol I 6 n 1 add (48!) after $ | n 2, 3, 4 add 48! after 125 19 |ng 
add (481) after проф. | пб (5) 8 (64) for 8 and add (48!) after $ | 
8 n r add 64 after 8 and (481) after expe | n 2 add 64 after 8 29 and 
(48!) after 125 2° | n 3 add 64 § before 116 | n 4, 5 add 64 after 8 | 
n 6 add 64 after 8 twice | n 7 add 64 after 8 | 10 n 1 add 64 after 
8 19 | n 2 add 64 after 8 2° | n 3, 5, 6 add 64 after 8 four times | тт 
n 3 , position for .. trs | r2 n r, 2 add 64 before 110 | n 3 add 64 $ 
before 110 | n 4, 5 add 64 before 110 | 14 n 2 add 64 P before 110 
and 64 after 37 | n 3 add 64 before 110 29 | n 4 add 64 Š before 110 | 
n 7 add 64 108 before 110 | 16 n r b! for b in this and following verses | 
n r add 64 Р after (50) | n 1, 3, 4, то add (108) after 8o | n 3, 4 
add 64 after 5o | n 6 add 64 after 37 $ | n 9, 1o add 64 after (50) | 
n тг add (108) after (80) and (117) after (116) | 17 n 23 dele 116 | 
18 п 1 add 108 before 110 twice | пт, 2, 3 add (117) after 116 | ин 
add (117) after (118) | п 9 ‘to a receiving baptism’ for 6 being bap- 
tized’ | 20 n r add 64 after (50) and (117) after (1 16) and (a!) after 
(118) | n 2 add 64 after 5o | n 3 add (64) after 37 and (108) (117) after 
(50) | п 3, 4 add (al) after (108) | n 4 add epar] om a! | n ro dele.. 
before Arm | 21 n 24 aymx0n | 22 n 1 add 108 after $ | n 2 add (108) 
after (37) | n 3 37 for 27 and add (108) (117) after 37 | n 5 add (108) 
after $ | n 8 add (108) (117) after 37 29 | 24 n 14 add «её D.. 
before dex | 26 n т add (8) before 37 49 | 28 n 4 b! for b in this and 
following verse | 32 n 8 add (108) after то | n 12 add f! after (137) | 
38 п 7,8, тг dele 67 | n 14, 21 й for ОЇ, | 39 п 13 add 108 after 70| 
40 n 2 add 108 .. before өтт. | n 9 117 & for 118 | 41 n 2 19! | 42 
n 2 add *(118) before? | n 3 add verse number before (108 $) | 
49 n 21 add werhad after me | add ёс after із | trs Nb before 
BD ёс | 54 n 12 боком | 55 tr rr ‘take’ for ‘receive’ | 56 n 6 add 
(116) before 118 | 58 n 9 add om before o» | 59 n 8 trs Bo after ёс, | 
61 n 9 add, № & after 18! | 63 п 25 add N біс before Bo | 64 n 15 
add cs after g | 66 n 4 add (111) after 71 twice | 68 n 2 add (111) 
after 71 3° |n 3 add (111) after 71 twice | n 4 add (111) after 


71 1° | 69 n rr add xa after om | n 22 dele й before йти | 70 n rt 
кол «АӨ. N &c, for ‘and when ёс” | 77 n 19 add om before 33! | 81 
n 17 h for p | nı 24 ки N ёс for and | 83 n 2 add єцино» coming 
Bo..before and 1° | 87 tr 11 add ‘will’ after “уе? | n 6 add Bo 
before Syr | n 15 add eorw after trs | n 21 add D, after om and 
н before nẹ | 89 n 12 add ..lambs Syr (gs) after cit | n 13 add Во (рд) Ar after 37 r° | go n 4 twice, 6, 7 add (m) before 8 | 
94 п 2, 3, 4 twice add (m) before 9 | n 4 add a! after (54 $) and (a!) 
before 61 | 95 n 9 add a! after 54 | 96 n 2 add тит after 54 | n 3 
add 54 after 52 | 97 n 14 dele (42) 54 | n 17 add (42) 54 after om | 
98 n 2 add (51) before 52 and (a!) after ттт | n 4 add 9 before (42) 
and 51 before 52 2° and (a!) after 111 | n 6 add 51 before 52 | n 7 
add (54) before ттт | n 7, rr add (51) before 52 | n то add (54) 
after 52 19 | n 11 add al after 111 | 99 п 9 mas єт this (опе) who’ 
for Яма &c | n 14 dele me and add , rxımaaıcs after 111 | roo n т 
add 51 before 52 and a! after 111 | n 2 add (51) after 9 and a! after 
тїт | п 3 (9) iu verse 16 | n 3 add (gı) after 9$ | n 4 add (51) 
after 9 то | n 6 add (a!) after 111 20 | n 7 add (51) after 9 | n 18 
52 71 for 9 &c and dele 9 before 111 | n 21 add 54 before тит | n 22 
add Бо before qui | тот n 3 dele Syr-avrov | n 4 trs c-Eth 
before ros in line 3 | n 25 add a! after ёс, 19 | 102 n 1 9 for 
91 | n 2, 4, 9, то add (51) before 52 | 104 n 2 add (51) before 71 
twice | 105 пб Ё for | 113n 7,for..29 | 114 n 7 71 for ті I° | 
n ід add N before В | 115 tr r ‘fighting ' for ‘being’ | 116 n 9 dele 
Bo, Clem and add то aya6ov Clem, Bo after al | 118 n 13 add ёс 
after B | r2r n 7 108 for 109 | 122 n 2 add 108 after 71 то | n 9, 
то ime of the heaven] 52 &c 108, E*K MII al, OL (bh) Vg Bo 
(гә) Syr (ch) Eth, Or.. om NB ёс for add-Or | 123 n 19 ках N ёс 
for and | 125 n 19 add Во after al, | 126 п 7 add ттт after -таМісє 
and (fr) after ттт | 127 n 13 trs єрщам-а! before ae 29 | п 15 and 
for ‘add’ | 128 n r add fr after 50 twice | n 2 add (fr $) after 111 | 
n 5 add (fr) after 111 twice | 129 n 9 pref ка. for and | n 14 dele 
Eth то | 130 n 3, 4 add fr after 111 and (134) | n 9 add fr after 71 | 
n 20 adda Во for but | 131 n r dele Bo 29 | 132 n і add fr $ after 
134 | 133 n 24 ааа, № ёс after 134 | 136 n 12 add ёс after 13 | 
137 n 17, for .. before P | 140 n rr add Bo after al, | n 15 86 for 
cs | 141 n 22 dele, | 142 n 14 add N &c, after ёс | 143 n 17 add (T) 
after Во то and № ёс before Bo 29 | п 23 dele Arm | n 27 dele L | 
144 n 2 add fr after avc. | n 4 add (fr $) after 111 $ | n 6 add fr 
alter 111 | 146 n 1 add (fr) after 111 30 | n 3 add fr and (fr) after 
111 and 111 $ | n 5 add (fr) after 111 | n 6 add fr after 111 29 | 148 


n т add fr after ттт Р | n 2 add fr after pov. 30 | n 6 add (fr BM) 
after 17 | 150 n r add fr after 17 | n 2 add (fr) after § | n 6, 7, 8 add 
(fr) after 17 | 151 n3, 4, 5 trs metpoc—Syr (cs) 2° before ager | n 19 
add ка Neyer avro before N | 152 n т add fr after 17 | n 2 add (fr) 
after (17) | n 3 add (fr) before 38 | n 6, 8, то add (fr) before 38 | 
154 n т add (fr) before 38 | n 21 add Bo before Syr | 155 n 3 add Во 
before Syr | 156 n 5 ovo for ovy | 157 n 9 Bo for Syr (с) | n 18 
add Bo before Syr | n 21 trs Bo after (191), | 160 t7 q for q | n 9 
82, | n 13 expo£ev NCBD al, OL (са, k) Bo Syr (с) for she 19—Bo | 
16r n 6 add Bo before Arm | n 19 add, N біс after ттт and an 
before *it' | n 25 waq | 162 n 17 dele s after gc | 163 n 12 (f!) Arm 
for (1) | 164 n 10 ‘twice’ for ‘om | n 16 82 for 65 | n23 dele al and 
trs B-Bas after № | 165 n 7 add N ёс, before Syr | 166 n 19 65 for 
&c 61 | n 21 add ёс before N | 167 n 3 13 for 16 | п 8 ки № &с 
for and | n 12 add xai before yAGov | n 22 c for | 168 п 23 add N 
ёс, after om | 169 n 2 x for К | n 6 rore Greek type for Coptic | n 24 
add tŠ &c after 111 | 170 n ro gr? for gr c | n 14, 20 13 &c 38 for 
38 ёс | n 21 садд. 185° for о. $. 2 | 171 n 3 dele Arm (of me) | 
n 18 ‘said’ for ‘saith’ | 172 n 17 add om before Во 2° | n 18 add ёс 
after 73 | 173 n 3 Во for NB &с | 174n 10 34! for 34 | n 18 add Bo.. 
before ov | 175 n 2add , Во &c after 119 | ng rı1 .. | 176 n 2 add 73 
before 108 то | n 3 add 73 before 108 то | n 8 dele Eth 2° | n 19 кас Ñ біс, 
for and | n 23 дє М ёс, for ae | 177 пу add (АТ) after Bo | n 25 add 
Bo after al, | 178 п 8 add 73 after 65 | n 11 асшоли | n 17 add ёс 
after В" | 179 n 24 dele Eth то | n 25 add erev before В | n 27 add 4A6ev 
before М | 180 n г, 2, 3 add 73 after 65 $ | n 4 add (73) before 111 | 
181 n 3 ки № ёс, for and | n 24 add cs after с | n 26 dele Arm | 
182 n 12 add erev № &c.. before ‘add’ | n 23, 24 ки  &o, for 
and | 183 n r ka «берат. &c Ñ &с, for and was healed &c | 184 п 6 nep- 
роо» for пєрр. | n 8 add ттт after опр. | n 16 add Syr (ges) before 
Arm | 185 n 25 add; Bo after 65 | 186 n т add ттт after тнйт | 
n 6 add 111 after зантрро | 187 п 22 dele М | п 25 ‘for’ for ‘upon’ | 
188 t 3 join treeaNacca | n 13 add fireea\. after oc | n 16 add 
Bo after al, | 189 tr 4 and n з ‘through’ for ‘by’ | по add, Bo 
after U | n 19 add , Bo after 111 | n 21 add Во Syr after cast it | 
n 21 «є a. к. В. № ёс, for pluck-cast | n 22 dele NB ёс and s and 
add g before c | n 23 add, Bo after 111 | n 23 роуофб. МВ ёс, 
Буг (s) for with one eye Syr (5) | n 26 add т. before y. | 190 ПІ 
121 for 121 | n 5 12! for 12 | n 9 46! for 46 | 191 п г add s after 
c and dele a flock-Syr (s) | n 4 add Bo after Vg | 192 n 21 B for C | 
193 n 8 add , Bo after (461) 2° | 194 n 3 add 2° after xe | 195 n 15 


add Bo Syr (ges).. before om | n1g add M ёс, after his | n 24 dele Bo | 
199 n 14 dele 114 | n 17 g for | 200 n 17 or Greek for Coptic | 202 
n т join пащонт | 205 n 4 Kar Ñ ёс, for and | 206 n 18 add B 13 
before OL 1° and dele B | 207 п 7 add (imperative) after love | 208 
t 4 -TOn for -Twm | n 2 (114) for 114 1° | n 16 оъ for | 209 n r тої 
дєоо for ovp. | 211 n 12 dele ‘the’ | 213 n 25 add В, before Во | 214 
n 2 add 14 before 16 | 216 n 18 dele (A) | n ro dele o | 217 n rr add 
N after Üavarov and .. om B, Eth after Or | 218 n 15 add N &c before 
Bo | n 26 (Bo) for Bo | 219 n r5 add &c before * but* | n 16 аАло | 
220 n 12 ‘this &c’ for ‘thus’ | 221 tr 2 add ‘manner’ after * This’ | 
n 13 add , Bo after т ёс | ки № ёс, for and | n 15 av. ox. for a. | 
n 18 add Bo (сте) after ёс 1° and Bo after sitting | п 23 110 for 
118 | n 25 add Зо after 16 | 222 n 2 add 111 after 8o 2° | n 21 add 
..for , after III | 223 n 2 add (в) after Bo 2° | n ro add Bo .. pref 
каа after 110, | n rr trs сс and g 36 | dele and and and-Arm | n 27 
111 for 119 | 224 n то dele єсзанр-Во | n 16 add Bo after (80) | 
225 n 22 ka, Ñ &с, for and | 226 n 5 add 18 after Р | n 12 trs 13 
&c..and | 227 n r add Bo after 110, | n 4 add kat № ёс... before 
and when | n 14 6 for o | n 24 add 39 after ёс | 228 n 18 add ёс 
after N** | 229 n 10, 16 add , Bo after 71 | 230 n 3 add 39 after 
only | n 7 (т) for (11) | n 14 dele om 2° | n 18 єк cov for ev олту and 
trs Eth after (c) | 232 n 11 39 for 18 19 | n 17 add Bo, before Cyr | 
233 n 7 add Bo before Arm | n 26 тєкиои № &c, for son | 234 n 11 
earev Ñ &c, for said he | n 24 om erev | 235 п 7 dele 71 | n 23 add 
(ges) after Syr | 237 n то ки V &с, for and | n 12 pref and for and 
one то | n 23 h for d | 238 n 14 add Во, after (112) | 239 n 2 dele 
.. ргеЁ-Во | 240n т add 16 before 5o | n 2 add (9) 16 before до | 241 
n 2 9 for 5o | n 15 ки ёс, for отоо and | 242 n 19 add to before 
his and the | 243 n 1 add ‘insulted’ before ‘them’ 10 | n то mepyas 
N &e, for having sent | 244 n 14 ка  &с, Юг это and | 245 n 9 
dele Eth | n 14 dele Bo | 246 n 4 add ттт after -роти | n 23 add it 
before megar. | 247 п 8 ow for £o us and dele Arm | 248 n 7 rore 
М &c, for then | 249 п 24 dele Syr (с) Eth | 251 n r3 add g before s | 
n 20 ‘those who are’ for ‘the’ | 253 n 7 м, for м, | n 14 ‘resembleth’ 
for ‘is like’ | 254 n г add (16) before 80 and (73) | n 3 add 16 and 
16 $ before (73) | n 5 add 16 before 8o twice | n 6 add (16) before 8o | 
n 7 add (16) before (80) | n 17 add Bo before Syr 2° | 256 n ro add ёс 
after -3sox9 and difficult | 258 n 3 add 16 before 80 | 259 n 6 dele s | 
260 n то add 8о.. after papıc.] | n 12 add тїт after -оти | 261 
n 17 ku ёс, for and | 262 t 16 -av for -or | n 8 trs -eaav] то 
and -eaos 80 | 264 n 18 add .. ye fill up before Bo | 265 n 14 À, L, 


for A,r, | 266 n 17, ro add , Bo after ёс | n 25 Chr; | 267 n 13 
add Bo before Eth | n 17 add , *he' after *he' | 268 n 22 add Bo 
after 111, and trs МВ ёс, before Syr (s) | 273 n 23 add (1) after Bo | 
274 n 2 add (31) after 8 | n 4 add (тз) after 8 39 | n 5 add 13 $ 
after 8 $ | n 7 add (13) after 8 twice | по add ёс after Neb | 276 
n I add 13 after 8 | п 4 add тз after 8 and (126) after rir $ | n 5 
add 126 after то 1° | n 5, 7 add 13 after 8 2° | n 8 add (тз) after 
(9) $ | n 22 add 73 after know | 277 п 20 Phoe for Phae | 278 пт 
add (13) after (9) | n 3 add 13 after (9) | n 5 add 13 after 8 § | n 6 
add 13 after 8 39 | п 7 add r3 after (9) | n 8 add (13) after (9) | 
280 п 2 add (9) after 8 $ | n то add 20 after зап | 281 n 13 add om 
before m! | n 22, 24 dele Eth | 282 6 45! for 46! in this aud following 
verses | 283 п 23 и! for s | 284 n 4 46! for 46 | 285 n 13 єтє» N &c, 
for said ће | 288 n 17 em ez for ere and add ‘ preposition’ after ez | 
289 n 3 lord for Lord | 290 п r 34! for 34 | n 25 add ..ce ow 
before N | 291 пт trs ovv сє-Во after 34! page 290 | 292 t 11 ch 
for c& | 294-300 116 for fr | 295 n го trs МАВ ёс before Syr g 
(2) | 296 n т add ттт after ки | 297 п б ки № ёс, for and | 298 
n 15 Syr (s) for біс 19 | 299 n 3 add, N &c after fr | 300 n rr om 
for sam | repeat for repeat | 302 п 2 add (fr) before m! 29 | n 4 
add (fr) after P | n 5 add (fr) before m! то | n 7 add (fr) after 114 | 
n 9 add (fr) before m! | n ro add (fr) after 111 | 303 n 21 add “the' 
before ‘man’ | n 23 Syr (g) .. avro № &c for him and e оюк єуєуутбі) 
o avOpwros exewvos for if that man &c | 304 n 2 add (fr) after 111 $ | 
305 n 6 add ..evxapwrrgaas after (83) | n 17 trs om cit before , N | 
306 n т dele 83 | n то ка for and 19 | 307 n 4 dele (83) | п 14 trs de—Arm after А ёс line 12 | 309 n 4, 25 add N ёс after om | 
310 n 9 9 for 8 | пто add 8 before Bo | n 11 8 for д and dele trs-8 | 
311 n 7 проспьбато | n 20 add Bo after ёс, | 314 n 2 add g! before 
ml | 316 п I -еритис for -нрєтнс | n 23 trs z.—Arm .. after 37 | 
317 n 12, 13 add — after ко | 318 n то who liveth for the living | 319 
tr то add ‘is he who’ after Who | n 2 add .. We vvv № &c.. before 
om m! | n 16 add Bo after and | 320 n 22 dele (OL Vg) | n 25 yaX- 
Aaov | 321 n 9 dele to-g and add N ёс after om and g before 
з | п II add tw петро  &с Arm Eth before to and dele to Peter 
Arm Eth line 12 | n 21 add g before s | 322 n 2 15! for 13! in this and 
following verses | 323 п 4 add 13! after 111 | 325 n 16 trs .. om 70 
m! after g1 | 326 n r (70) for 70 | n 18 ки N ёс, for and | add Eth 
after Arm | 327 n 9, for .. 1° | п 25 add Bo before Буг | 329 n б 
trs ЗАВ &c, before Syr (gs) | 330 п 6 (30!) for 30! | n ro ras хера 
for the hands | n 16 dele Bo | n 20 ки  &с, for and | 331 n 3 add , 

ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 367 № ёс after m! | п 5 add тарєдикєуи before № | п 25 trs 
.. add-h) after (b) line 18 and dele өнөө -4с | 332-342 116 for fr | 
332 n 3 add 70 after 7 | n 14 add a. after à. | n 21 add Bo before 
OL | n 24 ка N ёс, Во for and | 333 n 7 add s after g | n 12 add 
Bo before Syr | 334 n 9 ка N ёс, for and | n 24 add Bo after (f) | 
335 п 1 dele .. om! | n 9 cravpowra № &c, for were crucified | n 11 
add , Bo after а! | 336 n 6 83 for 111 | 337 n 5, б add ка before 
паст. | add gs before h | dele and we-Eth | n 20 83 for ттт in this 
and following lines | 338 п 2 trs Š at ачал. after 134 | пб dele.. 
before m! | n 14 add, B after a! | n 26 134 for 111 | 339 n 2, 4 134 
for 111 | n 27 жиє for хи | п 28 dele є-126 | 340 п 4, 6 add fr 
after 134 | 341 n 10 add ёс before ‘the’ and after ‘son’ | n 20 add 
83 after 71 | n 28 dele Eth r° and add Во after ёс, | 342 п 3 dele 
хос. | стос. ттт | 343 п 9 xac Ñ &с, for and | n 17, 18 add ттт after 
71 | п то add ‘add’ before avrov | 344 n тт, 12, 15 dele ёс and add 
111 after 71 | n 20 ‘come’ for ‘lest haply' | 345 п 5 add ‘add’ 
before for | n тз add ‘and’ before ‘make’ | 346 n 5 qesa for n*jeax | 
n 12 add .. om Ро after (Eth) | 347 n rr 82 for &c | 348 n 7 add o 
before 51 | n rr ка N &c for and | 349 п 4 dele before Arm | 
n 5 add Bo after Vg | n 21 тод for 189 | 350 n r add 9 before 51 $ | 
n 4 51 for &c | n 24 ka  &с, for and | 351 n 2 add 51 after 9 | n 4 
add Го before 51 | п 6 add 51 after 9 | 352 n 4 add anon before 
woon | 355 n 9 add 51 after 15 | 356 п 5 Iudea | n 7 add A before 
&c | n 18 dele Eth r° | 357 n 14 trs Z came-(r) before инти line 12 | 
n 26 15 for & 2° | 358 n 21 69 for 36 | збо n 8 trs etag before 
ey | 361 и 7 add for trs | 362 n 14 avw and] for &4№о ceased | dele 
Bo (B) .. pref каг and add .. om Во (в) after Bo | n 16 add .. om N ёс 
after Eth | 363 n 4 ‘gathered’ for ‘was assembled’ | 364 n 5 add g 
13 15, before N | n 7 add 13 15, before Bo | 368 n 20 add (4) 13 73 
after because of] | 369 n 23 dele Bo 29 | n 27 add 73 after 13 | 319 
n 2 add (fr) after 73 3° | 372 n 1 add fr $ after 114 | n 2 add (fr) after 
P | n 4 add fr after $ | n 15 add (g) after Syr | n 21 add om before 
kat 29 373 n 8 add .. катакесба avrov NBL al after (q) | 374 n т add 
fr after 114 то | n 2 add (fr) after (114) | n 4 add (fr) after $ | п 9 add 
д before (18) | 375 n 18 dele Eth | n 19 add avro after Aey. | n 20 
dele .. add-Arm | n 26 trs , Bo after B | 376 n 4 add fr and again 
(fr) after 114 $ | n 6 join єпєоото | n 7 add (fr) after 114 and add 
(fr P) after P | n 22 Bo (ре) for nz | 377 n 20 dele Eth | 378 n 27 
add , OL after D | 379 n 13 dele Bo | n 14 trs dicebat-h after AB 
&с | n 26 add М ёс after om 2° | 380 n 4 add 9 73 after copes] | 
n 24 73 for 80 | 381 n 7 ‘whether’ for ‘that’ | n 18 add ка before 


студе | n 24 73 for ёс | 384 n 15 ‘add’ for ‘pref’ | n 21 dele Eth | 
388 n 4 add (72) after (13) 10 | n 15 add awo before алс, | 389 n22 
, after ёс for | п 25 add 72 after 13 | 391 n ІТ оса № ёс, for 
which they ёс | 392 t 2 and notes neovit for neosm | п 4 114 for 
ттт | n 26 .. after 114 for, | 393 n 8 dele Eth | 394 n 3 Xıce for 
зоба | 398 n т add (b) before 50 r° | n 2 add (b) before (50) | n 7 add 
b before (13) | n тб add 114 after трро | 400 n r add (В) before (50) | 
401 п тб pevopevar | 402 n т add go.. before кач | n 12 кал eXeyev 
for om | 403 n 4 add om before Syr | 404 n 14 add Arm after ёс | 
n 20 era for vro. | n 22 dele Bo | 407 n 19 dele Bo 2° | 409 tr 7 * quiet 
(and)' | 410 n 8 add 114 after marg. | 412 n 17 «rev | n 26 add Во 
after A, | 413 n 21 dele Eth | 416 n rr om for оп | 419 п 5 dele a 
before c | 420 n 22 ffi for ff, | 422 n 6 add , after 110 | 423 tr тт 
add ‘is that which’ after ‘faith’ | n 22 dele to him Syr (g) | 424 
n 24 add (g) after Syr | 425 n 9 ебешре for ка: 0. | п 26 єпєсик. 
for emecnk. | 426 п 2 add (8) before (37) | n 3 add 8 before 37 | 
n 4 add 8 before 74 3° | n 6 add Syr (є) before Arm and dele were- 
Arm | n 15 avrov | 428 n 1 add 8 P before 74 | n 2, 4 add (8) before 
74 | n 5 add 8 before 74 | 429 n 15 dele А | n 22 mersa rio for 
niara | 430 n r add 8 before 74 | n 2 add 8 Р before 74 | n 3 add 
(8) before 74 | п rr add nagp 8 before язпєср | 432 п т, 2 add 8 
before 74 | n 2 add 8 before (37) | n 3 add 8 $ before (37) | n 4 add 
8 before 37 | n 5 8 P for (8) | n 15 add Arm after coats | 433 tr 3 
add ‘will’ after ‘ye’ | 435 п 8 ny. for ey. | 436 n 16 add Bo after 
hearing | 440 n т 74 for (74) | n 11 add, Bo after Vg | n 18 8 74 
for 114 | 442 n 4 74 for 77 | 443 n I opas for wpa | 444 n 12 add 
плу before fice | 449 n 16 trs сар after avsopey | 452 n r йсєсєп 
for сесп | 457 n 1 о for © | п 24 от: for o. т | 459 n 16 D for B | 
n 25 ewydOev | п 26 єством | 460 п 13 g (3) for (є) 3 | 462 17 
dele 108 | 465 n 1 64 for &c | n 9 add , Bo after 108 | 466 n 3 18 
for 108 | n 11 add Bo after Vg | n 23 add , &cafter 108 | 467 n 4, 
12 18 for 108 | 470 n 9 rovrov | n то before Syr add Bo | 471 n 11 
отфотет | 473 п 6 add Bo before Syr | n то RC for Ne | n 13 add 
18 1 after 8 | n 15 dele 181 | n 24 add Bo before Syr | 474 n 7 add 
18 after rasta | n 22 trs ait-Vg before .. єтє | 477 n 2 dele 18 | 478 
n 20 dele Syr | n 21 (h) for (p) | 479 n 11 add ка before тарак. and 
add M &c after avr. | п 12, 13 add Bo before Syr | n 17 add OL 
before Eth | 480 n 4 Икоааи | n 15 dele and again and trs Syr (s) 
before Eth line 17 | n 16 add таМи after era | add o after B and trs 
rra om Bo.. before rra то | n 17 add толи after кал and om after 
ae | 481 n 21 Bo (м ткес.) | 482 n 9 add, after (К) | n 13 trs Bo 


Syr | 483 n 7 add Bo before Syr | n 17 add Bo before Syr | 485 5 
, after 114 for .. | n 24 dele 113 2° | 486 п 8 dele ёс | n 19 add Bo 
before Syr | n 23 dele Eth 19| 488 n rr add f1; after white | 489 n 16 
add D al, before OL | n 22 add Bo before Arm | n 28 azoxpu | 491 
n т add Bo after 73, | n 2 dele B | n 5 dele Bo | n rr add A after 
rapnyyeAev | п 12-14 йпєт-єроот they should not-saw] 114 .. 
яиєттаує пеп(пи іо8)татпат epog єМаат they should mot utter 
that which they saw to any one 73° 108, Во | 492 п 5 add (fr) | n o 
add xe before agp. | 493 n rr add .. that which they wish Bo after L | 
n 1g add, Bo after ёс | 494 t 2 dele ae | t 11 avescs | n r add (fri) 
after 114 $ | n 2 add (fri) after 114 | add (fri) (frii) after (120) | 
add (fri) (fri) after 120 $ | n 3 add (fri) (frii) after 120 | n то 
114 for 73| n 12 73 for 114 | n r9 add rr4 after fragment | 
496 n т add fri after 120 | n 2 add (fri) before (a!) | n 3 add (fri) 
after 120 3? | n 4 add (frii) after 120 29 | add (fri §) after 120 $ | 
498 n 3 add (fr) after 120 2° and 120 $ | 499 n 21 ки Ñ &c, Bo for 
and | 500 n т add (fr) after 120 2° | 501 tr т * wisheth’ for ‘wished’ | 
n 2 73 120 for NAB ёс and кал № &c for and | n 18 73 for 120 | під 
онто for оттп and who-them 120 for who—us 73 | 502 n x add fr 
after 120 r° | n 2 № ёс for Eth | 503 n 17 ovdas Ñ &c .. ov Г | n 24 
add UX al after тр. | 505 tr 4 ‘if there were’ for ‘if a' | n 15 
kvAÀAov | 507 n 7 salietis and 3° for 29 | п 28 after | add 40 120, e» po« Po 
..0m N ёс | 508 n 25 add Bo before Syr | 509 n 25 evcaps йотот 
one flesh] (40) .. потс. ппоуот 120 and trs отсард її(їїп 120) отот 
one flesh] capé шо МА C-Syr (g 13) after Bo (26) | 510 n 6 avrov | 
п 13 add пері before rov 19 | n 18 yvvg-xav | 514 n 4 120; 40 | n 21 
add .. om NBCDA al, OL Vg Во, Clem after Ir and dele В in line 
22 | 515 n то хрурата, | n 15 dele A | 516 t 3 топ for тон | n 5 add Bo 
before Syr | 517 n 18delec | 520n5T for | n 9 avro | 521 n 6 dele 
Syr | 524 n 15 as for as | n 16 Bo for B | 525 n 23 120 for &c | 528 
n r 86 for 50 | 529 п 8 add, Bo afterg! | 531 n 2 gl.. for gl, | n4 trs 
Bo before Syr | n 15 ; for , after &c | 532 n 8 &c for 120 127 | 533 
n 24 A, for А, | 534 n 6 тАвеи № &c for and he came | n 22 lit. for 
the time was not being | 535 n 22 86 130 for ёс | n 27 ; for, | 537 
n 9 103 for 108 | n 18 86 103 130 | 538 n 13 120 for 86 | 540 n 5 
add (103) after 86 | n 12 86 for 8o | 541 n 18 dele 86 | 544 n 24 120 
for &c | n 26 add Bo after (130) and add N &с after om | 545 n 28 